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Tilt' Pominion Baud will render the following programme from tlie Rotunda commencing at is o'clock this evening. March. "Jovce's Tlst" t Boyer): waltz. "Passing of Salome"; march. "Newcastle" i Bulch > ; selection. '"I’Ih; Martvrs" cDonnezetti) ; cake walls. "King ot the Coons": intermezzo, ”Itosebuds_ lOnl lluinei; march, “Gympie City (Tmssein. The waterworks engineer (Mr A. Harper) reported to the Town Council lust night that the amount of water pumped for the last few weeks was 1*\321,?22 gallons: 7.415.322 from the well and 2.9051..100 from the kin. bore. Thirty-eight new services (six for building purposes) were put in during the past fortnight. The Post Office advises that Auckland Inhibition postage stamps will he recognised in Australia until the -‘Sin Inst. The chairman of the Finance Committee of the Town Council (Cr. Ou ) reported last evening that out of a total of flM.snn of rates collectable in Invercargill only the small total of £l3" remained outstanding. This fact points to the financial stability of the town, and shows that the stringency in money matters of a low months hack has now passed away. The quiet dignity of the Masterton S.M. Court was disturbed in an unusual manner on Saturday morning. ■ luring the hearing of an alleged slygrog case. Sergeant Miller was crossexamining a witness very closely concerning some bee;- which was the suhTet of Ihe ‘charge, when one of the bottles went off with a loud explosion, the cork Just trussing the head of Sergeant Miller. who dodged quickly. Hearty laughter followed the incident, in which the Magistrate joined. Several discussions, mainly in clauses in the reports of the various committees kept the Town Counil in meeting for nearly three hours last evening, and it did not adjourn until 10.2". Cr. Stead was in statistical mood, and before the adjournment was carried he announced the number of times each of the assembled councillors had risen to speak. The return was as follow:—Crs. Lonnie, i i , Lillicrap. 11; Ott. 6; Stead, 5: Brent. 4; Dunlop, 4; Moffett. Carswell. McKay, and Baird, 3. According to Cr. Stead's return Cr. Haggitt was the only "silent" member of the Council. The Dresden Piano Co.. Alfred Myers, J. Mc.Naughton and Co.. It. S. McNaught, Campbell and Jones. and Clias. Begg and Co.. Ltd., wrote to the Town Council last evening entering an emphatic protest against the amount of grace granted the contractor for Messrs Lewis and Co.’s now building in regard to the provision of a proper covered in way for the public desiring to do business on the south side of the street. The writers said that they had no desire to harass any contractor, but considered that it was lime that the by-laws were complied with, as the Mocking of pedestrian traffic wits a serious matter. Councillors were all in agreement that a covered in way should be provided and held that the inspector should have seen to the matter. The matter was referred to the inspector with instructions to take action to remedy the present position. A letter has boon received by the (‘ommonwc-alih Prime Minister from Uerr Henoch, the Australian trade representative at Berlin, suggesting the possibility of a trade between Australia and Germany in eggs. The writer mentions that at present Germany procures eggs to the value of 150.000,000 marks (about £0.000,000) a year from abroad, and the demand was increasing, notwithstanding a considerable amount of poultry raising in that country. It was thought that the reason why Australia had not given sufficient attention to the export of this produce was the lack of means of communication, so Herr Henoch is prepared to enter into negotiations with the German shipping companies trading with Australia regarding the provision of coo! rooms for the transport of eggs, and says he does not think they will object. The Town Council has now a total of five hundred and forty-six pounds voted to it for expenditure on the XVaihopai scenic reserve. This mutter was reported to last evening’s meeting of the Council and various suggestions were put as to how the money should he expended. Cr Lennio pointed out that a certain amount of the money was earmarked to be spent in specific directions and could not be put to road-making purposes on Biles road, tne lop end of which. Cr ott pointed out. should be made passable for motor traffic. Nothing definite was decided on last evening, but it Is pleasing to citizens to lie aware that money is available which when expended will considerably improve the XVaihopai reserve. The education of Maori girls is engaging the attention of Tin- Presbyterian Church, and as the work of the Maori Girls’ College at ’I nrakina is being more widely Known its inHuenv is extending correspondingly (says a northern exchange ! Last week ten young girls went from Parihaka and Opunake. One of them is a grand-daughter of Te XVhiti, and another of Tohu. the Maori prophets of years ago. The itev. a. Hadden, of Normanby. who had charge of the girls, said it was expected that pinny more would shortly enter the uchool. He expressed hope for the future of the Maoris, and contended that the raising of the standard would be the result of education and refinement. One of the difficulties in the past had been due to lapses on account of the boys. The latter, though educated at the King's or Te Aute Colleges, had, after leaving college. gone back to their people and settled down, marrying girls from the kalnga. All the good gained by school training had been lost, and hopes were now centred in the Maori girls. If the girls are trained also they will probably marry the boys from the colleges, and in this way the building up of the race will be sure and effective. Read list of Bargains now offering at The Economic Outfitters stocktaking •ale, 60 Dee street, Invercargill. x

