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Yesterday evening, in accordance with the late advertisements, a public meeting of the ic* habitants was called by the Superintendent to hear a lecture which had been promised by Dr. Hochstetttr, on the Geology of part of this Province. To prevent disturbance from overcrowding, the. Wesleyan. Chapel,' as being, ihe most convenient and spacious building, was choaeU; invitations were issued to about 240, and the remainder, of. the seats, making 500 io all, were obtainable by tickets issued at the Government Offices; and so eager was the demand, that by half-past 11. o'clock none were left. The lecture formed the principal topic of conversation for two or three da^ previously, and a numerous assemblage, filling entirely 'the floor and gallery of the chapel, were awaiting for some time, anxious not to lose the promised information. The high European reputation of Dr. Hochßtetter, *. combined with the remembrance of his admirable lecture in Auckland, justified the. meeting in expecting, that which they indeed .received, a most able and interesting description- of their own country, Dr. Hochstetter, his Honor the Superiutendent, the Bishop of Nelson, and Captain Walmsley, ascended the platform. On the .table were exhibited various specimens of minerals, and on the platform were laid some Moa bones'from the Aorere district.

Dr. Hochstetter, who was dressed in uniform, rose and said—

Ladies and Gentlemen,— It is with much pleasure that I respond to the wish .expressed by you, and at the same time ifulfii my promise of communicating tlie results of my geological explorations, in; a lecture oniithe. [Geology of this Province; and it is with a feeling of pride that I see so large and distinguished an iassemblage met here this evening." Oh my arrival in Nelsonlanthe beginning of the ! month of August, I hardly hopid to be able tdex- ] tend ; my researches so far;as to obtain an accurate jidea of the i geological features of; the province. : The time allotted to me was very short ', the geological field of the Middle Island ori which I was entering was, in comparison with that' of ;the Northern Island, ah entirely new; one." Euteiinjr I into Blind Bay upon a bright morning, I saw all round me lofty snow-covered mountain chains. It was the middle of winter, and I doubted whether, at this season of the year, extended geological researches were possible.. 7 This doubt was soon removed j the glorious weather which favbifedmy excursions gave me fullcpnftdehce in the'far-famed: ahd deservedly praised Nelsonclimate, My^nrst exploration opened up to me a field at ohce sb interesting as regardsscientificresearch^ <ihd at the same time of so great practical ihup.oit'arice^j from the existence of those very valuaole.substances,, gold, coal, and copper, that iri order to give!'greater value to the results of my observations, I willingly resolved to respond to the wish of the inhabitants, and remain a monthJonger in the province. I feel myself in the highest degree obliged to, the inhabitants of this province, who,-so soon as the Noyara arrived in, Auckland, invited. ~. the members of the expedition to visit Nelson, for the honorable and; hospitable reception, and for the active assistance in the prosecution of my objects which Thave met with on all sides; and I wish to take.--this, opportunity of expressing my thanks to the Provincial Government" for the admirable arrangements which, on its part, were made, so-as to extend to the utmost limit" the sphere of my ex- . plorations, ahd enable; me to occupy to' the ' greatest advantage the liimtfed time at my disposal. Allow me, before proceeding further, to give you an account of my different jOuriieys, and to detail to you the places which I Ikve visited. I began in the immediatei neighborhood ofthe town of Nelson by a slior^excursion to Brookstreet Valley and a visit t8 Mr. Jenkin's' brown coal-mine. I then proceeded in the Tasmanian Maid (which the Government had chartered for thia extra trip) to Croixelles Harbor-and Current Basin, and examined the veins of copper ore which shew themselves there. We proceeded up Current Basin as far as the French Pass; and on our return landed in the bight of Owhana, on the south-eastern corner of I)'piville's Island, where, copper ore is also found.7 From thence we steamed without loss, of time, "during the night, across to Golden. Bay, where I went on shore at Collingwood and visited the gold-fields .'and . the .bonecaves ofthe Aorere Valley. Thence I- proceeded along the Coast to Pakawau, and examined the coal-field there and the graphite, which is found in the hill at Taamatea. • Returning overland from Golden Bay to Nelson, I visited on the way the Para Para gold-fields; the brown coal deposit of Motupipi; followed the course of the Takaka Valley "upwards ; crossed the mountain range that, divides the Takaka and Riwaka Valleys; and passing'though Motueka reached' Nelson by the Moutere and the Waimea. Another day was devoted to an examination of the Boulder Bank and the Arrow Rock. I next proceeded by the Valley of the Maitai to an examination of the DmiTMountain; then visited the Whakapuaka district and the Happy, Valley; and at a later date in an opposite direction, spent some time in examining the fossiliferous schists of Richmond and the Wairoa Valley.

After I had made myself acquainted with the geological features ofthe nearer lying districts of Golden and Blind Bays, arrangements were made for a more distant excursion in a southerly direction to the Wangapeka and the Lake country, aud in an easterly direction towards the Pelorus, tbe Wairau, and the A water* Valley. My time was too limited to enable me personally to undertake both these- geological explorations; I therefore availed myself of the friendly co-operat'on of my friend and companion, Mr. F. Haasf, w! q has | hitherto accompanied me on all my journeys in .New Zealand. My .friend Haast proceeded by I the Tasmanian Maid to Queen Charlotte's Soun<V | landed in Maraetai Bight, examined the coast to Waikawa, and proceeded overland to Waitohi; | thence, by the Waifohi Pass, along the Tua Marina, to the Wairau Plain. 7 Thence by the Taylor's Pass,,Mr. Haast7|Jtacee.d.ed to.the Awatere, returning, by. Maxwell's Pass to the Wairau. After an examination ofthe Waihopai Valley, he proceeded through the Kaituna.Pass to the. Pelorus, and returned by the Peldrus-road to Nelson. I am indebted in the highest-degree to my friend Haast for the interesting and important informa-" tion which he has communicated to me concerning this region, and for the disinterested zeal and ability with which he carried out histask of con- | tributing to a knowledge of the geological relatione of the country visited, and for a valuable addition to my collections. I myself took my way in a southerly direction towards the Motueka and Wangapeka Valleys; crossed the chain of hills from the bitter-named place to the Buller River; followed this, upwards to'the Rotoiti Lake; from thence made my way' to the Top House in the Wairau Valley, and returned by the Big Bush to Nelson. * . y.']■>:... I am thus enabled to say, that it' has been possible for. me to obtain a general geological view over the whole of the northern halfof the province of Nelson, from the Awatere Valley on the east, to the Aorere Valley on the West; while the cross' valley ofthe Buller River, between the Rotoiti. Lake and thegorge of the western mountain chain," indicates the southerly limit of the. district «-■. plored. . I have much/to thank my Nelson friends for, both in the way of information' and contribution to my ; and am at; the same time indebted to the various gentlemen who, in a spirit of friendship, accompanied me on my variousjourneyi. My best thanks are also due to the variousaettlera, - in whose houses I have found such hospitable quarters. May I-be allowed^without mentioning individual names, to express my; most sincere' thanks to all theso gentlemen for their, active ae^ '■ ' '' ' *-~>.. jiS . .. ... ',!,;■ i Li*

