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The Log Book

PERSONAL—Captain S. Granam is in command of the C. and D. Line s chartered steamer Valacia, which arrived at Lyttelton on Thursday, and has with him the following officers:—Chief, Mr. E. S. Evans; second. Mr. W. M. Stewart; third, Mr. J. D. Armstrong; chief engineer, Mr. Win ton, Mr. E. J. Deed has been appointed chief officer of the Kanna, relieving Mr. J. W. Thomson. w Mr. D. McMillan lias relieved Mr. \\ . A. Pimm as second officer of the Nikan. the latter officer having transferred to the. Kaitoa. Mr. J. B. Eroadhouse, second officer ot the Kaimanawa, has transferred tc the Tamaliine in a similar capacity, relieving Mr. R. Hargreaves. HU IA FOR AUCKLAND—The Nobel auxiliary schooner Huia is loading explosives at Melbourne for Queensland ports. After discharge she is to go to Grafton to load hardwood for Auckland. CANADIAN TRASNPORTER SAILS TOMORROW The local office of the Canadian National Steamships advises that the steamer Canadian Transporter is expected to leave Auckland at noon tomorrow for Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru and Dunedin to complete her discharge of Montreal cargo and to load for her return voyage. She returns to this port to complete loading. LARGE SHIPMENT OF REFRIGERATED APPLES—The steamship Caponesa transited the Panama Cana[ on March 7, 1929, en route from Portland and Seattle to Hamburg, Rotterdam and London with a full cargo of refrigerated apples, aggreating 4,486 tons. This is believed to be the largest shipment of apples carried by any vessel transiting the Canal to date. Of this cargo, 3.6J9 tons were for Hamburg, 576 tons for Rotterdam and 291 tons for London. The Canonesa is operated by the Furness Prince Line.

PLUME SAILS—The Vacuum Oil Company’s tankei* Plume '.sailed for Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin yesterday' afternoon to complete unloading bulk oil from San Francisco. BRITISH GLORY COMING —The oiltanker Bi'itish Glory is reported to have cleared San Pedro last Saturday with a full cargo of hulk oil for the Union Company's tanks at Wellington. RARANGA AT LONDON—Cabled news has been received by the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company that the Raranga arrived at London on Friday morning. The vesel left Wellington on April 27 for London and West Coast ports. GREYMOUTH HARBOUR LIGHT— The existing automatic gas flashing light at Greymouth is to' be altered to an automatic electric occulting light, 10 seconds. During the period to be occupied in making the alteration the existing flashing light will be discontinued and a fixed light will be exhibited in its place. Further notice will be issued. COOLEBAR AT WANGANUI—The Australian steamer .Coolebar, which was recently purchased by the Himatangi Shipping Company to take the place of the Kennedy in the Foxton trade, arrived at Wanganui on Saturday from Sydney. She is due at Wellington tomorrow. Captain M. Holm is at present in command of the vessel, which is to be renamed the Himatangi. Mr. Copeland is chief officer and Mr. J. Phillips (late of the Progress) chief engineer. WARNING TO MARINERS.—The Marine Department advises that trie Matakana Point light is operating irregularly' and mariners are warned accordingly'. HUNTINGDON DEPARTS.—A departure from Auckland last evening was the Federal steamer Huntingdon, bound for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool and Glasgow, via Panama. OTOKIA UNDOCKS. — The Union Company's tanker Otokia undocks today and berths at the dock wharf. She is to leave Auckland tomorrow for ’ San Luis, California, to load again for W'ellington. AORANGI DUE SUNDAY. Due at Auckland on Sunday evening from Vancouver via way ports, the Union Comnany’s R.M.M.S. Aorangi is in the meantime scheduled to sail again at 11 p.m. next Monday' for Sydney. DELAY TO PIRI.—The Nobel auxiliary schooner Piri, which left Auckland on Saturday r morning, returned to port and anchored off Brown’s Island on Sunday morning for repairs to her engines. She is to resume her trip to Melbourne, via Westport, this morning. SYDNEY STEAMERS. —The Ulimaroa, arrived at Auckland this morning from Sydney and leaves at 11 a.m. next Friday on her return trip. rr ' , ‘>e V nui sails from Sydney on Thursday for ■Wellington. The Marama is now uae .. i Sydney tomorrow from Auckland, and I leaves on Friday for this port again.

