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SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1883.

A great great deal of credit is fairly due to these gentlemen who have so actively bestirred themselves in endeavoring to establish a public library in Te Aroha, and there cannot be a doubt ihai their exertions will be crowned with success. In no country township in the Colony is such a worthy institution more greatly needed, for here there is literally no amusement or rees cation, literary or otherwise, to be found except- j ing in the billiard rooms. (Strangers coming here greatly miss some place where they can pass an hour or two, whiKt the residents will be still more benefitted by the establishment of a libn*ry of the kind. The idea of the promoters, as we understand, is to lose no time in taking stops to incorporate the undertaking under the Public Libraries Act, ami thereby secure a portion of the grant which is certain to be voted by Parliament, as last year. But the gentlemen who have taken the mattei np are not satisfied with waiting for this assistance and the Commitlee appointed are actively exerting themselves already to procure donations of money or book" in aid. It is intended also very to send a cloud of circulars round to al\ tue principal people, not only in the immediate neighbourhood, but fo those at a distance who are connected in r.ny degree with the district, or interested mils welfare. It is more than probable that

the np])enl Avill bo liberally answered by a good many, and wo sincerely hope that tliu residents liero will support so v.ilnablo an addition to the township by all possible means. If the movement is heartily helped along a libiaiy that will be a credit can soon be gathered together. The propi'ietors of nearly every newspaper in the Colony, if abk"d, will send their papers gratuitously, ;-iid the funds ateoinmaii'l should soon be enough to purchase the first instalment, of useful and entertaining literature to make a start with. The proposed library is woithy of the highest consideration by all classes, and wesiiKvrelyhopc that the praiscwo; thy efforts of those taking an active part in its formation may speedily be crowned with the success that they t.o undotibtxily deserve.

In consequence of pressute on our spnce we are compelled to hold over much now in type, including a leading article, repnit of tht* Pmko County Council meeting, Mr Cox's letter, and other mutter, hut will bring up all ai rears next week. According to announcement tho poll of ratepayers, for the purpose of sanctioning" a loan to the Piako County Council for a loan of i!o200, to be de\oted to forming and inelallin<; nine mil -s of road from the Thames County boundais to Shaftc-Jim y, was t.iken on T.iesday last. Very little iuteiest was felt as all deemed assent to be a foigone conclusion, and only twenty four\oted. These ueie ail in the alfirmitive and tin re was not, a single d'.shentient. The lit turning Ollieer, Mr Crump, in another column not'lies the result. The woik will be umLi taken \\ ith as htile (k-lay as pos,ib!e ' Though the m tjesty of tho law is \ i:i- . dieated by the piesenee of one solituv uuaid'.an of the ]i",u c, Nergl. I'jininer-ou, it is ccd'tabie t ) the popnl ition oi Uk to sjy t diiri.ig th." la-t month he has ojil t > exi'ieis-d hi-, aiulioi.ty tuiee, once m aue-tnii; adiuuken mm, ,rt\il in th i other i Mii'i^ a siiinin>>ns ioi liiiMiopei lau^u.i^o m a jmblie phu c. rneie au- ii"\ di tiutsin.hc c"i!o;.y with an i-ijii 'l pooulalion t!i :l cm show Midi aieioid' whh'h speaks \ohuncs for the residonN of this 1, it* 'lily. The Ixui nii-mbc-i" for tlic Thames MrJohn Shi'i'iiau li. 1 , hail his hands full lately uliat uith tlcpitt itions fiont his cojisti-. tU'-ncy, Native I^and Com Is and Par iaUK'iitais duti. s ( and what is mole lia-> i;tit thiou^h.d! his tcoiihl.'s in ,i uk)4 er.niitdbli v iii.uui r ind With a puiirtuah't s u< vei hiifuio e\p-cLed irom him. At the ioi]ucst ol tue du.(toi', ciitlie Tli unes N'allcv Kail wa^ Co, he went d'>»vn from Cambridge on hatuid i\ , -tud met them in the c\eniir; at the Mai Hotel w lieu a lon^ coiifi'ienee was held iv!ati\< 1 top.uli.mientaiy '• tion in ■ onnct tion with th •\\ oik. He staled in ,\ i>upp\ lioui Auckland on Sunday murMim; ,iiid aiii\cd in C'.uubiid';e at 4am Mond i\ . He kept an .r poinuncnl at H i a. in tiie s.iii'O .lay and appear m! I'k^li and Minluii; m the Native Lauds Couit at H) o'clock. mail 11110113' — * "ll can '''' nothing else — eilected a i;re it and ia\ourable change in tlie h«>n. mi tnbei. A cotifeit in aid of the funds of the Clnirch oi K.i-luul mil I>/ hold in th> Public Hall on the 3id oT July ne\t. AM available local talent will be, invited t> assist, and a most pleasant ent> it li.iinent iii.ij be anticip.ited. Mi. W. Oibbc>iis, \\]\n -\v is luirt bv faliinu, on er a chfV <it Wairon^om.ii tiamw <iy is pro^iessitio fa\'ourably. 'J'lie n>'\\ hotels in com so of erection hai b"eii pushed on Kipidly, bill, work is now in one u aitm^ for timber TheolliM one is 100 led in and w ill b.hui lly be completed. r F!ie. i K.tjirfth in \Vaioron<;oiu li is now Imi !nd I-.: as M 'ssrs Applmate and Jam. ,' !i.. 1 ; '-loie an iic <i .ijreat conVl'Uleno h Il'I 1 ' ,'n I« H.

