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Ann Tells You . . .

Miss L. F. Watson, Forth street, is spending a holiday in Auckland.

Miss Mary Thomson, formerly of Milton, has taken up residence in Invercargill. Mrs I. W. Raymond, London, is at present the guest of the Misses Tucker, Gala street.

Miss Janet Mackellar and Miss Barbara Williams, of Dunedin, leave next week for England. Mr and Mrs W. L. Cunningham, Castle Downs, are spending a holiday in Otago Central. Mr and Mrs A. F. Speight and their small son returned to Redcliff last Saturday from Waimate. Miss Peggy Bain, of Dunedin, is the guest of Mrs W. S. Todd, Thomson street, for the week-end. Mr and Mrs W. E. Hazlett, Filleul street, were visitors to Dunedin for a few days for the races. Mr and Mrs E. V. McKeever, Pomona road, leave to-day for a fortnight’s holiday at Stewart Island. Mrs Russell Chisholm, who has been visiting Invercargill, returned to Palmerston North on Thursday. Miss C. Hynes leaves next week for a motor tour of Otago Central where she will spend her annual holidays.

Mrs A. H, Ryder, Beatrice street, was hostess at tea yesterday morning in honour of Mrs A. E. Boot, of Dunedin. The Misses Tucker, Gala street, were hostesses at tea yesterday afternoon in honour of Mrs I. W. Raymond, of London.

Mrs P. W. Gresson, Mary street, and Mrs G. Watkin, of England, who has been her guest, leave on Tuesday for Timaru.

Miss E. Hinkley and Miss G. Hall, who have been the guests of Mrs W. Bagrie, Seaward Downs, have returned to Invercargill. Mrs T. Menzies Watson, Morven, is at present visiting town and is the guest of Mrs J. L. McG. Watson, Forth street.

Mr and Mrs C. J. Pilcher and family arrived from Wellington this week to be the guests of Mrs Pilcher's father, Mr S. Dawson, Ocean Beach road, Blurt. Mrs E. F. Smith, Mrs E. Casey and Miss Valerie Casey, who have been the guests of Mrs P. C. Mills, Herbert street, returned to Christchurch yesterday. Mr and Mrs J. B. Reid, Louisa street, leave to-day for Wellingto where Mr Reid will attend the accountants’ conference. Later they will go to Timaru for the Rotary conference.

Mrs A. E. Boot and Miss Joyce Boot, who have been the guests of Mrs B. C. Basstian, Tweed street, return to Dunedin to-morrow. Later they will leave on a trip to England. Mrs James Hunter and her daughter, Mrs Colin MacKenzie, of Riverton, have returned from Ulva. Mrs Hunter left yesterday to take up residence in Heriot Row, Dunedin. Mrs H. Hubber, Mr Thomas Hubber and Mrs Walter Adamson, who are at present on a motor tour to Christchurch, are expected to return to Invercargill at the end of next week.

Mr and Mrs J. Dorward, of Sydney, who have been touring New Zealand, were the guests of the Hon. Thomas O’Byrne and Mrs O’Byrne, Dalrymple road, before returnig to Australia by the Maheno last Monday. Mr and Mrs W. J. Urwin, Marine Parade, Bluff, are at present spending a camping holiday at Pembroke. They are accompanied by their daughter, Miss Maud Urwin, who is a member of the Dunedin Hospital staff. Mrs Rolland O’Regan, of Wellington, is spending a holiday at Bluff with her parents, Mr and Mrs C. Bradshaw, Onslow street. On her way to the port she was the week-end guest of Dr and Mrs M. Aitken, Kaiapoi.

Among guests at the Club Hotel, Bluff, this week have been Mr and Mrs H. Oswin and Miss B. Oswin (Gore), Mr and Mrs W. Clark (Oamaru), Mi H. Chapman (Gore), Mr E. C. Tapley (Invercargill), Mr and Mrs W. Croll (Wellington). Mrs J. G. Petrie, Eamslaw street, leaves next Thursday for a tour of the north before sailing for Sydney en route to England. Prior to her departure she has been entertained at farewell afternoon tea and bridge parties by her many friends in Invercargill.

On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs B. C. Basstian was hostess at tea in honour of Mrs A. E. Boot and Miss Joyce Boot, of Dunedin. Others present were Mesdames P. B. Macdonald, F. C. Beere, I. W. Raymond, A. B. Moffett, A. H. Ryder, T. F. Macdonald, A. L. Wyllie, R. A. Douglas, C. F. Hackworth, J. F. Dundas, R. J Gilmour, O. W. H. Strettell J. G. Macdonald, J. R. Sutton, A. V. Osmond, R. N. Todd, J. B. Sale; Misses Tucker, W. Tucker, M. Muir, L. Douglas, T. Mac Ewan, R. Todd, E. Macdonald and C. Todd.

