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BOYS’ SAC OR SPORTS gfty -gfe, BOYS ’ G ° LF HOSE ’ 2/6 * . SUITS ’ 2SA ~ I All school colours in. one tone I Splendid wearing suits in either iMW MMHI — Red, White, Blue, Green and Sports College shape. (JHr sb 9m' Gold and a few pair in Red and Browns, Light, Mid and Dark iMBR MK Mg flu j HSH &Mi V H. Ilf 151110 nnd Gold 1111(1 Blue. Sizes Grey shades to choose from. MBH IK ■ b IUM MB ■ ® I pl w'J 151 Ml fiHl ® HH H R mJ). MB 4to 9 These arc* guaranteed All sizes from 4t016t0 go at IMWi MIW HI « LWJ? Bl 1I 4 tri Pl KOO 0 W all woo! N.Z. made Hose that H the Special Week-end price of, - sell usually at 3/3 to 4/3. d 25/- each. This is ono of the’ I NiyjjJj. Special week-end price for all | best Boys’ wear values in tho g ’ - V ’ s j ZCB) 2 / 6 pa i r< |i whole Dominion. | ?! Genuine Mosgiel Worsteds! our men’s tailor, mr a. fraser ■ LSSX IS STILL TAKING ORDERS FOR H ‘ & J ‘ SMITH ’ S TAILOR MADE OUiy Wk Great Chart to Measure Suit CHRISTMAS SUITS < 1 < as 1 W ■ ’ ORDER AT ONCE! /\W be wise _ order at once: « ' « 6. A /*•» • • MW Men! Christmas isn’t so far away /l ra Wk The inevitable rush and bustle of A&kw? J® SriGtybllfnr* and here you have the chance to secure i O W-Iwyjla approaching Holiday season is ' your Christmas Suit at a substantial $ Jj| iy \ W'u already upon our Tailoring Department, saving. This is due to a most fortun- 0 31 H \V’/ il& i i but due to our efficient organisation we aSSt yAL-zY a^e purchase of genuine Mosgiel Wor- F *S k || can still orders for December des * ed Suitings. We pass the benefit on | I iK livery. * to our customers. j ft NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER z. . . L ve. -z L ir c your • CHRISTMAS suit ’ 1 \ Come in and see these superb Suit- Bk W * >X A ™ - T I WwHk. v \ ings and let us take,your measurements. I■ |[ nn/nwn Tnilnrinu Your Suit will be made in a reliable If . Ml Suits madejn our own Tailoring VL\ Northern Clothing Factory. We guar- ' ® '• '4 Workrooms herein st | u V /V \Kx “ perfect fit and absolute satisfac- 1 K D « „ffe r ’values of Hie first AX& CX / • g. I A magnitude. . _ W\jZ Look at the calendar — see how /M | Absolute satisfaction or money renear Christmas is — COME AT ONCE ! funded ’ Come in to ' day ! Saturday -Shopping Carnival I GIGANTIC PRICE SMASHING CAMPAIGN FOR EARLY CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS. (|t Our Bargain Competition " a Diff erence a Ih Am Closes Saturday, November 30. Are the Progressive the HOOVER makes! J|L I gMwffil *♦* Trt«n P I wnwnknftM What a difference you can make in your Ij* AVA VWMB H H t ❖ SEND IN YOUR ENTRY 163 UHIUOfI I Summer cleaning !No more hot, tiring <♦ /A /z|!l \MSl|ik Vi HJ Ml TtTz-iTirr » sweeping and dusting. No more days wholly £ /W\ JA||F mJA tsn/ MscM NOW / Oorime a spent in battling summer’s dust. With the «♦, VaJ VA <YI/ WrY*® IWySMS a iJilVvCao o Hoover to aid you, your cleaning tasks can \ p «WjHF VP / I Our great Bargain Competition closes be shortened by hours — and your efforts < \ ' ■ ' ft iII 4 *? definitely on Saturday, November 30th — lightened amazingly. J I | Hl i so now is the time to send in your entry it’s fun to answer an easy question ' , 10/111 Jug EOS ❖ coupon. — but truly we do it modestly. For the Hoover cleans faster, cleans ❖ a'l AA r Read the ten bargain items in our more easily — cleans more thoroughly. Re- ♦♦♦ IwWl W /Oil t Booklet carefully and place them in what JA d p e r e toTin th? laS peated tests demonstrate unmistakably this Wg|k ig || / il \ I ❖ y° u