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—ss? Sensational ' ' — FRIDAY BARGAINS fem © ©.jEiio e—ess until 5.30 pan. Infants’ Vests 6d “ Service ” Silk Hose 4/6 pair . Velour Coats 65/A special purchase! Infants’ Vests in close cotton A A ,ine of outstanding merit a credit to New Zealand. Service weight Coloured Velour Coats with smart Fur collars and and artificial silk and cotton. Very cosy and warm at 47 ® pair- Shades of Crevette, Atmosphere, Gaze e, q , > assorted s j 2eg special purchase. Usually sold for Winter. Usually priced at 1/6. Special Price ffilM Sands, Freize, Mist, Shale, Black and Cream. at £5 5/- each. Special Price 65/-. 6d each. . - n.-K, , tz •i. i / “Progress” Pure Silk Hose 5/11 pair Overalls 2/6 Childrens KniCKerS 1/- Reinforced with rayon and extra long silk panel, wide tops, seamed ac’ attractive Overalls for the house—thev are Children’s Cream Knickers in Cotton and Art Silk A nn d fashion marks. They have a great appearance and will wear well, race in Black Sateen with Floral Bodices and come in mixtures. Very neatly finished with art silk lace 5/11 pair. Shades of Cream, Crevette, Arabique, Dune, >_anas, reize, - & many smart designs. A really excellent value at and they have good elastic. Usually 1/11 to 2/6 Shale and Black. our Special Price of 3/6 each. pair. Special Purchase Price 1/- pair. r s r a ,it • i q/11 “Satisfaction” Pure Silk Thread Hose 8/6 pair. Jumpers 10/6 rVool Knickers O/LL beautiful even texture Hose with long silk panel, mock seam and fashion Wovl jumpers in very nice assorted colourings. Children’s best quality Navy Wool Knickers, in a i marks. We call this Hose “Satisfaction” because it lives up to its na ' !lc ' They have V neck and the designs are very smart good shape with best clastic at knee and waist. - A Shades of Crevette, Atmosphere, Gazelle, Arabique, Dune, Sande, Freize, Mist A indeed. Priced regularly at 15/6 each. Our Special To fit ages 2 to 4 years. Usually priced at 5/6 and Shale. Price 8/6 pair. ’XTi'i"jT* Price 10/6 each. to 5/11 pair. Special Price 3/11 pair. JJrJS rtk-u ’ v h t-t i k /11 Moufflon Fur Trimming 10/6 Wool Jumper Suits 63/Cnildren S JbClt JEIcIIS D/Xj. \ very special price for this first quality Moufflon bur Trimming now so There arc only six of these fashionable Wool Children’s and Maids’ Rcady-to-Wcar Pelt Hats, popular and fashionable for winter wear. The width is 4 inches and there Jumper Suits in three-piece style to go at this in new and smart shades of Saxe, Beaver, Beige A are shades of Beige, Beaumarten, Caramel. reduced price. They are a beautiful quality, all and Scarlet. Specially priced from 5/11, 6/6, 6/11 ~ wool, in light colouring. Usually £5 7/6. Special and 7/11. Price 63/-. Thibet Fur Trimming 16/6 AH iHnldr’ tfvr.r-1.-c- /11 Another great value —first quality Thibet Fur Trimming—the ideal trimming n/l 1 -Maids 1 rOCnS 8/11 f or coats, in a 3 inch width, extra low priced at 16/6 yard. The RaillCOHtS 9/11 Children’s and Maids' best quality all wool Knitted shades are Blue Fox, Fitch, Stonemarten, White and Platinum. Nine very smart Raincoats in attractive Marl effect, Frocks, in pretty shades of Henna and Green with A a | so j n Black Rubber. A bargain at the usual Fawn, also in Marled dull Blue colour. Sizes 26, NjmMK price of 32/6 each. Special Price 9/11 each—while 28 and 34 inches. Usually 19/6 to 23/6. Special Goat Fur Trimming' 16/6 JfWC they last. Price 8 11. greatest values we have offered. Goat Fur Trimming. a fur for long wear in a 4 inch width—our price 16/6 yard. A splendid K.,nnrlnwn 1 0/ft Knifkprs 1/6 saving! The shade is Marten. KapOUOW H yUlllS 15/O F'laiClS IxIUCKCrS J,/O 50 only Kapodown Quilts, ;n new pretty- figured An assortment of Maids’ Knickers, also Misses’ Sateens with plain 7 inch panel to match. Very sizes—They are fleecy lined and are in Cream and Tlnvc’ Shirts; /6 A warm and cosy and well ventilated—French hem Grey shades. To fit ages 10 to 16 years. Usually aP® J , , all round. Special Prices —Double bed size 25/-. 