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PRODUCE PRICES CUBBBKT. THURSDAY, MARCH G, 1014. WHOLESALE. Fresh Farm Butter, 8d per lb Factory Butter, %lb prints. Is l&d Factory Butter, prints, Is llid. Fggs, Is 3d per dozen. Potatoes, 5s per cwt Flour and Wheatmeal, £lO to £ll. Oatmeal, £l4 10s to £l6 per ton. Pollard, £7 per ton. Bran, £5 per ton. Chaff, £3 5s o.t. RETAIL. Fresh Butter (farm), lOd per lb. Fresh Butter (separator), lid per lb. Factory Butter, tslb prints. Is 3d. Cheese, 9d per lb. Fggs, is 6d per dozen. Potatoes, 141bs for Is. Flour, 2001b 235. 1001b 12s, 501b 6s 6d, 251b 3s 6d. Oatmeal, 501b, 8s: 251b, 4s; 71b, Is 2d. Pollard, Ss per 1001b. Onions, 2d per lb. WINTON STOCK SALE. There was a yarding of close on 14.000 sheep at the usual monthly stock sale held at Winton yesterday. There was a good attendance of farmers and graziers, as was be expected at tlii.s time of the year. The entry comprised to a great extent full and failingmouthed ewes, with a fair yarding of good forward iambs. There were very few linos of good young ewes or forward wethers. Considering the large number yarded the sale was an exceedingly good one. Aged owes were in strong demand, selling from 8s to 11s. ’while really good sorts of guaranteed sound-month were bringing as high as 17s 6d. In sympathy with 11 to price of fats, store lambs showed a slight weakening to prices recorded during I lie last few weeks. There won- about 30no fairly good lambs forward and these sold at from 13s to 13s 9d. a drop of from 3d to Gd per head on what was expected by vendors. The yarding of young ewes was very limited and considering the quality the prices for this class of stock in almost every case was really good. The top price for the sale was 21s 2d for a line of 230 four and six-tooth ewes, sold on account of Mr Jas. Tobin, of ’Winton. On the whole, considering the yarding, the sale must be chronicled as being a first-class one. as although a slight decline was experienced in the price of lambs, yet values for young ewes, and especially old sorts, were exceptionally good. The National Mortgage and Agency Co.. Ltd., report having yarded 7300 sheep of all descriptions and cleared the whole entry bar about 13u medium two-tooth ewes. The sales were as follow —On account John Timpany t.Makarewa). 391 2-tooth wethers, small, to Gordon Hay tlledgehope) at 13s Od : A. il. Beer, It) 3 s.m. ewes to M. Crowe (South Hillend) at 17s 6d: 127 fullmouthed ewes to Peter McKenna at 1 Is: 100 lambs, small, to G. G. Horner (Orcti Plains) at 9s; 137 lambs to John Adamson at 13s 7d: A. Baird, 100 2-tooth ewes to D. I’attcrson (Springhills) at 20s ; 110 do. to Moore Bros. (Oreti) at 20s 6cl; 180 do. to Joseph Porter (Centre Bush) at 19s 9d; 134. small, to G. G. Horner at 13s 6d; ISO do. to O. Clinch (Centro Bush) at 19s 9d: 60 do. to J. Popham at 17s Gd; 136 wethers to T. Brown (Hedgehope) at 19s: Jas. Tobin (Winton). 307 4 and 6-tooth ewes to Wm. McKenzie (Lady Barkly) at 24s 2d; 44 lambs to C. D. Moore at its 2d: 138 4-toolh ewes to W, Moore at 22s 3d; J (Smith. 252 sound and failing-mouth owes to A. Baird at Els: Doegan Bros. (Oreti Plains). 200 sound and failingmouth ewes to John O’Neill (Gore) at 11s; W. G. Beer, EG 2-tooth ewes t>> J. Thomson at 19s; Andrew Baird (1-oc-hiel). 220 2-looth ewes to P. Ryan ( Hcddon Bush) at 20s id; 176 t and 6-tooth ewes to Geo. Calcler (Oreti Plains) at 235; Leslie fowie (Oreti). 163 ewes to John Timpany at l n s 3d: G. (’alder. 1,1 ewes to John O'Neill at Os id; E. W. Ross (Browns). 61 ewes to Moore Bros, at 2°s 3d; 16 lambs to John Tinipany ai 13s 1 Od; Alex. Bissett. 