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Progressive Te Awamutu... ...Newton King's Enterprise

THE COMPLETION of the new and spacious warehouse and showrooms in Arawata Street for Newton King, Ltd., marks the attainment of another milestone in the commercial development and progress of Te Awamutu. This firm, whose name has been a household word in Taranaki for decades past, only recently commenced operations in Te Awamutu, but the volume of business offering became so great, and has since been increasing in magnitude weekly, that the firm decided to erect the warehouse now completed, which provides them with business premises modern in design, up to date in every respect, and spacious and commodious enough to house the various departments which the wide ramifications of the business cover. This achievement in so short a space of time is an outstanding and meritorious one, and its secret is to be found in the application of three principles—Service, Efficiency, and Dependability—on which Newton King’s unrivalled success in the southern province was founded. Not only that, but this praiseworthy enterprise demonstrates a faith in the future of this fertile and ever-expanding district which is warranted by the record of the past and is justified by an optimism begotten of that confidence which surely is not misplaced.

" “ NEWTON KING Limited Business Built Up and Increasing on Three Basic Principles: Service Efficiency Dependability

TE AWAMUTU The Centre of a Progressive District Richly Endowed by Bounteous Nature Fertile Pastures Rich Dairying Land

THE NEW BUILDING. LARGE AND UP-TO-DATE. MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT. The progressive development which is taking place in Te Awamutu, the centre of one of the richest and most prosperous primary producing districts in the Dominion, is strikingly exemplified in the modern premises which have, been erected in Arawata Street for Messrs Newton King, Ltd., by Messrs Lovell and Rawlinson, contractors, of New Plymouth, who are now domiciled in this town. It is not king- since that the big vacant section in Arawata Street was an eyesore to residents', but to-day, thanks to the enterprise of this firm, the site has been transferred into a business rendezvous, which will surely become a magnet for farmers and others from ali parts of the town and surrounding districts. LARGEST IN TOWN. The building itself, the largest of its nature in Te Awamutu, is of composite steel and concrete frame construction with cavity curtain walls of Te Awamutu bricks—of the good type supplied by Te Awamutu Bricks, Ltd., of which Mr J. T. North is managingdjrectcj-. The total enclosed floor space is 6,350 square feet and has been divided into two sections, so that the various branches of the firm’s ever-growing business can be conducted with the utmost efficiency and promptitude. The showroom itself occupies over 3000 square feet, while the storeroom takes up 1,800 square feet, the remainder being occupied by the offices, which have been so arranged that the maximum amount of convenience is supplied. THE SHOWROOM. The showroom itself provides evidence of the care and attention to details which characterise the work throughout, a sound testimony to the good work performed by the architect, Mr A. C. Lavington of Hamilton, in laying out the plans and specifications. The first pleasing impression is that by day and night, ample provision has been made for the lighting. The windows extend around the frontages both in Arawata and George Street and, as they occupy no less than 1238 square feet, provide amply foi natural lighting of the spacious ■show room within. In addition a series of roof lights have been installed al an angle to obtain the maximum amount of light, being arranged so that the general effect is materially assisted. Seventeen lamps of 100 candle power each have been installed, sc that in this respect the provision is ample at night. The interior walls have been finished with Keen’s cement, with an ordinary cement skirting. The ceiling is panelled out in plaster fibre and the ornamentation is such as to add considerably to the general artistic effect. This work Las been excellently finished eff by Martin,Bros., of New Plymouth. The flcoring is a double one, with heart of rimu underneath and heart of matai on top, all having been electrically dresseo up, stopped and stained. It has been especially designed to carry great weight a very necessary precaution seeing that the firm carries in the showroom a large , stock of motor cars and farm imple-

