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■m/sr® -0 ' rva Show uour friends floral rayons, i/ii. ladies’.neckwear, 2/6. gramophone records. “What I like most Al* fl IASIPiITI/JA We have all the newest of the sea- When our Managing Director, Mr 6d, I/-and 1/6. ahout H and T IIIIQ ■ OUuliner clearance announcementl nl LVa m £. w. b„. „ M l8 ,»oth. En !&h the spirit , k „ , „ S^M«'2 h “i’aT/u , A b r7. h?,?2ZE n 'A R » t l °htt !l Z of cordial welcome Let others know how much Sale Price l/ll yard. Guipure Collars, Cuipure Collar and ’ ’ . that greets me every money can be saved by shopping Cuff Sets, Vestee Fronts in Crepe- ers w fi° have not so far shared in , by Mail Order with the South Is- isnirc nprct citidtc «/n de-Chene, Crepe-de-Chene Collars, this extraordinary opportunity— time 1 enter the Store. JMA ■_ J/KBR land Mail Order House. Tell them Exceptiona || y smart Ac ' eordMn ga'ndi - that we guarantee absolute satis- Pleated Dress Skirts in attractive traordinary was the value that we Slze sells at 6d each. The 10 inch j inlaCe to shop and & jjHHyfIHF faction or refund the money. Do mixed Tweeds of assorted colour- sold the lot in less than a week. size at I/- each and the 12 inch , . H - nfErc *„„ i, .h- • ings—just the skirt to wear with a Now we have another supply from size at 1/6 each. Add the extra their DTICCS ’are alflu yOur fr,ends a ‘ avour fa y showing jumper. Usually 12/6. Sale Price the same people—ail one price 2/6 amount for freight on all Mail ir 1 a,, them these wonderfully low prices. 8/11. each. Don’t miss this Orders. Ways tile IOWCSt. Wilton Hall Runners from 8/6 yard Cretonnes and Sateens, 9d and 1/- - Very attractive colourings—Grey grounds with Pink and Blue 50 pieces of Lovely Cretonnes and Sateens —a Special Northern FLORAL SILK NINON, 3/11. designs and Key borders. The 224 inch width Sale Priced at purchase—they are in 31 and 36 inch widths. Sale Prices 9d 80 pieces of Floral Art Silk Ninon 8/6 yard and the 27 inch width at 10/6 yard. and 1/- yard. in a 36 inch width—all the latest designs and colourings to choose .. • LJLI Supper Cloths 2/6 each Curtain Nets from 1/9 8/°iT _ yard ally saie ld prici 3/n’yard*. J A special offer in all lace scalloped edged Supper Cloths in 30 Beautiful all silk Fadeless Curtain Nets, in attractive colours i by 30 inch size—very good quality and sold usually at 4/6. of Gold, Helio and Blue. These are an excellent quality that Sale Price, 30 only to clear, 2/6 each. sell usually at 4/9 and 6/6 yard. Sale Prices 1/9 and 2/6 yard. TPItiO OUrl ufO lIF Union Forfar 10%d. White Bath Towels 5/6 pair nI TXT' ri amnfi vn I '-L JI IIC If B ujr ULJI i This is a very strong quality made in Scotland—the width is 27 For a Final Clearance! Beautiful White Bath Towels in a good “. ni.,. r m.n w* inches and regularly the price is 1/3 yard. Now as a Special size-Plain White and Coloured headings. Usually sold at 7/11 Superior quality Navy Bazer Flan- | , 0, « | SJ. Offer th. price is 10. d y.rff, „d « pel,. Sped.l Sal. Erie. 5/S p*. J.guSl, « h UI.OSL SUCCeSSXUjI ’ Table Runners 2/6 Quick Boiling Tin Kettles fromdd. ya r d . y “ d ‘ Slls pr ‘“ n °* 3,11 | A splendid assortment of Table Runners, in Linen, Crash, and These handy little Tin Kettles boil very quickly and save time, i. ? wi >. • -wr -y ‘ Titian Cloth—they are fringed, have Cream Linen embroidery gas and coal. Sale Prices are