Naturally very great interest is being felt in the visit to New Zealand of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell, the former Chief of the World Scouts, and the latter of the World Guides. They will be staying at Longwood, Featherston, from February 22 to 25, states the Taranaki Herald. A guide camp will be held at Trentham during that week-end, and the chiefs will visit there for the camp fire and other entertainments. The meeting should be an immensely interesting one, and the presence of such world figures as Lord and Lady Baden-Powell will add greatly to it. No one who knows anything about the fine work of both associations can help sharing the thnu of the young ones at this visit, and good wishes for a continuance of the delightful summer weather will be generally wafted to the “powers that be” to give them the very best. The following is a list of the guests who have registered at The Hermitage during the past week:—Miss Gleed, Mr A. O’Connor-Fenton, Mr and Mrs Tilt, Miss Tilt (England); Mr W. H. Mears, Dr J. W. Collie (London); Mrs M. J. Stewart, Miss M. Stewart (Scotland); Miss L. Hunniwell, Mr F. W. Hunniwell (U.S.A.); Mr H. W. Townsend (Chicago); Mr and Mrs R. A. Letts (Rhodesia); Mrs W. Gilmore (Queenstown); Captain P. Westongaard (Beaugencey); Mrs P. E. Thompson, Miss E. Thompson, Misses M. and A. Payne, Mrs and Miss Borchard (Sydney); Mr F Trewby (Auckland): Mr and Mrs W. Gregory, Master W. H. Gregory, Mr J. Withers, Mr J. H. Grear (Wellington); Mr D. Bevan (Napier); Mr and Mrs R. D. Iles (Lower Riccarton); Mrs J. P. Palmer, Miss E. Rowe, Mrs Al. Herent, Mrs A. B. Johnstone (Rangiora); Mr G. Mannering, Mr and Mrs B. M. Downes, Mrs T. Shankland, Mr M. S. Gentles, Mr and Mrs F. Young, Mr H. G. Rennie, Mr A. Rennie, Miss J. A. Scott, Mr A. G. Gossett (Christchurch); Mrs H. C. Manaton, Mr M. O’Connor, Mrs H. O’Connor, Mr J. Craig (Fairlie).

Mr and Mrs A. Ennis, of Christchurch, are the guests of Mrs Montgomery McDowall, Lewis street. Mrs F. McCrae, Christchurch, who is at present visiting Invercargill, is the guest of Mrs M. McDowall, Lewis street.

Miss Muriel Townley and Miss Mavis Bagrie have returned from Stewart Island where they were the guests of Miss Ethel Hicks, Ferndale House. Mrs Victor Todd, Christchurch, and her small daughter, and Mrs Mark Summers, of Wellington, who have been the guests of Miss Summers. Winton, haye returned to the north. Guests at the Grand Hotel during the week included Mr and Mrs Trevalla (New Plymouth), Captain and Mrs E. J. Kenny (Christchurch), Mr and Mrs G. E. Woodhead (Dunedin), Miss M. Wallace (Wellington), Mr and Mrs S. D. Lawson (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs W. D. Johnston (Christchurch).

On Thursday afternoon the members of the Invercargill Croquet Club met to farewell Mrs J. G. Petrie, who leaves next week for England, and to congratulate Mrs W. Quinn on her success in the Southland croquet tournament. The president, Mrs W. G. Tait, presented each guest of honour with a bouquet and in doing so congratulated Mrs Quinn and expressed the hope that Mrs Petrie would have a successful holiday. Competitions played during the afternoon were won by Mrs W. Ronald (A grade) and Mrs Hall, of Dunedin, (B grade). Guests registered at Woodsiea House, Stewart Island, include Miss D. Berggren, Mr and Mrs Cyrus Williams and Miss Williams (Christchurch), Mrs E. Broughton Turner. Hollyhead, England), Miss G. Weir-Bett (London), Mr and Mrs G. G. Burnes, Mrs C. J. Treleaven (Christchurch), Mr Ormond Gardner (Clifden), Mr Geoff Giller, Mr T. Dawson, Miss Walker (Invercargill), Mrs E. G. Walker and Miss E. Walker (Dunedin), Mr C. Lyons (Napier), Mr and Mrs G. L. Wilkin (Port Chalmers), Mrs H. Harman and Miss M. Oxley (Christchurch), Mr W. R. Brugh, Miss Brugh and Mr Howard Hooper (Dunedin) and Miss Coppock (Wellington). The third annual Olympic contract bridge match has just been carried out in New Zealand. It is stated that, in different parts of the world about 200,000 players took part in this organized effort. In Wellington Miss Bunny was responsible for six tables at the Wellington Women’s Club, and Mrs. W. E. Rawson organized five at Mrs. Keesing’s clubroom in Portland Crescent. Extremely interesting games were played. The judging of hands is by par adding to the interest. The results will be made known at the end of March. Games were played in Christchurch, there being 56 players at the Christchurch golfhouse and at Crockford’s Club, and also at Wanganui, Napier, Auckland and Hamilton. On Thursday evening members of the committee of the Southland High School Old Girls’ Association met in the Tudor Lounge to wish bon voyage to one of its oldest members, Mrs A. Derbie, Compton Road, who is leav - ing shortly on a trip to England. A very enjoyable evening was spent, and during the supper adjournment Mrs J. Robbie, president of the association, took the opportunity of expressing to Mrs Derbie something of the appreciation in which she is held by members, and of conveying to her their best wishes for a pleasant trip. On behalf of the members, she presented her with a diary, embossed with the badge of the association, with the request that on her return, they might be privileged to hear some of its contents.

