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MONTHLY MEETING OF DIRECTORATE The directors of the Riverton Centenary Celebrations Limited, held their monthly meeting in the Town Hall recently. Mr T. Borland Presided over Miss H. Hunt, Messrs J. A. Martin, J. Crawford, R. Dickson, F. L. Girvan, E. B. Patrick and R. J- Walker. Mr Girvan in reporting on the art union stated that the matter of conducting a raffle as proposed by the Centenary Directorate was fully discussed at a meeting of the Carnival Committee held recently and after thorough consideration it was ultimately resolved to submit a recommendation to the directorate that the raffle be conducted under the direction of the Centenary Company at the end of the carnival committee s activities, on Friday, September 3. Mr Dickson in approving the recommendation submitted by the carnival committee stated that the members of the committee had given excellent service in raising funds and that it would be an imposition to request that they undertake arranging and conducting an art union in addition to the many services they intend giving to the directorate before the end of their pro-1 gramme. . , ~ It was decided to approve of the recommendation. . Mr Girvan also reported that a satisfactory sum of.£loo had been raised to date through the splendid efforts ot the carnival committee, and members were confident that a considerable sum would be contributed towards augmenting the funds of the Centenary Celebrations, Limited. Mr A. Sutherland wrote resigning as organizer of the celebrations. The resignation was accepted witn r< Mr t Girvan stated that the cavalcade of fashion had been cancelled. . Mr Girvan stated that he had interviewed the Repertory Society Invercargill, with a view that it be requested to give assistance in fhis matter but he had been informed that this class of entertainment was outside the scope of the society, but nevertheless it would give any assistance possible. Mr Martin suggested that local artists be given an opportunity to display their respective talents in acting in the series of tableaux provided in the entertamMr Dickson recommended that the cavalcade of fashion be included on the programme of the “Grand Variety Concert.” . ~ The chairman stated that rather than cancel this entertainment . which he thought an excellent one, it would be advisable, under the circumstances, to abbreviate the script and include the entertainment in the concert P r °- gramme as recommended by Mr DickIt was decided, on the recommendation of Mr Dickson, to communicate with the Operatic Society and that Messrs Dickson and Girvan oe appointed to interview Mr T. Pryde with a view of ascertaining whether the society would favourably consider assisting. Divine Services The Rev. F. L. Irwin waited on the directorate on behalf of the local ministers in reference to making final arrangements about divine services. In emphasizing the inadvisability of bolding a combined service at the end ot the evening services the Rev. Irwin said that such a service if held would tend to detract people from the usual evening services and the ministers considered it their duty to minister to their respective congregations on such an occasion. It was therefore unanimously considered advisable to hold the combined centenary service at 2.30 on December 26, 1937, and the unveiling service at the Captain Howell Memorial on January 2, 1938. , Mr Martin suggested that the local ministers be advised to communicate with Bishop Bennett and ascertain whether he would favour the centenary company by conducting the combined service. The Rev. Irwin stated that a communication had already been sent to Bishop Bennett, but so far no reply had been received. Mr Girvan stated that he would like to see a combined service on the first day. “The unveiling service is necessarily a religious service,” continued Mr Girvan, “and it would be appropriate to plan the combined service and the unveiling service.” He also reminded members that because of the curtailment of train services on Christmas Day it would necessitate late travelling on the part of people from the north and consequently many might be unable to attend the unveiling service on Sunday, December 26.. Mr Dickson: Have the local ministers considered the deletion of the ordinary divine services in the evening? In replying to this question the Rev. Irwin said that the local ministers were definitely opposed to any recommendation that would necessitate the deletion of the ordinary services of the evening. “It is our duty to conduct our own services in our respective churches; we must cater for the spiritual needs of our own people,” said the Rev. Irwin. Maori Day Mr D. C. Robertson reported that in collaboration with Mr Dickson he had visited the Bluff people and, advised that the interview had met with satisfactory results. He assured the directorate that the Bluff and Colac Bay people could be depended upon to carry out the arrangements in .reference to staging a landing ceremony during Maori Day. . A comprehensive report about the New Zealand Industries Fair held during the first week in August, was submitted by the organizer, Mr F. L. Girvan. It was intimated that the net profit received from the function amounted to £9B 8/2. A. communication received from Mr G. O. Fallow, president of the Thornbury Young Farmers’ Club, in answer to an inquiry, advised that the club, after due consideration had finally decided not to proceed further with the show. The letter also advised the directorate that the . young farmers were prepared to act in any other capacity to further the interests of the celebrations. The Rey. J. Blight submitted a report on behalf of the sports committee, stating that the dates of both the bowling and tennis tournaments would be finalized before next meeting. Mr Girvan in reminding members that it was only eighteen weeks from the centenary celebrations, stated that it would be advisable to complete the official programme and urged the chairmen of the various committees to forward their information for insertion in the programme, as soon as possible. Mr Martin, president of the local Returned Soldiers’ Association, reported that the returned soldiers had willingly

