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Jieport of Enquiry held at Te Aioha re Town Districts petition on "Wednesday la-t by 11. W. Xoithciofr, Esq , P.M., i b unavoidably held over till next issue. This Journal will be published next week o n Friday, owing to Christinas Day falling on Satmd.iy See ads t. It will be seen by adveitisemcntin tins i»sue a public meeting will be hold in Mr llandolpli'h 100 m, Te Aroha, on next Tuesday evening ; £01 tlte purpose of discussing the proposed borrowing- of £1500 on the Pc Aroha Hiding, for road woiks. The subject is one of grout impoitnnce to tlie district, and wo hope that the latepayers will be largely lepresented. It is a matter greatly to bo tc^i cited th it Mr Geo. Wilson should have felt il advisable to resign his position as Chair1 man of the Te Aroha Hot Spi ings Domain Board. It is in a great measure due to his effoits for tome years past that ■ these springs hive become so popular ; us he hos in a most unselfish manner devoted a great poilion of his time, both before and aft r \\U oflice houi c , in looking after matteis connected with the developing of the spiings, improvement of the Domain ; and in enlisting the interests of notable visitors with lespect theieto ; and Government evidently felt evoiy confidence in him as chairman of the Board, and will, we arj sine, on theie pait also logret the step he has taken. SVe ttust, I'owever, he will not ie&ign his seat a* a member of the Boatd. On Tuesday next a grand Christmas Tiee and Gift Auction will be held in the Te Aiuha Public Hall, in aid of the funds of St Joseph's Catholic Church. Very complete arrangements are being made foi the occasion ; and a Luge collection of pai tides of every description will be disposed of. Pi events aie piomiaed to all comers, and the Te Aioha Bia>s Bind will pi, iy .selections dining the piocecdings. The affau promisees to bs a gieat fauetc^s. Vicious' Li-r. — Hot Sriuxos Hoir.i,: for •week endinu Tiidiy, 17th Dec. : — Miss liichaidson,Mi and Mrs J. It. George Wellington ; Mr and Mi. s Arch. CLuke, 2 children and muse, Judge McDonald and Mrs Me Donald. Miss Tloia Mc-Ponald, Miss Ncwbv. Mr and Miss Blyth, Mr Broomh.ill, "Mr T. Wickham, Mr J. U. Ov\ en, Mr Biown, Auckland ; Mr Kingliall, Newmaiket ; Mi Pi. Da\ is, Napiei" \ Hey. \{. B. and Mis Coming Mr E. Dunn, FijiOn Clnistmas and New Year's Dny's (he local Post and Telegiaph ofiices -will be closed all ddy. All mailb for despatch will be closed ut 7.30, j> m , the pic\ ions evenings. On Boxing Day the ofliccs open fium 9 a.m. till 10 am. only, and all morning mailn will ba despatched as usual. A meeting was held at the Club Hotel on Tuesday evening-, foi the purpose of diseu^sin^, the advisability o£ ha\ in'^ spoj ts iit Tv Aiobji on Monday, 27th mst {'-.King Da).Mrl'\ Pa\itt fit the chair. It was lcsolvcd to hold atliletic sports on the above date. Cominiltec-5 weie foimed both for collecting subsciiptions, and also for the general management thereof, It was also decided that theie be only post entries ; that there be eleven events, and if possible yime bout lacing in addition. In the 'making up' last week's issue, the following leuiarks le lioopitil lesarve at T^ AiohaV/er'e misplaced; as they shou'd lia\e appealed as the lattei part of the Wardens lemaiks with respect to this leserve :- " He did not, however, appiove of the bite as being a good one for a hospital, and tis &oon as the lesidents h.ul obtained local self-government he thought they ought to give attention to the matter, and select another site, better siiitcd for the puipose lequired." Te Aroha Club Hotel — Visitors' List. Mr K. 0 Bkecn, Mrs Kenderdine, Mis Cair, Mr Tucker, Mr and -Mrs Satow, Mrs Wilson, Mr Harrop, Mr Bybles, Mr Bud, Auckland ; Mr Marty a, Cambridge; Mr Davey, Adelaide ; Mr Lewis, Te Awamutu ; Mr Fitageraldj Thames ; Mr Sullivan, Paeroa. The bhearing on the Waitoa estate of the Auckland Agricultural Company, was recently completed,- the- total number of sheep shorn beinjj about 10,000. From 700 to 1000 fat hheep have on an average been disposed p^r week from this station during the past couple of month", and stoics from boine of the other btations sent to leplace them, one mob numbeiing 1,700. thi-ie quaitcr bred Southdowns, anived übout Ist mat. The sheep bred on this estate are a cross between three-quar-ter bied Lincon ewes, and puiebred Southdo »vn lams. The lambs killed upon the station this seabon Jiave tiveraged 401bs weight. About 1000 head of grown cattle aie now miming on the property of which about 250 ale two-year old heifsrs being a cross between Devon and Khoithoin, aU,o there -aie at least

