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NOTES Mrs. W. R. Morton, of Christchurch, is visiting Auckland. Mr. and Mrs. Weeks, of Dunedin, are spending a holiday in Auckland. Mr. and Mrs. TV. R. Davidson leave for a visit to Wellington this evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. Yarnley, of Stratford, are staying at the Central Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. J. Vinson, of Whakatane, are staying at the Star Hotel. Miss B. McGovern, of Remuera, motored to Hamilton yesterday for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. C. Atkinson, Spring - field, Canterbury, are on a visit to Auckland. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Dimery returned to Auckland by the Limited express this morning. Mrs. E. Watson, of Thames, and Mrs. W. Weldon, of Te Kuiti, are guests at the Royal Hotel. Mrs. H. Strickland has returned to Lower Hutt from a visit to her mother. Mrs. Hunt, in Auckland. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Johnstone, of Wellington, and Miss E. M. Silk, of Wanganui, ar e at tho Cargen. At the Grand are Mrs. Leslie Brown, of Fiji, Mrs. F. Bevington, of Vancouver, and Miss S. Dreyfus, of Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waterman, of New York, and Mr. and Mrs. Stone, of London, left Auckland last evening for Wellington. * * * Miss Mildred Alleman, of ISTew Plymouth, is visiting Auckland, where she is the guest of Mrs. Carrick Robertson, of Alfre.d Street. Mr. and Mrs. C. LI. Cresswell and their family, of Christchurch, will arrive in Auckland this week to take up their residence here. The following members of the Middlemore Women’s Golf Club are in Hamilton., where they will play a match: Miss E. Culling, Mrs. Hodges, Mrs. J. Wilson, Miss F. Rathbone, Miss M. McFarlane, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Abbott. PAPATOETOE CATHOLICS EUCHRE EVENING A euchre party, held at the residence of Mrs. Miller, Papatoetoe, attracted a fair attendence of euchre enthusiasts on Tuesday evening. The proceeds are to be devoted to the funds of the Papatoetoe Catholic Church. Prizes were won by Mrs. Baxter, 1 ; Mrs. Miller, 2; Mr. Baxter, 1; Mr. Grinter. 2.


AT “ROOKERY NOOK” After monotonous months of sleek Eton crops, frocks that were just vague pieces of stuff clinging haphazard, it was quite a treat to see, at the opening of “Rookery Nook” at His Majesty’s Theatve last evening, numbers of women wearing picturesque gowns of old world persuasion, with long, dipping hems and hair that had rebelled against the “stern” boyish mode, and fell in softly flattening curls around its wearer’s face, or, as in many cases where it was being allowed to grow again, was piquant! y tucked behind each ear, with a quaint curl straying round to either cheek. Among the large audience who greeted the opening of this amusingplay were: Mrs. Stokes and Miss Beth Stokes, Mrs. Alfred Nathan, Mrs. Hewitt, Mrs. Charles Nathan, Mrs. Kneebone, Mrs. Snedden, Mrs. J. Phillips, Mrs. Friend, Mrs. Beale, Mrs. Bankhart, Mrs. E. Davis, Mrs. Philcox, Mrs. Clegg, Mrs. Pat Hanna, Mrs. Black, Mrs. C. Chilwell, Mrs. P. Herman, Mrs. Whitcombe, Mrs. L. Wilson, Mrs. E. C. Huie, Mrs. Kingston, Mrs. Miller, Miss Eleanor Miller, Mrs. Waters, Mrs. Browne, Miss Nance Browne, Mrs. P. Crisp, Miss D. Farquhar, Miss Ailsa Kackett, Miss M. Baker, Miss W. Gillespie, Miss MeVeagh, Miss Audrey Lawrence and many others. DANCING AND CARDS FOR CHURCH FUNDS A very enjoyable social evening was held at the residence of Miss Burnside, Scott Road, Papatoetoe, on Tuesday evening. There was a large attendance of members and friends of St. George's (Anglican Church present, and the proceeds are to be devoted to the funds

of the jumble stall of the forthcoming bazaar. Dancing was indulged in, in the drawing-room, and a Monte Carlo waltz was won by Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Ross. A progressive 500 tournament was held under the supervision of Mrs. Bewes. Mrs. Bennett and Mr. H. Swaffield were the prize-winners and Miss Carson . won the consolation trophy.

