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JUDGING DAY AT ADDINGTON. FINE WEATHER AND BIG CROWDS. LARGE GATHERING OF CANTERBURY FARMERS. The North Canterbury Agricultural ami Pastoral Association's annual show, was got under way to-day. The weather was hot, but not to the degree of being unpleasant. Everywhere was activity in the erection, preparation and completion of booths and show places. As the morning wore on the scene took on its accustomed gaiety of display. Hags Hew from marquees and tents, the national emblems of the Allied countries predominating, while showmen displayed gaudily-coloured banners, eulogistic ot the virtues of their particular attraction. Judging of the various classes of stock was in full swing, and outside or the enclosure were gathered knots of people specially interested in the results of the judging. There were the usual displays of agricultural machinery, molor-cars and bicycles, furniture, pianos, and a hundred other articles. Attendants stood by ready to explain Ihe great improvement that bad been effected in the year that had passed. Ladies of the Nursing Division of the St. John Ambulance Association were in attendance, their tent in a cool and pleasant spot beneath the trees on the eastern boundary. The Women's Christian Temperance I'nion bad its usual booth, which was well patronised. A considerable number of people were present in the morning, and the number increased with the progress of the day. The patrons scattered themselves according to the partiality of their tastes and interests, the sheep pens in particular attracting a large number of farmers, experts, and spectators generally. Naturally the agricultural and farming interests predominated, and the gathering together of those interested in the primary industries of the province gave rise to many discussions on such subjects as the season's harvest prospects, the postponement of the wool sales, and the-Supreme Court's decision on the butter export question. All the net proceeds of the show will go to the Belgian Agricultural Restoration Fund.


DRAUGHT HORSES. Competition amongst the draught horses was better than lias been the rase for the hist show or two. For years in succession up till last year the Championship for draught entries was carried off by Baron Bold, but strangely enough, this year the only once beaten champion did not compete, and the splendid imported horse, Black Douglas, owned by Mr J. Boag, which was placed second to the Champion last year, was placed first against a very strong Held. The splendid action of Black Douglas stood him in good stead to-day, and was favourably commented upon by the judges. In the three-year-old class, Mr I). G. Wright had no opposition for his entire horse, Windermere Rangatira, and he secured the first and special prizes. The entire horse section was not such a bright one as would be expected from Canterbury, and to make matters worse, three of those entered did not put in an appearance, being late to arrive. Mr .las. Wyllie's Brussiloff was awarded the first prize. CATTLE.

A fine lot of Shorthorn cattle came into the ring, and there was plenty of competition. Mr John I Nixon was a heavy scorer in this j section, and the judge spoke very! highly of his heifer, Fllesmere Lady Broadstamp, and stated that he had not seen a better heifer anywhere. Mr John Dcans's Blithe 40th, was a good second. Jersey cattle were represented with entries from most of the prominent herds, and Mr 11. E. B. Watson was a large prize-taker. He secured first honours in the 2-year hull class with his Remarkable of Meadow Brook, and also first in the 3-year cow or heifer. Mr J. Fleming also got two firsts with Little Gem's Hopeful, and Prosperity respectively. The Jerseys, except for the few outstanding animals, were hardly up to the displays of years past, and the judges expressed the opinion that they were being allowed to go back. On the other hand some of* the exhibits were of the best and fit to take their place anywhere in New Zealand. The Ayrshire cattle were a good all-round lot. In the 2-year bull class Mr Arcbd. Gillies's Sir Arthur of Townhead, by Sir William of Fnglewood, was made champion, and was typical of the breed. Mr Gillies was doubly successful, gaining the reserve ticket with Sir William of Knglewood. These animals were both looking fine, and were wellbrought out. Mr John Parlanc was successful in the heifer in milk class, with his pretty little heifer, Princess of Gowan Hank. That the llolstein Friesian cattle are coming into favour was evidenced to-day, when there were 4H head catalogued, as against 21 last year and only 12 the previous year. The quality of the cattle was also much above the usual, although somewhat wanting in condition for showing, more especially amongst the yearling bulls. The judges experienced difficulty in separating the 11 competitors in the yearling bull class. Mi' A. S. Elworthy was successful with Cliffside Bulles Laddie for the championship, and Mr Geo. Gardner secured the reserve with Medbury King. Mr A. S. Elworthy \s Laddies Fancy was champion amongst the cows or heifers, with Mr W. McLachlan's Domino's Colantha Lass as reserve. THE PRIZE LIST. SHEEP. r.Nc.i.iMi i.i.k i;s'ri.:ts. (.fudge: Mr 11. T. Little.) F,»f, nbovc is months: I. Andrew 1 and cli., 2 unci res. cli., v.h.c, Canterbury Agricultural College h.e., H. Ilraton lUiodcs c. )■>.<•, above 1(1 months: I. Andrew 1 and -', Canterbury Agricultural College v.h.c, K. and J. Itt'id h.e., K. Kelland e. Kwc, under Hi months: R. Kelland 1, 1. Andrew 2 and v.h.c., Cant<rbury Agricultural College h.C, !•:. Kelland e. Kwe, under Hi months: j. Andrew I anil 2, Canterbury Agricultural

