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ATTENTION PLEASE!!! Great Mail Order Sale ARMY STORES, AUCKLAND & CHRISTCHURCH. OUR FIRST REAL SALE FOR 2 TEARS. GIGANTIC Ree :es of Army Surplus Clothing, direc from the Defence Department. Every item suitable for present Winter Wear. Quality the Best Prices about iof the original cost to the Government. . Oh! What a Chance! This list brings town and country together and enables you all to participate in the Greatest Disposal Sale we have ever staged. There is also included herewith a shipment, of wonderful Harness from the Imperial Army, and several shipments of Sheffield tools, for Carpenters and Engineers and Farmers. Make up your Order at Once and Mail it to The MANAGER, ARMY STORES, P.O. Box 810, Auckland, or ’ P.O. Box 137, Christchurch. We deliver your order Free of charge per medium of the' Post Office. All orders delivered on the day following receipt of same. We Guarantee Satisfaction or will refund your money. CUT THIS LIST OUT AND OXDER FROM IT EVERY WEEK. Prices hold good for three months. 2000 BRITISH WARM COATS. As Issued KHAKI DRILL LONG TROUSERS. Brand SHEPHERD’S WHISTLES. Nlckelplated. for to cavalry and artillery. All pure wop!. new. Govt, quality drill, 3 pockets, for 6/b 1/3 each. dyed fast navy blue, fully buttoned, double pair. Sizes 3,4, 5,6, 7, 8. PLOW LINE. Best Italian Waterlaid Hemp, breasted, fully lined with heavy blanket ejjqllSH WHIPCORD WORKING TROUS- for 5/- pair. Full length, 54ft., will wear lining, large collar, easily worth 95/- and ERS Dark G colour, wonderful hard out 4 pairs ordinary line. Hr t a »rl e f£?m£rs stock wearing, belt loops, has warm fleecy lin- PLOW LINE. Best English Sisal, 2/- pair. ffiS. XXnem doctors lawyers, etc worth 12/6, all sizes 3-8 for 9/6 pair. 54ft . long . All sizes, 2.3, 4. 5. 6, 7 for 22/6, post free. NAP TROUSERS. Colonial made, guaran- ROPE Best English Manila, l>/ 4 in, 50 ft. for 'MILITARY GREATCOATS. Exactly as sup- 4^l’nX^sizes^®4 5 8 U 4/6 ’ 100 ft for 9/ “ . , plied on Active Service, pure wool English 4/11 P air - blze3 41 31 “> '• BREECHING STRAPS. All English leather. Cloth of the heaviest quality. Ask any COLONIAL ALL PURE WOOL SOX. Heav- full j eng th, double thickness leather, for ex-serviceman about the wonderful quality uy ribbed, double heels and toes, worth 5/g pair. of these coats; dyed navy blue, large 2/- pair, Browns and Greys. 3 pairs for 4/3. ,ps nin Brand new for 1/9 £<“•. ENGLISH WOOLLEN SOX. Heavily ribbed. HA « ES STBAPS ' lim ' Brand neW ’ buttoned. Ideal for sportsmen, motorists, wnndprfiil Browns ana Greys. eau farmers, horsemen, etc., sizes 2, 3. 4. 5,6, 7, wonderful wearing. Browns ana y , AL ARMy CANV AS SURSINGLES. for 19/6 each, post free. 3 pairs z/6, or 1/- pair. leather ends _ for 3/6 each . MILITARY TUNIC COATS. Ideal work coats Avonderful by SURSINGLES. Brand new, unbreakable leaWS SiZSrTw rtfwax.—- ’ & each, post free. “ h ° me S ° Ud “ Pak - «U N^ 5 276 ROUnd SWIVe,S ’ HALTER f SNAPS. Round or strip eye. 4d farmers, horsemen, mountaineers, hikers, li/D eacn. > etc., etc., worth 45/- pair for 15/- pair, BALACLAVAS. All pure wool, hand knit- REPAIRING LINKS. For repairing plow post free. 3 pairs for 42/-. Sizes 28. 