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£lO FOR IRVING CHESTER MODEL SHIP-BUILDING SECOND PRIZE OF £5 DIVIDED SPARE-TIME industry has brought a reward of £ls to three lads. The judge’s awards in THE SUN S "Old Ironsides’’ model ship-building competition are as follows: — First prise of £lO, Irving L. Chester, aged 15. Milford Road. Takapuna. Second prize of £5, divided between Basil Brown, aged 13, of 64, St. Stephen's Avenue, Parnell, and Ernest Senior, aged 14, of 39, Oliphant Street, Ponsonby. •

THE announcement of the competition appeared in THE SUN on April 30 and Irving Chester started to work immediately. The model took him seven weeks to complete, a fortnight's holiday from school coming at the right time. The labour of making a model spoilt the good resolutions of some boys; Others could not finish the boats in time. Though several applications for extension in time were received, the judges considered that the period could not be extended without unfairness. CHESTER’S HOBBY Model-building has been a hobby of Irving Chester’s for years. He has

C. Sasse, 1. Hen (2): P. Savage, 1; C. Sasse, 2. Red cock (2): P. Savage, 1 and 2. Hen (1): P. Savage, 1 and special. White cock (1): B. Duncan, 1. Plen (1): B. Duncan, 1. A.0.C., muff-legged cock (1) C. Sasse, 1. Feather-legged cock (2) H. Mathieson, 1 and 2. Hen (2): HMathieson, 1 and 2. Saddle-backed F.L. cock (2): W. Linkhorn, 1; P. Savage, 2. Hen (1): W. Linkhorn, 1. Short-faced cock (1): P. Savage, 1. Utility pigeon, A.V. cock (8); H. F. Winstone, 1,2 and 3. Hen (6): H. F. Winstone, 1,2 and 3. Children’s Classes. —Cock (3): E. Sanford, 1; P. Hutchinson, 2 and 3. Hen (3) P. Hutchinson, 1 and 2, E. Sanford, 3. BANTAM SECTION Modern Game. —Black red cock (1}: N. Hanson, 1. Black red hen (3): N. Hanson, 1; L. A. Sherlock, 2. Black red cockerel (2): W. Hart, 1 and special; N. Hanson, 2. Black red pullet (3): W. Hart, 1; E. C. Sherlock, 2; W. Aldred, 3. Pile cock (1): W. Hart, 1. Pile hen (3): W. Hart, 1, special, and cup; W. Hart, 2; L. Sherlock, 3. Pile cockerel (1): W. Hart. Pile pullet (4): W. Hart, 1; E. McLaren, 2; W. Hart, 3. Duck wing cock (1): W. Hart, 1. Duckwing hen (2): L. Wood, 1; W. Hart, 2. Duckwing cockerel (1): W. Hart, 1 and special. Duckwing pullet (2): W. Hart, 1 and 2. Birchen hen (2): E. McLaren, 1 and 2, and special. Old English Game. —Black red cock (2): L. Wood, 1; E. McLaren, 2. Black red hen (1): L. Wood, 1. Black red cockerel (7): E. McLaren, 1 and 2, and cup; Mrs. Broughton, 3; W. Bish, 4. Black red pullet (1): 11. G. Morris, 1. Wheaten hen (4) E. McLaren, 1 and 2; H. G. Morris, 3. Wheaten pullet (5): B. Broughton, 1; L. Wood, 2; H. G. Morris, 3. Spangle cock (2): H. G. Morris, 1; L. Sherlock, 2. Spangle hen (4): W. Wilson, 1; 11. G. Morris, 2; W. Bish, 3. Spangle cockerel (3): H. G. Morris, 1; E. C. Sherlock, 2; F. Harris, 3. Spangle pullet (2): H. G. Morris, 1 and cup; E. C. Sherlock, 2. Blue red cock (2): H. G. Morris, 1,345 a, 2; W. Bish, 3. Blue red hen (3): H. G. Morris, 1; W. Bish, 3. Blue red pullet (1): L. Wood, 1 Variety Bantams. —Black Rosecomb Cock (3): Owen Hanson 1, J. D. Gordon 2, F. Pockney 3. Black Rosecomb Hen (6): O. Hansen 1 and 2 and special, C. McFarlane 3. Black Rosecomb Cockerel (2): C. McFarlane 1, O. Hansen 2. Black Rosecomb Pullet (3): C. McFarlane 1, O. Hansen 2 and 3.

