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DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES. MARIST BROTHERS. The annual breaking-up ceremony took place ar the school on Friday afternoon when the Reverend Fathers Marlow and Loughnan with the Parish Committee and a goodly number of adult friends of the school were present to listen to the annual report and witness the prize giving. lhe Director (the Rev. Brother Egbert) gave a lengthy address in the course of which he stated the general conduct of the boys, their respect and devotion to the Brothers and their loyalty to their school had been most satisfactory, many reaching the standard "Excellent” and nearly all the others “Very Good.” Divinity, which includes the study of Christian Doctrine, Holy Scripture and the History of the Catholic Church holds pride of place in the school course and this year every boy has obtained a good pass in this subject. Dr. Rosa Collier visited the school and examined each boy. Parents are urged to co-operate by carrying out the recommendations sent to them by the doctor. Mr Roydhouse, the director of physical training, also inspected the boys and expressed himself as very pleased with the manner in which the work was carried on. He stated, “The Brothers are ardent advocates of the new system of athletic training which seeks to secure the co-operation of every boy, rather than the intensive training of the specially gifted. Mr Roydhouse found us working on these lines and commended particularly the new game of Hit Cricket which we have devised as it gives to every boy the same batting and bowling and secures the general pleasure and physical benefit of all. Physical health is more important than athletic prowess, however worthy of attainment the latter may be.” “Thanks to the Reverend clergy, the Parish Committee and the people, the early difficulties in connection with the establishment of our high school have all been overcome, and from the beginning of this year we have been working with full equipment and staff. Our aim is to give a good general education as is furnished by a thorough study of Divinity, English, Latin, French, Mathematics, Science and Accountancy, leading through the Intermediate and Public Service examination to Matriculation. Specialization immediately after the sixth standard is inadvisable and many a boy who fancied engineering or some trade course has found after a few years that he is not suited for it. and has with great difficulty, if at all, retraced his steps. "Promotions are made entirely on our own school examinations and on these Thomas Hanning and Brian Butler have passed Form V (3rd year) into Form VI Matriculation class. The following ten boys have passed the school Intermediate examination Form IV into the Public Service class Form V and those of them who wish to attempt Matriculation in this class are encouraged to do so: Bernard Beadle, Thomas Cahill. Daniel Davin, Patrick Kempton, Clifton Murfitt, Thomas Murray, Patrick Stokes. Thomas Rillstone, Robert Stone and John Pound. The following ten have passed Form 111 (Ist year) in Form IV Intermediate class: Leo Crowe, Colin Campbell, Martin Davin, Joseph Montague, John Mcßae, John Hanning, Hilary Lister, Patrick O’Neil, Terence O’Connor, Arthur Shepherd.

‘ We deem it a duty To pay tribute to the memory of the late Monsignor O’Donnell. who as an ardent supporter of our High School, was pleased to be among the boys and to see them enjoying an advanced study of religion and secular science. “Next year will be celebrated the golden jubilee of the establishment of the Catholic School System, as a separate organization founded in 1879 as a result of the Government’s introduction of the present secular system. Coincident with the celebration of this golden jubilee will be centennial celebration of the passing in 1829 of the Catholic Emancipation Act by the Imperial Parliament. The extension to New Zealand Catholics of the provisions of that Act in the matter of education by the establishment of a truly national education system in which Catholics, Protestants and Secularists would each receive for their schools their fair share per capita of the Government grant would give unbounded satisfaction to all lovers of religious liberty, and bring New Zealand up to the high standard of religious freedom prevailing in Great Britain, Ireland. Canada, South Africa and nearly all parts of the Empire.” PRIZE LIST. Form V. —General excellence in conduct, Divinity, oratory, scholarship and sjiort (gold medal presented by the Rev. Father Marlow) Brian Butler. Dux of school (gold medal presented by the Rev. Father Farthing i Thomas Hanning. Form IV. —General excellence in conduct, Divinity, oratory, scholarship, singing.— John Pound. Dux of Form IV, Daniel Davin. Prizes for general excellence awarded also to Robert Stone, Thomas Murray, Patrick Kempton. Thomas Rillstone, Patrick Stokes, Bernard Beadle, Clifton Murfitt. Thomas Cahill. Form lll.—General excellence in conduct, Divinity, oratory, scholarship and sport.— Patrick O'Neil. Dux of Form lll.—Martin Davin. Prizes for general excellence were awarded also to John Hanning, Leo Crowe. Colin Campbell, Joseph Montague, John Mcßae. Hilary Lister, Terence O’Connor, Arthur Shepherd. Form 11. (Standard Vl).—General excellence in primary school. —Edward O’Halloran. Class prizes.—Herbert Grace 1; Maxwell Rattray 2, Rupert O’Brien 3. Form I (Standard V)—General excellence Patrick Grace 1, lan McSwigan 2, Maurice Frampton 3. Standard IV.—Patrick McCambridge 1, Gerard Martin 2, Noel Cameron 3. Standard 111. Brian Murray 1, Archie Rogers 2, Martin Kimble and Janies Baliantyne 3. Standard ll.—Patrick Bourke 1, Michael McCormack 2, Joseph Stapleton 3. Standard I.— Brian Beadle 1, Robert Traynor 2, Patrick Fox 3. Every boy in the Sixth Standard and High School was presented with a copy of the beautifully illustrated Eucharistic Congress issue of “The Month,” and to each boy in the school was given a Christmas picture. Next year the boys of Standard I will remain under the excellent tuition of the Nuns at St. Joseph’s School and thus another Brother will be available for the extra class that will be in the High School. The Rev. Father Marlow, supported by the Rev. Father Loughnan, congratulated the boys on the success they had all achieved and urged them to be loyal to the Brothers, to their High School, to their Church and to GocL--A sports programme was then gone through after which generous refreshments (including a donation from Mrs Stewart) were provided by the committee.

