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AQB3DOTJXTGEAX. WESTS TOE TEE psx EXTDXEO SEFTESCBEE. 26 —Wednesday, September 23. — Mr John Officer’s clearing sale at Ryal Bush, by Messrs Wright, Stephenson and Co., Ltd. WAIIACETOWH STOOGE SALS. . LARGE YARDING OF FATS. MUTTON EASIER. BEEP UP. The Wallacetown stock sale was held yesterday in splendid weather. There was a large attendance of buyers, dealers and farmers, and a fairly good sale resulted. There are two topics that are concerning people mostly at the present time, viz., the war and the markets, therefore It was only to be expected that unusual interest would be taken in yesterday’s stock sale. Following were the yardings for yesterday’s and the two preceding sales —

PAT CATTLE. There was one of the largest yardings that has been noted at Wallacetown for some time, and it contained a number of pens of really first-class stuff, including a goodly proportion of cows and heifers, in addition to a number of really good bullocks. All over, in point of quality, the yarding was better than has been at Wallacetown for a long time past. Of course, as was only to bo looked for, in such a large yarding there were pens of inferior stuff also. Owing to the high prices offering by freezing operators, from start to finish competition was keen; in fact towards the close prices were firmer than they were at the beginning. Butchers, both town and country, were all out to buy, and to succeed they had to outbid the freezing buyers. Ox beef easily reached ■los per IOOIbs, which is probably as high, if not higher than has ever previously been J recorded at Wallacetown. Heifer and cow beef, in sympathy with ox beef, also advanced and any prime heifer stuff was worth from 36s to 38s; cow. 30s to 335. The whole yarding changed hands. Local butchers secured most of the lots, although freezing buyers obtained a pen here and there. Some of the sales were—

By Messrs Henderson and Co., Ltd. — Account Gore client, 2 cows and 2 steers at £6 7s 6d to D. Mcßeth; 2 cows at £7 10s to P. Winders: cow at £9 to P. Winders; bullock at £ll 2s 6d to W. Swale: account R. Russell, cow at £9 10s to P. Winders; cow at £7 5s to W. Wills junr.

By Messrs Dalgety and Co., Ltd.—2 heifers at £8 10s: bullock at £l3 ss.

