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MONTHLY MEETING. The Southland Hospital Board held its monthly meeting yesterday afternoon, there being present the Chairman (Mr John Matheson), Misses Birss and Dryburgh, Menra H. E. Niven, T. Fraser, ‘Colin Robertson, E. Bowmar, Jas. Fleming, T. Rhodes, J. Miller, W. Norman. W. Clarke, J. S. A. McDougall and the Secretary (Mr Thos. Pryde). CORRESPONDENCE. The Director-General of Health forwarded a number of comments on the plans for the new Hospital at Kew and suggested that some minor alterations should be made. —It was decided to seek the Department’s aproval of the plans as amended. The secretary of the Southland Racing Club forwarded a donation of £lO towards the ambulance fund.—Received with thanks. The Director-General of Health advised that the Minister had approved of the payment of the full subsidy on the bequest of £2OOO from the estate of the late Peter Anderson for the benefit of the Gore Hospital.—Received. Mr George Taylor, President of the Southland Pipe Band, reported upon the results of the recent effort to raise funds for the purpose of securing a new piano for the use of the inmates of the Lome Home and stated that the fund had been closed with the sum of £6l 9s 7d in hand. The Band was, therefore, anxious to know if the Board were prepared to have a new instrument placed in the institution and if so whether a subsidy could be granted towards the cost of purchase. —The Chairman and secretary to act in the matter. The Director-General of Health wrote stating that he could not see his way to give any further consideration to the Board’s protest against the cost of the treatment of venereal disease being placed upon Hospital Boards, as he was distinctly of the opinion that the cost of treatment for such cases should be borne by the Boards just as much as for any other disease. —Received. The Director-General of Health, replying to the Board’s inquiry as to whether a subsidy would be payable on the amount expended in the purchase of radium, stated that the Departments views were that it was only necessary for one supply of radium to be available for the districts south ofWaitaki and that the Otago Board should control the source of supply for such districts. Before asking the Minister to signify his approval to the payment of a subsidy the Department desired, however, to know what amount of radium it was proposed to purchase and what other expenditure on equipment was required in connection therewith.—Received. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE’S REPORT. The Executive Commitee reported as follows: That ten applications for relief had been received and dealt with as follows—Two granted outdoor relief to the extent of £1 per week each; two admitted to Lome Farm; four action of secretary approved in granting temporary relief; two no action taken.—Certain recipients of relief were continued for another month.—One re cipient struck off the list on account of having received the pension.—A case in the country to receive a month’s notice that relief would be discontinued.—That there had been a large number of applications during the month from casual workers with dependants, who were unable to obtain employment.—That the weekly expenditure on outdoor relief was £23 17s 6d as against £26 3s 6d for the corresponding month last year.—That the secretary invite tenders for the removal of separate buildings owned by the Board at Wyndham or for the purchase of the property as a whole. —That the Chairman and secretary be authorised to interview the Board’s solicitors in the matter of the collection of outstanding hospital maintenance accounts, and with power to act.—That an ex-Lorne Farm boy be sent to the Special School for boys at Otekaike at a maintenance charge of 10s per week. —That a young boy from Lome Farm be placed with a married couple in the country who had offered to provide him with a home and education.—That an ex-Lorne Farm inmate be placed with relatives who had offered to give her a suitable home. —That an account of £22 2s for maintenance of a Southland resident in the Sanatorium at Christchurch be paid, the patient to remain in that institution for a further term. —That liability be accepted for a number of accounts for maintenance from the Otago and Oamaru Hospital Boards.— That the Wallace Board had notified the admission of two Southland residents to the Riverton Hospital, and liability for same admitted. —'That the wages of second porter, Southland Hospital, be increased by 5s per week.—That the Medical Superintendent’s recommendations re dental work at the Southland Hospital be adopted.— That the Board pay half rental for private telephone to dispenser's house.—That several matters in connection with the sanitary arrangements of the farm buildings at Kew be left in the hands of the Chairman and Mr Fleming to take any action that may be thought necessary.—That subject to applicant passing a suitable medical examination, Miss T. C. Richardson. Gladstone. was appointed Sister-in-Charge of Kew Infectious Diseases Hospital. Tie report was adopted. MATRON EWARTS PENSION. Tie matter of the Board’s action in respect to the payment of a pension to Miss Ewart on her retirement from the position of Matron Ewart, was considered by the Executive Committee, which submitted the following report:— “Your Committee reports having received from the Hon. the Minister of Health a communication to the effect that as the Board has declined to accede to his request to grant Miss Ewarc, late Matron of the Southland Hospital, a life pension, a sum will be deducted from subsidies payable to the Board to enable a pension of £2 per week being paid. “Your Committee regrets that the Minister has not agreed to the Board’s decision to pay Miss Ewart £2 per week for four years, and also regrets that the Minister should take up such an arbitrary attitude in connection with this matter, and that if he still adheres to his determination the Committee will recommend to the Board at ite next monthly meeting to rescind its resolution of May 8. 1924, granting Miss Ewart a pension of £2 per week for a period of four years.” The recommendation of the Committee was adopted without discussion in open Board. GORE HOSPITAL DOCTOR’S REPORT. Dr. J. E. Rogers reported as follows: Patients remaining June 1, 1924—17 males, 8 females; total 25. Patients admitted during June, 1924—15 males, 11 females; total 26. Total under treatment, 32 males, 19 females; total 51. Patients discharged during June, 1924 —13 males, 10 females; total 23. Patients died during June, 1924 —1 male, 0 females; total 1. Patients remaining July 1, 1924—18 males, 9 females; total 27. Total. 32 males; 19 females. Total 51. Total number of outpatients attendances 49. Number of operations 17. The painter has commenced painting the rooms in the operating block (this was part of the original contract). The three small wards which were made out of the old men’s ward require painting badly, and I recommend that this be now done. The painter will be engaged at the hospital for about eight days and perhaps some of the members of the Board could inspect the work which I recommend being done while the painter is engaged at the hospital. The floors and passages which require staining, could also be done at the same time if the Board consented to the work being done. It is difficult to keep the operating theatre sufficiently heated and this will have to be remedied. I pointed tins out during the visit of the Board last mentis