Guests at the Club Hotel during the week included Miss M. Montgomery (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs G. Caple (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs W. A. Montgomery (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs J. Pullus (Christchurch), Mrs J. H. Smith (Christchurch), Miss J. McLeod (Hokatika), Mrs J. L. Jopp (Christchurch), .Miss M. Newman (Dunedin), Miss N. T. Taylor (Wimbledon), Miss N. F. Spear (Somerset), Miss H. E. Green (Cumberland), Miss E. Snowball (Burnley), Miss M. Maclagan (Surrey), Miss B. Archdale (London), Miss N. S. Burletson (Durham), Miss N. E. Richards (Somerset), Miss J. Liebert (Lancashire), Miss B. M. Turner (London), Miss G. A. Morgan (London), Miss J. E. Patridge (Worcester), Miss C. Valentine (Kent), Miss M. E. Hide and Miss E. M. Child (Surrey), Mr and Mrs J. F. Douglas and son (Dunedin), Miss Clegg (Timaru), Miss M. McKenzie (Gore), Mrs J. Peterson (Auckland), Miss E. Barling (Palmerston North), Miss D. Taylor (Wellington), Mr and Mrs J. Little (Dunedin), Misses M. and J. Poynter (Lochiel), Miss L. McGuire (Wyndham). Among the recent guests at the Wanaka Hotel were:—Mr, Mrs and Miss Tait, Mrs and Master Bevir, Mrs M. L. Latham, Mrs Watherston, Miss Miller, Miss Agnes Blake, Miss K. Brenda Sturge, Miss J. M. Cann, Lt. Col, Curtis, Mr W. H. Mears, Mr G. E. Woods, Mr P. B. Bushell (England); Mr and Mrs K. A. Letts (South Rhodesia); Miss L. Hunnewell, Mr F, W. Hunnewell (U.S.A.); Mr and Mrs R. McKegg (Raratonga); Mrs A. Borchard, Miss Phoebe V. Brochard, Mrs Sylvia Woods, Mrs D. A. Schubze, Miss V. M. Fairley, Miss D. M. Fairley, Miss Barbara Robinson, Mr D. Martin, Mr Ernest V. Miend, Mr C. F. Andrews (Australia); Mrs F. McLean, Mr F. Trewby (Auckland); Mrs Edward L. Sutro (Hawkes Bay), Mr D. T. Bevan (Napier); Mr and Mrs A. H. Foreman (Nbw Plymouth), Mr and Mrs Warwick Gregory, Master W. H. Gregory, Mrs J. Withers, Miss M. E. Harvey, Mr J. E. Pettit, Mr O. R. Bendall (Wellington); Mr J. P. Palmer, Mrs A. L. Henry, Mrs A. B. Johnson, Miss Edna Rowe (Rangiora); Mr and Mrs T. S. Downes, Mrs and Miss Ormandy, Mr R. A. Shantland, Mr S. G. Money (Christchurch); Mr S. Bennington (Timaru); Dr and Mrs Douglas (Oamaru); Miss V. Finlayson, Miss K. Nees, Miss E. Flanagan, Miss Violet E. Brown, Miss I. C. Hervey, MiN. D. Hutton, Mr P. R. Sinclair, Mr M. Holmes, Mr W. Rudkin, Mr W. Fraser, Mr J. R. Callender (Dunedin); Mr and Mrs J. C. Mills (Wyndham); Mrs Nancy M. Hodghies' (Heriot); Mr D. J. Kilkelly, Mr James Grant (Invercargill, Mr L. Kelliher (Clyde); Mr M. Heaney (Lowburn Ferry), Mr D. Anderson (Wanaka).

Bishop and Mrs Fitchett and Miss Stella Fitchett, of Dunedin, are spending a holiday at Stewart Island.

Miss Jessie Sutherland, who has been the guest of Mr and Mrs George Sutherland, Wilton street, has returned to Greenhills. Mrs J. E. Watson and Miss Watson, Mandeville, accompanied by Mrs and Miss Lintott, of Auckland, are spending a holiday in the Eglinton Valley.

