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Ahoy! The good ship “Progressive” commences to unload surplus cargo to-day! u Clearing ■=“ I fl / Crinoline and Fancy Straw \ l 111 \ Capalines, trimmed artistically A V 't i ) r V H I with Ribbons, Silk, Lace and f W/7l<y— X J »qM I \ | J Flowers. Shades of Rose-beige, \ Wil r Jm— H H V lf/1 Air Force Blue, Rose-dust, z'' V/zfdrS'Zn A aS" H SJ* Z 1/llSrfl l/i X Helio, Navy, Black and White, f lOC lUr ( WWu Vi ’“^ price " (very Christmas! ” WRAPON CORSETS We shipped a Heavy Cargo of seasonable merchandise and choppy business weather spoiled our Navigation! 3/ n Usually 5/11—“Clear-the-deck- — A wet sheet and a flowing sea, D-.. f ' " ”| Price” 3/1 1. Excellent fitting A wind that follows fast, I 4 r , i r> f f ft™ 5 I" S i * ‘"‘“j 1 " A Page from the Bos ns 2.»X, The Skipper lowers the Plank Notebook! »<. at Nine o’clock this Morning! cr old England on the lee. lastingly low prices. But we need deck room for Wli’l , , . ~ ~ , , ... Christmas and unloadin’ is th’ only s’lution ter mp A-hoy there, ye land-lubbers! Stand by while the p ro i) lem? , jpP . , . , , Skipper spins his yarn! (Signed) The Bos’n. Aye ! Aye ! Sir ! “Jumping sea-horses!” We’re unloading Clear thc deck < sa - vs he ) stow tho y ards and 11OU8C ever y uAuIES ’ KLEE^ BLOOMERS hnlrl ! thing tight SO’S everything ’ll be ship-shape when thc o, for a soft and gentle wind: 1/ 6 36 'crewdson° C cali S co AND ’ er° od shi P “Progressive” clears away her Spring cargo ( to’me “the'swelling Cia P ?" »" sail » hit r “ l/_ LADIES . HOSI£RY ready to set sail for Christmas with clean decks. We Sale on VieeVy" Biogen J ~ u u , , - / shipped heavy cargoes for Spring and choppy business the rort high, my lads, f/T m ’« Sensational! 36 inch Horrockses’ 1/ . .. w x i x- l ni n 999 The good ship tight and free— 3/ , 6 “ Cloar-the-deck-Price and Crewdson’s heavy round thread weather Spoiled OUT navigation. But, by timbers, well Bow! The world P of waters is our Women’s and S.W. sizes. Calico-guaranteed pure. One of Coloured Cotton Hose (fine . 1 a 1 nrionq tlwn mates WO ho me these famous makers’ high-grade finish) in shades of Cream, Unload all Our ballast at A.l. priCCS then, mates, WC CURTAIN NETS And merry men are we. numbers. Usual Price i/i I yard. Champagne, P each > ; le J h ’ can make a fast run for Christinas with all sails set and a < /fi ••Clear the deck Price"-!/-yard! ?Z is "nd full cargo of Christmas merchandise in the hold. So pipe 1/6 »ic^l/!^r!“ Cleir - the ‘ all hands to marking down prices to the Plimsoll Mark, bring all superfluous cargo up from below and sell away Madras Muslins in Cotton and Silk. X fit XXUtCfIVO ” 1 “ 1 Every piece new and fashionable, f f Uf CHILDREN’S | SOCKS FROM with a will! selling usually from 2/9 to 5/6 yard. lire Oil ! yif] “Clear-the-deck-Price”—all to go at „ . . ... Come, my bullies, and see our saucy crew clearing the 1/6 yard! Come help us unload ! chemise vests Branded Mazol —wnicn means 7 17 ■■■■■■"■■■■■■■MiMMnaMMMaßMaaiMi /<£ Wo °! and Cotton. Splendid decks for Christmas! ' x/© 3 M 4 nS 5 S 6 CkS Usuanv l°/3''l/I' „ AXMINSTER HEARTH RUGS Full speed aheaj for this super l’/5y 4 ’ 1/6 l 7? 