bcli eve to tie their correct order of ttweeZ e e - * (]g|g Hglg I 11 *** merit. The coupon (contained in the book- sands of people have answered it for tions the Hoover removes more dirt per | ||| |ij W 11 ❖ i e t) must be used. us by regularly visiting the Tearooms. minute than other cleaners. n ♦♦♦ |H||| |v WgT it ❖ . chan s^? e “iX fo/those 1 Here a atmosp . here “ d Why not have a demonstration in your ❖ |3 id 11 11 ) W *: cnandise prizes tor tnose wno sen ain me wholesome food. Here are tempting ? Tdpnimnn nc tn ❖ *s9 Kiff OS Wl ' v # ❖ best entries! dishes and wholesome food. Here is own home ? Telephone us to-day. • gV Qdlfnrdltav SSnPPialc Come in and see the Ten Competition a kitchen as neat as a pirn Here are .ojjpjHfesSßssa JMIUrUdJ optudlb . £ Bargains — they are all prominently dis- cooks who know the culinary art. a j a ‘ 1 7 mi Ti/r, ll t played in their respective Departments. Not is it less important to consider ❖ SatlirdaV bpCCiaiS ! Ine IVianlle onowroom. X that every bit of pastry is a product ❖ lof our own ovens — fresh, crisp and | nnL. Tiff ? Ladies’ Tweed Costumes, 39/6. ■ ❖ succulent; that v J foe MCII S bIOTC. A great buying opportunity —l2 handsome V come mit of a garden in T A FABRIC GLOVES * Tweed Costumes in assorted sizes — usually V nAA OF LACES of a tan. IuALHILb TAISKI ( O WLU V priced from £6 6/--Special Week-end price V IUUU I AKVfc V* jnst to assure that prices are , . . * Suits, 59/6. • , nll wool 39/6, An unusually large and fascinating Variety. modest consider this — THE PRO- Q'i* I /-I r ♦♦♦ Smlirtly cut Dark Grey Mosgiel al! wool ❖ . , TJ BESSIVE TEA AND LUNCHEON dX X/JLJL X Tweed Suits -well lined throughout Sizes Jfl ITO TO ROOMS ARE RUN FOR THE CON- ,J. 3to 7, and well worth 75/-. Special WeekCardlgans, 15/6. VadLU. VENTENCE OF OUR CUSTOMERS, nnrehase of 500 dozen pair of Fabric Gloves is ❖ end price 59/6. Silk and Wool Cardigans in assorted colours, ♦> pnp PROFIT rh purchase ot ovu aozen pair oi J* i well worth 27/6. Special Week-end Price <♦ A wonderful collection of Laces — 1000 yards in all ‘ sensational. In ten days_ we have sold < lot . i5/6 each. ❖ the charming varieties you could wish for including Morning and Afternoon Teas only Brown Miff 6 Brow/’Nut' Beaver Beige 3 Rose- ❖ Gaberdine Trousers, 11/6. *♦* White Silk Lace, Ito 2 inches wide; Silk Torchons, 1 piners served every day pJLyn Onk Tirht Oak Fawn Champagne Mode New *♦* These arc in a smart Fawn Gaberdine and V to 2 inches wide; Needle Run Laees in Cream and bet Ween 12 and 2 and Special Satur- pAt?i Grev and Li £ rht'’Grev How’s * have three pockets, cuff bottoms and conic in Velour Coats, 49/6. . X 9 ch / e shades l V ll^ 6 17 id o - F T y C? H t ? n W I vJ e day Night Teas between 5 and 7. Si s f or value ? Surety one of the best Glove values * sizes 3to 6 Regularly sold at 17/6. SpecVery smart Velour and Face Cloth Coats in t in Cream and Ochre Tints, Ito - inches wide, White offered — Gloves worth 2/11, 3/6 v ia l Week-end Price 11/6. assorted colours, styles and sizes. Usually I Torchon Lace, Ito 2 inches wide - all to go at the you have ever Deen onerea uioves wo /, / * priced from £6 6/-. Special Week-end Price X amazingJy low price of 4d yard. anQ V D ’ lor 49/6. A n .. . * Bath Gowns, 7/6; * Amazing Mid-Season Economies! Full Speed Ahead m the Dress and Silk Sections. :j “Seh t Washing Zephyrs, 1/-. . Fancy Silk Material, 4/1L * 450 colours of Sedge, Dark Rose, Ceriso. They <♦ 50 pieces of the famous Washing Zephyr 1 smart is tins y b P‘ - ... have fancy stitch, also collars and square ❖ is 38 inches, and there is a huge ® tenal in a 35 inch width. It is . also very necks. Special Week-end Price 3/11. V variety of designs to select from. Worth T 1/11 yard. Special Price 1/- yard. • Jl-%3WW P Best quality English Cotton and Wool mixFnji Frocks, 15/6. f Plain Rayon 1/11. a Metal and Wool Material, 1/11. £ Very attractive are these Striped Fuji .t. 60 P ICCOS of P ’ a ? n Ray °T n f ° r . Dress ?