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SATURDAY'S LIST. The New Zealand Army Casualty List issued on Saturday was the heaviest that has yet been announced since the beginning of the war. It contained a total of 000 names, in which were included llifj dead. The complete summary is as under:—

111 illllllllllll (til ,VI!.MI itllilll II.M VWt.-i issued reporting 1!) casualties among the New Zealanders included in the Australian Army. The list is as follows: KILLED IN ACTION. Previously Reported Misslnj, subsequently Reported Killed In Action. Auckland Battalion. September 15. McLean, R. I)., Second-lieutenant (Murdock McLean, Mount Albert, Auckland, father). Reported Killed in Action. Canterbury Battalion. September 20. Gowdy, 11., Second Lieutenant (E. W. Gowdy, Palmerston North, father). New Zealand Rifle Brigade. September 10. Hcnnerson, C. W., Rifleman (Mrs J. Allen, Bexley, Oxford, Canterbury). Edwards, A., Rifleman (Mrs E. J. Mnlloy, Auckland, mother). Evans, P. W. 12., Rifleman (R. Evans, Kowal Bush, Canterbury, father). September 11. Buchanan, G., Rifleman (G. Buchanan, Glasgow, lather). Weir, F. R., Lance Corporal (D. Weir, Kirk caldy, Scotland, mother). September 12. Aldrldge, T. 8., Rifleman (B. P. Aldrldge, Stratford, father). Boyd, A., Rifleman (Mrs J. Boyd, Glasgow, mother). Ileule, G. S., Rifleman (Mrs O. M. Heale, Waiuku, Auckland, wile). Hodder, H., Rifleman (F. J. Hodder, Taita, father). Mitchell, V., Rifleman (C. W. Mitchell, Whangarci, fattier). Smith, E. P., Rifleman (E. 12. Smith, Thames). Walker, P., Rifleman (J. Walker, Taradale, father). September 13. Austin, H. R., Corporal (It. S. Austin, Palmerston South, father). Gibson, E. P., Rifleman (William Gibson, Feilding, father). McCleary. I)., Rifleman (J. McCleary, Wai pawn). Petersen, W., Rifleman (Miss F. Davies, Leamington, Cambridge). September 15. Ackers, 12 1,„ Riflenmii (O. Ackers, Pualapine, Waiau, father). Adams, .1. T., Rifleman (William Adams, Dunedin, father). Anderson, C, Rifleman (Mrs A. Anderson, Kokonui, Southland, mother). Atkinson, H., Rifleman (Mrs S. Atkinson, Normanby, Taranaki, mother). Austin, E. M., Rifleman (Mrs 12. Austin, Ardingly, England, mother). Anstls, P., Lance-Corporal (Mrs M. Anstls, Waipawn, mother). Bateman, H. 0., Rifleman (Mrs S. A. ISatcnian, Epsom, Auckland). Bennett, 11. 12. 12., Rifleman (J. E. Bennett, Inglewood, father). Bicknell, C. R., Lance Corporal (A. R. Bick nell, Birkenhead, father). Bonner, It., Rifleman (Mrs R. Bonner, West more, ltoss, Tasmania, mother). Bacchus, R. 1.., Lance-Corporal (Mrs R. K. Bacchus, Karnka Bay, Wellington, wife). Bacchus, J. H., Lance Corporal (Mrs S. R. Bacchus, Manakau, Manawatu, wife). Blanchard, C, Rifleman (Mrs L. Adams, Brooklyn, F.S.A., aunt). Bland, H. G., Corpora! (T. Bland, Caprera Street, Wellington South, father). Boulden, 12. G., Rifleman (Mrs W. Boulden, Newbridge, England, mother). Buyer, A. S., Sergeant (li. iiover, Waverley, brother). Brodic, It., Rifleman (Mrs M. Brodie, Newton, mother). Burkhardt, A. P., Rifleman (P. Burkhardt, Knimata, father). Borrows, A. L. S., Rifleman (A. Borrows, Linwood, father). Butler, W. M., Rifleman (W. P. Butler, Dunedin, wife). Campbell, P., Rifleman (Mrs J. Campbell, Hawera, mother). Canton, W. 1. Riiloman (G. Y. Canton, Tau mnrunul, father). Capper, R., Rifleman (Mrs 11. Capper, Waihi, mother). Gate, W. ii., ;",:;V;u:.n (i.2. Cat", Toko). Christie. W. L, Luiicc-Corporal (Mrs M. Christie, Hyde, Otago, motner). Clausen, 11., Rifleman (C. F. Claasen, Ra weue, Hokianga, father). Clark, C. R. C Rifleman (J. 12. Clark, Essex, father). Cooper, A. R., Rifleman (J. Cooper, Leamington, Cheviot, North Canterbury, father). Crozirr, A, H., Rifleman (Mrs D. Simpson, Moturoa, sister). Davey, S. 12., Riflaman (George Davey, Tenmka, father). Davis, H. W., Lance-Corporal (11. W. Davis, Herriesville, father). Dcnby, W. 11., Sergeant (Mrs E. M. Denby, Masterton, wife). Derrett, T. L., Corporal (T. Derrett, Waiau, father). Dickey, .1. D., Rifleman (Mrs F. L. Dickey, Auckland, mother). Divchall, C. W. .)., Rifleman (Mrs M. A. Divehall, Toko, mother). Duff, C. A., Rillenum (Mrs 12. E. Duff, Bulls, mother). Dunn, 12. R., Rifleman (W. T. Dunn, Greytown, father). Fajpmer, T. R., Rifleman (G. FalconerTaylor. Cheltenham, England). Faulls, W. H., Rifleman (Mrs M. Faulls, Marshland, mother). Fernnndrz, C. J., Rifleman (J. Fernandez, Wellington, father). Foley, J,, Rifleman (T. J. Foley, Charing Cross, father). Garbett, \. 1.., Rifleman (Mrs W. Wownle, Murc'iison, s:ster). Gasson, C. 11., Lanee-Corporal (J. Gasson, Devpnoort, father). Gibson, R., Lance-Corporal (R. J. Gibson, Masterton, brother). Goodey. J. 11., Rifleman (W. J. Goodev, Rivcrhead, Auckland, father). Grnhame, W. «., Lance Corporal (F. Harris, Gisborne). Gray, W. 12., Rifleman (12. A. Gray, Carterton, father). Hamlin, F. .1., Rifleman (J. W. Hamlin, Rongotea. father). H"iidry, A., Rifleman (J. Hendry, Scotland, father). Hodder, It. R., Lance-Corporal (T. R. Hodder, PalmersJon North, lather). Howe, L. A. Rifleman (.1. J. Kruse, Forton, uncle). Howck, L, Lance-Corporal (J. Howes, Ormoudville, brclher). Hunson, A. .1., Rilleman (Mrs E. Houghton, Via Esplanade, Petone, .sister). Jack, D. 1... Corporal (R. W. .lack, Whan-, garei, father,. Le Quesne, .1. A . Rifleman (.1. l.e Quesne, P.ikclapu Hawkn's Ray). Linn, J. R., Rifleman (.1. Linn, Toko, mothLonsj, J. Rifleman (Mrs A. Long, Wales wife). Lovelock, G. I"., Rifleman (Mrs M. Lovelock, Devonport, mother,. Lowe, R .1!., Rifleman (It. ,1. Lowe, Napier father). I.owry, 11,. Rifleman (Mrs S. Lowry, Gougher, Strabare, Ireland, mother). McAithur, P., Kill-nun (Mrs McArtlmr. CriclV, Perthshire, mother,. Mcßride, A. M., Rifleman (Mrs I. Mcßride, Kaukapakapa, mother,., W„ Rifleman (R. McCaw, Waitalluina, hither,. McDonald, G. 1.., Rifleman (T. F. McDonald, Kilbirnh-, Wellington, lather). McGregor, I)., Rifleman (.!. McGregor, Ireland, father). McKichHii, A. Mel.., Lance-Corporal (Mrs J McKlchan, Scolland. molher). McKhmon, .1., Rifleman (P. McKinnon, Arran, Buteshire, father). McLean, I l '. A., Rilleman (Miss M. McLean, Invercargill, sister). McLcllan, 1., Rille.-nan (Miss N. MeLellan Scotland). McMinn, S. V., Rifleman (11. McMinn Sydenham, Chrislchurch, father,. McMinn. T., Rifleman (S. McMinn, Tyrone Ireland, father). Maffey, S. A., Rifleman (Mrs S. Miilfey, London, mother). Mars, .1., Rifleman (Mrs 12. Bird, Wales, sisien. Marsh, G. 11., Rifleman ( T. Marsh, Wsipukurau, father). Martin, J. A., Sergeant (Miss 12. M.irtiu, England, sister,. Murphy, M., Rifleman (1.. Lrlievre, M inn nui). Nicholas, 12. 0., Acling-Corporal (F. Nicholas, Auckland, lather). North, 11. S., Rifleman (W. G. North, Pieton).