ments and in the storeroom the hundred and one articles that a. farmer requires. THE OFFICES. Separate office accommodation is provided for all branches of the company’s! business. There is a large office for the general manager, with subsidiary ones for the controlling head of each -department. All have been panelled up to a height of seven feet with masonite and above is a plaster fibrous freize, bringing the total height up to ten feet. The offices arc electrically heated by a system ol pipe and panel units thermostatically controlled to provide an even temperature, while special attention has also been given to lighting and ventilation. The whole of the plumbing work was entrusted to Mr Alfred W. Skinner, whose work bears the impress of good craftsmanship. OTHER FEATURES.' There are many other features of special interest in this building, which, being of modern design, provides Newton King, Ltd., with the •most up-to-date business premises ot its type in the Waikato and King Country. The main entrance, for instance, serves as a fitting introduction to the excellence! of the condition and general fitting ent of the interior. Steps lead up to the entrance, which has the firm’s name eut in brass letters inserted in a terazzo floor, which is enriched in pleasing colour, the doors and fixed panels, of very modern design, being of rose-wood with bevelled embossed plate glass panels. These swing doors are on either side leading into the showroom. Over the li p of the ingoing is plated in chromium letters, the firm’s imprimatur “N.K. Ltd.,” which adds a pleasing effect to the whole. At the other end of the building is a car entrance, constructed to match that of tile main ingoing and finished off so as to provide a very pleasing effect.

Behind the offices is situated the large ami commodious strongroom, the appurtenances for which were supplied by Mr C. J. N. Wakefield, the New Zealand representative of Messrs J. and J. Taylor, Ltd., safe and strongroom door manufacturers of Toronto, Canada. All are fitted with a three-wheel combination lock and are of special design. An inter-house telephcne exchange has been installed and with two lines running to the main Post Office, exchange quickness of service has been aimed at in that important department.

The lighting of the offices, facing the showroom is on the “borrowed light” principle, while the offices facing George Street have steel, zincsp rayed frames. The. roof is carried on a steel truss i n the saw-tooth principle with provision as previously noted, for lighting. Throughout the interior has been lavishly decorated and this work has been performed by Mr F. D. Chunn in his usual expert manner, that reflects to his credit. The ekctfical requisites, supplied by the Electric Service and Hardware Co. are of the usual excellent quality supplied by that firm. THE EXTERIOR. The new building outside presents nn imposing appearance, the architect having overcome the difficulties generally associated with buildings of this nature by introducing- modern lines, whereby a very artistic and imposing- effect is gained. The front, under the verandah, is of terrazzo, supplied by Mr K. Davis, manufacturer. of Auckland, and the plate glass windows are held in by metal frames The other portions of the buildinghave been plastered in buff coloured cementone, with, the firm’s name

standing out in bold relief, this work having been ceditably performed by Messrs Rosemergy Brothers. The chief contractors fc.r the building were Messrs Lovell and Rawlinson, who have completed their work to the complete satisfaction of the architect and Messrs Newton King, Ltd., by whom they have been congratulated on the excellence of thenwork, which has provided Te Awamutu with a building which forms a. handsome addition to the business premises of this progressive borough. THE FURNISHINGS. Throughout the building has been sumptuously furnished and every piece bears the imprimatur of good quality and excellent workmanship. That was only to be expected seeing that this important phase of the business was entrusted to that, reputable firm Clark and McMillan, whose furniture, designed on the premises, proves that theirs indeed is a business “Built on value; Grewing on value.” BUSINESS SERVICES. WHERE NEW,TON KING EXCEL. WIDE RAMIFICATIONS. The advent of Newton King, Ltd., to Te Awamutu some two years ago marked a milestone in the commercial development of this wonderfullyendowed district, and the continued success achieved since that date, and the ever-expanding business, are at once a tribute to the initiative and enterprise being displayed by the management of this progressive firm. That characteristic is symbolised in the imposing- building which now houses the various trading departments of Newton King, where “ Service and Efficiency ” are the watchwords that are put daily into operation with advantage to the numerous clientele. MACHINERY DEPARTMENT. Always in the forefront with the latest equipment for improving the work on the farm, Newton King, Ltd., has introduced a new and improved milking machine, known as the “ King ” Milker. A close connection with the milking-industry over a long period of years and an intensive study of the many problems connected with the successful operation of a modern dairy farm convinced the firm that a big improvement could be effected in the modern milking machine. The result of their investigations can be seen in the “King” Milker. Simplicity of design is an outstanding feature. All unnecessary liftings and intricate mechanism are done away with, the necessary efficiency being obtained without the introduction of a multiplicity of moving parts. The quality of the material used will also appeal to the farmer, as will also the absence of rubber sleeves, rubber plugs, etc. In fact, the use of rubber has been eliminated wherever possible, brass plugs and unions, heavily nickel-plated, taking its place. The compact design of the releaser and vacuum tank is a step in the right direction, both being readily a-.cessible for cleaning purposes. They