College v.11.C. ami h.c, E. Kellaiul c Two ewes, under 10 months: I. Andrew 1, 2 and v.h.c, E. Kellaiul h.c, R. and J. Reid c ENGLISH LEICESTERS. (Judge: Mr R. S. Lancaster, Paliiierston North.) Ham, over 2S months: H. and J. Hcid 1, Ji.c and c, I. Andrew 2, E. Kellaiul v.h.c Ham, above 1(5 months: H. and J. Reid 1 and res. ch., 2, and h.c, I. Andrew 3, R. Hcaton Rhodes c Hani, above 10 months: H. and J. Reid 1 and v.h.c, I. Andrew 2, Cantrehury Agricultural College h.c and c Hani, under Hi months: I Andrew 1 and 2, v.h.c, Canterbury Agricultural College h.c, J. E. P. Cameron c Hani, under 10 months, shorn: Canterbury Agricultural College 1 and 2, I. Andrew v.h.c. and h.c, R. Heatou Rhodes c. Two rams, under 10 months: I. Andrew 1, Canterbury Agricultural College 2 and

MERINO BREED, FINE COMBING. (Judge: Mr \Y. W. Mcnnc.) Ham, above 28 months (3): J. Stevenson 1 and eh., Sir Geo. Clifford 2 and v.h.c. Ram, above 10 months (6): Sir Geo. Clifford 1 and res. ch. and 2, A. \V. Rutherford v.h.c. Ram, under 16 months (4) : Sir Geo. Clifford 1 and 2, J. Stevenson v.h.c., H. Elisor h.c. Two rams, under 10 months (2): Sir Geo. Clifford 1, H. Elisor 2. Ewe, above 10 months and under 28 months (3) : 3. Stevenson 1 and ch., Sir Geo. Clifford 2 and res. ch., and V.h.c. Ewe, under 1G months (0): H. Ensor 1 and 2, Sir Geo. Clifford v.h.c., J. Stevenson h.c. and c. Two ewes, under 10 months: Sir Geo. Clifford 1. LINCOLN BREED. (Judge: Mr 11. Campbell.)

Ram, above 28 months (4) : N.Z. and A. Land Co. 1 and ch. and v.h.c, A. E. Wilhell 2 and res. ch. and h.c. Ram, above 10 months and under 28 months (10): N.Z. and A. Land Co. 1, 2, v.h.c, and c, A. E. Withcll 3. Rain, above 10 months, under 28 months, shorn alter October 1, 1910 (5): N.Z. and A. Land Co. 1, 2 and v.h.c. Ram, under 10 months (6): N.Z. and A. Land Co. 1 and v.h.c., A. E. Withcll 2. Ram, under 10 months, shorn alter October 1, 1910 (0) : T. bowling 1 and v.h.c, N.Z. and A. Land Co. 2 and h.c Two rams, under 10 months (2): N.Z. and A. Land Co. I and 2. Ewe, above 10 months, with lamb at foot (5) : N.Z. and A. Land Co. 1 and eh., 2 and res. eh., and c, A. E. Withell v.h.c and c Ewe, under 10 months: N.Z. and A. Land Co. 1 and 2. Ewe, under 10 months, shorn after October 1, 1916: N.Z. and A. Land Co. 1, T. Howling 2 and v.h.c. Two ewes, under 10 months: N.Z. and A. Land Co. t and 2. i ROMNEY MARSH BREED. (Judge: Mr R. Gray.)

