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CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS McGRUER, TAYLOR & CO. Every one of MeGrner, Taylor's fepartments are now filled to its uttermost rapacity with large and comprehensive collestnins of Christmas Merchandise. For several months MeGruer, Taylor’s buying organisation has been busily engaged in selecting from the productions of the world’s most noted designers, the rarest, most exclusive, and most charming Christmas novelties that it has been possible for them to secure. Gifts to please the most exacting taste. SHOWROOM DEPARTMENT Millinery i latest coverings 49/6 to £6 19/6 I Underclothing LADIES’ 08. AND E.OB. COSTUMES, in LA PTES CHEPE NIGHTS; plain h«mLADIES BEACH HATS, in Fancy Straws Navy and Brown, Gaberdine and Serge; stifiehed in Helio, Lemon, Sky and 5/|| all trimmed with Braid £6 19/6 Rose 7/11 RUSH HATS, Ladies' and Maids 1/6 COAT FROCKS, in Brown, Fawn and FUJI SILK NIGHTS 23/6 CHILDREN’S LEGHORN HATS, with Grey and Navy; S.W. and W. aiav-49/6 LONGCLOTH NIGHTS; trimmed with Fancy Laee Brim; trimmed with Sprays NAVY, SAXE, BROWN, FAWN AND Lace, Chin, and Torchon—and Ribbon 7/11 GREY COAT FROCKS; all beautifully 7/11, 12/6, 16/6 LADIES’ WHITE PEDAL STRAWS; embroidered and trimmed with braid— HELIO ROSE AND SKY TARANTULLE trimmed with White Merve Ribbon, Crepe 69/6 to £7 7/- NIGHTS 13/6 de Chene, and Georgette— ARTIFICIAL SILK FROCKS, in nev Oriett CREPE KNICKERS; elastic at knee and 12/6, 15/6, 17/6 tai colourings; also Plain, Brown, Sun- waist; good roomy shape; in Sky, LADIES' SMART READY-TO-WEAR set, Navy, Grey. 39/6 to £6 17/6 Lemon, Rose, White, Saxe, Helio—2/11 HATS, in a great assortment of Straws STRIPED SILKENE FROCKS 12/6 LADIES’ SATEEN KNICKERS, in Msr and Fancy Millinery materials— oon, Gold, Rose, Pink 3/6 9/11 to 22/6 CREPE FROCKS, in Helio, Sky, Saxe, TUSSORE SILK KNICKERS; S.W. size HAT SCARVES, in Fancy Foulard and Fawn, Lemon and Rose; in stripes and 5 6 Jazz Silk 2/6 and 4/11 chaefeg 7/11 FUJI SILK KNICKERS—B/11 and. 12/6 FUJI SILK KNICKERS, with French leg; ZEPHYR AND GINGHAM FROCKS, in edged with Silk Lace 13 ’6 assorted colourings 9/11 to 19/6 SILK WOVEN CAMISOLES, in Cream, HDI FROCKS, in Plain Cream— Helio, Apricot 7/6 and 8/11 IEIUfH-lCd 29/6 t 0 45/. PLAIN JAP SILK CAMISOLES; neck and sleeves hemstitched 10/6 LADIES’ ART SILK JUMPERS, in White, WHITE SILK BLOUSES, in plain shirt BOUDOHI CAPS, in Woven Silk Lace and* Champagne, Henna, Apricot, Apple Green, style; also round neck 9/11 to 19/6 Jap Silk 4/6 and 6/6* Flame, Helio, Mauve, Purple 13/6 INFANTS’ SILK FROCKS—I2/6 and 16/6 T.A pniS’ SMART VELOUR COATS, with HAND CROCHET WOOLLEN COATS - ORIENTAL WOOL JUMPERS, in a great plain and fur collars 99/6 to £lO 10/- 9/11, 12/6, 18/5 variety of bright colourings 7/11 RUBBER PANTS, in White and Natural AIjL WOOL CARDIGANS, in Lemon, Grey, LADIES SMART SUMMER WEIGHT 2/f Navy, Black, Rose, Kingfisher, Jade — TWEED COATS; smart tailored cut; BIBS, tn Muslin and Silk I/- and 2/12/6 showerproof 55/- 20, 22, 24 and 27-inch CREAM FUJI WOOL COSTUMES, in Fawn and White, FROCKS; smart, ttjle 7/11 to 8/11 Black and White, Navy and White; MARABOUTS, in