Pekins. —Buff Cock (3): W. Parkes 1, L. Sherlock 2, C. Milnes 3. Buff lien (3): L. Sherlock 3, P. Savage 2, C. Milnes 3. Buff Cockerel (1): L. Sherlock 2. Buff Pullet (3): W. Parkes 1, L. Sherlock 2 and 3.

A.O.V. Pekins. —Cock (1): It. W. Hansen 1 and special. Hen (2); R. W. Hansen 1, W. Wilson 2. Cockerel (1): R. W. Hansen 1. Pullet (1): R. W. Hansen 1.

Wyandottes.—White Hen (1): L. Day 1. White Cockerel (1): L. Day 1. White Pullet (2): L. Day 1,2 and 3. Any Other Variety Bantams. —Cock (2): L. Temperton 1. Children’s Class. —Any Variety Cockerel (2): Stanley Hansen 1, Mickey McI uautriojM XaiioiK Hi) j uajß^i UTILITY POULTRY Minorcas. —Cock (2): A. J. McLean, 1; A. Wood, 2. Hen (3): Mrs. Dimant, 1. Cockerel (2): A. Wood, 1. Pullet (2): A. V. Hanson, 1; A. Wood, 2 and 3. Leghorns. —White cock (1): Miss C. Ambler, 1; Mrs. Hellaby, 2. Hen (7): Mrs. Hellaby, l; A. E. Herbert, 2; W. A. Nixon, 3; T. C. Thompson, 4. Cockerel (13): 11. Barriball, 1; H. Harrison, 2; E. Copas, 3. Pullet (9): E. Copas, 1 and special, A. G. Forsyth, 2; H. Harrison, 3. Brown pullet (1): G. Frost, 1. Orpingtons. —Black cock (G): W. A. Nixon, 1 and special; Mrs. Hellaby, 2; H. G. Morrison, 3. Hen (5): W. A. Nixon, 1 and 2; T. Dowthwaite, 3. Cockerel (10): W. A. Nixon, 1,2 and 3. Pullet (11): W. A. Nixon, 1 and 2; F. Denize, 3. Buff cock (1): T. Dowthwaite, 1; Mrs. Dimant, 2. Pullet (1): T. Dowthwaite, 1. Wyandottes. —Silver cock (2): T. Schnackenburg, 1; E. Curnow, 2. Hen (1): E. Curnow, 1. Cockerel (2): E. Curnow, 1; T. Dowthwaite, 2. Pullet (4): E. Curnow, 1 and 2; F. Skinner, 3. White cock (1): E. Curnow, 1; Mrs. Hellaby, 2. Hen (1): Mrs. Hellaby, 1; T. Dowthwaite, 2. Cockerel (3): H. Winstone, 1 and 3; L. Bedford, 2. Pullet (2): H. Winstone, 1 and 2; Mrs. Dimant, 3. Plymouth Rocks. —White hen (4): W. Bish, 1,2 and 3. Pullet (3): A. J. McLean, 1; W. Bish, 2 and 3. Rhode Island Reds. —Cock (1): W. Curnow, 1. Hen (1):.J. Kissling, 2. Cockerel (1): T. Lownsborough, 1. Pullet (5): E. Curnow, 1 and 2; J. Kissling, 3. Langshans.— Cock (1): E. Crossley, l. Hen (2): H. Harrison, 1; E. Crossley, 2. Cockerel (5): W. J. Brewin, 1; H. Harrison, 2; E. Crossley, 3. Pullet (4): H. Harrison, 1; W. J. Brewin, 2; E. Crossley, 3. Any Other Variety. —Cockerel (1): J. F. Slater, 1. Pullet (2): J. F. Slater, 1 and 2. FANCY PIGEONS Working Homers. —Blue adult cock (4): Hunter Bros., 1 and 3; A. J. Warner, 2. Cock, under 12 months (1): B. Rothery, 1. Hen (1): A*. Ryder, 3. Blue thequer cock (6): V. Ryder, I; Hunter Bros., 2

made airplanes and a working model of a farm complete with machinery. The judges. Mr. C. Trevithick, architect, and Mr. G. L. Stanbrook. chief-of-staff of THE SUN, did not have much trouble in finding the winning model. Chester's ship stood out from the others in general design and excellence of detail. It was a model which might have been made by an expert tradesman. The awarding of the second prize of £5 made the judges think for some time. The ships of Ernest Senior and Basil Brown were not so perfect in detail, and the deficiencies of the one seemed to balance those of the other, so that it was decided to divide the prize between the two boys.

and 3. Hen (3): F. Coster 1; V. Ryder, 2. Cock, under 12 months (1): H. Crowhurst. 3. Hen (2): R. Fullerton, 3; H. Crowhurst, 2. Black or Black Chequer. —Cock ►3): 11. Crowhurst. 1; R. A. Thorpe, 2. Hen (2): R. Fullerton, 1; H. E. Crowhurst, 2. Cock, under 12 months (2): H. Crowhurst, 1; F. Coster, 2. Hen (2): H. Crowhurst, 1 and 2.

