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1 Pii a 1 nw nil d> t'>.m< "\\n -olf l o tiuf \u,i it tmi-l iollo\. .»s tho ni«j;bt the J»), Thou Ciin4 not tlvn bt- I also t.i a'i\ n :im."

")\.Y, NOVEMBER 3, 3^7.

\\ |ns, n Xo\ ember 9th ( p iin'" of \V i!< l)'itii'l .\ ) bv'iti". .1 Dili)!." h" 1 '! >\ , (],,. |, , s ! „ ',dI te'miaph i>flii-^s w ill 1) 1 X.m d ... •! " v'l 1n li v il " "'' V lte '' "■' ill ,t ,1 ii > v\ i , > i '<;> (1 't S i>. in the |»! •- \ „i i- v\< • • i '•"- 1 iy. V IV vi !mi i\' i ■' thh nitM't in >2 of o'iim 1 - lI, M' 1 (\\ I!! 1 \ ''"' l! v' 'I '' ll' In 'it 1' , v , , i ;,ii- 'lit i tiiinii, (.!'liiui":k in^ at t,ll I' . ii '.> l\ H , )i||!\ in ,'iim of Tj Aroha Domuiii ?, . ,1 1 tlll-N C\ '1111!!,'. N.umn i>l candidates fri OliinomunC<>u;it\ Couiuil \u!l b<« leeeived up till <\. on '<> «! iv Tin.- i^an^'i-li.- Soi vices held in the \Yc-!t>\ i.i CluiP'h every evening last week have- In- n lat .vlv -itt.-nfled ; on sever il owning th<> i'hii'li seiviue-. ueivpiv-t-Vi >i iv open air scrvit'os in tlio jij.iim -tiv, f. ( )n S.ukl.iv .ift mm ion Mis Jiuli^e Waul (lo'Uv-i. .1 a tr.f t inine-tiri;: .ulduss to the dm no'i . f the Wc-I \\ an Seho •], wln.-h \\i" li«t.Mi.'tl tv null t'l.i meate4 attt'fiti'in. A iiiitnbri- ot ,itliilto wcio also present on tluj ocrwon | A lull ivjMit nt the Finaticiil Statement, MelbDUim- iai^s a< will bo in to-days niij>n!( j iiicnt. An K\nnj:«'!i>tii' Minion will be hell in ! the Wt'-lew.n Chun h, Paeio-i, eveiy ! tvi'tiin ; i e\t wot k. Th.> soi vices will be | ii.n.liu teil !>v Kov !>• iii\M\, a^ihteil 1)\ iMi \V. , I. Elliott, Ifoint' M^-ion. uy. On Ski I.m ( Xo\ iMiilic,- Mil and 13tii), the „ ; \ X , , w ill ( (Mi)iiH'iu\ .it 7 , on \v\el. | . s ( miii^ .ir 7 o.i> p m. At tlif la-t me- tinu <>f the Auckland I'.'uwn Lai,d> lioud, In Id on Tlhhmli^, I; '!ini->-i'>n wih minted Mr J. Mtici to 1 \ pilaliso the unpaid in^talmonts ot! hii,d pa) in. 'lit hmd. Tiics Assihtant 'Snix.X'"! (ii-niM.i! m ])]>\n<. and d — ; „. in |. of S i tin:-.- h and h\, lilock i\ To in"' 1 a. t.'.e ,)p>p"-t'd ,<inet()\ ami lenei-!ti»iiu-«i\e . I>« tided to.dluw exuh.m^ '. | (h. \V(.vln«"-da\ t voniui; iK'Kt a conceit 1 ihd (!,(!■( r Mlli he held m the Public hall, | \\ ..loioii'-oiii.ii ; pioret^K in <\\i\ »)L' thu ! i l.t'idi <»J i'.h^hi;: 1 iuiuls. Prepanuions tot ihi^ enteitttiuinent ha\e boon proii;iess«ii^ tor '•oiii.* tiiiie past ; and we are n.T.ii mod anifvt atti u'tive prj«j-r mime has 1 b». n jii -pi red for the occa-ion ;\vhuhui!! I mcii.di' s. I 'is, U) >tii voe d aud mitniiiK n t,ii;. d'ia , Highland Flint;:, (in lull ruolunie). «.t<\, and we h.i\enn (i.