LIMEHILLS The annual breaking-up ceremony was held in the school grounds on Wednesday afternoon, Mr Janies Lindsay presiding. The Hon. P. de la Perrelle, Minister of Internal Affairs, was present and addressed the children and presented the prizes to the senior scholars. In presenting the gold medal, donated by Mr Gerrard, he congratulated the dux of the school, Alison Thomson, and expressed the hope that she would continue to excel in her studies. The dux winner was then presented with a beautiful bouquet of roses by Mayme Lewis. Several items were provided by the children and Santa Claus paid a flying visit, staying long enough, however, to distribute toys to all the tiny tots. The prize-list is as follows: Standard 6.—Dux, Alison Thomson; second, Richard Tippett; third, Annie Kennedy. Sports prize, Fred Carter. Gardening, James Dixon. Progress, Cyril Kettle. Conduct, Peter McGlashan. General excellence. Robert Poole. Diligence, Olive Diack. Reading, Sylvia Hawkins. Progress, Violet Holland. Writing. Gladys Thomson. Attendance, Alison Thomson, Gladys Thom-

son, Olive Diack, Alfred Carter, Cyril Kettle, James Dixon, Richard Tippett. Standard 7.—Nelson Bateman 1. Standard s.—First equal, Myrtle W’ilson and Jean Williamson; third, John Stewart. Spelling, George Dowler. Diligence, George Kettle. Sports, Edward Payne. Drawing, James Tippett. Conduct, Patricia Holland. General Excellence, Ellen Tippett. Attendance, Ellen Tippett. Standard 4.—First, Ethel Wilson; second Herbert Payne; third Evelyn Kettle. Writing prize, James Bryce. Diligence, Florence Carter. Writing Hilda Carter. Recitation, Vera Cooney. Progress, Jessie Cunningham, Rosy Dowler, Lurline Thomson. Attendance, Rosy Dowler, Hilda Carter, Florence Carter, Lurline Thomson. Standard 3. —First Berneice Williamson; second Marjorie O’Donnell; third Catherine Tippett. Diligence, Harold Cooney. Conduct, David Coster. Reading, Ernest Cowan. Arithmetic, George Cunningham. Diligence, Elizabeth Diack. Writing, Agnes Dixon. Sports, Cecil Hammond. Reading, Hazel Hawkins. History, Sarah Kidd. Diligence, Grace Payne, May Tippett. Attendance, Marjorie O'Donnell, Catherine Tippett, Elizabeth Diack, David Marshall, Agnes Dixon. Standard 2.—First, Evelyn Boyd; second, Mary Mcßae; third, Gwen Morgan. Sports, Florence Bryce. Reading, Phyllis Cowan. Diligence, Jean Diack, William Dixon. Reading, Myrtle Hawkins. Composition, Lilian Hazlett. Writing, Florence Payne. Recitation, McGregor Stewart. Arithmetic, Robert Thomson. Diligence, Olive Tippett. Attendance, McGregor Stewart, Jean Diack, Mary Mcßae, Evelyn Boyd, Gwen Morgan, William Dixon, Robert Thomson. Standard I.—First, Owen Lewis; second, Joseph Taylor; third, Colin Mcßae. Handwork, David Corkery. Diligence, Margaret Corkery. Reading, Ellen Cowan. Arithmetic, George Dixon. Progress, William Gray. Drawing, Doreen Hammond. Sports, Herbert Hammond. Diligence, James Holland. Reading, Marjorie Kettle. Recitation, Nett a Kettle. Handwork Innes Lindsay. Diligence, Christian Mcßae. Progress prize, James Pettigrew Recitation, Ruth Williamson. Attendance, Marjorie Kettle, Innes Lindsay, Owen Lewis, Herbert Hammond, George Dixon. Joseph Taylor, Colin Mcßae. Primer 4 —First, lan Poole; second, Ruby Payne; third, Doreen Thomson, Edna Corkery, Patricia Hishon, Eileen Tippett, William Cooney, Fullerton Cunningham. Wallace Dowler, Joseph Payne, Gordon Stewart. Eric Smith, David Tippett, David Gray, Raymond Hawkins, Gilbert Marshall, Attendance, Doreen Thomson. Primer 2.—First, Margaret Hammond ; second, Molly Thomson; third, Daphne Pemberton, Joyce Ballantine, Sylvia Cooney, Robina Cunningham. Elsie Diack, Olive Mcßae, Herbert Grimwood, Mortimer Hishon, Cecil Tippett, James Woods, Clayton Arthur. Attendance, Daphne Pemberton, Janies Woods. Primer I.—Glyn Morgan. Ellen Harper, Ella Taylor, Colin Bryce, Robert Harper, Allan Payne, Robert Woods.

FEBNHILLS The annual break-up of the Fernhills School was held in the school grounds on Wednesday and was attended by a large number of parents and friends. Part of the afternoon was devoted to games which old and young thoroughly enjoyed. Owing to the unavoidable absence of the chairman (Mr R. J. Anderson) the prizes were presented b v Mr W. J. Cowie, who in a short speech, complimented the teachers upon the success of the year’s work. He also commented upon the large number of attendance certificates with which more than half of the roll number were to be presented. The Rev. J. Johnstone also addressed the pupils giving them useful advice and stressing the importance of a good education. The head teacher, Mr A. G. Linn, on behalf of the teachers suitably replied. The proceedings closed with the National Anthem. The prize list is as follows: Dux of School —Alma Bolger. Standard 6—Alma Bolger, Mary Baird, lan Gordon, Violet Braithwaite, Barbara Swale.