29. ted, ideal for early mornings, cold climates, chains, etc.. ‘Ain., for 1/6 doz., 5-lb tor 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, inch, waist, mountaineers, etc., were 4/11, for 3/6 each. 2/- doz.; gm, for 3/- dozen. MILITARY FELT HATS. Wool or fur felt HELVETIA WORKING BOOTS. Boots spec- HAIR CUPPING MACHINES. For neck for scouts or farm wear. Sizes 6‘A, 65, 6%. ially treated and Pluvolised leather, screw- trimming or ladies use. Made by Bur6J, 7, 71, 7‘/ 4 . For 2/- each. ed and nailed soles, toe and heel plates, man’s, Sheffield. All nickelplated. Luts MILITARY ALL PURE WOOL SERGE w-e 19/6. for 17/11 pair. Sizes 6. 7,8, 9. very rt>se Compete SHORTS. For Boys and ..Youths. . navy 4U - , B‘/6 8 ‘ /6 f 5/9 set blue colour, wonderful hard wearing qual- POLICE OR ARMY BRACES. Wide elastic Marte bv ity. Mothers, the boys cannot wear them web with leather ends, for 2/3 pair. Worth HAIR CLIPPING MACHINES. Maae oy out. Ideal for school or best wear, worth 3/6. Burman's. Sheffield, England, from finest 10/6 pair. Sizes 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. 17. 18, RTIRRFR to ° l steel ' hl 6 hl y tempered, all nickel19 20 for 4/6 pair 3 pairs for 12/-. RUBBER SHOES. Brand new shipment, p i a ted. Has 2 extra cutters and spare i», zu, tor 4/0 pan, 0 pa.x» r r z pure rU b b er. guaranteed absolutely water- ' nrin „ Gu tq in three lengths: fine, medTUNIC JACKETS FOR BOYS AND YOUTHS, proof, for ladies or men. Ideal for golf, j P m and long. A real barber's tool, compute v 1, navy blue serge or melton sports, working or street wear. Black or n]pte with o ,, ar d an d packed in cardboard cloth. Ideal for school, farm or best wear. Tan. sizes 3,4, 5,6, 7,8, 9. 10, for 3/9 pair. £ ox worth 10/6. For 6/6 set. Wonderful winter” linearizes k GUM BOOTS, No. 1. Knee size. brand new. SHAVING BRUSHES. Guaranteed English 16 17 18 n2O Warth 12/6 for 5/6 each. pure hog bristle> rUbber Set ' F ° r MILITARY GROUND SHEETS. Brand new, in addition to being exceptionally warm. cac ' , ... . . cavalry pattern with cape attachment, will not wear out the sox. Sizes 6,7, 8,9, RAZOR BLADES. 100 per cent. British, for making an ideal all-weather garment tor 10. Were 12/6, for 9/6 pair. Every pair 3-hole razors. Excellent quality steel. For cycling, walking or riding. Ground sheet guaranteed. 10d per dozen. Do not pay 2/- dozen. n, H?, SU^LS t »v»uis lon « la ??nteed t absolutely GUM BOOTS, No 2. Direct from Canada. PIXIE RAZOR BLADES. Finest Sheffield wifii brass eyelets, guaranteed absolutely Knee Gum Bool; , pure of yery stee] 3 ho]e {ype for 1/3 dozen wa erproo » » highest quality. All sdams specially vul- pixiF ZUTO TYPE RAZOR BLADES for MILITARY GROUND SHEETS. As above, canized and tested, heavily reinforced in P J? IE , v.H KAZOR BLADES, for but slightly used, good for years of ser- every pair where extra strain comes. F ‘ vice, for 5/- post free. Heavy crepe soles and heels, every pair is TOBACCO POUCHES. Rubber lined, with OILSKIN COATS. Slicker cut, for riding or fully guaranteed to give long and satis- zipp fastener, for 1/- each. Walking, made from superior grade, Oiled »«oty service. Sizes 5. 6, 7 8,9, 10, SMOKING P i PE s. Real Brier, silver mountJapara Cloth. thoroughly proofed. Has were 18/b, tor 14/b pair, post tree. ed for 1/6 c2ch exUa large , a d . IN AGAIN EX S.S. “REMUERA.” LADIES. ZOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN. Recommended ?or W hard IMPERIAL ARMY RIDING SADDLES. wear. Sizes 50in, 52in, 541 n. 56in. 58!n.