180 wethers, small, to Gordon Hay tlledgehope) at 15s 3d: D. and J. Morton (Fairfax i. 6o'> lambs to C. Calder at 13s 9d; 86 wethers to C. D. Moore at 21s; 63 ewes to Alex. Bissett at 12s: M Hishon (.Oreti). 4 72 ewes to John O’Neill at Ss 7d . Findlay Bros. (Oreti Plains'. 130 lambs to J. Timpany at 11s 2d; J. and t>. Dcegan (Drummond). 170 aged ewes to John O’Neill at 10s 6d; R. A. McDonald (Hokonui), 89 ewes to R. Mullins (Wallacetown) at Its 6d: I >. F. Clark tileddon Bush), 312 aged ewes to J. O'Neill at ss ltd: John Crowe. 61 ewes to A. Bisset at 13s; 1 >, Clark, 173 ewes, aged, to J. O’Neill at 3s Gd; E. Wright, 100 sm ewes to A. Baird at 16s 6d; Wm. Clark (Tussock Creek). 112 sound and failing-mouth ewes. good. to G. G. Horner at 12s 6d:; J. Crowe. 98 fat lambs to D. Moore at 13s; E. J. Wright (Hokonui), to calves to A. McDonald (Glencoe) til 235; Wm. Swale ( Limehillsi. 1 cow to D.-cgan Bros, at £3; I cow to W. Hamilton at £3 13s: cows to A. H. McKenzie at £3 ITs 6d ; Tlios. Wilson (South Hillend), 3 cotvs to Kobt. Russell at £3 3s; Wm. Hamilton. 3 steers to K. Russell at £1 is tld j J. Smith. 3 steers to J. Counsel at £•> 2s 6 d; 12 heifers to R. Russell at £t 6s; E! calves to R. Berwick at £2 2s 41(1; 7 calves to same buyer at 335; B. Zweiss. 16 steers to it. Russell at £1 B>s; -I. Cassely. heifers to C. D. Moore at £6 ss; 2 steers to R. Russell at £3 3s; Dan Brown (Gap Road). i I calves to K. Paterson at £1 7s: Herbert Brown. 3 heifers to < ’. D. Moore at £6 13s. \S . Mitchell. 3 cows to R. Russell at £1 1 0s: A. fiddler, 2 cows to R. Russell at £*’• 37s 6d: 3 cows to I’. D. .Moore at £6 3s; 3 cows to Jas. Tobin at £3; 3 cows to R. Russel 1 Ml £1 13s; W. Wilson C'reti Plains). 2 cows to R. Russell at £3 9 s 6d; 3 bulls to same buyer at £1 H's; J. R. Wilson. P' sfers to R. Berwick at £2 T's. Messrs Wright. Stephenson and Cm.. Ltd., report having yarded (K.kmj sheep. The weather was fine, and there was a good attendance, of buyers. On the whole prices maintained ruling values. Prices: —On account Walsh Bros., Kuana. 29 lambs at B»s 3d to John Rabbit; Mrs f. It. Ellis. 160 ewes at ITs Id to John Stewart. Dipton; Miss Watson, Oreti, 66 ewes at Its Id to Mrs English and Son; 30 lambs at (S 9d to J. 1 . Porteous; W. Hamilton, 23 ewes at 19s to Mrs Welsh, Browns; Thos. Gerrard. 46 ewes at 13s Kid to Mrs English and Son: John McKenzie. 292 lambs at 11s (Od to Wm. Norman; G. W. Rouse, 66 lambs at 10s 2d to R. Miller; 31 ewes at 9s 2d to J oil n Rabbit; L. G. Cowie. 4! ewes at 17s to IX Kerr: John Eraser. 37 ewes at 14s, 28 ewes at 21s to Alex. McNie; Alex. Bissett. 441 lambs at 10s 7d to Dan O’Brien; Peter McKenna. 128 lambs at 13s 6d to Jas. Mclllrick: Duncan McDonald. 762 lambs at Bis 6d to Geo. Celland; Smith and Smith, 48 lambs at 4 1s 3d to Pat. Kerr; 278 ewes at 12s Id to John Fraser; G. and T. Decgan. 300 lambs at 13s 9d to W. G. Gunnion; 55 ewes at 7s to Peter McKenna; A. and R. McDonald,. 72 ewes at ITs Id. 64 ewes at 8s 4d to John O’Neill: 76 ewes at 0s 8d to N.Z. Loan Co., as agents. Robt. Grant. 130 lambs at 12s to .V Mcßandall; 116 owes at 16s 2d to A. McDonald, M. O’Neill, 110 lambs at B.s • <> to .1. A. Chisholm. Cattle.—We also yarded and sold about 10 head of mi.vd ■•attic. ITiees: 1 COWS at 335; I ■>". at it 2s 'el; II calves at 335; I i "w at £■ as; I l v. o-year-old steer at £-• l_s 6 1. I t £4 7s; 1 bull at £3 3s, arm a ones passed. AUSTRALIAN MARKETS. SYDNEY. March 3. Received Match 3, 10.3 p.m. Wheat. 3s 9 Vi d to 3s SD-d. Flour, £8 15s. Oats, Algerian feeding. 2s 2d to 3s 3d; milling. 2s 4d to 2s 3d. Barley, Cape malting, 2s 6d to 2s 7d. Maize, 4s 3d. Bran and pollard. £3. Potatoes, Tu-imanian, £6. Onions, \ ictorian, £B. Butte>r. selected, 112s; secondary, 108s. Cheese. 