Standard s—Rene MacGillivray, Peggy MacGillivray, Mary Ward. Eileen Casey, Moira Crowe, Noel Ward, Charles Calder. Standard 4—Jean Swale, Vera Gordon, Marjory Crowe. Marion McFetrich, Lloyd Price, Michael Murphy, Lennox Cowie. Standard 3—Mavis Casey, Agnes King, William King, John Ward. Standard 2—Lily Gentle, Lloyd Braithwaite, John Gordon, Donald MacGillivray. Standard I—Doris Wilson, Lois McFetrich, Edward King. Primer 4—Patricia Rabbitte, Esther King, Bernard Gentle, Alexander Bolger, Frederick Ward, Charles King, Thomas McFetrich. Primer —Frederick Bolger, Robert Gentle, Leslie Ward, Margaret Wilson. Attendance certificates: Mary Baird, Alma Bolger, lan Gordon, Rene MacGillivray, Peggy MacGillivray. Mary Ward, Charles Calder, Marion McFetrich, Lennox Cowie, Michael Murphy, Lloyd Price, William King, John Ward, Lilv Gentle, Lloyd Brailhw’aite. Donald MacGillivrav. Lois McFetrich. Patricia Rabbitte, Doris Wilson, Bernard Gentle, Robert Gentle, Thomas McFetrich.

The wee tots, not yet school age, were not forgotten and suitable books were presented to them by the Standard 6 pupils. NIGHTCAPS The annual prize-giving of the Nightcaps School took place in the school grounds on Wednesday. A good attendance of parents and a fine afternoon both helped to make a pleasant gathering. The early part of the afternoon was devoted to the running of a sports programme and after refreshments had been served by the ladies the prizes were presented. Mr Donald Sinclair, who presided, first asked those present to join in the singing of the National Anthem as a mark of sympathy with the King in his trying illness. The gathering also stood in silence as a mark of respect for the memory of the late Mr James Milne, who at the commencement of his last illness was acting-head-master of the Nightcaps School. Mr Sinclair also expressed the thanks of the committee to those who had assisted the committee during the year. He paid a tribute to the work of the lady teachers, Miss F Macdonald and Miss A. Cunningham, for their fine effort in organizing the school concert, and also expressed the appreciation of the work of the late headmaster, Mr .\lex. Milne, and of the relieving headmasters, the late Mr James Milne and Mr 0. L. Evans. He took the opportunity of wishing Mr J. Forde, who had been attached to the staff as probationer, all success at the Training College next year. Mr Sinclair then proceeded to present the prizes, a list of which is appended:— Dux of School.—Catherine Cochrane (committee’s gold medal). Standard Vl.—Giris: Catherine Cochrane 1. Jane Lambert 2. Boys—A. Wardle 1, W. Brazier 2, J. Newton 3. General Improvement —R. Dickson. Writing—C. Cochrane. Sewing—Jean Lambert 1, C. Cochrane 2. Highest Aggregate, Standards IV., V. and Vl.—Boys, A. Wardle. Standard V.—Girls —Phyllis Fowler 1. Boys—J. Bamford 1, A. Shedden 2, W. Crammond 3. Sewing—W. Fordyce 1, P. Fowler 2. Writing—John Bamford. General Improvement —Winnie Fordyce. Drawing—Osborne Thomson. Standard IV.—Girls, Joyce Excell 1, Eileen Darcy 2, Ruby Robinson 3. Boys, Chas. Pemberton 1, Win. Currie 2, James Mason 3. Girls, Highest Aggregate in Standards IV., V. and Vl.—Joyce Excell, Standard IV. Writing—Helen Cochrane. Drawing—Edith Braithwaite. Sewing— Joyce Excell 1, Eileen Darcy and Nellie Cochrane (ecfual) 2. Standard lll.—Girls, Evelyn Brazier 1, May Nisbet 2, Betty Somerville 3. Buys, Jack Thomson 1, J. .Magee 2, Albert Lawton 3. Standard ll.—Girls, Gladys Currie 1, Melrose Shedden 2, Mary Henry 3. Boys, Wm. Robertson 1, Melville Grant 2, Sidney Bamford 3. Progress—Muriel Magee, William Fordyce. Writing—Jack Fowler. Sewing—Gladys Currie 1, Annie Holmes 2.

Standard I.—Girls, June Sneddon 1, Lillion Lowe 2, Eula Stevens 3. Boys, * C. Braithwaite 1, Robert Lambert 2, Peter Lowe 3. Progress—lris Irwin, Lyall Baird. Writing—Dorothea Somerville. Sewing— June Sneddon 1, Peggy Currie and Dorothea Somerville (equal) 2, Eula Stevens 4. Primer IV.—Boys, Alfred Excell 1, James Robertson 2, Campbell Mason 3. Girls, Irene Joseph 1, Thelma Tinker 2, Jessie Robertson 3. Special Prizes—Primer III: Boys, Harry Holmes. Primer II: Boys, Andrew Rolland. Primer III: Girls, Joyce Duncan. Each child in the preparatory division received a book. Attendance Certificates—Standard VI., W. Brazier, F. Cook, A. Excell, J. Fordyce, 0. Grant, A. Wardle. Standard V., W. Fordyce, P. Fowler, G. Crammond, A. Shedden. Standard IV., E. Darcy, R. Robinson, C. Pemberton. Standard HI., E. Brazier, B. Somerville, J. Magee. Standard 11., M. Shedden, M. Magee, J. Robertson, W. Robertson, Charles Mason, A. Holmes, M. Grant. Standard 1., M. Crammond, J. Sneddon, I. Irwin, R. Duncan, L. Lowe, D. Somerville, J. Hedley, C. Braithwaite, P. Lowe. Primer, J. Robertson, Jessie Robertson, G. Hedley, A. Excell. ISLA BANK The annual break-up of the Isla Bank School on Wednesday was well attended. A short programme having been provided by the children, the chairman (the Rev. W. F. Evans) presented the prizes. The afternoon was spent in races and games, refreshments being provided by the ladies. .4 pleasing feature of the ceremony was the presentation by scholars of bouquets to the teachers (Miss Anderson and Miss Duke). The prize list is as follows: Dux of school —William White, Standard 7.

