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■First for Newspaper Enterprise — THE SL A Always! There are Accidents Every Day! —Don’t Take Risks!! Sim £IOOO FREE INSURANCE Together with Auckland’s Best Evening Paper for 9d per week Be Indemnified Against Accident —Subscribe to THE SUN! Here are the Conditions Husband and Wife are both Covered by THE SUN Free Insurance CTbe Sun FREE INSURANCE COVERS Train Accidents Bus Accidents Street Accidents Tram Accidents Lift Accidents Steamer Accidents Sports Accidents Motor Accidents ft re Acciden ts Life-Saving Accidents It costs nothing to secure this measure of protection. Post or d eliver to THE SUN Newspapers Ltd. the Coupon published on this page, and secure insurance cover for £I,OOO payable in case of accident to subscribers while travelling in trains. Bee detailed conditions on this page for liberal payments covering the accidents most likely to happen to persons going to and from their work. THE SUN is the pioneer in New Zealand in the matter of free insurance for newspaper readers. Read THE SUN which is the best newspaper and which has made it possible for the people of Auckland to obtain free insurance with this daily paper. Set see out in Detail so that you can exactly what the Benefits are — T-E 3 U b -M £ u 3?A?£.R 5. LTD., w .11 A fiimy amlbgitfccdT a.* liwseaucGuiUsr,, to &&«-* ltegal at sms person atoo * Che aige of £4 years air mauler toe age oS 44 years; at dlfa© ttfeme af Cb-e.* ecciiitexah win > beln g a- auitoacriilberr to and liuaia TH £ $U H home dia&veared; Lad to whom TIHI E S'ILPRF a-haiGD hhve?feeeri dtelSivexred: tor a peirikndß euff at Beaafe one '.veelt Lniaaafedia tel .y jjurikgir tin ia<i : ora (litue djiy at Che a ecultent (&£’ there- is :m,yr I«tmc at THE SUN on that diiy.= ■uad whose aigmedi rioilificaitLUTSi! losß® (toeer® received! and ankno wledg.ed lay THE SUI IN Newspapers ILi.mited,. Aiiie-it-aenger; and felines eaqprissaaiffiai In eludes any raah ramjaesataira or hire- mosey..}' : :i;> £250 if die atilasrarii&ear shah be Mlledi or dies aa tins- reaaUfi. dC tojjuriea received whilst. ententes cur ai-igh iiing fra tit any stationary tram, firain, attsamer, ferry tair vehioiteimentxaned' fia clauses ; 1) and (- )d or any stationary metor-ear-given fey tine aufeseriber u al&emaaJtS. within-. faurteen (OH 4) days off thus accident. ACC.OEH TS- Of SRORT* (!) ■ £250 if* the subscriber shall be IMlled' qc dies aa die result. ©£ imimmaa r seeded. wMist juoh axifeacr.ber £a engaged or aomseling as an amateur in any game .-or a^orta. A CCIB £ (NITS C F TRA V E L A,HO LIFTS iL) £• 1 jwui. .I die subscriber- shall be MiHDeti.. tmt (ilea aa die re--y- £.*OG if die subscriber shall be MfflflgdE or dies as the result at mjjmsiea' received whiTst Gravelling. m or driving a passenger Sift ar elevator sen apart for die- ase of sjasaengers iaa a building: used- for residential or 1 b -'iLsiness purposes. Subscribers are mat cohered, zander tails clause unless, injured as die result at an. accident Euappening do- any sued Mfftt ar elevator. FE -SA VI H -3 ACCID OITS ( e> ' b THE CASE OF TEIM POSIAJRY TOTAL- ID : 3AS.£M£N ? drat nctice of die. accident be grren by die aubscrs&er as aforesaid via&ia seyen t T days: of die accident. (f >■ T&ctf Medical Cerdmeacss- anti atner necessaary udsmafiioE be fumisded by die aLivir-.fhT'Jt. upon request. (HI) £250 if die aubsertbes* a&aCD be killed or dies as die. result of. injuries recerred in endeavouring ta satre. human life. TOTAL. OR PAKTUL DtBSABLJEABEJMrT igj That »3ie- total iiabiliry m reapt;-:" of claimai arising' out of any me railway accident or i:.aastsr widen reaui:.: in the death within thirty (30 ) days of more than two persons shall nod enoeed the sum af £2,0X1 <1 in- any such event the