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The Aroha AND Ohinemuri News AND

UPPER THAMES ADVOCATE. ' This »ibove all — to thine own self be true, And it must follow as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. 1 — Shakespkare.


On TlmrS'lny next the mooting of the Piako Co'inty Council will, for the fii>i, he held at Hamilton. Hitherto the meetings haw been held at Oaml>ri''u;e. The change was decided on ;u last Council meeting:, and the re suit ->F .1 motion liy Councillor J. C Birth (as duly reported in our i^^ue <>T 6th nit), who, in advocating that futui*' meeting be held at Hamilton, dwelt strongly on the great inconvenience occasioned to lesidents from the Arolm side of the Hi liny having to ute'i-l meeting at Cambridge, necessitating, as it did to some, a tide of about So miles ; and these, could now go and return Irom Hamilton by rail We quit- 1 coincide with Cr J. C. Firth that holding the meetings at Cambridge has occasioned for some years past much hardships '»n the Councillors from this side, who have had to travel thither in all win Is and weathers, and oft times with roads in an almost impassable condition ; and we are glad that Cr Firth is anxious to make things easier for these councillors, but what motive impelled hitr to select as a new place of meeting a town still further from the homes of the varions cour.cillois, and altogether outside the Piako County, is not so clear. Trup, the counci 1 meetings have hitherto been hel 1 outside the county, by being held at Cambridge, but surely when any change was effected, one would naturally expect to see that objection remedied. Where does Cr Firth ultimately wish to see the council meetings held ? for we can scarcely suppose that Hamilton has been selected permanently as the place for future meetings. Now when any alteration was derided . on we certainly consider the place of meet ing selected should have been Te Aroha. Such a change would adinira* ly suit the majority of members, viz : Cr* Murphy (Te x»roha), Chepmell, .Smith, and Gould (Waitoa), W. T. Firth (Matamata), and we should <upp ise Cr J. C. Firth also, seeing that he could take it on his way to or Irom his journeys between Auckland, his battery at Waioronyomai and Matamata estate, whilst thcifce councillors in the viciuhy of Cambridge, a-vl the County Clerk, would not pur ly deem it a hardship, with such greatly improved roads as now exist, and with ruil communication, to journey over the ground so long travers"d under fir less favourable circum s'anres by the members from this side. Tts Aroha isjjthe seat of the goldh'eld and county tramway, and as the most rising and important district within Piai.o Count , has srecial claims which no'i • other oi the several riflings can advam c, for being made the place of meeting Fro:n its go!dri"l I the county have derived * far larger revenue than from a-iy other of its i i lilies, whilst matters m onn«*ction with that goldh'eld an ! 1 stricts generally, occupy far more of t ' Council's attention each month th m ny other n iin^. For the reasons now -hen, and many moie which nvght bo advanced, seeing that any alteration

whatever was decided on without doubt 'l?e Aroha should have been appointed the place of meeting ; and not' a town further out of the County than ever, md more distant From the sevoral councillors. The subject was brought forward by Cr Firth just at the close of she last meeting, and so far as we know without any previous notice of motion 'laving been given, and there was no lime for much consideration ; we trust, however, the Council will re consider she question and change the place of meeting to Te Aroha, which has undoubtedly the best claim for being so appointed.