accepted the invitation to assist m raising funds and were accordingly arranging an entertainment to be held in conjunction with the bazaar which the carnival committee intended holding on Friday, September 3. WALLACE EARLY SETTLERS ANNUAL MEETING OF ASSOCIATION The Wallace Early Settlers’ Association held its annual meeting on Saturday. Mr W. Forde, Isla Bank, presided. There were present: Messrs D. C. Robertson, E. J. Stevens, E. Daniel, George Willis, E. Howell and F. McKay. Mr Forde referred to the passing of a number of highly-esteemed members, Messrs C. Port, A. E. Willett, George Howell, G. McLachlan, C .Trail and G. Forde. A motion of sympathy was carried in the usual manner. A letter received from the Department of Labour stated in reference to an inquiry made by the association about a subsidy on the erection of a hall, that the building scheme was restricted to the erection of new buildings costing not more than £7OO. The department advised the association that as the project did not come within the scope of the scheme it regretted that a subsidy could not be granted.. Reporting on the year’s activities, Mr Forde said the finances of the association were in a sound condition. There was an increase of some £26 on the previous year’s credit balance, and he felt confident that the increase in revenue would continue. “The past year s activities have been hindered,” he continued, “through the infantile paralysis epidemic last summer and the consequent postponement of the centenary celebrations.” Referring to the proposed erection of an Early Settlers’ hall, Mr Forde said that owing to recent legislation it was increasingly difficult to make headway in this matter. “I do not deem it advisable,” he said, “to continue with the erection of the hall unless we can see our way clear to fulfil our financial obligation and pay for its erection. However, it is hoped that we will be able to raise sufficient funds to enable us to build such a building in the near future.” In conclusion Mr Forde paid tribute to members of the committee who had co-operated and given willing assistance to further the success of the association. . The election of office-bearers for the ensuing year resulted as follows:— President, Mr W. Forde (re-elected); vice-presidents, Messrs E. J. Stevens and F. McKay; treasurer, Mr D. C. Robertson (re-elected); secretary, Mr H. Spear (re-elected); auditor, Mr E. B. Patrick (re-elected); committee, Mesdames S. Haslemore, T. McNeil, S. Watson, F. Webb, and Messis G. R. Bemdtson, E. Daniel, E. Daniel, jun., E. Howell, J. McKay. F. McKay. E. J. Stevens, George Willis and R. J. Walker. Discussing the annual reunion, Mr Robertson suggested the deletion of the function usually held in the evening. In support of his suggestion Mr Robertson said that the function held in the evening was financially unsatisfactory. During past years this had proved the case and a larger profit had been derived from the afternoon’s entertainment than the dance held in the evening. , r ' Mr Forde said that under ordinary circumstances he would be opposed to any alteration in the usual programme, but the information disclosed by Mr Robertson had changed his views on the matter. He was now of the opinion, that owing to the unfortunate circumstances, it would be advisable to act in accordance with Mr Robertson’s suggestion, and hold the afternoon’s function only. On the motion of Mr Forde it was decided to delete the dance in the evening and hold the afternoon’s entertainment only, as an experiment, for one year. It was also tesolved, on the motion of Mr E. Daniel, to hold the annual reunion on Wednesday, September 22, in Fleck’s hall, and that invitations be sent to the following, requesting that they address the early settlers on that day:—The Mayor (Dr N. G. Trotter) and Messrs Thomas Giller, J. L. McG. Watson (Invercargill) and C. Gardener. The arranging of the programme was left in the hands of the secretary and Messrs F. McKay and G. R. Bemdtson. WALLACE AND FIORD HOSPITAL BOARD The monthly meeting of the Wallace and Fiord Hospital Board was held in the board’s rooms on Thursday. Mr J. H. Smith presided. There were present: Miss EL Hunt, and Messrs F. J. Linscott, W. B. Hopcroft, F. J. Dyer, G. S. Edie and E. B. Patrick. The Department of Health wrote stating that the plans and specifications for the outbuildings, recently destroyed by fire at the hospital, were nearing completion, and would be forwarded shortly. The board decided to call tenders and proceed with the work of reerection.