-nil th .itt'-udanco on 111 1 ) oc(.asi'»ii \\dl jl).\c 1 n'^.', indie e-prci<x'lv seeing the d," iLi.'iifd to v. id be a holiday V! c hfibim c sh'-i't- tor the counties of ViJsi) .iml Uliiin-inun ior h lit' year ending b'j-t'inbti li'Hh \\ill be iound adseitised in ( tn Lolun.nh to da;, . T'-div Mi Mimas' will sell by public i fin f i'jn ii iii-ch'ilil LniniLiiU' etc. thepiopeit\ -il Mr 'I'litiicr. Yi.tin ,uiani;eiiients and cheap return I, ins in uniiicctiMri with EILi-he races, i ,ii e <i l\ 1 1 ti-e 1 in niu columns to da) . AUenti'm )> duett d to iMr A. W. Eduai(U new ad\ ci tisement. announcing tl'c aiiiv.t! ol new}' ouii^ by e\ eiy -ste-iiuei. Ml iMiwaidt. has jn-t np"n«j.l up 4 huge su.i l <>i new dieo-> noods, inilliiKry etc. in i L!Kvit \ai.ct\, includni" aU the latent no\ JtK -. A ni'-t'tin^ of (lonlon Siiecwil Ktttleis will b ■ held at the \Vaioi"Ui:oiiiai Hotel, !Safnn!a\ next, lull m-t. I\i« .J. II- K''»p oL Auckland lias made app'ic.ition l«'i diiui at Tui. Vi \'^iiMe ha\ in- airan^ed \\ith Mr E. (r dia^her to have a mall bat; Cajried to Moim.^v die by coach to-day (for the ol tho-o who omitted to post then home ietteis in time for ye-luiiUy'n ii',i.l.) leltei-, etc , for the outward 'Fii^oo mad may now be posted at the Post Ofllce T<3 Aion'a, up till 12 o'clock noon, to-day. Li'-t of Vintois bta)in» at Hot Bprin»s Hotel, Te Aioha, ioi foitni^ht endingFiiday November 4th.: — Mi.s Dudley Wuiif, ili,s P>iett, Mi T. J. Hennt-tt, Mr J Shoit, Mi C. Bennett, Mr D.-ikin, Mm J. Mm ray MofJic, Mr Meicer, Mr Bailey, Mr Jolin Vhamhen, Mia and Miss Walker, Mr. l. il. Owen, Aucldaud ; Pev. Acchd -at on IStoclv, Mis Stoclc, Mr Colo^rove, Mi fl. 8. Fit/herbeit, Wellington ; Mr J. I*. Whyle, M.LI.'I. P.lis Wii) te, MiMJoates, Mr Mctfalfe, Mr J. Booth, Mr W. J. Smith, Hamilton ; Mrs E. Williams, Chri^chui' h ; \!r nnd Mrs Robt. llorne, Mr ..lid M.ister Johnson, Tiuiianna ; Mi Tnomjison/re Aw miuiu ; Mi ltensli.uv, 2 \lj-,m's Jicnshaw, Miss Ldiub, Mis^ Pdott, Mr Twenfyni m, ATi 4s Twenty man, '[harms; ill JI. Nicholson, New Plymouth ; Mi J.J. D«i.\h't>n, Air Loiigdill, Mi S ihniKiii, Canterbury. tty ari\PitiKcmout it will be neon that Ue> : i-> Giaves and HiSviville have ext'TuNl thor bi-iness at Waiorongomai llivini; purchased tlio comtnodiou-t and r.inv. meiitlv situited store, formerly ■M'lMjHul by Mr, thiiinn comi niLMJctl Imihu hs therein en the Ist iii^t. ! a- !/-"n<-ril slmi jk vj) 'n, witn a sjleut. stoc c : (»f^.K»d.. »v'ii.-!i li iv.J bjeil Will bourht and will b ■ B'.id at pi ices to the times. 'Thy but'jhcMiu.'j,- Im .rj'j^s will be cariied n a- heietof.ol J.