The output of tile Town Council's Greenhllls quarry for the past four weeks amounted to, approximately, nine hundred and sixty tons. There were no fewer than twenty-two applicants' names placed before the Town Council last night for a vacant position as night-soil carter. The Council referred the names to the Works' Committee to make the llnal selection. Tenders for the supply and delivery of forage for the Government at Invercargill close at the office of the Public Service Stores, Wellington, on Monday. March 16. The postal authorities notify that Australian silver and bronze coinage -'ll! now be accepted at all post and telegraph offices in New Zealand. A Dunedin telegram says that steps arc being taken to make John Crisp, late of Palmerston South, a bankrupt in respect to a debt of four hundred pnmds. It is understood that the liabilities exceed three thousand pounds. Several forgeries are also alleged besides the disappearance of trust moneys. The Law Society is taking ind>'-r<eudo:it action. Cr Carswell brought up an amended motion on the following lines at the Town Council meeting last night—-“ That a remit he forwarded to the Municipal Association asking it to endeavour to get legal authority to empower municipal corporations to take over their own accident insurance by setting aside in every or any year out of Us general or separate accounts any moneys to form a fund to meet any claims that may arise." Cr Dunlop was tire seconder and the motion was carried unanimously. The official opening of the Christchurch Meat Comnanys new works at Pukenri took place yesterday, representatives of public bodies and the business and farming c.mi.uunities to tee nnmlur of several hundred guests attending the luncheon. The visitors included the Hon. W. Fraser. Minister lor Public Works. The new works are capacious, with ninety thousand feet of flooring and space to handle up to three thousand lambs daily. They arc built to suit the latest methods of treating meat for export, and will be a nig factor in industrial life. Tlie meeting for the formation of the National reserve called for to-night in tlie Victoria Hall promises to be a success. Ills Worship the Major will- occupy the chair, and addresses will »<■ delivered by Colonel Bauchop. Captain, tlie Hon. Robert McXab, Colonel Watson. Mr .1. C. Thomson. M.P. for Wallace, Major AMiaffey. Major Hunt and Colonel Henderson. The Regimental, Band will be in attendance and play before tie' meeting commences and will take a part in the evening's proceedings if required. It is to lie hoped ex-volunteers and others will be present in force. The number of students enrolling in the evening classes at the Technical College is very satisfactory, and it is evident that the new classes instituted, particularly in engineering and in domestic science, remedy a deficiency that lias been unavoidable prior to this session. There is proof that tlie facilities now given to ladies to attend domestic science classes by day are much appreciated, though the enrolment in some of the evening classes is also already greater than it was last year. Intending students who have not yet enrolled should not fail to do so in the first week of the session. , Town Councillors engaged in discussion for a brief time last night oyer a clause in the committee reports which suggested that “the town engineer lie instructed to visit Christchurch and confer with the city surveyor, Mr Dobson, as to tlie most suitable pumps to be installed at the twenty-two inch bore.” Ci- Stead said that too much time had been wasted now and ratepayers were raising their voices against the delay. Ci- Ott was not in favour of tlie clause ami thought that some of the practical local men should lie consulted. The question to he decided wa= to judge between a plunger pump and a hydraulic. Mi- Stewart, the contractor for tlie horo. had suggested one class and tlie ('lumen's engineer another. Tlie clause was eventually thrown out when tlie Mayor called for the councillors to vote for or against. The season that is drawing to a close is said in be probably the worst ever experienced by ihe small farmers of the Ilutt Valley." Blight has been rampant in tlie district, and there is hardly a holding that lias not suffered through the ravages of the pest. I-arms that gave promise of a.n abundant harvest of tomatoes and potatoes wore practically laid waste by blight in a night or two. In one instance, a farmer who had sown four acres with tomatoes, to the growth of which lie paid special attention, sprayed the plants on a Saturday evening. and on Monday morning discovered the crop totally destroyed and blackened as if swept by fire. In Taita and Epuni Hamlet the loss is considerable, and many small farmers are confronted with the fact that their year’s labour has availed them nothing but desolation and waste. Tlie Southland Horticultural Society’s annual autumn show was brought to a successful conclusion last evening. In the afternoon and evening there were large attendances, and from every point of view tlie autumn show of 13U must be voted a thorough success. On eacli evening Harvey’s orchestra supplied a programme of music which was greatly appreciated. The prizes for decorated table, which were decided by tlie votes of the public, resulted in Miss Stevenson (No. 2 table) securing first prize, ami Mrs Seareil (No. 3 table) second prize. The