•.stance bM valuable contributions to the Novara collections. Lhave begun to put together on a map theresuits of my observations, with the view of laying the foundation of a geological map of the province of Nelson. .So soon as time will allow me to complete this map, f will handover to you a copy of it .with pleasure, at* the same time expressing a wisli-that the numerous friends of geology among you, and if they will allow mo to say it, my geological scholars here may continue it and improve it, where I, either from want of time or inaccessibility o£the district, have not been able to fill in the details. I will now come to the subject matter ot my lecture. I. Physical Features. The character of the surface is always more or less indicative of the geological structure of a country. Even to those who have not deeply Btudied the science, the different forms which mountain ranges shew, will indicate a different geological; formation. The difference in the external appearance of the country is very striking, if you come from the Northern to the Southern Island. >In opposition 'to the comparatively low plateaus, extending over the largest part ofthe Northern Island, and broken only by the volcanic peaks, you find iii the Middle Islandlofty and abrupt mountain ranges, striking in long parallel chains, divided by deep longitudinal valleys, and broken at right angles by rocky gorges. This complication of rock and gorge runs, as the great backbone of the Island,,from N.N.E. to S.S. W., and from Strait to "Strait". ""Well do you name, it your * "Southern Alps." Amongst them rises in grandeur a mountain named after the great discoverer of the South Sea, Mount Cook, of a height equal to Mont Blanc ; it towers above the rest, crowned with perpetual snow, with ravines glistening with glacier ice. To the steep perpendicular, Cliffs with which the Southern Alps breast the 'stormy sea on the West Coast, are opposed fertile plains extending along the eastern shore. From a central point, which, near the boundary liiie of the two provinces of Canterbury and Kelson, gives rise to the Hurunui and Waiau-ua River, flowing to the eastward and to the Grey River, and Irongahua flowing to the westward, the Southern Alps send forth two arms through the province of Nelson, the extremities of which are washed by the waters of Cook's Straits. These arms are again sub-divided by longitudinal valleys into numerous ranges with peaks from five to six thousand feet high. I will distinguish between the two arms by giving the name of the" Western .Jtdnges" to those which, with a northerly strike, terminate on the Massacre Bay, between Separation Point and Cape Farewell, and the name of the Ranges" to those which, running in a-northreasterly direction, terminate in the Pelorus and Queen Charlotte Sound. In the acute angle between the two ranges are situated the lakes Rotoiti and Rotorua', from which undulating hills, intersected by numerous streams, gradually slope from ah'altitude of two thousand feet to the plains ofthe Waimea and the shores of Blind Bay. v I can hardly remember a more beautiful and more striking scene than when 1 first looked on a clear winter's day from a high point on the Richmond hills over the fertile Waimea plains, lying like a map beneath my feet, studded with homesteads and covered with cultivations, towards that triangle of snow-capped ranges. It is without doubt that it is owing to this peculiar configuration of mountain ranges that Blind Bay is favored with an extraordinary. tempered climate. The . western and eastern ranges of Nelson, converging towards the south, form a ' jegular wedge, which diverts on the one side the force of the south westerly winds, and on the other aide the force Of the south easterly winds. Those parts of the province of Nelson which are not enclosed between the legs of the triangle" do not enjoy the same serenity of climate. In Golden Bay and on the Wairau country, which lie respectively to the west, and to the east, in the line ofthe bounding ranges, gales of wind and bad weather generally are much more frequent than in Blind Bay. The " Spout wind" blowing, with considerable violence during the summer, from the south is a local wind "Of Blind Bay, due to the same physical oinfiguration of the country. The calm heated l'cr of the Waimea plains, and of the low hills* aising in obedience to physical laws into the higher revels of the atmosphere, is suddenly replaced by volumes of colder and denser air, which rush down towards the plains from the mountain ranges behind. I have made these remarks in order to offer an explanation of some ofthe most striking peculiarities ofthe Nelson climate—the Montpellier of New Zealand. 11. -Geologioali Features. The western and the eastern ranges of Nelson are totally different in their geological character. The western ranges consist of primitive formation, being built up pf old crystalline schists or metamorphicrock; the eastern ranges are the oldest sedimentary rocks, primary formation broken through in places by masses of plutonic rock. The lower undulating hills lying in the angle between the two ranges are nothing but an immense accumulation of debris from mountain ranges on either sides,- rolled .together by the action of the sea, which an former ages washed the basis of the mountains. When I say, Gold in the western ranges, Copper in the eastern ranges, Coal in the basins between them, I have indicated the chief numeral characteristics of the region referred to. ' I will now • speak more in detail of the 1. Pribiitive Formation in the Western Ranges. Taking a cross section from east to west through the western ranges, we find the sub-divisions of the primitive formation succeeding to one another in their normal geological order. a. Gneiss and Granite Zone. —The western shores of Blind Bay from Separation Point to Riwaka consist of granite, bordered on the eastern side opposite to the Tata Islands by gneiss. This same zone of granite and gneiss may be traced in a southerly direction up the Motueka River, to the confluence of the'Wangapeka, and is cut through by the Buller River, where it enters the Gorge of the Devil's Grip on the Western Ranges and extends allalong the eastern slope of the mountains as far as the Rotorua Lake. b. Zone of Hornblende-schist and aystalline limestone (ITrKalk).—* Proceeding from the granite andgneisstowards the west,, we next, meet on the top of the Pikikerunga range, between Riwaka and Takaka," a broad zone, in which Horablende-schists, Quartz-schists;: and crystalline limestone succeed one another in regular and numerous alternating stratas, with a vertical dip and a strike nearly due north and south. This formation continues in a westerly direction to the opposite side of the Takaka Galley, where it is broken through by erupted masses of Ironst porphyry and Serpentine, which shew themselves on the Stony Creek and Waingaro. The same zone of crystalline schists exhibits itself in the steep escarpments of the gorge of the Upper Wangapeka. A characteristic feature: of this limestone formation is the existence of numerous funnel shaped pits, which have been hollowed out by .the action of water, which has dissolved the limestone. The interesting phenomena of the Waikaromwmu springs in the %&- Icaka Valley, where whole rivers suddenly appear on the surface with the water bubbling, is readily •xplainedby a subterraneous passage ol the water through the limestone from the ranges. This, crystalline limestone on the ranges' must not be confounded with the other limestone in the Takaka Valley, which belong to the tertiary period. c. Mica-schist and Quartz-schist.—The crest of the "Western Ranges," with, peaks" rising to an altitude of about 6000 feet ; the Anatoki mountains, Mount Arthur, and the chain lying between the source of the Wangapeka River, and the Buller river gorge, consists of mica-schist Containing garnets, alternating with quartz schist. >d. Zone of Clay slate.- —Still proceeding toward* the west the mica-schists pass by insensible gradations into clay slates, which, however, still exhibit the same alternating strata of quartzfchist. The Aorere valley and the lofty peakf ;W:ftt wtWft'■■ij*H^f'|w i^tyte Jltor, fta*