Newspaper proprietors, liko thoao engaged in nearly every other branch of l>UHin^R*«. have keenly'fclt the long continued depression ; and been obliged owing to diminished receipts, etc., to ourtuil oxpondituro us fur as posaiblo. Within the past few weeks >the proprietors of the Waikato News, published at Cambridge, :md the Bay of l'li-nt\ Tiling published ut Tauianun, luive announced that owing to the depletion they will bo compelled to publ ish then journals bi-w tekly instead of tii- weekly, as heretofore. We trust thai bettor limes are at hand, and that improved business all round will enable our contomiioi u\ Vto hoou again publish thrice weekly, atxii, old. The popular Service, of Rons?, Uncle Tom, " was rendered .it Wainrnngonui on 'IMmiVd.iy evening in aid of funds for a Li!.t.u\ in connection with the Sunday School". Foi sometime past a nnuib.T of persons int'iehted m tlie matter have had tho music in piaetiee, and on Thursday j ovenitiir <)uite a strong choir appeared on tin- platform. The Rov.S. Lawry wcilded the b.iton, and also rendered the connective loadings. Air Or.iig pmMdod at tho American orgnn. Tho music consisted ()f kuljw, duets, and chorusen of a vaiiod iha motor, and was fairly well rendi red. Indeed the whole perfonuaiice seemed to be highly appreciate. l b\ tho-* present. The ■itteiulanee, howevci, was not neatly as good a« the meiiU oi the entei t.iinment or j the object in view, anauted one in expeeling. It i« to be hoped that if a Mmihu ontfitamment shouh' bo tfivcn Hu'ain, the \Vuoroug(Mii.ii people will show ihcr »ipnK'Ci.itio'n of what i- !. T "i)il b\ .turning out i in gi.Mtu- loiK-o it theelo^e of th" me, tin" Mi' l>.'\ey «»n behalL of the S"h'»ol thanked f n t> who had taken p,u t in the. pioc cd- .•)<:-, ,'ml appealed to thos's !<]e-<ent foi '„,,,,' -I :h ■ wont of + eai-hini; in tho -, ai i.i\ S -„ >ol (-"m-phed). \l 1,, • n-u.\!> m :e!mx of the v\ aiK.ito Hospital and C'h.uit.iblo Aid ;;,, ,[ ( d |il at Hamilton on Wyduevlay „,,t -I w.i-' ieM)l\ed "that tlie, Hoaul ; „ „,[,-, ill u ihrt [iie-ent .site is tlm most in; i'ilp ii i • ior a hospital, »nd that Rttp.s b- r,.U> i i<> Kuiipleto its puiheawe. " Tho ,iumt>. rol p.UiunH treated was utatcd to d itc to be 'db. The secietaiy whs in-tnie-tcd to wntet.) all the local bod. ■« niiiiiii- ' inj; what landh in tht-ii distiicts had been i hot a<ui t foi hosp\tn! euduw in >nt. | The usiul jneet.nuf >>f 'IV Aioha School Uomnuttce was bold on Tuuwlay : evening last, tlie business being ol a ioiitmocliaiacter. The iiuiiihi-r of soiio'.ir* on tlrj 101 l for th • month vi October wasUJ, ,i\ei ai;c att( udancc 11IJ. On Oetobc 24th ISO scholais weuj [nescit, hem- the luyiieot number on lecoid on any one day. Attention is diiected to Mes&r* Alt', rjuckl.ind and Co's advertisementd announcing foithcoi.iing finite by public auction. This day sale of piodinv, cattle,, etc. at Catubiidne, At t)liaii|»o on j Tuesday ne\t, *-ale oi live tiumhcd fat and btote cattle, etc.

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Bibliographic details

Te Aroha News, Volume V, Issue 227, 5 November 1887, Page 2

Word Count

The Aroha AND Ohinemuri News AND UPPER THAMES ADVOCATE. Te Aroha News, Volume V, Issue 227, 5 November 1887, Page 2

The Aroha AND Ohinemuri News AND UPPER THAMES ADVOCATE. Te Aroha News, Volume V, Issue 227, 5 November 1887, Page 2