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Ladies’ Velvet Frocks, Ladies’ Aprons, from ®5/-. from 3/6. fllrrW ASaHST NEZ The most becoming designs wMB Delightfully made little Floral and colours are featured in ■HI ' firff W®. KhH Velvet Frocks in the popular these charming little Aprons Hi and fashionable flared and we have both light and dark |mK*l /tx 4 frilled styles and finished with colours and the aprons are made silk and lace collars. A very from good washing materials. / fwfeqS QnBKI useful little frock for afternoon Specially priced at 3/6 eaeh. wear. Priced from 65/- each. Usually 4/6 and 4/11. . . ■ i iBWk JBF ‘ SSLII HB-A fMbHL vW ' Ladies’ Leatherette Coats Bargains in Silks, Rfwl rcWffil “iHMIik \_Z 32/6 each. 1/11 yard.. vlwliy 'jiSl r?H Se Leatherette CoatsXre Spot Ninons” Morocrrins, Floral ■ AW/ V exceptionally popular each. Our Price 32/6 each. duced to c](jar 1/u yafd . ' fTT' U A < 1 6 £ TTl>ll Coloured Bordered Break- Horrockses Twilled Flannelhpk hflprle ann FMIIP/X ■ fast Cloths, 2/11 each. ette, 1/6 yard. illG IWUb ailU DIUVd Attractive coloured Bordered XX°t7 Breakfast Cloths m splendid . vx utu+a clear in a 36 meh width —in ■Momentous Contest! ggrHS Large Sized Towels, — Ladies’ Brassieres, Fast drawing to a close ! Just six more days... 3 / 6 P air - 1/6 - and what has been recognised as one of the most I wife — splendid quality Eng- I I usual. Brassieres in strong , . . 1 • • 1 ...11l La nnof and lish made Towels in a large pink coutil — back fastening dramatic events m our History win oe pasi ana I size and in a good range of fast I g style and splendid fitting. Sizes gone. “Past and gone!” ... There is a finality I 4/11 pair. Special Offer | I 2/6. Now as S a Special Offer about these words that suggests prompt action 3/6 pall, they arc 1/6 ' if you would take advantage of the extraordin- ■ ary savings. Assortments have been kept fresh striped Pyjama Cloth, Down Quilts - Double and new. You may come Monday with the ut- , 1/6 yard or Bed size, 19/6 each, most confidence of saving considerably. I .36 inch Striped Pyjama Cloth I | Just landed ! 50 only double , in an excellent quality for win- bed Down Quilts well filled with ter wear — we have a good wool down and covered with Day in and day out for the last three weeks . the “Reds” and “Blues” have striven to offer the | Special Offer" 1/6 yard or 5 | g quilt for these cold nights. Our best values, give the best service, and so make yards for 6/11 ‘ price 19/6 cach ~ the most progress. At time of writing the z “Reds” have but a slight lead so that the “Blues” ' „ , r rw have every chance of catching up this week. Boys s> Singlets, 3/6. Both camps will be fighting hard — sensational | Shirts made'from Grey Union | I ter wear'and very good wear- , -1 „ j PTTV TMAW ! in either canoe or polo shapes. ing. We have sizes to fit boys values Will be Olleiecl. JtSU I INWV . A n sizes t 0 fit boys f rom 3 to 6to 14 years. Mothers will 16 years. Our Special Price welcome our Special Priee of 4/11 all sizes. 3/6 each. ALL ITEMS ARE “H.J.S.” “ZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZ DEPENDABLE QUALITY I « 1 /6 Fhn " d8 ’ Boys ’ “ jMseys ’ Particularly good quality and Good quality Football Jerseys very warm all wool Flannels in in High and Technical College Ai-u , Quite Astrachan. 1/11 yard. Grey and Shetland shades. Sizes colours — made from a splenChlldren S Wool Tunic S , Splendid quality As,trachan — just the thing to fit boys sto 8 years at 4/6, did weight cotton. Our Speefrom 8/6. ~ children’s eoats. It is in a 54 inch ages 9to 12 years at 4/9 and ml Price 8/11. Larger sizes We have just opened a large quantity ot width in shades of Brown and Mole. Ex- Youths sizes 4/11 each. 9/11 each, eosy and smart little Woo Hen Tunic Suits for traordinarily low priced at 1/11 yard. ■ ~ boys in attractive shades of Red, Grey, fawn . 