Lead Hill, Mount.Olymput, and th* Hapiri range thgenerally belong to the clay slate zone. In all aose ranges the strata are more dr less -vertical^ and exhibit unmistakable, signs -of great, disturbance at former geological periods. For instance: Mount Olympus presents the peculiar appearance of strata diverging from . below towards the serrated edge of the mountain like the spokes of a fan. A similar disposition of strata is'observed, on the loftiest summit of Europe, namely, in the Mont Blare. In the mica-slate and clay-slate zone of the " western ranges " we have the Matrix of the gold. Froni'the interest attaching to this subject I may be allowed to repeat the limits of these goldbearing formations. On the east these formations Are bounded by the Takaka valley; on the west by the Aorere valley, so that its breadth is from 15 to 20 miles, and includes the Anatoki and Hapiri ranges. In a.southern direction the same formations can be traced to the gorge of the Buller River; liow much farther it extends in that direction, has hot yet been ascertained, but in as much as gold has been found at the northern extremity of the Southern Alps, and alsoin'the gravels of the Mataura in the province of Qtago, towards the southern extremity of the. backbone; it is not unreasonable to infer, that the same gold-bearing zone may extend continuously throughout the whole length of the Middle Island. Before speaking more specially ofthe gold-fields, I wish to correct some of the theories popularly current arriong trie diggers, according to" which the gold is: tape traced'tpthe actionoffire. The gold, in its original position, is in larger or smaller particles, dispersed throughout the quartzose constituents of the mica and clayslate formation. By the gradual wearing away of these rocks through tlie action of the elements extending through immense periods of time, large masses of debris have been formed, and nature itself has executed an operation of gold-washing by collecting the heavier particles and depositing them in the gullies of the streams, or in the conglomerates covering the slopes of the hills. . There are therefore two principal descriptions of diggings, either river diggings in the beds of the streams, or " dry diggings in the conglomerate and gravel accumulated on the slope of the mountains. Aorere and Parapara Gold-fields.— l will first describe, the best known and mOst worked of your gold-fields, namely—the Aorere and Parapara gold-fields. You are all aware that the gold in the Aorere valley is confined to' the eastern side of the valley; the only traces of gold found on the western side, are on the Kaituna stream, but not indicating any rich deposit on that side, which as a fertile agricultural land, must be left to the farmers. You know that all the tributaries of the Aorere river, proceeding from the Hapiri range, as for instance—the Appoos river, the Slate river, with its different branches, the Boulder river, Salisbury creek, and also the Parapara river, which^ proceed northward from the same range, have Been more or less successfully worked by various parties of diggers.-. Tho rounded nature of the gold particles shows that the gold has been brought down by water, and the fact, that the heaviest gold is found in the upper parts of the streams points clearly to the mountains as to the source of the metal. , But it would bo improper to speak about an " Aorere gold-field" if the gold were confined to the deep and narrow gorges of the streams down into the clay-slate rocks. > . The whole region of the eastern side of the Aorere valley rising from the river bed towards the steep sides of the mountains, at an inclination of about eight degrees, ahd occupying from the Clarke river towards south, to the Parapara north, a superficial extent of about 40 English square miles, is' a gold-field. Throughout this whole district on the foot of the range, we find a conglomerate deposited on the top of the slate rocks, reaching in some places a thickness of 20 feet. Pieces of drift wood changed into brown coal,;indicate a probably tertiary age of this conglomerate formation. Where ferruginous cement binds the boulders and the gravel together, this conglomerate is compact, in other places only fine sand lies between the larger stones. Q,tfartz and clay slate boulders are the most commonly met with,.; This conglomerate formation is not only cut* through by the deep gullies of the larger streams, but in some places washed by the more superficial action of occasional water, and so divided into parallel and rounded ridges, of which that portion of the district called the "quartz ranges" is a characteristic example. This conglomerate formation must be regarded as the real gold-field, prepared in a gigantic manner by the hand of nature, from the detritus of the mountains, for the more detailed aud minute operations of man. - While the less extensive, but generally richer river diggings afford a*-better prospect of gain to the individual digger, the dry diggings in the conglomerate will afford remunerative returns to associations of individuals, who will work with a ; combination of-labour and capital., The intelligent and energetic gold-digger, Mr. Washbourneis the first person who has proved the value of the dry diggings in the " quartz ranges" and has demonstrated the fact that gold exists in remunerative quantities in the conglomerate. I am indebted to Mr. Wash bourne for the following interesting details. He writes to me as follows: "In the drives into the, conglomerate of the quartz ranges, the average thickness of dirt washed, is about two feet from the base rock, and the gold produced from one cubic yard pf such earth would be as-: nearly as lean calculate, worth from 255. to 30s. . This includes large boulders, so that a cubic yard of earth as it goes through the sluice, is of course worth more, as the boulders form a large proportion of the whole. Where, the earth is washed from the surface to the rock, the value per cubic yard is much less, not worth more perhaps than from 3s. to 6s. per yard; and it would generally pay at that." With these data the following calculation may be made. We will reckon the superficial extent of the Aorere' and Parapara gold-fields at 30 English square miles, the average thickness of the goldbearing /conglomerate &t a very low rate, at one yard; *»nd the value of gold in one cubic yard at 6s. Upon this data, the value ofthe Aorere goldfield is $£22,500,000 sterling, or .£750,000 sterling for one fquare mile. I aiiyhot a practical gold-digger myself, but I will leave it to those who are more versed in that pursuit^, io contrive the means by which this wealth may be best extracted from the soil.- Considering that Mr. Washbourae was able to pay his men wages from ten to twelve shillings a day, and stall to make a considerable profit, the richness of the deposit of gold iv the conglomerate is clearly proved. You may allow me to add, from enquiries I made on the spot, the number of diggers working on the.Aorere and Parapara diggings, is not more than about 250. Although the diggers can not be at wpr.k; continually, a large portion of their time being occupied in bringing dear provisions across a rugged country, ill provided with roads, and occasionally stopped by floods in the rivers, it is considered that a digger earns on an average 12s. a day. The history of the gold-field does not record any largs fortunes made by single diggers, but steady average gains. The largest nugget found was in the Rocky River, a nugget of 9 ounces 18 pennyweights. The whole produce of the gold-field from the beginning in 1857, up to the middle of August, is recorded in the General Government Gazette? as about .£150,000 sterling. I may add, that looking to the position of the gold-fi e ld generally, and its proximity to the sea, there is probably no other gold-field in the province which with moderate outlay upon roads could be made more easily accessible, or might afford greater facilities for being worked. 7 I have very little hopes that quartz reefs will he found in this district, rich enough to pay for cashing. ■ The country on the western side of the gold -faring ranges farther south than the Clarke "irsr, has not yet been perfectly explored with fW to probaWQ goty-Q^Os, m<\ I piowd,

therefore, to the eastern side of the gtiid-tjearing formations. I may here remark that thfire is no foundation for the belief so generally entertained amongst diggers, that gold-fields ara only found on the westerh^ide of ranges, and not on the eastern, . ; _/''■-■■:■■-■• .. ... 7... ';'".. '< ' The Anatoki find Takaka diggings. From the same mica slate and clay slate zone, from which on the western side the gold-bearing branches of the Aorere Valley runs; on the eastern side the | Takaka River, with its branches, takes its rise. It is, therefore, not surprising that gold is also found in those rivers. If the farmer settled on the rich alluvial plains of the Takaka finds markets.bad, he has but to ascend to the higher parts and branches of the river to fill his pockets. Gold is found in sufficient quantity to pay river diggings in the Upper Anatoki, Waingaro, and Takaka; the heaviest nuggets in the Waitui River, which takes, its rise from the Mount Arthur range. In the Anatoki Valley a quartz reef is spoken of, which" promises well. The interesting metal osmiridium, as has been proved by specimens forwarded to Mr. Clarke, of Melbourne, is a peculiar accompaniment of the Takaka gold. Titan iron, magnetic iron and garnets—not rubies, as generally thought—are everywhere found Oh the river diggings of the province. It must be left to the energy of future.explorers to determine if there be not, as it is most probable there is, a similar gold-field, as the Aorere gold-field, hidden under the dense forests on the eastern slope of the ranges. ■/- , .

