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'phases of the moon. ..'■-]« .■' ■', . MAY. Day. hj. in. - . < First Quarter .. .. 711 4 a.m. . < Full Aloon 15 0 31p.m. 1 <Last Quarter .... 23 934 a.m. . - New Moon ...../.. 30 042 a.m. " {.! MOON. ' . -Moon rose to-day 10.2 a.m., sets 7.30 p.m. 1 ~'.. TIDE.'. _ ] ' > To-day 0.35 a.m., 7.6 pirn. ! • 'Tomorrow, 7.30 a.m., 8.0 p.m. ! r.' ''' sun. ; _ . .:' i 'Sun rose to-day 0.57 a.m., sets 4.57 p.m. . port oTlyttelton. ' ! ARRIVED. ] SATURDAY, MAY 3. '"'TAINUI (4.20 a.m.), 128 tons, Williamson, ! from Wanganui. , MAORI (7.35 a.m.), 3412 tons, Cameron, frem Wellington. I "' SAILED. FRIDAY, MAY 2. • NGAHERE (1.20 p.m.), 1098 tons, Eilncr, . for Chathams. STORM (1.45 p.m.), 405 tons, Cowan, for ; 'Wellington. ■.. MANABOA (5.50 p.m.), 130 tons, Mc- . . MeHagc,'for Wellington. I MARAHOA (0.55 p.m.), 2598 tons, Irwin, for Wellington. MONOWAJ (9.40 p.m.), 3133 tons, Norton, ' for Wellington. • SATURDAY, MAY 3. HOROMIKO (10.30 a.m.), 2179 tons, Bald-. : win, for Sydney. - . j ''-,-' 1 EXPECTED . ARRIVALS. < Tainui, Wanganui, May 3. 't l/.;U'j ! Kahika, Wellington, May 3. ,:. ■!': Breeze; Timaru, May 4. WoOtton, Wellington, May 4. ' •" .-; Storm, Wellington, May 5. '■ Mia Ora, Liverpool, May li. : : Kamona, Westport, May 0. '"i : Kini, Grcymouth, May 7. ."■''■! Calm, Timaru, May 7. ° • i'i • '■' ; i PROJECTED DEPARTURES. '?. ~ . Manaroa, Wellington, May 2.!"'"-'• ', . Tainui, Wanganui, May 3. -\W'■ ..-' ' Wakatu, Kalkoura, May 5. *'*!' Breeze, Picton, May 5. : [vJEi ' Storm,' Wanganui, May 5. ~' Kara, Wellington, May 0. . '-■• City of Newcastle, London, May 7. ■."..- :Ci>lm, Wellington, May 7. ~ VESSELS IN PORT AT NOON TO-DAY. Maori; No. 3, Wakatu No."3,'Haru No.'4, tainui No. 4, City of Newcastle No. 7. ;0: SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. '•.-.''' . .' SYDNEY, May 2. 1 ; Arrived—Moeraki, fvoin Wellington, i ", Sidled—-Karori, for Auckland. '.'■' NEWCASTLE, May 2. Sailed—Port Sydney, for Timaru. i, ..;',:. - MELBOURNE; May 2. Sailed—Kaiapoi,. for New Zealand.- . AUCKLAND, May 2. Arrived—-Arahura (9.45 a.m.), from Gis J fcorne.; Ifaitangata. (4 p.m.), and, Wnnak.i . 10 p.m.), from Newcastle; Kokiri ,(9-p.m.), Jrom We'stpoj-t. EAST COAST SERVICE; i'.:',. .'. Press Association. DUNEDIN, May : 3. .The Mokoia, which is now undergoing •overhaul at Port Chalmers, will relieve the Monowal in the Dunedin East CoastjAuck- 1 ■land service, leaving Dunedin on May ,13. •■: The Monowal, on arrival here from Auckland arid' way ports, wilt withdraw to undergo survey and overhaul. ■'■■•■, • V ' NOTES. •. '/',",: , .The "Muheno is to continue her service in hospital work. She Is to return to England under Imperial charter, to be used as an ambulance transport. '...The,.Monowal discharged a big. load of| Southern cargo here yesterday, and, having shipped a corresponding quantity, sailed ■last night for Wellington and East Coast . ".jHsrts-.Y.. ■ The Koromlko, which has been delayed here for several days beyond her antic!-: pitted time of departure, owing to the mnny calls on waterside labour, was to have sailed last night for Sydney and Newcastle. She was short of, greasers, however, ahd at 10 jfinl. went out to the stream where she dropped anchor for the night. She sailed *t 10.30 a.m. tc-rdai*. .»' V The collier Kahika, from Grcymouth via •Wellington, with a part cargo of coal is riije here Jo-day. , The. Waimarino,. from Wellington, will ttslt Timaru shortly, and will come on- to . Xj'ttelton to complete her cargo for' Aiick- ■ .land. :■■' i- -. .The Kamona and Kini, with coal cargoes - ; frohi the West Coast, should reach Lyttclt'6n about the middle of next week. ,The Corinna," .'being delayed at New* Plymouth, was not expected to reach Wellington till yesterday. When the discharge «f ; 10,000 crates of cheese has.been coiii!Jileted"'She will sail for Dunediii, Oahiaru, and Timaru. ' ■ .' ; The. Ngahere, which had been detained • 'Kere'for a time owing, to a shortage in her stokehold complement, secured . the rc- : quired, number yesterday afternoon, when she sailed for Pitt Island and Wnitangi to Itak'a more sheep for Lyttclton. , "The'Wakatu, having an unusually large amount of cargo to handle, is not likely to ,'lenve Lyttclton. until after midnight on Sun<ftay for Kalkoura and Wellington. :-," "ifhe Breeze', from Dunedin and Timaru, is due' her to-morrow, arid is set down i'Or sailing on Monday evening for Picton and Wanganui. '• ■ ■. ;.The Calm, from Dunedin and Timaru, Is expected here on Wednesday next. After exchanging cargo she will proceed the samp evening for Wellington and Wanganui. . The Storm left Lyttelton yesterday evening for Wellington, heavily laden with general merchandise. Slie will return to this port probably on Monday or Tuesday. The Mana did not get away from this •port last night for Wellington, but is ex- ' pectcd to sail to-day. The.Manaroa, with a full cargo, left here ;last night for Wellington. !'.. The coastal steamer Tainui, from Wanganui, arrived here early this morning, and is due to sail on the return trip to-night. . The Stella arrived at Dunediii on Thursday morning with a cargo of scrap-iron from Auckland. Alter discharge she will load general cargo for Wellington. Mr McBrldc, chief .olllcer, is sit present in charge Of the vessel, the master, Captain Hamilton, having gone on holiday leave. *, The auxiliary schooner Houto, which came out of dock at Port Chalmers on Tuesday last, is having alterations made to her fittings. This ,work should be Completed early in the week, and the vessel will after- '■',''' wards load at Dunedin for Wellington. ; To permit all members of the Waterside Workers' Union to attend the funeral of a late member, P. J.. Fognrty, who died as a result of being knocked, down the hold of the Kamona last week at Wellington, work was suspended on the waterfront from noon till 15 p.m. yesterday. The funeral to Karori cemetery was headed by the Wateraiders' Hand. . PERSONAL. : N ,-' Captain P. L. Molyneux is now in command of the'Waihora hi place, of Oiptain A. C. Showman, who has gone On leave. • P. Mcllveen to-radio operator, on the,