Noyce, C. H., Corpora! (Mrs .1. P. Noyce, Kiriiiiiitdiuni, ICntfland, mother). O'Dommtie, ]•:. ,!., Serßcant (Mrs [•:. ()•- Doiioluip, Christchurch, wife). Olliver, .1. r.„ Hilh-mmi (Mrs M. r. Ollivcr, I.uinsdcii, mother). Olscn, A., lliHciuuu (A. Ol.seu, Norway, father).

Pendergast, J., Rifleman (J. Pendergast, Pokeno, Wiiikato, father). Pcuney, R. C, Acting-Scrgennt (C. Penney, Wellington, uncle). Perry, S., Lance-Corporul (Mrs \V. Terry, Bona IS;iv, Wellington, mother), ['otter, (J., Rifleman (A. T. Potter, Whanftnrei, father). Madeline, W. 11., Rifleman (Mrs M. Radeliil'e, Mauriccville, W., mother). Raxworthy, T. A., Rifleman (Mis M. P. Raxworthy, Linwood, wile). Rice, S., Rifleman (J. Rice, Joluisonville, rather). . Uoherts, C. (',., Rifleman (Mrs R. L. Roberts, New Plymouth, mother). Robinson, A. ('.., Sergeant (Mrs A. G. Robinson, Chrislchurch, wile). Russell. <;. B. 12., Lance-Corporal (('.. Russell, Wellington, lather). Sexton, .1. «., Rifleman (S. Sexton, St. Hilda, father). Shaw, (1. !)., Rifleman (Mrs R. Rarr, South Dunedin): Skeet, R. 11., Rifleman (11. M. Skeet, Mt. Eden, father). Stevenson, .V. (',., Rifleman (.1. Stevenson, Reellon, father). Styants, A. !•'., Corporal (Mrs M. Styants, Chrislchurch, wile). Tickner, A., Lnncc*Corporal (Mrs A. Pryland, England, mother). Tregilgus, S., Rillenum (Mrs S. Tregilgus, Alexandria South). Trimni, 11. M., Rifleman (Mrs A. Trinim, Waitara, mother). Vaughan, (1. 11., Rifleman (Mrs f.. E. Ilamill, Wellington, sister). Vernon, A., Rifleman (Mrs A. Vernon, Milton). Walsh, I"., Rifleman (!■". Walsh, Christ -church, brother). Westbtirv. H. ,1., Rifleman (A. Westbury, Orepuki, father). Wilkins, S. T., Rifleman (.1. T. Wilkin*. Wellington, father). Wilton, H. R., Rifleman (T. R. Wilton, Mauganiutu, l'ahiatua, father). Woodford, I'., Rifleman (11. E. Woodford, Opoiiki, father). Woods, T. (;., Rifleman (T. \V. Woods, Pukekohe, father). Wright, S., Corporal (Mrs A. K. Wright, Tatley, England, mother). September Hi. Harding. P. I!., Corporal (A. Harding, Onchunga). Mason, .1., Rifleman (.!. Mason, Wellington, father). Warnock, .1. E. E., Rifleman (,I. Warnock, Auckland, brother). Canterbury Mounted Rifles. September Hi. Divan, G.. Trooper (Mrs J. Divan, Scadown, Canterbury, mother). Auckland Battalion. Barron, R., Private (.1. Barron, Mercer, brother l. Evans, A. W., Private (Mrs M. Evans, Linwood, Chrlstchurch, mother). Heatley, 12., Corporal (G. Heatley, Te Kupuru. North Auckland). Hall, A. J., Private (J. Hall, Rotorua, father). Morrison, D., Private (Mrs C. Morrison, Scotland). Norliug, A., Private (Mrs M. A. Norliug, Wade.stown, mother). Thomason, A., Lance-Corporal (.1. Thoinasou, Rato-Orangi, father). Walker, C. L., Private (M. Walker, Tauraviga, father). Whitburn, 11., Private (.1. Whitburn, Epsom ). Warman, P. W., Private (Miss S. Warman, Kllbirnie, sister).

DIED OF WOUNDS. New Zealand Field Artillery. September 10. Davlns, H. A., Captain (J. It. Davles, Walpawa, father). Otago Mounted Rifles. Brown, R., Actiug-Bomhardicr (Mrs A. Brown, Wellington, wife). N.Z. Rifle Brigade. September 10. Annard, A. L., Rifleman (W. Annard. Opawa, father). Bindall. G. F., Rifleman (W. 12. Bindall, New Plymouth, father). Sloss, 8., Rifleman (R. Sloss, Cheviot, father). Wall, M., Sergeant (Miss M. Wall, Christchurch, sister). Williams, 1). C, Rifleman (N. S. Williams, Wales, father). Canterbury Mounted Rifles. September 15. Gosling, C. W., Trooper (C. Gosling, Timaru, father). Canterbury Ball a lion. Hazelton, T. L., Private (.). H.izelton, Wainiate, Canterbury). Browne, C. H. ()., Private (11. V. Browne, Blenheim, father). N.Z. Rifle Brigade. September 18. Emmett, A., Rifleman (T. G. Emmett, Napier, brother,. Pivott, 12., Rifleman (W. H. Pivott, Ouehunga, father). Turner, P. ,L. Rifleman (.1. Turner, Eltham, father,. Woodford, J., Rilleman (Mrs A. Woodford, Dunedin). Wellington Battalia,. September I!). Steele, T. R., Private (Mrs A. Steele, luvcrcargill, mother). Otago Battalion. Limas, J., Private (Mrs 12. Lomas, Hastings, mother). N.Z. Rifle Brigade. Treleaven, C. J., Rifleman (.1. Treleaven, England, father). September 20. Bell, Leonard, Rifleman (Mrs W. Bell, Normandy, Dunedin, mother). Hunt, O. F., Rifleman (F. H. Hunt, Grey Lynn, father). Wellington Battalion. Swinney, J., Private (B. .1. Swinney, Cambrian, Otago, father). Friis, F., Private (Mrs M. C. Mitchell, Dim ! nevirke, mother). Canterbury Battalion. O'Shea, D., Private (P. O'Shea, Timaru, father). N.Z. Rifle Brigade. September 21.

Fearon, A. E., Rifleman (H. W. Fearon, Onehungn, father). Purccll, R., Rifleman (Mrs W. K. Purcell, Rotorua, mother). Wellington Battalion. September 22.