GOLO SHELL SAILING - The Shell j , Conroiim Lopes to dispute!, the tanker 1 CmM She I from fea R? n J ■' • ■ • : ' for setmihnya. The vessel arrive-. » ■ vesterdiiv from San t runeisco m« L.j,ttel- , ion nn 1 Wellington. WAIHEMO LEAVES LOS ANGELES Cabled advice received by the L nlon (’ompariv states that the trans-l •«( int t -u'O'o steamer Wailiemo sailed from L° 3 « ,rv!:r/,::;: h u:r'V:vi:; ?^?ct a e n d d t?aTri^' I £ RIMUTAKA HOME— According to cable advice received by the local office (if the New Zealand Shipping Company. the steamer Kimutaka, which loaded in New Zealand end sailed from Wellington on April 24 for Southampton and I oudon arrived at Southampton on June <>' Dining her voyage Home, the vessel had to call at Bahia to have repairs made to her main steam pipe. COR NTHIC'S MOVEMENTS. T ! le , White Star lTner CoHnthlc le«a-es Wellington td-morrow evening loi Atnkland. ; and is due here on Friday to complete Imr discharge of London cargo, and to. commence leading for her return tovapt Klein Auckland the vessel proceeds t.. . Fort Chalmers, thence Timaru. Lyttelton and Wellington, to till up and is scheduled to clear the latter port on July t! for Southampton and London, via Faaama. L. r>. Nathan and company it ill | act as the -local agents. BRUNSWICK REPORTS AGAIN—A ! further radio message received by the Atlantic Union t >il Company slates tluit the electric-driven oil tanker Btniitswtva j is now expected tii arrive at-Auckland tit i seven o’clock tomorrow evening frojn San Pedro. She has a full cargo of hulk oil for the Atlantic Union Oil Company A nun Hitv of oil will be unloaded at Western Wharf and the remainder at Wellin-rton. Melbourne ad Sydney. rills | will be the vessel’s second visit to ibis port. She was at Auckland in 1- ebruar> last. NEW DUTCH CARGO VESSELS — The Royal Packet Navigation Company | of Amsterdam has ordered foui new . cargo vessels. Two of these vessels the Btlawan and and the Blinjoe, 1,1 j he constructed by the International j building Company “De Maas. ♦ °f . j kerveer. near Rotterdam. The dimea I sions will be 252 ft by 40ft by 15ft 6in. and \he caoacitv 1,175 tons deadweight. Steam engines of'l,ooo i.h.p. will be furnished by Stovek Bros., of Hengelo. The other two vessels will be constructed by 1 , Sinits Shipyard, of Rotterdam, and will measure 332 ft sin by 4Sft, by -2ft «in, with a. capacity of 4,230 tons deadweight. WAINUI TO BE SCRAPPED.—The Union Company's steamer AVaimu, which I has been lying idle in the stream at Auckland for two years, has been sold to Borlace and McKay, of Dunedin, to be broken up. She was built at Dumbarton in ISS6 and her sea career of ol . years .vas mostly in the Southern cargo and passenger service In February . 1925, she replaced the Arahura in the | . Auckland-Gisborne passenger service, j hut in .June. 1927, the company abandoned passenger traffic between the two ports and chartered the Waimea, which has since been, engaged in the V ainui s , place, but carrying cargo only. Since j then the Wainui has been out of com- j SOUTH AFRICAN PORT HAS GOOD YEAR—The year 192 S was an exceptionally favourable one in the history, of Bart Elizabeth. South Africa. During the year 7 73 vessels of net tons arrived, as compared with 719 vessels of 2,837,000 net tons during 192*. I he tonnage of goods handled and the number of freight cars dispatched to Johannesburg and the interior was practical > double what it was in 1924. During the year another tug and a dredge added to the port equipment. 'While the port is still a roadstead, vessels anchoring in the stream, a breakwater now extends i,sooft from shore, which aitoras considerable shelter to lighters working vessels lying under the lee of the wan. T'he port can now work —« . hatches, against 14 three years ago. ULIMAROA ARRIVES—The HuddartParker intercolonial passenger steamer UlimarDa arrived in the stream at Auckland at 10.45 a.m. today from Sydney and later berthed at the Queens Wharf to. land her passengers, mails and cargo. Ihe vessel ieft the New South Wales port last Friday and experienced fair to modera.te weather forthe run across the Tasman Sea. The following passengers arrived bv the ’Ulimaroa: — Saloon —Mr. R. S. Arnold, Mrs. M. Anderson, Mr. E. Ashley. Mr. T. Conyngham, Mr. E. Cleve-Edward, Mr. and -Mrs. A. Cristle and child, Mrs. E M. Cole, Miss V. L. Courtney. Mr. and Mrs. H. Chalerton, Miss W. Carrigan, Air. J. * v . Cathro. Mr. W. L. Dendy, Miss A. Dobson. Mr. R. Darton, Mr. E. K. Eastwood, Mrs. M. Griffiths. Mr. L. M. Henderson, Mrfl A M. Harry,‘Mrs. S. Holden, Mr. and Mrs. O. Hirschel, Mr. G. Hastings, Mr. W. .T. Heslehurst, Mr. O. C. Harley, Mr. H. A. Henderson. Mrs. H. H. Hastie, Mr. C. W. Heather, Mr. A. C. Hop wood. Dr R. M. Harman, Mr. W . .Tuel, Miss M. Jones, Miss G. Jew, Mr. T. B. Jobson. Mrs. R. Lucas, Mrs. J. Langmuir, Mr. 1* - G Lin ott, Mrs. M. and Miss E. I>angman, Mr. M. A. Lewis, Mr. H. M. Lindsay, M ss Lindsay and two children. Major R. Lucas. Messrs. G. and F. Margetts. Miss D. Moored Mr. J. J. Manse I, Mrs. A. Monk. Misses T. and B. Monk. Mr. D. J. McFarlane, Mr. M. Macowan, Mr. R. J- Macßae. Mr. A. T. Nix, Miss V. Postenniskie, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fenman, Mr. G. Preston, Flight-Lieut. Rodnew M ss A. Riley. Mr. F. Royde, Mr. F. S. Ramson. Mrs. E. E. Ritchie. Miss S. Robertson, Mr. J. C. Speddign, Mr. A. R. Sheoard, Miss M. Stere, Mr. and Mrs. D. Smillie. Mr. L. Shaw, Miss B. Smith, Mr. A. Swift. Mr. J. Thornell, Mr. A. H. Talbot, Mr. A. E. Talley, Captain A. H. Thorpe, Mr. E. B. Taylor, Mr. M. R. Vile., Mr. and Mrs. F. Walker, Rev. M. A. W'arren, Mr. J. H. Webber, Mr. B. Wilson, Mr. L. S. Avars, Miss E. Goeffinger. Mr. P. Wyler, Mr. and Mrs. F. Schildjerup, Miss N. Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Baldwin and two children, Mrs. A. G. ■ Buxtor, Mrs. A. Belwovthy, ’ Mr. D. W. Bain. Mrs. M. Brogan and child; and 90 steerage, including 14 Chinese. [ The Ulimaroa is scdeluded to leave | Auckland at 11 o’clock on Friday morning I on here turn trip to Sydney.