Special attention is directed to the announcement appearing in our advertising columns, by which it will be seen that the date of the great cattle sale at Lichfiold has, Cor the better convenience of Auckland visitors, been changed to Saturday next, 10th inst. The 5^ tons of ore from Champion Lode, Tui Creek, averaged Cll 17s 6d at LaMonte furnace. The banquet given to Mr J. S. Buckland, at Cambridge on Wednesday night was a great success. Over 110 sat down, Mr J. B. Whyte, M.H.R., in the chair. Sir Frederick Whi taker, accompanied by Miss Whitaker, arrived at To Aroha on Thursday last for a short visit. Only about 50 passengers arrived by special excursion from Auckland last night) a great many visitors have, however, arrived by ordinary trains during the past couple of weeks. The report of the recent school children's tea party and entertainmant atMorrinsville which appears in this issue, through some unexplained cause only reached us on Saturday afternoon last, which will account for its appearing so long after the event took place* The March number of the Illustrated N.Z. News contains the following amongst many other well executed illustrations : " The First Federal Council of Australasia" ; "The Maori Guides at the Hot Lakes ;" " The Terrace Geyser, Wairakei, Auckland, by moonliirht ;" etc., etc. The number is a very interesting one. As will be seen by preliminary advertisement appearing in this issue, on Easter Monday a concert and ball will be held in the Te Aioha Public Ilall, for the purpose of raising funds to clear off the debt still existing in connection witli the Roman Catholic Church, Te Aroha. We understand that friends from Auckland, Thames, etc., are coming to assist, including talent of well known merit, and that great preparations are being made to insure the affair being a complete success. We would direct special attention to Mr John Fan ell's advertisement, b} r which it will be seen that a very laige and caiefully selected .-tock of new autumn and winter goods, has just been opened up, at this establishment including many new shades in dicf>3 goods, md the lending novelties. These goods will be found well worthy of inspection in the vaiimts departments, both ladies and genls, and will be sold at most reasonable pi ices to ensure nn early clearance. Usual monthly meeting of the Domain Boar 1 will bo held at 8 p.m. this (Saturday) evening. At a special meeting of the Thermal Springs Domain Board hold last week, it was resolved that " No. 1" bath-house be set apart exclusively for the use of ladies. Usual monthly meeting of Te Aroha School Committee next Wednesday even ing at 7.30. Next Ohinemuri County Council ordi nary meeting will be held at Paeroa on Saturday next. The following tenders were received bv the Engineer, Mr Pavitt, for making about 100 chains of Ngatumunga road (near Mr Strange's), Waitoa : — Messrs T. Stanley, £81 (accepted) ; E. Voyßey, £122 ; J. OBrien, £125 ; J. Shine, £126 ; P.Dillon, £139. On Friday, 26th ult., a race for 150 yds took place at Cambridge between Messrs J. McNeish (Cambridge), and T. Tierney (Te Aroha). Mr McNeish won, although Tierney ran well, but evidently lacked training. Messrs Hunter and Co. and Buckland announce a large sale of |cattle at Lichfield on Thursday next, Bth inst., in conconnection with which special trains will be run. Hot Springs Hotrl. — Visitors' List :—: — Mrs Fj. Cox .md maid, Mr EL J. and Miss Smith, Mr E. Perkins, Mr and Mrs G. Filliott Mr J. H. Owen, Mr Salbert, Mrs White and nurse, Mrs Michael, Mr and Mrs C. A. Baker, Yon. Jas. Williamson, Mr J. Aberts, Mr<? H'mltain, Mrs Corbett, Miss Newby, Hon. Mrs Townsend, Miss Plumly, Mr J. Ellis, Sir Fredk. Whitaker, Mr Nancarrow, Mr G. W. Williams, Mrs Anderson, Mrs Ellis, Mr C. B. Kingwell, Auckland ; Mrs H. Ferguson and child, Mrs Thompson, Cambridge ; Mr C. Gallagher, Mrs Home and 2 chil dren, Mrs Moyle, Mr Barry, Mr Green, Thames ; Mr W. 11. Churton, Dunodin : Mr Michael, Onehunga ; Mr Sizer, Mr Townly, Sydney ; Mr / . W. Fisher, Mr Turner, K.itikati ; Mrs Westney, Mist Mitchell. Te Awamutu ; Mr Hudson, Mr Noble, Mes^r* D. and J. MeNicholl, Mr Storey, Mr Barry, Waikato ; Dr Stevens, Tanmng.i ; etc., etc. Park Houmo. — List of Visitors.— Mr N. Fitzgerald, Mr Ifitzroy Peacocke, Miss i Peacncke, Mrs Whitaker, maid, and two children, Mr F. A. Wliitnker, Hamilton ; . Miss Whitaker, Auckland ; Col. and Mrs tShelton, Hoburt, C.ipt. T. A. Fry, Dune- ' r din ; Mr and Mrs Peuree,, Tasmania: Dr Wnddingtnn,Ci>tnl)ri(lir" ; Mrs • Webb, North Shore ; Rev. Father Kehoe, i Mrs and Miss Tanner, Waikaft* ; etc., etc.

