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By way of Sydney we have Melbourne news to the Bth instant. ■;*-:-. '-■' In the Legislative Assembly on the 7th, Mr. C. Campbell brought forward the motion .relative to the business of the House being commenced with the secitation of the Lord's prayer. Mr. 3argood moved as an amendment, that the House proceed to the next order ofthe day. Thei*e?\vas no discussion, and the originaL motion was lost by a majority of 12, the votes being—AyesiylO; Noes, 22. ' ' '. /' _." ■"■..- ■■:■ ■•>;: " ••'-*

The Herald says—Mr. Atkinson, the owner of Yeno, has accepted the challenge recently made by Mr. John Orr, to run" Totahoiy against' the Sydney' champion for £2000. The iSapC^igned for answering the challenge now, rather'than when it was made, is.that Veno was likely to ran-aihatch with a Tasmanian horse, but that beingiiow" off," he has no engagements. The acceptancefhoweverj has arrived too late, as Tomboy will not have recovered during the present season from the effects of his accident at Ballaavat.

, The anti-Chinese agitation at the Buckland and elsewhere has by no means-died out ';* on the contrary, we fear, says the Herald, that the hitter hostility which the Government, by itsanertness and apathy, allowed to be generated between.the European and Chinese diggers, has increased in intensity, and that the additional imposts which, the new Act proposes to place upon Chinese residents in the colony will bei fonnd•■"to fall short of the measure of coercionwhich the European dig*; gers would have their Mongol-neighbours subjected to. .: v : We extract from the Age the following^emarkabte instance of fraud :—"A distressing case has been investigated at the police court. A^young man, whose connections in the colony occupy a highly respectable position, was sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment with hard labour, the magistrates exercising a summary power, conferred upon them by the Vagrant Act, the accused being convicted of having fraudulently obtained* goods to the value of- about £10, some thirteen months previously. It was clearly showri vduring the investigation of this. case that it was* not the only fraud of which the prisoner had bees guilty, but haying the advantages of a« good education he has jHist' managed to keep his neck out: of-, the halter. Numerous attempts have beeri made to' reclaim him but all have proved unavailing. 'The mode in which he has carried on his nefarious operations lias been to advertise for .-«■ part-

"nciy" and representing^ himself extensively enfaged in business &L orie, of the gold-fields, c had generally hy his address succeeded lin victimising ".a new chum" to the extent of £100 or so. On 'one., occasion he had the ! audacity to take an intended victim to the "Mayor's farm which he represented as his own property, , apologised for not asking the gentleman inside1 in consequence of illness in the family, and ultimately bled him under a partnership agreement to the ex--1 tent ofi>'2oo." X<- " A proclamation is published in the Victoria Government Gazette, announcing that in consequence of the refusal .of the^father of a child who * is known to be suffering from the small pox, to allow it to be removed/ to the Government receptacle, all ingress. s!jto, or egress from his house in Jeffeott-street. where the child is now lying, is forbidden,! except to a duly qualified practitioner. Tins' appears a very harsh proceeding, but the Government is right in using .the most stringent measures,,to prevent the spread of this disease. '. ['' An action.taken against the Geelong Railway Company by Mrs. Foster, widow of a man whose death was occasioned^." by injuries received while a passenger oil the, line, has resulted in a verdict for plaintiff,'] ,£6OO. The other t actions against the cohigany were compromised.

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Colonist, Issue 19, 25 December 1857, Page 2

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VICTORIA. Colonist, Issue 19, 25 December 1857, Page 2

VICTORIA. Colonist, Issue 19, 25 December 1857, Page 2