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XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXW YOU CAM SET OUT 01 A RAINY DAY 1 in one of Our Coats with a Full Assurance that you will be amply t protected from the worst of weathers stocked by us have all boon selected from the latest models < ami will be found smartly cut and ol warm mateiials in latest patterns. We arc now showing Men’s ami Boy’s Tweed Shower-proof and Rani-proof Coals and are making A Special Feature of the jYoll-knuwu “LB ROY ” Oil Coala Look at Ihe values we have in Winter Goals : - A Good, Warm Tweed Coat at 12/Our Special Blanket Tweed Coats at bb/Motoiing Coats, extra warm with .special linings, Od/Merbs llydrotite Coats at -15/Boys’ and Youths’ Hydro, and Tweed m 1 m % ? Coats in Great Variety HETHERINGTONS LTD. The Drapers, Te Aroha, Where the Good Values Are X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 5 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X



HIGHEST QUALITY m fi m id \Ytf a* t ryk Biv U Z-/\ Ask dJ. - . %wia i v n Mm DURim *y h JLT AA A. r to Uo a® luu TIFT C i THOPiUi iSLAHlkiiiaj l’r<xhn'til fpim flic kernels of spedally-seJected Indian Corn. •| RV TIMS KKt'II’K. MAI/.K.VA. I'l' nl 'l .\<;. Take one Mai/ena. " riiirt tic-a milk, one eg;.’,. a little- ■-.l!t an>l f>•’!r tablespoons sugar. Ileal milk oil in n 1 1 • ii!illk. add mai/ciia tiievioudv di ; ..Ived in a little cold milk. mixture ill- nw. 11-hrau-n etc. I’ut dark in sane.-pa'i. art,! Indl up «i,-o, stirrini: briskly all llu- time. Remove at otvc and tlavoitr (•> taste. L’oitr out to cool. G. & G.—i .'SO 1 1.. C. GK.I.KSI'IK X SONS, Auckland, Wholesale Agents. OTIC E T 0 FAIIM Ell S

HUNGAIIUNGA DRAINAGE BOARD ARREARS RATES Aneiii’P, 1015-lG Nulioc in hereby irivcn that all arrnarK must be paid t'oi llnvith. otherwise legal proceedings will bo taken for recovery. Current Rate, DUG-17—Notice k hereby given in terniH of Section 28 of “The Rating Amendment Act, IPIO,” that on and after the 30th day of Juue 1017, an additional charge of ten per centum will bo added to all of this rate then unpaid. This rate was due in November, It)ft). F. W. WILD, Clerk. Shabby and Soiled To-day Good as New in 3 days You won't recognise your .Sail at- | tot* it lets toon through our diy- | cloanino process. Thoso dirty marks I and gro'-so spots—those crumplod I coat fronts—those unsightly creases | ill vest and trousers —will bo. gone, jj The suit will look as attruetivo as | tho (lav you put it oil —t lie cloth a ill jj be restored to its original appear- | aneo—T o coat will 1"’ moulded to g hang properly —the trousers will be | nico'y pivssed and creased. If "*e I see torn lining, frayed | or a tear, our tailors will repair it. 6 NO CJIAKOK I*'OK THAT 8 Cleaning, Pressing, & Repairing* | I BsGd 1 ! Dyeing. Pressing and Repairing 12s Gd \Ve use fast dyes and guarantee them to stand the sun well, Win'll parcelling up your suit, remember that wo CLEAN’ and IRE clothes for matrons, misses, and * ilia-levs ’ as well. Tell Volll* wife or sister we lake special pains in curling am! dyeing feathers. IMCLTKX rObTACK FREE

