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XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3 YOU CAN SET OUT ON A RAINY DAY X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X iii one of Our Coats with a Full Assurance that you will bo amply protected from the worst of weathers The Winter Overcoats stocked by us have all been selected from 11 mj lalo-f models and will be found smartly cut and ol warm materials in latest pattern e We arc now allowing Men’s ami Hoy’s Tw Shower-proof and iiain-piool' Coats and are making A Special Feature of the "well-known “LIS ItOY ” Oil Coats Look at. the values we have in Winter Coats : A Good, Warm Tweed Coat at I Our Special Blanket Tweed Coals at bb/Motoring Coats, extra warm with special linings, 0-‘»/-3Feii T s Hydrotite Coats at ib/Boys’ and Youths’ Hydro, and Tweed Coats in Great Variety HETHERINGTONS LTD. The Drapers, Te Aroha, Where the Good Values Are xxwxxxxxxxxxwyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ft 0 /, K m XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX§


TTT'ANTED—To sell tip-lop Brail VV ley jTiq-, xubber tyro. No •Icriy build about it. Apply H. G. McCarty. Cash. A. 1 Shoeing: Forgo, To Arsha. 32 WANTED— Two Smart Girls anxious to secure a good business ti{lining. —Apply Hrmim[nutons Llmitki). W ANTED—SOO men to attend the Annual Meeting of the T. Y. A.. P. and H. A., at the Hand room Rewi-street, To Aroha, Saturday afternoon, June 30th at 2 Everybody welcome. WANTED— SO to 120 acres improved dairy farm, near Te Aroha preferred. Full particulars with price, etc., to -1 A. 8., " News Olliee. LOST —Oil Saturday night, between Waihou and No. 7 road, Waitoa, one Ravelling lug. Reward at News ofUeo. FA OR QUICK SALE—I roomed house, all conveniences, with half-acre section, lion iesville. Pi ice and particulars from W. T. Brinkley. Stanley Road.

JjUFx HIGHEST QUALITY com FLOUR fei 't/s;, mm Tmaizeka DU IDEA VMAAwtoa Irtdirt \ h'MitWii: Makes Delicious Dainties f. &\ ltW\ s\\v UA-AffoAV;. \ \ \u W\ ON mil ?iU ulli MS Produced from the kernels of specially-selected Indian Corn. THY THIS UICCU'I-:. MAIZKNA. I'C I>l >1 \l— lake one mi'l one-iia 1t t;il»Ic-P'>ons Luryea’s Mai/rna. i"ie (juart new milk, cue egg. a little salt ami l'"tir tablespoons sugar. milk til! near boiling. add mai/.ena previously dissolved in a little add milk. IVur mixture upon welbbeatcu egg. Put bark in saucepan, ami boil uj» once, stirring briskly all the time. Remove at once am! flavour to taste. Pour out to cool. G. &G. i -90 1 L. C. GILI.KSPIK & SON’S, Auckland, Wholesale Agents. ABSOLUTELY AT WAREHOUSE PRICES W 1 LLIAMS oilers Special Value iu Wliifcj Stone Chips au l Snujfl'.s. Only 4/- per half cloz. Cutest. Plate;., best English Ware. :::: ::: ::: :::: Only 8/D per half cloz. Only a few ilo/.rna left, .v A L)I)KESS : Bell's Buildings TE ABOHA

This Will Rise in Value ! 170 ACRES —Highly improved farm, in first-class order ; house and all necessary outbuildings. Thn e miles from railway station, 1.l miles from cheese factory. Could milk So cows. Price and all particulars from 1». J. WESTERN LAND AGENT TE AROIIA 'phone 103 yßLy'MMjy'Afmw ngFgaacsaaa PIGS ! PIGS HPIIE NEW ZEALAND FAE1. MELS’ CO.-OPERATIVE BACON AND MEAT PACKING COMPANY, LIMITED Will receive prime baconers and porkers at MORIUNSYILLE, Every Tueslay, 10 a.m to 2 WAITO A—Every Tuesday, 10 to 12. WAIHOU Every Tuesday, 1 too. M ANAWALtU— Every Monday, 10 to 3 Jusimurce, Is per head. A. NEW SON, Buyer, Te Aiolui m ... - AND K, FLETCHER LIMITED WESTFIELD FREEZING WORKS Will receive pigs eveiy Monday WAITOA—IO io 12 30 p.m WAIHUU Pigs are purchased over scales at the station. v R. BURKE, Buyer. HEN your little child is hot. restless and fever isb.witha fresh cold, don't delay but immediately give NAZOL on sugar and sprinkle freely a handkerchief with NAZOL and pin to the dress so that the child can inhale it constantly. O T 1 O E As 1 shall be entering Military Camp at an early date. I would request that all moneys duo io me be paid immediately, or arranged for in writing. MBs Young, who will ho in attendance at the rooms, and Mr J. R.. ( Nieol are authorised to receive moneys on my behalf. A. HERBERT IIA ELEN, M.D., 25 Te Aroha