The _ members of the Jumble Stall Committee, consisting of Mrs. Bewes, airs. Kerr, Mrs. Meikle, Mrs. D. Burnside, Miss K. Waters, Bliss Meikle, Misses_ Burnside and Miss Bewes, supervised the supper arrangements. Among those present were: Nicholson, Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. ' A trs ' Bennett. Mrs. Hoskins. Mrs. WMffiXv Meikle, Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. Tf v, M ™- Runciman. Mrs. IT. Swafneld, Mrs. D. Burnside, Mrs. R. G. Ross. JR®- Kelsey. Mrs. Morrin. Mrs. Sanders. Mrs. Daisi ey.. Mrs. Muir, Mrs. s. MeCulhnisrh Mre.. Gane. Mrs. J. Bryant, Mrs. Wakelin, Mrs. d. Wright. Mrs. P. Burnside, Miss R. O’Loue-lilin. Miss K. Bryant, Miss Knight. Miss B. O’Lonerhlin, Miss IT. Percy. Miss W. Meikle. Miss R. Burnside. Miss D. Poster. Miss Morrin. Miss M Poster. Miss Carson. Miss Wills. Miss D. Bryant. Miss A. Burnside. Miss Snow. Miss Runeiman. Miss Wyllie. Miss K. Waters. Miss W. Burnside. Miss M. Tipton, Miss Cutforth. Miss Melison. Miss C. Bryant. Miss D. Waters. Miss P. Orr. Miss M. Waters.

| MANUREWA CONCERT BASKETBALL FUNCTION A concert, organised by Madam Aileen Frost,' drew a good attendance of friends and supporters of the Manurewa Basketball Club at the Theatre Royal, Manurewa, on Tuesday evening. A very enjoyable programme of musical items was contributed by Mr. Broberg, Mr. Seaton, Miss Everingham and Mrs. Levor, vocal solos; Miss Maxwell, dance; Miss Smith and Miss Pendergrast, elocutionary items; Mr. Walker, violin solo; a couple of very enjoyable choruses were rendered by the Manurewa Choral Society. Madam Aileen Frost acted as accompanist. The second part of the programme was taken up with a very enjoyable one-act play, “The Stepson,” in which the various parts were taken by Miss Valma Wood (Mrs. Cora Proude), novelist; Miss Maida Weir (Dr. Gardiner) ; Miss Stella Beaumont (Mrs. Proud’s stepson); and Kathleen Grindrod (secretary to Mrs. Proude). At the conclusion of the musical programme an impromptu dance'was held. The music was supplied by Mr. Donaldson. CONCERT AT PUKEKOHE A very successful entertainment organised by Mr. W. Russell-Wood in aid of church funds was given in the Methodist 1-fall, Pukekohe, on Tuesday. The hall was packed and the performers, most of whom were from Auckland, were enthusiastically received. The first part was given by several of Mr. Russell-Wood’s pupils, those contributing the varied dramatic selections being: Miss, Myers, Miss Nancy Snell, Miss Marjorie Treanor, and Mr. R. G. May. Miss Hope Asher gave much pleasure with her songs at the piano. The second portion took the form of play reading—“ The Marriage of Kitty,” an amusing comedy in three acts. The parts were ably taken by the following: Sir Reginald Belsize, Bt., by Mr. Russell-Wood; John Travers (a solicitor), Mr. Jim Laing; Norbury (a manservant), Mr. Jacobsen; Hampton (Travers’s clerk), Mr. W. E. Sharp; Katherine Silverton (“Kitty”), Miss E. .Thomas; Madame de Semiano, Miss Asher; Rosalie (a maid), Miss K. SneU. The Rev. Mr. Fiebig thanked the visitors for their much aopreciated assistance. COTTON MERCHANT After the death of the well known Lancashire cricketer, Charlie Hartley, his widow joined the ranks of business women. Born in a cotton mill centre her knowledge of the trade proved invaluable, and she has now opened an office in London, She is said to be the first woman cotton merchant to commence business in that city.