are closely coupled together and supported on specially constructed brackets. The special design of the vacuum tank lid enables a most efficient double lead for the vacuum pipe to be used.

The “ King ” Milker is assured of a very successful future, as in addition to the outstanding features oi the machine itself it is backed by the most efficient service that can be offered.

The Alfa-Laval Separator is included in the firm’s display, and is now so generally admitted to be in a class by itself that no description is necessary. Proof of this lies in the fact' that 5000 of the new model Alfa, with rust-proof bowl, rust-proof discs and ball-bearings, have been sold in New Zealand since its introduction just 12 months ago. SPARE PARTS. What, is more vexatious to a farm er when in the midst of his busy operations than to have a machine break down and be unable to obtain a. spare part? Newton King knows what it is and has stocked an ample supply of spare parts fcr all machinery sold. All you would have to do would be telephone him, the spare part is in stock and within a short space it would be out on your farm. Just another unerring indication of the efficient manner in which the firm caters for the farmer’s every want. “Service with promptitude” is the essence of the contract with them. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. The hardware department is replete with every modern requisite, especially those required by the farmer. In fact it can be stated that the warehouse is stocked with a selection of goods which offers a great range, in the metaphorical sense, from the proverbial “needle to an anchor.” On all sides one is impressed by the magnitude and variety of the stock carried. There is the usual array of ironmongery—from the humble shovel and pick to the now much-despised but essential steel barrow; from the bolt that the farmer needs to the handy axe and slasher; from the screw and nail —just what you want at the psychological moment—to the hammer and saw; but then theie are the hundred and one things to be found in a well appointed and up-to-date ironmongery shop. If you want it, Newton King is bound to have it. And it should not be forgotten that winter is coming on and the farmer will require gum boots; Newton King’s, selection is wide and varied, of the right type and good quality. With the long winter ahead, also essential is artificial lighting; Newton King supplies the want in the Philip’s electric bulb, guaranteed to be of the best.


This machine is British throughout, and embodies an entirely new principle comprising a fixed grid with two double reciprocating plat'es working above "find below same, these beingsupported on angle plates working on roller bearings whereby the manure is evenly and accurately distributed in any desired quantity, adjustment being effected instantaneously and without stopping the machine by means of the lever provided. The drive is so arranged that no dead point occurs, and uneven sowing is thereby avoided. THE STOCK DEPARTMENT. Dealing first with the sale of stock per medium of private treaty, Newton King claims that his organisation is unequalled for the prompt circulation of quotations to the various stock agents employed by the firm. By efficient management in this respect the whole force of agents in all parts of the district, a» also in Taranaki, is

brought to bear on the ultimate disposal of stock quoted, and prospective buyers are kept in touch with any quotations which are thought will appeal to them. Never fail to quote stock you have for sale or to inquire for quotations if you are a buyer. The firm offers its advice on these matters. Up-to-date information can be obtained at all branches with reference to all stock for sale in any part oif the Te Awamutu and Cambridge districts or elsewhere. Clients making purchases away from their home district have no worries a.s to the delivery of the stock, as cohesion between the various agents ensures propeir attention at all stages of the journey. THE LAND DEPARTMENT. The Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (Inc.) is an incorporated body, having been formed with the idea of elevating the profession of Estate Agency in New Zealand, and only men of integrity and standing in the community are admitted. Admission to this body is by examination only, and the public can rest assured that, by dealing with members of this Institute, they will get a fair deal, and when required can have free advice on any matters that they may be concerned with in regard to their property. All Newton King’s land salesmen are individual members of the Institute.

