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TRADE FOR CASHS - - • And Save Money at the Big Departmental Store! s I , . II 8 A Wealth of Selection and a s i2/6 e eacT Olen Card,gans ’ I W ’ I Sur P risin 9 een Standard of. An attractive little woollen Cardigan is | JSKSA 1 & \ I Value awaits you in .... . sr IL., really an essential now that the cold days s/ / | Winwr sWifefei are here! These are very smart-show- W I » I® IV / Hw 2 ing in a variety of marl effects. Ex- 1 1 fl I C Hf'W iKfe WW 8 cellent wearing quality and in sizes S.W. y I I I;^.Uljj,/I . Hr® I||| and Women’s. \ K.S'iP®* 1 “ *“ lillw'’ W > I Trimmings jHSI Really /vKfHw I Alluring fiy Qy gay W g imitation fur trim-irJ'-'S'WiSItH/ i MS&SSwHmpHH ■ . WJv fifflr aHKr H MINGS ill Astrachan, 4in. lL J I 4 Opportunities ■ rujf H wide and shades of Grey, Brown, in . If I Mastic ’ Ni SB er and Black.. A REAL FUR COLLAR in ' , a TTnmrTXTtT I Prices 3/6 to 4/6 yard. Black and White effect. Boat B AUTUMN V /IItARTAM* I ST.aSKSI.SL'K jslfev . „ WWw lllkjW J IvLHf \V i IWO-TONE ASTRACHAN tremely smart for black coat. jJ . MsKfs 2 i W H TRIMMING in Browns and Pnce 13/6. ■M QaMp BMf 8 bhw r!/ijS.W4di : S I H Greys. 4 inches wide. Very JT M "" B sm ./ t for Autumn and Winter NORTH AMERICAN pPOSP J CHAMPAGNE KID GLOVES. Lined FABRIC GLOVES in long gauntlet I Coats or Brocks. SUM SETS — with boat shape 11 1 throughout. With fleccv lining and fin- style with fancy top and elastic at g Prirn 1,11 vnrd collars and plain cuffs. Shades hW'WZ WS'J '‘'f ! ished with cream fur on the inside of wrist. In dark tonings — a good g rnct. yoiu. of Sable, Silverette and Skunk. ft _ jdUß™ J..,. cuff - Wonderful quality for winter winter glove. All sizes. B In two sizes. wear - 111 g auntlct st - v!o with stra P Price 3/6 pair. | tmttatton sheared t-amr Prices .49/6 and 60/- per ' 3 <3llO round wrist. All sizes - gussets F g ™ A £IO: N SHEARED LAMB gjggg||g|g|g „ n.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiHtniiitiKiiiiiiiii.niiiiiiitiiiHiiiiiHiiiiKiiuiiKiin r b"' 1 ? I ''i'}'* ° 1 n/fi nnir BROWN NAFPA GLOVES with |i lar and pointed cuffs shades „ -MTrunrr a «:vr cm** fc IN OW 1(1/b pair. fringed gauntlet. Wonderful qual- ffl of Dark Brown and Grey. FLANK MUSQUASH SETS I HEAVY WEIGHT FABRIC GLOVES ity, just the thing for wear with | nlv at 19/fi two sizes. Boat shaped cola fy !• if with stitching on the outside of fin- costume or coat. Made in New Zea- B ® lar. and pointed cuffs. /A' r ?4. COmDinatlOn of 1 1 gers. Long gauntlet cuff and fancy land. All sizes. B Set. Prices 33/’ Bild 42/- per '"d’l, ii' i' 1 -- ‘ ■ 1 <I ” ""wT 15 VT -fi braid lacin S s - Smart suede appear- Price 16/6 pair, i Set. »/ O (fa’ll 'ID OTHO V oillD ance — ideal for winter wear. All g BWaHOlßisS® VVR dll llU V cllujc < sizes and Beaver and Fawn shades. , pp , Q t,OVES in Naw Very I IMITA T IOI J' xx J EE ? AD ? AI ? NATURAL LAMB AND i V- 1 .’‘>l E I' ' Price t/6 nair NAFPA GLOVLS in Navy Very W SETS with Butterfly shaped col- SHEARED LAME SETS with lEBWIWI MIS I a F 5/6 P fin - W gauntlet cuff and elastic at g lar d elbow cuffs . In G SCARED LAMB SETS with |gH| 1 ?‘ASW I BLACK AND WHITE KID GLOVES. wnst — also gussets m fingers. Made g . boat shaped collars and pointed Lj ~i .dijp ,H .U , Very fine kid in smart gauntlet style in New Zealand, all sizes. We also i y " ouffs. Smart Brown shades. 2 •» with white facings. All sizes. have Bottle Green in this line. g Price 14/9 per Set. PnceS 21/- and 21/9 Set. { . BilfllSWlW Price 12/6 pair. Price 17/6 pair. Frocks for Autumn, from 45/- to 69/6. I ~ These are ideal frocks for Autumn walking-out | S 8 wear, because of their excellent quality and i WKT 9 11 TO 1 _IJ Al h 0 s I Were all Excited about the - E assorted styles. Shades of Black, Brown, Navy, I I Green, Lido, Wine, Black and White, Navy and | | TX Y A i A 0 a New Autumn Fashions? 1 from 19/6 t» 50/6. 1 I You will feel smart and look smart when you •t 4 ’ llKialllF^KbM llw® UQ' wr •11 1i 1 J U tejajpMw We are sure you will be too, when you see them. E — some with the new Bouch Knot effects. We 1 F ’’s 1 *' be^s^wL 3 ~ >OU WIU havc | 11 < We think the new fashions are positively thrilling. The cute tricks they have M BkH j II II up their sleeves . . . for instance; the thoroughly modern way they have of I fe' sLl■ IMgS I CjL 5 <fe~> : moulding the figure above the waist and of making the hips look slim; the 50 Smart Autumn Coats, 59/6 each. f??