Wangapeka.—With a view to exploring the country;; lying, to the south of. Takaka on 7. the 7* eastern side of the gold-bearing formations, I made a journey to the Wangapeka. My guide to that country most difficult of access was Mr. Clarke, who had formerly been prospecting there for gold. On this occasion I had the pleasure of the company of the Superintendent. The Wangapeka, as large, if not larger, than the Motueka near its junction with the Sherry River, runs through a wide terraced valley. The hills bordering the valley are composed, of tertiary stratas, marl, sandstone, and limestone. At places on the sides of the valley granite rocks shew themselves as the foundation of the tertiary strata. The boulders and shingle, brought by the river from the deep gorge from I which the river enters the broad valley, prove on examination that it takes its origin in a zone of hornblende schists and crystalline limestone, the continuation of tlie formations between Takaka and Riwaka. There is, therefore, no reason to expect an auriferous river bed. I might here j mention that this valley seems the peculiar home of wild pigs, the immense number of which have J rooted up the whole surface. The wet weather we here experienced prevented my exploring those rivers, which take their rise farther westward iri the mica slate and clay slate ranges as I expect—as, for instance, the Batten River and its branches. It was here that Mr. Clarke found the best result of his prospecting expeditions; he found not only gold, but on the edges of the tertiary formation towards the crystalline ranges large seems of coal cropping out. As a very probable gold country, 1 should recommend the exploring of the high range situated between the sources of the Wangapeka and tlie gorge of the Buller. That range is, so far as I can judge, the continuation ofthe Mount Arthur, Anatoki, and Haupiri Ranges. I shall hereafter find an opportunity to remark upon the Motueka diggings, and will conclude this portion of my lecture by stating that the Nelson gold-fields are a fact, and that, which is at present known, is but the beginning of a series of discoveries which time will bring to light. With regard to other minerals in the western ranges, there are no indications of quicksilver, as it was supposed; but Mr. Skeet informed me that pieces ot. lead ore are found in the Waingaro River, and large masses of brown iron ore, which has been mistaken, from the somewhat similar appearance, for scoria, are deposited at the Parapara. This has given rise to the idea of the Parapara being volcanic. 2. Primary Formations in the Eastern Ranges. The eastern ranges are of an entirely geological formation to those just described in the west. Old primary slates and sandstones of very varying character form lofty ridges, intersected by parallel longitudinal valleys. The strata are all more or less vertical, and the parallelism of their strike from north-east to south-west continues with remarkable regularity. One and the same stratum can be traced from Cook's Straits to the far interior in the south. In the central ridge, which has its northern termination on Mount Stoke, between the waters of tlie Pelorus and Queen Charlotte's Sound, the slates exhibit a mOre crystalline character. At Ship's Cove and Shakespeare's Bay, in Queen Charlotte's and in tlie Kaituna Pass, and other places, almost crystalline micaceous clay-slates, with quartz-layers and veins ooxjur. On either of this central ridge the slates exhibit a more sedimentary character, alternating with dioritic schists, with amydaloides, with very compact sandstones, approaching the character of grey wacke. As no fossils have yet been found in those oldest sedimentary New Zealand schists it is impossible to assign to them their geological place in a European classification of strata. . The slate and sandstone ridges are flanked by serpentine. , Below the confluence of the Blarich River with the Awatere, where the side of the mountain has slipped with an earthquake rent, serpentine appears. The grey maerstael is a waterfall over a serpentine cliff. The terpentine extends in a southwesterly direction through the Blarich Valley towards Mount Mowett, whose south-eastern slope to a height of about 2000 feet is composed of serpentine. In the bed of the Blarich River Mr. Haast found a piece of copper ore of tht same description as the Dun Mountain ores. On the western side the serpentine occurs developed to a much greater extent. An immense serpentine dyke of a thickness of several miles stretches from the northern extremity of D'Urville's Island across the French Pass, through the Croixellesj by the Dun Mountain, Upper Wairoa, and is met with again in a continuation of the same straight line in the "red hills," near the Top ! House, on the northern side of the Wairau Valley. This dyke can thus be traced from north-east to south-west for a distance of 80 miles. The strike of the serpentine dyke is perfectly parallel to that ofthe slates, but its eruptive originis proved by ths occurrence of a "breccia of friction" (Reibungs. breccie) at the line of contact, and the fact of beds of slate enclosed in it being converted into hard and semi-vitrified cherts. The serpentine, in its turn, has been broken through by eruptive dykes of Bypersthenite and gabbro. The rock of the Dun Mountain proper is a variety of serpentine of so novel and peculiar a character, that I am, obliged to apply to it a new term —1 call it " Dunit.' The Dun Mountain district offers to the scientific geologist a field of unbounded ininterest, but I should perhaps best respond to the wishes of my audience by telling them something about the ore* of copper and chromdte of iron, which are the characteristic metals of that serpentine dyke. , . . ' COPPER. The occurrence of native copper, red oxide of copper, and copper pyrites—tne principle copper ores ofthe Lmn Mountian—is by no means peculiar to the Serpentine of New Zealand. In the Serpentine district of Cornwall, for instance, native copper is found. The Monte Ramazzo, near Genoa, contains copper ores in Serpentine, and in North America the same thing occurs. I have visited, accompanied by Mr. Hacket and Mr. Wrey, all the workings of the Dun Mountain. I could not convince myself of the existence of a number of parallel lodes, so as to justify the various names which have been given, and which appear to designate different lodes. The Dan Mountain copper ore does not occur in a reauldr lode, by which I mean a metalliferous dyke of different mineral compositions from that of the rock of the mountain. As is. usual in serpentine, the copper ore occurs only vi noft w4 toncfo*. p? richw deposit*, oi

copper-ore form lenticular shaped masses, which when followed may increase to a certain distance, hut then disappear again in a thin wedge. Where these nests are large and rich, one alone may sometimes make the fortune of a mine. Ths richest found on the Dun Mountain appears to have been that ofthe Wind-trap Gully, from which pieces of native copper, some of them weighing as much as eight pounds, were extracted. These nests of copper-ore occur in the Dun Mountain in owe continuous line as if a, rent had taken place in the Serpentine rock, into which copper had either been injected, from beneath, or deposited there by the operation of some causes, which science is unable to explain. The green and blue silicates of copper axe surface minerals, which are only of value by shewing the direction of the fissure, in which the real ore mayjie looked for at a greater depth. At a certain distance below the surface they disappear entirely, and it is only by the broken and softened character of the serpentine that the miner is. enabled to follow the fissure from one deposit of metal to the other. The occurrence ofthe best indications of copper ore on the surface over a continuous line of about two miles affords good ground for supposing that considerable quantities of ore are contained in the mountain, but on the other hand, owing to the manner in which the ores Occur in isolated bunches, mining operations in such a region are always attended by less certain profits than where the metal is deposited in a regular load; and I may be allowed to express a hope that the Dun Mountain may prove to be all that the Nelson people could.wish. In Croixelles and in Current■:.■: Basin, where copper mining operations have been carried on, the indications were very obscure, and the result has proved that there is no reasonable ground to expect a profitable copper-mine there. More promising specimens of copper ore have been obtained from D'Urville's Island; the character of the ores met with there, ia quite the same as in the Dun Mountain. ' / ■