MATRON'S REPORT. Mias J. Roee, Matron of the Gore Hospital, reported as follows:—The patiente’ fees collected for the month amounted to £49 9/-, Nursing Staff: —The wards have been very busy. Sister Robertson left at the beginning of the month. Nurse Wallace is acting Sister until Sister Turner, who has been re-appointed, returns at the end of this month. LAKE COUNTY HOSPITAL MATRON’S REPORT. The Matron of the Lake County Hospital (Miss F. Mcßae), reported as follows: — Patients remaining June 1, 1924 —6 males, 6 females; total 12. Patients admitted during June, 1924—5 males, 1 female; total 6. Total under treatment — 11 males, and 7 females. Total 18. Patients discharged during June, 1924—2 males, 4 females; total 6. Patients remaining July 1, 1924—9 males, 3 females; total 12. Total 11 males, 7 females. Total 18. The wallpaper arrived safely and we have papered the room. I have changed ray bedroom into a room for operations. When sending up the hand-basins for the bathrooms, I wonder if you would send an extra hand-basin and fittings for this spare room for operation use. It would be very handy. DOCTOR’S REPORT. The report of the Doctor to the Lake County Hospital (Dr. W. A. Anderson), was as follows:—First of all I would like to thank the Board for granting a permanent night nurse, which is so essential for the efficient working of the Institution and for the care of the patients. It has been again a busy month and quite a lot of patients have passed through the Institution. I understand that the Gore Hospital has lately obtained a new operating table, so I write to ask if the old table complete could be sent up to the Lake County Hospital. At present we have to use two wide wooden tables placed end on together, also we have no proper facilities for gnyaecological cases, which would be provided probably by the old Gore operating table. Hoping the Board will see their way to arrange for this to be sent up immediately. All the staff are working satisfactorily and amicably together. The porter, Wilcox, has covered most of the exposed water pipes and is most carefully attending to the emptying of the system at nights, so that I hope we will not have trouble with any frozen and burst pipes this year. LUMSDEN MATERNITY HOSPITAL MATRON’S REPORT. The Matron of the Lumsden Maternity Hospital (Miss M. R. Reynold), reported as follows:—Patients remaining June 1, 1924 —1 female; total 1. Patients admitted during June, 1924—3 females; total 3. Total under treatment —4. Patients discharged during June, 1924—2 females; total 2. Patients remaining July 1, 1924 2 females; total 2. Total 4. LORNE HOME, MATRON’S REPORT. The report of the Matron of the Lome Home (Mrs E. Cole) was as follows:—lnmates remaining June 1, 1924 —35 males; total 35. Inmates admitted during June, 1924—6 males; total 6. Total under treatment —41. Inmates discharged during June, 1924 —4 males; total 4. Inmates remaining July 1, 1924—37 males; total 37. Total 41. I desire to thank T. D. Pearce, Invercargill, and E. Bell, pastrycook, Tay street, for donations during the month. KEW FARM. MANAGER’S REPORT. The report of the Farm Manager at Kew (Mr H. A. Brumby), was as follows:—Four cows were sent to Lome and eight returned here. We are now carting out feed to fifty head of cattle. The coalshed at Nurses’ Home is nearly finished, all but painting; the old iron was used for the walls but it was necessary to get new for the roof. Foundations for the fire-places in Farm Manager’s house are all in, and at present the extension to washhouse is being gone on with. I have borrowed a 3-year-old draught colt from Mr W. Baird, for twelve months. He also lent me another horse for a month: we will now be able to fix up a team for ploughing, top-dressing, etc., as soon as we know definitely what is to be done. SECRETARY’S REPORT. REVIEW FOR PAST MONTH. The secretary reported as follows: “Since last meeting of the Board the death took place of Mr C. H. Cole, master of Lome Farm Home, on June 13. Mr and Mrs Cole entered the Board's services in November, 1901, as Master and Matron of the old Bowmont Street Home, and four years afterwards were transferred to Lome Farm in succession to Mr and Mrs Cusworth. Southland Hospital.—Repairs and renovations to cold w’ater service have been carried out during the month. Crockery indent has now been landed and is being distributed to the different institutions. Proposed alterations of house surgeon’s accommodation and bacteriological laboratory were looked into and are being reported on by the House Committee. New General Hospital, Kew:—The comments of the Director-General of Health re width of wards and corridors in proposed new hospital came to hand since last meeting and the architect and medical superintendent are submitting their reports on same. It is important that the points on which a difference of opinion is being expressed should be adjusted as soon as possible as the architect cannot proceed with his drawings until these matters have been settled. Certain alterations to farm manager’s house at Kew, erection of coal house, sanitary drainage of Nurses’ Home, manager’s house and men’s quarters and construction of a small septic tank are being attended to by the Farm Committee. Mr Wilson, architect, visited the site and took the necessary levels and recommends that the tank be constructed near the farm buildings at the end of the existing drain which discharges into an open ditch to the east of the Sanatorium buildings. Electric Installation:—Mr Carman, electrical engineer, reports that the wires at the Kew Hospital buildings require overhauling and tightening. During the month it was discovered that two wires had come into contact and created a partial short circuit which meant a considerable waste of current at the last reading. I recommend that this be attended to at once. Gore Hospital:—A Committee consisting of the Chairman, Messrs Niven, McDougall, Rhodes and Bowmar, visited this institution on the 24th ultimo and looked into several matters in connection with the contract for the additions at this hospital, which are not very satisfactory. A letter has been sent to the architect drawing his attention to the defects that came under the Committee’s notice, and asking that they be attended to. A lot of work outride of the present contract requires to be done before the place can be considered satisfactory for the treatment of patients. The contractors for the furnishings are pushing on with these and expect to deliver everything at the hospital next week.” The Board agreed to the recommendations contained in the report. SOUTHLAND HOSPITAL DOCTOR’S REPORT. The Medical Superintendent (Dr. A. Owen Johnston), reported as follows: I have to report as follows for the Southland and Kew Hospitals for the month of June:—?