1/9 l/ii: “Clap on value-superior quality ; Cotton 7Jd, nil vnil 12/6 Che, T VeS ‘L T‘ h /IJjr sh qw i oh Hi/i i/ short or no sleeves and plain Jibr'AA-fr’lk 8d ’ Bid ’ 9d ’ ° d ' 4d ’ /% hurra for 200 new heavy A>' minster bound neck, usually 4/11— 14 Hearth Rugs in real good pat- “Clear-the-deck-Price" 1/6 lawliw m 911 k nsFCS raßmrc YLj this! ‘erns and with fringed ends. ART SILK DRESS FABRICS Size sft x 2ft 6in. Usual Price WA > 1/6 MEN’S FELT HATS ' 9/6 „ “Clear-the-deck-«Cfc- JAfbJSr a®® Price—l2/6 each! ><==»-■ NfllVer Clearing the decks with a ven- 7/11 me qeancel 25 bolts of new Art X’L" , j Silk Fabrics and Fancy Cotton TSSu/Tyk Usually 12/6 each! An extraordin- TAPESTRY CARPET RUNNERS AiZul/lr timbers —Wtiat value! Materials. All double width. fStESKr ary sav ing! Men’s Felt Hats in ttS* Usually sold at 2/11 to 5/11 ’OTwwwA shades of Fawn and Grey. All sizes X/11 » ixnirc uncirov yard. “Clear-the-deck-Price" —with cut or bound edges. “Clear- WEs LADIES HOSIERY 12all 1/6 yard , the-deck-Price”—all 7/11 each. Almost giving away 20 pieces l/S fl I ft J LADIES’ CARDIGANS S/S ~lr. LU. SPECKLED WOOL CLOTH WMI 9/11 Thread Hosiery with mock seam, 1/11 HMMI “Tumble 2/11 y ar< i. 22 in<* Passed A.l. for value-giving by fashioned marks and wide tops. ' MBS: am BrßgfMl ji and 27 inch 4/6 yard. . Lloyd's Most attractive One of the best values we have u j, o |ts of Speckled Wool II9H 0.11 Ladies’ Cardigans in a gay ever offered. Shades of Mid-Grey, —finely woven for Sum- hands Oft diversity of colourings. “ClearDark Grey, Peach, Champagne, mer wear Double width and ” MEN'S ART SILK SOCKS the-deck-Price"—9/11. Putty, Beige and Cream. Clear- s 0 usually at 5/11 yard. i&FZ K deck* the-deck-Price”—l/6 pair! "Clear-the-deck-Price" l/lI WMKk XK aSSSSHf 1/ 7 ard ! WHkL Zr Iff \w NX LADIES’ ZEPHYR FROCKS w vji Usually 3/6 pair! Artificial IKa .>¥ 4/11 Silk Socks in shades of Palm LACE NET FOR FROCKS F InTx; « Bea ch, Beaver, Grey, Powder IM CH u nrDADTUPMT f ’ II ’ I Keen sho PP ers will ’ tMr an early Blue, Nigger Brown, White, IN SILA utrAn I mln I. | course for this amazing value— Black and Navv. Reinforced Ht 1 3/11 Wiy Zephyr Frocks (a good washing heel. “Clear-the-deck Price"— z material) in assorted colours— |/. pair! ”»ul. Charming new Lace Nets for "Clear-the-deck-Price”—4/11. Will i.nirc’ vnn r ronrirc r Summer Frocks at an extra- suit the medium figure. LADIES VOILE FROCKS ordinary sacrifice price! 36 ■■■■■■ MEN’S UNDERWEAR 19/6 inches wide and sold usually at 13/6 yard! Six pieces to 1/11 One of the best values on the go at the “Clear-the-deck- first deck—Voile Frocks in Price” of 3/11 yard! , Usually 3/6 per garment! Floral, Spotted, Checked and Uli IhlQ fWmnriQQ lll£> QsPPI’ 1 nere Men’s Cotton Singlets and Bordered designs—assorted coluy Ulin IAJIIipUI®& WC dIKU/ xrvyu Underpants in a Natural shade ourings. "Clear-the-deck-Price" BLACK SILK COATING » Ct £J. 1 Ct -I* £ J-' and ' n Men’s and O.S. sizes. —l9/6. 