I will add a tew words about chromate of iron. This mineral is an ordinary accompaniment of serpentine rock, and occurs in the Dun Mountain in great force. Of its commercial value Ido not feel myself qualified to speak; but should its value be considerable, the abundance of it is so great that it must prove a source of much wealth to the mine. Having described the central parts of the western ranges and the Serpentine, which flanks it, there still remains to me to describe a zone of old sedimentary rock, which lies between the Serpen-' tine on the east, and Blind Bay and the Waimea Plain on the west. The best section of this zone is obtained by following up the course of the Maitai to the Dun Mountain. Immediately to the west of the Sepentine we meet a belt of calcareous schists, Which attains its highest elevation in the summit known as the Wooded Peak, and continues in its strike parallel with the serpentine dyke. Proceeding to tne westward, we pass over a band of greenish and redish-colored slates, of a thickness of about five English miles. The same description of slates-is continuous all along the ranges as far as the Big Bush-road to the Wairau. The absence of any fossil remains in the calcareous schists and in the slates prevents me from assigning to them with confidence their geological age. I give them, therefore, a local name, and call them the green and roman Maitai slates. In places these slates are broken through, and altered by eruptive rocks, as, for instance, in BrookStreet Valley, by diabas, and near Wakapuaka, by syenite. 3. Secondary Formations.

Between Nelson and Wakapuaka, black slates and shales are found close to the edge of the water. In these we find the first indications of organic remains. Of the nature of these organic remains I have not been able perfectly to satisfy myself; they appear, however, to belong to the vegetable kingdom, and have more resemblance to sea-weeds than anything else. * In the same line farther south, the Richmond sandstones, form the boundary of the western ranges. No less interest attaches to these > sandstones, which contain many and perfect fossils, mollusks, and are, so far as I know; the oldest fossiliferous strata in the province. The fossils belong to the genera mytilus, monotis, avicula, spirifer, terebratula, which seem to indicate a secondary edge for the formations. If I were to trace any analogy between these strata and any European formation, I should say that they occupied in New Zealand the place filled by the " Muschelkalk," in Europe. 1 have now described the formations of the higher ranges of the province. Before leaving them, I will observe that they possess an extraordinary interest for the botanist. Dr. Monro and Mr. Sinclair have brought from those regions specimens of the greatest interest, and new to science ; and a large field is still open for those who will follow in their steps. Zoologists may be surprised to hear, that on the top of limestone ranges, between 3 to 4000 feet, at the Pikikerunga and the Munga Tapu, a large land-snail, or helix, is foundT, as large as the helix busbyi, of the Northern Island. Mr. Skeet found live specimens on the Anatoki Mountains, and to Mr. W. Askew, of Riwaka, I am indebted for a perfect specimen of that new and rare shell.

I come now to speak about the Pakawau coalfield as probably belonging to the secondary period. The Pakawau coal-field overlies the mica and clay slate formation of the western ranges. The Pakawau stream exposes various strata of the coal-field, conglomerates, sandstone, shales, and seams of coal. There have been workings in the exposed seams on both sides of the. stream. A quantity of coal extracted from a seam of 4ft. thickness on the north side, which has lain exposed to the weather for two years, and still remains in the condition in which it was extracted, at once convinced me of the difference existing between this coal and the other New Zealand coals, which I have seen. The coal is a dense heavy black coal of a laminated structure, breaking in large pieces which do not crumble. In the evening I burnt the coal in a fire-place, aud was pleased with the large amount of flame and heat given out by it without sulphurous or other disagreeable smell. It burnt away to a clean white ash. Mr. Curtis has kindly forwarded to me an analysis of this coal made in the year 1853, by Mr. Theop. Heal, at Auckland. Mr. Heal proved the excellent qualities ofthe coal as a. gas coal. The quantity of carbon not more than 53 per cent, would not confer upon this coal a high character as fuel; but this low per centage probably arose from the piece submitted to analysis being mixed with shale. To me it appears that the coal must contain at least 70 per cent of carbon, and that it will be found a very excellent coal for steam purposes. On the southern side ofthe stream the old workings exhibited the following section :— Shale, -) Coal, - 5 inches j Shale, 3h „ | Coal, - 4| „ J»Coal, in all, 2 feet Sandstone 2 „ I Coal Ift. 2 „ Shale J Thus the natural flections and the old workings show various seams, none of them of great thicfcness, and in all of them more or less bands ofshale. The dip ofthe seams is towards southwest, that is, towards the West Wanganui harbour, at an angleof 20°, and the cosl-field reaches undoubtedly from Pakawau to West Wanganui. In a coal-field of such extent it may be with confidence affirmed, that seams of much greater thickness exist, and the way to ascertain their existence, is to make borings. That is the first thing for any company to do, which undertakes to work this Very valuable coal-field. My reason for assigning to this coal-field a secondary age, is the existence of impressions of fossil plants, referable to calamines, ferns, and dicotyledones. Although the Pakawau coal-fields does not belong to the regular carboniferous period, experience will show that the coal will rank in quality with the black coals of older date. Specimens, of coal from the Bangihaeta Point, near Motupipi, forwarded to me by Mr. Askew, prove that ths same coal is to be found at that place, and I hops to have time to visit it. I proceed from these older coals to the tertiary

Tertiary Formations. I The tertiary formations which I observed in the districts of Golden and Blind Bay, belong to that group which I mentioned in my Auckland lecture, as the older one. All the wide valleys and basins which; from the shores of Cook's Strait, run inland between the high primitive and primary ranges, are filled with tertiary strata, which at some places attain an altitude of 2000 feet. This formation is divided into two parts; the lower one a brown coal formation, the upper, fossiliferous marl, sandstone and limestone. I will give a short description of these strata from Cape Farewell to the Awatere. It is aremarkablefact that at Cape Farewell, the northwesternmost point of the Middle Island, where the sea swarms with Echinides, commonly called " sea-eggs," the tertiary sandstone cliffs are also found full of fossil remains of the same family but differing in species. In the Aorere Valley the original tertiary strata are, by later action, for the most part destroyed. On the western side of the Valley indications of brown cOal have been found. On the cliffs of Collingwood sandy marls containing few fossils are the representatives of the formation.

Higher up the valley, large isolated masses of a fossiliferous calcareous sandstone, or, if you will, of a sandy limestone, penetrated by numerous caves, are the remains of a once continuous tertiary stratum. The caves above Washbourne's Flat in such isolated limestone blocks have lately become famed as "bone caves,'} the cemeteries of gigantic birds, which, in the traditions of the Maories are remembered as the frightful " Moas,'» and which to science are known as the genera of Dinornis, Notornis.and Palaptorix. When, in 1857, I saw in the British Museum the skeletons of Dinornis elephantopus and Dinornis robustus, I little thought that I shouia vSo soon be in possession of the same treasures.

