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SENSATIONAL NEW BRITISH MEDICAL DISCOVERY Assures Certain and Permanent Relief for all Sufferers from THE WORLD’S WORST SCOURGE RHEUMATISM The following extracts from case-records, in which the Heala ’\ \ Apparatus was in use by the Medical Profession during. the last \ J four years, speak for themselves (also reported in the “British \( Journal of Physical Medicines”). ntvOßl \\ ARTHRITIS I RHEUMATISM ® \ \ Woman, age 55—Rheumatoid arthritis Man, aged 64—Many weeks pain in rxtlttMAL \ of hands and wrists, much discomfort hip, groin and thigh, following operapkV l a nd limitation of usefulness. After tion on hip joint, could not sit in hard > \( six treatments reported, “I am able chair, every step walking caused acute \ Till'*' , \\ t 0 forget j ] lave hands,” and ten pain. After first treatment, went to \ „ ascs tepOl , \ \ months later, “hands are still just as church next day, first time for weeks; \ 75° C lour° a ' \ \ good.” pain gone from hip and groin, could I \ In J \ I Woman, aged 35—Ten years arth- sit comfortably. After seven treatk\ > •• \ \ ritis, given up all treatment, hips ments, went to London by train, two • B \ in , (sAe<J' c ' pe ‘ esa lts \ 1 and spine so stiff she had to walk hours each way, without any pain at \ c phy s ' ca • tacto’V 1 \ 1 upstairs backwards. Steady im- all. Had twelve treatments in all and W \ ° 1 tel? sa ° S (her weal ’ \ \ provement from the start; after reported one month later, also eight \ c omP Ve , a fter \ I seven treatments, had to wear months later, “no recurrence.” \ ob ta '° e ° \X smaller shoes, after thirteen, kT \ v,e \\ “can now mount steps normally,” CIRCULATORY DISORDERS ® \ tnent 3 ' r ' a —>q \ j “can now machine with either m r w., aged 74—Heart disease; cirw \ •irf>en t 3 \ i leg-” N° treatment now for culation very sluggish, hands, feet and gj \ an lo • — *' \ \ sixteen months: All improve- ears blue an d cold. Had eight treatbS \ \/ ments maintained. ments, very comforted, much improved yX \ 14 »rjSllil n uTISIA if Woman, aged 60 —Several j n warmth and colour, better sleep. < \ v U y? ars arthritis in knees, Mrs B aged 52-Twenty-six years W \ .tePttLk” kTGw* \i worse the last eight months, history of Raynaud’s disease; much hos1 \ .eC \X After first treatment, walk- pital trea t m ent, little benefit. Had w \ . "** \ 1 better than for months, twenty-four treatments and showed Ilk \ \J>V*** \\ no P a * n a “ er * our treat- muc h improvement; considered it much JS? \ \ I ments. the best result of any. V ss»kw* CATARRH INFLAMMATORY CONDITIONS -— ~""Mrs A., aged 41—Severe Q n suc b troublesome ailments as catarrh nose and throat; onyc bia, boils, ulcers, carbuncle, the after four treatments, rays b ave a markedly beneficial effect, “catarrh cured and feel e jther dispersing the inflammation if better.” j n an early stage or rapidly bringing nm rnn Mrs McM., aged 62—Three weeks it to a head and evacuating the pus; in POST rOßffl BELOW rUK aphonia after a cold; no result from long-standing cases the results are rm 1 nABTIAII S RBC other treatments. Four applications of equally satisfactory, much more so FULL rfin I IwMlUftnd t ] le rayS) rapid improvement and voice than from any other form of treatment quite restored. known to the "writer. Used and Recommended by leading English Specialists, Doctors and Hospitals, Including Army, Navy and Air-Force Hospitals... POST COUPON TODAY FOR FREE ILLUSTRATED! BOOKLET DESCRIBING THIS MARVELLOUS r - -•- -'i NEW HEALTH DISCOVERY | This marvellous new discovery in Ray Therapy a dark, invis- 1 | ible ray emitter now known throughout the world as “THE HEALA RAY”—was first introduced to the medical profession in England K. * in 1929. Since then a very large and representative body of scientists, eminent physicians, doctors, hospitals—including the Army, Navy and Air Force Hospitals—etc. (see abridged list, pages 22 and W 23 of booklet) has used this apparatus with remarkable success. , In October, 1935, the Heala was made Clinics and Sanatoria, over a wide > DOCTORS available to the general public of Great range of ailments, injuries and symp- KLLOMMEMIW by DOCIUKb Britain, and during the following twelve toms. TvK BABllib months thousands of “Heala Ray” Fur t her more, the “Heala” Ray, thanks ‘unApparatus have been supplied for home to its slm ph Cl ty and safety, can be used often topping ofT t 0 s i eep before the use. Many hundreds of letters of ap- j n jjje home by anyone, without super- radiation is finished.” preciation and recommendation have v j s i O u at any time. Dr. , M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Kent, kwn received bv Heala Ltd., of Becken- In view of the absolute harmlessness and I,™ Tzmdnn from eratified users who Th® Heala Ray produces by its safety o j the "Heala” Ray, it will readily ham, London, iiom gratinea us invisible waves a similar local effect to be understood how extraordinarily valuable have nd themselves of excruciating annlvine a strong liniment to the “Heala” has proved in cases of infants r>ains caused bv a very wide variety taat ot applying a strong imunennv and chi]dren especial]y those who are P? ln j , / ;i— q 2+,. fmm the the seat of the swelling or pam, but, wea ]Hy or not readily amenable to medicinal of deep-seated ailments, from