All quotes of properties received are immediately forwarded on to each of the firm’s main branches, and vendors are thus assured that by placing their properties in the hands of Newton King for sale they are giving a quote to not only one agent but to all the firm’s agents, thus enlisting the services of the whole of Newton King’s organisation, which is in constant touch with the whole community. THE WOOL DEPARTMENT. As in other branches, the wool department is controlled by experts who know the business from A to Z. This year, after the lean period of the depression, the Golden Fleece has lisen on the markets, and the demand is buoyant and good. In the Te Awaniutu. Otorohanga and Cambridge districts greater attention is being paid each year to sheep-raising, with the consequent result that the question arises hoy and where to dispose of the clip. Newton King can with confidence offer his best services in the realisation of your wool clip, as the careful attention given to the interests oi glowers is reflected in the yearly increasing quantity handled by the firm. The average clip from our districts is coarse to medium cross-bred, and requires little classing, but it is essential that, matted and hairy fleeces should be separated, and locks and stained pieces taken off. With the betterclass wools off open and clean country, that meet a wider range of com - petition, classing into A and B grades, with heavier skirting, is advocated. To obtain the best results in the handling and marketing of your wool you could not do better than consult Newton King, whose staff of experts is always at your command.

MOTOR CAR DEPARTMENT. Newton King is local agent for the celebrated Flying Standard and Dodge cars and trucks, of which a complete ral 'Be is in stock. The Flying StandarC. “, Twent y ” a very distinguished car-—big, fast, luxurious, and most attractive in appearance. The powerful six-cyhnder engine gives a sweet and effortless performance. A feature to be noted is the seven-bearing crankshaft. The equipment lacks no detail that would contribute to the comfort of driver and passengers. Special fitted suitcases are included. This model ls also available with a 16 h.p. engine. lhe Flying Standard Saloon de luxe is an attractive light car provided with a notable array of features. A. hWh power-weight ratio enables the smooth innn ■ engrae > developing 4 h.p. at 4000 r.p.m., to provide a high performance with vivid acceleration. The twelve” is attractively streamlined, very roomy, and has ample accommodation for luggage in the enclosed locker. AU seating is within the wheel-base. This model is also available with a 10 h.p. engine. The Flying Standard “ Nine is the latest addition, and while it is the smallest model in the Flying Standaid range it has much in common with its larger and more powerful brothers, particularly in its roomy comfort and excellent power to weight ratio, which ensures a really fine road nerormance. There are two models of the Flying Standard “ Nine ” —the Salon and the Saloon De Luxe. Phe V-S Saloon De Luxe is a truly magntficent car, and is an altogethei rn w production of the Standard Motor . ’ Ltd. It has been produced tn give a performance which exceeds that of many sports cars, and at the same time to provide the comfort and con'enience characteristic of the Flying Standard range. The V-type 8-cvlin-cei engine is extraordinarily powerful developing 75 h.p. at 4000 r.p.m • the - nd h Th a V6r r h ‘ gh P° wer -weight ratio fine- HU 6 Per , forma , nce exceedingly fine 82 m.p.h. is the maximum speed, m n h Car ) W + i . ll aceelerata from 0.50 The hn l !r °^ gh gears in 12 seconds. p he b° d y ’ though attractively streammed, grnis comfortable seating within a new ftt ’ The Chassis ew feature—suspension, controlled by torsion bars at front and rear— Which greatly improves road-holding f n’; ig ease ’ and ndin K comfort Hodge cars and trucks need hardlv uny introduction, so well known are -rT re?'’ ,?* pellel ’ ce of construction < id reliability of service. Salient features include impressive I new nuty, new four-point weight distribution, stronger frames throughout, and hydraulic brakes on all models. The simplicity of engine design