Loader, E. L., Private (W. 11. Loader, Woodville, lather). > MISSING. BELIEVED TO BE PRISONERS OF WAR. FINDING OF COUHT OF INQUIHY. Previoutdy reported missing, now reported to be prisoners of war; August. Auckland Mounted Rifles. Biuvcn, C. C, Trooper (iC. I!. C. 80-wen, Napier, father). McLcnnan, 1. ('.. Trooper (D. C. McLcnnan, Waipu, father). McLeod, 1). (',., Trooper (Mrs H. McLcod, Waipu). Penrce, A., Trooper (IC. Pearce, KnTland). Quinlal, I>. !,., Trooper (.1. J. Fraser, Whangare.i). Saunders, .1. IL, Trooper (W. Saunders, Russell, father). Canterbury Mounted Rifles. Martin, W. M., Trooper (.L Martin, Whan garei, father). WOUNDED. Wounded, Embarked for England. N.Z. Rifle Brigade. September 17. Mnnn, IC, Rineman (Mrs Maun, Makotulcu, mother). Morgan, S., Rifleman ill. G. Morgan, Hastings, father). Nilsson, IC. 1., Sergeant (.1. Niisson, Wairon). Sullivan, If., Rifleman (Mrs P. Sullivan, Lower Mutt, mother). Wellington Battalion. September 18. Luff, T R., LaneeCorporal (T, Luff, Wadestown, father). Martin .Smith, 1,., Private (11. Martin-Smilh, Hastings, father). Scarle, IC. IL !•'., Lance Corporal (P.. A. Scarfe, C.isl.orne, father). Thompson, A. V., Lance Corporal (Mis A. IC. Thompson, Auckland, mother). Canterbury Battalion. Swadel, .1. R., Private (S. H. Swadel. Dun dee). Otago Battalion. Watson, A., Private (Mrs A. Watson, Tim aru, wife). Auckland Mounied Bides. September li). Chapman, IL, Trooper (,!. .!. Chapman, New Plymouth, father). Prcvlounly reported wounded, gas, now reported not wounded, hut admitted hospital, sick. N.Z. Field engineers. September I. Brooker, IL, Sapper (H. Brooker, Kent, mother). Previously reported wounded, now reported wounded accidentally. Divisional Train. September (i. Roche, R. S., Driver (R. W. Roche, Benin era, falser). Repsrted wounded: no dnle given. Morion, 'IC, Second Lieut. (Mrs IC. Morion Hataitai, wife). Following Reported Wounded. Auckland Infantry Battalion. September 10.

Abbott, K. !•', l.uiicc-Corpoi'!il Jt. T. Abbott ecu., AucliJ; idj father).

Addis, .T. L., Private (Mrs W. J. Addis, Ellerslle, Auckland, mother). Armstrong, E. (•., Private (J. Armstrong, Devonport, Auckland, father). Broadley, <»., Private (W. Rroadley, Yorkshire, father). Brown, G. 11., Corporal (Mrs E. Brown, Waikato, mother). Carter, C. 12., Private (Mrs M. Carter, Otalimliu, wife). Carter, V. N., Private (.1. H. Carter, Nethcrton, Thames Valley, brother). Chandler, P. H., Private (S. G. Chandler, Kairauga, Palmerston North, mother). Clark, I'., Private (.1. Clark, Glenesk, Waikuinete, father). Cole, P. ()., Private (.1. Cole, Auckland, father). Cowpcr, .1. A., Private (Mrs E. Carroll, Auckland, sister). Croft, A., Private (..lean Grlbble, Grey Lynn, cousin). illinium, I". .1., Private (Mrs A. Drinnan, Kaukapakapa, mother). Earby, T. V. G., Private (Mrs B. Earby, iiuntlv, mother). Poster, A. J. K., Private (C. Foster, Auckland, brother). Foster, .1., Private (A. Smith, Mercer, friend). Eox, 12. V.. Sergeant (Mrs C. O'Lcary, Erankton Junction). Gillespie, L. W., Private (J. R. Gillespie, Kaitangiweka, Tauniarunui, father). Grifliths, i\., Private (Emma Griffiths, Pa tere Waimou, Okoroire, mother). Grubb, D. 11. M„ Private (G. Grubh, Avondale, lather). Hall, N. .1., Private (.1. Hall, Auckland, brother). V., Corporal (Mrs B. H. Hobbs, Auckland). Irvine, T., Private (J. Irvine, Auckland, father). Jennings, G. S., Private (12. Jennings, Te Aroha, father). Kayc, C. W., Private (A. Kaye, Footscray, Victoria). Laird, W., Lance Corporal (W. Laird, Aberdeen, Scotland, mother). Mackintosh, J. S., Private (Mrs K. P. Butler, Devonport, Auckland, mother). Milne, R. N., Private (D. Milne, Petane, Napier). Nearv, J. V., Sergeant (Margaret G. Neary, Wellington). Nellson, A. L., private (Mrs Neilson, Newmarket, Auckland). Ormerod, E. A., Private (W. Whiting, Auckland, friend). Otto, A., Private (Margaret Otto, Benmera, mother). Parker, L. F., Private (Annie Parker, Hobart, mother). Peterson, G„ Private (Florence M. A. Da vies, Leamington, Cambridge, mother). Powell, W. G., Private (W. Powell, Takapuna, father). Prince, E. G., Private (Mrs M. Prince, Pirongia, Waikato, mother). Quarrie, L., Private (A. J. Quarrie, Otahuliu, mother). Raiuey, J., Private (Mrs R. J. McCown, Waterview, Avondale, sister). Robinson, R., Private (Mr A. Robinson, Snowy River, Victoriai. Ryburn, F. 1... Private (J. Rjburn, Paterangi, father). Sharp, E. .L, Private (Mabel Smith, England, aunt). Shaw, M. P., Sergeant (Mrs W. E. C. Holme, England), Simpson, R. A., Private (Margaret Simpson, Chrislchurch, motheri. Smith, W. H„ Acting-Corporal (Mrs W. Robinson, Epsom, friend). Stephenson, A., Private (W. Stephenson, Aberdeenshire, father). Tierney, P. A., Private (P. Tierney, Angina, Ireland, father). Todd, N. T., Sergeant-Major (J. M. Todd. Otahuhu, father). Wardleworth, T. L., Lance-Corporal (W. Wardleworth, Devonport, father,. Watson, ,L, Private (Mary Watson, Hastings). Welsh, \V., Private (Margaret Welsh, Liverpool, sister). Wheeler, C. P. V., Private (Or Wheeler, Devonport, father). Williams, .1 T., Private (J. T. Williams, Auckland, wife). Williamson, M., Private (P. Anderson, Bongotea, Palmerston North i. Young, L. V., Lance-Corporal (R. Young, Chrislchurch). Young, R. G., Private (C. R. Young, Papakuru, mother;. Wellington Infantry Battalion. Harris, T. S., Private (J. Harris, Rae'Jhi, father) . Otago Infantry Battalion. Person, .!., Private (B. Ostluud. Mataura, friend). New Zealand Rifle Brigade. Dorset, S. W„ Rifleman (A. Dorset, Otaki, mother). Otago Mounted Rifles. September 17. Oxenham, C, Second-Lieutenant (11. G. Oxcnhani, Auckland, father!. Auckland Infantry Battalion. Seown, R., Private (P. Deacon Scown, Kakaramea, father). Stunner, 12. 11., Private (Mrs Stunner, Auckland, mother). Wads worth, T., Private (Mrs F. Dickens.. Cambridge, sister). Watcborn, .1. F., Lance-Corporal (W. J. Watchorn, Hobart, mother). New Zealand Medical Corps. September 20. Emmett, F. N., Sergeant (Mrs L. Emmett, Liverpool). Auckland Mounted Rifles. Chisholm, J. H., Captain (J. W. Chisholin, c/o Mrs W. Myles, Ilurlcyville, wild. Wellington Infantry Battalion. Patchctt, H. C, Second-Lieutenant (C. Putchett, Wellington, father). Pearse, I). W., Second-Lieutenant (P. Mary Pcarse, Tauherenikau, wife). Following reported wounded slightly, remaining with unit:— Auckland Infantry Battalion. September 17. Bennett, N., Corporal (A. F. J. Bennett, Tiuiaru, father;. September 10. Jones, J. I)., Private (Keturah Jones, Ponsonby, mother). Potts, A. A., Private (R. Potts, W«nganui, father). Canterbury Infantry Battalion. Cresswell, A. 12., Private (W. D. Cresswell. Stoke, father). Wounded, admitted hospital, September 12:— New Zealand Rifle Brigade. Smart, J. A., Rifleman (A. Smart, Te Kuiti, father). Wounded, admitted hospital:— Welliugion Infantry Battalion. September Li.