500 cnlves. The sowing of 200 acns oP turnips for winter feed has commenced. There is nothing of importance to report from the mines this week. On Wednesday next the local battery will cenae stomping Yor n fortnight (excepting on trial parcels) for the Xmas holidays. The following 1 , selected from many testimonials received by Mr Itf. A. Lnrney, ■demonstrate the great value set upon his '*' Antholmintfu" by well-known stockowners :—l.: — 1. Fen Court, Cambridge, Ist October, 1886.— Memo for Mr N. A. Lnrney, Wnihou : I have great pleasure in stating that your " Anthelmintic" fluid has been in use on the properties of the Auckland Agricultural Co..Lim., for more than two years, and has given satisfactory proof of its efficacy. In several instances T have personally seen the mixture administered, and noted the results which havo been s-itiisfacloiy, T believe the use of the medicine will considerably lcduco the mortality amonast slieop* particubuly young sheep snfleiin"' fi-otn lung worm, and T consider that stockowners who use it will do so with advantage and profit. — James Bailky Manager for the Auckland Ag. Co. Ld.— 2.MrLnikworlhy'B Estate, W'aiton, 11 tb Nov. 1886.— Mr N. A. Larney, — Dear Sir : T dosed our hoggets with your " Anthelmintic" last autumn, and have since been very pleased with the rebulls It effectually checked all internal parasites, and the sheep, although kept on | comparatively pooi feed, maintained then I condition dining the winter, and l a p i d i 3 r improved with the spiing feed. — Yours faithfully, .1. S. Grant, Manager.—3.Cambridge, Aug. 28th, 188G. — Mr N. A. L.irncv, Waitoa — Dear Sir: I think your " Anthelmintic-" is a first-class preparation, and is a cuie for either calve, sheep, or lambs, that arc scouring, or suffering from intestinal woinis. I havo not had so good an oppoitunity of tiying it as I would like to have had, but fium what I have seen of it, and fiom what others who have tiied it, t"ll me, I believe it is all you claim for it, and is a leally valuable medicine, and ought to meet with a ready bale as it is much needed. — Yours faithfully, J. McNicol. The monthly meeting of the Blue Rib* bon Army was held in the School-room Moiriusville, on the 4th iust. Rev. Mr Joughin, Wesleyan Minister, piesidcd. The attendance wab larger than on any pie\ ions occasion, and it is needless to say the piocv'edings woie most oiderly tlnoughout. The meeting having been opened in the u->ual nunnui, the follow ing piogrannuo was gone through : — Recitation, Mi>.s E Inness ; recitation, Thomas Pickett ; then followed a pai t song by ti.e ihildicn, which item was highly praised by the rev. Chairoiin ; reading, Mr Sne-U ; fcong, Mr Wai i en ; iccitiition, Miss Thomas. ; alec, by the Clioit ; t>on», Mr lion ell ; leading, Mi Neels ; violm solo, Mr Whitburn. The pioginnime was only about li'ilf the usual length to allow time for a debate on the " Physiological Aspect of Alcohol." Mr Green opened the debate, and aigued that that alcohol \v<b injuiious to the system even when taken in moderation, quoting such authoiities in support of his statement as Dis Lees, Carpenter, Richaidson, and Baron Liebig. Messis Gailiek and j E. 11. Grey next spoke in defence of the ! model ate diinkeix, altl-ough not in any v.-.iy opposed to the work of the Blue Ribbon Army, which both acknowledged w is doing a good work. The other spcakeis weie Mr "Whitburn and the Chauman. The debate was conducted in a \eiy pleasant manner, the language on each Md.> beinir | wry tiimpciate and coin toons ; the tot.d abstinence advocate, howevei, undoubtedly had the bo->t of the ai^Jincnt. The Cliaiimin i oi'i ve<l his addles-, till the clum', when he spoke with much effect ami to the point iiiMippoit of the claims oftoLal ab^tin _'ii( c. All appealed well pleased with the evening's entei t.tiiinu'nt. As the \ next monthly Ducting would i.ill on New Yeafs Day the committee have decided to postpone it for a month. — (Supplied ) The New Zealand Counti}' Journal for November, like its piedece.-^ois, will be found to abound with information of a most useful and interesting chaiactci. Amongst others some excellent ai tides, contnbuled, will be found in this last number under the headings, " Notes on water supply foi Inigation," and "Results oi Inigation," ''Scientific experiments on agiicultuial, Potatoe culture," ''Gras-. fcoed tiade, etc." On Thursday next the tieat in connection with tho Waiorongomai Public Sdiool will be held in Mr Baskets paddock. The children aic all to assemble neai Messis Laybourns old store at noon. In tho evening n conceit will be held. Active piepaiationb aie in force lor providing a leally good days sspot,i t, and the proceeds are to be given in aid of the school funds. Qu.uteily meeting of the Wo&leyan Upper Thames Cucuit will be held at Annuridale, Piako, on Monday next, commencing 1 at 3 p.m. Rev. 11. Bull will pieside. All claims, rights, and piivilegcs within the TeAioha andllauraki goklliokl will be piotected for tho Christinas holidays, viz , frum 22ms>t to sth January, 1887 inclusive We regiet that pressure on our space this week, necessitates our holding over till next issue report of the Fisk Jubilee Singers appeal ance at To Aroha. This talented company gave an intertainment in the To Aroha Public Hall on both Wednesday and Thursday evening, were listened to with rapt attention, and loudly, repeatedly, and deservedly applauded during each evening. Great things were expected of them from the glowing repoits, and Pres* notices, which have appeared respecting the pcrf ormaoccs elsewheiej and all who had the pleasure of hearing them at Te Aioha seemed highly gratified. We regret the utten dance on the second night was not bo large as might leasonably have been expected. This talented company appear at Thames on Monday evening next. On Wednesday next Messrs Arthur and Buddie will sell by public auction at their Mait, Queen Street, Auckland ; business bite No 5, Block 1, To Aroha, now occupied by Mr Lawless, The site is an excellent one, and this piopeity should prove u good investment, having regard to the daily growing popularity of To Aroha. Sec iidvl. Mr John Farrell has just received and opened up a large lino of specialities, many of which will be found voiy suitably for Christmas piesents. Thes3 goods will be found woithy of attention, and will be i kohl at renuukabl.y low piices. Sec advt.