as follows:—! pint size, usually H_J/ z-M-a-«p«x '»/ ■BkO I and are finished -with Coloured Hemstitched borders. Usually 4/6 1/—for 9d; 2 pint size, usually 1/3—for 1/-; 3 pint size, usu- ; Ify lUI iH r t) H C_yOL f ' t 0 eac h. Sale Price 2/6 each. ally 1/6—for 1/3; 4 pint size, usually 1/9—for 1/6. p— • ■—■■■■mwii ! ' English China Tea Sets 19/6 Ladies’ Shetland Wool Bodices 1/6 6 Wor*- ! II H I*o Hl TOl Iwl 4T>O H® Don’t miss seeing this wonderful line of English China Teasets We have only a few dozen of these excellent Shetland Wool tedthe width is 54 inches and |l ® | jfi] W I ’tji BlP“xTj H —there are 21 pieces. Usual price 30/- Set. Sale Price 19/6 Bodices left—they are in sleeveless style and sell usually at 4/11 there are all the best of colourings JLf JL ML' V v kJ A. v C-'tML'JiL Set. each. Sale Price 1/6 each. anc j designs to select from. Usually Ladies’ “Ladderproof" Silk Woven Ladies’“Berlei" Corselettes 15/6 15/6 S *" 6/ " . ouinmnuiiwiHiituniuHitiiiiintinuiuuuiiiniHiniumiinuHiutiHumuHuuiHinuHiitiiiiiuHniiiu | rZLOOTTierR n/n i i • r f n ,• n i', • ~ r . • , , ( , s i A/tviw/i&r o u/ v A clearing line of Berlei Corselettes in an excellently fatting style. ; These are a beautiful superior quality with dainty garter finish Made of Pink Broche with silk elastic panels on hips and 'I I at knee. We have Women’s and O.S. sizes. Shades of Biscuit, Swami Brassiere, also elastic shoulder straps. Sizes 32 to 38. > «nt«' itNBFRSKIRTS 4/ 1 1 "W" Rose Beige, Black, Pink and Almond Green. Usually 12/6 and Usually 25/-. Sale Price 15/6. Snlendid quality Fuji and' Cotton !! nK I .-II- i 13/6- SaloPnce6/ 6- , Fuji Underskirts in the popular OW TOT 1 > Ladies’Cotton Woven Chemise Vests 1/6 I 1 W The last few dozen of these Cotton Woven Chemise Vests to clear and in Men’s size only-short sleeves. Usually sold at 11/6 stitching. Usually 9/11. Sale Price i H f V —a good roomy size in sleeveless style. Usually sold at 2/11 g a ] e p r j ce 7 /g eac ]j 4/11. | ; each. Sale Price 1/6 each. ' ‘ . ... Men’s Shirt Bargains Men’s Sports Suits 27/6 s nil IM ® R Twist Working Shirts, usually 5/11—now 3/11; Twist Working Made from all wool Roslyn Tweeds in Dark shades—first-class ■ i ’ B RM/Bk -df-WUM rf’-'M 3 Shirts, usually 7/11—now 5/11; Band Cambric Shirts, usually linings throughout—sizes 3,4, 5 only. These are the best value LADIES' COATS, 29/6. BiSk ® H Iw® HHi ©jß la swill — now 3/11; Collar to match Shirts, usually 10/6 and 12/6 we have ever offered, and the Suits are well worth 75/- each. Don't forget to inspect this stand of M S'A TfifiFl 111 - .//pl M W II WBX —now 7/6. Sale Price 27/6 each. ,» Assorted Coats, in Silks, Repps, i I 111 JF wLJIu Ifi M Jib M. Hitik J Tweeds—in assorted colours and sizes. Priced regularly from £4 < P I ‘ 10/-. Sale Price 29/6. t*' > , I Millinery I j No Middleman’s ' ;; i. Our Business Year ends on February | all to clear i! J Profit I More Wonderful 19, and as it has been easily the most I Hosiery 1/11 5/11 12/6 Our Bedding MUI sells direct to the “Seconds”! ; i customers in no uncertain manner. Public. | « The facts are simply these: Our Millinery Salon has 30,1 DOZEN PA,RS JUST mnetf bp YPrhtCPrl and PVPm decided, as the end of their business year is fast approach- KapOC and Flock at Wholesale Rates I RECEIVED. ! j MOCKS must oe reaucea ana every jng> t 0 ho|d the molt wonderfU | Mi |ii nery sale—with low ; department will contribute its share | prices unheard of heretofore! I | of epoch-making bargains. Our aim AII the hundreds of Hats in the De p artmi . nt have be en best pure samerang kapoc, cleaned of an sand is to make this year’s Mid-Summer gathered into three groups—At l/l I, 5/11 and 12/6 each. and seeds in our own mill. Sold in any quantity at 1/3 A /-d H pij Think of the richness of the choice, the scores of examples per lb. ZJL/ I I J : Clearance Sale not only the largest, of s ty| e and beauty-and think of the amazing low prices X X i but the greatest of its kind that has and hurry to Smith's! PURE MILL WOOL, from New Zealand Woollen Mills. . , w . AT . For Bedding, Cushions, etc. 8d lb. We have the Southland rights for ; ever been held. New surprises, new straw ready-to-wears, usually io/g up to is/g i; I selling Hosiery “seconds” from three ' values new savings will greet UOU on each - SALE PR| CE I/ii each. UNION FLOCK, a mixture of wool and cotton. 5d lb. New Zealand Mills, and 300 dozen < , n.P , y n, . pairs of these extraordinary barevery hand on Thursday. Plan to READY-TO-WEARS AND SEMI-TRIMMED HATS, SILKEEN, a mixture of Kapoc and Cotton. Very suit- gains have just arrived. attend f We want UOU with US ! usually 15/6 up to 25/- each. SALE PRICE 5/ll each. able for Cushions. I/- lb. While they have been stamped „ J “seconds” by the critical inspectors Save—by purchasing frequently and TRIMMED AND MODEL MILLINERY-all colours— CUSHIEDOWN, selected soft wool, specially milled and of these mills, not a pair is in any I Jihovnlhi CnniP f usually 25/- each up to 45/- each. curled—will not lump. lOd lb. sense defective so far as actual Lioeiauy I- come . SALE PRICE TO CLEAR 12/6. service is concerned—a tiny mar in i ; Man™™-™—-TO,™-, TOUMmMaHHamwiraiannnnraminnnsiaimaiMimwaiaauaunmraßiaaHMraiii Weave, perhapsi—unimportant ! iiixir!Mii>iHhttHi»<innnninweHiunmnmuiiumniißwnnnnwnn»fwi><Hniiiuni.'r!iu»innnn(» umtoim— imperfections such as only an eki pert would notice in many inMen’s Socks 1/- Maids and Misses Cotton Frcoks 3/11 stances. ii x-x-w-r B-fc -ft- nwi Mi n Medium weight ribbed Socks, in Dark shade—Men’s size—very Smartly cut Maids’ and Misses' Cotton Frocks, in sizes 18 to 36 „ . r t*l I ¥/ 3 riß&i bSra H u* 88 Zh fiard wearing cotton and wool mixture. Priced usually at 109 inches. Made from excellent quality material and bought up We sell the first qualities of these | X v tL/ V x/X RZ’L/A’LFA V/ ow g a [ e a f f/_ p a j r- North at special rates. Usually 5/11 to 9/11. Sale Price 3/11. H° se a \™ ’ A., , an “—uJ. | AND WE SELL THE SECo QonriTinea Navy Blazers 7/n Children’s and Maids’ Knickers 1/6 4 0 /i? S p’air-thaf / s ll the wli’.f ■h W|o i * O Sdl V 8 aliy n ' A special purchase of Girls’ Navy Blazers trimmed with assorted These are a very good quality in’ Dark Navy and Fleecy lined. ga j n$ they are! ! KJWL’VAH. tUit' V kJ coloured cords, sizes to fit ages 7to IS years. Very good fit- Usually priced at 2/3 and 2/6 pair. Sale Price—l/6 pair. i ting. Usually 11/6 to 15/6. Sale Price 7/11. ing—l/6 pair. ' THE NEW AUTUMN SHADES OPPTI OTTPrPtfI Children’s Half Cotton Socks 9d. English China Dinner Sets 45/- AR ment just received! A t/O Iv-il » CwJL lU V, w 111 ’’U'JL JL l-'jL I-,'L< Children’s Half Cotton Socks, in Fawn shades —sizes 3,4, 5 and 6. Beautiful English China Dinner Sets that sell usually at 60/j ' Worth much more than