Mr H.; Thompson is now third', engineer of the Mapourika. : •...'■ .-..-, Mr R; Martin, formerly third officer on the WaitOmo, has qualified -for a ehicf officer's certificate.

Captain J. P. Spring-Brown, late master of the Moeraki, is' to take command of. the, Willochra, relieving Captain A. M. Edwin, who goes on leave. . ! Mr C. J. Hack worth, second officer of the Mapourika, has signed on the Moeraki in a similar capacity.' INTERCOLONIAL. | The Kurow frbui Sydney with a full cargo, arrived yesterday at 8 a.m. at Wellington. She will load for Vancouver, and is to sail ahout Thursday next. The Atun will leave Sydney on May 6 for Wellington, in place of tho Moeraki. -with mails and cargo. She will return to Sydney from Wellington, with passengers; mails and cargo. ■'••,'-'■ THE PACIFIC SERVICE. The Union Company have been advised by sable that the Moana arrived at San Francisco on April 29. She Is to leave; there on Monday for Wellington, via Papeete and Haratonga, and- should reach her destination about May'2B.' The Makura, bound from .■Vancouver.-to Auckland, left Suva at 7 o'clock last night, and is due at Auckland on Monday evening. The vessel is stated-to be a clean ship, and is expected to berth on Tuesday morning. The Makura is timed to leave Auck-: land on May IS for Vancouver, via ports. The Niagara, arrived at Honolulu West, from Auckland and Suva (due date), and sailed the same day for Vancouver. OVERSEAS VESSELS. The lonic from Auckland via Wellington, Is due here on Wednesday. From this port she will sail for Port Chalmers. The Bhamo on completing.the discharge of portion of her Glasgow cargo at Wellington was expected to sail yesterday for Dunedin. • . .■".•' ' The Kia Ora from Liverpool with, troops, is due at Byttelton on Tuesday, ~'. The Niagara, according to information received at the Union"' Steam Ship Company's office at Auckland, by a '.'Herald" representative; will probably on her next trip from Vancouver In June, go-on'from Auckland to Sydney. Tlie Western■< Comet left New York oh April 22 cargo laden for Auckland, Eyttelton, Dunedln, Melbourne and Sydney. The Willochra which is being refitted at Port Chalmers, finished next week. She will be loaded at Wellington by the Shaw-Savill Company, and is to sail for London, via Australia and Cape Town. The Nobel Co.'s schooner Huia; which has been under repairs at Auckland for some, time, is expected to leave there to-day for Wellington and Dunedln.

