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BIG JUMPING FIXTURE REVIEW OF OPENING DAY’S CARD WITH no less than twenty-six horses from the Auckland Province claiming engagements at Trentham to-morrow, the racing at the Wellington meeting will make an even greater appeal to northerners than has been the case for some time past.

FORTUNATELY the winter meeting; of the Wellington Racing Club comes at a time when there is a pronounced lull in the Dominion’s racing world, and such an important fixture is always hailed with delight by racegoers. This year’s jumping gathering opens at Trentham to-morrow, and will be continued on Thursday and Saturday. Much rain during the past fortnight has made the course heavy, and it will not be better than soft at any stage of the proceedings, while with more rain the mudlarks will be in their element.

It is not often that the Wellington winter meeting attracts such big fields as those engaged to-morrow. Those who pick winners will be fully entitled to the honour of collecting what may well prove to be lucrative prices. THE STEEPLECHASE To-morrow the principal event is the Wellington Steeplechase, which has attracted a splendid field, with quality well represented, despite the fact that the handicapper did not see fit to go higher than within 171 b of the maximum weight provided for in the conditions of the race. Fourteen horses will probably contest the Steeplechase, and they represent the best of the cross-country performers now in training.

The Trentham Hurdles is being looked to by many to give a lead in connection with the more important Winter Hurdles, while the principal flat event, the Whyte Memorial, should provide a stirring contest. On Thursday the Parliamentary Handicap comes up for decision, and on Saturday, the concluding day, the Winter Hurdles and July Steeplechase are the principal jumping congests. The big programme opens at 11.15 a.m. with the

Rightly at the head of affairs are Perle de Leon and Enare. The former has only started twice over the sticks for two wins, and he is highly spoken of. Enare may be reserved for the open hurdles, in which he will be given a show. Gauntlet has been schooling well, and is evidently improving. Lord Star is making a debut, and Kaikahu has run some excellent races in the South Island. Mount Marta will set a merry pace, and in his case if he can see it out he will be one of the hardest to head off. Inferno shows promise, but Potoanui will surprise Northerners if he is not most conspicuous over the whole journey. His last outing over sticks, a close second to Kamehameha at Ellerslie, was real good. Passionate will have to improve in his jumping. Troilus is a fine acquisition to the hurdling game, and his form at Hawera and Wanganui was very pleasing. Guncase and Peshwa may find the opposition too rich, and Bevis, reported to be a natural jumper, is having his

first outing over the sticks. Bonena. won convincingly at the last Dunedin fixture, and with Vexatious should perform with credit. Aberfeldy is expected to make a top-notch hurdler, and Ramblin’ Kid and Hyama complete a more than useful field. The three that may come in for most support are Potoanui, Perle de Leon and Troilus. The second event on the card is the

This presents a most perplexing problem, for punters have a field of 26 to consider, and nine of them have already appeared on the winning list. Two of these, Catapult and Romantic, claim later engagements, and it is expected that they will be reserved. Given a run here, however, both would be labelled dangerous. Apart from these two, half a dozen likely ones are Arikiwai, Avro, Catkin, Merry Mint, Glengassy and Lady Limond. From these should come the wellbacked division, and Avro, from the powerful Fordell stable, was recently reported to be galloping as good as Tukia. That may decide the public. The favourites may be Avro, Arikiwai, and Merry Mint. The cross-country candidates will be introduced next, in the

Woden, up to a very short time back considered most unreliable, is now more solid since being put over the big fences, and his two recent wins in Hawke’s Bay point to him being above the average hack class. Banjuke is is also a useful sort, and a very fine jumper. Comedy Prince may be more generous over the big stuff, too, and the trouble with Hokioi appears to be a lack of stamina. Taitaiata, a good jumper over the sticks, has schooled nicely at Hawera, but below this horse one cannot expect the winner, apart from the question of a big surprise. Three of the favoured ones may be Woden, Banjuke and Taitaiata. The sprinters appear next, in the