Before my arrival at Collingwood I had heard of the late discovery of Moa bones in those caves, and I was anxious to procure those specimens which I had had so little success in obtaining in the Northern Island. In the first cave which I entered (my friend Haast has since given it my name), after a short search, I dug out some fragments of bones from the loam on the bottom of the cave. I was convinced that the treasures had not all been carried away, as from the caves in the Northern Island; and on the same day the finding of a Moa skull, so far as I know, the most perfect yet found in New Zealand, was the reward of farther researches.

Being obliged myself to leave for 7the Pakawau coal-field, my friend Haast remained behind in company with the young surveyor, Mr. Maling, to make more extensive researches. The bottom of a second cave, the Stafford's cave was turned up, and the bottom of a third one, the " Moa cave." The excitement of the Moa diggers was great, and increased, for the deeper they went below the stalagmite crusts covering the floor, the larger were the bones they found, and whole legs from the hip-bone to the claws ofthe toes were laid open. They dug and washed three days and three nights, and on the fourth day they returned in triumph to Collingwood, followed by two pack bullocks loaded with Moa bones.

I must confess that not only was it a cause of great excitement to the people of Collingwood, but also to myself, as the gigantic bones were laid before our view. A Maori bringing me two living Kiwis from Rocky rivor, gave us an opportunity to compare the remains of the extinct species of the family with the living Apterix. It gives me much pleasure to acknowledge the zeal and exertions of my countryman and friend, M. Haast, in adding such valuable specimens to the collections of the Novara expedition. The observations of M. Haast, made during this search, throw a new light upon this great family of extinct birds. He found that, according to the depth bo was the size of the remains, thus proving that the greater the antiquity the larger the species. The bones of dinornis crassus and ingens (a bird standing the height of nine feet) were always found at a lower level than the bones of dinornis diniformis (Owen), of only four feet high. I have the pleasure of showing you, here, a leg of dinornis crassus.* Circumference Long. of the shaft. *Tarsus . . . 9Jin. . 6ft. 9in. Tibia . . .22 .66 Femur . . . 13 .80 Spread of the claws .15 I have since had my collection of bones increased by various contributions from Messrs. Wells, Haycock, and Ogg, and a nearly perfect skeleton of dinornis ingens presented by the Nelson Museum to the Imperial Geological Institution of Vienna. These gigantic birds belong toan era prior to the human race, to a post-tertiary period. And it is a remarkably incomprehensible fact of the creation, that whilst at the very same period in the old world, elephants, rhinoceroses, hippopotami; in South America ( gigantic sloths and armadillos; in Australia, gigantic kangaroos, wombats, and dasyures were living; the collossal forms of animal life were represented in New Zealand by gigantic birds, who marked the shores then untrod by the foot of any quadruped. A characteristic of the tertiary formation of the Takaka Valley is large masses of fossiliferous limestone, beginning at the Tata Islands, and extending far up the valley. Under the limestonelies the Motupipi brown coal formation, which can be traced up the valley as far as Mr. Skeet's. lam indebted to Mr. James Burnett for carefully drawn and instructive plans and sections of the Motupipi working, which at once placed before me the character of the coal-field j and the succession of the strata.f I need not here repeat what I have so recently said at Auckland with regard to the quality and economical uses of this coal. The Motupipi coal is of the same geological age, and of the same description, as the Drury coal at Auckland. It is to be regretted that works commenced with so much judgment and regularity, and which might easily be continued, should be no longer carried on, in consequence of the high price of the fuel, and the difficulty of putting it on board the ship. To obviate the last difficulty, Mr. Burnett proposes a coal depot at the Tata Islands, where vessels could easily take it in. Tertiary Formation op Blind Bit. That the waters of Blind Bay at one time extended much further to the south, and covered a larger area, than they do now, is proved by the fact of a tertiary formation filling up the space inclosed between the eastern and western ranges from the lake country to f Section of Stbata at Motupipi, Massacre Bay. No. 1 Shaft. Surface Clay ft. in. Coal .19 Shale 2 0 ft. in. Coal ..2 4") Band of Shale 0 6J. Working Seam . 5 1 Coal . . 2 4J I Shale of a sandy nature . . .35 Coal . . . . . . .13 Soft sandstone, composed of very rough sand, like crushed quartz, with thin beds of shale ,' this stone falls away to loose sand under the pick, but stands very well in the shaft. .7 . .70 Shale (pretty good roof) . . .20 -g f Coal, with a great deal of water, sunk v . \ 2ft. 7in., snd bored 2ft. more to the 2J> I bottom of this seam . .■ ; .47 H*? J tS'~ 27 1 .& Bored 1 ft. further in shale . . .10 « I 28 1 Section of Strata at Motupipi, Massacre Bat. No. 2 Shaft. ft. in. Sea sand . . . . . .46 Clay ...... 1 0 Soft sandstone 10 8 Sandstone (very hard) . . .10 JT C Shale (good roof) . . . .47 Coal (hard and good, but at this place mixed with a little hard j- oa .S s slaty shale, which decreases towards g-g,_, the south-west, and almost disJ appears at a distance of 7ft, from * I the shaft) 4 4 g"S g f Soft sandstone . . . .50 I Dark shale (almost black) . .10 •| " S Soft sandstone . . . .8 & BrSi*- (Sandstone(veryhard) . * . .0 6 I£|.S«! Sandy shale ... . .28 2-tfqrH Dark shale 1 J 8 I Slaty shale, mixed with coal. •i 5 o. | £ Bored through soft sandstone, .3 o This shaft was abandoned on account of the # large quantity of water; had this not taken place, it was intended to sins; to a seam known to exist about lawWriter, mark. : - jAacfiaCfssKi.

the shores of the Waimea; but for the most part is again covered by a more recenwS S^Wll^^ 1168 ' gavels, and diluvium, which at thidaw« of 1200 to 1500 feet; AZttm^tf^ anger9'°r Where the rivera sandsSs,^^^ Mot; in the hills betweTthf^gg^S Roterua Lake the same fossiliferous m S are met With. On the eastern side, near Neb™ *l ™ strata of the tertiary fbrinakoSo^^H Greenpoint to the Waimea Plains, andLahneS tween the town and village of Bichmond, the browa coal formation extends, opened at Mr. Jenkins' coal mine. .

