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on HEW LW GfISH BMMI I""“ ™ i Bc to ure WONDERFUL SAVINGS FOR M i Inspect Our Prices I I Magnificent ■ to I ' ■**» IJT 111 fi >fi It® " gjy —J . Famous “Osman” White * F’ r H OB © ttl 4/6 vE* in Manchester „ FaiiCJ EaStCF ptpLi’M'Av. V lines aro offcrc d to Easter shoppers. f-• v' dY'GAcTI ' (J * I 1 Ki? Rh HI For instance these excellent “Osman” i « @ White Towels. They are hemmed and ; Men’s & BoyS k A in 24 by 49 inch size. Super grade i i O *4. J n Ik J quality that will give reliable wear I rtt felllt 311(1 VVeF" J'W Order Your M “ d "“ !hwc “' _ l coat p ™ es , H , |gs 05 Art Silk and Pure Silk Glovos-3/6 pr. 5 move sharply ' «« JKtS / Ladies 1 — this is an Easter Special for you 1 * dOWRWard. ‘ 111 dllv fiaTO- I Dainty Art Silk and Pure Silk Gloves with M r”' N n i r ,:: i fashionable gauntlet and fancy top. Very ; , [.-.j 10 M % l superior quality gloves, and we have all the ? i tV/T/A H IJ'"'' 1 I. wanted shades — also any size you require. Measure M Easter H lIBWWI. . I Smart Winter Scarves, 3/6 to 7/6. I AH| mnann Just what you wanted for your frock or coat. fF 8 KrHHU H trt V 3 In all the leading shades — Greens, Browns, ' VV M Blues and Wines. Excellent wearing quali- « Ki fe jKTTS tics in Knitted Silk, Silk and Wool and all wool j //•xoa K V v,.- \ finished with attractive fringed ends. a COMMENCING WEDNESDAY ® 1 9 ’ 15 a - m - l £t->di®xwdl from Mr Fraser 3 WKMIwM our tailor W7 Leathercraft Handbags, 37/6. S Ail Wool N.Z. Tweed Suits rv’WSWW) VUr W j To finish ofl ncw Autumn Ensemble you ; USUALLY 59/G. ▼ t really must have a smart bag to tone, and here I 1 CT / /Th. 1 is just what you require. In Brown shade only :1 ZItJZ ” ■ HsMWBL.- .Yip <8 /fl fl a / and in t’ie popular pouched effects. Bcauti- . Tfierc arc 6 only of those splen/H / 11 la fully made in Savoury Lcathererafk j did a]J woo] N z Tweed Suit . s P?* ■ “’Ubfev*' '’!*♦ 4 ff Li f HI M / I S i to clear in sizes 3,4, 5 and 6. iL® H ® H o T» ? Vcr Y smartly cut and well ftn- ' H tf Attractive Sponge Bags, ; ished throughout — you arc asv * Ji 1/. 1/11, 1/6, 1/9 and 2/3. I sured of a perfect fit. This is Gpnninp Wnrqfpd fl # One’of the most essential articles on your ’ a chance that may not come t&F*: txenuine worbieu , Ji Easter holiday trip is an attractive Sponge Bag. again. SuitinfifS fit t £ J Wc have just opened a large variety — com- ? ® vg. -V prising the very latest in Plain, Floral and . Men’s Worsted Suits, Mr J. W. Smith secured a range of Checked effects. Every colouring imaginable. ’ USUALLY £5 5/the newest and finest WORSTED 1 Suitings from a N.Z. Mill at a spec- ( UJ* V BfriftOllWßf -K 'ill ial discount. We offer an unheard- su if. bargain for Easter! We tyObWk/’ Ml of value ~ Made Measure Wor- j have 2Q o))|y o£ thcso supurior s ' Sults from £4 10/-. ITb ’ 5 Worsted Suits in sizes 3 to 6. kkiflw&f HHPH C! ? Il .Art T i Made from all wool cloths in .<.,&( J Treat yourself to one without delay. g|i W 'fL 4(0 oo© o o o ' Lovely /g- -Aj/'jjV smart Dark Grey shade. PerMr Fraser, our tailor, who natur- * Bridge Coats, ’’ feetly tailored throughout. A H .'!