the Special Sale Price of 9d pair. Set. Now to be sacrificed at the Special Sale Price of 45/- Set. to flip Public ! Ladies’Fabric Gloves 1/6 Crepe-de-Chene Scarves 4/6 ladies’frocks 45/-. -EL WIRJAJL'k/ © Smart Fabric Gloves with neat little turn over cuff—sizes 6j, 62, Lovely Crepe-de-Chene Scarves, in all the fashionable colourings Very fashionable and attractive i■ ! J ij ■ 7, 72, 71. Shades of Modes, Pastel and Beavers. Usually sold at an d also in attractive spotted effects see the display in the Georgette and Crepe-de-Chene I 3/6 pair. Sale Price 1/6 pair. Fancy .Section. Regular price 6/6. Sale Price 4/6. Frocks jn newMt colourings and S tj; »«»•,« /« designs—well worth £4 4/-. Special ' : 7? ’8 CT 1/11 Boys Shirts 2/6 Sale Price 45/- each. J? » . DOyS 4 llOSe l/ll Boys’ Shirts with collars attached in all sizes from 10 to 141. — hum nnl ww-r-in ti-»-* Another of Smith’s sensations —Boys' J Hose, all wool, made These have White grounds with Black, Blue or Fancy stripes. ! 1 OPTP Wl H Occ Ort S LftfliriS in England, sizes 5t09 at 1/11 per pair. Tans, Greys and Black Guaranteed by H. &J. Smith Ltd. All sizes at 2/6 each. —■ JLIIVJLV VV J.AJL AJV/ U.AIIC shades-usually sold at 3/6-Sale Price 1/11. 1 for everybody everyIUI cvciyuuuy CVCIJ Children’s Knickers !/■ whIPFP II TH TnP Qi Children’s Cotton Knickers with art silk stripe—a good shape— Mid Grey shades. Beautifully, made and finished with special w 9 e H wort ’ h the'usual price of 35/-. ? VT Aa.xZjJL’C' JLI.I. t/XIV/ V . -an. I 4 O TT u . features—Hymo fronts —reinforced elbows and double seats. Sizes Dp .;-a iq/r t m Cream and colours-sizes to fit ages Ito 8 years. Usually 7to 12> ug > al price 55/ . ; Sale Price 50/ . ; gizes 13 fo 16 , ugual Sale Pnce 19/6 each. j 1 TH fiTl ITS OiT t 0 a ' r ' P” o * r ' ce Unconditionally guaranteed. j Thursday! IIH l One Trial Makes a Permanent Cus- I I DON'T MISS THIS LINE. | SUMMER DRESS MATERIALS, I g LADIES' THREE PIECE SUITS. I I in ji i’ tomer. Post an order to us and you i/ J M/a WAllln FilrnAF I will be convinced that for Quality, SILKS, 2/11. '■ 29/6. Wv WvUlll idtllvl ~ Value and True Satisfaction, you f ,Li.. mh should always shop by mail order . „ j m ■ l -j mnVn o Qqla T& /S’ ® 1 with Southland's Big Department Come and see this table of Plain, terials, 28 and 38 inches wide We have on) seyen of thMe smart HOI llldlKv d 0dl“ Mid-Summer Clearance s “ re - r; /v”,*? * + , , _ IV-kiJiu. K7i*aiaaaaV'> vivui uui.V'V' The aB 38 ,„ h „ „ lde and ,„„i a ,i, Pcpllm Engliih Crepe and Brtty Oy „, r lhaJ , and re | ieyri „ ith jhan make one two stores are—Box 309. Invercar- sel * at 5/11 to 12/6 / ard - Now the Prints. Usually 1/6 to 2/11 yard. | sorted tonmgs of silk—medium size gill, or Box 9, Gore. Sale Price to clear is 2/11 yard. Sale Price all I/- yard. —usually £5 7/6—Sale Price 29/6. foj* file BuyCT tO jmHF i— —— regret — dt Truths that Guide us —- V “That quality is everlasting, value paramount, and that service must be foreRO. most. That honesty and sincerity are the very soul and body of achievement. BOX 309 That the satisfaction of the customer is our first consideration.”

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Southland Times, Issue 21000, 5 February 1930, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 21000, 5 February 1930, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 21000, 5 February 1930, Page 7