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Come to Smith? on Friday anc Saturday days of glorious Saving Opportunities ! # ? i A ) Manicure Sets Ml IB Irw Mirror, Brush j 4/6 ill ant * C° m b 4/6 xS Small Square Mani- ißr — —>. w/ These are in White \ cure Sets, in Pink, Tor- QjZ Enamel and are priced fco ’ se Green and 1 * a * P® r Bet ’ Red- These have oval L ■ Hair Brushes are Mirrors and are lined priced at 1/9, 1/11, j ( with White. A slightly 3/6 and 4/6. Men’s ) ) larger size at 5/6 . Ebony Hair Brushes ? ( and there’s others up ■ r are P f i ce d at 7/6 ( it ( to 27/6. Invercargill ° ore p« ir - 5 0 , > Smiths-the Christmas Store-prepares for a record week end | THE FANCY DO M SECTION— - - YOUR / T CHRISTMAS TREASURE / Ok \ SHOPPING ■©. HOUSE OF / O \ AT WONDER- / CHRISTMAS ‘3 1 QHRISTMAS DAY is just / H M /j . mo yon came to Smiths! / IIFTa/ \ ■—'ll! You’ll find a rare and /' Ml . . Il'Mtiia wonderful collection of ® ll M Amazing Values I'/ gifts to ehoose from— ' ,i - . - In Home Furnishings and you ’ n fllld a store Christmas has come to Smiths W~- —y llu “ ing ov . ei ; with the and with it a thousand Savings for you ! Christmas spirit of helpful hospitality. And you Art Silk Hose 1/11 Children’s Hose 1/6 An • 1 1 1 M I I will enjoy a visit to Toy- We know that this will bring a quick A very definite saving here! Children’s B Ci CaQ Qn/i xola I i j mi* • m ' response! Another 200 dozen pairs of All Wool Cashmere Hose, in Black £UI VOC&dv oJLiiJI OdlV • land. There S Toys every- beautiful quality Art Silk Hose to be only. There are sizes 11 and 12. The wherethat Santa Claus ?° ld ! /U „ P N ! AU ColOUra “T’fV usual prices were 3/3 and 3/6-the mg Black. No better, no more startl- clearance price is 1/6 pair! if AN FRIDAY we begin one of the most important saving has shi PP ed ahead ‘ Brin » ing ™lue-than this-anywhere. events of the year a sale of Home Furnishings! The e . children they’ll be Cashmere Hose 2/11 Ladies’ Hose 2/11 sale is the result of » hno-p northern nnrehase at an extra- excited and delighted. Made by an English manufacturer— Ladies’ AU Wool Seamless Cashmere sale is tnc Jesuit or a nuge nortnern purenase at an extra Md by ug £ uaUy jt 4/n Hosiery iu Th usual g Ood ordinary price concession. The values below speak a lan- - Now we offer a limited quantity at value price was 3/11—and now we have ... ■ . , f 2/11 pair! One of the best qualities reduced them to 2/11 pair. Only -5 guage everyone will understand. The purchase is one of » TO eurabie-and there’s all shades. dozen to be sold. Hie largest we have ever made and one of the most sensxtional. We urge you to visit this impressive event—• Every Department joiilS in I Ca ai.d to share in the savings. n£\ /U Men’s Fancy Sox 2/6 . Boys’ Shirts 3/11 wl v Men all over New Zealand have bought Parents—here’s a chance! Boys’ cheerfully at 3/9 pair—and now Shirts in White Drill with Blue or £S\ ' Cretonnes 1/- Cretonnes 9d Smiths offer them at 2/6 pair! Petone Black stripes and Fawn Crash with A huge purchase of thousands of yards 100 yards of 30 inch heavy Cretonnes Wool Fancy Sox, in shades of . here’s Tt 3/11 ‘ of beaitiful Furnishing Cretonnes. suitable for coverings are offered at Greys, Fawns and Marled effects. d Dozens and dozens of designs and 9d yard! And the usual price would ' -13 1 colourings. 2,000 yards are to be sold be 1/6 yard! Cnorlc 9«J/_ at 1/- yard—and these are worth 1/11 v jrl 4 ISOyS opOTLS oUILS l»o/ I yard. V Men S r elt Hats o/o Orders from everywhere reach Smiths Down QuiltS 35/“ K / i An announcement to make many a for these. Boys’ All Wool N.Z. Tweed ' TT n ,/O 50 real Down Quilts in a full double \ . man look twice! Splendid quality Felt Sports Suits in all sizes from 6to 14 Heavy C,retonnes -1/ 3 fc>eci size. These are covered in Printed Hats reduced from 12/6 to 8/6! All at 25/- per suit . Many i>eople wonder i 2000 yards of heavy Cretonnes and Sateen with a plain panel to match.