TOFU A IN PORT.—shortly befor o'clock yesterday afternoon the iv * Company’s Island passenger Tofua (Captain T uncan McDonald* 2U turned to Auckland from the Islands l>. rtiled at the Queen’s Wharf to land Ju 1 passengers. nails and cargo. e x . r. : the run from Apia. Samoa, to when she experienced heavy rain wits . southerly swell, the vessel had .* moderate weather for her voyage. following pi sscusers arrived by Tofuii : Mrs. F. Averell. Mrs. A. E Captain Anderson. Miss J. x. ajj? Mrs. F. lira tic, Mr T K. Br.en, M-s n Blearier, Mr S F. Bray. Mr. VcL. lofterson. Mr. T. Davies. Mrs. d&h..’ Aliss E. LMw nils. Mr. u. Gvodaer* i,*’Good acre. Mi It. Hopkins, Miss £ }ff. Bin-son. Miss A Hitchcock. Mr. U. jg»Mrs. Hare, Mr. c. L>. Herrold. Mr t Hammond, Mr. L. R. Jury. Mrs. j ■ Master Jury. Mr. H. F Koenu;, Mr W H. Koenig. Miss J U. Lloyd. Mr. iY-A -a ini or. Dr. J. .Marshall. Ml shttl . Mr W Marshall. Mrs. Marihin Mr. \V. Mr. F Merab*. Mr It , S. Mitchell. Miss K Nutt. Miss R. X'utf Mr. Nichols V - i ■ rson, Fatcrson. Mr. \V. Peter..,.n. Miss y ■■ ■lib. Miss A. Reilly Mr. H. F. r„ c J; • R.‘ Ily in. Mr Sonatas. M iss Sens s. Mr. w. Sydall Mr. \\ . SLaphert Mr . If. i ‘ Taylor. Mrs. K. Tretherven. M r n I'rifuhart. Mr. G. 11. Vesper, Mrs. Vn, I per. Mrs. \. G. Warncs, Mr. o. IVatsor and one Chinese. The Tofua Kates Auckland at 11 lti next Saturday u her return tr.p to pj, j Tonga, and Samoa. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGEThe following vessels expected tn ! bo within range of the undermentioned wireless stations tonight:— Auckland: Brunswick. Cambridge. Hur... 1 ingdon, Diomede. Dunedin. Moerak i Tam red. Temple. Moat. Nueula, Trclik. j sick, Canadian Transporter, Gold Shell. I Chatham Islands: Piako. Wellington: Maori. Alaheno, Ngaio, Arahura. Tamahine. Norfolk. Tamarc.i Tutanekai. Naisdale. Niagara, Mata- ! kana. Taranaki, Aorangi. Awarua: Poolta. Port Auckland. KenKawatirl, Valacia, Sussex, Kurow PORT OF ONEHUNGA—departures yesterday NGAPUHI (4 p.m ), 703 tons. Bark for New JMy mouth. H.UTURU « 4.30 P.m ). 270 tons, Fow. ler-Jackson, for Raglan and Kawhia.

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Sun (Auckland), Volume III, Issue 686, 11 June 1929, Page 2

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The Log Book Sun (Auckland), Volume III, Issue 686, 11 June 1929, Page 2

The Log Book Sun (Auckland), Volume III, Issue 686, 11 June 1929, Page 2