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The Missing Bank Manager




CHAPTER X (Continued) “Dismissed—you?” she exclaimed. “Dismissed! ” “With a quarter's salary in lieu of notice," laughed Xeale, slapping his pocket. “I’ve got it here —in gold." ••But —why?” asked Betty. Xeale shook his head at her. “Because you told Joseph chat I didn't believe them when they said that some of their securities were missing,” he answered. “You did it! As soon as you’d gone, they had me in. told me that it was contrary to their principles to retain servants who took sides with other people against them, handed me a cheque, and told me to cash it forthwith and depart. And —here I am!” “You don’t seem to mind this very much, Mr. Xeale,” observed the Earl, looking keenly at this victim of summary treatment. “Do you?” “If your lordship really wants to know,” answered Xeale, “I don't. I’m truly thankful. It's only what would have happened—in another way. I meant to leave Chestermarkes. If it hadn’t been for Mr. Horbury, I should have left ages ago. I hate banking! I hated the life. And—l dislike Chestermarkes! Intensely! Xow, I’ll go and have a free life somewhere in Canada or some equally spacious clime —where I can breathe.” “Xot at all!" said Betty, decidedly. “You shall come and be my manager, in London. The brewery wants one badly. You shall have a handsome salary, Wallie —much more than you had at that beastly bank!” “Very kind of you. I’m sure," laughed Xeale. “But I think I’m inclined to put breweries in the same bag with banks. Don’t you be too rash, Betty— I’m not exactly cut out for commercialism. Xot,” he added, reflectively, “not that I haven’t been a very good servant to Chestermarkes. I have! But Chestermarkes are—what they are!” The Earl who had been watching the two young people with something of amused interest, suddenly came forward from the window. “Mr. Xeale," he said. “My lord?" responded Xeale. “What’s your honest opinion about your late principals?” asked the Earl. Xeale shook his head slowly and significantly. “I don’t know,” he answered. “Do you know they’ve—just now—refused Miss Fosdyke permission to examine her uncle’s belongings?” continued the Earl. “That they wouldn’t even let her enter the house?” “Xo, I didn’t know,” replied Xeale. “But I’m not surprised. Xothing that those two could do would ever surprise me.” “Feeling that, what do you advise in this case?’ asked the Earl. “Come! —you’re no longer in their employ—you can speak freely now. What do you think?” “Well,” said Xeale, after a pause, and speaking with unusual gravity, “T think the police ought to make a. thorough examination of the bank bouse —I’m surprised it hasn’t been thought of before.” The Earl picked up his bat. “I’ve been thinking of it all the

morning!” he said. “Come —let us all go round to Polke.” CHAPTER XI. THE SEARCH WARRANT As they turned out of the Market Place into the street leading to the police station. Lord Kllersdeane and his companions became aware of a. curious figure which was slowly preceding them —that of a very old man whose massive head and long white hair, falling in thick shocks about his neck, was innocent of covering, whose tall, erect form was closely wrapped about in a great, man.v-caped horseman’s cloak which looked as if it had descended to him from some early Georgian ancestor. In one hand he carried a long staff: the other clutched an ancient folio: altogether he was something very much out of the common, and Neale, catching sight of him. nudged Betty Fosdyke’s elbow and pointed ahead. ‘‘One of the sights of Scarnham” he whispered. “Old Batteries', the antiquary. Never seen with a hat. and never without that cloak, his staff, and a book under his arm. You needn’t be astonished if he suddenly stops and begins reading his book in the open street —it’s a habit of his.” But the antiquary apparently had other business. He turned into the police station, and when the three