Standard 6—Mary Teviotdale 1. Progress —Christina Calder, Mary McCallum, Samuel Nicolson, Alex Lyon, Donald McDonald. Standard s—Elsie Hazlett 1. Progress— Doreen Ford, Norma Parkes, Bessie Teviotdale, Stewart Parker, Allan Pirie, John Young. Standard 4 -Mary Nicholson 1. Progress —Phyllis Creighton, Rhoda Pirie, John Forde, John McCallum, Walter Pirie. Standard 3—Andrew McCallum 1. Progress—Margaret McDonald, Marjorie Young Frank Forde, Andrew McCallum. Standard 2—Lindsay Parker 1. Progress —Elaine Clarke, Martin Forde, Thomas McDonald, John Robertson, David Teviot dale. Standard I—David Clark 1. Progress— Ethel Clark, Robert McCallum. Primer 4 —Nora Forde 1. Progress —Bessie Nicolson, Doris Officer, Betty Parker, Dorothy Pirie, William Goodsir, Ritchie Lindsay, Gordon Pirie, Thomas Toll. Primer 2—June Lindsay 1. Progress — Annie Calder, Vera Hazlett, Betty Hishon, Euphemia McCallum, Mary McLeish, May Kennard, Delia Forde, Ernest Beck, Owen Clark, Desmond Hishon, Edward Morton, John Toll, Stanley Stuart. Specials: Essay—William White. Spelling, senior division: Mary Nicolson. Junior division—Lindsay Parker. Attendance certificates—Mary Teviotdale, Rhoda Pirie, Phyllis Creighton, Margaret McDonald. Frank Forde, Martin Forde, Nora Forde.

WAIMATUKU On Wednesday afternoon in the Waimatuku Hall the annual prize-giving was presided over by Mr W. Strang, chairman of the School Committee. The hall itself had been decorated by the children earlier in the day with examples of their year’s work in sewing, drawing and painting, which elicited much favourable comment by parents and friends present. Mr Strang complimented the teachers, Mr W. L. Stewart and Miss E. Mclntyre, on their very successful year’s work and on the excellent progress made by the children under their care. Before the presentation of prizes a short and varied programme of songs, rounds and recitations was given by the children and was much appreciated by those present. The prizes were presented by Mr Grindley, at present in charge of the local parish, who before doing so addressed a few suitable and encouraging remarks to the children. The honours list was as follows: Standard 6 —Dux of the school, Robert Buchanan, Edward Gibb 2, Guthrie Strang 3. Standard 5: Joyce Muirhead 1, Robert Rance 2, Eliza Anderson 3. Standard 4 —Hazel Smith 1, Jane Swann 2, Douglas Anderson 3. Standard 4b—Jean Peterson 1, Elizabeth Batt 2. Standard 3 —David Rance 1, lan Buchanan 2, Francis Batt 3. Standard 2—Margaret Hogg 1, Margaret Anderson 2, Jack McFadden 3. Standard I—Margaret Meehan 1, Ellen Pont 2, Leila Slaughter 3. Primer 3 —Robert Fairbairn 1, Evan Rance 2, Allan Rolfe 3. Primer 2—Rose Hill.

Special prizes for excellent progress— Allan Strang. Standard V and Standard VI; Pearl Anderson Primer 111 and Standard 1. Special essay prize, Mavis Rance Standard 5. Agriculture prize, Allan Strang. Specials for dux and runner-up, Robert Buchanan 1, Edward Gibb 2. Sewing prize, Mavis Smith (Standard 6), Eliza Anderson (Standard 5), Hazel Smith and Annie Gibb equal (Standard 4), Martha Murphy (Standard 3), Margaret Anderson (Standard 2), Ellen Pont (Standard 1). Attendance certificates, James Anderson (Primer 2), Murray Anderson (Primer 3), Allen Anderson (Standard 1), Gilbert Anderson and Margaret Strang (Standard 2), lan Buchanan, Marion Gibb, Martha Murphy and Allan Rance (Standard 31; Jean Peterson (Standard 4 B), Jane Swann (Standard 4), Eliza Anderson (Standard 5), Robert Buchanan and Hugh Mclndoe (Standard 6). GLADFIELD On Wednesday the annual break-up and sports were held in the school ground. In the absence of the chairman, Mr Bell presided. In' his opening remarks he congratulated Standard 6 pupils on gaining their proficiency. He also spoke of the good work Miss Rance had done before she had left. After the prizes had been given out a sports programme was run. The following is the list of prize winners: Standard 5: T. Boyle, Dulcie Bell, J. Buick. Standard 4: R. Kennedy, J. Whyte, L. Flynn. Standard 3: M. Boyle, C. May, E. Cherry. Standard 2: G. Whyte, R. Buick. Standard 1: J. Kennedy, F. Lindsay. Primer 4: L. Bell, H. Bell, J. Cherry, M. Buick, B. Boyle. Primer 2: A. Kennedy. Primer 1: B. Flynn, J. Boyle,-C. McLeich, A. Lindsay. Dux of school: R. Kennedy. Hand-work: C. May; attendance: L. Flynn, T. Boyle. Politest child: J. Whyte.

KINGSTON A good number of residents of the Kingston district assembled at the school on Wednesday evening. After a sports programme had been completed a short concert was given by the pupils of the school. The items included choruses “Sweet and Low” and “Good King Wencelaus” by the school, recitations by Maurice Bennison, Stewart Bennison, Edna Phelan, Margaret and Molly Tuffley and a dialogue “The Gold Brick” in which James McLean and Jack Phelan also took part. Mr R. L. Bennison, who presided, referred to the good work of the school during the year and the high attendance record. The children, though working under adverse conditions were not falling behind, all reports being good. He then called on Mr. R. Carruthers to present the prizes. The chief of these were: Dux of ichool, Standard 6—Marie Bennison. Standard 4.—Maurice Bennison 1. Standard 2: —Jack Phelan 1 Standard 1: —Edna Phelan 1. Primer 4 —Margaret Tuffley 1. Special prize for composition—Marie Bennison. Special prize for arithmetic —James McLean.

