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fl Like a bolt from the blue it comes—and you reap savings of gold! 8 r j ay , a BRS&ti F,rst Jay! <j!mLv ■• J fes ,j&sgnraw *»**• v/M IV \ This typical “Smiths” event will, we ( i A- ft lit y special 5 s—. fej/'fe '~ y 1 ST.—Because we have pledged to pro- j --- GjgWg I® S' White Damask 1/6 \ gw > F „» «„.« »3 SQ "'“ a " d h “ ■” kn ~ n - .- «*'« C A L <.w Ums'l.n over from ? .ok- gV ',/VV k_ Table Damask—at less than ) taking each article is brand new /•*’%-,./ . ~ ' xy , ;?S^ : Z manufacturers cost! A good range J —direct from the manufacturers— f Jfer Bbp <-' = ‘ raS&MI MftM fa. of fl ° ral dKl9ns - You ’" marvel A and with it comes Smiths’ ® x B B ' B WVjf* V attisvaue. A absolute guarantee of satisfac- *£B® B Sf B "'• 4 : s £/Vg \ 5 "“"' * fJ/l/S'l J/)Cr fiW/i \ U ORD—Because the Harvest Sale prices B ar B SB w 9JU B B SS® 1 fe' ” s P eak for themselves—and are of B B & S B B/ V B ''lF* x_ f direct economic importance to « Jjg W HJf j B jar ■gaJf B. VrLt x y every man and woman in the com- H WfeX ®z Jw |r w—z Of A Harvest of Savings for the Home! la'ff&'ASra l/7f/) WWGK,« ®#/ Two Enamel Pots for 3/11 brand new merchandise. . g ®< S E Light or Dark Blue Enamel Pots—one a six- To-morrow is the flrst big day I V « B B t W / T®»- P ® 'i 3 pint size and the other a four-pint size. We’re J •>?--'/! going to sell the two Pots for 3/11. 150 Sets < <6 of these to be sold. S'SS Cruet and Jug 1 9 S TUST at the opening of a new season when people are planning what they will X\WV//v (W- ; One Floral Decorated White and Gold Break- ///\ (jXA//si ’ wear to look their best, what new charm or comfort can be added to the home, ■ M&j |g!S f:slT^a“liZi^ na \J. C I ) What the children must have ail<l the “- where the y can bu y these things at the g|g —but we’re going to sell the pair for 1/9 ! /jiaFvestcKilGA greatest saving, comes a great event that solves all their problems. Like a bolt from ' Cretonnes 1/- X O • I <5; ue e answer com es—“ Smiths Golden Harvest Sale!” And what a Sale it is! xp aii new—some of the smartest and most dis- f A Pouring forth a flood of new merchandise, at savings that will electrify the Province! &| SZi VJAA.IUI J To-morrow (Thursday) is the first big day. Wife 30 inches wide —all worth 1/6 and 1/9 yard. \. ) . /w// fp Double Bed Blankets 'x c/fe'V'-fe /° New Fadlions feXr Reversibie Rugs 15/- / 25/- pair ») k » I fe/A Thls 1S one of the bl ?« esT thm g s the Furnish- < -Z < /\\( x 7) \ x sX'-v4>-x BUSTy OUt I ( ing Section has ever done ’ Regularly these \ Read this over twice—it’s worth M li'l\/\ A K" 1 li 1 ?"7\ yfe i\ A (AT » Bugs would be priced at 22/6 ! TheyVe Eng- > Double J \ Jumpers 15/6 ?\ llsh manufactured—all wool— and reversible. ( sp | endid al , woo | qua | ity wi |, sur . ) I(? I 1 40 Ladies ’ Jumpers, in Woven Silk. Eton Col- U-dVZ 1 j( J I ) gffl Madras Muslin 1/11 / SB?. ““■‘'" n ~ / / JiaPVeSfck] Q < S.!Z Z \SB -W Sethis the first Sale dav. A 42 meh Cream < . j) A Q * g J Sale price 15/6. / O I fejg ,X^’4»/7 r i Madras Muslin, m new, dainty designs—and t *x ( B I finished with a scalloped edge. Worth 2/9 <Z ) V C/UvCiUJ \ Gingham Frocks 5/11 ODvCsUi 1 OO IS yard ~ and HarVeyt Sale Price 1/11 • Vard ' ((1 r J In a host of new effects. Eton Collars, button £ I . XWX Al—— "X £ -£ I \y X- Po-irl This f ) fronts and long or half sleeves. Worth 8/6 — \ ) iggEgasg; r,j r\ ' (« ’ S Hamst Sale price 5/11 ‘ ftf Millinery X (Of <2/ . S Men ’ s Underpants j) Ladies’ Corsets 4/11 fe. New Felts 12 / 6 S-Xa' A J-W>/xKj _. , , , „ x, u . , . A clearance of Odd Corsets, in sizes from 20 ( Absolutely new—they’ve just ISIw IO iS The Mens and Boys Store ( * dln H /;r St Me S n^ J !?../ Short tops and long skirts, in Pink, Z ! T .ak had New’-Blue' Y am V\i<X \ s_ ) • • 1 5 k Zealand All Wool Underpants. ) White 01 Giey. All best quality Courtel. ( • < «’i mQnd F ’ ) A J IQPvGS|c)Q!QA mowing prices down! p rke B S/6-HlrLt qUa slJe Regular price 10/6 to 19/6. < VucL aT£ Z < • I Men’s Shirts 4/11 a ' ve “ " A Ladies’ Nightgowns 2/11 i2/6! J StH V ODGC CH A White Drill Shirts, with Striped effects. In I Z Crepe Nightgowns, in Grey, Almond, Green and S J A? r ’ UI ) two styles-bands or collars attached. Sizes f ) Regular price 4/11. Harvest Sale price, \_r ) ®2O |W3 J 7 14* to 17. Regular price 7/6. all to clear at 2 / 1L Stainless Table A Harvesters Trousers 4/11 X X{ \- v . Knives 9/11 for six ! */ Dark Grey Striped Cotton Tweed Trousers, —■ X/j)/ FH t x_,\_i/ B/ ( 2\ w Rh side and hip pockets. Sizes 3 to 7. X-z 1 >~7V /X | \/1 /V Fl'feY ■Xfe’ fefe- / O r J Regular price 9/6. The FanCV Section. SW V ) Men’s Tobraico Pyjamas 10/6 Harvest Savings Read these twice’ Q i o° Regular price 19/6. Men’s real Tobraico Children’s Wear. A J iQPVGSI dQ 0 A V S ° C * -i Pyjamas, with smart coloured stripes. Sizes ( a tt i rtt • r //• ’• T 4* 3 ’ 4 ’ and 5 - T obr alco Pyjamas at a saving ’ J ivr ’tt+ 1 / «*, I -A Holeproof Hosiery 5/6 \|Sg£v7 ■/ of 9/- per Suit ! children S and Maids Hats 1/- f C I "A Reduced from 8/6 pair to 5/6 pair! Real ///?// XfeS \ } You’ll never regret .coming to Smiths to in- • X- \ZMK»V»IVA» J “Holeproof”—in Dark Browns, Greys, Rose, SS/// \, /)] feX_s vestigate this. Two tables of Children’s and fff Beige and Mid Grey. The 9/11 quality is reMaids’ Hats—one table all to clear at 1/- J duced to 5/6 pair! 5 -'i/’Ws/' x( , \_z / 7— A tv-fe F /X. each, ancUthe other table to clear at 2/11 each. ir„t. ,„4- ft fFtSSv-rl ri) 1 < Velveteen Dress t White Hosiery 1/9 O/fe V_X fe-fe/\ Maids Silk Blouses 4/11 / Lengths 3/6 yard • —A White Cotton Hosiery —splendid quality and a a a White Silk Jumper Blouses, in sizes for Misses \ ,„ , .. ,„ , x g) Cashmere finish. Regular price 2/6 pair, now /W The Tailoring Section V’Nnmkscl V,L> - m. m ,. neß .i„ P «,. w . i 3/6 . > • ,K t JJfttue lauonng oeciion ( IXnmipCT_V?| Q. Harvest Sale, price-all to clear at 4/11 each ! ( 2J to 4 yards in length. The ) ch/vwre 4l> a »v.v»k/MIV \ x_ usual price was from 7/n to J Children s Socks 9ld shows what the Harvest a I Silk Frocks ~’ Half Price ! ' LT «^ r ! d_HarTOSt Sile pric ’ Wllite Cotton Socks ’ in sizes from 210 6 ~ an bale means to every C/PcCICH 5 Children’s and Maids’ Fuji Silk Frocks—sizes ' J/ to clear at 9Jd pair. Regular price up to 1/3 • Q it j JI ((T I J from 20 inches to 36 inches. Usual prices I X pair. B m c n -/ n 4 0 » V Boys’ Sports Suits ) n/6 to 32/6. Harvest Sale prices 5/9 to 16/6. Q J White Insertion 12 yards 9d W;/ OUftS trOm Xi) iOS • 19/6 ~A /S ' —f* * 1 V White Torchon Insertion, J-inch wide, reduced b 3 ’-’ _,J fe y J^ 3^3 *"* I**** 1 **** 'xf <rom- 2d yard to 12 yards for 9d. '/??//? An announcement that will cause every ( ’ Understand pieaso-these Suits -< X n) —5-—\V £ ’ thinking man to sit up and take notice! For \ are in pure wool New Zealand JV 1 /v/V/X <7 the Harvest Sale-three extraordinary Suit A thaU* 150 Su’it'Tn V A Rftf. offers by the i adoring Section! sizes from 3to 14-aii to clear ) ? ofS a \ _, >-^7l/¥ IV A To-morrow—Thursday—Southland men can C. rs/^eacT^" 1 '' 17 '° W Pr ' Ce ° f ~X A HIIITy to Fabric Land ! 