Ram, above 28 months (4): R. J. Anderson 1 and ch., Canterbury Agricultural College 2, Donald Grant v.h.c. nnd h.c. Ram, above 10 months and under 28 months (I!): It. ,T. Anderson 1, I). Grand 2 and h.c. Ram, under 1(i months, shorn after October 1 (21 : I). Grant 1 und 2. Ram, under 1(1 months (!>): Canterbury Agricultural College 1 and res., I). Grant 2, v.h.c, and h.c. Ram, under 10 months, sorn after October 1, 19115 (2): D. Grant 1. Two rams, under 1f» months (2): 1). Grant 1 and 2. Ewe, above II! months, with lamb at foot (5): R. J. Anderson 1 and ch. and 2, Canterbury Agricultural College v.h.c. and c. Ewe, under 10 months (5) : Canterbury Agricultural College 1 and res. ch. and 2, R. J. Anderson v.h.c. nnd c. Ewe, under 10 months, shorn after October 1, 1!)l(i (1): Canterbury Agricultural College 1. Two ewes, under 1(1 months (2): Canterbury Agricultural College 1, R. J. Anderson 2. SOUTHDOWN RREEO. ( Judge: Mr \V. Gimblett.) Ram, above 28 months (:i) : Canterbury Agricultural College 1 and ch., I. Andrew 2 and res. ch., G. Gardner v.h.c. Ram, about 10 months and under 28 months (2) : Canterbury Agricultural College 1, G. Gardner 2. Ram, above 16 months and under 28 months, shorn after October 1, 10l(i (1): \V. .1. Jenkins 1. Ram, under 10 months (11): Canterbury Agricultural College 1, and and .'I, i. (Andrews v.h.c. Ram, under 10 months, shorn alter October 1, 1910 (10): Canterbury Agricultural College 1, 2. and v.h.c, T. Howling .'l. Two rams, under 10 months (!>: Canterbury Africultural College 1 and 2, I Andrew v.h.c Ewe, above 10 months with lamb at foot (ft): Canterbury Agricultural College I and ch., 2 and res. ch., v.h.c. Rwe, under 10 months (11): Canterbury Agricultural College 1, 2, and h.c, T. Howling •'I, I. Andrews v.h.c. Ewe, under 10 months, shorn after October 1, Iftlfi (ft): T. Oowling 1, Canterbury Agricultural College 2, v.h.c, and h.c, T. Howling 2. Two ewes, under 10 months (I): (J. Mcllean 1, 1 Andrew 2, Can-I'-rbury Agricultural College v.h.c. ADD DRAUGHTS I.aYl.S.'lsP

Filly, foaled since June HO, I ill 3 (G): .1. Boag 1 and h.c, I>. Shearer 2, G. If. Harnett v.h.c Gelding, foaled since June 30, 1913 (3): J. Patrick 1, 1). G. Stalker 2, W. Kirkland h.c. filly, foaled since June 3(1, 15*1 I (ft): J. Wyllie 1 and s;>., .1. Patrick 2, E. Jenkins 3, 11. E. R. Watson v.h.c, \V. Nlcholls h.c.

HORSES. DIIALT.HTS. Kiitirc liorsc (0): .?. Hoag's Black Douglas !, Donald's Kstate Bucklyvie's Favouritie 2, H. S. S. Kyle's Scotland's Stamp v.h.c. Kntire horse, foaled since June 30, 1913 (11 ; 1). ('.. Wright 1 and sp. Kntire horse, foaled since June III), 11)14 (71: J. W'vllie I and sp., IC. Hall 2, .1. 1). Wyllie h.c. Mare, in foal CD: K. K. Jenkins 1, \V. Nicholls 2 and h.c. Mare, with foal at loot (ID: 11. K. B. Watson 1 and v.h.c, J. Patrick 2, \\ . Nicholls h.c. CATTLE. SIIOHTHOHNS. (Judge: Mr R. Hrewer.) Hull, calved prior to June, HH.'l cju VV. H. Cunningham 1, A. Chamberlain 2, I), c. Wright v.h.c. Hull, calved since June, 1013 (2i: J. Nixon 1. Hull, calved since June lillt CD: Canterbury Agricultural College I and 2. Hull, calved since June, 1015 17): J. Nixon J and sp., J. Deans 2, H. Peach IS. A. Chamberlain v.h.c. Hull, calved s'nee November, Ittln (7): J. Nixon 1, 2, and :!, Canterbury Agricultural College v.h.c. Cow or Heifer, calved prior to June, I!I13 I") : W, It. Cunningham I, 1). C. Wright 2, A. Chamberlain .1, J. Nixon v.h.c. It. Peach li.c Heifer, calved since June, H>l !1 (a): J. Nixon I. .1. Deans 2. Canterbury Agricultural College v.h.c. A. Chamberlain h.c. Heifer, 2 year old: W. !l. Cunningham 1 and s|).. J. Nixon 2 and c, A. Chamberlain :t. Heifer. IK months: \V. H. Cunningham I. A. Chamberlain 2 and v.h.c. J. Nixon :t, It. Peach h.c, Canterbury Agricultural College c Yearling heifer: It. Peach I, A. Chamberlain 2 and .'I, J. Nixon v.h.c. and h.c. bull and three of progeny: \V. 15. Cunningham 1 and eh., J. Nixon 2 and res.