'1 he i'l \<> Co.nty Council are doing soiiH'tlu 1 j, we aic g!vJ to .s'iy, towauK the lepair ot b.uiie of the worst portions of the nuuls in ie Aioha, though at the .same time there are a great many bad and d.tngerous places still neglected. The Council have accepted conflicts i'or a large qumtity of fascines towaids the necessary woiks. r J he suifaee men were last week employt d in making a ;>oi tion of trie main road near ihe lacerour-e, ami it only awaits the layn<r of fa-sciues to make it really good. The holes bit ween Mi Uarr's late resid* nee and the township are now being filled up. Men have al >o been nut on the upper pack track to the mines, fixing it up in bad places in older to facilitate the conveyance of the Welcome i|uai tz, w tdch was sent to the Thames on Tuesday last. A small biidge is being put over Stony Creek, so drive: s of vehicles will no longer run the riak ot breaking their springs eveiy time tuey chks it. Wisem m and patty, con ti actor* for No. 3 contract, which it. ihe fu*t v etion botwteu Waioiongomai and Shai'te-ibuiy, are making good j)Ugre\-t> and expt ct to com t >lete in a few wetks. Arr.ui^euients have been made with Mr \V. Wilson for the use of tlie old Liack, while the new one through his piopeity is being made. When this is completed it will be a great convenience to travellers between b'.'ie and Waioiongomai, as it is i. ot only muoh the shortest, but infinitely the best road. The oiiginal reason given for the Orient stc uner, Austral putting- into Auckland w.iterts viz., for the- purpose ot' setting up henigging, which had become stiaincd through drying after long immersion, was the ti no one. Quidnuncs telegraphed away to England and Austi alia, that she put in disadiodand were likely to cau>e [ some alarm theieby. It i« quite ])osiible so'tie of the^e busybodios may have to smart i'or circulating uatounded repoits.of the kind Wo me glad io be aT>le to record an act of integrity ou the part of one of the lesidents m this district, which stands out m very pleasant reliei the swindiing .so commonly j)ei}jefciat<id under cover of tlio existing bankruptcy laws of this colony. liathei moie tiian twelve moiilliH ago AJ r. P-ernard LJontayue was compelled, through advotse circumstances, to make an{;nmenfc under which his oredilo.s received 1.3s in the poundhince that tune lortuno iias been more favorable, and a week or ko ago he again called hin cteoitoißtogetther and thongb he hal been legally lelieved of his debts, paid eveiy ouo au additional -is in the pound, thus dischaigmg his debts to the uttcnuoHl i'artnmg. Mich examples are rave buo noue Uij less creditable, and it would be well if manyot'icrs and did likewise.