- sizes—and there’s a range of fashion- why we do it if they knew how many Sateen finish Fabrics are to be sold at They are easily worth 45/- to 50/—« able shades. It is unnecessary to say we sold they would know* i 1/3 yard—and they are worth 2/3 the clearance price is 35/-. Only 50! n ■ zxi come quickly! t yard! These are suitable for Curtains, ddHtcl. VIHUS Children S Cushion and Apron*. Reversible Rugs 10/G L- 1 C U Ready-to-Wears 2/11 M onn P KIT.R s OH hIS way to Smiths qhirß 7/G An extraordinary value. Magic words Madras Muslin 1/6 ? ? Bevcrsible Jute Rugs—a wonder- -Hen S Whirls //b to parents who know Smiths Children’s iriduras IUUSIin X/O ful range of colourings and designs. J_ f You may well take notice when you sA inn i a hiv table of Children’s A4O inch Cream ground Madras Mus- They are eas!ly worth 19/6-the clear- arrives ID Canada! see the headline above! Men’s Striped R e ady-to-wta re in the smartest shapes M lin with a scalloped edge. This would ance price is 10/6 each! These would Shirts with Collars to match reduced „.,, h i Th , v „ij ÜBUa n v at 54? sell usually at 2/9 yard—the clearance make delightful Bedroom Rugs. . f rom 12/6 to 7/6. All sizes and splen- -/<■, r/.i 'i, 7 Y ® ' price is 1/6 yard. It’s an excellent c|aus wajting no time , qualities . 5/6 window draping. eau * Reversible Wool Rugs be’exlt" “ Infants’Cambric Gowns 18/6 da 7 we received this long message iric rt 0/11 1/H j/) Cl-pam Castpmpnf 1 Worth 29/6 to 42/6—and offered by ,r<>m bim— Boys Golt HOSC 2/11 Infants’ Cambric Gowns with lace or 4--A Xalcazu vaecuicui 1/9 Smiths for 18/6! 100 splendid quality We bought 12,000 pairs at a huge dis- y embroidery trimming on yoke and Kg A splendid washing quality of Gream Reversible Wool Rugs in a large size. , count—and offer them at 2/11 pair! skirt—at 1/11 each! A most remarkCasement Cloth—Cream ground with j n a h ost of won d er f u l values there . Lcft . Johns th,s morn,n 9, have An extra heavy weight All Wool Golf able value when one considers they rQ a neat floral border. The usual value none more remarkable than this just arrived in Quebec. Making as Hoge , tn from 2 tolo at 2/11 sold usually at 4/6 and 5/6 each. would be 2/3—the clearance pnee is Tew stops as possible so should pair i Coloured tops of Red, Green, Every garment is perfect and guaran1/3 yard! 40 inches wide. . arrive in plenty of time. Tell my and Blue, and White. teed. Tauestrv Sofa Rup-S 22/6 boy and glrl friends that lam on xapubtry ooid my way and hope to see them soon. , „ . ... . IS Checiene 1/6. be- ‘oi? they Santa c,aus -'' Only a Great Buying Organisation such as g A beautiful Muslin Window Draping worth 35/-! There’s a large range of Q *■! 11 material with a dainty floral border. splendid designs and some are finished |f j$ of course too early yet to tell mIUIiHS COUIU OliCr 1 O.OIIC ¥0.11168 It is 40 inches wide -and would sell with a fringe. when he wj|| arriye here _ but at - p usually at 2/11 yard. It is offered the rate he is travelling it should 00 iCeiUlcULaDle aS 111650 » now at hall price-1/6 yard! All Wool RpVM-sihlA Riitrs n°t. be long. We are all eagerly All Wool Reversible Rugs awa,tmg the day. Crepes 9d Ladies’Costumes 84/- 4 Silver Down Quilts 25/- are the faJus quality made in yaH = M 67 Silver Down Quilte m a double New Zealand. TJey are heavy All 400 pieces of Crepe, in White and 25 their wonderfully low price. All new bed sze. These have a srngle panel Wool Reversible Rugs sold usually at . da Jy sha<les r( , (i * ced t 0 9d d! seaaon . s styleß _ the materi als are Navy in Satm The usual value would be 32/6-at 23/6 they are a unique buy- 1 The double width quahty in the same Serge and smart Tweeds. A