SOUTHLAND. Patients remaining May 31 —11 l Patients admitted during month 80 Patients discharged during month 79 Patients died during month .. .. 5 Patients remaining June 30 .. 107 Total patients treated 191 Collective days’ stay .. .. 3116 Individual days’ stay .. 16.3 Average patients per day .. .. 103.9 X-RAY DEPARTMENT. In-patients X-rayed .. .. 32 Out-patients X-rayed .. . 10 Private patients X-rayed 2 Total 44 Plates taken .. .. ... 38 Treatments given 7 Screenings made 9 Out-patients fees payable .. £2 5/Private patient fees payable .. £2 2/£4 7/MASSAGE DEPARTMENT. Patients remaining May 31 .. .. 19 Patients commenced treatment 8.. Patients completed treatment .. 11 Patients remaining June 30 . . 16 In-patients treatments .. .. 133 Out-patient treatments ~ 194 ’ 327 Nursing Staff:—ln connection with Matron’s report I woul|d recommend that the Board meet Nurse Mullay’s application for leave of absence, without pay, by granting her one month’s leave. Nurse Andrews has Been ill at the Gore Hospital since May 27. Dr. Rogers informs me that it will be at least six months before she will be able to resume duty, so we will need to appoint another probationer to her place in the meantime. Nurse Andrews will then come on in the first vacancy that occurs after she has completely recovered. Salaries of Domestic Staff:—l would strongly urge the Board to adopt Matron’s recommendation to make 25/- per week the minimum maid’s wage. In the past 2£ years, due mostly to the rate of wages, there has been a constant procession of maids coming and going to the hospital. KEW. Patients remaining on May 31 .. 19 Patients_ admitted during month 3 Patients discharged during month 8 Patients died during month .. 1 Patients remaining June 30 .. 13 Total patients treated 22 Collective days’ stay 490 Individual days’ stay 22.2 Average patients per day .. . . 16.3 The recommendations were adopted. MATRON’S REPORT. The Matron of the Southland Hospital (Miss A. G. Keddie), reported as follows: “Sister Bisset commenced duty as Assistant Matron on June 10, 1924. Nurse mullay has applied for extended leave, without pay, owing to the serious illness of her parents. New Probationers: —Miss H. Tait, commenced June 14, 1924; Miss K. Whitmore, commenced June 23, 1924; Miss A. Wilson, commenced June 30, 1924; Miss E. Looney, commenced July 1, 1924; Miss D. Brown, commenced July 1, 1924. Sick Nurses:—Nurse McEwan off duty from June 21 to July 2. Nurse Dey, off duty from July 2, is still off. The following members of the nursing staff left during the month: Sister Shepherd, Sister Robertson, Nurses Harrington, Miller, Flynn and Heaps. Resignation:—Nurse Miller, on account of ill-health. Nurses passed the anatomy and physiologogy examination held during the month:—Nurses Pearce, Whyte, Wedderspoon, Brewer, Mcßae, Charles and Kerr. Domestic Staff: —l consider that the housemaids’ salary 22/6 is inadequate and should be raised to at least 25/-, as the maids are dissatisfied and remain only a short .time. This continual change is not conducive to the best working of the hospital. FINANCIAL MATTERS. TREASURER’S REPORT. The Treasurer submitted the following statement of the Board’s maintenance payments for three months ended June 30, 1924, as compared with the estimated payments for the year (shillings and pence being omitted) : Estimated Actual Estimated for for Payments Three Three for Year. Months. Months.