1/11 to 2/11. Special Prices 1/6 and 1/11 pair. 1000 Boya > shirts, made with attached collars—sizes 10 to 14j—ttlulc Single bed size 19/6 each. material with Black or Blue stripes. Unbeatable value at 2/b. Navy Pullon Jumpers 12/6 * , . w , 6/11 Curtain Nets from 1/6 A line of Maids’ and Misses’ Pullon Jumpers, in A tSOyS All W 001 I W t-LU JXIUV XV / 13Q0 yards of 40 inch Curtain Nets, in Cream and fine Navy wool with plain collars or with school Grey all wool N.Z. Tweed Knickers, in all sizes from 4to 14. Ihese usually i pretty coloured grounds—some have allover patcolours in collar and cuffs and round bottom of /wM* i sold at 8/6 but are now to be cleared at 5/11 all sizes. tern, some striped and others in all colours. They jumper. Usually 13/11 to 15/6. Special Price ' TKT are fadeless to sun and washing.. A wonder value. 12/6 each. Usually 3/6 and 2/9 yard. Special Prices 1/6 and Boys’ Fleecy Singlets 2/3 up . 1/9 yard. .. i -« /ti Ideal for Winter wear—warm yet light—best British made fleecy Singlets Dress Flannels 1/11 * with short sleeves. sizes 20 x 22 2/3,24 x 26 2/6,28 x3O 2/9, 32 x 34 3/-. . All pure wool Dress Flannels in a 28 inch width. AxmillSter IvUgS 1-V b Smart shades of Bottle, Brown, Black, Cyclamen, -A 7 ® heavy pile Axminster Rugs in splendid designs Almond, Ca-amel, Apricot, Helio, also in checked Boys’ All Wool JCTSCyS 4/11 anf ' c °l° ur ' n E s - Usually sold at 19/6 and 25/6 effects. Usually sold at 3/6 and 3/11 yard. Our . 1 r ■ u each. Special Prices —size sft. 6in. by 2ft. 6in. at Special Price 1711 yard. All sizes from 20 meh to 32 inch, in Grey with a few nzeo in Heather, lhe J5/ _ 4f( ( . jn by 2f( at 12/e each quality is pure wool N.Z. made; sizes 20 to 32 at 4/11. Velour 5/11 Dinnnr Sots from 45/- Madras Muslin from 1/3 1 piece only of this splendid quality A’elour to go ■ j r . co o / t/>i A pieces of Beaufast Madras Muslin in attractive at this reduced price. It is in Navy and is the full Sensational values in Dinner Sets, usually priced from 04/- to -. trellis design with dainty sprig design, 36 inches 54 inches wide. Usually priced at 8/11. Our No. 1 includes Wood’s, Johnstone’s and Burges and Leith makes, in English wi(Je and speeia]ly priced as follows:—All Cotton, Special Price 5/11 yard. Scenery, Gold Lotus and Mazarine designs. Usually sold at bo/- set. Ince usually 2/6, now 1/3 yard. Cotton with. Silk Sprig, 45/- set. Lot No. 2 includes Mcakines and Booth, m exclusive designs. r > usually 3/6, now 1/6 yard. ★ Usually 80/- set. Price 52/6 set. Lot No. 3 includes Gold edge Sets from ’• ' Grimwad«. Wedgewood and Booths-in all the newest designs. Usually £9 9/-. Price £2 19/b. Bed RugS 14/6 Velveteen, it is 'i'i. incnes wiue witn iwui-oacK fib all wool Bed Rugs with fringed ends. They and there are 20 attractive shades to choose from. IVo Cnnnnc 9 /f* f rln-znn are P ure " 00 ’ Colonial make and have nice Usually 3/6 and 3/11 yard. Our Special Price 2/11 ApOSUC led iSpOOUS Ilclll uu / v “ . / 'A check designs. These can be used as Travelling vard. ‘ These are E.P.N.S. Tea Spoons, and there is only a few left. Our Special Rugs. Size 56in. by 76in. Special Price 14/6 each. ★ Price 2/3 per half dozen. ai • * t Pnt« A Cretonne 1/inere is oniy ou yarns oi uns popular oiaca AlUmiHllim 163. 