By Messrs J. 13. Watson and Co., Ltd.—Account .1. Fallow, 2 bullocks at £l2 10s to C.C. Meat Co; 2 do at £l2 to A. Taylor: 2 do at £8 17s 6d to C. P. Raines; account R. Russell, 2 cotvs at £5 10s to W. Vickery" account .1. Taylor, 2 bullocks at £l2 10s to C.C. Meat Co.; account J. Graham. 2 bullocks at £ll 12s fid to Borthwick and Co.; 3 do at £l2 10s to W. Wills; 2 heifers at £l2 to .1. Wills and Co.; 3 do at £lO 15s to I'. Winders: account G. J. Birch, 2 bullocks at £ll ss; 2 cows at £8; 13 heifers :it £7 lOs to A. Taylor. By the N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co —Account .1. Lardncr. 4 bullocks at £lO 15s to J. Humphries. By the Southland Farmers' Co-opera-tive Association —Account H. Knowlor, 2 bullocks at £l7 to W. Swale; 2 do at £lO 10s to C.C. Meal Co; ,cow at £lO 17s fid to W. Wills: cow at £l2 2s fid to Hvan and Turpin; cow at £l2 15s to W. Wills; account IT. Buxton, bullock at £lO 17s fid to W. Swale; heifer (small) at. £4 1.7 s. By 'Messrs Stephenson anrl Co.. Btrl—Account W. Baird, 2 cows to W. Vickery at £6 10s: account W. A. Cox, heifer to 'W- "Wills at £l3; account \. t j. Oerrard, cow to W. "Wills at £l2 .is: t bullocks to C.C. Meat Co, at £l4 7s fid; account M. Beattie, bullock to 11.I 1 . Winders at £ll 7s fid; bullock to Rvan and Turpin at £l4 ss; 2 do to ,1 Taylor at £lO ss; 4 do to W. Swale at £ll 7s fid: account C. Camie. cow to Ryan and Turpin at £l2 15s; 2 do to P. Winders n-t £9 2s Gd: 3 fl ° to do at £ ‘ i2s fid; 2 do to T. A. Stephens at £n 17s Gd; account I'-. A. Price, 2 do at £ll 17s fid. 1 do at £8 15s. 3 do at_ m to Rvan and Turpin: 2 do at £ll 7s fid, 2 do at £9 17s fid to J. Wills and Co; o do at £l2 15s. 2 do at £ll 10s to W. H. Johnstone; account D. McKerchar. cow to T. A. Stephens at £l2 10s; account J. McKwan, 2 cows to P. Winders at £7 10s‘ bullock to W. H- Johnstone at £ i o Ts’fid; account P. A. Price. 2 cows lo C. P. Haines at £10: cow to Ryan and Turpin at £3 1 17s fid. By the National Mortgage and Agency Co.—Account T. Brown, 5 bullocks at £0 12s fid, 2 heifers (small) at £G 12s fid to G. Prendergasl: account Heridorson Bros 4 bullocks to IV. Wills at £lO 2s fid; 2 heifers to P. Winders at £8 2s fid; account W. Cartwright, 2 bullocks to .1 . V\’ills at £0 10s; heifer to I>. K. Jones nml Co. at £7 7s Gd: account J. Tv. Hamilton, 2 heifers (small) lo P. Winders at £5; account Garvey Bros, 10 steer s to M. Horde at £G 2s fid: account J S. Clarke, cow to the C.C. Meat Co. at £7 15s: account A. Baird, cow to Rvan and Turpin at £l2 l>s fid; account VV Swale 5 heifers to IP. H. Jones and Co at £8 17s fid; 2 bullocks to T. C. MaUby at £l7; 2 cows at £lO heifer at ffi 10s to W. Wills: bullock to J. M. Brown at £11: account A. Hartley cow to p Winders at CS 10s: account r. Fraser, 2 bullocks to XV Swale at £l2 ss: account J. Calder. bullocks jt 19 17c Gd 4 heifers at £fi 10s to W. account A. Watson. 1 bullocks to A. Smith at £11: acocunt W. Cartwright, 2 heifers to D. R. Jones and Co. at 1. 7s od. STORK CATTLE. Tliere were, practically, no big cattle forward, but there was a ready demand for anything tending to come under this category. The demand for good class vearlings and 1 8-month s-olds showed "no improvement . There was; an extra large yarding of dairy cows, from 100 to 120 being forward, and. as they were sold singly, the duration of the calc was considerably lengthened in consequence. Hairy cows coming: to Profit were worth trom £9 to £9 10s, others with belated calving prospects from £C to £7. Following were some of the sales— „ By Messrs Dalgety and Co.. Ltd. —l- - at £5 15s; cow at £S. Bv Messrs J. E. Watson and Co Ltd!— Account C. Lindsay. 5 heifers a £3 19.5; yearlinprs at £2 Is: £G Gs: dairy cows at £5 I<s Gd. -‘*Jf_r, Gd. £5 10s, C:» is Gd, £4 lis Gd. £4 Ts' account J- Covenay. cow at £fi -'S. account Marshall Brosj 2 cows at £S D« Gd ; cows at £•> £■* * s 6cl - “ r-, lie- account F. Hall. 14 calves at i'lc- cow at £6: account W. H. Brown, cows at £fi 15s. £6 ss: account client. 2 steers at £4 7s fid. ‘ls calves at 2Gs: account, John Crombie, cow at £4 15s. 10 calves at £2 2s; account other clients, cows at £4 4s. Li 10s, £4 15s. £■> as. £6 10s £5 10s; account *T. Fahey, 12 heifers’at £2 2s fid: 21 steers at £2 10s; 4do at £5 10s; 6 do at £2 Gs.

By Messrs Wright. Stephenson and Co, Ltd.:—Account D. Anderson. 6 ISmonl h-ald f teens and heifers at £2 4s; 11 steers at £7 2s fid: account W. Taylor, cow at £5 10s, heifer at £2 14s, calves at 2Gs and ss; account R. Russell. 10 heifers in calf at £5 6s; 17 bullocks at £7 10s; account IV. Baird. 4 calves at 255, .. empty heifers at £4 ss; account C. M'KenZie 7 vearlings at 50s: account P. Ryan. 11 ’calves and heifers at from £2 4s to £5; account T. Dempster, 2-ycar-old steer at £5 ss; 12 yearlings at 3 4s; account J. Murray, 19 do at £2 17s: cows at £4 15s. £4 10s. boiler at £2; account J. W. Murphy, 2 heifers at £4 15s. 2 do at £2 ss ; account H. Cox, 1 do at £3 ss; account McKerchar Bros., cows at £2 10s, £6 15s, 4 yearlings at £2 4s; account R. Brown. 4 do at £2 6s; account John Hewitson, 4 calves at 255; 1 do at 455; heifer at £3 Us: boiler at £2; account Chas. Lake and Son. 6 calves at 255; account R. Stewart, heifer at £6 ss.