The first excursion which I made after visiting Nelson, was by the cliffs to this coal-mine, and it was with great surprise that I saw the extraordinary disturbances which must have taken place in the stratification. The dip of the strata is towards the east, at an angle of about sixty degrees. As it is geologically impossible that a newer tertiary stratum can underlie rthe older slate formations of the ranges* it follows that the strata about Mr. Jenkins' coalmine, by an immense force from the eastward, must have been completely turned over; and in the mine itself there is abundant proof of this, The strata there show unmistakeable evidences that they have been rubbed and pressed together. Under these circumstances it it very doubtful whether a mine in that porticular place could be successfully worked. To Mr. Jenkins the people of Nelson are indebted for proving to them that they have coal in the immediate vicinity of the town, and I think if^not improbable that in the same line of stratification between Nelson and Richmond, a place may .be found where, perhaps, at a greater depth, the coal seams lie in their natural position, and workings may be carried on with success. The_ diluvial formation, which constitutes what_ is commonly known as the Moutere, and Wai-iti hills, extending over an immense tract of country towards the south, so far as to the Rotorua lake, is nothing else than the detritus of the eastern and western ranges accumulated during a long period. It is not surprising, therefore, seeing that a portion comes from the auriferous rocks of the western ranges, that prospecting parties of diggers should have found gold at various spots between those hills. - And it is a fact that the'first gold in this province was discovered in a stream which cuts through this -diluvium. I refer to the Motueka diggings in Pig Valley, at'the loot of tho western ranges. I have heard that quite recently these diggings have been resumed with soma success. Bearing in mind the source from which the gold is derived, I think it likely that the nearer to tha western ranges the richer will be the diluvium, but it is at the same time doubtful if it is rich enough, for any extent, to be of much consequence. I have had many questions put to me with regard to the origin and character of the Nelson Boulderbank : I have not time to give such an explanation of it as I should wish to present to you. The boulders of which it consists are entirely syenite, ahd the same rock is found on the precipitous bluff that abuts upon thesea beyond Drumduan. The source is thus explained : —Fragments are constantly falling from the cliffs, and the action of the heavy northerly swell, combined with a strong current, takes them towards the south. The reason of their being deposited on the existing line is, that in all probability a submarine reef underlies them, of which the Arrow Bock in tha entrance of the Nelson harbour may be regarded as the southern termination. This supposition is strengthened by the fact of the Arrow Rock being of the same coloured schists as occur immediately to the south of the syenite. Before concluding, I wish to make a few remarks upon Volcanic Formations in the province, and upoarj some general matters. 7 Volcanic Formations. Although there are no signs of a volcanic action still going on in the Middle Island, as far as regards active volcanoes, solfataras, and fumaroles, lika those in the Northern Island, we have at the same time plenty of proof, that volcanic action has not been less powerful in the Middle Islandthani in the Northern. I have not had an opportunity of visiting the volcanic districts of this island, but still feeling that I should make some remarks upon them I will endeavor to explain the opinion I have formed from specimens and communications. It is well known that the high peaks of the Kaikoras, covered with perpetual snow, are of volcanic origin. My friend Haast describes the aspect of tho three gigantic cones visible from the Awatere Valley, as most magnificent,—three Mount Egmonts one behind th» other; the first one, Tapuainuku (or Mount Odin), 9700 feet high, a closed and rounded dome, similar in shape to a cupola; the second one, further to the south, a truncated bifurcated cone, the bifurcation, undoubtedly the indication of a crater, on the summit. From that peculiar form it has acquired the vulgar name of the Nest Mountain. The third gigantic peak, pvramidical in form like Mount Egmont. Almost *qual in height to those landward at Kaikoras is the lofty range which rises on the seaward side of the Clarence River, the principal points of which have been named Mount Thor and Mount Freya. Around these three Scandinavian mouarchs of ths mass, are ranged several smaller volcanic mountains, which I hope may have the right to maintain their Maori names. - It is not at all surprising that accounts have beei2 received of newly-discovered hot springs in. this volcanic region in the Hanmer Plains,* at the foot of the Kaikoras. Specimens forwarded to me by gentlemen, some from the Kaikoras and some boulders from the Awatere, prove that the principal rocks in this district are basaltic and trwhy'tic lavas. Following the southerly direction indicted by tha relative position of the two Kaikora groups, we coma next to Bank's Peninsula, undoubtedly an extinct volcanic system, rising like an island out from tha sea and level plains. In the same line farther south lies a third group of volcanic hills, forming the peninsula at Otago. These three points doubtless indicate a line Of volcanic action running parallel to the great middle range, or backbone of the Middle Island, on the eastern side of it. A closer examination, especially of the Otago province, would no doubt furnish, as with more and similar examples of volcanic hills in that line. ' It is remarkable that whilst the parallel zones of volcanic action on the Northern Island—the Tongariro> zone, the Auckland ahd the Bay of Island's zone—all run on the western side of the backbone range between Wellington and the East Cape, the great volcanic line of the Middle Island, takes the eastern side. Reserving, however, for my future publication this interesting subject, which I regret I have not now time to enter upon, I will, in conclusion, offer a few General Remakes. | In the earlier geological era of New Zealand, wo may assume that both islands were connected, and that one backbone run "continuously from the South Cape to the East Cape. In the present map of New Zealand, the integrity of this backbone is broken at Cook's Straits, and a farther inspection will shew that there has been not only a simple break of continuity, but a lateral dislocation. The Cook's Strait is, to use a miner's expression, a true fault. It is evident, from the rocks being ofthe same geological formation, that at one period the Pelorus Ranges were a continuation ofthe Wellington Ranges. The position of tho stratas in the eastern ranges of Nelson, prove that whilst the Northern Island seems to have remained stationary, some gigantic force has pressed the great mass of the Middle Island to the westward. Tha given description of the tertiary formation extending between the ranges far up the valleys, sounds, andbays, leading towards Cook's Straits on both sides, farther proves that the first act of this great convulsion of nature took place prior to the tertiary penod, and tha second and subsequent acts may be coeval with tha period of volcanic action in the islands. While the tertiary sea was depositing the strata, which now fill tbe valleys, and which rise in soma parts to an altitude of 2000 feet, the higher * At this house, I met some gentlemen, newly arrived and stopped on the road by the river. One had made the journey from Port Cooper, and he gave me an account of Hot Springs which he had discovered on the Hanmer Plains, under the shelter of a range of snow hills. He observed what seemed to him a remarkabie fog, and upon leaving his track to examine, he discovered some holes, which were filled with water, of a temperature varying from milk-warm to almost i boiling. The largest of them contained the hottest spring, and although he attempted to sound the depth. I with all the rope be could procure, he was unable to find the bottom. The circumference of the largest was about fifteen or eighteen yards. This is, I believe, the only instance of hot springs yet discovered in the Middle Island, and, if corroborated, may tend to throw gome light on the volcanic connection between this distriot and the Northern Island. [See Walk from th* w«»?». Efflfyi** M*y aNt - i • ■'.-A'-