£42,000 £10,500 £9,436 A decrease on the amount estimated for the period of £1063 10/6. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE. Estimated Estimated for Actual for for Year. Three Months. Three Months. £ £ £ 13,048 £3,262 £4,527 Details of Actual Capital Expenditure for three months:—Surgical Equipment, Gore Hospital £285 Buildings, Gore Hospital 15 Sinking Fund, Kew L0an1559 Proportion Waipiata Sanatorium .. 2667 £4527

Southland Hospital 18,350 4,587 4,036 Gore Hospital .. 4,075 1,018 1.069 Lake County do. 2,250 562 484 Kew I.D. Hospital 2,750 687 592 Lumsden M. Hospita 450 112 107 Lome Farm & Home 4,250 1,062 928 Outdoor Relief 1,750 437 370 Medical Associations 600 150 66 District Nursing .. 375 93 97 Administration 1,850 462 551 Payments to Sanatoria and other Boards 2,500 625 740 Paymentst to Special Schools, etc. .. 500 125 46 Rents, Rates & Taxes 40 10 — Interest 1,350 337 2 Inmates’ Trust 400 100 77 Refunds and Miscellaneous 510 127 263

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Southland Times, Issue 19293, 11 July 1924, Page 10

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HOSPITAL BOARD Southland Times, Issue 19293, 11 July 1924, Page 10

HOSPITAL BOARD Southland Times, Issue 19293, 11 July 1924, Page 10