By the Southland Farmers’ Co-opera-tive Association: Account A. Hillis, dairy cow at £6 15s; account R. Swan, do at £9 2s 6(1; account Stewart, cow at £ti ss; account Stewart Bros., do at £6 By the National Mortgage and. Agency Co., l,td:—Account A. Hartley, dairy cows at £6 15a, £5 15s, £S; account Jas. Forde, 25 yearlings at £2 IGs; account T. Hodgkinson. hull at £5. calves at £1 3s, heifers at £4; account .1. Hamilton, calves at £1 J4s: do (small) at IPs, heifers at £!: account A. Hillis. steers ai t7 Ts fid: account IV. t'artwright ycar- • = -. cs at c tr.s. steers at £7 Ts fid: *■■■■-

count J. Calvert, boilers at £1 10s, £2 12s 6d; account J. Fowler, dairy cows at £7 10s, £6 10s, £5 15s, yearlings at £1 15s; account F. Walls, 9 calves at £1 16s; account W. Swale, 12 steers at £5 ids; account R. Russell, 18 yearlings at £3 17s; 9 empty heifers at £4 10s, 11 heifers at £4 15s, dairy cows at £7, £B, £7 15s, £7 7s 6d, £6; account G. S. Brown, do at from £2 12s 6d to £7; account J. S. Grieve, do at £B, £3 10s, £2; account John Meehan, 2 do at £6; account W. Sutherland, calves at £1 13s; account W. J. Wilson, 2 dairy cows at £7 10s; account H. Crowe, 4 yearlings at £1 17s: account Chas. Lake, cow at £3; yearlings at £2 7s 6d; other dairy cows at £B, £7 10s, £7 ss, £5 10s to £6. By Messrs Henderson and Co., Ltd: — Account A. Hillis, cow at £5 5s to C. Driscoll; account T. Mortimer, cow at £6 Ss to P. P. McKay; account George Clark, S yearlings at £1 15s to J. Fosbender; account Bowron Bros., cow at £6 12s 6d to W. Baird; cow at £6 17s 6d to J. Fotheringham; account T. Welsh, 8 yearlings at £1 10s to J. Fosbender; G empty heifers at £3 to A. Townley; bull at £5 5s to D. Duff; account client, dairy cow at £7 7s 6d to. G. Clark; do £7 to A. L. Munro; do at £7 to D. Luke; do at £5, 16 to L. Fraser: do at £7 10s to J. Fotherlngham; do at £7 7s 6d to D. Sullivan; do at £9 to .1. D. Kellehcr. FAT SHEEP.

There was a large yearding, including some pens of really good stuff. Contrary to expectations the demand was by no means keen, and the sale opened quietly compared with the last few sales, although the demand was fair, but it suffered in comparison with the last few Wallacetown sales. Freezing buyers bid throughout spasmodically, but displayed a lack of keenness, and the butchers outbid them throughout. Compared with last sale, when very high prices ruled, there was a drop easily of from Is to is 6d a head. One pen made 30s and other 29s 7d, but really good stuff sold at from 27s to 28s, and medium wethers at from 21s to 25s 6d. There were a few pens of good ewes yarded, and best fetched from 21s Gd to 225; medium and lighter, iSs to 19s. Although the tone was easier, some vendors were not disposed to accept the prices ruling, as it is generally believed on all sides that the receding in values is not permanent, and that higher prices will rule in the near future. Home of the sales noted were:—