ranges of New Zealand only were above ■ water. Since the tertiary period, these Islands have been gradually rising; aud that rising has been coeval with the volcanic action, and developed to tho greatest amount along the zones of volcanic action. It was in this time that the extensive plains on the East coast of the Middle Island, and the plateaus on the Western Side of the Northern backbone were raised above the sea. The best proof of this rising of the land is to be found in the river terraces, which strike the eye of every traveller in the valleys of the Wairau, Awatere, Clarence, Motueka, Wangapeka, Buller, Takaka, and Aorere, and also in the lines of Sandy Downs, on the Port Cooper Plains, which, now miles in land, mark the former limit of the sea. These terraces • are formed by the gradual rise of the land; if we suppose that while the rivers are Bhaping out their beds, the upheaving movement is intermittent, so that long pauses occur, during which the stream will have time to encroach upon one of its banks, so as to clear away and flatten a large space. This operation being repeated at lower levels, there will be several successive cliffs and terraces. It is remarkable that in all the valleys, the cliffs of the higher terraces are of a greater altitude than the lower. At the Buller River, for example, near its outlet from the Rotoiti lake, the uppermost cliff is a hundred feet in height, and there can be distinguished in one portion of the valley not less than eight terraces. The character of the terraces shows, that the upheaving force has been decreasing towards the present time, either in power or period. The extreme height of these terraces being not more than about two thousand feet up the valleys, shows the whole amount of rise on these islands, since the tertiary period, to be about two thousand feet. Even at the present day, there are facts which prove that the land of these islands is not stationary, but that the relative levels of water and dry land are undergoing constant modifications. The rise of land at Wellington, in 1855, to an average height of three or four feet, over a great extent of coast, is familiar to every colonist. Tin's rise of land, however, is not general over New Zealand; for there are many proofs.' that, while on the eastern side of the islands the level of the land, is being iaised, on the western side the land is sinking. An axis of equilibrium passes through the islands, on the western side of which the movement is downward, on the eastern side upwards. The same axis curving round parallel to the Australian coastline, crosses the Pacific between New Caledonia and the Loyalty group, andean be traced through tho Solomon Islands to New Guinea. - Ladies and Gentlemen—lt now only remains lor me to express my thanks to you for the attention with which you have followed my geological explanations. Much more still remains that I would wish to say, but I must now conclude. I feel well assured that the mineral wealth of Nelson is not confined to what I have to-day mentioned, but believe that in addition to gold, copper, and coal, future times will develop other valuable substances among your mountains and forests, which cannot fail to prove a source of wealth and prosperity to the Province of Nelson. Dr. Hochstetter then sat down amidst general applause.1 During the lecture, which lasted one hour and. twenty-five minutes, the audience more than,once gave way to the same, especially when the Doctor had stated the value of our gold-fields and the superiority of our Pakawau coal seam to any yet discovered in New Zealand. His Honor the Superintendent the rose and addressed Dr. Hochstetter as follows :— Dr. Hochstetter.—Sir. I am desired by many.of the. inhabitants, of this Province, my felW-citizehs, to present you with this case made of various New Zealand, woods, and containing 4i ounces of native gold, taken from those fields to which you have given, such attention, and which you have this evening so ably described. I have also to present to you from the same gentlemen, this Address. His Honor then read the Address, which was engrossed on parchment, and was as follows:— De. Hochstetter, —Before your departure from among us/we the inhabitants of the Province and City of Nelson beg to express to you our great obligation for the benefits which you have conferred upon us, as a community. Though we cannot but congratulate you upon your, approaching return to your cpuutry and yQur family, we have strong personal reasons for looking upon it with regret. We feel that it ha;s7been no lighter trifling advantage to have hajclamong us one of that small class of men who conduct tbo great national expeditions by which the beuefits of Science are distributed over the world. We know that such an one comes invested with the highest possible authority to speak decidedly on the subjects of his investigations, and are sure that we may place the most implicit confidence in his statements. It is the great characteristic of such scientific pur-, suits a3 you are engaged in, that though on the one hand they are joined to the deepest and inmost principles of nature, on the other they are linked to the daily wants and commonest necessities of life. We believe therefore that your visit here will not be barren of practical results. We believe that it will give us both a desire to develop as far as possible our share of the gifts of nature, and a knowledge how we may best do this. . We know that we] have had no "special claim on you for the interest you have taken in our welfare. The advantages which we have derived from it are, however, of such a kind, that both those who give and those who receive may be proud7qf.7 We have had many opportunities of noticing, how earnestly you pursue knowledge for its own sake, and are glad to find that those who do so are the most ready to employ for the benefit of others7„what they have acquired themselves.You have done this,-in our case, with considerable personal exertion-and discomfort^ which have been cheerfully encountered by your, diligence and activity. We' do not wish to do more than allude to considerations of a personal kind. But we 7 must express our appreciation of your courteous and kind behavior towards us, and. assure. you that few men could have been among us for so. short a time, and have acquired so,inuch of the character of a. personal friend. We beg your acceptance of. the accompanying. Testimonial, the product of our gold-fields, and we ask you to apply it to the purchase of a piece' of „plate, which may help to keep us in your remembrance, and on which we ask you to place the following inscription :— Presented to - ; . Dr. FERDINAND HOCHSTETTER, 7 Geologist to the Imperial Royal Austrian-Scientific Expedition, in the Frigate Novara. By theInhabitants of the Province of Nelson, ;. ; '~,. ~: . /New Zealand.''7 As a Record of. their Appreciation of, the great Benefits conferred upon tHein..and the['Colony, by his frank communicationiof the results of-his zealous and able Researches into, the Geological character-.. ...... and Mineral Resources , i ofthe Province. -1 .' :' ■• ■-■:..-' 7 .GlaiiCK, AXJi;I;: 7,;- ... ;,\ ~7..' ., .; > -■'-■ '•: Be mtHe r m .".7'-'"7„'; ~7.;777 Dr. FERDINAND HOCHSTETTER; '/. Kais, Konigl, Oestr, Rsichs-geologen Aiberrejcht Yon den Bewohnen der Provinz Nelson, 7 ■ .'..,;, ..:,'■'".'<\y ihNeuseeland. ■■• . - .■:'.• 7. .;..- Als eirt ,Zeicheh ihrer Aherkennung fur .7 die. grosseh Dtenste welche.durch offetie Mitthei- j lungder Resultate seiner eifrigen und''; ..gediegeriehUnto ••'■'■' ; ' '~' -, p ,7^ ,>k ihdenQej^ ;'!''7 character'und-'Seh/Miheraißgiscnen''^ i: *'' : ' Eeichthum de'r" Provinz, er ihr,en uud der 1 Colonie geleistet.

Wo earnestly hope that all good may go with, you on your return to Europe, and that after a, pleasant and speedy voyage you may reach in-. safety your home and friends. And with this wish, we hid you heartily, " Farewell. ' ' Signed on behalf of the inhabitants of Nelson, (Sgd.) J. P. ROBINSON, ;; :; Superintendent.: To which the Doctor made the following reply:-— Your Honor, Inhabitants of the Province of £r e i gon —1 express to you my sinoerest thanks for so kind and valuable a token of remembrance.

I assure you it is with feelings of deep regret that I havo to leave you. I have, stayed with you only a few months,.but I.would have been happy to remain with you for jeaia.- 'The time that I have been here has passed httt too quickly. It has, given me pleasure and satisfaction to explore in : your mountains and valleys. I made the best use of my time I could/ but I see I was only enabled to begin, aud perhaps to lay the first foundation of a geological .knowledge of this island. I should be happy if I could, by.a continuation of my researches, to render more valuable services to the province. tfhe time of the scientific expedition to which I belong is limited. Whilst probably the frigate Novara may behear to her native shores,-1 have to go half round the world to meet my friends. t)nce at home, I shall give you a more minute account of what I have seen and examined. * The unexpected early departure of the steamer prevents me bidding personally farewell to my numerous friends, and I hope they will receive this as my only opportunity of bidding them all good by. I thank the inhabitants of the Province of Nelson for their.'aid and hospitality shewn nte. I beg you kindly to remember me, and I will always with pride look at your token of remem- | brance. I part from you with the hearty Germain miner's salute, ! "GliickAnf!" 7 . .

After the Lecture, Dr. Hoohstetter departed the same night by the Tasmanian Maid, to inspect a seam of coal at Eangheaeta Head, on the land of Mr. T. Askew, of which very favorable opinions have been formed. We await the steamer's return to-day for a propitious account ofthe locality. ■ ■ , ■ ' ■ ■ - ;.- :

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Colonist, Volume II, Issue 203, 30 September 1859, Page 2

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