j PENWOMEN’S LEAGUE MUSICAL EVENING A versatile lecture on modern French composers was given by Mrs. Gordon Robertson at the musical circle of the League of Penwomen on Tuesday evening. In introducing Mrs. Robertson, the acting-convenor, Miss Renee Satchwell, stressed the importance of studying modern works of musicians of different nationalities. Mrs. Robertson, in her paper, explained the trend of modern music, and gave the special characteristics developed by French composers. later playing examples of their compositions in two pianoforte works, Ravel’s “Waltz Sentimental,” Debussy’s “Submerged Cathedral.” Songs were given by Miss Etta Field in “Chere JSTuit,” of Alfred Bachelet, and Miss Amy Hansard, who sang “J 1 Pleut dans mon Coeur," by Debussy, and "Soupirs,” by Duparc. Excerpts from a violin sonata of Cesar Franck were played by Miss Amy Stevenson and Mrs. Herbert Bloy. Two more pianoforte solos were rendered by Miss Satchwell: “Gardena in the Rain,” of Debussy, and Ravel’s masterpiece, “Jeaux d’Eaux.” ALFRISTON DANCE CATHOLIC COUNTRY QUEEN There was a fair attendance of dancers at the Alfriston Hall on Tuesday evening when a very enjoyable dance was held to augment the funds of the country queen in the Catholic queen carnival. The music was supplied by Darby’s Orchestra. Musical items wers played by Father Duffy. Mr. W. Moody was the winner of a cake, which was a prize for one of the competitions. FOR EX-BURGLARS In conjunction with an ex-burglar, Miss Marjorie Evan Thomas has founded what is surely London’s most curious institution. It is termed the “Run Straight Club,” and meetings are held at All Hallows’ Church, Mark Lane, and in the crypt of St. Martin-in-the-Fields. Only ex-burglars are its members, but the object of the club is to set their feet on straighter paths again. If fuji silk dresses and underclothes which have become yellow are dipped when wet into some water in which a few drops of blue ink have been dissolved and then hung out at night they will become quite white.

HAMILTON NOTES (From. Our Own Correspondent.J HAMILTON, Wednesday. Mrs. C. A. Fraer, J.P., of Christchurch, Dominion president of the National Council of Women, will be in Hamilton on Friday and will meet the local executive. Mrs. Fraer is on her way to Honolulu, where she will attend the Pan-Pacific Women’s Conference. * * ❖ Lady Hall Jones, who has been visiting Hamilton, has returned to Wellington. Miss Cox, who has been the guest of Mrs . E. B. Cox, in Cambridge, will spend some days in Hamilton before returning to her home in Christchurch. * * & Mrs. E. M. Jackson, who is leaving Hamilton to live in Dunedin, was the guest of honour at an “At Home” arranged by the Church of Christ Ladies’ Guild last Wednesday. Mrs. Duxfield, president of the Hamilton branch of the 'Women’s Division of the Farmers’ Union, will represent Hamilton, and Mrs. F. H. Feisst. of Cambridge, will represent Cambridge at the Dominion conference in Wellington at the end of the month. Mrs. W. A. Oliver is at present holidaying in Taranaki. Mrs. Rutherford, of Taupiri. is visiting New Plymouth friends. Mr. and Mrs. F. Mack, of Cambridge, have returned home after five weeks in the Bay of Islands. Mrs. IT. C. Tod, of Cambridge, is at present in Christchurch. Miss Empson, who has been spending a holiday in Whangarei. has returned to her home in Te Awamutu. Miss M. Nixon, who has been visiting Hamilton, has returned to her home in Ho wick. BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. Loughnan, of Puahere, gave a most enjoyable bridge party on Monday evening. The hostess received her guests in a becoming frock of pink shaded taffeta and gold lace. Her mother, Mrs. Williams, of Wellington, was in a frock of black lace over pink. Her guests were: Mrs. C. Blundell, in black and silver georgette. Mrs. J. O’Sullivan, in black embossed georgette with emerald. Mrs. Des. Williams, in silver tissue. Mrs. Simpson, in iris-tinted georgette. Airs. J. Olipliant, in black panne velvet and silver. Mrs. Jeffrey, in black brocaded satin. Nlrs. Lionel Chamberlain, in black velvet and pink georgette. Mrs. L. Peake, in black ring velvet,