CHARLTON A large gathering of parents and friends, including some ex-pupils from Christchurch, attended the function in the Charlton School last Wednesday. The interior of the school was decorated for the occasion, flowers and several drawings making the room very attractive. The teachers and scholars are deserving of great praise for the amount of trouble they took. Before the proceedings commenced, Mavis Grant presented Miss McAngus the teacher, with a beautiful bouquet from the scholars who in return thanked them for the surprise gift. The chairman, Mr J. Hargest, said he felt a very proud man ar seeing such a splendid gathering present. He then thanked them for responding so well, and for the great interest they topk in the school. A very fine programme was then submitted, which was greatly appreciated by those present, each item being very well received. A play was staged entitled “Our Flag’’ by the scholars in Standards 2 and 6, and they all acted their different parts with great credit, Miss McAngus being heartily thanked for the training of the children. Miss Hazel Allen (an ex-pupil) also helped by singing two solos. The programme was as follows:—“Spinners’ Song’’ pupils; song, Miss Allan; action song, “Cindrella,” pupils; recitation. “The Elf and the Dormouse,’’ Jackie Kerr; “The Spring Song,’’ Reg. Allan; recitation, “The Snowdrops,” Colin Dodds; song, “An Arcadian Lullaby,” Frances Reid; recitation, "A Pocket Full,” Bramwell Irwin; song, Miss Allan; song, "The Sandman,” pupils; recitation, “The AH Alone Tree,” Margaret Schultz; song, “Sing a Song of Sixpence,” Jackie and Alison Keir; play, “Our blag,” Standards 2 and 6 pupils. "We have now come to the most important part,” said the chairman, "and that is the distribution of the prizes.” But before doing so, he wanted to tell those present how the school had been doing during the last year. The work of the school had been very fine. Unfortunately there had been a lot of sickness in several of the homes, thus affecting the attendance. Only that day one of the pupils, Mary Keir, was at Dunedin undergoing an operation, and he was sure he voiced the opinion of all present when he hoped that Mary would soon be restored to £ood health. In spite of these drawbacks the scholars had done very well, and were making good progress. Three of the pupils sat for their proficiency examination and had done well, each one making a good pass. Their teacher, Miss McAngus, was very interested in her work and took great interest in her scholars. It was a pleasure, he said, to go to the school and find everybody so happy and everything about the school so clean and tidy. He then read the inspector’s report, which proved that Miss McAngus was a good teacher and that her work was appreciated. The following are the names of the scholars who received prizes:—

i Standard VI. - Mavis Grant, David Grant, * Gilbert Henderson. i Standard V.—Francis Reid, Lan Dodds, 1 Reg. Allan. [ Standard IV. —Mary Keir, James Dodds, i William Henderson, John Grant. ' Standard lll.—Lily Schultz, lan Keir, ! Eva Henderson, Lionel Given, Allan Dodds. ' Standard IL —Marjory Dodds, Dorothy [ Grant, Allison Keir, Teddy Grant. i Standard I. —Margaret Schultz. 1 Primer Classes.—Colin Dodds, Bramwell ‘ Irwin, Olive Schultz, Marjory McLeod, John i Keir. 1 Attendance Certificates. —Reg. Allan, Lily ! Schultz, Colin Dodds. i Proficiency Cards. —David Grant, Mavis 1 Grant, Gilbert Henderson. [ The chairman thanked one and all for 1 their help in making the break-up the success it was. Hearty cheers were given for i the teacher by the children, also to the friends for turning out and the ladies for supplying the cakes, etc., Mrs R. K. Dodds for the milk and Messrs J. Henderson and R. K. Dodds for attending to the boiler. Mr D. Davies then moved that a hearty vote of thanks be accorded to the chairman for the great interest he took in the school and for the conducting of the function that, afternoon. Mr Joseph Mcßride, in seconding, said he was pleased to be present and had enjoyed the afternoon with them. He also hoped that the three children who gained their proficiency would go still further with their education for nowadays it was very essential, even with the farmer. Mr Dodds also moved that Miss Hargest be thaked for presiding at the piano.

CROYDON SIDING The Croydon Siding School held its break-up celebration last Wednesday, following its usual custom of holding a sports picnic after the prize-giving. Proceedings began with a small play acted by the pupils, junior to Standard VI., the children impersonating the various figures associated with Christmas and New Year. All were there, from King Christmas himself, who held court, down to Miss 1929, the New 7 Year child. Following this, the chairman (Mr Dickie) presented the prizes. Out of four candidates presented for the proficiency examination, three obtained complete passes and the fourth a competency, a fact which reflected very favourably on the efforts of the teacher, Miss Martin. The prize list was as follows: — Standard VI.—K. Wright 1, G. Wright 2, Ivy McKinnel 3, E. McKinnel 4. The first Ijiree contained proficency certificates, and the fourth a competency. Standard V. —N. Dickie 1. Standard IV.—R. Wright 1, M. Hanley 2. Standard 111.- M. Dickie 1, R. Wardrop 2, A. McKinnel 3. Standard IL- M. Wright. Standard I.—o. McKenzie 1, E. Dickie 2, M. Hanley 3. Sewing (Miss Martin’s prizes) : Senior girls, Ivy McKinnel; junior girls, Helen McKenzie. Attendance certificates: K. Wright (prize for seven years’ unbroken attendance inscribed brooch donated by committee), G. Wright, E. McKinnel, L McKinnel, N. Dickie. R. Wright, M. Dickie, M. Wright, E. Dickie, M. Hanley. The gathering then partook of lunch, after which the business of the afternoon began. A supply of toys, fruits, nuts, etc. was in readiness as gifts and prizes for

