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2 ☆ ☆☆☆ \ 7 r 7~ 1 ' ' ' C 4„„ VnliiAS in Dress Skirts 6/11 / //' / >k\\\ \ Velour Coats £4 19/6 Jumpers 9/11 mIo.l v ©nIUCS 11l A |j ne of very smart Dress Skirts. // / Z \\ % lin assorted lengths to fit the Petite Don t forget to see these excellent ~ « They are made from a light weight // / ' \ v, figure and with a cosy Moufflon Fur J ual '* y W°o! Jumpers on show in the BIrACC material of splendid quality. Very // / \ k ColUr - Shades of Sedge, Navy, Saxe, Mantle Showroom. They are fashionaJ f IsifUd Idld smart worn with a cosy woollen jum- / M Fawn and Grey. A very smart coat able, cosy and smart, and a wonder1 .J . Per- Special Star Value 6/11 each. / ’ for Wintw . s P« c ' al star Value £4 S e. n ‘ ~ , Ql , and Silks that K lw ” demonstrate our ~ ab fw Less N° ne but a Big Store Organisation like I Dress Flannels 1/11 V 7 r ’ W JRI n 'T7 ’ 'H Double width Dress Flannels in a3B I II J r lIL ® ffl I' I ■•'l PI i i I inch width. Shades of Almond, Fawn, [■ ' f. FMZ ; V.\ J II JL xilJi ’ KLsriisis == 14 Aj XMfllTll | Til ■= Th Ve,our t lO/s „rd. St„V .I U. I/I I,«d. gAy W| |l■ ■ 11 | ■ j | Ripple Cloth V- alto O L/yULiJAM* Vu 4 " This is a splendid quality Corded | s tar Value £4 10/6. : Ripple Cloth and 28 inches wide. i Shades of Helio, Sky, Pink and 11 al casi ofier such values as these. Linora Cloth l(Hd • A Plain coloured Linora Cloth in a 30 , / A' inch width. Shades of Rose, Helio, Men’s Cardigans 10/6 j I Men s Suits 45/- i 'WBMBmbef Almond, Green, Navy, Saxe, Sky, y/hat a surprise this is—all wool New Zea- I » I A suit for value and style—made of a Dark A s ' Pink, Fawn. A good cloth for Frocks, land-made medium and heavy weight Car- j /A | Grey English Tweed, neatly trimmed ’WwJF’ 4 Bed Spreads, Fancy Work etc. Usu digans, Grey and Heather shades in plain throughout—a really good wearing suit for ally 1/3. Special Star Value IO 2 d r w and r ibbed effects—lo/6. JwfeA work—sizes 3to 7—special price 45/-. Xp yard - • j K ~ Sale of Coatings 4/11 Maids’ Cardigans 8/11 a Vw&WSF A Children’s Hats 5/11 j; Jumper Suits 39/6 ■ Velour, Tweed, Astrachan and Skin Children’s, Maids’ and Misses' Cardigans in - A A 'arge table of Children’s Ready-to-Wear | Cosy Jumper Suits in assorted shades . Coatings all in a 54 inch width Qf Saxe Fawn , Beige an(J CardinaL \ Hats in shades of Fawn, Brown, Saxe, Beige, | They are very smart | y cut with colThese are pure wool and worth 13/6 Sizes fo| . ages from Bto | 8 years . Specia | XX' 1 Xsi Ralsln and Cardinal. Special Star Value i . | ar and belt and the s kirt is finished 1° 6 J ard G AM vJrd 35 Staf Va,Ue 8/11 eiCh - 5/H MCh ’ ! With tW ° P lcalS ‘ S P Mial Star Vatu « Special Star Value of 4/11 yard. J & | 39/6 each. Black Sealette 12/6 Children’s Wool Frocks 6/11 ' r ?