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ARMY AND NAVY PRINCESS, No. 6. On Wednesday afternoon, in the Victoria Hall, a unique opportunity will be given to the general public to hear firsthand the experiences of our returned wounded soldiers. The ladies’ committee of the Army and Navy Princess are giving a musical afternoon, when several of the returned boys have offered to relate their experiences in the magnificent and world-thrilling charge of the Australasian troops on the heights v of Gaba Tepe. Afternoon tea will be served, and it is the committee's intention to provide home-made eatables only. The admission will he I/-.

COX "NT K V QUK EX. A largo and representative meeting of country residents was held i.n Allen's Hall on Saturday afternoon, Mr AN’. A. Cox in the. chair. A large-amount of correspondence was dcall with, all of which gave indication of activity throughout the country districts. -—Progress Report— The following progress report was presented:— The initial meeting in connection with the country side of the proposal to hold a Carnival Queen Election was held on tlie July, when a sub-committee was set up to formulate a scheme of campaign canvassing the country district a The sub-committee met on the Slli, ami drew up a schedule of recommendations and these were adopted at tin- meeting held on the LUli, Circular loiters were then drafted and ordered to he printed and posted cl the cnrlie-t possible dale. Various meetings were then arranged and districts visited. Tinring the period the following districts hate been visited: Athol. I.mnsdcu. IJipton, Fairfax, Aparirna, Waimahnkn. AVaianiwa. AVaihoaka, Te Wae VA'ue. Tuatapere. Wuirlo. .South. Hiliend, I.inioliills and Wallacetown, while many of the districts have held meetings, and action has been taken amongst these ac Seaward Downs. Mataura Island. AVyndham, Balfour. Thornliury and Woodlands. Many other places have called meetings and during the ensuing week or two a, large extent of country will lie covered. It may he pointed out that the organising of the country is much more diincult, than that of tlie towns, so that, the inevitable has happened, viz.. town canvassers had made a fair start and quite a number of art union tickets were on the market before ours could possibly reach the outlying districts. Complaints have been made that tickets have been selling freely in tlie country on behalf of town interests before onr tickets could possibly reach their destination. As already slated, tit is was inevitable, but wo can afford to grant a handicap and then win provided country residents remain loyal lo their own cause. Unfortunately, country are rather unsuspicious and confiding aml good mil fired, so Hint town ’’pirates" wore hound to reap a little harvest until their country friends became alive to tlie true position. Now. however. that the position is becoming clearer, there will be less chance of success lor town canvassers in the country. It will undoubtedly take some time yet to visit and organise till districts: but when that is accomplished there is no fear of the result. The original intention was to have a straight-out fight between the towns and country with one queen for the country, but tlie Gore district initiated a contest of their own against tlie north-eastern districts. This does not interfere greatly with the original idea, as votes will be combined with this district in the final; but Lumsden. being allotted what is practically a Country Queen, whereas the votes so to town interests, alters the position considerably. Complaint is made by country residents against the appeal to country Territorials on behalf of the Army and Navy Princess, and also against the visit of concert parties to country districts In the interests of town princesses, and there appears to be some grounds for tlie complaints, and it seems advisable that some satisfactory and amicable arrangement be arrived at to prevent further friction. The following donations have been notified in aid of the Country Queen: — Messrs AA 7 right, Stephenson and Co., Ltd., motor car valued £325 and cash £100; Mr Donald Mac Donald, land valued £350; Mr AV. D. Hunt. £250; Messrs Price Bros., Athol, £100: “A Scrap of Paper,” £100; Mr C. S. Stevens, Athol, £SO; Mr G. A. Colles, £SO; Mr AV. A. Cox, Kauana (horse), £25; Mr F. A. Price. AVaikiwi. £2O; Mr AV, S. Fleming. Enwood, £ls: Air Jas. Milne, Rakahouka (horse). £IT; Mr F. A. Price, £lO 10s: AVaimatuku concert sale. £l3O 15s Od; patriotic gathering at Clifton. £lO 10s.