Lugg, A. 11. Private (Mrs A. 12. Lugg, Christchurch, mother,. New Zealand Rifle Brigade. Frus, A., Billcnian (Mrs J. Mitchell, Maugatcra, mother). Green, J. L., Rilleman (C. J. Green, Reefton,

father,. ' Mclsaae, V It., Rifleman (Mrs T. E. Mcl.saac

Blenheim, mother). Pinknry, 12., Rifleman (Mrs E. Pinkncv

Masterton). Rohsou, 12., Rifleman (W. Rohson, Blenheim, father I. Thompson, A., Rifleman (Mrs M. Anderson Lytteltonl.

Wounded, admitted hospital:— Auckland Mounted Rifles. September 11. [lcwotson, ,t. V., Trooper (Mrs M. Hewctson, Hastings, mother). McKenzie, .1. Sergeant (1). McKrnzlc. Dniiiievirke). Wellington Infantry Battalion. Crawford, L. .1. 8., Private (J. H. Crawford, Pahiatiui). Robinson, 1>,., Lance-Corporal (Mrs Haig, England). New Zealand Hide Brigade. Nation, F., Rifleman (Mrs M. Nation, Ngaio, mother). Smith, F. .1. C, lUfl.-man (IC. M. Smith, Si. Albans, mother). Wellington Mounted Mines. September If., fiurrett, H. I!. W., Trooper (Mrs I>. Ciavrett, 17 (Vlaedouald Crescent, Wellington, wife). Hamilton, A. S„ Trooper (Mrs It. Hamilton, Otininru, mother). Littlejolm, IC, Trooper (J. J. Littlejohn, Onga Onga, father). Strar.hnn, .1. A., Trooper (Mrs M. Strachan Tarydalr, Hawke's Hay, mother). Canterbury Mounted Rifles. Clin, <i. If., Trooper (Mary V. Cliff, Winchester, South Canterbury, mother). I'airgrirvc, M. T„ Trooper (Mr* Turnbuil, Seattle, aunt). Otago Mounted Hides. Cair, ,!., Lance Corporal (Mrs ,1. Cair, Marton, mother). Allardice. I', IC. Trooper (Mrs A. Allardice, Danuevirke, mother). Auckland Infantry Battalion. Amliiin, IC. .!., Private (Mrs Audain, Arch Hill, Auckland, mother). Lindon. \V. IL, Private (Mrs IC. Lindon, Cieiiferrie, Victoria, mother). Otago Infantry Ilattiiliou. I Phillpoll, 11. V., Private (1). Phillpott, South Invercargill, father). Auckland Infantry Battalion. Soanoit, 11., Private (Mrs 10. Scarrott Kingslaud, Auckland, mother). Wellington Infantry Battalion. [fuller, it.. Sergeant (Mrs IC, Butler, Wlninganui Fast, mother). Cob-, H„ Corporal (M. T. Cole, Timaru, father). I Connolly, .(., Private (.(. Coimollv, Mahoru, father). i Crawford, IC. S., Private (Miss K. I). Crawford, Masterton, sister). ICggers, C. P. C, Luuce-Corporal (C. 0. I lCggers, Tauiuarunui, father). I Hd wards, K. N., Sergeant ((',. 11, ICdwards, ' Napier, futlicr).

Howatson, A. S., Private. (A. Howatson, Waiiganui, father). Livingston, A. R., Lance-Corpora 1 (A. Livingston, Hunterville, father). Marriott, F. W., Private (S. H. Marriott, Ballancc, father). O'Leary. .1. C, Private (T. O'Learv, South Norsewood, father). Bandle, R., Private (Miss E. Randle, Dunedin, sister). Smith, S., Private (Mrs T. Fyfe, Miramar, sister). Utiger, IS., Private (B. Fisher, Inglewood, uncle). Lusty, 0., Private (F. Lusty, Richmond, father). Canterbury Infantry Battalion. Allen, ,L, Private (M. A. Allen, Killinchv, brother). Armstrong, R. 0., Private (R. Armstrong, Southbridge, father). Rroderick, G., Private (Mrs C. Broderick, Grant Boad, Wellington, mother). Brosnan, R. K. 8., Private (J. A. Brosnan, St. Albans, mother). Newman, W. H., Private (F. Newman, Hillside, Picton, wife). Roche, M., Lance-Corporal (Mrs M. Cooper, Musselburgh, mother). Otago Infantry Battalion. Kaveney, P. ('.., Private (R. Kuveney, Invercargill South). Robinson, R. H., Private (0. Seymour, Moruingtou, Dunedin). -. Rutherford, S. Private (Sr Rutherford, Dunedin, mother). Smyth, 11. W. G., Private (Mrs F. A. Smyth, Fssex, ISugland, mother). Thomson, T. .1. 1., Corporal (M. Thomson, Kamahi, father). N. 7.. Rifle Brigade. Cameron, L. D., Rillenian i\V. Cameron, Napier, lather). Friend, ,1., Rift-man (R. Watkins, Palmerston North). Hewitt. I'.. Rifleman (T. T. Hewitt, Somerset. Enghind, father). Mapson, .1. W., Rillenian (C. Mapson, Fnghmd, father). Mitchell. 11. \v. ,\., r.ineman (Mrs IS. Mitchell, Otaki, mother). Parker, 1.. ('.., Rifleman (K. Parker, Dunedin, father). Robertson, ,1. A., Lauce-Corporal (J. I". R. Robertson, Auckland, father). Smyrlc. P. R., Sergeant (IS. P. Smyrk, Napier, father). Thomas, A. H., I.ancc-Corporal (H. R. Thomas, Christcliurch, father). Following Reoorf?d Wounded, Admitted Hospital. Auckland Mounted Rifles. September 10. Mitchell, ,1. P., Trooper (Mrs T. Mitchell, Manly, Sydney, mother). Park. .1., Trooper (A. J. Park, Ngaruawahia, father). Stone, I'. A., Trooper (R. Stone, Raureka, Hastings, father). Tilyard, !'.. R. Trooper (J. Tilyard, Wellington, father). Wellington Mounted Rifles. Cameron, IS. D., Trooper (Mrs M. R. Cameron, Cheshire, mother). Hansen, \V., Trooper (R. P. Hansen, Mauriceville, father). Walters, N. P., Corporal (Mrs A. Walters, 1S Revans Street, Newtown, mother). Watts, T. IL, Trooper (S. ,1. Watts, Waihi, mother). Weeks, L. N., Trooper (T. Weeks, Hustings, father). Canterbury Mounted Rifles. Darling, P. J., Trooper (Mrs t. Darling, Christcliurch, mother). Donaldson, G. A. H„ Trooper (0. W. Donaldson, Leith Valley, father). McGregor, .!„ Trooper (Miss O. M. McGregor, Addington, sister). Mills, A. G., Trooper (Mrs F. T. Mills, Johnsonville, mother). Shepherd, .)., Trooper (J. Shepherd, Eyreton, mother). Otago Mounted Rifles. Low, A. F., Trooper (Miss A. M. Low, Wnitalnma, sister). McDonuld, .1.. Trooper (N. McDonald, Waiiganui). N.Z. Field Artillery. Pickford, J. L., Specialist (Mrs McWhirter, Jackson Street, Petone, mother). Riley. F. S., Gunner (Mrs R. Riley, Martinborough). Scobin. W., Acting-Bombardier (Mrs J. I). Scobie, Tlmaru, mother). Winnie, IS. C, Gunner (C. H. Winnie, I<ower Hutt).

Auckland Infantry Battalion. Bolrr, A., Private (Mrs J. S. Holer, New I.ynn, mother). Castle, I). \\'„ Private (Mrs A. J. Castle,

Auckland, mother). Palmer, F. ](., Corporal (Mrs M. Palmer, Mount Eden, mother). Wellington Infantry Battalion.