6 lad. Bacon. 12d. ADELAIDE, Marcli 5. Wheat, 3s SVad to 3s 9d. Flour. £8 os to £8 Ts 6d. Bran and pollard. Is Id. MELBOURNE, March 5. Hides: Good-conditioned lots arc 'id higher; others unchanged. London wool saxes. ANIMATED COMPETITION By Telegraph—Press Assn. —Copyright. LONDON, March 4. At the wool sales 8723 bales were offered. including 5644 from New Zealand. There was an excellent selection of crossbreds-. There was a crowded attendance. including a record number from the United States, and the keenest ooxaoeUtion for all classes, the United,

States and Yorkshire bidding excitedly for crossbreds, and Yorkshire and the Continent for merinos. The wool sales were continued with animated competition. Yorkshire and American buyers are operating keenly. All crossbreds are 10 per cent, above last sales. The Bank of ,Xe\v Zealand has received the following cablegram from its London office with regard to the London wool sales: —The sales have opened with strong competition and a- large attendance of buyers. There is active demand by all branches of the trade. Total net ijuantity of New Zealand wool available is 60.000 hales. The market is strong for the following: Coarse crossbred, prices are higher Vsd to Id per lb , medium crossbred, prices are higher Id to I’id per lb: lino crossbred, prices are higher Id to Upl per lb. THE TALLOW MAEKET. LONDON. March I. At the fallow sales 1300 casks were offered and 03 1 sold. Mutton, fine, 365: medium. 335: beef. Hue. 33 s; medium. rabbitskin market. BOX DON. March 4. At die rabbitskin sales 2000 were catalogued. There js a strong market, and prices averaged fully twopence advance. BONBON MARKETS. LONDON, March 3. Wheat: The market is quiet, and prices are easier. . Tallow: Stocks, 3 031 casks: imports, 3°l° casks; deliveries. 2760 casks. LONDON, March 4. The wheat market is quiet. Australian is steadily held. The American visible supply is II 0.146.000 bushels. t'oppor: Spot. £«4 3s 9(1: three months, £6 1 7s Oil: electrolytic, £66 13s. Tin: Spot, £173 lbs; three months. £173 ins. Dead: £lO 7s 6d. aifgkirnNe shipments. (For United Press Association). WELLINGTON. Marcli 3. The Department of Agriculture lias received the following cable from Buenos Ayres, dated Ith inst ; —The following produce was shipped from Argentine to the foiled Kingdom during February as compared with February. 1913 (The 1913. figures are given in parenthesis); —Frozen beef, quarters. 119,000 (232.000) ; chilled beef, quarters, 333,000

(237,000) ; frozen mutton, carcases, 147.000 (283,000) ; frozen lamb, carcases, 30.000 (56,000) ; butter, cwts. 10,370 (13,311). NAFZEB WOOL SALES. NAPIER, March 5. At the supplementary wool sale to-day .there was a good attendance of buyers, representing the Continent, Great Britain, America and the Dominion. The catalogue consisted mainly of hack country lots, more or less shabby and touched with ■eed. Bidding was decidedly keen and prices in some instances showed an advance of 10 to 13 per cent. DUNEDIN STOCK EX CHANGE. DUNEDIN, March 3. The following sales were made on the Dunedin Slock Exchange to-day: AVaihi. £2 8s 6d; Waihi Grand Junction. £1 3s 9rl. The following sale was reported; E’rogress Mines, 13s 6rl. ■ ADVANCE IN FLOUR. DUNEDIN. March 3. The Elourmillers' Association has advanced the price of flour 10s per ton.

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Southland Times, Issue 17595, 6 March 1914, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL Southland Times, Issue 17595, 6 March 1914, Page 4

COMMERCIAL Southland Times, Issue 17595, 6 March 1914, Page 4