Ckpe and Stole shape— ROMPERS, in Grey Crepe 2/11 smartly bound with braid 39/6 2!WB to 84/- FUJI SILK ROMPERS 11/6 Dainty yet ever so serviceable are the many exquisite Handkerchiefs shown at McGruer, Taylor's. [Fancy Dainty Gift , j Boxes— Embroidered FANCY EWRDrDEBSD HANDKER--1 * f CHIEFS IN DAJUITY GIFT BOXES. HandkeTchiefs deririaJly aanS ptnhiß gift® are from the leading I rush manafar.tuzura ?.nd We have a uuniptehuurii v« range of ail tfiat f or quality, design, value, and general is new in FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS, “get up” edipre anything we havra pre- . T rTn , • i r n virrasiy imported. The variety mcLuding’ J-mce and EmnroiafU’ffli Garners; ... ’ enables uz to satisfy exnry tiste. and Hemstitched, Scalloped and Lace edges. emny pprsa. The outstanding features of this season’s 1 “ dainty baxes conirfbiing •.1-xkrzrat at the shipments are the richness of the designs foliQWinß ’ lncES ” +/l l - • 2 < r . . Ajid in bares of Adooen atH-Z/S, 2XIU and the high quality of the material. 3/3, 3ZH,. 5X8.-5&% up The prices are low and every number is -box Big Value. They range ftom-Sd, Tt, bor - K aa artisbc {rom Bd, 9d, lOd, I/-, I/3L, 1/6, up to SZ&each first to last. Ladies' Umbrellas With strong Frames and. serviceable Core® Crooked Handies—--5/11, G/J1,,7711, up to 1576 Long Haudire 1276, 13/6, 15/4 Miiitaire 13/6 to 23X6 Chubby 18/& to 27/6 GIFTS FROM OUR DRESS DEPT. 38-inch CHECKED GINGHAMS, in the Just landed a new lot . of' SHOT MEKVE" BOflnch PURF FDUT 'SILK, in Creemx only, verv newest designs and colourings. SlLK—same as we had before-- 36 SPECIAL -PRICE 3/11 per yard SPECIAL PRICE 1/6 yard inttes wide. SPECJM. PRICE 7/6 yard 38-inch CHECKED ZEPHYRS, in all 38-inoh PLAIN COTTON HUI,, in Oreem.. 3(Mnnh EXTRA.HEAVY FUJI SILK, in .hades and patterns. Champagne coaly, Cream only. AA to see thia. SPECIAL PRICE l/l I per yard SPECIAL. PRICE: 2Z3: pavyaad-i SPECIAL PRICE 6/6 per yard LOVELY LINENS The most delightful afaß useful presents CHTLDREN’S WHITE COTTON SOCKS; I LADIES COLOURED MERCEHISED' LADIES’ STRAP WRIST NCTPA floured striped tons; rises 2 to 6 WSTJiI. HOME; Gray,, Batty, Cortmg— GAUNTLET (ILIiVTB; Dark Brown; I/- par 3711 pair- every pair gnaianiaed 10/6 pair CHTI O’S CREAM WOOL AND COTTON LADTSS £KT SHK High spHee* INDIES 2 HUTTON U3UE GLCWEB; SOCKS - sizes Ito 6 1/6 to 1/11 pair haste;, JSsriae,, Grey,. Stanko;, Blank, White Bteak; Woe, Utenin, Bearn; PastelCHlLD’B ’white MERCERISED COT- ®WI par 2K pair TON I HOSE- sizes 4to 10- LADIES’' LADDEREEffi WT SHWC IIAIHEET IWff HSM SUEDE 1/10 to 2/11 H08K; extra heavy sHUicrig i“- #■*„ GLOVESJ IBaak, White, Iteawr, Ivory, rnnD’S WHITE COTTON I HOSE— hiteta and toes; storm, Wheat. Nude,. Chaanods,. and (Itejr 2/11 pair 4 and 5 1/3 pair Putty. Gray, 4WI paar iEADIES 7 EAHHIU SUEDE PRAIRIE sizes 6 and 7 1/6 pair LAPSED ART SILK" htiDfaftUbi woni. and oaU- GA4ITILET GUOMES) Ivory and ChaCHILD’S PLAIN BLACK ALL WOOL t ton too, taste and itat;; BtUCy,. Slwn;. mtns 4/6 pair HOSE—sizes 4to 6 l/l I pair BtaA mi White S7III pair JUfiUES’ Dmattuu EABBUT GAUNTLET sizes 7to 10 2/5 pair LAlttEtF ART SILK all ward ui« GEQYE&t: Whitto, Beawer, Pastel— GIRIS’ WHTTte COTTON LONG HOSE; and taeta, -too! End st*®;: Stans, Putt®, 5/11 pair Sizes 3to 6 1/10 to 2/3 pair Nude, Swale, Grey, Mate, Hfia*— ! LADIBS’ SUEDB EACTIC FANCY CHILDREN’S XMAS PICTURE HAND- 7/6 pair GAurri’LET GLOvt®; Champagne, KERCHIEFS 6 for I/-, 6 for 1/6 LADIES' KIT JI HOSE; fall fiwhmnrd; twR Beaver, Pastel; Chamois 7/6 pair CHILDREN’S COLOURED SACHETS, not ladder; Silver, Stone; Gary, Btak LADIES’ 2-DQIKE PUR® SILK GLOVES, containing 3 dainty coloured Embroider- 17/8 par double tipr;; Bhnver, Grey, Putty. Nigger, todkerehiefs 2/3 each LADIES’ ART SILK AKO WOOL HOSE, Navy 6/11 pair CHILDREN’S PICTURE HANDKER- [ mingled shades, Blaek and White, Btm LADIES T-DtME PUR® STLK GLOVES; CHIEFS; 3in a box I/- box and White, Fawn and While, Dore rad dbufaie tips; fancy trimmed cuff ; Navy, HAIR RIBBONS, in extra heavy quality. White, Grey and White 7/6 |ate ISEgger, Beaww;, ©By 8/6 pair As those are juet fresh from the looms .LADIES’ LCHBG PURE SILK GLOVES; you can depend on their wearing qualif- dn*te lips; Champagne, Btawar, Pastel, ies 2-inch I Did; 3-ineh 1/3; 4-inoh 1/8 Grey, Blaek 8/11 Hit LADIES’ PLAIN BLACK COTTON HOBE, UDOS’ EMBROIDERED LONG PURE Hawley’s f»it dye; »pli«d beela and toes; VJ WWO gux GLOVES; doubte trpa; Champagne, double sola 1/6 Md l/l I UDEES REAL KID S-DOKE GLOVES; Pttaoi, Baarer 14/8 Mir LADIES' PLAIN BUCK ALL WOOL Pminte make; in Black, Fawn, Grey, LATHIS' WHITS HEMSHTCHED CASHMERE HOSE Broima; way pair pugnatwd HANuKKRCHLSn—--2/11, 3/H, 4/11, up to 8/11 pair l/lI pair 6 tor l/3, l/l, |/n, 2/6 LADIES’ WHITE COTTON HOSE- LATHES’ WHITE WASHING DOE LADOH’ PRINTED CAMBRIC HANDI/lI pair GAUNTLET GLOVES; every pair guar- KERCHIEFS; aoaDoped and hemstitched LADIES’ WHITE MERCERISED LISLE anteed 17/6 pair edges: in new dainty deoigaa—J for 1/6 HOSE 3/11, 4/6 pair LADIES’ PUTTY SUEDE FANCY LADIES’ PRINTED CAMBRIC HAND LADIES’ MERCURY LISLE HOSE; fawn GAUNTLET GLOVES; every put guar- KERCHIEFS, in the latest Perwan de and atone l/l I pair anteed 13/6 pair signs and cokmrings 9d each MANCHESTER DEPARTMENT STENCIL TITIAN CLOTH, in Govern, 36 x 36 LACE EDGE AFTffiNOON BEDSPREADS, with Insertion and Lace Runners and Cushion Covers—■ CIDThS 8/11 to 10/6 Edge 8/11, IV6 to 50/5/6, 6/11 to 10/6 INDIAN LACE IFOYLEYS— 23 x XX SERVIETTES—CRASH EMBROIDERY, in 4/4 Covers, M, I/- to VII SPECIAL VALUE 1/3, 1/6 Runnera and Cushion Covers— TENEKIEPE WORK, in Tray and Centree 88 x 88 DCPEREBCT UKNN CLOTHS—4/6, 5/8 to 8/11 ZZB, 3/11 ta VII IV6, 18/6 LACE DUCHESS SETS 2/11 CHINESE HAND WORK IFOYLETB— RKVERSffiLB WOOL HUGS36 x 36 LACE TEA CLOTHS 3/6 VI, VII IVO, 15/11, 19/6 36 x 36 AFTERNOON TEA CLOTH; BLACK GOLD STENCH. TRAY COSBL Hematitehod, Scolloped rad Embroidered lON COVERS AND COW IRES— TRAVELLING CCSHKIKS, with Poeket—corners 5/6, 6/11 to 8/11 VII. VII. 7/11 3/6 McGRUER, TAYLOR & Co. The Cheapest Shop in Invercargill.

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Southland Times, Issue 19434, 24 December 1924, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Southland Times, Issue 19434, 24 December 1924, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Southland Times, Issue 19434, 24 December 1924, Page 10