visitors followed him a moment, later, he was already in Polke’s private office, and Polke and Starmidge were gazing speculatively at him. Polke turned to the newcomers, as the old man, having fitted on a pair o: large spectacles, recognised the Earl and executed a deep bow. “Mr. Batterley’s just called with a suggestion, my lord,” observed Polke, good-humouredly. “He’s heard of Mr. Horbury’s disappearance and of the loss of your lordship’s jewels, and he says that an explanation of the whole thing may be got if we search the bank house.” “Thoroughly!” said Batterley, with a warning shake of his big head. “Thoroughly—thoroughly, Mr. Polke! No use just walking through the rooms, and seeing what any housemaid would see—the thing must be done properly. Your lordship,” be continued, turning to the Earl, “knows that many houses in our Market Place possess secret passages, double staircases, and the like—Horbury’s house is certainly one of those that do. It has, of course, been modernised. My memory is not quite as good as it was, but I have a recollection that when I was a boy, well over seventy years ago —I am, as your lordship is aware, nearer ninety than eighty—there were hiding places discovered in the. bank house at the time Matthew Chester- ] marke, grandfather of this present i Gabriel, had it altt;red; in fact, I am ■ quite sure I was taken by my father ; to see them. Now, of course, many of these places were bricked up, and so on, but I think —it is my impression—that a double staircase was left untouched, and some recesses in the panelling of the garden-room. That garden-room, Mr. Polke—if you know what J mean?” “Mr. Batterley.” remarked the Earl, “means the panelled room which looks out on the garden. Mr. Horburv has used :it as a study.” “The garden-room.” continued the old antiquary, “should be particularly examined. It is into that room that the double staircase opens—by a door concealed in the recess at the side of the fireplace. There were. I am sure, recesses behind the panelling in that room. Now, Horburv may have known of them —he had tastes of an antiquarian disposition—in an amateur way, you know. At any rate, Mr. Polke you should examine the house —and especially that room, for Horbury may have hidden Lord Ellersdeane’s property there. A deeply in- i teresting room, that!” added the old J man, musingly. “I haven’t been in it for sc-me sixty years or so, but I remember it quite well. It was in that room that Jasper Chestermarke murdered Sir Gervase Rudd.” Starmidge. who, like the rest of them, had been listening eagerly to Batterley’s talk, turned sharplv to him. “Hid you say murdered, sir?” lie i asked. “A well-known story!” answered the old man, half impatiently, as he rose from his chair. “An ancestor o: these Chest ermarkes—he killed a man in that very room. Well—that’s what I suggest, Mr. Polke. And—for another reason. As Lord Ellersdeane there knows—being, as his lordship is, a member of our society—the bank house is so old that underneath it there m&y be such matters as old wells, old drains. Now, supposing Horbu- had discovered some way under the present, house, some secret passage or something, and that he went down into it on Sunday—eh? Pie may have fallen into one of these places—and be Jvir there dead or helpless. It’s possible Mr. Polke, it’s quite possible. I make the suggestion to you for what it s worth, you know.”

The old man bowed himself out and went away, and Polke turned to Lord Ellersdeane and Betty. “I’m glad your lordship’s come in ” he said. “Quite apart from what Mr. Batterley suggests, we’ll have to examine that bank-house. It’s all nonsense allowing the Chestermarkes to have their own way about evervthing’ It s time we examined Horburv s effects.” Starmidge turned to Betty. “Did you succeed in getting in there Miss Fosdyke?” he asked. “Xo!” replied Belt- Jl r . Joseph Chestermarke absolutely refused me admittance, and his uncle told me to go to a solicitor.” “Good advice, certainly,’ remarked

Polke, drily. "You'd better uik« 4. miss. .. But v. hat's Mr. .Neale ti£ "Mr. Neale.” said Lite Ear!, “has been summarily dismissed for ton* 1 is plainly—taking sides with Miss F«1 U dyke and myself.” 08 * • Ho-ho exclaimed Polke. -n, Well, my lord, there's only one tin?' to be done, and as your lordship** town, let us di it at once.” • What?” asked the Earl. • You must come with me befc-e tv., borough magistrates—they’re sitting now ” said Polke. “and make appii’ cation for a search-warrant. Your lordship will have to swear that v<yu have lost your jewels, and that v 0 a have good cause to believe that thev may be on the premises lately occunSi by Mr. Hcrbury, to whose care y ou trusted them. It's a mere matter of form —we shall get the warrant at once. Then Starmidge and I win *.•» and execute it. Miss Fosdrke w. do what I suggest, if you please. Nr Neale will take you to Mr. Pc 11 worthv the solicitor —he was your uncle's solicitor. and a friend of his. Te.l him all about your visit to the l-ank this morning. Say that you insist, as next-of-kin. on having access to your uncle’s belongings. Get Mr. p e u_ worthy to go with you to the bank Meet Detective -Sergeant Starmidge and me outside there in, say. half ar houThen —we'll see what happens. Now’ mv lord, if you’ll come with me. we'ii apply for that search-warrant.” As the Scarnham clocks were striking twelve that morning. Gabri 1 and Joseph Chestermarke looked up from their desks to see Shirley’s eyes large with excitement, gazing at then. from the threshold of their private parlour. “Well?” demanded the senior partner. The clerk moved nearer to his principal’s desk. Mr. Polke outside, sir, wita the gentleman who came in with him before,” announced Shirley. ‘He say* he must see you at once. And —r here’s