Visitors' List, Palace Hotbl, To Aroha, for weekending December 17th : — Mrs Lladley, Miss Hancock} Mr and Mi's (t B Howard, Mrs Lason, Mrs and Miss Douglas, Miss Varnotn, Mr L. Ehrenfried, Mr and Mrs Gabriel and Miss Lewis, Mr Henry C Walker, Auckland ; Mr and Mrs Barclay, Mr B Myers, Mr R T Douglas, Mr W. H. Patterson, Thames ; Mr L. M. Jackson, Cambridge ; Misa Engel, Nelson ; Mr and Mrs Ileatbcote, New York ; Mr Kennedy, Sydney ; Mr H Alley, Hikntaia ; Mr G II Bnvvn, San Francisco; Colonel P G Ballingall, Ottuimvn, USA; Mr Lonis II Pearce, London ; Mr J. Taylor. Te Awnmntu : Mrs Edward and Miss Price, Melbourne; Mr Charles Pi ice, Toronsville, Queensland ; Mr and Mrs T F Loulin, Miss L F Henson, Rovenna, U S A ; Miss M A Caincs, Memphis, USA; Miss Bolle F Gibbons, Miss Maggie Wilson, Mr J F Lnnc, Miss M A. Lawrence, Mns M L Gibbons, Miss Patii J Malone, Washington, USA; Mr R B Williams, Augusta, USA; Mr 0 M Me h (loo, Hampton, QSA. Next meeting of the Piako County Council will tnko pi, ice at Hamilton on Wednesday, 22nd inst. Attention is directed to now advertisement ro the Palace Hotel, Te Aroha, which Mr G. Kbert lately took over. This is by far the largest hotel in To Aroha, and under Aho new proprietorship is becoming- «, ravouirite resort of visitors to the e>pi ings,. The hotel is most conveniently situated, being- only a couple of minutes' walk from the hot springs domain and baths, whilst within easy reach of the lailway slttion, steamer landing, and the boat house. Since the present pi opiictor took post>esHon oC this hotel it has been carefully gone over from end to end, and renovated, and the travelling- public generally will find eveiy attention and civility, convenience and comfort, with excellent table. There are special sitting 100 ms for ladies and pnvato families, with pianos, commercial iocm, magnificent diningroom, 43tt x 25ft, capable of seating- 100. The bed looms are lofty and well appointed, and a splendid balcony inns lound two sides oH the hotel, avoiding magnificent \icws of the hui rounding country for nuny miles. Billi.ud players w ill here iiud a re illy first class table with compute-it marker in attendance. The charges will be found mofat model ato. Notice is given by advertisement in this ivue {>{' a hpcciitl meeting of Goulon Special S(,Uk jus on 30th ; alsO with lospuct to paymout of calls. Messrs Hu.iter and Co., will sell by public auction at Hamilton on next Wednesday, 100 hoibcs, amongst them being a vciy choice lot of hacks and harness hordes from Gibboino. See advt. Notice is given by adveitisement in this ibaiie, tint the Lojml To Ai'olui Lodge Te Aiohd, No GOBB of the Independent Older of Oddfellows, has ceased to exist. On this day at Cambridge, Messrs Alt'. Buckland & Co. will sell £00 head of cattle, 70 hoi-bCs, produce, etc. At Obaupo on Tuesday next, the same fiim will sell GOO head of cattle and sheep ; and amongst them will be found some choice cattle for the Clnistinasi taade. At Morrins— ville on Thursday 23rd inst , Messis Buckland & Co. will hold their next cattle sale foi which already a large number of entries have been received. See advt.

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Te Aroha News, Volume IV, Issue 183, 18 December 1886, Page 2

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SATURDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1886. Te Aroha News, Volume IV, Issue 183, 18 December 1886, Page 2

SATURDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1886. Te Aroha News, Volume IV, Issue 183, 18 December 1886, Page 2