traveller ' “re o°nty ’two / shades is redUCed t 0 1A yard! ““‘ sam P leB - there are onl 5‘ 36 ’ jS ? ' rifegsps- Floral Marocains 1/11 Ladies’ Crepe Bloomers . / I 100 pieces of Floral Marocain and Offering splendid quality garments at a ) LL 19 Floral Voiles—they will just melt away a price remarkably* low. There’s all RKI afc th* B P r ’ ce ! Under ordinary circum- shades —and the usual selling price was A . ¥• 0 f I i < Jw stances they never sell at less than 2/6 pair. We urge an early visit. An extraordinary Suit offer for men I t^ ave ” un A hand finished made-to-measure 1 E Crepe ‘ ( ?f ’ 9 he ”p s 1 rJiL&om fl nL o .. . or- nr/ . ) qudity heavy French Crepe- day . Fri day and Saturday! These are Suit from £5 15/- I : de ’iF he t ß e ~ 6o m ya . r<^/B f J l /"; Us ‘ D - * A - c ° rsets with sh ° rt fop® and J® UUII num M IJ/ . I uaUy they sold at 13/6 yard-to-mor- i ong Sizes from 22 to M. row’s price 9/11 yard! Wise women B Men—if you need a Suit for Christmas—this is it! A Suit measured, «. ,• will snap up yards and yards while it . urlioc’ Paoflv cut and fitted by our tailor—and madein our own tailoring workrooms. iJiatlODerV asts ’ Liduieb ILCdUy-10-W ears And hand finished! But that’s not all the story. You will choose from J 10/6 a great selection of suitings—and the finest of All Wool Suitings at that! mu ■ ■ . ... . Silkshalf nriro Amazinz' Such smart fashionable Hats t® t .... r § il as aa P v s s/- “ - -v-y # of boxes has just arrived at Smiths. Silks—a wonderful display! All 40 fittings. As a Christmas special they A <. We list here a few of these. inches wide, 'and they sold usually at BX6 mar ked at 10/6 to clear. yard. White Damask 1/9 jM -> F Zer-u/T Green a ’ d Wh ‘ U Ladies’ Washing Frocks A p ~ Fancy Box with Pansy Decoration 6/6 2/6 to 1/9 yard. 54 inches wide and Ldstcr Hunt, and Whifce Linen Pa P er — 3/6 - You have only to glance at them to a S reat ran S e of floral designs. Fancy Box with Calender—4/3. kDOW the y were never intended to sell m m • • XT I Fnne-v Rnv F t t &t SUch a IOW PJ * ICe - 1116 sfc y les LIHCII iCH TOWCIS 1/Prizewinners Note! anTpale inve h rted « Pre ’t an ? ther one - AU pure Linen 9/g pleats. They are in a splendid washing T eu oweh, hemmed ready for use, quality of Gingham. reduced from 1/6 to 1/- each An The prizes—a handsomely framed copy of our Art Treasure—are now Fancy Box with Drawer for Letters extra heavy—a snlendid aualitv rßidy f ° r diStribUti ° n - and White Paper g We would like as many of the winners as possible to call at our General Daintv Box with FLIIv &nd Spoons OtainleSS bOUp ©pOOnS Office for their prizes—this to lessen the risk of breakages during transit. and white paper—H)/- Six Blackwall and Marsden Firth 6/6 per | dozen Or, if a mad order ,s going forward to ask us to pack it securely inside. Fancy Table Knives worth 21/, and Stainless Soup Spoomv-the original We will, of course, post it to anyone who is not coming to town for awhUe. '3/9. ThT XTf^V /M Folding Box with Linen Paper— lot—the whole dozen—will be sold for per * dozen! These are a most sutwr 4 —> 6/-. 16/9 the dozen! ior quality. £/ji Many a Home will be a better Home because of the Valties offered Here! - wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

MISS EME MILLS. (Late Collins Street, Melbourne.) CHIROPODIST, NEIL’S BUILDINGS • DEE STREET CORNS, Ingrowing Toenails, Bunions, Flat Feet, Chilblains, Broken-down Arches. Weak Ankles and all Pedal Defect." successfully treated. Consultation FREE 'Phone 1479.

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Southland Times, Issue 20043, 3 December 1926, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 Southland Times, Issue 20043, 3 December 1926, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 Southland Times, Issue 20043, 3 December 1926, Page 9