, Mr. Pell worthy, sir, with Miss Fosdyke. j Mr. Pellworthv says, sir, that he must see you at once, too.” Gabriel glanced a. his nephew'. And j Joseph spoke without looking up from his writing-pad, and as if he knew that i his partner was regarding him. “Bring them all in,” he said. He himself continued his writing as j the four callers were ushered in. he i did not even look round at them. Gab--1 riel, more sphinx-like than ever, regarded each in order with an air of i distinct disapproval. And he took care to speak first. “Now, Mr. Pell worthy?” he said sharply. “What do you want?” Pellworthy, an elderly man, looked at Gabriel with as much disapproval at Gabriel had bestowed on him. Air. Chestermarke,” he said quietly. “Miss Fosdyke, as next-of-kin to Mr. John Horbury—my client —desires to see and examine her uncle’s effectsAs you know very well, she is quite within her rights. I must ask you to give her access to Mr. Horbury’s belongings.” “And what do you want, Mr. Polke?’' demanded Gabriel. Polke produced a formal-looking document and held it before ths banker's eyes. “Merely’ to show you that, Mr. Chestermarke,” he a nswered. “That's a seach - warrant, sir! Jt empowers rm‘ and Mr. Starmidge here to search —but I needn’t read it to you, Mr. Chestermarke, I think. I suppose w« can go into the house now?” Faint spots ot colour showed themselves on Gabriel's cheeks. And again he turned to lis nephew. Joseph, however, did not speak. Instead, he turned to the v/all at his side tnd pressed a bell. A moment later a maid-s€?rvant opened the private 3'*> r which communii ated with the house, and looked inquiringly and a little nervously inside. Joseph frowned at her. “I rang twice!” he said. “That meant Mrs. Carswell. Send her here The girl hesitated. “If you please, sir.” she saic at last, “Mrs. Carswell hasn’t beer in for quite an hour, sir,” said the girl. "-''J’ 6 put on her things and went out. sir. just—just after that young lady cal ea this morning. She —she's never come back, sir.” Polke. who was standing close Starmidge, quietly’ nudged the detective’s elbow Both men watched tn junior partner. And bonh saw tn first signs of something that was very like doubt and anxiety show in b face. “That’ll do!” 1 3 said to the servant. He rose slowly from his desk, put hand in hiis pocket, and drew out some key’s. Without a word he BiUfl* * motioned the visitors to follow Tim. Out in the hail stood two men, w in spite o! their plain clothes, v.c obviously policemen. Joseph ftar and turned no Polke. . ia “Damn you!” lie snarled under n breath. Are you going to peste; with your whole crew? Sena tiefellows off at once!” . “Nothing of the sort. Mr. Lt*** marke!” replied Polke, in a so. - whisper. I shall bring as many ‘ my* men lit re as I please. It s _ own fault—you should have beer - .j enable this morning. Now. >/ . g open any* door in this house =~ locked.” (To be continued.)

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Sun (Auckland), Volume I, Issue 143, 7 September 1927, Page 6

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The Missing Bank Manager Sun (Auckland), Volume I, Issue 143, 7 September 1927, Page 6

The Missing Bank Manager Sun (Auckland), Volume I, Issue 143, 7 September 1927, Page 6