/I clever lines they have in closing. There are the fabrics, too .. . they have a J This collection will meet with your entire ap- i way expensive and being practical (very feminine, that). And the provai. in beautiful Face Cloths and Flocked K&ij [4l^’ j TIT,, colours !.. . we won’t talk about those because we’re afraid of getting poetic MH'S | J™ & e MOCKS 01 ... but we’ll just pause to they combine and contrast beautifully. Any- a Sizes S.S.W., s.w., Women’s, w T .s., and O.S. rll 1 ’ • i way, come down and see our Fashion Show — you’ll be really thrilled, too. lurst, You must se’o these 1 ’ L r- ? ‘' because our fashions are the correct, wearable fashions you’ll always find here; i 3 i ® 'll. f ®| i w|J&SMdr JlRBh /ffWs la lire® and second, (to be mercenary for a moment) because the prices are so wonder- q 200 Face Ooth Coats, £5/19/6. 1 W W WM® g A wonderful selection — all fur trimmed and • I/ 8 .-j ‘*1 al „ 2 becoming styles with insets and graceful lines. *$ ! T-F 1 j S i I I 1 \ iTTII JuS tV r Manufacturers j Small Items . Big Values . m the y oll can tell at a ? 0 ‘ | T?'-. glance these are n tt"" , r /rn.l S' ROSLYN WHEELING. Suitable for knitting | By Illi IB BIW fitlift 1 1 s _________. f w.’ l | Q ua iitv Handba<» , s / Cr" 1 Scarlet, Pink, Blue, Saxe, White? Black, """" UICX-Jt. JL lb J XR.CA/LIIUL O K Brown, Heather, Green Heather, Helio and . Nav Y- i NECKLACES. We have just ALL BRASS SAFETY PINS. * * * * ® ffl | Price 1/lf Skein, or 8/9 per lb. I landed a beautiful selection of Three sizes. |g M ! | I Necklaces — suitable for day 3d per Card. . fl | DORIS KNITTING WOOL. For knitting ■ or evening wear. All the new- { 3 "Xk I | I berets. Mixtures of Red, Brown and White, j est tonings including Crystal. LATEST IN BELTS. We have 7 | ■ Green, Black and White, Blue, Fawn and 3 Assorted Prices. a huge variety just to hand — ’ f j Orange, Orange, Lemon and Fawn. ; a u shades — suitable for frocks J <- f p™ 2/3 Per eto . 1 I: 1 I HALCYON KNITTING WOOL. Ideal for knit- ’ NECKLACES thread , ln(] Rp([ , (lgo fieckcd in J S ! ■ tTnT children's clothes. Shades of White, bct'veen ea.h pearl Fawn, Blue, Green and Red. 2 I V A h\ V-1 r r ■ Blue, Green, Peach and Pink. 1 rice 1/11 2 hiring. Latest in Patent Leather — I 3 XI 1 1 Price lid per Skein. H Black with Bows — colours of : dWwilwW H 1 WASHING KNICKER ELAS- Red, Yellow, Blue and Green. ■ ■ /r L q SOFTA WOOL for knitting children’s garments S TIC — 3 yards on card, -with Prices range from 1/- to 1 j ■* •tv’W J ami bed jackets. Shades of Green, White, j or without threader. 6d CARD. 2/11 each. I V ’ A “I / M'ifflMk _X A F il Pink, Blue and reach. ; 6 yards for 9d. 6 yards.for ' I -JJ A X I ■ Price 1/3 per Skein. > i/-- knitting silk. Shades of ' X hr A B >' '• • Pale Pink, Blue and Ivory. i* >«*.-' ' ' . -J 2 *** I : F j AOTEA WOOL. Just to hand and in a beau- i HA IR CLASPS. A special 4 OZ. Hank for 1/6.' t '* ' ' -'/Zr?** J \ ZS/ Lt [> 3 tiful range of shades — Pale, Blue, Saxe, Light ; offer! A good variety of- .K \ v '*»H 'i X Zi// / S’ Il Fawn, Dark Fawn, Navy, Helio, Reseda, Pink, ! stvles. 2to 21 inch sizes. TAPE. 12 assorted widths. 3 L ■ , 7 \ / rj il Yellow, Orange, Scarlet, Red, Black, White, ‘ All 2jd each. 6d per Bundle. tflijMh-Jir*;X** 'A “* '* k , ' g-.. -eV - N X M t '1 Natural, Grey and Marls. >, ■Rbl<<„ ' V . e 1 Price 71d Skein, or 9/9 per lb. I ... - - teMMliiMr X. ? | h— — 23/6 6 | | ygggQgngaHHBBnMIMBISUBMKWB'SWUIKSBBiI I ( H V j Never has New Millinery been so £2OM worth of Beautiful | I Surprised ?, | > Keenly Priced. p Free Gif<jS to H > ::: I ... to learn that distinctive bags from 1 .* ... Customers! 1*“ l" I across the water could be only 23/6 ! |-| English-made Model Hats for Matrons — 9/11. | i> ? . , a (j” 1 I You ’ u bo twice as surprised when you Superior Hats and cleverly made from beautiful Satins, Silks and Vei- H j j g ee the TttlJ Street Window g | I I see the care with wh ch they are made J « vets. The smart model shapes are very distinctive and most oecommg. & , :-ij BOX 309 ** BOX 9 || . R fc Showing in smart shades of Black, Brown and Navy. Sec this at- ’ 5 I UlSplUy. 1 --- | ... and the quality. tractive table. ’ ? 1 ■