display uf bridal and dress boquets exhibited by Mr K. S. Perry, which were constructed in accordance vMih tip-, latest professional methods, and the mini’ items for exhibition only attracted a great share of public attention. Attention has frequently iseen drawn to the lack of accommodation at the Magistrate’s Court for both solicitors and reporters. Often it so happened on a busy morning that there was not room at the table to seat all the members of the Bar. who as a consequence on such occasions stood in groups and carried on a conversation in undertones, ■which sometimes led tlie Magistrate to call them to order. The reporters, too. had insufficient room to carry out their duties with anything like ease. However. the matter has been attended to, an additional table having been provided for the solicitors at the request of tlie Law Society, while a larger table has been provided for the press. The change is no less welcome than it was necessary. (’ompiaints, t 00, have often been mack as to the noise made by the typewriter when the evidence in indictable cases- is being taken down, it being sometimes very difficult if not almost impossible to hear all that the witness says. If a silencer were provided for tlie typewriter it would expedite tiie hearing of these cases and at (tie same time would be appreciated by both tlie solicitors and the press. “Since our lust report." says tlie Trade Review, in commenting on tlie position of tlie money market. “ there has not been any very pronounced movement towards easier conditions, but the tendency of the market is in that direciion, and there is a gradual easing going on. Tin- realisations from our • xjiorts are coming in now., ami helping tlie position, and before long the Government loan money will lie available. tVhon this money gels into circulation, say, in another two months, it will maicrially assist the money supply locally, and stimulate trade all round. Our export- arc keeping up splendidly in volume. being on tlie whole well ahead of last season, and tlie prices realised are maintaining an excellent level, so that when the season closes we should see a total value ahead of all previous records. We look for a gradual but steady improvement in the monetary position from now onwards, and a good period of steady satisfactory trading in all sections." The class of coal coming, to hand recently is being freely commented upon by drivers and firemen who are compelled to do certain work in a certain time. It just amounts to giving them poor tools to do "good work. Nevertheless (states tlie Loco. Record) they are expected to keep good time with poor coal, it Is poor because no steam can be obtained when the firebox becomes full after going a short distance. A driver’s and fireman’s work Is hard enough without putting dirty, ashy coal on his tender to get steam with. Is the coal a political coal or a Citizens’ Defence Committee cast-oil’ ? It must be one or the otln-r. . . . According to a South African railway fireman at present in New Zealand, the class of coal sent here is not used on South African railways, except in cases of emergency, when the tire is cleaned every seventeen miles.

January, phormlum was of a disappointing character right throughout the dominion, writes Mr \V. H. Ferris, Government Hemp, Grader, in the Journal of Agriculture, In’ very few cases, he says, was fibre of good quality turned out. Tlie raw material was apparently just as good as formerly, and the colour was satisfactory, but the work of stripping and scutching was decidedly inferior. ♦ Last evening was such as to Induce many people to go out of doors, and tlie announcement that u promenade concert was to be given on the rotunda by the Hibernian Band who gained such distinction at the recent contest at the Auckland Exhibition received a hearty welcome, large numbers coming out to hear them play. The concert was very enjoyable, the programme including tlie contest pieces and several other selections. all of which were excellently treated. At an executive meeting of the Mataura Horticultural Society held the other evening to wind up matters in connection with tlie show (writes our correspondent), it was found that there had been a record entry of 1261 exhibits, an increase of 52 over hist year, and Wednesday being pay day, IS7 8s Gd was paid out in cash and value as prize money. There was a net profit of £26 on the season’s show. For tlie sheep guessing competition there were 122 guesses (£6 2s Gd), for which 10 tied, the weight being 32 Vo lbs., and on being drawn for Mr XVm. Donald won it. Votes of thanks were accorded to tlie secretary (Mr Menzies), and his assistant (Mr Evieson). From evidence that was disclosed in a Police Court case heard at Otautau yesterday. in which Robert Green, a middleaged man. was charged with vagrancy, it would appear that the accused for a considerable time past has made illhealth a plea~ for which to avoid work. Although quite well, people were led to assist him under Ihe impression that his tale was a true one, while, lie also gained admission to various hospitals throughout tlie Dominion on the representation that lie was suffering acutely from rheumatism. For quite a time he had been largely supported by these institutions, and tlie Magistrate thought it advisable that lie should he given another'three months free lodging, but in an institution' where lie will perforce have to do a round of honest toil. The ilower show which was field at Otautau on Thursday. Friday and Saturday of last week, under the auspices of the Otautau Presbyterian Sunday school, resulted in a net profit of £1 lb. Besides sections confined ’to juveniles there’ were also a number of open classes, and some tine exhibits were shown. The show is held lii-anmially, and the funds raised on this occasion form the nucleus of a building fund for the erection of a new Presbyterian Church in Otautau. Colin McDonald. Ltd., auctioneers, report having received instructions from (lie owners i .1. and M. Metzger) to offer by jiublic auction on Wednesday. March IS, the whole of tlie balance of the Heidelberg Estate, comprising IS allotments. on the top of the hill, extending front Josephine to John street. Also in one lot the homestead, with four Uacre sections. The balance of the unroaded land, containing 47 Vi acres will he offered in one block. Air McDonald wishes it to be clearly understood that his instructions are to sell every lot, irrespecl ivc of price. The vendors having decided to sell without reserve. The highest bidders in each case will lie tlie buyer. Full particulars anil plans will appear in to-morrow’s issue. 1 laud bills may lie obtained at the office of tlie auctioneers. x Stylish New Ties. Hals. Caps, Overcoats. just opening at Fndrill’s, opposite Post Office. x Thomson and Beattie. Ltd., are showing a full range of the new season’s Suitings in all the latest colourings and texturi'S for Wonts’ Suits anci Ladies Costumes. As Easter is only a few weeks ahead you are recommended to call early and see these goods. x j. S. Anchor and Co.. Plumbers and Gasfitters, opposite Times Office, Esk street. House drainage a specialty. ’Phone, 320. 1 ECZEMA is a widespread and therefore important disease of the skin affecting as it docs, the face, hands, arms, and other parts of the body. The exi perience of tension, burning, and itching 1 which, with the accompanying fever and disturbance of the, system, are very troublesome and bard to bear, at times giving rise to much suffering and broken rest. Mr R. Sommerville. chemist and eyesight specialist, Bank Buildings, Dee street, Invercargill, has an ointment and medicine which he has given with marked success in all such cases. Doubtless there are numbers of people who will be glad to avail themselves of this opportunity. x It is an accepted fact that while dollies do not make the man they at least give him a good start over tlie slovenly or ill-fitted. Successful men are careful to be well attired, as this means success. Price ami Buileid’s tailoring represents a perfect union of finality, good taste and a diversity of patterns. •They have forgotten nothing. That is correct, either in lit, style, or finish. Place your Easter holiday suit with them and you will get satisfaction. Orders are being booked now and will be executed in rotation. They are also showing a fine collection of Box Suits, all well tailored, finished, and perfect in fit. ready to put on and wear away.from •l!)/G. A fine lot of overcoats just dolivered in double and single-breasted, very smart breezy stylos: new cloths. Price and Bulb-id invite you to inspect their new features in men’s wear. A SWIFT PROPOSITION. During the next few days an opportunity will ho given to purchase the Royal Club Swift Cycles at prices much lower than these machines have ever been offered at before. The ladies’ model is the finest bicycle in the world, unequalled for ease of running, beauty of finish, and luxury of equipment has been reduced from £ir> to £l2 10s. This reduced price continue in force only until the end of tlie present month. and as the stock of ladies’ models is being rapidly depleted it is advisable to purchase without delay. This bicycle is so built that is allows the rider to assume a position both graceful and comfortable; violent exertion is unnecessary, even when pedalling against a strong breeze. The Swift is par excellence the fashinonable wheel being the favourite bicycle of tlie peerage and aristocracy in Britain and on the Continent. , Exceptionally easy terms may be arranged, good allowances on second hand bicyles. Call and see the latest models of ladles’ or gents’ Swifts. Godwards Bike Shop, Don street, agent for Swifts, Rovers and JB.S.A. X SYNOPSIS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. On rage I. Wanted —Boy. Wanted —Blapksmith. Wanted —Rooms: central. Wanted —Chocolate-maker. Wanted —Youth for office. Hyndman’s for special lines. Tenders for lease of stables. Tenders for supply of forage. Tenders for erection of chancel. On Pago 3, Lewis’s New Century sewing machines. Exceptional bargains in new cycles—.See Wilson. Fraser’s advt. On Page 4. Herbert, Haynes and Co. announce millinery show. On Page 6. Lyceum Pictures to-night at S. Fullers’ Pictures to-night at s. Lodge Southern Cross meet to-night. Book Sale—f. -M. McNaughton and Co. Antonia Dolores in Theatre on Friday, 13th March. Cricket match, Australia v. Southland, next Tuesday and Wednesday, Hospital Saturday collection on Saturday. Building Society Notice re debentures. Notice re valuation of land at Oreti and Otaraia. 15 pe Lautour, psychometrist, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Motor Co. Representative changed. On Pago B. Wright, Stephenson and Co,—Entries for weekly horse sale. U.2. Loan and M.A. Co. sell land n estate of Donald McLeod. Wright, Stephenson and Co. hold clearing sale at Ryal Bush. Wright, Stephenson and Co. hold clearing sale at Tussock Creek.

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Southland Times, Issue 17595, 6 March 1914, Page 5

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Untitled Southland Times, Issue 17595, 6 March 1914, Page 5

Untitled Southland Times, Issue 17595, 6 March 1914, Page 5