The weight should not stop Degage, for the long straight six (with one short bend) will give her every chance. King Lu has been highly spoken of since his arrival at the scene of opera-

tions, and he may repeat his Ellerslie form of last month, when he won handsomely in a similar race. Royal Game is now up with the good ones, and that may find him out. Delightment is strongly fancied, for the conditidons are almost certain to be to his liking. Gail lard, Hipo and Deluge are a trio of unreliables, and Joy Bird and Xadarino are much preferred. Arpent has a good record in the South. Ladvfingers, Xed Kelly artd Pantagruel appeal most of those well down the list. It is expected that the most favoured division will comprise Delightment, King Lu and Degage. Then comes the big event, the

Xothing much has been heard of late about Comical, but it is only a question of his jumping. Fencing well, he will be one of the hardest front the last fence home. Wedding March will puzzle the stay-at-homes, for the fact that Rennie is now to ride Royal Abbey goes to show that Mr. Wells’s horse may be an absentee. Kawini is one that appeals greatly, for the con-

ditions are such that he should be right at home, and therefore be in a posi-

tion to atone for Ellerslie failures. Beau Cavalier lost caste through an indifferent schooling effort, and although it might have been for want of a mate, it will be disquieting for those who have already incurred liabilities through him. Tuki, of course, can deliver the goods—what one of the first eight in the weights that could not? Crown Coin is very much liked, and if Bowden were to be in the saddle —as a Wanganui writer declares he will — then he would be at once fancied more than anything else. Scamp comes from the South with a reputation, and has won over the Riverton country, which is not easy. Zircon can be expected to have made a lot of improvement since the Xorthern meeting, but wherever he is Tuki should be in front. Omahu has a starter’s chance, and so, too, has Dick, and Royal Abbey, fourth in the Winter Steeplechase, should account for them. Cartoon and Bonny Rill are doubtful runners, and of the three at the bottom Sanforte on present form will be easily the best. It is a very open race, with any one of the eight at the top liable to deliver the goods, but backers may express a preference for Kawinii, Crown Coin and Beau Cavalier. Xot quite so interesting as the preceding is the next, the

Wedding March will probably be one of the favourites if he starts here, as would seem likely. At a difference of 91b Royal Form will run him close, taking the latter’s last day form at Ellerslie as a criterion. Koauau is not badly treated, and neither is Brigadier Bill. If the latter has not lost his confidence over the sticks he stands a chance of repeating his effort in this race 12 months ago. Enare promises to be one of the dangerous division, and as it is expected that he will take on this race in prefereree to the hack event, he will be well supported Wharncli.fe has a lot of friends from the-South, although he will find Xorthern form a bit better. Of the four near the bottom Kamehameha and Rahepoto are preferred. The public may declare in favour of Royal Form, Wedding March and Kamehameha. The principal flat event follows: WHYTE MEMORIAL 1 mile.

On Ellerslie form one would fasten on to Sun Up as one likely to do best, for he is not harshly treated in a comparatively weak field, with no more than 221 b separating the lot. His recent gallops at Riccarton have made Sun Up to be at top form. Shining Armour is a bit unlucky in having to give weight to Master Doon, for the latter has won several good races this season, and is in excellent form. Another Xortherner is Merry Damon.

Mint Leaf, Black Mint and Royal Min: are good in the heavy ground, and Tresham has run some of his bes:

races at Trentham. Xukumai will be suited by the conditions. and lf forward will account for more than beat him. Alio way seems to just lack that final punch, although he is very well. Chickwheat, Indian SagG Huikai, Fairy Herald, Rouex and Outfit read best of the remainder. It is a difficult race to sum up, and the pubjF may be found plumping for oun Master Doon and Black Mint. The end of the programme tomorrow will be reached with the

With a field of 27 backers are .up against another of those problem® they now seem to be regular feat 1 these days. Recent good form been shown by several—Waicullus. Merle, Horomea, Peho, PangjJJ®* v mantic, Mister Gamp, Coot, Wild ” Denier, Kilmoyler, Raukura, Kilim** Catapult. Anolo and Piperenzo. do nn these down to two or three strike - as an almost impossible task. but r r ers will probably be found declaring - Merle, Mister Gamp and Coot.