/Mjl3 Tea Tins wauled in any O quantity. lii;r< ids Busy Stores. 25 DON’T stick in the mud with a heavy ear r Secure the Bargain of I lie .1 lay. A Bold ear, 5 sealer, all acceisoi ies, including speedunctcr, shock absoi hers, etc In good older, Owner must sell. I‘l LO lot quick sale. Apply News Cilice. 24 BEST plantation luhher combined with best Biitish brains go to make Ninth Bliti.di Coy’s 110 l Ware Bottle, the best for long sendee— bu ook for the patent u Unique " stop per. It spells satisfaction. HU N G AIIU NG A DHAIN AO E BOARD A’III BARS RATES An ears, llt 15 -10 —Notice is hereby given that all arrears must be paid forthwith, otherwise legal proceedings will he taken for recovety. Current Rate, l‘Jltj-17—Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 of “The Rating Amendment Act, If* 10," that on and after the ,‘3oth day of June 11)17, an additional charge of ten per centum will be added to all of this rate then unpaid. This rate was due in November, I‘JlO. E. W. WILD, Cleik.

i i Hipress” The “IMPRESS” is not made like the boots and shoes you have been buying ;we use new A uto Tyro stock, the toughest rubber known, curing the boot like a tyre into one solid piece. It won’t leak, peel or crack; asphalt or concrete lias no elicet on this boot. MADE IN THREE STYLES HIPRESS Hip Gum Boots 40s ~ Knee Hoots 27s 8d , Short Boots 25s PARA Half Knee Boots 25s Is CASH DISCOUNT will bo allowed oil' each pair boots. WE PAY POSTAGE Para Rubber Co., WARD STREET, HAMILTON Phone 422. 0 T IC E T 0 EA R M EltS WE ARE NOT able to get into Khaki, so wo arc going to got into Dungarees and provide accommodation for Farmers’ Horses and Vehicles, iu To Aroint. The premises are iu BURGESS-STREET, formerly occupied by Messrs D. MoL. Wallace, Ltd., as a Garage. Messrs Cordon & Sweeney's Stables now being closed, the promises should answer a genuine need. Your patronage solicited. We will provide for you. THUS. AITKEN & CO.

Shabby and Soiled To-day: Good as New in 3 days ( y..ii won’t recognise yur Suit after it lias been through our drycleaning process. Those dirty marks and gre'se spots—those crumpled coat fronts—those unsightly creases in vest and trousers—will be gone. The suit will look as attractive as the day you put it on—the cloth will be restored to its original appearance —the coat will be moulded to bang properly—tbe trousers will be nicely pressed and creased. If we see torn lining, frayed button-holes or a tear, our tailors will repair it’ NO CIIAKOK FOR THAT ! Cleaning, Pressing, & Repairing 8s 6d Dyeing, Pressing and Repairing 12s 6d AVe uso fast dyes and guarantee them lo stand the sun well. When parcelling up your suit, remember that wo CLEAN and OYE clothes for matrons, misses, and ‘ masters’ as well. Tell your wife or sister we take special pains in curling and dyeing feathers. RETURN I’OSTAtiE FREE Empire Cleaning Co. aueenSt., AUCKLAND OiTosms Town 11a m,

NO DOUBT ABOUT NUPINES A RELIABLE CHEST AND THROAT TABLET Worth the Stiuugest Recommendation Wo cun give them. Tor Yeung A Old. LEN. BOOKER PRBSO LiJ JL’TION SPECIALIST ’Phone (30. TE AR.OHA To Trespassers NOTICE Trespassers with guu or dog on the properties of tlio undersigned will bo prosecuted without respect of persons. G. W. HORN & SONS E. KNIGHT COX BROS. B. W. JONES EORBES WEST ROBERTS BROS. WARNING TRESPASSERS with dog or guu on Wyborn’s Estate, Maugaiti, will be prosecuted without rcspoct of persons. IT’S a little thing to look for, a big thing to find—the Hot Water Bottle with the patent Unique Stopper made only by the North British Rubber Qo., with specially strong vulcanised joints that never leak or tear. All traders.