the competitors. At the end of a very pleasant afternoon Mr Dickie proposed a vote of thanks to Miss Martin, the teacher, for the very great interest taken and effort made on behalf of the children—a motion with which all parents heartily agreed. The sports list was as follows: Girls’ Straight Race, 12 and under 14: K. Wright 1, E. McKinnel 2, I. McKinnel 3, M. Hanley 4. Girls, 8 to 11: M. McKinnel 1, J. McKinnel 2, M. Wright 3, M. Dickie 4. Girls, 7 to 8: E. Dickie 1, M. Monaghan 2, H. McKenzie 3. Small Girls: A. Slater 1, K. Monaghan 2, J. McKenzie 3. Girls’ Three-legged: I. and E. McKinnel 1, K. Wright and J. McKinnel 2, M. Dickie and M. McKinnel 3. Girls’ Backward: M. Hanley 1, K. Wright 2. Girls’ Hop, Step and Jump: J. McKinnel 1, K. Wright 2. Skipping: Senior, I. McKinnel; junior, M. Monaghan. Boys’ Straight, 12 to 14: A. McKinnel 1, G. Wright 2, N. Dickie 3. Boys, 10 to 14: M. Hanley 1, R. Wardrop 2, R. Wright 3. Small Boys: Maurice Hanley 1, O. McKenzie 2, J. Monaghan 3. Hop, Step and Jump: Mat. Hanley 1, G. Wright 2, A. McKinnel 3. High Jump: Mat. Hanley 1, A. McKinnel 2, G. Wright 3. Dog Race: Mat. Hanley 1, R. Wright 2, G. Wright 3. Wheelbarrow Race: R. Wright and A. McKinnel 1, G. Wright and M. Hanley 2. Ex-Pupils’ Race: E. McKinnel 1, T. Herriott 2, F. Wright 3. Young Ladies’ Race: Miss Martin 1, Miss Bacon 2, Miss Millane 3. Married Ladies: Mrs Slater 1, Mrs Monaghan 2. Mrs McKenzie 3. Married Men: Senior, Mr McKinnel 1, Mr Dickie 2; junior, Mr Monaghan 1, Mr Slater 2, Mr Bennet 3.

ABDLUSSA On Wednesday afternoon the break-up picnic and presentation of prizes took place on the Ardiussa School grounds. The function was presided over by Mr John Keown. While briefly addressing the gatherings of parents and children he drew attention to the excellence of the passes. Mr Arthur G. Thomson, the schoolmaster, had shown a great deal of enthusiasm since taking over control. A library had been placed in the school. During the summer months instruction is given in swimming, and a boxing class may be inaugurated next year. The sports gathering was highly successful, evolving much interest. Mr T. Dawson and Mr Thomson were the handicappers, J. Keown and W. Mackay judges and Mr Harry Cromje starter. Mr T. Dawson, recently home from the Gore Hospital, presented the prizes. He congratulated the children on their excellent work for the year, and expressed the hope that they would enjoy the holidays. Mr John Keown then called on the children to give three cheers for their teacher. These were heartily given. Mr Thomson then asked the children to give cheers for Mr Keown (the chairman), which they also heartily gave and wished Mr Keown a merry Christmas. Following on the prize-giving a sports gathering was held, for which prizes had been generously donated by the parents and friends. The children spent a very pleasant time and showed that they were more than pleased with the form of the closing ceremony. Special prizes were donated by Mrs John Butler, Mrs Thomson, Miss B. Keown, Mr Thomson and Mr Reuben Butler, and sweets by Mr Asher (Balfour). The results of the sports were as follows : Girls race, under 19 years: Hilda Butler 1, Gwitha Butler 2, Betty Butler 3. Girls, any age: Hilda 1, Minta Butler 2, Lena Pumpa 3. Double-harness race, any age: Hilda and Claude Butler 1, Peter Pumpa and Minta Butler 2, Betty Butler and John Cromie 3. Potato race, any age, girls: Hilda Bullet 1, Minta Constance Butler 2, Betty Butler Potato race, boys and girls: lan Claude Butler 1, Lena Pumpa 2, John Cromie 3. Obstacle race, girls, any age: Minta Constance Butler 1, Hilda Mary Butler 2, Lena Pumpa 3, Elizabeth Butler 4. Boys’ race, any age: John Cromie 1, Gilbert Butler 2, Claude Butler 3. The school prize list is as follows: . Primer Classes.—Margaret Butler and Leslie Butler. Standard I. —Gilbert Butler 1, Gwitha Butler 2. Standard ll.—John Cromie 1, Betty Butler 2, Claude Butler 3. Standard lll.—Hilda Butler 1. Standard IV.—Minta Butler 1, Peter Pumpa 2, Marjory Gibbons 3. Standard Vl.—James Cromie dux, Desmond Dillon 2, James Dwyer 3. Specials.—Sewing: Senior, Lena Pumpa 1, Marjory Gibbons 2; junior, Gwitha Butler 1, Betty Butler 2. Best kept books: Lena Pumpa. Writing: Minta Butler. Highest aggregate in class marks, Standard VI.: Charles Pumpa. Special school service and conduct: Charles Pumpa. Progress prize: Colin Currie. Perfect attendance record for four years: James Cromie. N.Z.A.S.A. certificate for swimming: Jas. Cromie. Perfect attendance certificates for 1928: Colin Currie James Cromie and John Cromie.