cli., A. Chamberlain 3. Cow, an,! two of progeny: A. Chamberlain 1 ;m<l 2. JERSEY CATTLE. (Judge: Mr R. ,1. Linn.) Bull, calved prior to .Tunc .'SO, 1!) l 1 (2): .7. Nailing 1, T. \V. Moor 2. Hull, calved since June 30, 1914 CO: IT. F.. H. Watson 1, \V. H. Weir 2, J. M. Waddrll v.11.C. Hull, calved : since Juno 30, 1915 (2): J. Fleming 1, T. \V. ■ Moor 2. Cow or Heifer, calved prior to I June 30, 1913 (2): H. E. H. Watson 1 and 2. Heller, calved since June 30, 1913 (I) 11. E. H. Watson I. Heifer, calved since June :10, 191 a (5): H. Maddrcn t, H. E. H. Watson 2 and v.11.C, W. 11. Weir h.c. and c. Cow, with two of progeny (3): IT. E. H. Watson 1. Two Yearling Heifers (I): H. E. H. Watson 1, W. 11. Weir 2. UNREGISTERED JERSEYS. Cow or Heifer, in milk (.2) : W. H. Weir 1. GUERNSEY CATTLE. (Judge: Mr R. J. Linn.) Bull, calved prior to June 30, 1911 fl): 11. S. S. Kyle 1. Bull, calved since June 30, 1914 (3): ('.. Gould 1 and, H. S. S. Kyle 2. Cow or heifer, calved prior to June 30, 1915 (21: H. S. S. Kvle 1 anil 2. Heifer, calved since June 30, 1915 (2} : (".. Could 1, 11. S. S. Kyle 2. AYRSHIRE BREED. (Judge: Mr I". Ireland.) Bull, calved prior to June 30, 1911 (3) : A. Gillies I, \V. J. Jenkins 2. Bull, calved since June 30, 1911 (.">>: A. Gillies 1 and ch., .1. Parlane 2. Bull, calved since June 30, 1915 (0) : J. Parlane 1, W. J. Jenkins 2. Cow or heifer, calved prior to June 30, 1913 (1): W. J. Jenkins 1. Cow or heifer, calved prior to June 30, 1913 (5): J. Parlane 1 and 2 and Heifer, calved since June 30, 1913 (3): J. Parlane 1 and, W. J. Jenkins 2. HOLSTEIN I'BIKSIAX. (Judge: Mr W. James.) Hull, calved prior to June 30, 1914 (81: A. S. Klworthv 1 and ch., J. Briggs 2, J. Burgess h.c. Bull, calved since June 30. 1914 (2): G. Gardner 1 and res. ch., Miln Bros. 2. Bull, calved since June 30, 1915 (0): G. Gardner I, A. S. Elworthy 2 and h.c, W. J. Clinton 3. Cow or heifer, calved prior to June 30, 1913 («) : A. S. Klworthv 1 and ch. and h.c, R. Mugford 2. Heifer, calved since June 30, 1913: W. McLachlan 1 and res. ch., J. Burgess 2, A. S. El worthy h.c. and c. Heifer, calved since June 30, HIM (7): W. McLachlan 1, J. Briggs 2, A. S. Elworthy v.h.c. Heifer, calved since June 30. 1915 ill): A. S. Klworthv 1, W. McUichlnu 2, ('.. Gardner and c. ! ST. JOHN AMBULANCE. The Order of St. .John was represented on the grounds with various tents, in which nurses were stationed, in case of their services being required. However, they were I luckily having an idle time, no casualties being recorded. i SIDE SHOWS. The usual assortment of side-shows, without which a Metropolitan .Show is > incomplete, wore scattered about the i grounds. Sell's Circus advertised ninny , sensational acts and novelties, and : The "Globe of Death" had an array of ' fascinated spectators. Flag-sellers, nov- , city vendors, game players, and itincr- • ant. photographers all had their coteries I* of admirers. Various war funds had i tents, and solicited donations. The Wo • men's Christian Cnion had its usual tea and luncheon booth.

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Sun (Christchurch), Volume III, Issue 858, 9 November 1916, Page 11

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A. AND P. SHOW COMMENCES. Sun (Christchurch), Volume III, Issue 858, 9 November 1916, Page 11

A. AND P. SHOW COMMENCES. Sun (Christchurch), Volume III, Issue 858, 9 November 1916, Page 11