said sum of two thcuaßanl pounds < £ 2,000) wiM-. be paid pro rata. MUDed,, car dffie* as- the suit of injuries reevh-yedi,. by accident to any passenger raiil:way train fin wbicii such person, is tra veiling as n ticlcet-beLrer' or tare-paying pjissen - ger, providing that the total sum payable arising out oS any one- accident as defined in: couditibuj ((g) shall! ELO-t exceed £: :i,OOXi.. ACCIDENTS IMI THE STREET'S :2) £250 if Che* subscriber shall toe ixUed,. or dies: as the r'ssult of: iinjuriea received, by iiccident to any dram or steamer <a*r ferry fimi which such- person is travifcding as a tdcltet cearer or fare-payi-g passengex* or to any mo toe-bus, taxi-ca r;, private bdre car incinding service and/or 'curing car) o-ennibua, coach horse cab or passenger vehicle which is leing -driven by a licensed driver and tn> which thus subscriber is traveliiig as a tfare-payfinuis: passenger i £ TSG d the subscriber shall toe hUhed or dies- as the result of Injuries received whilst and- as a pedeairaim in a public thoroughfare-coillMbn-g or cccnihg in. contact with any moving vehicie.. . 5 £2SG if the subscriber shall be Itihecf or dies as the res?ilt of injuries received : whilst, engaged and iLCtbag as a Tram or Bus Gonducto?* or inspector failing: or- being struck and- thrown from the footboard by a passing vehicle: ('ll) £250 in oase of an acciden: ai? defined tin che clauses. (T .v tc 10 •< above,, should such accident not result in. death but cause PTR.¥ 4f>' - SINT TGT-aJL IMSA MJLSTMSmT through the- loss of two- limbs or two- eyes,, or one Limb- and one eye. {Sfibscrihers tnto at the time of the acicident are not meliwled fin* the three preceding clauaes.) CI2) &-T&B' Ln case at an accident as defined in. the daises (:T> to CKtfO abevg, should such accident not result in death hut cause BSBMA2/ - SINT jPAgTTBAL through the loss of cue limb- or. one eye. <(1135) £.5 per weefe fair a period, not exceeding ewe weelts together with medical expenses' not exceeding £.l in case of an accident as defined in clauses OL). to (CB.®> above, should such accident not. result in. death- but cause TTBIMBC fLAB:T P’4 RiTTU: f, E»IS--1?I2m (h) That the total liability In respect: of claims arising out of. any one. accident ar disaster other •bar- rafDway iccidents which results in the death within thirty days of more r-han two persons shall not exceed the sum of one-thousand pounds ( £l,tWxl>. fin- t£be event of such happening the said sum of one thousand pounds sb-aTT be paid pro rata.. (i) Thailt no- compensation sfaal? be payable for any :accident happening whfOe the subscriber is riding upon a luggage or pillion carrier- of a cycle- as. motor -btcycie. (j') That no compensation shall be payabije for any accident sustained while the subscriber is m a state of .atoxicanion or resuiting from suiesde oar attempt thereat, an overdose of drugs, insanity, war, rioii, or- civil commo.tion. ■"Hijme Delivery S ibscrib-ex-* be- ig Policemen or 'BSaH! or Tramway Employees .n auifocm,, and Drivers,, s’lre-men, (CSinards,. linspectotrs, Conductors, and S rewards of Passenger Pall way Trains; Captains, Engineers. J'iremen, Deo .i: - hands, of ifeanry boats; Tain car and (Dab- drivers and PrivateHire Car (in.Kuding service and/or touring earn, C-cnaiibus Cab v . Coach and Passenger Vehicle drivers whilst eras duuty ( adrng. any driver intoxicated at the dime of the accident) shah- toe deemed Care-paying passengers and air?.person whose fare has been paid or is paid by another person shall also be deemed a fare-paying: pasC'<CU HQ A.HD MOTC-R-erCYCLE ACCIDENTS ‘) £ ICG a case, of death of the sub*scriibesr if fee or she shah be aeddentahy BdOJUed whilst riding lim a public, thoroughfare a b.lcyclie; tricycle orr motor-bicycle solely toe pleasure tout Including journeys tto- and fromttife® subscriber's usual pa«!