REDAN (From Our Correspondent.) The annual school break-up and pnzogiving in connection with the Redan Schoo! was held in the school on Wednesday evening, when there was a large gathering of district people present. The first part of the programme comprised items by the school children, which were very favourably received, and which were very creditably rendered. The remainder of the programme was rendered by district talent, all being of a high standard. The following items were rendered by the children: “Pokarekar,” “Mother Chicken,” “Elizabeth in the Rain,” “Lullaby Indian Baby,” “Come to the Fair,” “A Hot Dispute,” “Solomon Levi,” “Nursery Rhymes,” “Love of the Country,” “One of j the Dewsenburys,” “Ye Gentle Warblers.” The second part of the programme comprised items by Mr D. Hopkins, Mrs T. Skinner, recitation by Miss J. Parr, song by Mrs J. Richardson, song by Mr Kidd, duet by Messrs R. Kidd and H. L. Palmer, song by Mr G. Martin, and song by Mr H. Kiddey. The accompaniments were capably played by Miss M. Hunter. Mesdames W. G. Leckie, H. Kiddey and Richardson. The prize list as follows was, at a suitable interval, presented by Mr H. Kiddey: Attendance Certificates:—Frank Wilson, Isabel McKenzie, Harvey Wilson, William Sands, Roderick McDonald, Gordon McKenzie. Markaret Johnstone, Charles Grace, Margaret MacKenzie, Ernest Johnstone. Prizes. Standard V.—Dux of School, Ernest Johnstone; second in class, Margaret McKenzie. Effort, Charles Grace. Standard IV.—Margaret Johnstone. Standard 111. -William Sands 1, Gordon MacKenzie 2. General improvement, Alister MacKenzie. General Knowledge, Roderick MacDonald. Standard I. —Eric Kiddey 1, Isabel MacKenzie 2. Recitation, Harvey Wilson. Primer ll.—Gordon Sands 1, Frank Wilson 2. Special prizes, Violet Thompson and Rita Thompson. The prize for the Dux of School was a medal presented by Mrs W. G. Leckie (Redan). At the conclusion of the prize-giving Mr William Scott rose to voice the universal regret of the district at the loss of their popular teacher, Mr George Martin, who was severing his connection with the Redan School in view of his appointment to Morton Mains School. Mr Scott referred in glowing terms to the work and interest of Mr Martin in the welfare of the school and district, which was reflected in the general advance and attainment of the school. He had taken a keen interest in sport and had been the leader in the organizing of the Redan Football Club. In conclusion, the speaker expressed regret al Mr Martin's departure, but remarked that there was comfort in the fact that he was going to a position further up the tree. In asking his acceptance of a handsome travelling leather case and leather travelling set, Mr Scott trusted that the recipient would enjoy success, health and happiness in his new sphere. /Applause.) Endorsing remarks were added by Messrs T. Skinner, H. Kiddey and Mrs Johnston, all paying tributes to Mr Martin’s interest and work in the school and district. Mr Martin suitably replied, contending that the residents of the district had played a large part in his successful stay in the district. His relations with both the School Committee and the people had been most pleasant, being free at all times from friction of any kind. He sincerely regretted leaving, as he had made many fine friends, and assured them that he would always be pleased to meet them in the future. In conclusion, he thanked them all for the fine present, which would always remind him of the happy times and the many fine people he had met in Redan. At the conclusion of supper the floor was cleared and dancing indulged in to the strains of music by Leckie’s Band, Mr T. Skinner acting as floor master. FORTIFICATION A successful break-up was held in the Fortification School on Wednesday afternoon when a number of parents and friends gathered to witness the prize-giving. After an enjoyable programme was given by the children, Mr Carswell (chairman) presented each child with a prize. During the afternoon, tea was handed round by the ladies. Special prizes were awarded as follows: Writing (Mrs Carswell’s prize) William Cook 1, Joan Carswell and Astley Fallow (equal) 2. Spelling, Joan Carswell, Astley Fallow, John Baikie.