Alexander, H. A., Private (Mrs E. Alex under, Petone). Billing, F. H., Lance Corporal (J. T. Billing, Kiihotu, father). BUkey, !■'., Private (Mrs M. J. Blakev,

Yorkshire, mother). Branuigan, R. J., Private (Mrs C. R. Bran uigan, Greytown, mother). Bray. A. F. \V., Private (Mrs D. J. Bray, Sydenham, sister-in-law). Brown, F. R., Private (Mrs J. Brown, Man g:;rci, mother). Bo'loc's. \V. \V., Lance Corporal (Mrs S. Bullock, Ponsonby, mother). Butler. H„ Lance Corporal (Mrs S. Butler.

Auckland, mother). Callaglinn, T. H., Private (Mrs G. Calla ghaii, St. Albans, mother). Collings, L. 1!., Private (11. tollfngs, P. 0., Taihape, father). Crouclicr, J. M., Corporal (W. J. Crouclier,

Sanson, brother!. Dagg, W. P., Private (Mrs S. Dagg, P.O

Waipawa, mother).. Oavies, J., Private (Mrs F.. R. Davles 55 Hansen Street, Wellington, mother). Diniiie, C. R. Corporal (E. \V. Oiimie, Oriental Bay, father). Dougherty, ,f., Lance-Corporal (C. Dougherty. Bald Hill Flat, Otago, father). Dyett, F. C, Private (A. Dyett, Wairoa,

father). F.lliott, W. C. D., Lance-Corporal (Mrs M

Elliott, Wellington, mother). Freeman, R., Private (Mrs R. Freeman, Gisbornc, mother). Gain, G. J., Private (Mrs K. Gain, Feathers

ton, mother). Gilbert, L. C, Corporal (Mrs C. M. Gilbert

New Plymouth, mother). Good, ,1. (',., Private (Mrs G. Lane, Ade-

laide). Groves, S. G., Private (J. Groves, Lltham

father). Guppy, R. \V. C, Lance Corporal (R.'Guppy,

Midhurst, father). Hayes, F. F., Private (William Haves, Surry Hills, N.S.W., father). Juson. 11. F.., Private (William Jusou, London, father). Kendrick, C. G., Private (Mrs C. Peck, I Damicvirke, mother). huton, It. A., Private (It. Kirlon, New ! Plymouth, father). Larkin, E. A., Private (J. Larkin, Wades (own, Wellington). McAllister, P. G., Private (J. McAllister, Carterton, brother). McGovvan, .)., Private (J. McGowan, Sea loon Heights, father). Melv.y, G. R., Corporal (Mrs S. H. Ross, Kilbirnie, sister). Marriott, E. I. 1)., Private (W. Marriott, London, father). Malhc-.vs, 1. P., Corporal (G. Mathews, Nelson, father). Mitchell. ,L, Private CMfss F.. Mitchell, Midlothian, Scotland, aunt). Mortenscn, F. A., Private (J. V. Mortensen, ']'<• Kuiti, father). Moston, \V.. Private 'Mrs M. Moston, Wallace Street. Wellington, mother). Olsen, H. ()., Private (C. A. Olsen, Norsewood, father). Parker, G. L, Sergeant (F. Parker, Dun edinl. Quickfall, S. J., Private (Mrs Quickfall, New Plymouth, mother). Rothwell. S. R., Private (Mrs K. Rothwell, Hastings, Tasmania, mother). Stevens, C. C.. Private (A. Stevens, Parnell, father). Stewart. 11. !■'.., Private (Mrs J. Stewart, Hokitika, mother). Vile. A. M. Private (Mrs A. H. Vile, Mas tertoii, father). Wilson, (~, Private (I!. Wilson, Wetherley, Haturna, llawke's Ray, father). Woodnat, F. !'.. Private (Flhcl Clara Wood nut, !1 Plunkeß Street, Wellington, sister). Canterbury Infantry Rattalion. Allan, .1., C.S.M., (G. Allan. Htintly, father). SSalt, C. \\\, Private (11. 1,. Butt, Pakowhai, Hastings, father). Bourne, ]■',. S., Private (Mrs Rourne, Remuera, mother). Burton, 1., Private (I". Burton, Blenheiin, father). Cameron, »'., Private (H. D. Cameron, (lis home, lather). Cavauagh, W., Corpora! (P. Cnvanagh, Westport, father). Davis. A., I.ance Corporal (F. 11. Davis, Hinds. Ashburtnn, brother). Fahey, P., Private (Francis Fahey and William Fahey; address imknowii). A. T. Private (W. .1. Fnwcet, Pad more, brother). Adams, G. ('.., Private (Mrs M. Adams, Bangiora). Firth, C. 11., Private (G. Firth, Oamaru. brother). Flett. .1- T., Private (J. I. Flett, Timaru, father). Flynn. E. .C, Private (('.. Flyun, Timaru, lather). Foster, W. li.. Private (G. Foster, P.uapuna, Ashburton, father). Freeman, it.. Private (Mis R. Freeman, Motuekk, mother). Guldens, F., Private (Mrs G. Guldens, Syd enham, mother). Gillett, F. \V„ Private (C. T. Gillett, Bleu heim, brother). Gundersen, R. W., Private (T. Astou, Te Kuiti, stepfather),

j Hammon, J. V., Private (Mrs C. Hammon, i Christcliurch, mother). j Ilaiineii, S., Private (H. Hanncn, Nelson). j Henderson, R., Private (Mrs R. Henderson, Dunedin, mother). Hibberd, E. G., Private (C. Hibberd. Yorkshire, brother). | Hooper, R. 8., Corporal (Mrs F. Hooper. Wakefield, mother). I Hunt, A. J.. Sergeant (Rev. A. E. Hunt, I Wellington, lather). I Jay, .1. E. Private (J. F.. Jav, Cornwall, father). Laing, .1. I"., Lance-Corporal (T. Laing, Fifeshire, father). Langridge, G., Private (T. [.angridge, Kent). Lloyd, F. 8., Corporal (Mrs H. A. Lloyd, Ashhurton, mother). McCallum, A. McK., Private (G. McC.allum, Millerton, father). iMcDougall, T. T., Private (Mrs J. T. Mc Dougall, Tlmaru, mother). McKee, F. J., Sergeant (A. McKee, Nelson). iMcKenzie, W., Private (\V. McKcnzie, Mil--1 lerton). I Marshall, A. J., Private (Mrs M. Marshall, Roslyn, mother). j Moody, S. H., Private (Mrs F. Moody, sen., ! Napier, mother). Nant, \V. [,., Private (J. W. Nant, Hastings, brother). j Nugent, A. L., Private (Mrs M. Nugent, Richmond, Melbourne, mother). | Old, R., Sergeant (J. Old, Mahoenul, King Country). ! Page, C., Private (Mrs H. Page, London, ! mother). | Parker, F. W., Private (J. \V. Parker, Auckland, father I. (Potter. W. P., Private (A. T. Potter, WranI garei, father). Rlckard, C. I\. T., Private (S. Bickard, Hinds, via Ashhurton). ! Boding, 1)., Private (Mr* E. M. Boding, i Pit-ton, wile). jßubino, M., Private (Mrs M. Rublno, SydI enhain, mother). j Smith, R. R., Private (Mrs H. Smith, Opo tiki, mother). : Smith, S., Lance Corporal (S. A. Smith, ! Wellington, father). Snell, (',., Private (IS. Sucll, Winnipeg, mo- ) ther). i Stove, H. J., Private (D. Stove, Kaikoura, I father). I Talbot, F. M. N., Private (J. Talbot, Temuka, father). iWakelin, 1,, Private (T. Wakelin, Marshj lauds, father). I Otago Infantry Battalion.