— Made from finest English hide, would cost ?n? e ?’/n b r app ’ qulte worth 1 “ /6> length down backs. For 29/6, post free. £7 10/- to make to-day. Each saddle is in lor 1/J pcr rope ' Ancirm rniTC qHrkpr rnt highest grade Perfect condition and completely mounted ENGLISH COTTON BOOT LACES. Worth OILSKIN COATS. Slicker cut, highest graae with j pair of stirrup irons> j pair of stlr . 5d palrj 3 pairs {(jr 6d Japara cloth, guaranteed absolutely w j eatherSi j girth, and 1 pair of felt mohair • HOF r Worth za n=>ir proof unaer the most , s ®Yere tests- B-xtra saddle e]s Worth 95/ _ A Great Bar _ MOHAIR -’HOE LACES. Worth 4d pair, large shoulder cape, aB patent g ain fo ? 47/6 each, post free. 3 pafrs for 3d ' Vo OTt 52. 6 5°4 / ?56? r sBi ? n SPRING CART SADDLES. Genuine Imper- ?OLES. For men or ladies EngOILSKIN SOU’ WESTER Absolutely «^ alr - Sl - 2 - 3 - 4 ’ s’6’7’ 5 ’ 6 ’ 7 ’ waterproof, all sizes for 3/b eacn. leather, worth easily 65/-, for 35/- each, RUBBER HEELS, round, for Ladies. Were PULLOVER THIGH LEGGINGS. For shep? post free. 6d pair. Now 5 pairs for 1/-. herds or cyclists, made from heavv khaki SpRING EARP SHAFT TUGS. All English RAZOR SETS. 3-hole type, solid steel, canvas in S.M., M. and O.S. ior b/11 pair. Leather> I%in .. for 12 / 6 pair . Wor th 18/6. nickleplated, complete with 2 blades, for CANVAS DOME FASTrajER MOTOR CYC- SpRING CART BACK BANDS. All English J/ - cach - Complete in box. LISTS THIGH LEGGINGS. Absolutely leather _ I%in wid fuU j ength W ere 35/.- STILLSON WRENCHES. Made from finest waterproof, with toe guard and heel strap, 22/( . £ach drop forged tool steel Every wrench gu? _ sizes S.M., M. ■ * SPRING CART SADDTFS Complete with ranteed. Bin. for 3/-, lOin. for 4/6, 14in TRENCH COATS. ex SS. «d 6SA for 6/ *- 18in ' for 8/6 ' Worth 50 per cent “Remuera. Heavyweight guaranteed ab- post free w « rth easUy J O5/ . more. S sßes7 4 W 5 6 Pr 7, 8. to each. Navy SETS OF SPRING CART HARNESS. Real PRINT Sure‘ grip jaws, or fawn colours. heavy weight for all work, comprising 1 iPirF 1 7 P ’ tm At the tmner saddle with bellyband, backband, and tugs, 9in - 2 / 3 P a l r > 12in 3/6 pair. SLEEPING BAGS. Direct from the Imper- j breechingi j crupp er. 1 pair breeching MOTOR WRENCHES. Made from finest drop ial Army, made from superfine duck, p s tr ap s. Worth easily 135/-. Wonderful buy- forged steel, jaws open to 3in., for 2/9 each, ially proofed with process. Jng go/6 Delivered free . Wo^th 4/6 . bottom sheets of heavy rubberized maienai, whole absolutely watertight, lined with SPRING CART BREECHINGS. Brand new, SETS OF SPANNERS. Made from high super-grade fleece. A golden chance for high-grade leather, very strongly made, grade tool steel, drop forged, 5 double all outdoor sportsmen, campers, etc. Worth full size seat, complete with crupper, ended spanners, making 10 spanners in all. 45/-, for 29/6 each. spider, breeching straps, ready for instant In all wanted sizes. Each spanner latched Comiino militarv with use - No alterations required. Worth 55/-. in kit. and easily detached. Spanners can“er stt 1/3 37/6 each. Post fr’ee. not be io ’. Worth 10/6, for 6/6 set. each, ileal for ladies. IMPERIAL ARMY - HALTERS