Mr John Gibbons's house oluse to the railway station, Te Aroha,. was pold on Satuiday last by order of the Assignee in Bankruptcy, x\lr Jus. Craig, jr., officiating as auctioneer, it was htarted at £150 (the umount of a moitgage on tue property), but the bidding steadily rose to £300, and then the competioti leUed solely between Messrs Biuck and J. E. Banks, who by alternate " livers" brmi^ht lie pi ice up to £345, at which sum it was kuocked down to Mr Banks. The flaxmill and machinery and leasehold ground jn connection therewith yap sold to same pinch user ior £30. The puce realised ioi the house, considering that it is rather low down and a long distance Irom the baths, was decidedly good. List oi bub-regibtiars oi : dogs for Piako County is published m tins isbue. A " Welcome" to Mr Dean, tbe new Wesleyan Minibtei, is announced to come off lit Wuiorongomai on Thursday evening next. Mi F. Strange notifies by adveitisement in this issue that excellent shooting is obtainable on his property at Wiuroa, and paities can be accommodated at his house, tUva having the double advantage ot combining sport and availing of the hot spungs on the estate. Messrs Cochrane and Son, Auckland, report in the " Landed Property Guide," the sale of lots 70 and 7i, Government sections Te Aroha, at 4£4 each. Mr G. Wilson local Registrar, on Tue.nda^ forenoon performed the pleasant task of joining two fond hearts in one. The bride on this occasion was the eldest daughter of Mr Jamee Mills, Te Aroha, and the bridegioom Mr Chas. Cribo (Auckland Agricultural Company's Station), Waitoa. Besides Mr and Mrs Mills, there were present on the occasion Misses Polly Mills and Thaxter, Mr Jas. Wiseman, and a number of other friends. After the ceremony had concluded, congratulations, jokes, and repartee, as usual on such occasions, were freely interchanged. Mr Livingstone, the contrActor for the Te Aroha Station grounds, lost a valuable draught horse tnis week, which dropped dead in his yard. "The N.Z. Industrial Gazette" (Wellington), for March devotes over three columns to a roport of the " Opening of the Railway to Te Aroha," condensed from the very full loport which appeared in our issue of March 6th. Mr 11. Hornibrock proceeded to Cambridge by train on Monday lu>t, and was at otici- conveyed to the scene of opeiations by Mr Brunskill. As stated in last issue Mr Honiibrook has been engaged to prospn t Hie leefs on Mr BrunskilPs propoit 1 . .it Taotacioa. -tWe understand there are h ieun share i in'th^e interest, of \\ Inch Mr Bicnskill retains five, as owner; Mr Thos Wells, as manager, ono ; Mr Ilorni brook, one • the foregoing t<> be tteated •i piii.! up shares. Of the remaining lares (oight; se\en aio hold by Cam b. ds:o i jsidents. and one at Te Aroha, en h sht.ieholdtr contributing Slit .i e tluin,.. I wit'i which the test is to be uuuk.

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Te Aroha News, Volume III, Issue 148, 3 April 1886, Page 2

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The Aroha AND Ohinemuri News AND Te Aroha News, Volume III, Issue 148, 3 April 1886, Page 2

The Aroha AND Ohinemuri News AND Te Aroha News, Volume III, Issue 148, 3 April 1886, Page 2