Mr. Andrew .Jamieson has returned to business in Waiorougotnai a liter his lato protraled illness. A groat want has recently been supplied bv Messrs Applegate and James through their adding a restaurant to their storu on 1 the hill.' Those travellers who have become ravenous by hill-climbinir can oblai'i a good meal at 'a moderate price at Diamond (Jullj, and so fill the vacuum that we are tofil nntuie abhors. As visitors may bo expected to increase 'greatly n« tifiie >;oes on, the spiiired proprietors vs ill m>! only have provided for the comfort and convenience of the public, hut will in all piobability reap substantial reward l'<>r their enterprise. It i.s with aood cause that this journal complains of the su.i dalous condition of some parts} of the between heie and A valued member of our stalHuviiig nearly come to serious grief on TluirMla\ last whilst making the passage oti hoihiback from the latter place. The steed lie was on was somewhat diminutive and by no means of a fiery disposition ; iud' ed, the nder had t> very freely use a sharp pair of spurs to reach Waioronizo nai. Ou the return journey in struggling through oue cAthe mud chasms the lioim 1 «unk to his giflflfc, and at once gave it up as h bad job, being as fast as a rly in a glue* pot. The rider very unwillingly had to dismount, not a very difficult operation, as his feet were on the mud already and, after wading to dry ground witU no little difficulty, towed his animal to bhote likewise. The half dry clay wash) the tenacious state that it is rendered before being formed into bricks for baking, and we may anticipate, after this, experience, that some day or other bogged animals, human and equine, will be dotted alo'ig the lines of nud in the Piako and Tlhvnes districts, sorrowful evidences of the care that the respective County Councils bestow upon them. We le-mi th-it Mr Ashley has sold the Premier Hotel to Mr is. Montague, and that the latter will take possession at an cai ly date. Sergt. Kmerson has been appointed Inspector of Sl.ui^hiei-llousos for this diatiict by the Piako County Council. The next meeting of the I'iako Council will be held at To Aioha instead of Cambridge. It will take pUce ou the 18th pioxuno. A rather alarming accident happened at Shattesbury on Wednesday afternoon. As Mr and Mrs iVewsoin, who were leaving the iiotel to take up their residence m one of the cottages ou the west side of the Waihoii, weie crossing the river m the bo it used a» a firry bout, it upset, and the | occupants with their lu^aue were tniown into the water. Mr liradev, who was aUo I in the boat, brought Mis. Newsorn to shore in a f.mting eondwion. Had the boat gone a few yitids tuither it would have been in lunning deep water, which mij^ht have enunled moie senous consequences. As this -amall l>odt in charge of I <t boy takes the school c lildren (^c^lS^ n! n 'ht and morning, the aceuient sh' w s tiu' m gent need of a *»afo punt being piovided. There his already been one cisc j of drowning in this new'l( ment, and we tiu^t the matter will be been to before we have to rei ord another. '