A letter from the Kaiwera district was referred to the Gore Country Committee. A discussion on the circular recently sent to dairy factory companies resulted in the following resolution being passed: ‘’That the circular to dairy factory companies issued by the committee soliciting contributions bo recalled, and each company be advised of this decision.” The question of the canvassing of country Territorials on behalf of the Army and Navy Princess was held over for future consideration, but there is a growing feeling of dissatisfaction by country residents generally with the present position in which the men arc placed. It was unanimously agreed that all country school children should work in the interests of the Country Queen. Approval was expressed with a proposal to hold a special sale of stock at Wallacetown some time during September, when all the stock that may bo donated will be collected by road and rail, due notice being given of the date. A deputation from the newly-formed ladies’ committee was received, consisting of Mrs W. D. Hunt, Mrs Studholme, Airs J. T. Prain and Mrs John Macdonald, and after discussion it was resolved to hold a meeting of ladies, town and country, on Saturday, 31st inst., in Allen’s Hall, to discuss future action. Meantime. the secretary to notify country districts with a view to getting all parts in touch with the town ladies’ committee.

The whole meeting was markedly enthusiastic and determination was freely expressed to leave no stone unturned to place the Country Queen in the post of honour. Handsom* additions to the funds were made by Waimatuku (per Miss Praser) of £l3O 15s 9d, the result of a concert and sale of produce, and by the Clifton Patriotic Committee of £lO 10s. Verbal advice was received that South Hillend had established a good record by netting a sum of £l6O as the result of a function held on Friday evening. Mr A. F. Hawke intimated through Mr W. E. Taylor the gift of a section of land in Wellesley. Athol advises a further addition to their fund of £IOO. * —Reports— Woodlands reported u highly successful meeting on Friday evening, when a strong committee was appointed and vigorous steps are to be taken to further the interests of the Country Queen. Successful meetings have taken place during the week at Te Wae Wae, Tuatapere. South Hillend and Dipton, where strong committees have been formed tu systematically canvass the districts. The enthusiasm at every centre is most marked, and continues to increase as the contest becomes better understood. On Saturday evening at Rya] Bush. Mr W. Scott in the chair, a meeting of some forty to fifty residents was held in the Public Hall in the interests of the Country Queen. The gathering was addressed by Mr G. T. Stevens, of Invercargill, who explained the objects and nature of the competition and the necessity of such an appeal to the public. At the conclusion of his address, Mr Stevens invited questions on any points he might not have sufficiently explained. These were answered satisfactorily, and in some instances received well merited applause. A strong committee of nine gentlemen, with ICesers , Sohroedor and W. Blakic as jaint secretaries, and Mr W. Scott chairman, and an- independent ladies’ committee, were set up and a comprehensive plan of campaign was decided upon. The feeling was generally expressed that the supply of art union tickets sent out (1250) would be quite inadequate. A most enthusiastic meeting of two hours’ duration was brought to a close by an appreciative vote ,of thanks 10 that chair and speaker. MERCHANTS A X D TRAVELLERS’ PRINCESS (Xu. 2). A meeting of the General Committee was held in the Y.M.C.A. on Saturday evening, Mr G. C. A. Todd (vice-presi-