« oi) trucamess (net: including. businesa : journeys > provided that such; reader Is a duly licensed driver and is not ;lC the- time of: the accident umd'udgihg in a tracing eoataraetL speed triaL. or track: .rSding A- CC IBE H T ’EY F: RE C l £2SG if the subscriber- shall toe Milted or dies as the result of £njiuries receiveil by reason of the ■ 3 RC , /?‘OED ALWAYS that, the above ITmdertakiog and Agreesr.ent is subject to- the fodowing special coudltxQns vdilch. are of the essence of the contract- namely (a )• 'The scope a i the Insurance fis restricted to agKiikffiemta happening in Nsw Zealand and. to. steamers e;aiiing within New Zealand territorial waters, -:ta) m the case of death, such death most result within; 3U days after the accident. ic) That notice ef the death, anil the acclden-r. be given within-, forty r4-:5 ■ days after the accident, fey the subscriber or representative to THE SUN Newspapers Ltd.. Aucitlan*!. .d > IN THE CASE OF PER M A H\EH T T OTAL OR PA RTIA L DISAE LE' - iWENi that notice of the accident ,;e • ■£); That in the event of any diSpiMe aetween the subscriber and THE 'S L N as no whether- such disablement render the holder tempccarily or to tally unable to* -bTIow bis ccr her usuxai vacation., if is agreed that such .dispute shall be. referred to the decision of a medical referee to be nominated by THE S-U '4 waosc decision shall’ fee binding upon the parties.. CL> That the- wife or* nushand cf a Home Deiivtary ifuiuscriher- ordinaih'T residing with him ar her srii -all •teemed to be a Home Delivery Serb—sertber for aid the purposes of the coupam. 1m) THE SU N reserves the right to amend or terminate this- offer at fourteen -lays' no clue,- such notice to ie pci dsh-ed :n THE SUN. It May be Your Misfortune to Meet With an Accident To-Mo rro w ! How Will Your Family Fare £I.OOO is wortk £H> jxer annum to tout wife and fairrlv. A substantial cask payment means temporary relief from the anxiety and distress which is inexitable when accident overtakes the breadwinner. £5 per week for two weeks and £5 for medical aid is a welcome compensation for minor accidents involving: the l<c»ss of wages throngh temporary disablement. Fill in the Coupon to-day. NO PREMIUM This Policy Covers You While Travelling Anywhere in the Domini on TO PAY Accidents WILL Happen 9<dl —you owe it to yourself and family to fill in this Coupon To-night! PER WEEK gives you THE SUN daily and Complete Acddent Insurance ORDER FORM 2/7/27 To obtain the benefits of the THE SUN Free Insurance Fill in this form and forward to the Publisher of THE SUN, P.O Box 630. Auckland a'i— Nim-5 ix Blade f A-i ir'£s;«. (• CHc nwtiiin.? e-s a 3's 3" 1 do hsrthy mntwffy ye- tb-ac I *ii« -sv-ctac The SUN x- ; -% te *i.?cy —-e wrfe THE SUN dariy. " ea f JS ~e-S k* 1 * ”•« as a D«r f«ry S - escc*. se«- foe the =e--*’ c 'ts =-' •: - - - ml cararfiftj'offia .= -= sired > TH E SU N Atackiavd = - Sr .-i . *, £. * tom* j ty 2 ............ S gratarf s-f Agent -ca wtv •1. uus STTN, t-. 0. B«x 530. AuMjas, *ii ESS a 4 Bffls -- ae 1 aania Dearory Subscriber emtitiai ta mt s-f ti* fcensSrs i...: -? w—&C*SMC»_ ictist. _ai ordsr to- Sscoms «.uile4 so icy b«ji«fl-s» wo.Txever str* -ciy y, —_cssmiiLtians prutted store, and =i=st par tEisir »s:fcs«ri c si-sc •-•- --£ S S - --re s - ■ doe. asu tc.efr fen aan« aarf idirsases wtsii tiietr Sl_ S if— t fFLEASE WP.HTE rT.RUTT .

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Sun (Auckland), Volume 1, Issue 86, 2 July 1927, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Sun (Auckland), Volume 1, Issue 86, 2 July 1927, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Sun (Auckland), Volume 1, Issue 86, 2 July 1927, Page 16