OR HEAD- SETS OF SPANNERS. Comprising of 4 rn?TTT nsvm.WKS Heawweleht STALLS. Heavy weight, for draughts or double c--led spanners, all sizes, drop forK (to“nX DriltTe l4” X Id- bulls, were 10/(f each, for 8/6 each. ged steel, for 2/6 set. justable shoulder straps, for fishermen, DRIVING REINS. Brand new, full length. CARPENTERS’ HAND SAWS. Finest Shefhikers, or for use as lunch bags, for 2/3 a ii unbreakable leather, for 15/- pair. field steel, 26in. blade, machine ground eaCh ’ . BRIDLE REINS. Brand new, all English un- tlrs^’aualKy 6 rlvet° handle® 6 CANVAS srfbULDER PACKS. Guaranteed breakable leather, 6/- pair. for 5/6 eart 4 ” * ” dl W 8/ °’ Sde er^ O ck e t C! Sd S Vwo adjustable shoutor BRIDLE KEINS Branel new. for 4/3 pair. CARPENT ERS’ HAND SAWS. Same as Strips for 7/6 each. AU ““breakable leather. abovej but with skew back . Were w/6> for MILITARY PUTTEES. Pure wool length for STIRRUP LEATHERS. Brand new. all Eng- 6/6 each. 3/6 pair. lish unbreakable leather, 6/6 pair. NESTS OF KEYHOLE SAWS. 3 blades’ LUMBER JACKETS. Real Canadian pat- SPRING CART TRACES. Wonderful qual- sizes 12in. 14in. and 16in., of best Sheffield tern. Heavily woven with extra heavy ity, English leather with wire rope core, steel and supplementary handle, for 3/6 fleecy lining, 2 pockets, button front, in Impossible to break or wear out, with set complete. Were 4/6. Brown or Grey, wonderful winter line for SW i Ve ls, etc. Wonderful value for 10/- pair. GLASS CUTTERS. 6 wheel interchangefa™?rs, engineers, bushmen, etc. m. saddle WA LLETS. Genuine Imperial able, will cut plate glass, for 1/2 each. and O.S. to 7/b eacn. Army. No sheepfarmer should be without aw m adfs mln 1/6 dozen KHAKI SUEDE DRILL LUMBER JACKETS, these for carrying sheep shears, lunch. HACK AW DLAUt ' ! ’- 101 n - oozen - Made from highest grade English Drill, clothing, fencing, tools, etc. Solid English HACK SAW FRAMES. Nickel-plated adguaranteed absolutely windproof. Has elas- leather, 15in. deep and 6in. wide, with 61n. justable, takes any size blade, for 1/6 uc web waistband, large collar, etc. With- gussets, were 12/6. Great value for 7/6 pair, complete with blade. k out fear of contradiction, the finest known post free. HACK SAW FRAMES. Pistol grip for plumgarment for golfers, farmers, and motorists, ARMY PATTERN BRIDLES. Brand new, bers and electricians, nickel-plated adjustand all outdoor workers, in S.M., M., ana highest grade Eng ij s h unbreakable leather, able, complete with blade, for 2/9 each. O.S. for 12/6 each. brass buckles, complete with full length AXE HANDLES Finest American Hickory. KHAKI DRILL SHIRTS. Govt, quality, gua- reins and braddoon. Worth 25/6, for 14/6 A * b cia ]iy selected * Full size. 1/9 each, 3 ranteed windproof. Will give long and each, post free. far 3 / t s j ze , 1/6 each, 3 for 4/-; >/ 2 size, lasting wear, 2 pockets, collar and long HORSE CLIPPING MACHINE. Brand new 1/3 each, 3 for 3/-. sleeves, sizes 2. 3. 4, 5. 6„ 7, f r / . made , Burman and Co., of Sheffield. FARMERS > FENCING FLYERS. 6in one KHAKI DRILL SHIRTS. As above, but with England. 3in. cutter, complete with guards. t , io»,fein. overall length, guaranteed slide fasteners. Ideal tor all work purposes, Were 17/6. for 12/6 pair. steei, wire cutter, staple drawer, hammer also for sportsmen, ifiountaineers. Sizes 2, DANDY BRUSHES. Finest English Indes- splicer, etc., for 5/9 pair. Worth 7/6. 