i with diamante ornament. I Mrs. Ashmore, in black Chantilly lace. | Miss Hewitt in black lace, j Miss Foche, in black georgette. ! Miss Meeking, in black satin, j The prize-winners were Mrs. Peake and Miss Foche. MOTHERS’ UNION MEETING Yesterday afternoon the St. Peter's branch of the Mothers' Union held its monthly meeting. The Very Rev. Dean Barnett, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Sell, held an admission service. Mrs. Sell and Mrs. Mayo being admitted as members. Mrs. Money, a former diocesan president, of Lincoln. England, gave a very interesting talk. At the next meeting Mrs. Duxfield, president of the Women’s Division, will gave an address. FOOTBALL DANCE Last Friday night the Tauwhare Football Club held a most enjoyable dance. The hall was gaily decorated with streamers, good music was provided by the Kit Kat Orchestra, and visitors came from Hamilton, Morrinsville, Matangi, Hautapu and Newstead. Among those present were: Mrs. D. Shaw, in old rose satin. chine 3 ' Ramsay, in black crepe de Win<isor - moonlight blue crepe Mrs. Moon, shell-pink beaded georgette. M rs - Lye, black crepe de chine, chine** I japonica pink crepe de Mrs. Pretty, deep delphinium blue satin. Mrs. .7. Shaw, champagne georgette. Mrs. Ticklepenny, black georgette. £. • rb* ensc ’ a Pricot crepe de chine. Mrs. P Ferguson, ivory crepe de chine. M rs - H- .Chapman, cerise velvet. Mrs. Schisclika, rose crepe de chine. M|ss A. Carle, violet crepe de chine. Miss J. Shaw, pink silk lace frock. P- £ erguson. old rose georgette, wii?? T S J? aw - ivory crepe de chine. a! b‘ T ? en se. pink shot taffeta. J? At t T^ USO u' i» riS - mauve georgette. , ! ss M- Lye, shell-pink satin. pinkf 3 McKenzie ’ mist-grey lace over S* Peacock blue georgette. at J rk' < b ort, sold Panne velvet. e^^ ISS 1 • bchlschka. flesh pink georgArifl? t< Ramsay, marigold velvet. .Aiiss u \Vindsor. cyclamen velvet. miss M. Benge, cerise lace frock. at! ss tV %^ uar t, powder-blue taffeta. arulSce F ' better, hydrangea blue saUn c^ s Windsor, jade green crepe de Miss E. Ferris, burgundy red satin. MiSs tV ?n tter ’ bla f k cre P e de chine. wl, s -A. Windsor, black velvet. SI?? unt . Powder-blue georgette, -vuss ±l. Shaw, apricot crepe de chine. FOR OLD HORSES Old and incapacitated horses have a staunch friend in Miss Hayes, a schoolmistress of Edmonton, England. Since 1913 she has dealt with 5,000 old and lame horses, either finding them good homes or having them humanely destroyed. At first she used her own money, but now receives financial aid Irom friends. Her expenditure last J £3 lOQ 11 406 worn * out animals totalled

STAFF DANCE P. HENRY AND SON The staff of P. Henry and Son held a successful dance recently at Pitumahoe. The M.C.'s were Messrs. G. Hunter and I. Care. Among those present were:— Mrs. CuUeton (Auckland), wearing blue embossed crepe de chine. Mrs. J. J. Robinson, black crepe « chine. Mrs. Allen, black crepe do chine. Mrs. W. E. Johns, black ninon bead* in silver. Miss I. Coates (Hamilton), maore frock of lame. Miss Marjorie Urquhart. lavender crepe de chine. Miss Irons, cedar brown panne velvet Miss Charlotte Mears, sea green taffeta. Miss M. McCormick, frock of white ninon. Miss M. Rawlings. flame crepe e* chine. Miss R. Freeman (Auckland), hiact satin latienne frocfc. Miss Mary Malone, scarlet crepe chine. . . Miss Madge McNeil, frock of apru* rsatin. Miss T. Wilson, cream satin crepe Miss M. Wilson, black panne velvet Miss Rona Pollock, white frock of aab*. Miss J. Mitchell, shell pink crepe chine. . v Miss N. Moy, black ring velvet lrocsMiss Nancy Johns, frock of petunia satin armure. Miss G. Hardy, cream silk crepeMiss J. Hardy, ivory satin beaute. Miss D. Urquhart, vieux rose crepe a chine. Miss R. Urquhart, flame crepe de chi"** Miss Doris Care, geranium pink ****** Miss Sheridan, black and pink all*Miss Nield. coral pink georgette. Miss R. Menzies (Auckland), blue cr.v* de chine. Miss Menzies, powder blue satin. Miss G. Reynolds, mignonette satin. Miss V, Irwin, dnehess blue satin. Miss Alma Craig, opal blue ring Miss E. Potier. maize crepe de cki»«GOLDEN WEDDING The members and friends ol *** Mothers’ Club and Y.W.C.A. tained Mrs. Rankin on Tuesday noon, to celebrate her golden w The president. Mrs. Mann, on > of the club members, congra . Mrs. Rankin, and asked her to' - a sovereign in a case and a of daffodils from fellow memDW*^

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Sun (Auckland), Volume II, Issue 416, 26 July 1928, Page 4

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IN TOWN AND OUT Sun (Auckland), Volume II, Issue 416, 26 July 1928, Page 4

IN TOWN AND OUT Sun (Auckland), Volume II, Issue 416, 26 July 1928, Page 4