■ at Famously Low Prices. c™” 17/6 " wil " a v ” y e “' Genuine •> J I' 'W from £6/10/- Gifts’s/-pair. Sheets, 8/6 pair. *>**• 4 “ d r 72/6 Any of your lady friends would be Also we have these excellent good 3 ‘luck 1 Made J 7 Many outstanding bargains in delighted to receive these attrac- “Twrieze” Sheets in double bed from superior Geor- A ' suits will be offered to men durtive Fancy Towels as an Easter size -72 by 90 inches Made Chenille, Silk Wil ! ! ing Easter ! There are 25 only — G . ft _ We have a bl g range of from pure cotton and well finished. Velvet, Plain Satins, ' WYfiKi of these Worsted Suits. Made colourings and designs - also Very good wearing. Wise house- p]a _ n > yelvct > JWfuZ, 'from Dark Grey and Fancy ! IM J T white grounds with coloured bor- wives will get in a stock of these Velveteens. Be- MWKV Coloured all wool worsteds. Pcrrl/HSWT dcrS ' All superior qualities. and at the same time save sub- conlingly styled and feetly cut and up-to-date in I Ud&LVI JJUggdgV Single Bed “Twileze” „ trimmif I every detail. Sizes 3,4, 5 and ■ Sheets, 6/6 pair. Full Double Bed ‘Twileze I- T,,r.4- ! We have just opened our second Sheets, 9/6 pair. U Mnn’c Wnrctorl and Just IH lime I Shipment of these excellent Twi- Never have we offered such high I '™ en ® VVOlStetl an D A leze Sheets — already they are quality Sheets at such a low price. i jj Tweed Suits, fsv® 1 I Ai selling rapidly, and Easter shop- They are hemmed ready for use I ’WlßSdettC USUALLY 95/- TO 100/-. J Purchase P ers are advised to come at once! and in size 80 by 90 inches. Won- JO/fi SiWkvLXO/O (YJ ri. 'A, Single bed size 54 by 90 inches. derful value — no housewife II rOCKQ I O Excellent washing and wearing. should let this opportunity pass by. A 1 vVxko* MaMMaßj|a c ] iance o f a lifetime for Whether you are going —- « J small men I 10 only smart away at Easter or stay- — 1 " ■" . " B Worsted and Tweed Suits in « ing at home — here is an iivm JI M s ‘ ze a on b’- Made from excel- I wWI opportunity to buy Suit /I I a lent wearing all wool cloths ; Cases, etc., at considerably Lf ■ 9 and well cut and .finished i"U below regular prices. | throughout. Inspect these at a// X X V'.-i;- J jay rna 3 your earliest. 1 A s P ecial Purchase. They SKdiS’ —ZiSF ■ wA&- fl k w4 -T wiU b 0 capped up eagerly. / z/Hi-Y - r* ssEis*' J gfen’s Tweed Overcoats, TOW M » >-™W J®' If you ar ® wiso you wiU J y •k. . . ' ffl USUALLY 65/- TO 97/6. ■ W W I SvPV /Sr hurry to the Men’s Store. —*• « \ The wise woman will immediately fg/fx//» /‘r' \li '£■ " \ f •’•■ '/ J approve of these Twecdette | Oil/ O Am As-'S; ••Az- . '■■if .••’A Frocks when she sees them — H . . ■> r. •<, LADIES’ HAT BOXES A they are so serviceable wearing. M A smart Tweed Overcoat is ln fanc y Rcd and Brown i X Styled very neatly, and well cut really necessary for M inter '/Il shades. Fitted with side 1 wA and trimmed. We have all sizes. wcar ~ icr . e ls y °" r °PP ortua " T clips and lock and with \w f/ff'Mt/i V An ideal little frock for the |g|g& |Hg| ity to purchase one at a subfancy linings. 14 meh \ house few® stantial saving. -o only to go size'l7/6. 16 inch size f V in sizes 3to C ’ Raglan and . 19/6. / /\f /Z -r-' 1 i TT4 H set-in sleeves and assorted colFUIT CASES. Made from ( ■■ F l* FOCIiS. tfe curings, extra strong fibre and cano mJ "*X z~\ ns / WS/Mw-'IL r . ' bound. Fitted with strong pyj v V \ IHfiZ / !?