1 OIS pieces of 31 inch Reversible Cretonnes in light Sealette Coating, so it will not take long to go. These are in a Globe, shape and are made from heavy aluminium with ruby Chintz design. These will wash well and arc very It is 50 inches wide and sells usually at 29/6 yard. handles and knob on lid —make perfect tea and will last a lifetime. Special suitable for Cushions, Curtains and Loose Covers. Special Price 12/6 yard—less than half price. * Prices—2 cup size 6/11, 3 cup 8/6, 4 cup 10/6, 6 cup 12/6. Usually priced at 1/9 yard. Special Price 1/- yard. Printed Georgettes 8/11 /x-.| Stainless Knives' Coloured Towels 2/11 pair All Silk Printed Georgettes in the smartest of Floral Made bv Frank Woods—a splendid quality and guaranteed. Special Prices— Bond’s famous Australian Coloured dowels in guardesigns. Very attractive for Frocks, etc. It is 38 ©Dessert size 7/6 half dozen, Table size 9/6 half dozen. antced fast colours. A splendid quality made, from inches wide and the usual price is 15/6 yard. Our " r pure grade Queensland cotton. Worth 4/6 pair. Special Price 8/11 yard. 1 Special Price 2/11 pair. ’W’ Heavy Aluminium Saucepans 14/6 set Bartrain Tallin nf Silks Don’t miss seeing these Sets of Aluminium Saucepans in the Household WillCPVPttp 1/3 VHTd x>ai gain laoie OI Ol KS Section. They are a real gift at our Special Price of 14/6 per Set. A ’’ . • i j t Whatever else you miss don t fail to sec this Bar- Ji Winccyettes tn a 36 inch width in colours and also gain Table of Silks. They are in Plain, Floral and in Cream—shades of Pink, Sky, Isernon, Helio, Striped effects and all to clear at the Special Price 9 fl 1 n C* 1 t JWi Apricot and Sea Green. Usually priced at 1/9 yard, of 2/11 yard. Really sensational! A iviCH S wlllt HIIU mSIC ! Special Price 1/3 yard. Camibockers 7/11 15 Tweed Overcoats 42/6 Frilled Cushions 2 for 5/Cotton and Silk Woven Camibockers in Cream only Sensational Overcoat value Twelve Tweed Overcoats with raglan sleeves * A special offer in pretty Frilled Cushions. They They are Women’s size in a good comfortable fit- u „,t = wln<z Knrk- Tn a Dark Fawn shade Snecial Price 4’’/6 -wAaw are luaclc frOIU “tractive Floral Cretonnes, etc., ting shape. Usually priced at 13/6. Special Price . and swing back. In a Dark 1 awn shade. Special 1 rite 4-/6. and are we ll worth the usual price of 3/11 each. 7/11. Special Price 2 for 5/-. 10 Suits 47/6 Bloomers 2/6 Siics 310 7 - Regularly 79/6 to 97/6. Made from aii wool Worsted, also Unbleached Sheeting 2/6 yard , A , r,-,, n, - I • Tweed Suits in Grey and Fawn shades. Unbreakable fronts. At the Special en ; n rh Unbleached Cotton and Art Silk Bloomers tn a good roomy size ~ . t ~.,,.1, hnlnu- nmnnfuchirer’s cost J 180 yards to go of this splendid 89 inch Unbleached with elastic at knee and waist. Shades of Cream Pnce of 4/76 the - v are priced nluch bc '°" ”' anufacturer b tost ’ Herringbone Sheeting. An excellent English make and Jade Green only. Women’s size and usually 'l l3 ’ scds '’ e g u ' ar ly al 37 ® yard. Special Price to sold at 4/11 pair. Special Price 2/6 pair. . Suits 65/ clear—2/6 yard. Regularly priced 87/6 to 105/-. Superior Roslyn, Petone Worsted and Tweed Combinations 2/6 Suits in a variety of shades andjn the newest style refinements. Sensational White HoiieyCOmb Quilts 11/6 Winter weight Cotton Woven “Suntex” Combina- values at our special price of 65/ each. Very attractive White Quilts with lions with short sleeves. In Women’s size only . fringed ends in a double bed size. Splendid quality and regularly priced at 5/11. Our Special Price 2/6. A