5 a for your Safety and Satisfaction tJt blows'” Light summer weight dear 3 /** a tiwivs. the-deck-Price’’—l/l I per garAn exceptional sacrifice! One DESSERT KNIVES ment ' bolt of beautiful Black Silk xr , . " . “A-hou me hearties'” Coating, 36 inches wide and Your safety, your satisfaction are always paramount 8/11 HALF DOZEN L„„ / Onor , cmptuc ’ in our business d « a Ws. The extent to which we have The bargain . finding compass points cretonnes VOILE ROBE LENGTHS yarij j kept faith is measured by our reputation for quality, to this sensational saving—Stainless go U/o . , , , , z . , ~ . , Dessert Knives of Wood’s finest / J service and honest value. Our merchandise IS the best Sheffield steel, usually 13/6- Large table of new Cretonnes Imagine this! 25 beautiful new DOUBLE WIDTH CREPE. obtainable, OUl’ Values are always “Better Values,” our “Clear-the-deck-Price"—B/11 half in a || qualities sold usually BOYS’ SHIRTS Voile Robe Lengths in Floral and 1 / , . , . , , „ . . dozen. f rom 1/3 to 2/6 yard. Charm- o/c Geometrical designs at half price! */“ business reputation IS back of every sale we make. We ing pattern effects—the very ” Two and a-half yards in length 2 5 bolts of new double width invite VOUr patronage and pledge OUrSCIveS, as always, neW n St n ’ J “Clear-the-deck-Price” Another 100 dozen of our unand 50 inches in width. Usually Crepes in shades of Helio, , .. . , ... „ ~ all 9d y ard - beatable line of Boys’ Shirts at 22/6 per length. “Clear-the-deck- Pink, Saxe, Navy and Rose. Serve VOU well and faithfully, (( i 2/6 each. All sizes from lOi Price” 1 1/3 per length! Excellent quality. Usual Price tfSf? . oeiay t 0 |4|_Black or Blue Stripes 1/6 yard. “Clear-the-deck- there' on White ground. ' Price” I/- yard ! WHITE BATH TOWELS Mr A. Frazer, our new ■O’ 3/6 MA IOS . elannel tadcks shipmate “ Heaves Ho! ” w K-artraj;'!: 15/6 , CRYSTAL CRUETS White. Hemmed ready for use. , IVllh fl 11’1111 i Sold usually at 6/11 pair! W 1 Fine Flannel Frocks for Maids IVllll ll U/11l . 3/6 “Clear-the-deck-Price" 3/6 /!’ —suitable for smart street ' pair! ■’ J. ■- ' wear - The popblsr Jumper Tt/T f rrt •! 1 Ct ’i Crowds will make a fast passage effect in the newest Spring $ [ UllOredi SUIIS special-Dainty 3-piece Cry- BOYS GOLF HOSE A/ shades. Length 38 inches. stal Cruets on Trays, worth 5/6 1/11 , ,y!!' ally u 2 ! /6 , J°. ? 9/6 eac , h / /vziiTM “Clear-the-deck-Price" 3/6. READY-TO-WEARS Z “Clear-the-deck-Pnce” - 15/6 - JrOHl ZO IO / - , Sizes 2,3, and 4 only in Pure each - z 7/11 N.Z. all wool Golf Hose with MAIDS’ KNICKERS ~ .. ..t- ■min. r l u u d l j coloured tops—we arc heavily ya . Yes, mates, a new ship-mate, Mr A. Frazer, Every shade, shape and head- overstocked in these sizes XW-1/3 PAIR of Auckland, has signed on for a long cruise , (( in chic Ready-to-Wears. hence the remarkable clearance A among the well dressed men of Southland. CrV Gangway Trimmings of Petersham and ri ce. Usually sold at 2/11 UXJ j- Overstocked—overboard they He’s a handy man with the measuring tape, , Velvet Ribbon to tone. "Clear- ’ jr ’ ow |/|| pair. HO, nO, go! Maids’ Fleecy Knickers scissors, needle and thread, and ■ can rig for U ing-the-deck-Price”—7/11 An H nnrl n hntHe nf mm!” in Grey and Navy shades and you up in the smartest Tailored Suit you’ve Aj'/Wa® , A.l. value. ana a oottie or rum. jn si2 j 6 and 7 Usually sold ever £ orn Lay aboard the gqod ship TJT bargain! ■7O iuru omr-e at IZII and 2Z3 P air - “ clear ' ___“Progressive” and visit his cabin on the a*rS~. (L INCH Kitts HEAVY the-deck-Price”—l/3 pair. first deck and he’ll show you an exception- " 1 DD c«izr»e-r oi lttc WHITE SHEETING “ ally fine cargo of Summer Suitings. BREAKFAST PLATES READY-TO-WEARS 9/11 MAIDS’ WINCEYETTE BLOUSES ———« 2/11 HALF DOZEN 19 /« Remember, your Christmas leave is just , ~„. , . 