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Stocks consigned to Campbell Bros., Dunedin, and purchased from L & R. Morley, Ltd. A Rousing Sale at Smiths! Here at last—the long looked for Sale of the second shipment of POST IT ! I. &R. Morley’s world famous merchandise! An occasion so import- There will be big If you find it impos- ant that Southlanders far and near will eagerly and whole-heartedly savings for everySible to come to Town seize the opportunity to save. Besides the special purchase you’ll send US a letterat find ref i llce( l prices in every section of the Store. Friday at 9 sharp J h ai once telling us selling commences. Come in. See this great display of really worth- Smiths on Friday what you want. while values ~~ realise what Smith’s buying power means to South- and Saturday. land —and buy and save! « Underwear —in every way these are record values I VESTS, 1/9. I. and R. Morleys famous “Flying Wheel” Vests. Shaped waist and short sleeves. We have 100 dozen w///m —and we’re going to sell them all at 1/9 each 1 x'-illl/} I VESTS, 2/6. jgfe Wffi Morleys Wool Vests—so dozen in women’s size. Short sleeves and round necks. Just think of it for a min- xfflhirK will | ute —Wool Vests in a famous make at 2/6 each ! ' /!/ SILK AND COTTON KNICKERS, 6/6. Only a few dozen pairs of these Artificial Silk and ’ll /T"’ V /flnvsl V Cotton Kniekers left. We have them in Sky Pink, V the R n J ot , tream - heBc at on y ’ s of b/b— Friday and Saturday ! ■ ” e vwa'ra 9/c ‘ O.S. VJholS, Z/b. ,Satejgffii 6/ — Before you come into the Store be sure to see the— H / U pass- Window Display of Morleys Vests at 2/6—they are QwBMIw Wk I \ / I wonderful at this low price. If you cannot come to 7trT~_ x Town post an order. \ ierei ivniiincry v<nucs —. •e in to make eyes open wide . //// 1 ’ 46 > niTTorirT ano tni f WKfflW f/ jilac, 1 ELI FULL OINS, 7/11. lu MW) iiZfilKV hJ I I i The very latest arrivals —Felt Pull Ons at 7/11! 'IMH IhMh They will please you with their refreshing newness— wl In -T " 1 I \ EVEINIING FKOUKS £4 111/-. their “lours and’styles. And you’ll be thrilled at ®J|| IffliKrngL- \ \ 1 I Beaded Evening Frocks at the very spec- th ® SU P" va!ue they are at 7/11 each. W HMM I \ \ I day l ! riCe G O lor^us lo s'ha O d" S I ’of 3 rX FELT AND STRAW MIXTURES, 9/11. TTY I \ Grey, Almond, Saxe and Fawn—in styles New—and fashion correct in every detail! Felt and \ \ | / that’date them unmistakeably Winter, Straw mixtures at 9/11 each ! If you come quickly ' i > t\ 1927 you will choose from all the shades everyone is look- \ in g fOT - VISIT THE TEAROOMS. \ also Silk and READY TO WEAR FELTS 12/6 or s when \ Wool-in the new blocked designs. You “ ,7 ZT/ ‘° W ? ar . le . lts ’ “ ” e . w f st finished-when youWe examined the beantifS dis- \ I will choose, at this low price, from shades Winter styles, at the very beginning of the Winter plays of new merchandise—when you’ve shopped and of Tan, Rose, Saxe, Orange and Wine. s si?