tne whereas the pene tration and pam- or sufgical treatment. superintendents of Hospitals using the nronerties of a liniment can- Particularly in. checking colds and other and from Snecialists and relieving properties , infections; restoring impaired organic funcappliance, ana P 11T tt7at A” not B° much below the surface, and tions . d ea ij n g with bruises, scratches and Doctors who have used tne hisaijA __ nnot even be applied in cases of the results of accidents, relieving stomachic extensively in private practice. Com- nr inflammation the or other pain; and as a sedative for Jo+Ju of tlw various comnlaints acute tenderness or inflammation, tne .. ~ infants or juveniles who are plete details of the various complaints <!Heala „ penetrates to a proven aflec ted by night fears or more tangible which respond wonderfully to tne ff „ 3 . thus getting right digestive disturbances, the “Heala” Ray is soothing effect of the Ray Will be found «eptn OI lU y trouble. It ra P‘?V creating for itself an unprecedented in the booklet offered FREE to all blood flow, not only in positl ° n m modernmedicaljiractice. mto find »«ds to de- X’ Report on the “HEALA” scribe adequately the ( ®u rat we, quick- ts f fcrough the dissolution R a y Apparatus from The KlKfifX “o Medical Society, Vawersity c^» e Hosintal ’ Londott ’ bilitated or neurastheme Jet even stiff and Arthritic joints U when judged by the very h g t res tored to freedom and swollen f beg to report that I have examined SSili a ?SS“e “Heay rf’ P |he SS' S.S. EA “” ’ hy ‘ i »” S,CaI Ray bas proved itself waquesfionaMy . Beala ,, stimulates the functions of ’ ho L Wavc rad j alion was tound as one of the most valuable and o organS) both in secr etion and ex- f(> PENET r ATE TH e TISSUES TO A This ng mJy seem a' bold claim, but it eretion DEPTH OF OVER THREE INCHES, is fully and completely substantiated The Heala Ray is Used and Recom- harmful effects whatever have by the only truly satisfactory test — mended by 437 Doctors. The Heala been seen after the use of the “HEALA.” that of results achieved, extending over Raj- is Used in 86 Hospitals, and as reddened but must many years of successful application by Fully Endorsed by the British Joum burnt The time of exposure English Specialists, Doctors, Hospitals, of Physical Medicine.” should be at ieast l 5 mfnutes, but may in — be increased indefinitely without harm. ONCE CRIPPLED WITH RHEUMATISM > a TTin ata,, temperature of the superficial and NOW Brought to Life by MLALA Kay under-lying tissues is desirable without vm WlL■~MW~itirtL U TTT A over-heating the whole body. DEE? PENETRA lIQN Among such cases I recommend the following indications:— a. TO clear up superficial INFLAMMATION instead hot fomentations, i.e., boils, abscesses, carbuncles, etc. Frequent short treatments 'X ! are beneficial. * ' - b. TO RELIEVE THE RHEUMATIC , group of joint and tissue . DISEASES amenable to thermal treat- ' ment, such as Neuritis, Osteoarthritis, j Lumbago and Sciatica. f c. TO RELIEVE INFLAMMATION • .L . ■ ' OF THE MUCOUS MEMBRANES as in ".'’.‘r »•” Z- J? ' r , , nasal or bronchial catarrh where the passages are obstructed. I have a patient much relieved after 10 minlySS- utes exposure to the rays. d. FOR DEEPER LYING OLD 1 V. STANDING INFLAMMATION of the L ** ovary or fallopian tubes. e - T have found that when directed v on the head, in quiet surroundings, the “HEALA” has a strong soothing effect u which encourages sleep, and I CAN, s THEREFORE, • STRONGLY RECOMMEND IT IN CASES OF INSOMNIA. (Signed) R. WHEELER HAINES, MB>> B . SCI( M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Mr G. R. Hodgkins writes . . . “It is • # w a wonder. In this short time it has Jf YOU Want to Enjoy GIOTIOUS Health Again cured mtj wife of Rheumatoid Arthritis. PTT A COPY OF TUTS She could not sew or do any household UJh 1 A LUI x Vi x xxxo duties. Now she able to play the IB 91 W Ue„ a manyr fo KnEE EflfllJ Rheumatism. She had tried massage, ME WTIWI diets, many kinds of tonic treatment, MM MM MWB but nothing had given lasting relief. ™ Then the “Heala” came and this letter ONCE! shows you the health and happiness it „ — ™ brought. I If you suffer from Rheumatism, | To BELL PTY. LTD. (“Heala” Distributors), Neurto ? s; LU o? bc \ g ny C 607-611 Cooke’s Bldg, Queen Street, Auckland, tratkm same y for you. It Please send me, without obligation, your 26-page Free Illustrated sets right down to the seat of the I Descriptive Booklet, “The Heala Ray,” and full details of your Tentrouble It is not a miraculous instru- B Day Free Trial Offer. I enclose 4d in stamps to cover cost of postage. I ment, but it is one of the most out- I standing curative discoveries of this I I age . NAME - J Backed by a world-wide organization g and having the endorsement of the I medical profession, the “Heala” Ray ADDRESS - J has brought happiness and health to | many thousands of sufferers. It can | do the same for you in the comfort of | Nature of Ailment B ”22 ST ' 9/3 ’ I Emm! MM MM MOR MMI MUM MHMB M3M MKM VIMIIIH HNMHM MMM BMMmM

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Southland Times, Issue 23308, 18 September 1937, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 23308, 18 September 1937, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 23308, 18 September 1937, Page 5