0 Green, Brown and Navy. In sizes to fit ages rnntino-q from 6/11 1 VirSi °"' '• a » inch and IU/o suit. width. Suitable for coats or costumes. Shades of Brown, Grey, Blue, Fawn and T.ariip«’ T) and A Cor- ! Children’s Fleecy-lined Stockinette anTs/n yard. 8 ’ ° Ur SpGCial selettes, 6/11. I Men’s Pyjamas, 6/11. Frocks, 2/11 each. . „ .. J -kt ■^■ n el t ra special line D. I splendid Winter weight pyAlso this wonderful line of dainty little Heavy Tweed Coatings and Nap and A. Corselettes in a perfect I jama in a smart selection of the Fleecy-lined Stockinette Crocks for girls has Veleur, 6/11. - fitting style — and made from | j atest stripes . Th i s qualityjust come to hand —in lawn, brown, Greens, Tweed Coatings and Nap Ve- strong pink coutil with four sus- | usually sells at 8/11. Our' SpccHelio, Navy and Saxe shades and will make up very smartly. They I penders. Sizes 34 to 40. Usu- 9 I Price is 6/11. 2to 4 7 ear nLi are in 56 inch width in shades of Navy, Mid ally 16/6. Our price 6/11. ! With Bloomers to match 3/3 Set. Grey, Dark Grey, Heather Mixtures. They »l bm— maa were bought at a discount which enables us tt T rn J to offer them at 6/11 yard. Worth 13/6 yard. Maids’ Roslyn Tweed Coats, from 22/6. f Costume Worsteds, 8/11. 111 s XX ab S Thc d T gns and colours 0f I th r S stinc^vc Ume Men’s Tweed Overcoats, Men’s All Wool UnderRoslyn Coats are just the ining lor wnnei Worsteds are very new and distinctive — . 0/11 wear — they are finished with smart lapel and are 54 j nE hes wide and regularly sell at OU/-. pants, O/-UI. scarf collars and come in sizes 22 to 26 meh J2 A and 15 ; 6 d Our Special Price 8/11 Exceptionally smart Tweed Colonial all wool Underpants m to fit ages 4to -8 years. Our Prices 22/6, yard Overcoats in both single and a good medium weight and 23/6 and 25/- eaeh. . double breasted styles — the Natural shade. Also we have -PlnT-al Vplvpf<s 16/6 vard latest shades of Brown, Blue Singlets to match in the same Children’s and Maids’ Felt Hats, Beautiful and charming are these Printed I a e’ acb | | i3/*6 l r b™uriful I S eleetion of Children’s and Maids’ S'qLSy We are' making”" can 8/n per garment. O.S. sizes Felt Hats in thc daintiest styles and special offer of these most popular fabrics . ’ P S colours you have seen this season —headfits • — 16/6 yard. for ages from 2 to 12 years. Specially priced from 3/11 to 7/n each. Heavy Art Silk Morocains, 6/11 yd. . A sensational offer of Heavy Art Silk Moro- , Ladies’ Fabric Gloves, 1/6 pair. Cains in dainty shades for evening wear or day ? Exceptionally smart Fabric Gloves with neat —Delph, Autumn Brown, Leaf Green, Beige, Ladies’ Velour Hats, Matrons’ Hats, straight and turned back cuffs — we have Lemon, Cocoa, Lime,. Cherry, Rose, Apricot, from 19/6 from 12/6 each 150 dozen pair to choose from in the newest pink, Royale, Grey, Turquoise, Navy and aU Qur E ' ligh rrench shades of Sunray, Beavers Pastel Beige Black-. This material has a new erepe finish Austrian Valour’ Hats, Seldon, can we offer to matrons Fawns Putty, Greys, Sand and Black wiH tlmt is very effective and is 36 inches in are thc ]agt wofd - n so attractive a line as this speeWhite Points. Sizes 6 61, 6J, 7, 71 and 7*. width Worth 8/11 and 9/11 yard. Special smartness when worn with the i a l purchase of Matrons’ Hats See the display table of these Gloves in tc. Offer 6/11 yard. present popular tailor-made. in Satin and Velvet and smartFancy Department for price am va tie c, • . „ They are showing in fashion- ,) y finished with pin ornaments they are the best line we have yet o ered in Ladies Dress Skirts, 7/6. able shades of Brown, Navy, O r sprav mounts. Colours of Gloves. Your choice 1/6 pair. Smart in appearance and most economical wine Bottle, Fawn, Saxe and Sable Brown, Black and Navy. TT . . are these neat Tweed Dress Skirts, made from Light ' Greeni Regularly pric- Usually 25/- and 29/6. Our Maids’ Cashmere Hose, 1/111 pair. mixed Tweeds in assorted colourings of Beige cd from 2 5/- to 39/6 eaeh. Now Special Prices 12/6 and 15/6 Another line that is one of the greatest bar- an d Brown and aeeordeon pleated —- Our reduced to 19/6 to 29/6 eaeh. each, gains our Hosiery Section has yet offered. price 7/6. Lengths of 26, 28 and 30 inches. Splendid wearing 1/1 ribbed all pure wool Usually 12/6. each. Cashmere Hose for Maids. Sizes Itos to > nt ages 3to ii years. Smart shades of Ladies’ Evening Frocks, 29/6. Champagne, Nude, Flesh, Blush, Beige, Fawn, Exceedingly Ipvely are these Evening Frocks Light Grey, Almond and Light Fawn. Our and their charm is enhanced by the Blues Offer of 1/111 pair for all sizes is less than special Half Price Offer. Regularly they Ladies’ Smart Felt Models, Chinese Matting Squares, half the usual price. would be 60/- — now they are 29/6. Sizes 15/6 each. 19/6 each. , . to fit small and medium figures and all the This range of Ladies’Felt Mod- 20 only Chinese Matting Squares Ladies Neckwear, 1/11. latest colours. C J S j s unusually smart — they in a heavy twisted quality — An extraordinary purchase of Ladies’ Neck- are genuine hand-made Felts, smartly patterned with Cream wear (150 dozen) including Guipure Collars, , , i /(t an d the styles and colours are ground and mixed coloured borcollars and cuffs, needlerun collars, needlerun Ladies OveTSOCKS, 1/D. very charming and new. Usu- ders and medallion centres, collars and cuff sets as well as Pompadour or Just what you need and note the sensational aUy thcy ael] at 29 / 6 eachj but Suitable for any room in size two tone effects in collars — .vorth up to 5/6 value Ladies’ Oversocks (Rosedale make) owing to a Special Purchase we 9by 9. Reduced to half priee - Special Price 1/11. in shades of Grey, Fawn, Beige, Putty, Mar- ff th t lg/6 eacl ' 9/6 h ten and Silver — worth 3/11 — Half Price Ladies’ Garters, 1/3 pair. Special 1/6 pair. Another - line specially purchased from a ' , Northern Warehouse — it will cause a great , o/n sensation amongst keen shoppers — the very Ladies bcarves, 2/11. latest Garters in Green, Blue, Pink and Lav- Blues will thrill their supporters with this ■ ender shades with rosettes and flower sprays special Half Price offer — Silk and/ Wool Men’s Neglige Shirts, Ladies’ Ready to Wear ■ Regularly 2/3 and 3/6 pair. Half Price Knitted Scarves in a good selection of new .. 1 Felts, 9/11 each. Special at 1/3 pair. ■ Winter shades — worth 5/6 — now 2/11 each. o/ax. . „ , You could not imagine a shade Neglige Shirts with collars to we have not got in this co) i ec . W Y 'lie X Hl T 7 “ at , ch ln a . host - Of ? IIC L atest tion of smart little blocked H » B [ Rk I # WWW// ® ± adGS . stn P ed j cffects - Ready to Wears — also the ffl- I I Iff IW, I 1 WW / W These shirts are made m our styleB featured are very new and ■ I ♦ ■ I Ukl fei H WM/ own factory to a special pattern. becoming. A -very specially Iffljß © ° ur Special Pr,ce 6/11 eaeh ‘ P riced line at 9/11 eath - ‘ Half Socks, Hose, 1U9.« A'"** “■ ' a money-saving bolt from the The regular selling price of this BMMaMdMMuuMEB. • x— Blues — Children’s Half Socks pure thread Silk Hose reinforced rHj MsnraaßaraMMßß in silk and wool and wool and with art silk was 5/11 pair — Ilk S ( cotton mixtures — all good as a Half Price Special the price shades in sizes 2 to 6 (to fit goes down to 2/11 pair. There ' children from 1J to 5 years) a are shades of Sunburn, Peach, 'O'"* really extraordinary Half Price Dawn, Sunset, Airedale and P.O. ■'’‘Mull iWWHf a ND 1 ' RO. Offer at 1/- pair. Blonde. 80X309 AH BOX 9 '

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Southland Times, Issue 21092, 26 May 1930, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Southland Times, Issue 21092, 26 May 1930, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Southland Times, Issue 21092, 26 May 1930, Page 9