Anderson, P. ,T., Private (Euphemia Anderson, Port Chalmers, mother). Arthur, J. \Y., Corporal (J. Arthur, Dune din, father). Cameron, .1., Private (Mrs C. Cameron, South Duneilin, mother). Foiley, H. T., Private t». S. Folley, InvercargiH). Healey, C. A., Private (Mrs M. A. Healey, Invercargill, mother). Horsefie.ld, XV. (1., Private (Mrs XV. G. Horsefleld, Tarfuiale, wife). Jones, G. Private (F. Jones, Avoadale, lather). McCallum, A., Private (Mrs A. Baxter. South Dtuiedin, aunt). Mason, F., Private (Mrs F. Mason, South Dunedin, wife). Morgan, A., Lance-Corporal (Hon. \V. Morgan, (Msborlie, father). Orchiston, K. H., Private (J. Orchiston, Telegraph Department, Wellington, father). ■Palne, S. A., Sergeant (V. Paine, Queeustown, father*. Simpson, F. S., Private (F. A. Simpson, South Dunedin, father). New Zealand Rifle Brigade.

Collins, C. F., Rifleman (Mrs J. M. Collins, Palmerston North). Collins, E., Rifleman (T. M. Collins, Palmrrslon North, brother). Draper, P. R., Rifleman (Mrs G. XV. Draper, Milton, mother). Elliott, W. J., Rifleman (Mrs B. Elliott, Six Mile Cross, Ireland). Ferrier, A., Rifleman (D. Ferrier, Dunedin, sister). Pruin, F. L., Rifleman (Mrs A. M. Owen, Waluku, Sister). Gouk, C. D., Rifleman (Mrs M. Gouk, Ponsonby, mother). Gully, S. .1. Rifleman (B. P. Gully, Tinakori Road, Wellington, father). Harris, H., Hillemaii (Mrs U. Kelly, Aramolio). Hart, J., Rifleman (Miss E. Denholm, (Jamam, niece). Harte, P. J., Rifleman (Mrs M. Uarte, Killala, County Mayo, mother). Harvey, 1,. (.;., Rifleman (O. A. Harvey, Grey l.yim, father). Canterbury Infantry Battalion. Herbert, C, I.anee-Corporal (A. Herbert, Herlot, Otago). New Zealand Rifle Brigade.

Imrie, D. R., Laiice-Corporul (.Mrs Hartley, Epsom, sister). Jamlesou, C. G., Rifleman (Mrs M. Jamie son, I.ytfelton, mother). Lewis, V. G., Rifleman is. Lewis, Dunedin, father). McCombe, 11. S., Lance-Corporal (W. McCombe, SVangaimi). McCulloch, A., Rifleman (A. McCulloeh, Ayreshire). McGili, .). R., Rifleman (T. McGill. Ellesmere). Mclnnes, D., Rifleman (N. Mclnnes, Whangarei i. McNamara, P. J., Rifleman (Mrs M. A. McNamara, Auckland, mother). May, !v. H., Rifleman (J. M. May, Wanganui, father). Menzies, D., Rifleman (T. Menzles, Lunisden, father). Miosich, I J ., Rifleman (I. Miosich, Best, Dalniatia, father). Moule, J., Rifleman (Mrs A. E. Moule, Rotorua, wife). Muldren, W. J., Rifleman (Mrs Campbell, Oamaru, mother). Muuro, G. R., Rifleman (11. S. Monro, Auckland, father). Neal, A.. Rifleman (Mrs N. E. Neal. Birkenhead, mother). O'Leary, S., Rifleman (Mrs A. O'Leary, Dunedin, mother). Palmer, J. C, Rifleman (M. A. Palmer, Maogapai, wife). Parr, E. W., Rifleman (J. Parr, Awaklna, lather). Phillips, H., Rifleman (E. M. Phillips, Greymouth, brother). Prew, H. J., Rifleman (Mis E. Prew, Foxton, mother). Richardson, R. G., Rifleman (Mrs Richardson, Sydenham, mother). Valentine, T. A., Rifleman (Mrs E. Valentine, Bombay, Auckland, wife). Walker, F., Rifleman (Mrs J. Grenaway, South Hakaia, mother). Webb, C. H., Rifleman (J. Webb, Oxford, England, father). Wiseman, M. T., Rifleman (Mrs E. Wiseman, Napier, mother). Witney, C. J.. Riflemun (H. Withey, Caversham .brother). Wright, W. P., Lance-Corporal (J. E. Wright, Newmarket, Auckland, brother).

New Zealand Army Service Corps. Buchanan, It. (E. T. H., Buchanan, Kings land, Auckland, father). Following Wounded, Admitted to Hospital, New- Zealand Rifle Brigade. September 17.

Crawford, L. F., Rifleman (Miss R. Craw lord, Wellington). Canterbury Mounted Rifles.

Campbell, A. N., Trooper (Mrs M. Camp hell, Roxburgh). Sleenian, E. A., Trooper (Mrs Sleeman .Sydenham, mother). New Zealand Field Service.

Barton. F. .1., Gunner (N. Barton, Audi laud, father). Engineers.

I.cnry, K., Supper (Mrs M. I.eary, New Plymouth, mother). Wellington Infantry Battalion. Adams, E. .1., Privah (Mrs J. Adams, Fending, mother). Finlay, It- P/ivate tS. Fiulay, Frankton Junction, brother). Graham, J. L., Corporal (.1. L. Graham, Itii-niinghiim). Jackson, 11. M., Temporary Corporal i.l. J. Jackson, Mangapapa, brother). Keane, ,1., Private (M. Keane, Meanee). McLean. H. J. 1.-., Private (Mrs 1.. It. Best. Hawera. mother). Parkinson, A., Private (Mrs M. Parkinson, Hastings, mother). Frquhart, D., Lance-Corporul (Mrs E. A. I rquhart, Dannevirke, mother). Canterbury Infantry Battalion. Adamson, M. 1., Private (11. Aduniviii, Chi istchurch, father). Annand, ,1. 1)., Private (Mrs Annund, Hast-

ings). Rroekie, A., Private (W. Broekie, Scotland! Council. P., Private (Mrs .1. Hawkins, Red clillcl. Elliott, .1., Private i.l. F.lliott, Runanga). Evans, I>. ,t., Private (Mis 1.. Thomas, liris tol. sister). Kendall. J., Private .Mrs .1. Kendall, Han don, near Leeds, England, mother). King, R. .1., Private (Mrs M. Webby, Nel-

son). Ivnuckey, W., Private (W. Kuuckfy, Wan gantil, father). Stewart, S. 1).. l.anee-C.orporal (D. G. Stew

art, l.vttellon, lather). Tiiitnicliffe, N. 11.. Company Sergeant Major (1. TuninVlin'c, Waketleld

father). I'vree, W. A., Private (A. Ty lee, Auckland father). Otago Infantry Rattalion.

Blanch, W. 11., Private" (Mrs T. Blanch, In vereargill, mother). Crawford, .I. K., Private (Mrs M. Crawford l.ishurn, Ireland I. Davis, P. ('.., Private (11. Davis, Havrloek father). Gilroy, P., Private (T. Gilroy, Bluff, fotheri, Henderson, T., Private (P. Henderson, Dunedin, father). McAulitVe, D., Private (Mrs P.. MeAuliffe, Invereaigill, mother), Mitchell, N. H., Sergeant (M. Mitchell

PutCHI. Quiiin. !•;. A., Private (Mrs A. MoCore, Tura n:iUi,i.

Rattray, V. A., Private (Rev. J. Rattray Rotorua, father I. Scott, S., Lance-Corporal I.I). Priugle, Rox burgh, cousin). I Smith, H., Private (Miss M. Smith, Gis borne, sister i.