//e : I as i' v the second floor. Here you may enjoy music, rest "W Lb RAINCOATS, 12/6. FLOWERS AND POSIES, 1/9. “u SoutSdT > ’ t O ylMr b e“ 1®“/? SP We S thC d j 8 h P ’ a 7 “ T Milline^ p SSalon . lon y- how style with belt at eain we charming these new flowers and Posies arc—and how Southland, visits the Tearooms at Smiths Perhans could only secure 10 to sell at this low moderate the prices. For Evening wear and Coat you’ve heard the Tearooms are always busy—they 48 We Shrimp" onfly ‘//‘“to t 0 Ch °° S<S fro “- at P " ees fr °“ “"for "°" S RmUlng S °° n Values exceeding your From the Fabric Section g e here early for these fondest dreams I “ these amazing values ! „ an d be happy ! CHECKED "“PH J COLOURED TOWELS, 3/11. V FLANNEL TWEEDS, 6/11. CHILDREN’S ROMPERS Read rins carefully its an extra, special value! The newest and most fashionable! Cosy Fleecy Lined Romnersl "and R Morleva English Coloured Towels - large size fast Checked Flannel Tweeds with plain manZfo tu/e. SplenS colours sold usuaßy at 6/6 pair are offered, to match. Twenty pieces— smart Grey These are to no at 2/6 each while they last, at 3/11 pair- checked patterns-and 36 inches 7 ' g 7 ' FLANNELETTE- 9d. WWe ’ Speeial,y priced at 6/11 yard ’ TINY TOTS TUNIC SUITS, 3/11. Striped Engßsh Ma'nnelette reduced from # J VELOUR COATINGS, 12/6. 173 a yaid t 0 3 J ard ’ A s P lenllld < l uaht y and a Bought for less and sold for less— 2to 4 years. Two qualities to go at 3/11 and good range of stripes. W • Vel °" r Coatings with a suede 4 / 6 ’ ’ q go at 3/11 and DOUBLE BED SHEETS, 13/6 pair. inches wide. The usual value CHIT.DREN’Q’WHAT I Q/« One of the best qualities we stock. Sold usually, would be 18/6 yard. c„ sv W ool Coat not 7 ”r, j in fact, at 19/6 pair. They are double bed JSKSr ,0. Cl i ° t n q • " SaXe ’ C , e F’ size, heavy twill quality, linen finish, and ’ e/'/i P ccla li/'ces 18/6, hemmed ready for use. While they last 13/6 c'/i /,/>/• MAIDS’ COATS, 69/6. DAMASK, I'6. rWTMWTT.H ROBE LENGTH Large Collars a d Fur Cuffs. Shades of I Real Irish White Damask in a range of floral on/c Cedar, Wine, Rose, New’ Blue, Raisin and designs. 54 inches wide and the usual price 2/6 39/6 yard. Brown. The very smartest of this season’s yard. A very, verv special value at 1/6 yard. 10 Beautiful Chinellc Robe Lengths styles at 69/6. that will delight you with their DINNER SETS, 39/9. 81 ”\7XnT^w C nrice-when ‘'you CHILDREN’S FROCKS, 10/6. A3B piece Dinner Set m Meakins snow white . / ■w a x r ie P Seetion on Fri- Children’s and Maids’ Smart Flannel Tweed Premier Ware. Usual price 50/- Special price '// 4 q/« var d and now Frocks. Saxe, Periwinkle, Old Rose, Bust, Tan, 39/9. The Set consists of i dozen of each of Usually 49/6 yard and now Fawn and Br ’ owu shado6 ’ Special > pi ..^ 3 the following Dinner, Breakfast and Tea 7 aia - size 18 to 27, 10/6 to 18/11 size 30 to 39ins. Plates, Soup and Dessert Coupes and also 2 22/6 to 29/6. .Vegetables Dishes, 1 Gravy Boat, and 3 Meat Ashets - 38 pieces in all. REAL DOWN QUILTS, 37/6. rpgA SET 13 9 Double bed size—6 x s—real Down Quilts at 01 wi/vzin mJ • -xt a■ i iL \ cc ttwtz~ity rrv\x7T? 9/n 37 /G each ! They are well filled and ventilated. p ece ea Services a dainty Mosaic INCH TWEEDS, 3/11. an j covered in Floral Sateen with a plain panel Border. Jhe cups are full size. The usual price 4 . 10 pieces of 56 inch Tweeds reduc- to match of this Service was 27/6 p ed from 10/6 yard to 3/11 yard I s [—j |||— " ill I Smart patterns —so smart that you " y~T /LL L jTWJ I have only to glance at them to niu . IHI Ft know they are easily worth 10/6 |. "J I | ]l' 1 ~ ttsjLJ I ~—He |)| yard. 1 1 1 JI » EZff P =|=3 CREPE DE CHINES, 4/11. I BhJ 'Bl i'la Ifr-H — F' Hgr' Imagine this saving! Pure Silk hk ripF wH I Im Crepe de Chines in 30 delightful 3 IM | U 1 1 IFM ——* | —nl Hjl „M| shades and double width—reduced I •I" Bl from 7/11 yard to 4/11 yard ! j MEN and BOYS. MEN’S HATS, 14/6. BOYS’ SHIRTS, 2/11. | Fur Felt Hats in Grey and White grounds with woven Fawn shades. One of the stripes—also a few in Grey best English makes smart Crash. Sizes 10, 11, 12, 13 shapes and bound edges. Usu- and 14. Friday and Saturally 22/6 and 25/- Friday day all 2/11 each. The Fancy Section will be and Saturday 3,114/6 pytamas 6 /n Dome Furnishings Save ! lip • UNDERPANTS dUIo 1 iJAiviAo, b/11. 