This Will Rise in Value ! 170 ACHES- Highly iiii|)i<)vtil f;i ini, in lirst-class order house anil all necessary outbuildings. Time miles from railway station, 1! miles cheese factory. Could milk S 5 cows. Price and all particulars from P. .1. WESTERN LAND AGENT TE AROIIA 'i' 11 ox e 103 PIGS! PIGS HPIIE NEW ZEALAND FARI. MICKS’ CO.-OPERATIVE BACON AND MEAT PACKING COMPANY, LIMITED Will receive prime baconers and porkers at MOR BINS VILLI'], Every Tueslay, 10 a.m to 2 p.m. WAITOA—Every Tuesday, 10 to 12. WAIIIOU Every Tuesday, 1 to 3. MANAWARU— Every Monday, 10 to 3 Insurance, Is per head. A. NEW SON, Buyer, Te Arolia JvV 1 • > \\r AND ■ K. ELETCHER LIMITED WEST FIELD FREEZING WORKS Will receive pigs every Moutlay WAITOA —10 io 12 30 p.m WAIIIUU —1 to 3 p.m Pigs are ptirelumed over scales at the station. K, BURKE, Buyer. “WTIIEN your little child is hot. ii restless and level ixlgwitlia fre.sli cold, don’t delay but immediately give N'AZOL on sugar and sprinkle freely a handkerchief with NAZOL and pin to the dress so that the child can inhale it constantly. N° 0 E As I shall be enteting Military Camp at an early date, I would request that all moneys due to me be paid immediately, or .'iiangcd tor iu writing. Miss Young, who will bo In at- 1 tendance at the rooms, and Me J. R. , Nieol are authorised to receive moneys on my behalf. A. HERBERT 11AELEN, M.D., 25 Te Arolia

FOR REPAIRS AND ALL Engineering Work, Oils, Tyres, Spark Plugs, Batteries, Bicycles, and all Electrical Supplies at Reasonable Charges

i I 1 BERTWISTLE JOINER asid eyiLOER Wokksiioi-: REWI STREET : (Adjoining Robinson’s Stables) Estimates Given for all classes of buildings Residence ; “ The Bungalow Brick Street rno iMY GUST OSIERS AND THE JL GENERAL PUBLIC DURING my absence from business, by tiio doctor’s orders, my.scn Fred Keen will conduct the business. Walk right in. Civility and attention assured. FRANK KEEN HAIRDRESSER A TOBACCON IST Y /(JUNG PEOPLE’S PATRIOTIC SOCIETY ALL Members of Hie above Society ate requested to attend a Social Evening in Wesley Hall on THURSDAY, -J Ist iusl., at S jj.m. Good jirograniuio. Bring your friends. No charge for admission, but everyone expected to contribute at least Is. H. FORREST, Hon. See. \TITAiHOU VALLEY DAIRY YV company, ltd. GLA X 0 DEPARTMENT For tlie month of February, and until the etui of JUNE, 1917, the Company will pay as an advance to suppliers of Milk to the Factory one shilling and nincpcnce (Is 9d) per lb butterfat. Intending suppliers may obtain full particulars in regard to supply at the Factory Ollice, To Aioha West. J.ll. NIOOL, Secretary Book Con Bern T 1 ic Litile Nun, 1 (J Rainbow’s End—Rex Beach The First Hundred-Thousand More Fragrants from France EXCHANGE LIBRARY, Id, 3d. Blackie’s Readers Music S,h o p Piano by Esdailo, £27 10s Piano by Newman, £SO Organs, i£ls, £2O Fancy Goods Dolls, Toys, Balls To Aroha Views on Filigree Ware, 1 /6 W. H. Herbert ANZAC BUILDINGS DEAF PEOPLE “ FRENCH ORLENE ” absolutely cures Deafness and Noises in the Head, no matter how severe or longstanding the caso may be. Hundreds of persons whose eases were supposed to be incurable have been permanently cured by this Now Remedy. This wonderful preparation goes direct to the actual seat of the trouble, and one box is ample to effectually cure any ordinary caso. Mrs Rowe, of Port-land-crescent, Leeds, says : “ Tlie ‘ Orleno ’ has completely cured mo after twelve years’ suffering.” Many other equally good roports. Try ono box to-day. It only costs 2s gd> and thcro is nothing better at any prico. Address : “ ORLENE’-’ Co., 10 SOUTH VIEW, WATLING ST., HARTFORD, KENT.

