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As briefly referred to in our last issue, on Thursday ereuing, 10th inst., a monster meeting oi tlic abo\e was held in t ni now>e, Waioronijomai, i.»ie u«h» ol" which wn«i kui'ily '>rantpd ( ( i t.lto committee by the contractor. Mr buyer. A pair-norse and a fonr-liorse coach were specially run tor the occasion t'r<»m To Aronii by Messrs Bradley and (Jal higher, both being crowded with persons bound for tue meeting, besides w.iieti, a large nunii>er walkel to and fro, Tne tenipeianee cause has certainly met with a success at Waiorongomai beyond what its most ardent advocates looked for in so short a time. {Started only towards tne close of tne past year, we an* informed Mere are now o\er 100 names on the pledge book. The meeting on tne evening referred to was a most enthusiastic one, every available corner of the large new building ocing filled, whilst mi'iibeis were unable (o obtain admission. Probably from 200 to 250 people were present. The meeting opyne 1 with a hymn and pi ay er, Mr niuvkms acting as chairman, which po-ition he aoly tilled. In a few opening remaiks Lie c.iairman icferred to the wonderfid progiw-s t',ie tiMuperance work was nuikinir, not only in Waiorongom li, but all out the colony. He hoped it would go on and prosper, and the noble cau^e woul I be 'j; ready for.yarded by fiat night's meeting. A vole of thanks was proposed by the Cnamiun. aivi passed hy acclamation to Mr Bo\er. the contractor, for so kindly giaiituig them the Uoo of the schoollioihc, and also to those who so kindly assisted in arranging the same. The programme was a long one, cons >ting of reading-;, recitations, dialogues, and M)iigs. Messrs Lo\ell, England, and (lott were amongst lho».e who \\>m\ M 1:M 1 : iloti^ muling, entitled ".he Tus'i Selioolnia^er,'' cau-.)il much monim 'lit. Ti!C recitations were imperially goo 1, and were listened to will in km attouli«>M — Mr^> llott. the Z»li--» t. .i'th«\ W ( m, ilill, ham-»ou. and J >.le---i -< lli^km^, Punlie, iloy, ll)beitv»n, asi-l 11. i-.»p-pett being amongst tlie contnliuiors. All those w!io recite 1 <!i i t leir part^ well. Mr Piudie rendered in excellent, style '• The Field of Waterloo,"' wmUt Mr Hawkins rendering of Sargeant BuzfWs address, as taken from '• Pickwick Papers," wai admirable. Tuost two gentlemen, having charge of the schools at Waiorongomai and Te Aroh.i West respectively, and being both earnest in the cause of temperance, of necessity exert a stiong inLiuence over the young folk under tueii care, and have proved most valuable assistants to the Land ot dope. T\ie dialogue between t'.e Misses Kilian, Scott and Muuro would .wive bo.Mi warmly received if the parties monuonod had spoken a little lon ier. Tow aids the close of the hist. parr, of the programme a presentation w.i^ made by the secretary, Mr Lovell, on behalf of the members of the YVaioroiii>otnai Band oi Hope, to Messrs Michael Uronin and H. SSoppett of a copy each of tlie local song lately composed by Mr ,_ ronin and recited by Mr Sr.ppett, ontitloil •• Lineb on the Waiorongo Tuai Band oi Hope.' Both copies were beautitully got up on siile, illuminated in goi 1, ornamental lettering, etc., and tihtefully fi.imed In making the presentations, the secretary biiefly .'md separately addie^el tne parties, who replied in suitable terms, and were loudly cheered. 'Cue dttd.-irue •• Uanimg u (jo'wen," h\ fie Mi'---Alice and Ld\ Smiths, was roudered in a faultless m. inner, and eliuted much applaine. Air l^ngland'^ comic song, " L.ih di Da'i," < ausf i uhk h a nuK'Hicnt. 3.lis D.ubyhad to re-pond to an encore on conelu img " rwickcr.n.nn Feny, ' whict bhe sang with much ta^te. -•lr- 1 Darby A\ill piove a valuable aid imioeu to tne \Vaioroni.' l (jin.u ibMhl of 'Ho})e. an I by her linishe 1 style oi .singing al\\\iy* draw birge audiences. Mims Hectic^ " Tmee cheers tor the tm.ill bit of JJiue " very sweetly, the audience joining most heartily in the ehoiu*. Mr H. Soppett recited a new local son<^, composed by Mr Mic' ael Cronin .sp -cially for the occasion, and entitled " The Progress of our C!ol ilield," which \\as receiwxl wim manifestations of approval. The programme wa^ brought to a close by tne chairman i-aliin^ upon Mr J lott to address the meeting, in iv^pon.iiug, Mr Llott spoke on the subject ot temperanec geneially, und e-peeially with leterence to «lnt had come under his own observation in London and el&ownere. The address, which lasted about hall' an hour, was listened to most attentively throughout. The programme, was enlivened at. intervals by selections from iloylcs' Songs and Holos ; Mr England ably officiated at the hainiouinm. At tin- close some o0 new adult membuis wore enrolled. Altogether the meeting was the largest and most animated that has taken place in this district The whole affair was carried out in a manner that reflects the greatest credit on the indefatigable secretary and his able assistants.

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Te Aroha News, Volume I, Issue 16, 19 April 1884, Page 7

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WAIORONGOMAI BAND OF HOPE. Te Aroha News, Volume I, Issue 16, 19 April 1884, Page 7

WAIORONGOMAI BAND OF HOPE. Te Aroha News, Volume I, Issue 16, 19 April 1884, Page 7