\ Infants’Shawls 17/11 * I piece of Black Sealette in a very * 24 en( children’s Mixed Silk and Wool ' ,n faney with wide fancy border. good quality with rich silk pile. It Frocks in shades of Beige and Fawn. Sizes Az An extra large size and the very best of is 50 inches wide and sold regularly 24 26 and 28 inches. Special Star Value quality. Worth much more than the Star at 25/- yard. Special Star Value I 6/i I each. Value of 17/11 each. 1 12/6 yard. Exactly half price. I | A I t xri I Ready-to-Wear Felts 7/11 /. t Jersey Velours 12/b Bond’s Silk and Wool Hose in most shades and also both large Dubarry s Beauty Soap | j A great economy opportunity—Silk | 4/11 and small head-fittings. These ' are 9/n k | ''-v X" I Jersey Velour Chenilles, 38 inches I 4/ Al trimmed with Corded and Velvet 1 "■' /i wide in shades of Navy, Black, Beige, These are very suitable for Winter wear and A Ribbon to tone. Special Star Value ; ou should never be without Dubarry s Taragon Green, Peach, Apricot, Mar- are a splendid quality. Shades of Light g 7/|| each. f famous Beauty Soap, it is so excellent for siß j ine, Dark Saxe and Red—special Grey, Grain, Gazelle, Canyon and Fanchon JirM the skin. In a triangle shaped box con- . p rjce )2/6 t 0 choose from> Special Star Value 4/11 r taming three cakes. Assorted perfumes to pair. choose ,rom - Special Star Value 2/9 box. Striped Flannelette Robe Lengths from 50/- 1 yar j : ! First Aid Set 1/-each Corsets 2/6 200 yards only of this 30 inch striped Britain, France and Switzerland. . Containing lodine, Boris Lint, Picric Lint A Reduced from 9/11 to 2/6. A special line Hsh” mKI— These are unequalled for afternoon Jaconet Gauze, Cotton Wool, Adhesive /A of Corsets m sizes from 22 to 27 m strong I/- vard Speciall Star vZe I or evening wear. Note the unusually' Plaster, Bandage and Safety Pins. Just the /.?4 Dove and White Couti. They have short IW usually I/ yard, special star value | low special prices—from 50/- to 79/6 thing for motorists. Special Star Value I/- /'Mil lops and niedium to long skirts and two A y " per length, each, jMSia suspenders. Special Star Value 2/6 pair. .mm..— Y.y±« r .S" a f. in .f t HJo 2 /t is Bloomers 1/9 ' A Th W ° ol Ve „ sts 5 - z « w . I-——-—-———-exceptional bargain—ss inch all wool Fleecy Bloomers in a good fitting shape A A These are very cosy Vests for the Winter * Velour Coating in shades of Navy, with elastic at knee and waist. A splendid illmWWwSßhl purC i ,n -. a j rea T They have Squirrel Grey, Ensign Blue, Loam, quality in Cream and Navy shades only. short sleeves and there is Women’s and O.S. Bran, Taragon Green, Doreen, Lagoon, Reduced from 3/6 to 1/9 pair. Special t ’ J //“A sizes only. Sold regularly at 7/11 each. ' ■ '-wff Pewter Grey, Cockscombe Red, Star Value 1/9 pair. / 1 A ' Special Star Value 5/6 each. 1 / Morocco, Radio Blue, New Fawn, Plum and Black-special price 12/6. zj a • v i I ■ Cretonnes 9d Sllk Curtain Nets 3/6 Velveteens 5/11 Good qualities and smart new designs, suit- Pu« Silk Curtain Nets in shades of Pink, r rt These Velveteens are 27 inches wide A able for Coverings, Hangings, Cushions, etc. r> j xnr w la- 10 /c Sl Ue ’ Champagne and Honey. A . - and have a rich silk finish—Worral’s Special Prices 9d, I/-, I/3 and I/6 per yard. Keady-tO-W CHI r eltS 12/b These make beautiful Curtains and Drapes | Coloured Towels 1/6 pair best quality and stamped fast dye— These are 31 inchBi wide - Also a s P ecial These are showing in the two-toned an J the colours are guaranteed fast to sun A special offer in