The Kaikoura is to leave Napier to-day-for Tokomaru Bay.and W r cllington'to complete her loading for London. The Hororata is booked to sail from Wellington on Monday, with a full cargo for London via Panama. ;•.'.. The Transocean is to leave Wellington about the beginning of the week for Melbourne. .' ■,

Tlie Northern. Chief left Vancouver on April 22, for Auckland. . .Tlic-fu'U-riggeil ship Terpsichore from St. John, Canada, which is now discharging 3400 tons of general cargo at Wellington, is a British built vessel of 2025 tons. She was owned by the Germans nt the outbreak Of the war, but was commandeered by the British Government.

The Ajana has been timed to sail, from Wellington for Liverpool, via Panama, oil Tuesday. ,

The«Whakatanc from New York, is to Heave Auckland to-day for Wellington, where she will unload 3000 tons of cargo. After- ; wards she will come to Lyttclton to conItinuc discharge, which will be completed at Dunedin. ,> i • , The Paparoa from Glasgow with troops, , left Colon on April 27, for Wellington, where ■ she should arrive onMay 24.. :•; • The Shaw, Savill and Albion steamer Mahia which left Wellington on March 12 for Egypt, - sailed from Port Said on April 25 for London. The. C. and D. liner Port Sydney was to leave Newcastle for,, Wellington on Thursday night,, with 25 returned ;New Zealand munition w'orkcrs on board. ' She is not con--\cying any cargo for New Zealand. Due at Wellington on Thursday, next. She will later proceed to Timaru to commence loading. She Will return to Wellington Uncomplete her carfeo; and is to sail-On May 21 for Loudon, via Panama. .-., ,; NEW NAVAL COLLIER. The naval collier Bilocla, which ; was rcccntlv launched at Cockatoo Island, Australia, has been the subject s of much favourable comihcht; Of the single deck tvpe, she is 382 ft. over all with a 54ft. beam,; and 28ft. in depth; and on a draft of 22ft. Oln. has a deadweight carrj'ing capacity of 7000 tons on a'seagoing displacement of 10,000 tons; ; Her hold . will carry 0405 tons of coaly and. her. tanks lOOS.tons of oil! fuel, and 002 tons of water, besides . a hunker capacity of 1007 tons., In addition (to. being fittedas amodoitn naval collier, she Is also most adequately .equipped with all appliances .necessary for handling general cargo, to enable her to engage in coastal trade when not fully occupied with her fleet duties. The'vessek'has four main holds, and ; her hatches arc. 30ft. wide and; front 32ft. Oin. ,to 36ft. 10in; long. The hold ; spaces arc entirely open, there' being lio pillars or other obstructions' to obstruct the loading of coal or cargo. V- PAY OF PILOTS, A ! plea -for an increase : in the "pay ■of pilots is made by the Sydney Shipping List. The general publio (says the paper) have no conception of the many trials and responsibilities that arc each and every pilot in the service. In the first "place, they- must have experience as masters of vessels; in the second, they have to face many risks; thirdly, they have responsibilities whicli tlie ordinary individual never dreams of:, and, lastly, they are paid salaries ;whlch arc anything but commensurate with their manifold duties. The salaries paid these men average £450 per year, which, to some, would appear-a lair thing, but it must be remembered that they have remained at this figure for some time.

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Sun (Christchurch), Volume VI, Issue 1628, 3 May 1919, Page 8

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SHIPPING. Sun (Christchurch), Volume VI, Issue 1628, 3 May 1919, Page 8

SHIPPING. Sun (Christchurch), Volume VI, Issue 1628, 3 May 1919, Page 8