Misses Alice McDowall and Rene Baldey return to-day from a holiday in Wellington and in Palmerston North where they were the guests of Dr F. H. McDowall.

Miss F. A. Russell, Herbert street, sails from Wellington next Saturday by the Rotorua for England, where her marriage to Mr Leslie Fulcher, of Folkestone, will take place in April. Miss Russell leaves Invercargill next Thursday and will be accompanied by her sister, Mrs G. F. Tobin, Lewis street, as far as Wellington.

That many New Zealand women are beautiful, but that they do not make the most of that beauty, is the opinion of Miss Vicki Baum, the novelist. They could dress much better. “Some shops do not seem to cater for the moderate purse,” she said, when in Christchurch. “I shopped around a little in the North Island, but I found it very difficult to get what I wanted. In the States, even the poorest shop girl can look attractive. Pretty little frocks sell for a dollar or two. Of course, they don’t last, but they are not expected to.”

One of the most impressive features of the early training of the young sons of the King and Queen was the complete absence of pampering. It was the earnest desire of their grandfather, King Edward, and of their Royal father and mother, that they should be reared in much the same way as the children of the subjects of the King. The little Princes were allowed a shilling a week as pocket money, and from this they were expected to save up for gifts to relatives and friends at Christmas and on birthdays and other special occasions.

The following is a list of recent guests at the White Star Hotel, Queenstown: — Miss M. C. Gleed, Miss A. Blake, Mr J. Chambers, Miss S. MacDonald, Mr A. S. Fenton, Mrs W. Latham, Mr, Mrs and Miss Tilt, Mr and Mrs A. E. Greaves, Mr and Mrs Arbury (England); Miss H. Nimmo, Mr G. R. Nimmo (Scotland); Dr and Mrs Ewart Duthie (Johannesburg); Mr W. Von Ridder (Amsterdam); Miss L. Hunnewell, Mr F. W. Hunnewell (Wellesley, U.S.A.); Mrs E. J. Kershaw, Misses M. and A. Payne, Mrs P. and Miss E. Thompson, Mr J. B. Young, Mr and Mrs Dorwood, Mr E. J. Mallet, Mr H. E. McMillan, Mr D. Jones (Sydney); Mrs S. Woods (Perth); Mr D. A. Schulze (Melbourne); Miss B. K. Gibson, Miss J. N. Gibson, Miss C. M. Gibson, Miss M. Buss (Queensland); Mr R. Fry (Newcastle); Mr and Mrs J. Houlihan (Rockhampton, Australia); Dr Grace Boelke, Messrs S. and G. Roberts, Mr R. Carman, Mr R. G. Miller, Mr A. Taylor (New South Wales); Mrs J. M. Chambers, Misses A. and C. Russell, Mr and Mrs Russell, Mr J. Neale, Miss N. Abbott, Mr F. Trewby (Auckland); Mr D. T. Bevan (Napier); Mr and Mrs R. N. Bell (Hastings); Mr J. E. Robinson (Te Kuiti); Mr R. T. Robinson, Mr A. W. Wellestead, Mr J. Sawers, Mr S. C. Doyle, Mr H. Valentine, Mr A. Tyndall, Miss M. Hervey, Mr and Mrs W. Gregory, Master W. H. Gregory (Wellington); Mr R. Lund, Mr F. Munns, Mr S. Money, Mrs and Miss Ormondy, Mr P. O. Laver, Miss M. Greig, Miss M. McLachlan (Christchurch); Mr C. Haberfield, Mr and Mrs F. W. Aitken, Mr W. Allport (Timaru); Mr E. Workman (Kaikoura); Mr S. Nimmo (Waikouaiti); Mr and Mrs H. W. Barclay, Miss Barclay, Mr J. W. Barclay (Kurow); Mr J. W. Bain, Mr A. Sage, Mr H. L. Gibson, Mr T. Ball, Mrs J. C. Hervey, Mr H. W. Scott, Mr and Mrs J. Simpson (Dunedin); Miss T. C. Richardson, Dr K. Abbott, Mr A. J. Bradshaw, Mr S. Wilkinson, Mr J. A. Lindsay,, Mr J. Dow (Invercargill).

ENGAGEMENT. The engagement is announced of Arthur Stuart, elder son of Mr and Mrs P. B. Macdonald, Dalrymple road, to Marjorie, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Aldridge, Maori Hill, Dunedin. Mr and Mrs D. Cunningham, Duke street, Invercargill, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Jessie Mitchell, to George Woollaston, third son of Mr and Mrs A. Wayte, “Otamita,’’ Gore.

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Southland Times, Issue 22508, 16 February 1935, Page 16

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THE SOCIAL ROUND Southland Times, Issue 22508, 16 February 1935, Page 16

THE SOCIAL ROUND Southland Times, Issue 22508, 16 February 1935, Page 16