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NOTES Mrs. G. Springhall of Wellington, is visiting Auckland. Mrs. C. Pievost is a Wellington visitor to Auckland. Miss G. Borelaam, of Auckland, is visiting Wellington. Mrs. Hayhurst, of Temuka, is a guest at the Star Hotel. Staying at the Hotel Gargen is Mrs. F. H. Barton, of Tailiape. At the Albert Hotel are Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Quinn, of Hawera. Mr. and Mrs. Crosley have left Auckland to live in Wanganui. Mrs. G. Bruce, of Wellington, is spending a few days in Auckland. Mr. and Mrs. W. Robertson, of Well- ! ington, are in Auckland for a few days. Miss Oliphant, of Auckland, is the guest of Mrs. Percy Tennant in Patea. Mrs. G. Fowlds. of Auckland, is the guest of Mrs. C. G. Webster in Wanganui. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hintz. of Tailiape. have taken up their residence in Auckland. Mrs. F. E. Levy has returned to her home in Mount Eden after n visit to Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. T. Gibson, of Christ- ! church, and Mrs. G. Fitzgerald, of j Wellington, are staying at the Grand. | Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Steel, of Russell, j Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Holmes, of DunI edin. and Mr. and Mrs. J. Reynolds, of j Whakatane, are at the Central Hotel. Mrs. E. P. Titchener, of Wairoa Road, Devonport, sailed by the Marama for Sydney to join the Bel tana for London. Mrs. Titchener, who has been eight years in New Zealand, is to visit her parents in London, and expects to be abroad for 12 months. FANCY DRESS BALL GRAFTON SCHOOL PUPILS An enjoyable afternoon and evening was spent on Saturday in the Scots Hall, when the Grafton school children held their annual fancy dress ball. The hall was gaily decorated with blue and gold streamers and these, together with the gay and fanciful costumes of the children, presented a colourful picture as they formed the Grand March. Games, songs and dancing were organised by the women teachers for the children. In the evening until 9 o’clock the senior pupils- of the school had the floor. When the children had finished the grand march a medal, given annually by the Rev. Jasper Calder for the boys, for a hundred yards handicap, was presented by the chairman, Mr. W. J. Edwards, to Oswell Cleal, who j was congratulated on being the first ! winner of the medal, which was given in commemoration of the Rev. Jasper Calder’s son winning a Junior National Scholarship at that school. The duties of M.C. were carried out by Mr. L. O. M. Brown, assisted by the headmaster of the school, Mr. G. Jones, the teaching staff and members of the school committee. Much of the success of the function was due to the 1 following women of the Grafton district, who gave their services in providing afternoon tea and supper for tho children and guests: Mrs. W. J. Edwards (chairwoman), Miss Ealby, Mrs. Horspool. Mrs. W. M. Brown, Mrs. Gillespie. Mrs. Burleski, Mrs. Atkins, Mrs. Childs, Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. Levis, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. Simmonds, Mrs. Conn, Mrs. Dally, Mrs. Dobson, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Langdot:, Mrs. Carlson, Mrs. Drury and Mrs. Knight. Among the old pupils present were:— Miss Winnie Edwards, Miss Marjorie Rae, Miss Rona Edwards. Miss E. Allen, Miss Gwen Sadler, Miss H. Clarke. Miss Deris Orrell, Miss Jean Gillespie, Miss M. Johnson. Miss D. Sinunonds. W.C.T.U. MEETING ' The Auckland District Executive of i the W.C.T.U. met on Friday. Mrs. ; Morgan Richards presiding, j Mrs. Neal, who brought greetings | from Toronto, was welcomed back j from her trip. The superintendent of the School of Methods Department reported on her distribution of the circular entitled, “What is the W.C.T.U.?” The fact that further supplies were in demand was proof of its help to unions. Arrangements were njade to give a welcome to Miss Jennie Street, to be followed by the annual peace meeting. A report of the Dominion convention recently held in Wellington was given, and Mrs. Morgan Richards -was appointed to represent the executive on the National Council of Women. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. Kay Stratton was hostess at an enjoyable birthday party at her house on Saturday evening. Dahlias and golden chrysanthemums were arranged in the supper and drawing rooms, and autumn foliage decorated the billiard room, where the guests danced. Among the guests were: Mrs. H. Freest, gown of amethyst and silver brocade: Mrs. Mcßay, palest primrose crepe de chine gown: Mrs. Hyauiason, frock of black georgette and lace: Mrs. Kissin, black crepe de chine gown, relieved with silver: Mrs. Tugby, rtesli pink chiffon and silver lacc; Miss Gittos, cameo pink georgette: Miss Hyauiason, frock of black crepe de chine: Miss Mcßay, bouffant frock of pink taffeta, relieved with silver; Miss Barron, gown of black satin beaute.