3, 4. 5,6, 7, for 7/6 each. structible, varnished backs, were 3/6, for RAG 0F BACKING NEEDLES. 6in., 6in. KHAKI DRILL SHIRTS. Hard wearing 2/9 each. or 7in ._ 6 for 9d. CURRY COMBS. English with handle, to WOO D SMOOTH PLANES. English Oiled C^izes S 2, \ 4/5. 6, 1/9 cacb ’ Worth 2/6 ' Beech, 6in. long, blade of finest Sheffield f, for 4/6 each” FARRIERS HOOF PARING KNIVES. Cur- steel, IJin., were 4/6, for 3/- cart. KWAKT ft ANNFI SHIRTS Wonderful line ved blade, bone handle. Chris. Johnson, WOOD SMOOTH PLANES. Finest English mits tose long'sleeves and collar Sheffield; «/ 2 in, 5-Bin.. %in. blade, for 2/6 oiled Beech . 81/2ln long . solld Sheffield °n be worn Xout coT Ideal for the <=“<*• A , „ steel, blade 2%in, to 6/6 each. Were 8/6. Winter. Sizes 2,3, 4,5, 6,7, to 7/3 each. FARRIERS’ BUFFERS. Alex. Matheson, JACR PLA NES. 17in. long, finest Oiled Glasgow. 2/6 cach. Beech Block. Finest Sheffield steel blade MEN’S GENUINE DOCTOR UNDERFLAN- DOG CHAINS. All English with swivels. 21 z in . wide for jj/., were 14/6 , genuine NEL SHIRTS. Wonderful quality, Navy Heavy guage—6ft. long for 1/3 each; 7‘, 2 tt. builder's line. Blue, roomy fitting, S.M., M. and 0.5., for long for 1/9 each; 9ft. long for 2/3 each. THF „ atrfrs For airimr clothes in 5/11 each. Worth 8/11. Also suitable for tying calves, etc. e^ R Tomple?e etc GENUINE ENGLISH GABERDINE LONG Wonderful boon to any household, were TROUSERS. Dark Fawn colour. Many rmr-r? /6, /_ thousands of pairs of these trousers have NOW MR FARMER. WE URGE BUTCHERS’ KNIVES. Bin. blade, best Shefnow been sold and every pair has given xrr4m rrr* tvttqc TUTQ field steel, for 2/9 each. 2M s S 3 a T5 Ct 6^Ttoi t 3 O ri>^ POCk ' « A DIO OR ELECTRICIANS’ SCREWets, sizes 3,4, 5,6, 7,8, for 13/6 pair. WONDERFUL SALE. WE DRIVERS. Shockless, 9in. iong, non-skid. AT LAST! WE’BE WAITED FOR YEARS GUARANTEE PROMPT DELIV- for V * cach ‘ FOR THESE. , ELI 2TRICIANS’ PLIERS. Insulated to THE REAL OLD WELL-KNOWN ROYAL ERY AND ABSOLUTE SATIS- 31:311(1 ? 000 volts - Gin. 1/-, 7in. 1/6, Bin. CORD TROUSERS. Heavy ribbed, English Al? WITT REFUND P a * r * material similar to corduroy, finished with r/lUllUn, Un- xuar SOLDERING IRONS. English guaranteed, *6™ mow!¥ - n ° FEEiGiiT «cAll !.“f. 0K POSTAGE TO PAY. “m™. 12«, to? 3/1 6,7, 8, for 19/11 pair. Really worth 32/6. each. Mail Your Order to— • THE MANAGER, Army Stores P.O. BOX, 810, AUCKLAND, or P.O. BOX, 137, CHRISTCHURCH.

RURAL DELIVERY SERVICE. GORE—WAIMUMU—MATAURA— TUTURAU. Leaves gore daily at 8.20 a.m. for Croydon Bush—Waimumu— Te Tipua —Mataura—Tuturau —Mataura —Terrace Road—Charlton—Gore. Parcels will be carried at moderate parcels for this delivery should be left at Mr Hoffman’s Shop, Main Street, and Parcels from Mataura at Mr Medley’s Shop, Main St, Mataura. ; THE SOUTHLAND TIMES. IS DELIVERED DAILY. : . • J. F. WILSON. START at once to improve your pas- ’ ture with a top-dressing of Clifden super finis darbonate of Lime. Phone 25, Invercargill.

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Southland Times, Issue 25310, 13 June 1935, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 25310, 13 June 1935, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 25310, 13 June 1935, Page 3