English make and worth 16/6 each. Our Special oUItS i J/b Price 11/6 each. A All wool Petone Suits priced for action. Sizes 3 to 7. Sold regularly at Vests 2/11 'Wflijw' £6 6/- each—now 25 of these to be sold at the Special Price of 79/6 each. Opera top Wool Vests in a Shetland shade. Usually This is a saving that every man will appreciate. “ White MarCClla QUlltS 16/b Cadi priced at 6/11. A bargain at our Special Price r Nf White Marcella Quilts in a full double bed size, of 2/11 each. o or . English make and hemmed ready for use. Buying Men S bUItS Of/b . a huge quantity enables us to put them out at a Regularly_£s 19/6, now 87/6—a reduction that should appeal to a man's sense A very low figure. Worth 25/- each. Special Price A of good business. First class all wool Worsted Suits in shades of Grey and 16/6 each. Chemise Vests 3/6 Lovat Sizes 3 t 0 7- Special Price 87/6 - Wa ““"iZ." W.S M 5 Tweed Overcoats 25/- Velour Hats Half Price quality Vests that sell usually at 6/6. Special S j zes 4 fo 7 Regularly 79/6 each. Roslyn Tweed Overcoats in single On Friday and Saturday all our smart new 'dour Price 3/6 each. breasted stvle in shades of Grey and Brown. Special Price 25/- each—much Hats will be placed on a big table and sold at half less than regular price. A Price. Most shades including Black and Navy . A This is a wonderful opportunity—be sure to be r . Vnctc 9/fi u/vnr 20 Tweed Overcoats 55/- I among the early ones. COllOn CfiemiSe vests wortb jr cw Lovat shades in Men’s Tweed Overcoats with swing Winter weight Cotton Chemise Vests with shaped back and lan s ] ccvcs . sizes 3to 7. Specially reduced to half price—ss/- Rnadv-tn-Wpars 9/11 waists and short sleeves. Very warm and cosy for . IWdUj Lv tvvaio this cold weather. Usually 4/11. Our Special ' - These are showing in the smart and fashionable Price 2/6 each. or Ovm-emitc ££ / turn down and up-turned brims. Effectively re25 1W eea uvercoats bD/ )ieved with Petersham Ribbon,' Fancy Pins and The latest double breasted styles and also some in the waisted shape. Sizes A Bright Motiffs. Usually sold at 12/6—the balance -r,. 'A 'to 6, and worth £5 5/- each. Perfect fit in all the fashionable shades. to clear at 9/11 each. Bloomers i/b , _ Sppcial Price 65/ ’ each - IM Very serviceable and warm Navy Fleecy Lined IMT Jlr Bloomers in Women’s and O.S. sizes. Priced ««««inn usually at 3/11 pair. Our Special Reduced Price Ready-tO-WeHFS 5/11 1/6 pair ’ ’ •wriwr 'W’ r .,..--rrw-ye* Very smart and attractive looking Ready-to-Wears B H H JM IM/T TIM H ■ B . —there is a large table of these on display m the . IiMSI / O H I W|l i 8 ini I M .....A Millinery Salon. They are in Felt and there is Brassieres 1/6 A 111 B z - ®# IL* 1111 M JlljfcL most of the fashionable shades to choose from. A line of comfortable-fitting Brassieres in Pink or H H c /Sr® Our Special Price 5/11 each. White Broche. Sizes 32 to 40 and sold usually at x3/6 each. Special Price 1/6 each. I\ Cpl > Semi-Models 15/6 Creme Cardigans 9/11 a -A A special sale of smart little Creme Cardigans— v Motiff touches. If you are in need of a smart ,~emithey are brush wool and look very attractive with Model don’t fail to’inspect these. Our Specia. 1 rice Jumper and Skirt. Usually 15/6 each. Special Price ' 1 ' < iTfe A 15/6 each. *«*"*• P.O. BOX 9 1 BOX 309 “ BO * a Watch for the Prize List in our £2OO May Fair Bargain Competition.

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Southland Times, Issue 20794, 7 June 1929, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 20794, 7 June 1929, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 20794, 7 June 1929, Page 9