■ Bu V Ring Here 1 The Most Valued Possession THE DIAMOND KING ■ Our Stocks of Clear Sparkling Diamonds are the I BEST VALUE OBTAINABLE. g Our Rings are set by experts. All Rings marked in plain figures, “ N. J. M. REIN LTD. I InspeX.

MISS EM E MILLS. CHIROPODIST. (Late Collins Street, Melbourne). (Over Brown, Chemist). CORNER DEE AND SPEY STREETS. Corns, Ingrowing Toenails, Bunions, Flat Feet, Chilblains, Broken-down Arches, Weak Ankles, and all pedal defects successfully treated. Skin Eruptions ECZEMA Apply 2am- B u k nightly and you will soon be rid of that distressing skin trouble. Its refined herbal essences soak deep into the tissues, uproot disease, and promote ths growth of new, healthy skin. /am-Buk

WHY YOU FEEL. RUN DOWN. It is because of these times of anxiety and stress that little complaints begin to creep into your system. And now, more than at any other time, they are least wanted. Are you beginning to worry, feel restless and depressed ? Have you noticed that your digestion is getting troublesome—flatulence and pains occurring after meals? Perhaps you feel a twinge here and ache there, and you seem to be living in an atmosphere of strain and nerviness. This is the mental and physical suffering of being “run-down,” a state of health that readily responds to the revitalising influence of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. By enriching and building up the blood Dr. Williamfl’ Pink Pills quickly banish nervousness, headaches and worry. Their tonic effect is soon felt in increased appetite, better digestion, steady nerves and a firmer grip and brighter outlook on life. Of chemists and stores. —Advt.

LIFT the Dirt out of clothes quickly and easily with I.X.L. Borax Washing Powder. 2d.

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Southland Times, Issue 21648, 9 March 1932, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 21648, 9 March 1932, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 21648, 9 March 1932, Page 7