WEDDING BELLS COCK BURN- REUSING A pretty wedding was celebrated at ist. Peter's Church, Takapuna, this afternoon, when Miss Martha Caroline (Pattie) Keesing, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Eeesing, of Ewen Street, Takapuna, was married to Mr. Harold Coekburn, second surviving son ol' the late Mr. J. Coekburn and Mrs. Coekburn, late of Takapuna, but now of Rothesay, Scotland. The Rev. \v. G. Monckton, M.A., was the officiating clergyman. Given away by her father, the bride chose a dainty frock of heavy ivory crepe de chine. The corsage was longsleeved and quite plain, the only adornment being two ribbon stream- j ers falling daintily away from the left shoulder. These were held in' place by two rosettes and a spray of orange blossom. A girdle of the frock material encircled the waist and* immedi-

ately above and below the girdle a series of dainty, tucks run parallel to it. The skirt was pleated and panelled both back and front, and a pearl buckle was worn as a relief. The bridal veil was of ivory tulle, delicately embroidered Avith ivory silk and silver. The coronet of orange blossom was held over each ear and the veil fell gently from this to the ground. A silver tissue bow and silver streamers toned exquisitely with the shower bouquet of white flowers carried by the bride. Two cousins of the bride, the Misses Betty and Dulcie Grove, attended her as maids. Miss Betty Grove wore a charming sleeveless frock of peach shot talfeta. The only relief on the corsage was a floral posy worn on the left shoulder and the petallecl skirt was full-gathered and achieved an uneven line. Velvet ribbon was blended in colourful relief on the peach crinoline picture hat worn by the chief bridesmaid, and her toilette was completed with old-gold flowers and peach tulle streamers in her shower bouquet. Miss Dulcie Grove chose a frock of peach taffeta, with quaint puffed sleeves to give it chic. The, corsage was tight-fitting and was rucked on either side. A taffeta posy Avals worn on the left shoulder. The picture hat was a replica of that worn bv Miss Betty Grove, as was also the shower bouquet carried by the second maid. A brother of the bride, Mr. Reginald Keesing, acted as best man, the duties of groomsman being carried out by Mr. Norman Grove. After the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of the bride’s mother. Mrs. Keesing received her guests in a, frock of nattier blue wool crepe de chine with a pleated beige crepe de chine front. A girdle of the frock material was caught with a toning buckle. The skirt was box-pleated arid she wore a coat of pony-cloth with ur collar and cuffs. Her hat was of blue 1 elt relieved with beige and she carried a bouquet of autumn-tinted flowers. When the newly-married couple left on their honeymoon tour. Mrs. Cockburn was wearing a dark fawn coat frock relieved with beige embroidered collar and cuffs. Her coat was of chocolate face-cloth with fur trimmings, and her hat was a light chocolate felt embroidered with orange silkMEAR—DE LA HAVE Two widely-known King Country families became united by the marriage of Myrtle Gladys, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. de lq Haye, of Te Whakarae (Wanganui River) to William Thomas, second son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Mear, of Okahukura. The i marriage took place at the Taumarunui Presbyterian Church, the Rev. C. Brierly officiating. Mr. Reginald de la j I-laye was best man, and the bride’s i father gave her away. Her dress was of ivory crepe de | chine and georgette, with an overskirt | of silver lace and streamers suspended j from the right shoulder with