1 lWj order .a hand tailored Suit at £8 8/-! And V_ S Q U ?U} IP | N choose from an absolutely new range of Eng- t -> <“ O • I Georgettes 4/11 ( jNripA Vjc* lish and Colonial Worsteds—the kind of fabrics 'V ) ( X Regular price 8/11 —Harvest Sale price 4/11. usually seen in ten and eleven guinea Suits ! k \-7 V- I ) Heavy quality, double width pure Silk Geor- O • • »J cjfe/fe Fit, style, quality—absolute perfection—guar- V —/ ft (u * ' A gettes, in Black, Navy, Sky, White, Turquoise, ( f. V i I A anteed ! v, \fe Saxe, Tan and Rose. V* KZ 1Q j A 82 But thafs not all-a hand tailored Navy Ladies’Fabric Gloves > Fuji Silk 2/6 <_ / feKfe Serge Suit will be made for £8 15/-. And the ( J 25 Pieces of Genuine all Silk Fuji, 29 inches Ladies’ Tweed Coats x. Serge is a guaranteed Indigo Dye! It's a Suit Bovs’Knickers 4 Z ll \ a value worth hurrying fori b\ wide - Regular price 3/6 yard. Harvest Sale £2 15/- ») M?J/ that !n the ordinary course of events would uoys nl <tKers 4/11 - Ljs|e Fabric G|oves aunt|et S) price 2 /6 yar d. f a xo/ y be made for £lO 10/-. 100 > pairs of Boys’ all wool Colonial Tweed ( turn over cuff style Shades of V o iU 4 711 V The new checked designs in All „ ~ . , Knickers, in two shades of Grey. Regular V Pastel, Greys and Beavers. We ) Repp Cloths 4/11 < Wool Tweed Coats. The lengths 8) J hen J? e , r c S th 3 u offer Of 0!lr Special Suits price 6/11 and 7/6 pair—Harvest Sale price ( a / ,0 clear 10 dozen at A Regular price 8/11 vard—Harvest Sale price ( ar k e 42 ’ t 4 ’ 46 and 48 inches ‘ V from £5 15-. These are hand finished in our 4/11 pair. Sizes 3to 12. pair ' A 4/11 vard Three nieces of all wool Renn > ™ ere b « e , xcited cho ° sin ? ) S’u'fe' -x/XK/ Tailoring Workroom— cut and fitted hv »» r X. S y . . P' eces 01 a “ w °°l Repp / from these—they’re sc new and J '■lrTS'l'-' Tiiter c - »i , , y our Rnwc’ 9/11 I Cloths, 38 inches wide. Shades of Wine, (a smart—easily worth £5 5/-. \ C’-'Ss?a. < n Tailor - Figure the saving—and share it! Boys blurts 2/11 V, < Petronia and Cream. V A T „ ... „ . „ , 25 dozen Grey Crash Shirts, with Polo Collars, (J T -‘>/7 To-morrow Smiths Harvest Sale opens the and in all sizes, to be cleared at 2/11 each l nV Cotton Fabrics 9d x-z ' < door t 0 Suit opportunity . Splendid hard wearing School Shirts. I yj A range including Organdis, Zephyrs, Striped ( s) WM AT J 1 • 1 n 1 » x_l n\ Ratines, Floral Delainettes—ls pieces in all. fe'Vfey A 1 remendOUS underpriced Sale ! a. Regular prices l/ll to 3/H yard. Harvest 's^. f yy O Boys’all wool New Zealand Golf Hose 1/11 pair ! Another sensational Progressive Store merchandising feat—especially for ' -■# A • r> i- i i i-r i l&s the Harvest Sale! Two hundred dozen pairs of pure wool Golf Hose I i Amazing English Coloured lOWels AAA offered at far below their actual worth, affording a most satisfactory BJ j/B/a !gi !g| C/11 4«. Q / -A™ saving to you. The product of one of New Zealand's foremost manufac- KedUCCd lTOm «J/ 11 to <J/ _ pair. turers—sacrificed for cash and the saving passed to you! 9/ xx ax az ma—- v p 3 rreivz»V~-^ Even our sales P e °P |e , accustomed to the unusualness of Progressive Store i>U~ v '!?| The Hose are an extra heavy weight with bar tops of Red, Blue, White i^^TrtPQp l jgggiy E SmnrVl offrings are surprised at this ! Extra heavy English Coloured Towels— VVV A A Gold and Green. All sizes from 2to 10 at the one remarkable price 1/11 L I -> size 27 inches by 50 inches—reduced from 5/11 to 3/-pair! P air ■ Tl, e colours are guaranteed fast—by the Manufacturer and by Smiths. Ois-/] important—this phenomenal value is offered for three days only—or until lt Sa " extraordinar y value—selling will begin and end in a whirlwind. JP®. 200 , dozen are sold - Shop early—the value is so evident they will mdc Our sole reason for selling these at half price is that we expect another rapidly disappear. INVERCARGILL. x GORE, shipment of Towels to arrive shortly. Every Towel is perfect—guaranteed. ' ’SSfigHa

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Southland Times, Issue 20111, 23 February 1927, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 20111, 23 February 1927, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 20111, 23 February 1927, Page 7