N.Z. Rifle Brigade. Abel, D., Rifleman (Mrs W. Abel, Huuterville, mother i. Alexander, P., Rifleman (Mrs C. Alexander, Epsom, motheri. Cammick, \V. I''., Rifleman (Miss G. Cammick, Ponsonby, sister). Dohson, R. A., Rifleman (M. A. Dobson, Waipukurau, motheri. Elliott, E. H., Rifleman (Mrs M. Elliott, Epsom, motheri. Gummer. !•'. G., Rifleman (T. G. Guminer, Auckland I. Hancock, S. P., Rifleman (Mrs T. Hancock, Stratford, motheri. Hanson, R. P., Rifleman (Mrs P. Hanson, Hokitika, motheri. Haycock, A., Rifleman (Mrs C. Haycock, Feilding, motheri. Hines, R. A., Rifleman (R. A. Hines. Te Aroha, fatheri. Hurley, J. T., Rifleman (Mis M. Hurley, L'pper Waiwera, motheri. Jackson, A., Rifleman (Mrs E. Jackson, N. Greymouth, mother). McPhail, \V. A., Rifleman (Mrs McPhail, Wellington, wife). Mason, \V. A., Rifleman (J. Mason, Dunedin, brother). Mills, Lance-Corporal (Mrs H. Mills, Timaru, motheri. Moore, A. J., Sergeant (Mrs M, Moore, Gisborne, mother). Poole, H. M., Rifleman (Miss G. Russell, Auroa, Taranaki). Sullivan, J., Rifleman (Mr Sullivan, Napier, father I. Tennett, A. \\\. Rifleman (Mrs \V. L. Tennett, Mornington). Weaver, J., Rifleman (I. Weaver, Opuawhanga, Whangarei, motheri. Canterbury Mounted Rifles. September IS. O'Callaghan, J. 1.., Sergeant (Mrs A. O'Callaghan, Fendalton, Christchurch, mother).

N.Z. Field Artillery. Featherstonhaugh, E., Driver l Mrs M. j Featherstonhaugh, West Sunderland, England i. : McGlashau, R., Corporal (D. Smith, Excel- ; sior Laundry, Wellington), Auckland I Infantry Battalion. . Coulter, M., Corporal (Mrs J. Coulter, Otautau, motherr. I Cussons, T. R., Private (J. T. Cussons, Birmingham, father). j l.unn, ('... Private (J. Luun, Burton-on-Trent). Wellington Infantry Battalion. Follows, E. 11., Private (J. Peufold, Carterton*. : Keegan, A., Farrier-Sergeant (Mrs S. I Wheeta, Horeka, Hawke's Bay, sister). ; McCutcheou. 11., Private (A. McCutcheon, Napier, fattier). Macmillan, J., Private (H. Macmillan, New- ] castle, N.S.W.I. j Nelson, 1.., Private (Mary Adelaise Everett, I Wellington, friend). Richardson, A. W.. Private (Mrs K. Richardson, Kimboltou, motheri. , Wii-kens, ,1. N.. Private (A. Nathan, Taihape. I grandmother). i Wright, H. N., Private (R. C. H. Wright. j England, lather). Canterbury Infantry Battalion. Bruce, H. C, Sergeant (J. Bruce, Aberdeenj shire, fatheri. i Chase, S„ Private (Mrs M. Chase, Takapau, j mother). ; Ogden, C. S., Lance-Corporai (Nurse E. N. Ogden, Christchurch). I Newcombe, F. G„ Private (W. H. Newcombe, Reef ton i. j Swansou, (i. A., Private (11. M. Edwards, Chicago, brother). Otago Infantry Battalion. Ferguson, J. A., Private (William Ferguson, Invercargill, uncle). ■ Suckling, W. F.. Corporal (W. H. Suckling, | Newtown, father). ■ Sutherland, J. G., Lance-Corporal (J. Sutherland, Longbush, Southland, mother!. N.Z. Rifle Brigade. I Rayner, A., Rifleman (Mrs H. Rayner, Wai- | pukurau, Hawke's Bay, motheri. Army Service Corps. j Wilson. C. A., Driver (Mrs K. Wilson. Ponsonby, Auckland, motheri.

engineers. ; Ching, 1,. C... Sapper (Mrs C. Ching. Stoke, mother i. Canterbury Infantry Battalion. I Ballach, \V. J., Private (Mrs (1. E, Hampton, Leeston, sister). | Colviile, A., Private (Mrs A. Colville, Tinj wald, motheri. : Stevenson, P. K., Private (J. Stevenson, Christchurch, fatheri. N.Z. Rifle Brigade. Mitchell. R. 1.., Rifleman (J. Mitchell, Wellington, fatheri. i Reported wounded, embarked for Enej land : Canterbury Infantry Battalion. September 16. Yallop, H., Private (11. Yallop, Bctwith, j Sussex, fatheri. New Zealand Bide Brigade. September 17. ] Allan, J. C, Rifleman (Mrs B. 1.. Allan, Sydenham, motheri. •Cooper, R. li.. Rifleman (\Y. Cooper, Pon- ! sonby, father!. j Vincent, J., Rifleman (Mrs S. Siraonds, Mercer, sister i. Wellington Infantry Battalion. September 19. j Hansen, H. R., Private (R. P, Hansen, Mauriceville. lather). | Wallace, K., Private i.I. Wallace, Inglewood, i father). j Canterbury Infantry Battalion. : Wilson, M., Private (Mrs H. Wratten, Lower Moutere, mother i. Canterbury Mounted Rifles. September 20. ; Tritt, 1.. I'., Trooper (Mrs F. Tritt, Oxford, Canterbury, mother). , New Zealand Field Artillery. | Scrimshaw, H. N., Bombardier (1.. C. j Scrimshaw, Temuka, father). Auckland Infantry Battalion. j Gordon, K., Private (Mrs Harley, Westown, New Plvmouth, mother). I Sissons. 11. W. H., Private (Mrs F.. Sissons, j Huntly, mother). Wellington Infantry Battalion. ! Atkinson, H. It., Private (J. W. Atkinson, Condon, fatheri. | Clark, I). P., Private (Mrs J. P. Clark, Fcatherston). I Coleman, P. E„ Private (P.. C. Coleman, I Cleat Yarmouth, lather). Cloyd, (i. M., Corporal (Mrs A. Lloyd, London). Canterbury Infantry Battalion. Feldt, J., Private (Mrs K. -Feldt, C.odthaabs, Copenhagen, mother). Hansen, C. \V., Private (Mrs C. Hansen, Geraldine, mother). Petre, .1. A., Corporal (p. W. IVtre, St. Clair, father). Surridge, P. ('.., Private (W. Surridge, Fairlie, brothel). New Zealand Rifle Brigade. Bytes, A... Rifleman (A. Myers. Auckland. father). Faulkner, F. W., Rifleman (K. Bates, Christchurch, sister). Langvnd, W., Billeman (Miss N. l.angvad. Wellington, sister).

MAORI CONTINGENT. Previously Reported Missing, Now Reported Admitted Hospital. Wounded, rum, l>. (M. Tutupu, Waikarc, Moliaka, Hawkc's Buy); September 10. Wounded, Admitted Hospital. September M. Hum. T. iM. Hura, Wuiroa. ttawkr's Hay). Kiwara, It. (H. Kiwara, Te Arurua. mother). Tuliu, 11. lit. Tuhu, Frasertown, Wairoa, Hawke's Ray); September 19. Australian list. I NEW ZEALANDERS MENTIONED. The Following casualties were re- | ported on Saturday to members of [the Australian Army having next-of-kin in New Zealand (all are privates unless otherwise mentioned!:— KILLED IN ACTION. Iljixtrr, I. 1,. i.l. Itaxter, Itiwrvtirgill, father) : AtiKust 21. MISSING. Chisholin, .1. (Mrs M. Chfsholm, Iliki-r.mgi or V. li;t!iismri, mother); August .51. WOUNDED. Carcw, I. 11. (Mrs 1.. \V. Davi.-s, Sunnier. Christchuich. sister). Fisher, A. (J. Fisher, New tun, Atirklamt, fiithi'i >. Kirby, 11. (Mrs 1.. Kirby. Weslpui t, mother). Met intliv, .1. cMiss I-!. MiCartl.v, Auckland, sister). McKellar. (.. (Mrs 11. I'.. McKellar. IVv.inpol't, wife). Taylor, K. (Mrs M. A. Tax lor, Wellington, mother). Admitted Welsh War Hospital. McCarthy, .1. (Miss I".. McCarthy. Auckland); September f>, wounded severe. Admitted Ist Southern Ceneral Hospital. Murphy, M. |\V. Murphy, Sprcvduii. Christ- j church, brother); Septemlier 7, Hounded mild. Wounded, Remaining With Unit. Pritclinrd, S. I-:. (C. 11. I»i ilehard, Kilblrnie). Admitted 3rd London General Hospital. Sinclair, J. It. (Mrs .1. Sinclair, Christrliurcli, mother); August )i. wounded severe. \ liutchiiw»mi, C. V. (Miss S. (iadil, I'onsonbv, Aucklaiidi; August Hi, wounded srvere. j Admitted Kdmunton Hospital. I.arsen. .1. iK. Laisen, Te Kuiti, lather); August Id.