a dia- ' manta ornament. A beautiful veil { flowed from a circlet of orange blossom. the bridal bouquet being of cream asters and maidenhair fern. The bride was attended by Miss Elvina de la Haye, who was in mauve crepe de chine with silk lace overdress, and a sash drooped from a diamante buckle at the left side. The bouquet was of heliotrope asters. After the service the bride's parents received their guests at Manson’s Tearooms, the bride’s mother wearing black velvet, with trimmings of rose beigo crepe de chine, and hat to tone. The bridegroom’s mother wore becoming black silk, with matching hat. The young couple left by the midnight express for their honeymoon in Auckland, the bride travelling in a costume of french grey cloth, with crepe de chine hat. IMPERATRICE—CAMPBELL St. Patrick's Cathedral was the j scene of a very charming wedding on j Wednesday afternoon, April 10, when j Isobel Beryl Lillian Campbell became ; the bride of Egidio A. Imperatrice, ]

| second son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Impera- ; trice, of Italy. j The bride, who is the eldest daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. G. H. Campbell, of Herne Bay, was given away bjs her • father. The Rev. Dr. Buxton performed the wedding ceremony. Ivory georgette fashioned the bridal gown, over which was worn a beautiful veil of brussels lace appliqued with pink and silver roses. A coronet of orange blossom was worn round the hair, and the bride carried a bouquet of white flowers. Miss Muridl Finch and Miss Zilpha Campbell attended the bride. Their gowns were similarly made of mist green and cameo pink respectively. The long, close-fitting corsages were of chenille embossed georgette, with bouffant skirts of flounced tulle. Their tulle head-dresses matched their frocks, and each maid carried if bouquet of pink flowers. Mr. Henry Mosohini acted as best man, and Mr. U. Imperatrice was After the wedding a reception- was held at the Farmers’ room, where the bride’s mother received her guests wearing 1 a gown of beige georgette and lace. Her hat was of beige crushable felt and she wore light furs. The bride's going-aAvay ensemble was a doA-e-grey tailored costume with hat and furs to match. ERICKSON—DOMETT At The Anglican Church, Taumarunui, Maudie, the youngest daughter of Mr. Samuel Domett and the late Mrs. Domett, of Okahukura, A\’as married to Victor Cnarles Noble Erickson, secand son of Mr and Mrs Charles Erickson, of Paekakariki (Manawatu). The

Rev. R. Boyt was the officiating clergyman. The bride, who is very well and popularly known in the Taumarunui district, was given away by her father, her beautiful wedding dress being of ivory crepe de chine, with georgette draperies and long georgette sleeves. A cross-over bodice was finished at the waist with a diamante buckle. Her bouquet was of white lilies and asters. Two bridesmaids were in attendance. Misses Olga Erickson and Letty Parker (a niece of the.bride). Miss Erickson was charmingly frocked in green and gold, the bodice being of lame and the skirt of frilled tulle. Miss Parker's dress was a dainty thing of rose pink georgette with cream lace insertions. Both maids carired bouquets of seasonal blooms. The bridegroom was attended by Mr. George Domett in the capacity of best The wedding breakfast was given at “Pukeawa.” Okahukura. the residence of the bride’s sister, Mrs. C. Parker. The bridegroom’s mother wore an ensemble suit of duchess blue georgette, relieved with silver lace. In the evening a social gathering was held, the newly-wedded pair subsequently departing for their honeymoon tour in the South Island. BARNES—MORRIS Miss Eileen Annie Morris chose palest shell pink for her wedding gown on Saturday, April 1. when she was married in St. Joseph’s Church, Grey Lynn, to Mr. Jack Barnes, second son of Mr. and Mrs. John Barnes, of Grey Lynn. The bride is the. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Morris, of Auckland, and was given away by her father. Father McMahn performed the wedding ceremony. The bridal gown of shell pink satin beaute was simply made, and was worn with a veil of shell pink tulle fastened with a coronet of orange blossom. Her shower bouquet was of pink flowers. Miss Ester Bullock, the only bridesmaid, wore a frock of lilac georgette. Her tulle head-dress was of matching shade, and her bouquet was of mauve and pink flowers. Mrs. Herbert Scott attended the bridegroom as best man. A reception was held later at the home of the bride’s parents, where Mrs. Morris received her guests wearing a gown of black satin beaute with black hat, osprey trimmed. Mrs. Barnes wore a navy ensemble with french gfrey hat and furs. To travel in the bride wore a smart beige costume with close-litting felt hat and a fox fur. ELSON—SOLOMON Autumn tones lent a charming touch j to the bridal group in the Presby- i terian Church, Taumarunui, when j Earner, the younger daughter of Mr. j and Mrs. C. Solomon, of Taumarunui. was married to Hubert Victor, the third son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Elson, of Plymouth, England. The bridal gown was of ivory crepe de chine and satin mounted on ;-n under-dress of delicate pink. It was trimmed with bands of lace, and fastened at the waist with a diamante buckle. A very beautiful veil, which was worn to form a train, surmounted with a coronet of orange blossoms, was lent by Mrs. S. F. Wilson, of To Kuiti. A sheaf of pink lilies with pink and silver streamers completed the bride" 3 ensemble. The bridesmaid was Miss X. Solomon, a sister of the bride, who wore a frock of flame velvet with uneven hemline. Her head-dress was of gold leaves ,and she carried a bouquet of bronze dahlias and Michaelmas daisies. The bride was given away by her father, the Rev. J. E. Ward performing the marriage ceremony. Mr. Chas. Solomon, of Taumarunui, was best man. At the subsequent reception, the bride’s mother received a large number of guests, her dress being of black beaded georgette over satin. The honeymoon is being spent in the North ! of Auckland, the bride travelling in a j frock of beech wood crepe de chine, with cuffs, collar, and jabot of beige georgette. Tier wrap was of beige f corded silk, with a hat to tone.

WAIKATO NOTES (From Our Oncn Correspondent) Matron Hughson, of “The Nest,” left Hamilton on Friday evening for a holiday in Wellington and Dunedin. Miss E. X. Churtyn. who for the last six years has been teacher at the Kopua Xative School, has been promoted to the native school at Kauangaroa, Fordell. Before leaving she received numerous gifts, including a beautiful travelling rug. two Maori mats, a beautifully carved walking stick, and enough benzine to take her car to her new home. Several friends accompanied her in motor-cars to her destination. 