The Public Works Employees’ Association, Napier, wrote asking for a reduction in the charge for hospital treatment of its members, from 6/- to 4/6 a day for adults and from 3?- to 2/3 for children. The DirectorGeneral of Health (Dr M. H. Watt) asked that the irequest be favourably considered by the board. It was resolved to accede to the request for a period of twelve months. The following tenders for hospital supplies for the ensuing twelve months were accepted: Groceries, T. Borland; meat, D. M. Tweedie; bread, Keeler Brothers and D. F. MacDougall (alternate months); milk and butter, R. E. Hill; coal, Birchwood Coal Company; drapery and bedding, D. C. Robertson and Miss A. McNaughton; funerals, A. F. Webb. The medical superintendent (Dr E. S. Fossey) submitted the following report:—Number of patients admitted during July, 64; number remaining from June, 34; total number treated, 98; patients discharged, 64; patients remaining at July 31, 31. Accounts amounting to £1207 9/7 were passed for payment. GRAND DANCE RECITAL A grand dance recital, presented by Miss G. Bull and pupils of Invercargill, in the Empire Theatre on Friday evening, provided splendid entertainment. Some types of modem musical entertainment do not always hold within them, an instinctive appeal to a critical audience, but this could not be said of Friday evening’s varied programme. With a well-balanced and bright programme, Miss Bull and her pupils presented an entertainment that drew the enthusiastic appreciation of the audience.

The generous touches of light humour, the effective lighting effects, the picturesque ballet dancing, and the high standard all the items presented, did not fail to gain spontaneous applause. It would be difficult to single out one outstanding perfonnance in the entire programme. Each item presented held within it an appeal for a certain class and taste, and the manner in which the recital was presented won high praise from the audience. The following was the programme: Overture, orchestra; senior ballet, “Peppy Six,” soloist, Miss G. Bull; waltz