J Admitted 2nd Western Genera! H«pit»i. Rossou, A. (W. Rosson, Mastcrton, brother); September 3, wounded, mild. Pronounced Oat of Dancer. [Harris. B. (A. Harris, Aratapu. brother). Scott, W. (Mrs S. Dunne. Roslyn, Tunaru, sister); returned to duty. Rrunton, \V. H. (J. N. Brunton, Hasting*, brother); convalescent. ( Moore, W. R. (W. R. Moore, Christchurch)! progressing favourably.

SOME PERSONAL NOTES. Advice has been received that Rifleman j William Faults, son or Mrs Faulls, of Wal- . ters Road., Marshland, has been killed to I action. Prior to enlistment, deceased was i engaged in farming pursuits, in the ernI ploy of Mr C. G. Dalgety. He left New Zeai land with the Rifle Brigade, being then 20 t years of age. , Rifleman S. V. McMinn (reported killed) j was only 17 years of age. His father U jMr R. McMinn, of Sydenham. Deceased ' whs educated at the West Christchurch j School, and enlisted in the Earl of Liver- ' pool's Own. I Gunner T. H. Ellis (died of wounds) wa* I the eldest son of Mr C. H. Ellis, Hoon Hay I Road, Spreydon, and left with the 9th New j Zealand Field Artillery. He was employed j by Messrs Quane and Co. at the time of bis ] enlistment, and was 23 years of age. DeI censed was prominent In hockey circles, and was a member of the senior team of the Selwyn Hockey Club. I Two Leamington men, Rifleman Arthur Cooper and Rifleman Arthur Sloss, hare j been reported killed. They were very I popular in the district, where their : parents have resided for many years. Rifle- | man Cooper was born at Hundalee, and atI tended school at Cheviot, while Rifleman Sloss was lwrn in Cheviot, attended the school there, and later went to Lincoln College. I Corporal E. J. O'Donohue "Tkilled In action on September 13) enlisted with the j Rifle Brigade. He had been a member ot | the staff of P. S. Nicholls and Co. Gunner Richard Lynch Lloyd (wounded) is 19 years of age, and the third son of Mr and Mrs R. Lloyd, 124 Rose Street, Spreydon. He was born in the Kaiapoi district; and educated at the Cust. He enlisted as a trooper In the Bth -Reinforcement, and later was transferred to No. 2 Company, New Zealand Machine-gun Corps. Rifleman R. Jack (wounded in France on September 15) left with the Earl of Liverpool's Own. He was educated at the St. Albans School, is 21 vears of age, and , j the son of Mr A. Jack, 237 Armagh Street. i Rifleman Alan W. Johnston (wounded) j was a prominent member of the Linwood ' Cricket and Football Clubs, and enlisted j with the 3rd Rattallon of the Aifle Brigade. i He spent his 21st birthday In the trenches. ! On reaching France he was transferred to i the Lewis Machine-gun Section. I Private Rodolph Agassiz (wounded) was jorierly to the late Lieut. Rupert G. Hick- ; mott, and received his injury on the same ; date as Lieut. Hiekmott was killed. He had i been with that officer continuously from ■ the time the 10th Reinforcement was mobllI iscd. He is the third son of Mrs H. E. j Agassiz, of 21 Stanmore Road, and was a stone liand with the Christchurch "Press"* I Company, where he had been employed j about 10 years. Captain 1. L. Saunders (wounded) left 'New Zealand with the Main Body, and was I wounded on Gallipoli. He is the son of | the Rev. W. Saunders of Dunedin..

j Advice has been received that Private Albert H. Lugg, son of Mr W. Lugg, of

Springston, has been wounded In France. j He is 28 years of age, and, after leaving j school at Springston, engaged in farming ; pursuits in the North Island. He enlisted lat Wanganul, in the 9th Reinforcement. ■

! Private M. \V. Austin (reported wounded) j came to Christchurch three years ago from ! Australia, and is a hairdresser by occupation). He is a married man, his wife Htling at 19.-1 Lichfield Street. A sun left with : the 14th Reinforcement. j Rifleman Fdward Corby iwounded) is a son of Mi E. A. Corby, Rennett Street, Papanul. He had been in France al<out flva months', as a member of the 2nd Battalion of the Rifle Brigade. I Private T. Kerslake (woundedl was a j prominent North Island hockey player, and j Is the son of Mr T. Kerslake, of Ptimerston. I He was in the employ or the Telegraph DeI part men t prior to enlistment. I Acting Bombardier A. J. Tomson fwoundj ed) was a well known boner, annexing tha light-weight championship of Canterbury in i 1909. His falher is Mr A. J. Thomson, Yoelas j Boad, Lyttelton. He Is '.ti years of age. i Private Robert Alex. Simpson (wounded |on September 161 left Sew Zealand attach!ed to the Auckland Battalion of the 6th ! Reinforcement. He was present at the | final stages at Gallipoii. and U the eldest j son of Mrs A. Simpson, 153 Bealey Avenue, ! Christchurch.

Surgeon-Captain J. I). C Duncan, who wat wounded in the battle of the Somme on September 15, whs bom in Christchurch, Hiid is the youngest son of Mrs Andrew Duncan, of Hotly Road, and a brother of Mr B. O. Duncan, of Glenmark. Captain Duncan is .V> years of a?,e, and was educated at Fast Christchurch and Warwick House Schools, and afterwanls pr iceeded to England, taking his medical degrees at tha F.iiinburgh University. He was practising in Christchurch for some time, and also held the position of medical officer at Hanmer Springs. Captain Duncan's late uncle. Colonel James Duncan, fought as one or the 17th Ijincers in the famous charge of the Light Brigade, and for conspicuous gallantry on that occasion was awarded the Victoria Medal, and was given a commission in the I9th Hussars, afterwards rising ta the colonelcy of the regiment, a position at present held by Field Marshal Viscount French.

\ Information has come to hand, giving details of the maimer in which Major A. ! A. Martin, N.Z.M.C., of Palmerstoii, received l the wounds which resulted in his death. jHe was attending to the wounded in a ! dressing station near the front, when a 1 shell, either a premature burst or an enemy lone, exploded over the ambulance station. I Private advice has been received that | Lieut. John Franklin Tonkin was wounded ion September 22. He left New Zealand i with the 4th Reinforcement, and was present at Gallipoii. Lieut. Tonkin was educated at Christ'-. College, and was a memI tier of the stall of Dalgety and Co. at Tiniaru. He played in the Christchurch Foot- , ball Club's first 15 for several years.

CASUALTIES. SATURDAY'S LIST. The New Zealand Army Casualty List issued on Saturday was the heaviest that has yet been announced since the beginning of the war. It contained a total of (!(!() names, in which were included lli(i dead. The complete summary is as under:— Officers. Men. Killed in action . . . . 2 130 Died of wounds .... 1 21 Missing, believed to he prisoners of war — 7 Wounded 5 422 Total. Ill 25 7 127 8 5!»2 li'.ltl

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Sun (Christchurch), Volume III, Issue 825, 2 October 1916, Page 3

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CASUALTIES. Sun (Christchurch), Volume III, Issue 825, 2 October 1916, Page 3

CASUALTIES. Sun (Christchurch), Volume III, Issue 825, 2 October 1916, Page 3