Towels of English ; shades of Royal, Black, Brown, Rose, | K*A line of Reversible Cretonnes, usually sold at effect relieved with contrasting bands, s P ecial Pr,ces 3/6 - 4/6 > 5/e - ma k e . Splendid quality Hand Towel. Pink, Almond, Wine, Red, Navy, 1/1 1 per yard. Specially priced 1/3 yard. also in plain felt with turned up and 6/6 and 7/6 per yard. Thes(J Je)l regu | ar | y a t 2/6 pair. SpecOrange and New Blue—special price small drooping brims. Special Star i a l star Value only 1/6 pair. A real 5/11 yard. fl Value 12/6. j~i j t I bargain. T 7 a z r/,-. Men’s Twist Shirts 4/6 . . Ivory Curtain Nets 1/6 ; Velveteens 5/11 Made in our own Factory—and the savings A special purchase—a wonderful value. I 36 inches wide Velveteens, double | passed on to you! Grey Twist Shirts in ’WiiV Y'lkj Ivory Curtain Nets, inches wide with j width, silk finish, Worral’s best dye, striped marl effects—all sizes with collars coloured stripes of Pink, Gold, Blue and shades of New Brown, Grey, Mole, attached—worth 5/11—special price 4/6, Helio. Special Price 1/6 yard. | Navy, Light Navy, Mimosa, Gold, a I A Wine, Fawn and Dark Saxe—worth j I M E Jja 8/11—special price 5/n yard. Double Bed Blankets M Men’s Overcoats 75/j Novelty Tweed 6/11 „ 27/6 pair A splendid saving—40 inch wide A The famous HJ.S. Special, made expressly ? I jn the latest waisted shapes double A / b Novelty Tweeds in all the newest A to our order in huge quantities by a well breasted, vented back and breast pocket. and best weaves and colourings— known New Zealand mill. The value is ®KgMs®g»Smart new shades of Blue grey, Plum, special prices 6/11 and 7/11 yard. 1® extraordinary and the quality is guaran- X “ J,/. Lovat, and Brown shades in mottled tones. F'A I K teed. Single 21/_ and 25/- pair, Double ; . j-> - <. , l . , -r . ... All Silk Crepe-de-Chenes ““ r wt ’*"■ “» 3SA “ d Jj, ■ f w“h cs X Linen Fbu S li Twill ii 3/11 p Sheeting 1/11 \ ■ s . ■ ' x •. .it e-it 250 yards only to clear. 80 inch A great saving opportunity—All Silk . . > d > T a/i 1 > White Twifl Sheeting in an English f, r Xv 6 w C nrthv’nf 6 the JmartJo'frnck Heavy Aluminium Dessert Boys Jerseys 4/11 J make. As sheets are now coming ?'“ 'IL f Maw Crev Cedir’ Fnrk«J and Snoons A Extraordinary value! Boys’ all wool N.Z. in ready hemmed, we are clearing our Lnn PAarh y A n r7en ’ f OrKS a na ©POORS . K ma de Jerseys in Mid Grey shade (a few sizes stock of Sheeting by the yard. Well d M PI’ 2/6 half dozen >/ \ A Heather) usually sold at 6/11 to 9/6. worth 2/11 yard. Special Star Value Brown Pink Salmon' Beige' and These heavy Aluminium Dessert Forksand •|W„ / 1«1 C IQ/C '\ : ‘X Right at the beginning of the winter season, l/H. Roseda. Note the exceptionally low I Spoons are ideal for every day kitchen use. Models 19, 6 soecial price 3/11 yard As a Special Star Value we arc offering 3 of Very smart Models in Plush and Vel- from 18 inch to 32 inch (chest measure- - p p ' each at 2/6. vet, and trimmed with Feather ment). S/11 Mounts and Multi Coloured Ornalaileld olln» D/11 moots. There is most shades to i m Dinner Plates Sp ““ l •» . Boys’ Drill Shirts 2/6 A shades of Cerise, Rose, Mimosa. New . 