</&’’ Boys Knickers, nickel locks and in Dark ; x JYJ. J \ f ' I /y ® lr USUALLY 4/11. Brown shade. 24 inch size _f " rjft >1 \ ilff’l Eaß&if I 4<|l 4J //* nt 7 -'.!, 26 in t C fi h /fi SiZQ 15/6, -t' W|\ /I These Flannel Frocks have a O/0 ’ n Jc-Sa z r 1 1 • r \ \ \ very smart appearance and arc These hard wearing Knickers ; SUET CASES In strong x '-| /< so cosy for Autumn and Winter will soil liko wildfire 1 They j J bre ’ Stcel frauie with / fe. wcar. Made from excellent qual- arc well made from good sertr ° ng K/ n I , i Ckel o?°; Ck t X ■* . . s 'x, I itv N.Z. pure wool flannel that MMmKI viceable tweeds in dark grey $ 22L 1 “ r « nC R/R Ze s^fi‘ Xo / I? tariff Wo X M - will give reliable wear. We have shade — just the quality for I C/Vl 676 ' ~ 6 lnck SlZe S?:A'sy / JKeHia,lll<tUlC • 'k assorted sizes and a good variety schoolboys’ wcar. Sizes 3to < ■1 ATTACHE CASES with \ff/ P fl O' of colours. fT7\ B Oaly 100 P air to ' clcar ’ ’ i twr g snfety Cl nickel W liaSfeV W. \M Frocks '/\ f Boys’N.Z-Tweed Suits, ' lock In Broivn fibre! /j T . W £2 T FOLKfe. j USUALLY 32/6 TO 39/6. ■ ;{/' 12 inch size 3/3. 14 inch * * * * V ' KZ / I 91 / ft sizc 3/9, 16 inch Bizo * * * * V ■ I 1 f| 4/6. ..IF la W/ I Parents will welcome this splen- ! L.;A >/ y S N^ap?°^rit S h “Berlei” Celanese Bloomers, Winceyette Nightgowns, what a marvellous time yon will 1 2 f? ti!e Toil4 handle and clip fastener. 5/6. 7/11. •‘'“V’T I’® 1 day!l Sizes 7to 16. Made j »' /V j I . Brown and Navy shades. Usually 13/6 pair! Imagine how of -00 lovely Evening Toc <s. g f rO m excellent all wool J LJ / / 7 inch sizc 1/11. 8 inch this Easter bargain will thrill our Your chance to secure cosy Winter In rich lustrous satins a gor- IV V Ij Tweeds and eut in smart sac j —L—JiK size 2/3. 9 inch sizc 2/9. customers! The famous “Borlci” Nighties at a wonderful saving I geous variety or styles every ack s i ia p C> Assorted shades, i L 10 inch size 3/-. Locknit Bloomers in a good fitting In soft winceyette and a good new fashion ™ uc “ uc e • t; gj 10p early for these I y - shape. Women’s and O.S. sizes. roomy fitting size. Well made Shades of Emerald, Red, Naples, . Wc have shades to match any and daintily trimmed round neck Black, Apricot, Flamo, g/-‘*“ , "~'~"*"* m ~****'***'"' 1! ——l i in i " frock. Only early shoppers will and sleev’es with silk lace and Persian, Rust. All sizes. share in this bargain. worked in soft pastel shades. g TllilFSdSiy 1 Fib Tl Easter Hosiery j Day £ \y J ® “ Star.” F“ ' I-™™”™"— I —■— a Special Offer in Fur |Kss| Wi-w Gifts b A I ww «mz- W 1 Necklets, from 8/11 to ’urlllS. * * * * £lOlO/ - ■ !’ KK///Y HU. eV IUU EM U I Tlrn.l, >s tu word l« taeribo 1»IU May. [| All w 1 fAahmm lloqp *l/3 z~x I this striking offer! What woman Mjfl > There is still.a splendid. P \ AH Wool Cashmere Hose, A/6. would willingly miss this op- tion ‘ „ the I RWA! a« ■” ©ox© ».<«».„..a., //] & Lassassaasa—- ■ fashionable shades and all sizes. BOX 309 |// V® |

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Southland Times, Issue 21659, 22 March 1932, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 21659, 22 March 1932, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 21659, 22 March 1932, Page 9