1 Miss D. Hudson, who is leaving Mori rinsvillo for Raglan, was given a l’areI well dance in the Masonic Hall. Mor--1 rinsville, on Wednesday evening. The I organisers were: Mrs. Hines, Miss M. Sweetapple, Miss T. S. Rimmer and Miss E. Reynolds. Music was provided by Miss R. Johnstone. Miss Z. Howartli, Mr. Simpson, Mr. Barnett and Mr. E. Hayden. \ BRIDGE PARTY A very enjoyable bridge party was given on Saturday evening in Miss Woolley's Tearooms at Te Awamutu. The hostesses were: Miss Hawke, who wore a frock of black embroidered swiss muslin, Miss McLeod, in sunset coloured embossed georgette, Miss J. Elliott, in a frock of rose pink chiffon velvet, Miss S. Empson, whose black frock was of georgette and crepe de chine, and Miss Irwin, in apple green crepe de chine. Their guests were: Mr. and Mrs. J. O’Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. de Lacy Peake, Mr. and Mrs. B. Mandeno. Mr. and Mrs. C. Storey, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McGovern, Mr. and Mrs. Houston, Mr. I and Mrs. Des. Williams, Ml*, and Mrs. L. G. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Rickitt, Dr. and Mrs. Blundell, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs. F. Bowden. Mr. and Mrs. J. Oliphant, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Storey, Mr. and Mrs. L. Chamberlain. Mr. and Mrs. Lord, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Downes, Mr. and Mrs. McCarroll, Mr. and Mrs. Hannah, Mr. and Mrs. W. Louglinan, Mrs. Layne. Mrs. Hawkins, Mrs. Reese, Mrs. E. Potts, Mrs. G. Teasdale, Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. Raymond Jones, Mrs. McCurdie. Mrs. Brooks, Miss M. Jones, Miss McCarroll, Miss M. Quin, Miss B. Garland (Auckland), Miss K. Wallace, Miss Houston. Miss Civil, Miss Bockett. Miss E. Peokc, Miss Davy, Miss K. Wooley, Miss H. Foche, Miss R. Lord, Miss L. Bray. Miss W. Wallace: Mr. Empson. Mr. M. Winter, Mr. Otway, Mr. Smith, Mr. Foche, Mr. Grint. Mr. McKenzie. Mr. Bayliss, Mr. Wallace, Mr. McGivern. Mr. Macklow. At the end of the evening it was found that the prizes for the highest score were won by Mrs. de L. Peake and Miss McCarroll, for the lowest Mrs. B. Mandeno and Mr. L. G. Armstrong. MP. U. Armstrong getting the on© for the hidden number. * * * DAXCE IX CAMBRIDGE On Monday evening last Mr. and Mrs. West, of Fencourt, gave a delightful little dance in the Oddfellows’ Hall, Cambridge, for their daughter Gwen and her young friends. Black and gold streamers and greenery were the decorations in the hall. The tables in the Triangle Tearoom, where the guests had supper, looked most attractive with late sweet peas and cosmos. Very bright music was supplied by the Hawaiian Orchestra. Mrs. West received her guests wearing a frock of black lace and georgette. Her attractive oyster-coloured shawl was hand painted. Miss Gwen West wore a pretty frock of mimosa yellow toned georgette and silver lace. Their guests were: Mrs. Reece. Mrs. Cubis, Misses Graham. M. Xicholl, E. Feisst, G. Foster, T. Hardy. E. Burns. AT. Tucker, O. Holmes, K. Goodwin. J. Ferguson, F. Levesque, X. McKenzie, J. Feisst, J. Hardy, L. Xicholl, D. Blair, E. Schwass, J. Anderson. A. Levesque, E. Holmes, E. Woods; Messrs. M. Sayers, I. James, J. Rowland. W. Phairn, G. Peake. V. Brown. G. Marbutt, H. Simpson. W. Wrattan. C. Whyte (Wellington), L. Griffin. T. Cubis, T. Wells, B. Cleary, A. Harrison. R. Cooper. W. Cubis. G. James. S. Speight, S. Glanville. R. Wallis. G. Hay. D. McCathie, S. Nicholson, X. Holmes, H. Connolly, H- Simpson. BRIDGE-PARTY FOR BRIDEELECT Despite the inclement wea-tlier conditions prevailing a goodly number of women assembled at the Mount Eden Kiosk on Saturday afternoon, when a bridge afternoon was given by Miss Phyllis Gash. The guest of honour was Miss Ellen Gaudin. whose marriage to Mr. Allan Rainger takes place at Takapuna to-morrow. Miss Gash wore a frock of figured crepe de chine, and a black hat. while Miss Ellen Gaudin chose a flame crepe de chine gown and black crinoline hat. The trophy for play was won by Miss Freda Gaudin. A novel feature of the decorations was-a miniature house, replete with all conveniences, even to electric light.