dent) presiding over a large attendance. The executive reported that very satisfactory progress In general organising work had been done during the week. Tickets for a raffle for four tons of Kaitangata coal had been Issued, and it was proposed to have tickets for a further four tons circulated early in the week. In order to facilitate the early drawing of raffles, members of the committee and others who have tickets for sale are requested to hand in blocks promptly! ! A number of other gifts have been se--1 cured for raffling, and 1 lie executive have arranged Unit the result of a raffle ; will he announced every week during the. i progress of the carnival. ; Mr Maclean reported that a very strong ladies' committee had been organ--1 is ed ala I (he president. .Mrs W. .1. Dun- ( lop, who was present, indicated the lines lon which that body proposed to operate. I The following additions were marie to 1 committees : --General committee; Mr P. ' .M Fls: ladies' committee : Mesdamcs W. M. Maclean. <’. K. Vales. Coo. Taylor. W. Wilson, C. G. -Macatlley, and C. S. Sloan. It was decided Ihat the price of the badges be reduced to sixpence. Members of the committee, and supporters of the Merchants and Travellers' Princess arc reminded Hint tickets for all i afflos. Pudges, etc., can Pc obtained at the secretary's office. Briscoe's Hnild- ! ings, where blocks arc lo he retained i m iced ia iel y 1;:;e tickets arc sold. Tlic indies' committee meets in the V.M.C.A. this evening at -7.30. and all lady supporters are requested to attend. I RAILWAY AND SHIPPING Fit I NCFSS. | A meeting of t'o- general commit Ice of ;I he Ita ilv.'a y an 1 Shipping Princess 1 i Miss Daisy ((amilton of Bluff) was I held ip the PaiDvay Library rooms on I Saturday night. M »' U. M. Isaacs prcsiili in a . | Mr C, R. George and .Mr If. I.ehatt ! I secretary-1, of the Bluff executive, were ! present, and the former reported in dci tail the work d.olie by llio 3 tin f f execuj live. All the J'-’inff was working as one. ! the ladies' commillee particularly doing I excellent work in forwarding the can !i- ---; da tore of the princess, who herself was I an indefatigable worker in the cause of j the ‘Wounded Soldiers’ Fund. Mr George I stated that the shipping representatives | at Bluff were pushing" the. sale of lie- ] kets throughout tile New Zealand ports : and also in Australia, and. as tin- Bluff , executive hart been successful in intcr- ■ csting several influential gentlemen who • had a special interest in the Bluff, they ; were conlidenl that full justice would be done to Miss Ila mill on. 1 The chairman advised that a sum of I'fih ISs 4d had been received from the Railway Worl.shops' Darktown Baud ami placed to Hie credit of Hie Railway • and Shipping Princess in the Bank of I New Zealand, and mat the Railway Bel- ! gian Relief Committee had decided to recommend contributors to allow tile ■ next three contributions to be diverted ft) the Wounded Soldiers’ Fund. Miss ' Hamilton had a special claim to Hie ! support of the railway men. inasmuch as [ her father (now deceased) was a railI way man, having been injured in the i service. ! The chairman of the art unions com- ! mittec reported that Hu- arrangements j in connection with Hie distribution of ' the monster art union tickets was well j in hand, all members of the railway service in .Southland having been circular- ' ised. their attention being drawn to the I necessity for supporting the Railway ; and Shipping Princess, and books of tic--1 kets had been sent for distribution lo all statiomnasters and others. In addi- ! tion. books of tickets had been forwarded jto all statiomnasters and officers in I charge throughout New Zealand, and it |is anticipated that the sales by this j means will nett a very large amount. | Handbills setting forth the objects or ; the carnival had been procured and distributed throughout New Zealand. For those who do not desire to participate j in the benefits of the art unions, but | who desire to vote for the Railway and Shipping Princess, special voting blocks i had been procured. Collectors for the | princess will he provided with special i arm badges, so that no one will be under I a misaprehension as to whom is being i supported. i The chairman of the Entertainments i Committee advised that the management j of the Popular Pictures had decided to ! give a benefit performance and the LyI ccum Company had also agreed to give j a similar performance. Performances I had been arranged as under : —July 30. i concert at Nightcaps; August 3, perj formance in Theatre. Invercargill: Aug- ; list 13. performance in Library building. ! Invercargill; August 27. unique enter- | tainrnent in Theatre. Invercargill, i The Railway' Workshops Darktown | Band had also intimated their intention 1 of rendering every assistance in sup--1 port of the Railway and Shipping Prin- | cess, and, as their efforts in the past I have been most successful, the commit--1 tee are very grateful for their assist- ! ance. 1 Permanent offices have been procured | in Briscoe's buildings. Spey street, and all arrangements are now well in hand. TO-DAY’S MEETINGS. The ladies’ committee of the Wholesale Merchants and Travellers’ Princess will meet in the V.M.C.A. rooms to-night at 7.30. The raffles committee of the Princess of the Lakes will meet in the Town Hall to-night at 7.30, and die men's executive at S.‘ A general meeting of all men supporters of the Industrial and Retailers’ Princess will meet at the Y.M.C.A. at 7.30. The ladies’ cormnittee of the Army and Navy Princess will meet at. Hie rooms. Dee streel. at S p.m. Meetings in connection with the Country Queen will be held at Wyndham and j Waimatuku at 7.30, Fairfax at 5.30 and I Drummond at S.

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Southland Times, Issue 17483, 26 July 1915, Page 3

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THE CARNIVAL QUEEN Southland Times, Issue 17483, 26 July 1915, Page 3

THE CARNIVAL QUEEN Southland Times, Issue 17483, 26 July 1915, Page 3