MAITLAND ? On Wednesday evening the Maitland \ ( school was crowded for the break-up. Mr , j .James Smail, who occupied the chair, said • | he was very pleased to see eo many out to I j. give the teacher and children a send-off ; [ on their holidays. Much credit was due to the teacher (Miss Benzoni) for her • work, all the children having passed with < credit. s The following programme was submitted: ] Song. "The Mermaid,’’ children; recitation. Ivy Duthie; song, “Cock Robin and Jenny Wren,’’ Florence Miller; recitation, Dulcie White; aong, "A Bird’s Question,” Robert Mcßride; recitation, George Johnston; song, i "My Pretty Maid,” Dorothy McLean and , Jim Small; recitation, Marjory Nicoleon; song, “The Brown Thrush,” May Smail; Christmas carol, children; recitation, Fran- ( ces Nichol; song, "Cobbler Cobbler.” children; recitation, Isobel Duthie; song, "The ] Bells of Aberdovey,” Lorraine Smail; song, "Daisy Nurses,” children. The following was the prize list: — Standard Vl.—Lorraine Smail 1, Alec Donald 2, Birnie Dynes 3. ( Standard V. —William Duthie 1, Leslie , White 2, Douglas Donald 3, Florence Miller | 1 4. Standard IV. —Alec White. Standard lII.—Ry Duthie 1, Marjory ; Nicolson 2. May Smail 3. Standard ll.—Gordon Roy 1. Dulcie I White 2. Isobel Duthie 3, Jimmy Miller 4, ‘ William Miller 5. Standard 1. —Doreen Keir 1, Robert McBride 2, Dorothy McLean 3, John Keir 4, Ronald Dynes 5. Primer 4. —Frances Nichol 1, George Johnston 2. Mervyn Duthie 3, Jim Smail 4, Leslie Miller 5. Primer I.—Peter Keir 1 .Stanley Miller 2, Joan Johnston 3. Eva Miller 4. Attendance prizes and certificates: Lorraine Smail, Marjory Nicolson, Gordon Roy, Ronald Dynes and Frances Nichol. Mr H. P. Mclntyre, in proposing a vote | of thanks to the performers, said the children had done splendidly and he was sure everyone had enjoyed themselves. The I teacher (Miss Benzoni> was also deserving I of praise for the work put into the programme. ' A vote of thanks to the ladies by Mr. R. M. Nichol and a verse of the National Anthem brought a very enjoyable social to ■ a close. » MENZIES FERKY Following is the prize-list of the Menzies Ferry School:— Dux prize (wristlet watch)—Esther Symons. Special prize (7 years unbroken attendance)—Esther Symons. Special prize (6 years unbroken attendance)—W’alter Andrews. Sewing prizes—Jean Henderson, Lorna Ross, Rene Dobbie. Agricultural prizes.—Robbie Dobbie, Alexander Clarke, Bill Weir. Special writing prizes donated by J. S. Waite—Nesta Crosbie (5/6), Renie Dobbie (2/6), Doris Caldwell (2/61, Ernie Laurie (5/6), William Winter (5/6). Standard 6.—Esther Symons, Augusta Christie, Nesta Crosbie, James Hamilton, j Walter Andrews, Philip Symons. Standard 5. —Lorna Ross. Margaret Crosbie, Isabel Todd, Doris Gabites. Standard 4.—Lily Gabites, Renie Dobbie, Doris Caldwell, Nessie Laurie, Myrtle Crosbie, Hazel Symons, Mary McGillivray, Elsie Symons, Alexander Clarke, Robbie Dobbie, Clifford Crosbie, William Weir. Standard 3.—Glays Weir, Thelma Crosbie, Eileen Todd, Frances Laurie, Jean Gabites, William Milne, Mervyn Clarke. Standard 2 —Jean Henderson, Ernie Laurie. Standard I—Jean Todd, Eveline Johnston, George Merriman, Douglas Crosbie, Jim McGillivray, Jack Symons. Primer 4. —Edith Gabites, John Caldwell, Reginald Gabites, John Hamilton, David I Henderson. John Johnston, Alan Stewart, William W’inter. Primer 3. —Alison Weir, Hazel Crosbie, Catherine McGillivray, Dorothy Ross, John Stewart, George Stewart, David Weir. Primer I—Hazel1 —Hazel Merriman, Olive Johnston, Elizabeth Caldwell, Florence McGilli vray, Russell Clarke, Charles Gabites, Thomas Laurie, Leslie Todd, lan W’inter. PAPATOTARA The following pupils were presented with 1 f.rizes at the Papatotara school concert on ! Tuesday, December 18: Std 6: Harry Bennett 1, Archie Breen , 2; Phyllis Bennett 3; Elma Wells; Lizzie ■ Rodgers, Florence Breen, Lilly Wright, lan • Buchanan, Alex Rofa. Std s:—Jack Ridder 1, Jean Forbes 2. i David Roas 3; Daphne Baker. Dolly Ben 1 nett; Georgina Burke; Hannah Ryan; Mar- i

garet Donaldson, Stella Bennett, Clifford Beer. Std 4: —Agnes Roderique 1; Archie Rodgers 2; Ethel Templeton 3; Janet Buchanan, William Bennett; John Donaldson. Std. 3: —Herbert Broomhall 1; Anna Rid-der-2; Fraser Forbes 3; Charles Breen, David Rodgers, Ernest Bennett, Prosper Harper, Gilbert Campbell. Herbert Campbell, John Templeton, Albert Ward. Roland Broomhall. Lilian Ross, Nancy Smith. Std 2: —Madge Buchanan 1, Sylvia Baker 2, Rosie Hellier 3; Olga Bennett, Rosie Campbell; Alice Donaldson; Nellie Donaldson, Gladys Ross, Richard Baker. Lindsay Breen. Garfield Smith, David White. Std I.—lan Young 1, Olive Ross 2, Nancy Johnston 3; Allen Erskine, Annie Donaldson. Primer 3:—Norman Breen, Fred Erskine, Roy Forbes. Leslie Rodgers, William Templeton, Marion Broomhall, Mavis Williams, Jessie Smith. Primer 2: —Zena Ridder. Lewis Bennett, Gregor Ridder, Angus Ross, Dallas Ward. Primer I: —Tuahuriri Acker. Wallace Baker; Noel Bennett; Ewan McKenzie, James Donaldson. Francis Ward. Lilian Bennett, Retha Bennett, Edith Erskine, Valmai Roderique. In addition nineteen attendance certificates were awarded and the following special i prizes: Dux of the school, Harry Bennett, ' agriculture, Archie Brown; sewing, Std. 5 | and 6, Elma Wells; Std 3 and 4, Janet i Buchanan; Std. 1 and 2, Madge Buchanan. FELDWICK The prize-giving ceremony of the Feldwick school took place on Wednesday. After a number of itenjs had been given by the children, the prizes were presented byMrs J. Minty. The prize list is as follow’s: —• Kindergarten: Daphne Scott. PII.: Jack Minty, Billie Hamilton. PIV.: Ruby Frederickson, Billy Minty. Std. ll:Chrissie Hamilton, Bill Moreton. Std III: Linda Frederickson, lan Hamilton ; Stanley Moss, Stuart Moreton. Std. IV.: Peggy Minty. Std V.: Norman Moss, Sylvia FrederickI son. j Std. VI: Lawre Frederickson. Special Prizes. I Senior sewing: Lawre Frederickson. I Junior sewing: ChrLssie Hamilton. Writing: Stanley Moss; monitor’s prize, | Linda Frederickson; drawing and handwork, | Norman Moss; drill, Chrissie Hamilton, diligence, Peggy Minty; attendance certificate: | Sylvia Frederickson; proficiency certificate, Lawre Frederickson.

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Southland Times, Issue 20676, 24 December 1928, Page 12

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COUNTRY SCHOOLS Southland Times, Issue 20676, 24 December 1928, Page 12

COUNTRY SCHOOLS Southland Times, Issue 20676, 24 December 1928, Page 12