4/fi half dn/pn ’ Uu the Pott Office and our Mail Ord#r 14 Blue, Almond, Powder Blue, Petunia, „ A _. .; z 2.. „ / , ... Department or pay a visit and save very de- A Wine, Apricot, Pink and Black— tA®’’ 4 The “ Dlnner p,atM are a great . cidedly on these Boys’ Drill Shirts, sizes 10 ’wAVpr Sl» 7 inch .1 4/S half taen. and size « I with Bl«k er Blue llnpo. A that ■i bilk Georgettes O/II inch at 5/6 half dozen. parent should miss! Made in our factory. ii One of our most outstanding offers— -A ' All Silk Georgettes in a 38 inch width j /A Antique Copper Crumb M Coloured Towels White Marcella Quilts Red, Fawn, Beige, Ivory, Grey, Brush and Tray 2/9 S m m I 2 pair for 4/6 I i “ /b eac 1 Tan g o, Brown, Cedar, Flame Helio, These are very nicely decorated and have a .MB Great value news! English made Coloured Special offer in White Marcella Quilts. Pink, Powder Blue and Nigger- Whjte Brush wjth Anti back , The Towels at the extra s P ecial P rice of two P airs En 9 lth ma J ke c - l , n 1 Sp special price 6/11. T is in aBby 7 - inch size . Specia | Star K for 4/6. The quality is splendid and the col- J* B and Floral designs Usii Valup ?/9 set ours are guaranteed fast. i ually 22/6 and 25/- each. 24 only Rayon Suedette 4/11 Va,ue 2/9 to clear as a Special Star V*!ue 12/6 A splendid saving offer—Rayon cac . < Ladies’Velour Coats 39/6 £ a ? ies ’J uji J“.™Pers 9/ll I _______ f inches wide in shades of Ivory, Pink, A Take particular note of this extraordinary » hl \/ S another ver £ s P®«' al valu « ™ e A Rose Navy Black, Cream. Almond, —JB value—Ladies' Velour Coats with Mole Mantle Showroom—Fuji Jumpers with waistBlue,’ Red,’Saxe and Helio—special Coney collars, well worth 65/-each, to go at W coat front buttoned up to the neck—to go ■ > price 4/1 l yard. /Hl 39/6 each—while they last. There is a good at 9/11 each. The sizes range from 11 to * ' range of assorted fashionable shades. 16 inches, , Fuji 2// 3 I Capalines 21/th * soft drooping brim style and K , Z rL S n k irf 7/t vaH eam Akn Pe so a niec« I ■““"’SJI relieved with coloured stitching, vel- s Fair price 2/3 yard Also 50 p.eces B Uvet ribbon and coloured motiffs. A J of coloured Fuji in all shades at 2/6 B good varjUy Qf sha(jes and head fit . j . Wt and 2/11 yard—special prices. tings to choose from. Price 21/-. ! - Crepe Suede 3/11 ILftmXA Flannel Frocks 29/6 A real bargain-50 pieces of all pure Wwß®®W ' LOlJsi econom *« s ? Silk Crepe Suede, a superior Silk for . . ! . cn /c $ I femmine Southland these very attractFrocks and Underclothing, in shades HenderSOll Felts 19/6 to 39/6 fMUgoGRESSivhfcJ®) ' ve . F!a , nne ' Crocks will be high in . of new Brown, Pink, Saxe, Grey, Sky, A wonderful collection of Felts and Velours Sinei di=? colour' Cyclamen, Pale Green, Lemon and to choose from. Very artistically trimmed h k Womb’s Jos t M, r . worth 7/s-50...., 3/n SS- Jgdj. . Gore "a , , . * 25/6 29/g 35/e 37/fi and 39/g the purse. _

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Southland Times, Issue 20663, 19 April 1929, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 20663, 19 April 1929, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 20663, 19 April 1929, Page 9