WE ARE NOT able to get into Khaki, so we are going to get into Dungarees anil provide accommodation for Farmers’ Horses and Vehicles, in Tc Arolia. The premises arc iu BU R-U KSS-ST tIEET, formerly occupied by Messrs D. McE. Wallace, Etd., as a Garage. Messrs Gordon A Sweeney’s Stables now being closed, the premises should answer a genuine need. Yoni patronage solicited. We will provide for you. THUS. AIT KEN A CU. riMs ALiOMA ATHLETIC AND X CYCLING CLUB lie. Club Socials The Social Commit tee of I he above named C lub beg.i to auiiounee, ilial owing to several uinr lira by non-members of (lie Club re the issuing of invitations it lias, boon decided that all future socials be public. J. MALONEY, Chairman. P. J. CEANEY, 39 Secretary OUR AIM IS TO TEACH YOU By llu; host, the easiest and the quickest way. Bmp V.y stop we direct you diTmitely and clearly. T1...10 is nothing vague or 1 indeTmitc about our Home-study Instruction. All yon have to do is to follow cur specific and individual directions (which are based, on over PJ years’ specialised experience). Eor your success all that is demanded is action on your part and our help. Send to-day for particulars of our Splendid Course iu Practical Bookkeeping and Otllce Methods, or in Complete Modern Accountancy, or in Shorthand, or in Preparation for the Matriculation, Law, University, Book-keepers’ Accountancy, or Teachers’ Examinations. Address HEMINGWAY & ROBERTSON’S CORRESPONDUNCE SCHOOLS

“ Oh, Clarissa, my dear, cutuo quickly here I’m certain poor baby is dying— It’s always counted a fatal sign When a eroupy child ceases crying.” “ Oh, talk sense, Tilly ! and don’t bo silly ; He’s improving, for l’vo made sure— Como close and peep at the darling asleep 1 He’s had Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure.

I Miiuro uioamiiy Co. ij Queen St., AUCKLAND I Oi'i'".-rn. Town 11a an . W.-jertSV* T C.-XfiMRC rg-VK WANTED— 500 members to attend the Annual Meeting of the Thames Valley A. and I’. Association, dune oOtli, at 2 pm. 11 you cannot crane, send along your subscription of 10s. W 'ANTED—To sell tip-top Bradley gig. lubber tyre. No deny build about it. Apply H. Ci. Mi'Caiitv. Cash. A. L Shoeing Forge, Te Aroha. 32 WA N T EI) —T wo Smart Girls anxious to secure a good business training.—Apply HliTllEßi.NniuNs Li'irn.i'. W" ANTED—500 men to attend the Annual Meeting of the T. V. A., P. and H. A., at the Band room llewi-street, Tu Aroha, Saturday afternoon, June 00th at 2 p.rri. Everybody welcome. WANTED— SO to 120 acres improved dairy farm, near To Arolui preferred. Full particulars with price, etc., to “ A. 8., ” News Ollice. ON SALE at H. J. Hawkins, Hcrriesvilb*, Chinese privet. Eaeleagnns and other plauts at reasonable prices. 07 mO GAR BUYERS—A Bargain— JL 1917 model, 6 cylinder, 5 scaler Buick, thoroughly overhauled and painted, g< o 1 ns new. Call and iupecl at Bros. 3S

Theatre no y h HEATeE lio YA L PICTURES To-night & Tomorrow Gaumout Graphic, 600 ft Matt and Jeff in an Aeroplane Cartoon, 500 ft Headed by Lubin’s Tremendous Picture of Thrill and Adventure in the Wilderness. A most stirring tale of pioneer days in Western America, cramfued with red blooded realism and lightened by a deft touch of romance— THE Eagle’s Nest SEE IT TO-NIGHT IT’S TRULY GREAT. 6000 ft . 6000 ft In Four Parts MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY at 2 gPRINGDALE JJ ALL A Progressive Euchre Party and Dance ... will be held in the SPRINGDALE PUBLIC HALL on THURSDAY, JUNE 21st at 8 p.m. Ladies, a basket. Gentlemen, 2/Ladies without a basket, 1/GOOD PRIZES T.oHitchmau . . • Hon. Secy-

Motor Cycle Agents Electrical Engineers AGENTS FOR Satisfaction Guaranteed TAXI FOR HIRE PHONE No. 88

NO DOUBT ABOUT NUPINES A HE'LI ABLE CHEST AND THROAT TABLET Worth the Strongest Recommendation we can give them. Bor Young A Old. Len. BOOKER PRESCRIPTION SPECIALIST Phone 60. TE AROHA