® and ’> Swlx A real novelt y “ ver y ,!ew and ver y ol > arm - ❖ ] cts to match at the Special Week-end price w t Underwear. They art 30 inches wide in ff ’os= ing Metal and Wool Material in a3B inch •> „f 3 /fi net rarment W and shades of Navy, Ivory, Cream, Pink, Rose, width. This sells usually at 13/6 yard. A ❖ of 3/6 per garment, sold'at 2 S I/6.‘ Special Week-end price 15/6. Sky, Green and Black. Worth -/11. S reat savin S at our S P ecial Price o£ 1/11 t 4 Special Price 1/11. yard. V Knee Drawers , 2/6. X Floral Ravons 1/11. 2/11. \\ Men’s Knee Drawers in Fawn shade. Made Jumper Suits, from 35/-. . v Very dainty and charming Floral Rayons in --All Wool Repps, 8/11. »> from Cotton Cellular material in men’s size Exceptionally attractive ! — both for style ♦ h var | ety o f colours and designs. They \ ML J* Beautiful quality 54 inch all wool Repps m <♦ and m a special Summer weight. Singlets and value — arc these Jumper Suits in floral are 3 g i nc ]j es w ide, and sell usually at 2/11, A shades of Autumn Brown, Beige, Fawn, ❖ to match at the Special Week-end price or Woven silk and fine wool and silk mixtures, 3 , xl 4<Zll g / 1;l Now the Special Prices >L, Saxe, Orion Blue and Rose-beige. Usually ❖ 2/6 per garment. Crepe de Chines, etc. Priced from 35/- to are /nd 2/11 yard. • • ■ lO' iSi® zL priced at. 13/6, 15/6 yard. Special Price V £5 5/-. Very effective trimmings in eon- W I B,z ' ll yard< *•* Shirts, 6/11. trasting colours. Floral Voiles, 1/6, 1/11. ‘ of our Specials! They are Cream ❖ We have over 200 pieces of the most attrac- A Silk Crepe Romance, 5/11. X ground cashmere with smart fancy coloured tive Floral Voiles to choose from. The L' . * Charmingly new is this beautiful material— stripes — reinforced necks and collar to Repp Frocks, 39/6. ♦♦♦ width is 38 inches, and there are both the 1%% ’ - P we have 26 pieces in dainty soft shades of ♦♦♦ match. Sizes 14 to 17. Special Week-end Splendid value — and a wonderful assort- ❖ fl ora l and spot designs to choose from. Shell, Navy, Black, Beige, New Green, Wine, Price 6/11. ment of sizes, shades and styles. Note this V Special Half Price 1/6, 1/11 yard. ■ f Rose,-'Naples, Blue, Saxe, Ivory, Champagne .$» great reduction — regularly priced from 84/- V ~ , t ' <v L and Kcw Brown —it also has the new dull <» Trousers, 7/11. — to-day’s price 39/6. The shades are *j* Silk Embroidered Voiles, 9/11. . \f||W I J egg shell finish. Worth 10/6 yard. Spec- ♦> j us t the thing for solid wear. Dark Grey Fawn, Beige, Rose-beige and Saxe. X These are in a5O inch width in smart and w t lal Brice 5/11 yard. ♦♦♦ English jCotton Tweed Trousers with three X very dainty. Swiss styles. 1| yards makes J B'Z*) X pockets and in sizes 3to 8. Well worth a short sleeved frock. Well worth 12/6 /W7 -1 £ Crepe Adalia, 6/11. Y 10/6. Special Week-end price 7/11. Dress Skirts, 19/6. <s» yard. Special price 9/11 yard. \ /■'' pieces of beautiful Crepe Adalia — a X Regularly 25/6 and 27/6 — today’s price n 0q ,... C„ rtrp 4/11 I'M AJA vcr Z rich lustrous quality. It is closely A Socks, 1/11. 