0 crowded lor sure I 2/6. Made from good materials in FLOOR RUGS, 8/6. ART SIT K HOSF 3/11 English make Cotton and Usually sold from 7/6 to 9/6 Reversible Bedside or Hearth Rugs with fringed ends. On“If ever offered by the bW/’at 2/6 PriCe - aU ’ -d “t ldtarkeCrO'OOUri^l°l^”k t a rke C r O ' O O U ri^ I °l^” k s ’ Hosiery Section. Art Silk over Mercerised Lisle p er X“ en t The regular qualities-at 8/6 and 11/6 each on Friday and Sat Hose classed as manufacturers seconds. Heavy price was 4/6 ner garment ROVQ’ ’VARIETY urday ‘ The 8/6 <l ualit y is shown in a Kelvin street weight—27 inch panel—ladder proof—and 14 fash- ? rice was 4/0 ? er garment. BUib V AKbil I window. ionable shades. Worth 6/11 pair—and the special -cr-r a < SUITS, 14/6. price is 3/11 pair. MEN S PYJAMAS, 12/6 Dark Grey ’Varsity Suits in BLANKETS. Made from extra heavy Win- sizes to fit boys from sto 12. On Frid and Saturd a ial ga] f FABRIC GLOVES, 4/6. , w “f ht matmala “ They are to be cleared at Blankets made to our special order by New Zealand’s A special purchase from a Dunedin Warehouseman of ' oloure f "' ovea s n P cs ' . All M/6-and every Southland leading mills . wei ht warm y and coB 8 extra heavy Fabric Glov-es with fur tops. They are ® lzes at the one low P rice ~ P arent sh <>’ lld be 011 hand ’ wonderful values ! Single bed size 19/6, 22/6, 32/6 I the one dome style and they’re worth 7/6 pair. We 7 ' anf i 45/- pair—Double Bed size 25/-, 32/6 45/- and offer them at 4/6 pair—and that’s less than wholesale 55/. p a i r 1 g ee ,ii S pj a y j n ’ a Kelvin street wincost ! You’ll find shades of Beavers, Greys, Pastels. ow or sure Cedarwood and Modes {rUTI n| I SILK CURTAIN NETS, 4/11. WRAPS, 2/6. ‘■L-JB fflnß Beautiful Silk Curtain Nets in Gold, Helio, Bose Knitted Neck Wraps, with roll collars, in marl or I wlllßUß U jw'-J ffli JMiuW Fawn, Blue and Flame. 45 inches wide and the two tone effects. Two qualities—-all wool and wool 'B /BwS&b manufacturer guarantees them fast to sun and washand cotton. On Friday and Saturday these are re- v B ing. You’ll never find daintier, more charming Cuzdueed to 2/6 each —and there’s a splendid range of Nets than these—and note the low prices 4/1J colours to choose from. MLJsfii-- and yard. SILK LACES, 3|d. CtH CARPET SAMPLES, 10/6. 2000 yards of Silk Torchon Laces and Insertions to Imperial quality Carpet samples yards long. The match bought by our London Buyer direct from the —— — usual price would be 18/6 yard — our price for each Manufacturer. These are from i inch to 2j inches INVERCARGILL, GORE. length is 10/6 ! Beautiful designs suitable for either wide and—think of it—we’re going to sell the 2000 * Bedside or Hearth Rugs. On these there’s a saving yards at 3jd yard. of 17/3!

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Southland Times, Issue 20171, 6 May 1927, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 20171, 6 May 1927, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 20171, 6 May 1927, Page 9