SPLENDID REMEDY FOR CHILDREN'S COUGHS. Mothers all over New Zealand ore making in their own homes as good a remedy as money can buy for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup, Influenza, Bronchitis and Sore Throats All they do is to buy from their chemist or store a two shilling bottle of Heau’s Essence, and add to it water and sweetening matter enough to mako up one pint. Such a quantity of ready-made cough mixture would cost at least 12s. The beauty of Hean’s Esseuce mixture is that it contains no paregoric, laudanum or other opium drugs, which are apt to do untold harm to youug children. From all chemists and stores, or direct from Hean's Pharmacy, Wanganui, on receipt of price, 2s. Wherever you buy be sure you get the genuine original Hean’s Essence. No other will do. H-E-A-N’S.*

I_/ “ Yes,” liu said focliuglyj rjv wife’s.” lie uoedu’l have done so if lie had got her a North British Hot Water Bott'e with the Unique stopper. _____ DR. SHELDON’S NEW DISCOVERY THE MOTHER’S REMEDY Night or Day, mother is on the job. She must keep her husband, herself and her children well and happy. She has her little helpers, and the best of all is Dr, Sheldon’s Now Discovery for Coughs and Colds, When mother appears with Dr, Sheldon’s New Discovery in her hand, coughs and Colds disappear from the liouso hold. In tho dead of night they work together, arresting Baby’s Croupy Cough ; in the morning tlioy frighten away Sonny’? Cold in the Head before he leaves for school When Sis gots Measles, mother and Dr. Sheldonjs New Discovery keop hoi’ safe and comfy; and Dad’s Asthma has laft him altogether since Mother introduced him to Dr Sheldon’s New Discovery. As to Mother heuself— Oh ! she hasn’t time to be ill, so Dr Sheldon’s New Discovery takes care ot her on the vory first sign of a cold For health and happiness in any household Dr Sheldon s New Disdoyery and mother are the best ever. New Discovery, I[G and 3/- Obtainable at Tho Old Pharurcy A. Rouiley, Manager Somewhere a voice is calling, calling, A petulant harsh refrain; ’Tjs the voice of a loved one bawling, Calling me back again, A wail from the nursery falling, falling Poor Clarice has croup, I’m sure; The voicoof my darling calling, calling, For Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, 15

Your Enemy. DON'T allow inertia to rob you of the prime of your life—to steal from you your best years oue by one, and fool you into failure by promises of great things in the near future. Ton cauuot hope to reap if you fail to sow. If you fail to aet the future cauuot contain anything for you but regret and disappoiutmout. The law of achievement is the same today as centuries ago. Those who act—who educate themselves in the right direction—gain bucccss Use your brains and ability. Give yourselE a ohauoo to “ make good ” and act NOW. Send for particulars of our Home Study Course iu PRACTICAL BOOK-KEEPING, or iu ADVERTISEMENT WRITING, or in ACCOUNTANCY, or in COMPLETE BUSINESS TRAINING. Which Interests Yon ? Address HEMINGWAY & ROBERTSON’S CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS (ltd.) .■> . AUCKLAND .

If you get a chill with sore throat and tightness of the chest, tackle it at once with NAZOL. It grips it quicker and more effectually than most remedies. SAFEGUARDS THE CHILDREN, TAKE NOTICE OF THEIR COLDS " It is only a littlo cold toil say; still it often moans a lot of fullering for the little folks and worry for mother, so he wire and get the best that can bo had Dr. Sheldon New Discovery is a wonderful remedy for Coughs and Colds, preventing Influenza Pneumonia and Ilronehitis. it is the safe guard of many a home. See that your children keep bright, healthy and rosy with the help of Dr. Sheldon’s Now Disco ery. Price 1/6 and ?/- Obtainable at The Old Pharmacy, A. Routloy Manager. En or Influenza take Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure. Never fails, Is 6d 2s 6d.

?i/i -■ #1 r\ n *T : nnmir>gTVA

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Te Aroha News, Volume XXXIV, Issue 5501, 18 June 1917, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Te Aroha News, Volume XXXIV, Issue 5501, 18 June 1917, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Te Aroha News, Volume XXXIV, Issue 5501, 18 June 1917, Page 3