FELIX CLUB DANCE On Saturday evening last the members of the Felix Club held a very successful dance in the Mount RoskilJ Hall. The hall was decorated in blue and gold, and Hal Turner’s “Carltonians” supplied the excellent dance music. Among those present were: Mrs. A. Small, blue and fawn. Mrs. Patterson, flame georgette and diamante. Mrs. W. Smith, black velvet and georgette. Mrs. W. Coyle, figured erepe de chine. Mrs. Allen, green georgette and silver lace. Miss (J. Monk, seagreen taffeta and silver lace. Miss MacDougan, green crepe de chine and gold lace. Miss J. Godfrey, black velvet. Miss M. Franklin, green chiffon velvet. Miss AT. Irvine, cyclamen taffeta. Miss B. Coyle, maize georgette and taffeta. Miss E. Smith, blue satin beaute. Miss M. O’Shea, white tissue and fringe. Miss B. Parkes, blue georgette and taffeta. Miss C. Monk, coral georgette. Miss E. Herd, orange georgette. Miss I. Coyle, apricot crepe de chine. Miss L. Small, peach crepe de chine. Miss E. Deane, mauve taffeta. SURPRISE PARTY A delightful surprise party .was taken on Saturday evening to Mr. Edgar Xicholls's father’s residence, 45 Marine Parade, Herne Bay. A very happy evening was enjoyed. Among those present were: Miss E. Nicholls, lemon crepe de chine. Miss Joan Nicholls, white crepe de chine with gold lace. Miss M. Hard ley, figured georgette and apricot crepe de chine. Miss M. Hutchings, gold taffeta. Miss J. Hardley, flame georgette and silver lace. Miss P. Eady, lemon crepe de chine. Miss H. Hardley, pale blue taffeta. Miss T. Saunders, violet georgette and velvet. Miss M. Montgomery, scarlet georgette and silver trimmings. Miss T. Montgomery, cyclamen taffeta and gold lace. Miss F. M. Saunders, scarlet velvet and gold lace. Miss B. Bryant, pink satin with grey fur trimming. Miss F. Saunders, wine crepe de chine and silver and brilliant trimming. Miss M. Beale, pale blue satin and silk net. Miss M. Williams, coffee lace over blue satin. Miss E. Beale, pink satin with lace and diamante trimming. Miss J. Cramp, shell-pink ring velvet and flared georgette.

COUNCIL OF WOMEN | / MEETING NEXT MONDAY The monthly- meeting; of the Auckland land branch of the National j Council of Women will be heli} in the : Y.W.C.A., Upper Queen Street, next Monday. April 22. at 7.30 x>.m. SCHOOL “AT HOME” NEW MASTER WELCOMED | Dancing; in the school used to be one | of the delights of country life in days gone by. The practice was revived last evening; at Yauxhall School, Devonport, when the ultra modern school was converted into a cosy and decorated social hall and the school committee and mothers and fathers of the school children, as well as many of the elder pupils, gathered to c.:tend a welcome to the new headmaster. Mr. H. Binsted, and Mrs. Binsted. Alter expression of welcome by chairman jl. H. Watkins and a reply by the guests of the evening, there was a bright little concert and a dance, with dances of other days, for which Mr. Kerr provided music. Among those present were: Mrs. Wat kin, Copenhagen blue frock with guipure lace. Mrs. Bangley, beige georgette and Ur e frock. Miss Ross, black ring velvet. Mrs. Griffiths, alice blue Truck of georgette. Mrs. Eli is, apple green crepe de chine. Mrs. Warren, jade green marietta. Mrs. Cooper, midnight olue georgette. ! Mrs. Samson, pink crepe de chine. Mrs. Barnes, ciel blue taffeta. Mrs. Bunt, maize georgette frock. Miss McMillan, pink frock with blue shawl. Miss D. Watkins, lemon trock of taffeta. Mrs. Miles, black panne velvet frock. Mrs. Humphrey btewart, flame frock of ring velvet. Mrs. Moore, beaded frock of love grey georgette. Mrs. M. Alison, flowered frock of georgette. Mrs. Bromley Smith, figured crepe de chine and matching shawl. Mrs. Fish, black and scarlet crepe de chine. Mrs. Binsted, apple green crepe de chine. Mrs. Miller, rose pink frock of georgette with eciyj lace. Mrs. Ffeldsenheld, black and white crepe de chine. Miss Binsted, red crepe de chine and silver lace. Mrs. Charlton, electric blue taffeta. Mrs. Kevin, rose pink crepe de chine. Airs. Holland, black crepe de chine. Airs. Way good, floral georgette frock. Mrs. Binsted, senr., black frock of lac*. Mrs. Cook, can de nil crepe cle chine. Mrs. Bell, black crepe de chine with diamante trimming. Mrs. Lipscombe, almond green crepe de chine. Mrs. Brown, rose jersey velour frock.

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Sun (Auckland), Volume III, Issue 639, 16 April 1929, Page 4

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IN TOWN AND OUT Sun (Auckland), Volume III, Issue 639, 16 April 1929, Page 4

IN TOWN AND OUT Sun (Auckland), Volume III, Issue 639, 16 April 1929, Page 4