Mr Bocit, District Engineer, arrived yesttrd«.N for the purpo c of inspecting ti c u\>\ei nmcnt buildings, bnd.:e Mte. and lailuay works. The contiaetois arc expectru; to make n stdit on the bruise ami lailwiy next week. Mr Beere returned ye^toiday ahernoou. Mr Lawless, propnetor of the Waiorougomai Hotel, is making lar^e additions ;ti)d lMiproveineiJts. Mr Crump, aichitoct, has piepared plans for puftunj anwthei stoiey on the house, with a balcony ruunui^ u'ong the front, and on one side of the building. This will add eleven bedroom*, two private sitting-rooms, and b.ithlooin with a staii cait- 7ft. Gin. wide. The iieu htuivy will gnv.tly add to the ftppcur•iiice of the house, and tenders will be called for the work as soon as Mr Crump has picpaied plans and specifications. According to announcement, a meeting ot miners and othcis wa*. held at the Waioiongomui .Hotel on Saturday evening last. There were about thirty present, Mr J. Satnpsou being v<.ted to (he ct.air, llu explained the objei t» for which ihe meeting had been called and a discussion ensued. On the motion of Mr Beeson, seconded by Mr Biown u was resolved thar, an Accident Relief Fund Connnitiee be formed for this district. Mr Lawless was appointed secret Ty pro. tern. Mr 13-tsori moved and Mr Johnson seconded a resolution that the following pc appointed a coinuuitee to carry out the objects of tile Society — M -ssia T. Gavin, J. lioldswoitdy, J. Scott, E. Cameron, H. McLiver,, J. llirst, G. I> e»on, G. '!',»} lor, 11. 11. Adams, J. Samp-.m, earned un.iuimoiKsly. It was le-oived to a»k .[. C. Kirth E?q. to act as Patrou of the Society. Mr Sd.npson was deputed to can v as Waioronjjomai and the Te Aioha district for honoiary and working members willing to join the mo\ement. Tiie meeiin^, after a >ote of thanks to the chairman, was adjourned till to-day to receive a report from the committee. The book debts in the estate of T. XV. Carr have been purchased by Me&ors Wells and £outter. The telegraph station will be moved next week to the new oiHcis in Rewi street Mr Orchardson, the Inspector, having notified to Mr Boyne, oftieer in charge, that lie will come up about Wednesday to inako the transfer. At the same time the telephone wire between Te Aroha and ! Waioicigomui will be connected, but as theie is no telegraph station at the latter place, one of the stores, probably Soppet's, will be the place of communication. Tra\elleis continue to complain bitterly and with just cause at the condition of the road between here and the Thames being still permitted to lemain unrepaned, and parts are not only in a wretched fctate, but rapidly becoming impassable. Many of the swamps are actually unvtfV for iiorsenuin. The Resident Alajistratc had the greatest dilHculty in getting along the road near Alley's farm at Ilikutaia. Another almost impassable piece of track— it cannot possibly be called road— is at aie Omahu swamp, between the Thames and Hikuuia, and on the road from Ko okohu to Te Aioha. The holes in this part are ho deep fiat a horse even when led and without a rider, cau hardly struggle thiough them. These places should be seou to at once for otherwise some serious accident will certainly occur, and in such case we think tiie Thames County Council will be n»t only m 'rally, but pecuniarily responsible. Borough Councils are held

responsible for permitting pitfalls of any kind dangerous to man or beast to exist, nnd in a trial in the Nelson district the County Council was cast in damages through a culvert breaking in and injuriny some horses when a waggon wus passing over it. When a road is under County care the Council clearly is responsible for any perilous parts that are left unattended to, Wo hope the Thames Council will at once tike action in ho important a matter, which really involves the loss of life or limb. During Hie silting of the Evident M i^istrate's Court on Tuesday lfi<*t Mr KeniK'k endeavoured to make elearto several Kuiotrs wlio had taken out judgment, summonses, the conditions attached to them. In the first place it become an obligation on the part of the creditor to prove to the satisfaction of the magistrait that debtor eitder is pr.sses^ed of means to satisfy the claim, or that since the debt wus incurred, he hay had the means to discharge it. Friling to do so a magistrate, under the Act has no power to make an order. Again, unless the creditor subporMiuea the debter, the latter is not compelled to attend to be examined, and thus the proof that ho could £>ive himself, is supplied. Thus in future summonses, of. this kind plaintiff had better bear these facts in mind, for otherwise they cannot obtain the redress to < which they are entitled.

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Te Aroha News, Volume I, Issue 3, 23 June 1883, Page 2

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SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1883. Te Aroha News, Volume I, Issue 3, 23 June 1883, Page 2

SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1883. Te Aroha News, Volume I, Issue 3, 23 June 1883, Page 2