FpOR QUICK SALE.—4 roomed house, rill conveniences, with half-acre section. Herricsville. Piicc and particulars from W. T. BuiNKLGY, Stanley Road. DON’T stick in the mud with a heavy car r Secure the Bargain of the Day. A Ford car, 5 sea ter, all accessories, including speedometer, shock absorbers, etc. In good order.. Owner must sell. £l4O for quick sale. Apply News (Mlice. ' % J" MPOUN D 1 N G NO TI C E Impounded at To Aroha Public Pound on Sunday, .June 17, tor trespass on road at Heriiosvillc — One Red and White Heifer Calf, (No visible brands) If not claimed and expenses paid will be sold at To Aroha Pub’io Pound on Saturday, June 30, 1917, at 111 noon E. SMARDON, Poundkceper. AUCTION SALE Saturday, June 23 > J. 1). MOEISON WILL sell at his rooms, Whitaker street on abovo date : Horses, Gig and Harness, Fowls, Ducks, Turkeys, etc. Prime Table Potatoes, Pumpkius, Marrows, Kumotas, Onions, Carrots, {Parsnips, etc, Hams, Bacon, Eggs. Furniture includes :—2 Pianos, Sideboard, Dining and Kitchen Tables, Chairs. Duchess Chests, Marble r I(op Washstand, Iron Bedsteads, Wire Mattrasscs, Go-cart, Gout's Bicycls, and Sundries. Sale at 1.30 p,m, J. D. MORISON, x Auctioneer.

AUCKLAND “P =A= R = A ” ROADSTER BICYCLE TYRES lo months’ guarantee, l-l/G PARA TUBUS 13 months’ guarantee, 0/0 A.R.C. COVER'S Special Value .... H O Tubes ■• • T/-llubbei'-liuod Cycle Capes i 13/0 Special Spray Hose, I in. .... per loot, lld | Hot Water Bags, in all sizes. FORD'OWNERS! We have a special lino of Tubus at IS/Para Rubber Co., WARD STREET, HAMILTON Phone 422. CHAPPED HANDS Of course ! Exposure to bitter weather no gloves, may bo . work which soils the hands, so that frequent washing is necessary result, soro hands, cracked and bleeding— may bo, b'ood poisoning. Keep your hands in good condition with Rexona, the rapid Healer A perfect skin treatment in itself. After work, wash them with Rexona Soap, dry carefully, thou rub in Roxona Ointment Your hands will respond to its healing influence, become soft and flexible without sores or blemishes. Rexona keeps the hands safe from Winter Troubles. Rexona is sold in Triangular tins at 1/6 and 3/- Obtainable at The Old Pharmacy. A.Routley, Manager. i

AIH 0 U JJ ALL A GRAND SOCIAL AND PRESENTATION will be tendered to MESSRS BRAY AND BATES FRIDAY NEXT, 22nd at 8 p.m. First-class Floor. Excellent Supper Billing’s Orchestra Gents 2/6, Ladies 1/6

To Trespassers NOTICE Trespassers with gun or dog on (lie pro per lira of (lie undersigned will ho prosecuted without respect of persona. G. W. HORN ct SONS E. KNIGHT OOX BROS. B. W. JONES EORBES WEST ROBERTS BROS. WARNING TRESPASSERS with dog or gun on Wyboru’y Estate, Mangaiti, will he prosecuted wi'hout respect of persons. IT'S a little thing to look for, a big thing lo hnd —the Hot Water Boltlo with the- patont Unique Stopper made only , by the North British Rubber Co., with specially strong vulcanised joints that never leak or tear. All traders.

Tatuanui Snowdrops FIRST PERFORMANCE TATUANOI HALL JONK 27 DANCE TO FOLLOW Funds for Red Cross purpo-e Dance music by Miss O’LJrien. F. S. DO&ALD, 40 Hon;'Secretary.

/ kj

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Te Aroha News, Volume XXXIV, Issue 5502, 20 June 1917, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Te Aroha News, Volume XXXIV, Issue 5502, 20 June 1917, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Te Aroha News, Volume XXXIV, Issue 5502, 20 June 1917, Page 3