19/6. Cream Repp Dress Skirts, accordeon neavy o g , / •_ h ov <i» wear Hr I IW woven in .all the popular shades of Navy, The famous Bruce and Pctonc makes in pleated in a good firm pleat and coming in <♦ 1 pmee of {Li™ B wide and the usual £ Black, Naple, Blue, Pink, Beige, Fawn, Plain and Ribbed knit. Smart marled mixlengths of 26, 28, 30, 32 inch. Others in * The. width is 54 inches wide aad the “ Red) Greyj Puri tan, Russet and Sahara. tures to select from. Regularly 2/6 and 2/9 Tweed, featured in mixed Fawns, Browns price would . ' y 1 Worth 10/6 yard. Special Price 6/11 yard. «t. pair. Special Week-end Price 1/11. and Greys — assorted sizes — 9/11 and 12/6. <» Price 4/11 yard. r NOTE THESE FOURTEEN “THRILLERS” FOR SATURDAY! SHOP EARLY! Ladies’ Caen’s MaHs’ Sfifi I Teapols, f ro m 2A Gloves, 5/6. Straw Hats, 4/11. iv/n Aimtiipr line of beautiful 9/11. , 1/11 yard. j 17/11. Another line of beautitui / You eouJd no( . wish foJ , A Wec k-end Special from Splendid value-giving for . .v e t • i. A pre-emment v atoo — Beady “Wear Straw;sin . smarter little Ready the Household Depart- 200 ds of cxce llent the Week-end — Ladies’ Another of our astonish- Maids’Flocks in all wool all the newest shades o Superior quality Silk to Wear Straws than ment — English Earthen- quality Double Bed Unheavy Silk Gloves with “ g , economies for this charmelaine, well cut and Fawn,O_ r ra ge, Jonqu 1, Woven Pyjamas in a good these — there are smart ware Teapots, specially bleached Twill Sheeting fancy turned-back cuff, smartly styled — very Saxe Red Navy and f roomy shades of shadeg of G Boi designed in Brown and lnado from pure Egyptfancy coloured stitching Maids’ White Straw dre? g y for street wear. Black. They are Salmon, Rose and Pawn N Blaek B i ue> Brown and Gree n, ian Cotton guaranin contrasting shades - Hat ? wi‘ h b aci < baad “ Length 39 inches. £rac . t^ ely TnJ Cba^ gne Z U f Ua " 1 y Cream, Saxe and Mauve etc., priced as follows:- teed free frODl d ? es6i]l g. Light Grey, Mid Grey, « ade for school and col- Shades of Grey, Navy Ribbon Chenille and at 35/ 6. Great value at to sel ’ ct from> Briced 2 /-, 2/3, 2/6, 2/9 and 3/6 Regularly sold at 2/11 Mode, Paris, Nude, Light legeww ar \ n a 2 sorte Saxe, Beige Almond and Raffia Motiffs - u will the Special Week-end usuall at i 5/6 to 19/6 for the following sizes: 2, fe d . X gre at saving at Brown, Lilac Nude, and -usuaßy 11/6 - Week- Tan Priced usually at have no difficulty in mak- Price of 9/11. each . Special'Week-end ,3,4, 5 and 6 cup. ( he Spec g ial Week end Pa.M-5/S. SU..U ena p„.. 4/n ».b. WIT” p™. 7/11 ..oh, p ri e. of’l/ll Cotton woven Soagrnns Mato, 2/11. Curtain Nets, 1/-. l | Chemise Vests, 1/6. LIX » XtS <?/• .7: - togata are 8 = ‘ «>“ “ e n.^i ,h piXSe: a lSiui±T.i?p.t. , »S 'cX. n .7a good quality vests Usu- best-50 Seagrass Mata men t- 30p wees of C.ur K all in one piece with com- pure . A large size with Pastel shade only with ally priced at _ 2 /11. A 4O inches wide to clear position handle — 3/9 for very nice frill. Usually elastic at wrist, straight real bargain at the Spe- 54 by 27 - 2/11 each. 40 inches wide, to clear 4 CU P size >- 4 /° for 6 CU P ’VH j air. Special price | | cuff with gusset. All | cial Week-end price of /- y. • O P-O S * Ze ’ 5^6 8 CUP S * Ze ' f ° r Week ’ end pair. R | sizes. y 1/6 ‘ „„_J B OX *309 BOX 9 ‘i

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Southland Times, Issue 20939, 23 November 1929, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 20939, 23 November 1929, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 20939, 23 November 1929, Page 9