Red or Red Chequer. —Hunter Bros., 1; H. Crowhurst, 2; F. Coster, jun.. 3. Cock, under 12 months (4): H. Crowhurst, 1; T. Liddell, 2; V. Ryder, 3. Pied cock (5): H. Crowhust, 1 and 3; Hunter Bros., 2. Hen (5): Hunter Bros., 1; V. Ryder, 2; H. Crowhurst, 3, Cock, under 12 months (4): D. Syers, jun., 1 Young Bros., 2; H. Crowhurst, 3. Hen (1): T. Liddell.

Any Other Colour. —Cock f 4): H. Crowhurst, 1,2 and 3. Hen (3): H. Crowhurst, 1; Young Bros., 2; A. Warner, 3. Cock, under 12 months (3): L. Cantell, 1; V. Ryder, 2; H. Crowhurst, 3. Hen (2): T. Liddell, 1; A. Warner, 2.

Mileage Classes. —Cock, under 12 months (4): H. Crowhurst, 1 and 3; T. Liddell. 2. Hen (2): F. Coster, jun. 1: T. Liddell, 2. Flown 200 miles (10): F. Coster, jun., 1; B. Rothery, 2; L. Cantell, 3. Hen <B>: T. Liddell, 1: H. Crowhurst. 2: F. Coster, jun., 3. Cock, under 12 months (2): R. Fullerton, 1; F. Coster, jun., 2. Flown 300 miles, cock (6): V. Ryder. 1; R. Fullerton, 2; L. Cantell, 3. Hen fG): L. Cantell, 3: V. Ryder, 2: T. Liddell. 3. Flow n 500 miles (8): V. Ryder. 1; T. Liddell, 2; R. Fullerton. 3. Hen (1): Hunter Bros.. 1. Most likely flyer, cock, under 12 months (7): D. Syers, jun., 3: A. J. Warper. 2; 11. Crowhurst, 3. Hen (1): V. Ryder, 1.

Junior Classes. —Flown 100 miles or over, cock (3): vV. Knight. 1: D. Syers, 2; J. Rawlings, 3. Hen (3): .T. Rawlings, 1 and 3. Cock, under 12 months (3): .1. Rawlings, 1; W. Knight, 2. Most likeH' flyer, cock, under 12 months (5): D. Syers, 3: B. Rothery, 2; E. Andrew, 3. Hen, under 12 months (2): B. O’Hare, 1. Modern Game. —Black red cock (1), W. G. Mason 1; hen (2). W. G. Mason, 1 and 2; pullet (4), W. Ci. Mason. 1 and 2. Old English Game. —Bla«*k red cock (3), F. Denize, 1; cup and gold medal (best bird in game classes), J. R. Boswell 2, E. Bust 3; cockerel (12), W. Rowe 1,2 and cup, F. Denize 3: partridge hen (5). E. Bust 1. F. Denize 2, W Rowe 3; pullet (3), F. Denize 1, J. R. Boswell 2, A. Siebert 3; clay pullet (3), H. Bust 1, A. E. Siefert 2 and 3; duck wing cock (1). G. F. Watson 1: hen (1), J. R. Boswell; cockerel f 4), J. R. Boswell 1 and cup, E. Bust 2, E. Power 3; pile cock (2), E. Bust 1, T. Ball 2; hen (2), E. Bust 1 and cun. F. Denize 2; cockerel (4). E. Bust 1, W. Aldred 2, D. Power 3; pullet Cl), E. Bust 1: spangled hen fl). I. Ball 1: cockerel (1), I. Ball 1; pullet (1), H. Bust 1; any other variety (1), G. F. Watson 1.

The winning model of frigate Constitution will be on show in one of the windows of John Court, Ltd., and will afterwards be displayed at the

New Regent Theatre, where the stirring film “Old Ironsides" will ba screened soon.

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Bibliographic details

Sun (Auckland), Volume 1, Issue 91, 8 July 1927, Page 7

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“OLD IRONSIDES” Sun (Auckland), Volume 1, Issue 91, 8 July 1927, Page 7

“OLD IRONSIDES” Sun (Auckland), Volume 1, Issue 91, 8 July 1927, Page 7