3 11 ahead—the time when everyone wants a amuanw Over-loaded—so now beina thrown ,„-. u . . . . , . R| M’S heavy Twin "»/ - change of scene and a change of Suit. out at a»pe’Ll price- 100 down Without equals for style and X Sne ofm b a esT Ena ish Maids’ and Misses’ best quality slkfas? PlataVplain White and i’ndTa^! b7.^ rXvlS BOYS’ WORSTED COLLEGE price. One of the best English Cream Wmceyette Blouses with ~|T . Tn MrA< ..| DC - Printed and Gilt Patterns usually ? a n and , C Z Bra ! ds ’ ,elle '' e “ SUITS qualities guaranteed and 72 Collars suitable to wear with SUITS r- D T n ° M M t e A^n/ RE Vo ‘to 4/6—“Clear the d’eck'price (very smartly!) with plain and SLHTS inches wide. Usually sold at 4/11 school Tie. Long sleeves. Usu- FROM £6 la/ " o/n C th °* P s P° tted Ribbons and Motiffs to 39/6 yard. “Clear-the-deck-Price”—2/11 allv 6/6 and 6/11 each “Clear- z/ naif aozen. tone Large and small headyard! the-deck-Price”—3/11 each ! GENUiNE TAIL OR-MADE SUiTS ° fittings. “Clear-the-deck Price" A direct saving of 10/-! Boys’ FROM £8 15/- —l2/6. Navy and Grey Worsted College Suits in Mosgiel make. > o Sizes 7 to 16, usually sold at - A9Z ® t 0 de c ' eared at 39Z ® a '® ' ~ Here’s the way the «“«■ Skipper called ’em off to the First Mate! Xzw ''' 6 He made a carrful selection of I fj J-vrlx ’-i / ■ l/w A '’ST® 9 what he considered the very best s f« A Jr/ k Mi i r Wl'A _ R nt erc handlse— marked them \ r/ u ) XnU 1 fW —A. I Z at own prices—and selling tflra/'' I fW 'i J t}j|y V kf/l begins to-day! Come and see the V If/I / /\ WSffl®®- good ship "Smith’s" unload! Y&IW/V* “The COOk f MA A BOVS ’ KNICKERS / /u /\|J u V —7 A “Vast there lower away!” and the stewards are ready!” I wf/\UI n \ 3/6 V OwA. X CUTLERY SPECIALS O -Ready to provide dainty Morning and I X u/bUaV" f \ “Clear-the-Deck-Specials” in the Household nVMnNmHWe Afternoon Teas, at only 9d, to those who \ j Section:—Stainless Dessert Spoons (acid- 7 I V I ordinary value. Sizes 3 to 6, V X J P r °»<) 6/6-now 4/6 half d6zen. Table visit the Billllnt ,hi| ’ " Pr °9res«ive’’ while V ) 6/6-7 to 12, 4/6-13 to 16 Spoons (similar to above) usually 7/6—now - ■-» the dumps her cargo overboard. Also 5/6 - With double seats w J"en 5/3 half dozen Table Forks were 7/6 | nv . r c*rgi|l. “W* 7 Gore. lunches every day between 12 .nd 2, at only M/M toT’ 5/“l3 ■- • now 5/3 half dozen. Dessert Forks, were ~— - - Ol 10 ’ aKrtMHSKUSaHHHBiHBiBI 6/6, now 4/6 half dozen. 1/6! 16. 6/6.

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Southland Times, Issue 20633, 3 November 1928, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 20633, 3 November 1928, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 20633, 3 November 1928, Page 9