V1TTORIA HURDLES 12 miles. Troilus . . 9 12 11 7 Gunease . . . Enare . 11 3 Peshwa . . . Gauntlet . . 10 11 Bonena . . . 9 Lord Star . . 10 X 9 Kaikahu . . 10 Vexatious . . 9 5 Mount Marta 10 3 Aberfeldy . . 9 3 Inferno . . . 10 1 Ramblin’ Kid 9 Potoanui . . •0 0 Hyama. 9 0 Passionate . 10 0

TRIAL PLATE Of 260 sovs.; 6 furlongs; special weights 10 0 Tameterangi 9 11 Greengrocer . 10 0 Propellor . . 9 11 Romantic . . 9 13 Glengassy . . 9 13 Arikiwai . . Town Hall . . 9 13 Bourse .... 9 0 Corn stalk . 9 13 Radion . . . 9 0 9 13 Hannibal . . 9 0 9 11 Catkin . . . 9 0 Catapult . . . 9 11 Lady Limond 9 0 9 11 Aro de Val . . 9 11 Honey .... 9 0 Lady Killer . 9 11 Merry Mint . 9 0 Oratrix . ■. . 9 11 Quantum . . 9 o

HACK STEEPLECHASE 25 miles. Woden . . . 11 0 Taitaiata . . 9 '8 Banjuke . . . 10 8 Aotea Roa 9 2 Comedy Kirkwood . . 9 0 Prince . . 10 6 The Curragh D 0 Hokioi . . . 10 2 Maidos . . . 9 0

STEWARDS’ HANDICAP Degage . . . 6 furlongs. 11 2 Nadarino . . 9 3 Oration . . . 10 5 Arpent . . . 9 2 King Lu . . 10 3 Tame Fox . 9 0 Nincompoop 10 3 Anthony . . 9 0 Royal Game 10 1 Gold Box 9 0 Delightment 10 1 Kilperon . . 9 0 Gaillard . . 9 11 Lady Fingers 9 0 Hipo . . . 9 8 Ned Kelly 9 0 Deluge . . 9 8 Pantagruel . 9 Solrose . . , . 9 7 Santonio . . 0 Joy Bird . . 9 4 Toapaiti . . 9 0

WELLINGTON STEEPLECHASE Of 1,000 sovs.; 3J miles. . 11 4 Peter Maxwell . . 11 0 Omahu . . . . 10 12 Pick .... 5 Royal Abbey 9 . 10 Cartoon . . 9 . 10 6 Bonnv Rill 4 Birkenella . . 10 3 San Forte . . Scamp . . , . 10 0 Sir Wai . . . 9

TRENTHAM HURDLES It miles. Wedding Rahepoto . . 3 March . . , 11 4 Kamehameha 9 Royal Form . , 10 9 Captain Sarto. . . . Koauau . . 10 5 9 0 Brigadier Bill .... 10 4 San Perdo 9 5 Enare . . . 10 2

Sun Up . . . 10 8 Chickwheat . 9 6 Shining Indian Sage . 9 6 Armour . . 10 0 Huikai . . . 9 3 Master Doon 10 5 Rouex . . . 9 3 Merry Killoch . . . 9 Damon . . 10 5 Blue Peter . 9 0 Mint Leaf 10 3 Fairy Herald 0 Black Mint . 10 1 Miss Hupana 9 0 Tresham 10 1 Outfit . . . 9 0 Nukumai . . 9 32 Queen Arch . 9 0 Alio way . . 9 8 Royal Mint . 9 0

TE ARO HANDICAP 7 : furlongs. Waicullus . . 10 13 Denier. . • 9 10 Merle . . . . 10 10 Kilmoyler H or omen . . 10 10 Riukura . . ■ Kilmezzo . . 10 6 Closefire . • Peho . . . . 10 5 Killute • ♦ 9 Pangolin . . 10 3 Catapult . • 1 Romantic . 10 3 Sir Moment . Mister Clamo 10 2 Te Kawana . Coot . . . 10 2 Royal Head . 0 Cerf . . . 10 0 Anolo . • • High flown . 9 12 Mountain o Rowley . 9 12 Jean . . • o Bronstell . 9 10 Piperenza •i o Wild Work . D 10 Thurnus . • *

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Sun (Auckland), Volume 1, Issue 93, 11 July 1927, Page 6

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EYES ON TREDNTHAM Sun (Auckland), Volume 1, Issue 93, 11 July 1927, Page 6

EYES ON TREDNTHAM Sun (Auckland), Volume 1, Issue 93, 11 July 1927, Page 6