for economy in gas and oil is apparent. Newton King has a comprehen sive range of models. “ White ” trucks are another line which the firm can supply, and these vehicles are already well! noted for reliability and length of efficient service. Newton King.JAd., is the New Zealand representative for these trucks. STERLING SEEDS. Newton King specialises in Sterling Seeds, which are always true to type and clean. They have been selected from the oldest and cleanest pastures, and are the finest procurable. Their percentage of purity and germination is the secret of Sterling Seeds’ everincreasing popularity. Farmers could not do better than consult Newton King about their seed requirements. FARM MACHINERY. Better farming demands better equipment the kind that Newton King can supply. The. firm has the agency for the Waikato district for the John Deere harvesting machinery, including mowers, rakes, stackers and sweeps, and also has a wide range of other machinery including Butler auto sweeps for tractor, lorry, or car, Evona top-dressers and disc, tripod and chain harrows, Little Giant new model steel stackers, Harvos tumbler sweeps, “ Speedway ” sterilisers, John Deere ploughs, Anderson water and skim-milk pumps, and the hundred and one accessories needed on a farm. Particular mention should be made of Evans’ tine and tripod harrows for hill-sides and hollows alike. These are especially designed for pasture lands, and have the best spring steel teeth, correctly set to" give the utmost scarification. This harrow is flexible in design, and easily penetrates every undulation. The harrow is light in draught, very strong, reversible, and every part is renewable.

Also in stock are Calf, Pig, and Poultry Foods, Little’s and Cooper’s Sheep Dips, Sterling Salt Lick, Corrugated Iron, Staples, Nails, British Fencing Wire and Netting, Smith & Smith’s Lustrous House Paints, Nu Enamel Paints for interior finish, Sheep Branding Oils and all other FINANCE. Newton King, Ltd., conducts a special finance department of its own and is in a unique position to advise and help farmers in such matters. The manager, Mr Austin Yarndley, has been 20 years with the firm, 10 years, of which he was in charge at Stratford, also controlling the Ohura and Kapoiiga branches. In that capacity he earned high economiums for the reliability of his advice and his ever-readiness to assist those who needed expert guidance,. In this connection, a Taranaki newspaper paid him a glowing tribute when it wrote at the time olf the depression:

The firm’s present Stratford Manager, Mr A. Yarndley, takes a keen interest in the welfare of the farmer, and the work put in by him in advising and assisting those in difficulties with their financial arrangements has been of inestimable value over the recent years of depression. Thia service has been given gratuitously. and is considered by Mr Yarndley to be an expression of his sympathy with those in difficulty. He is at all times only too willing to meet those in trouble and give advice and assistance to the best of his ability.

In short, Mr Yarndley has the welfare of the farmer at heart. On innumerable occasions he has demonstrated his financial ability and sterling honesty of purpose, and the fact that he himself is a successful farmer—his present farm at Greenhills, Te Awamutu. is one of the show places of the Auckland province—proves that his adviee is born of practical experience. In every respect he is capable and whatever phase of finance it be—regulating income to expenditure, the raising or re-adjust-ment of mortgages and the other monetary problems which confront a farmer—it will be found that he is the right man in the right place, just the man to give that advice and assistance which many so need. The district farmers are indeed fortunate in having at their command a man like Mr Yarndley, whose financial ability and acumen are undoubted and who is prepared to give freely that advice and assistance which may prove so helpful to others. TELEPHONE NUMBERS. The main office in Arawata Street is connected to the Te Awamutu Telephone Exchange by two wires, the numbers listed being 209 and 257. To get in touch with the chief officers after hours the numbers are: Manager, Mr Austin Yarndley, 370; land. Mr.C. W. Morey, 400; produce and machinery, Mr F. H. Moore, 64; stock, Mr F. Spence, 427; and the Cambridge representative, Mr R. W. Sampson (Cambridge exchange), 395. Farmers and all those interested are cordially invited to inspect Newton King’s new premises and the very large and varied stocks of goods of all descriptions with which this spacious warehouse is stocked.

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Te Awamutu Courier, Volume 54, Issue 3893, 23 April 1937, Page 8

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Progressive Te Awamutu... ...Newton King's Enterprise Te Awamutu Courier, Volume 54, Issue 3893, 23 April 1937, Page 8

Progressive Te Awamutu... ...Newton King's Enterprise Te Awamutu Courier, Volume 54, Issue 3893, 23 April 1937, Page 8