By Messrs Henderson and Co., Ltd.; Account D. McCallum, 2 7 ewes at 25a Id to C. P. Raines; account client, 35 ewes at 17s 10c! to W, H. Johnstone and Co.; account Jas. Wilson, 29 wethers at £1 3s lid to T. C. Maltby: 28 do at 24s to P. Winders; account D. Luke, 27 do at 23s 6d to P. Winders; account M. McCarthy, 16 do at 22s to W. Wills, junr.; 34 do at 24s lid to Ryan and Turpin. ByMessrs Dalgety and Co., Ltd.—4l wethers 25s Sd to T. Humphries; IS do at 21s 3d to S. J. Henderson: 29 ewes at 16s 6d; 30 do at J7s 6d to Kirk and Co.; pen hoggets at 23s Id to Ryan and Turpin: 26 wethers at 21s Id, 21 do at 24s 5d to W. Stormount. By Messrs J. E. Watson and Co., Ltd.; —Account A. R. Deschler, 36 wethers at 245. 31 do at 21s 3d; account Alex. Miller, 192 wethers at 22s 8d to P. McKlnna; account S. Henderson, pen wethers at 34s to Kyan and Turpin.

By the N. Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co.; —Account W. G. Beer, 28 ‘tethers at 27s to W. H. Johnstone: 100 do at 27s to McKenzie and Harper; account D. McCallum, 56 do at 27s to D. R. Jones and Co.; account A. M. Irving. 328 do at 26s fid to F. A. Price; account John Dickson. 63 do at 24s to W. Stephens; account A. McKenzie, 32 ewes at 25s 4d to .1. Wills and Co.

By Messrs Wright, Stephenson and Co., Ltd. —Account W. Swale, 30 ewes to S. and T. Templeton at 21s; account A. G. Brass, 21 wethers to Ryan and Turpin at 28s; 21 do to Turpin and Bridges at 28s: account John McCrishan, 56 do to D. R. Jones at 275; account G. Deegan, 33 do to J. Wills at 29s 7d; account Lumsden War Fund Committee, 10 owes to J. Humphries at 19s; 10 hoggets to .Mrs Fotheringham at 16s fid. By the National Mortgage and Agency Co.: —28 wethers to T. C. Maltby at 30s; account D. McCallum. 28 do to D. R. Jones at 275; account M. McCarthy. 3.2 do to W. Wills at 245; account A. Baird. 60 do to J. Wills and Co., at 245, 40 do to A. Scott at 255; account J. B. Taylor, 2( do to P. Winders at 22s sd; 4 4 owes at 17s to W. Vickery; account W. Swale. 30 do to P. Winders at 20s fid; 15 do to J. Humphries at 15s; 25 do to A. H. Beer at 20s: account A. Stewart, 40 wethers to W. Wills at 245; 30 do to T. C. Maltby at 24s fid. STORK SHEEP. There was only a small yarding, and no fair indication was in consequence given of ruling values. Sales were: — By Messrs Dalgety and Co., Ltd.: — Account J. M. Brown, S7 m.s. hoggets at 18s fid to Martin Silke; account J. Tomlinson, lo wethers at 2‘Js to Mrs Henderson. By Messrs Wright. Stephenson and Co., Ltd.': —llO hoggets lo J. B. Forde at 15s yd. CAKTEEBOET PRODUCE MARKETS. CHRISTCHURCH. Sept. 22. More wheat is now offering than there has been for some time past and several sales have been made at. ss, at country stations. In view of the fact, however, that the Commission on Food Prices is stated to be going to fix the price of wheat buyers are not so keen to make purchases. Holders arc still asking high prices for (heir wheat, and it Is stated that 5s fid has been refused. Wheat still in the country or held in store on owners' account is, however, reported to he in few hands. Oats are unchanged and there is only limited enquiry. There is very little sale for oatsheaf ehatl. though if the dry weather continues the demand may improve. Potatoes, are still dull of sale at 20s to 255. at country stations, there being but little enquiry. SYDNEY STOCK EXCHANGE. SIDNEY, September 22. Stock Hxchange prices are well maintained, but for the time bear sales are disallowed.

Sept 22. Sept. 8. Aur. 25 Fat cattle .. . .. 184 74 124 Store cattle . . .. 440 431 160 Fat sheep . . , .. 1708 802 1420 Store sheep . . .. 220 350 200

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Southland Times, Issue 17763, 23 September 1914, Page 7

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COMMERCIAL Southland Times, Issue 17763, 23 September 1914, Page 7

COMMERCIAL Southland Times, Issue 17763, 23 September 1914, Page 7