tap, “Beautiful Lady in Blue,” P. and T. Ford and S. Gourlay; song with guitar accompaniment, Mr Donovan; operatic duo, “Whistling Waltz,” S. Raines and G. Bull; novelty trio, “We Saw the Sea,” P. and T. Ford and G. Bull; piano-accordion trio, popular numbers; “San Francisco,” E. Matthews; torchlight tap, G. Bull and E. Kelleher; Mr J. Gilchrist and his talking doU, “Jerry”; exhibition of fox trotting, E. Matthews and D. Cody; tempo and taps, G. Bull and S. Gourlay; song and ballet, “Angeline”; “Love’s Dream After the Ball,” S. Raines; piano-accordion trio; Spanish duo, R. Bull and G. Bull, American tap, E. Matthews; song, Mr Donovan; song and dance, Rainbow on the River,” J. Dowling; soft shoe tap, “On Sunday Evening,” I. Mcßain and E. Matthews; sketch, Messrs Gilchrist and Greenwood; song and dance, “Stormy Weather,” the company. The stage manager was Mr C. Beer. Mr Treseder controlled the lighting effects and Mr D. Powell acted as accompanist. TENNIS CLUB The Riverton Tennis Club held its annual meeting recently. Mr C. W. st.ted: “The etab enjoyed a most successful season, ine membership remains at a satisfactory figure, and the financial position is sound. Although the balance-sheet shows a deficiency of £23 10/11 for the season, the improvements carried out far exceeded this amount m value. The clubs extends its thanks to the works committee (Messrs H. MacDougall, H. W. McKinnon and J. J. Banks). who were responsible for the improvements. The Western District Lawn Tennis Sub-Association s Labour Day tournament was again held at Otautau and the club extends its congratulations to the following successful members:—A grade men’s handicap doubles, Messrs L. W. and T. L. De Clifford; B grade men’s handicap doubles, Messrs W. Cockburn and H. MacDougall; B grade mixed doubles, Miss E. Tweedie and Mr G. W. Finlayson. Two teams from this club were entered in the Western District Lawn Tennis Sub-Association s competitions and although the competitions were not completed, the B grade team reached the final round, having to play Wairio to decide the premiership. In the representative matches of the sub-association, the club was represented by Misses A. J. Borland and M. Wilkinson, Messrs J. J. Banks and E. A. McPhail. The women’s singles championship resulted in a win for Miss M. Wilkinson, and in the men’s section the final round has been reached and this _ is expected to be finalized at the beginning of the season.” . In formally moving the adoption ot the report and balance-sheet the president, Mr Carmody, stated that the past season was a most successful one. On behalf of the members he extended thanks to the members of the works committee on the enthusiastic and cient manner in which they had carried out the improvements to the courts, grounds and pavilion. During the year the courts had been rented to the local Basketball Club at a small cost, thus enabling the club to derive revenue from the use of the courts, which otherwise would be lying idle during that period. The election of office-bearers resulted as follows:—President, Mr C. W. Carmody (re-elected); vice-president, Mr A. E. McPhail; secretary, Mr J. JBanks; treasurer, Mr H. McKinnon; women’s captain, Miss P. Bailey; mens captain, Mr E. A. McPhail; committee, Misses P. MacDougall and M. Wilkinson, and Mr H. MacDougall; school representative, Mr M. P. Lyng; selection committee, Miss P. Bailey, Messrs J. J. Banks and A. E. McPhail; auditor, Mr J. Crawford; works committee, Messrs J. J. Banks, H. MacKinnon and H. McDougall; delegates, to sub-union, Messrs C. W. Carmody, E. A. McPhail, J. J. Banks and H. McKinnon. Subscriptions were fixed at the same sums as last year. It was decided to enter one A and one B grade team in the Western District competition. The matter of arranging the centenary tennis tournament was left in the hands of Messrs M. P. Lyng and J. J. Banks to deal with. It was resolved that the season be opened on Wednesday, September 15. GOLF CLUB The following is the result of the qualifying rounds for the junior championship of the Riverton Golf Club:— J. A. C. Mackenzie, 91-95-186; R. K. McNeil, 89-99-188; J. A. McKinnon, 96-95-191; H. J. Henderson, 96-96-192; C. W. Carmody, 96-99-195; G. W. Finlayson, 99-105-204; H. McDougall, 100-105-205; P. J. Eccelton, 106-104-210. The draw for the first round, which will be played this week is:—J. A. C. Mackenzie v. P. J. Eccleton; H. J. Henderson v. C. W. Carmody; J. A. McKinnon v. G. W. Finlayson; R. K. McNeil v. H. McDougall. Women’s Match A Canadian foursome will be played tomorrow. Partners will be arranged at the club house. Mrs Cockburn was the winner of last week’s bogey competition, being all square.

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Southland Times, Issue 23287, 25 August 1937, Page 8

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Riverton THE CENTENARY Southland Times, Issue 23287, 25 August 1937, Page 8

Riverton THE CENTENARY Southland Times, Issue 23287, 25 August 1937, Page 8