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The demand for labour continues good. There is no dearth of work for skilled men. and few unskilled men are unemployed. The cry of a shortage of country workers continues. and domestic workers are ns difficult as ever to procure. The prospects ahead seem good for some time lo come. The fruit market is well supplied with all fruits in season. There are plenty of Victorian eherries, pines, peaches and apricots. Frisco oranges and apples, bananas and tomatoes. Gooseberries and black currants arc scarce, and strawberries tire nearly finished: the first crop t of rhubarb is also done. The Mauuganui which arrives from Melbourne on Monday is bringing a large quantity of | fruit of all kinds. Peas will be scarce, j lull there will be a good supply of new potatoes. I There has heeen a great paucity of | fish during the week caused in the main | by (lie had weather. There have been j no fresh bine cod whatever, but Hound- j ers have been more plentiful, and there I have been a little somite,! iish. To-day i there should lie available, Houiidcrs, smoked rnoki and greenbone, find a tew groper. The Wallace County Council members at yesterday's meeting passed a motion j to the effect that fill outstanding rates I must lie paid hy January Hath. Cr. Dyer | said lit a I there were a large number of works requiring attention in various portions of the County's territory, and some decisive .action was necessary to cal! apathetic ratepayers to account. The i rates were- coming in far too slowly, and I the 1 1 <■ 1 i 11 iI• ■ sten that the Council had , now taken would, lie felt sine, prove lionelicial. ! Visitors from tin- other parts of the ■ Dominion who lake trips to the scenic parts of Southland, and return with a few photographs as mementos often Hud j tlie lack of a Mark room in which to j develop their HI ms a great inconveni- j mice. To meet requirements a dark , room lias beep lilted up ill Hie Y.M.C.A, buildings, and this will be at the service of anyone wishing to use it. | The Management Comtniiiee of (he Rugby Union met tut Thursday evening i when the following . were present;-- : Messrs G. \V. Woods (in tlie chair). <'■ : .1, ?>lari in, 11. Treseder. P. Scully. A. \ Deride, J. T. l.ilburne and XV. O. Comp- ! ton (secretary). The sub-committee. | which was appointed for the purpose of going into the quest ion of the proposed improvements at Rugby Park reported having visited the ground, and submitted the ;iia !i i I •■ei's plans of grandstands ! in cnalde the Union lo proceed with its j plans and hit ve, sotr.eihim: tangible l.elore them. Finally Messrs [alburn. TresediT, Woods, (babies and Deride were appointed a committee to obtain information relative to tie 1 cost of a shelter stand of either 1 r.O or an i feet in length. Tim committee will report to the Union later.

The following arc additions to the list of debenture-holders on the Southland A. and I’. Association's ground:—Mr rims. Wilson. Adelaide, South Australia, CHI; Air D. McDonald. Reaumont Station, £100; Mr A. Cameron. Nokomai, £2(Mi; Win. Todd and Co., Invercargill, £00; Mrs D. Marshall. Waianiwa. £00; Mr James S. Marshall. Waianiwa, t2T The total tip to dale now stands at £0271.

Cr. Tapper notified the Wallace County Council yesterday that the notice hoard erected at the Waiau Ferry had recently boon destroyed, and also intimated that the person or persons responsible for the damage were known. The councillor in question strongly deprecated wilful de-

al ruction of the Council’s property in this manner, and on his motion the Council resolved to request the police authorities at Oreptiki to hike the legal action.

.lusi on twenty members of Gw V.M.C.A. are spending the forthcoming Christmas and New Year holidays encamped at, Stewart Island. Final aria ngetnenis have been made, the majority of the part y 'leaving for tho location of the camp on Christmas Day and returning on New Year's Day. This event is now an annual fixture of the Association, and oilers what is really (he finest way of spending the holidays amongst die wonderful scenic beauties of the Southern Island.

A Greymouth telegram slates that on Thursday night a meeting in the Town flail wait addressed by AVilliarns, an anti-militarist. Scenes of wild disordei ended in the patriots taking charge and carrying a motion in favour of the present system, and urging upon the Government to enforce the Act.

A Dunedin telegram states that -Mr Bartholomew, S.M., decided yostordaj that the Defence authorities had no power to fine Territorials failing to intend drill. Fines were only imposahle by the aulitoritics when a person was tinder military discipline as in a militatx camp or on parade.

Tlie committee of the Victoria Homo acknowledge receipt of a donation of Ids from Mrs Leckic. Tho comfort and spirits of the inmates are enhanced and brightened by the cheer such donations enable the committee to give, and it is intimated that gifts in any form will bo received and welcomed.

The Tramways Committee of the Town Council met on Thursday evening to consider tenders for material required for the electric, light and power plant, with tho result’ that the following were accepted—Aluminium cable. National Electric Co. (Dunedin). £l-117; insulators and poles, Richardson. Blair and McCabe (Wellington), £250 and £134. Consideration of other tenders relating to boilers, engines, and meters was deferred until further particulars are obtained. Messrs Wm. Smith and R. Galbraith. Js.P.. presided at a sitting of the Police Court yesterday when a. girl from Winton was charged with theft. Detective Cameron prosecuted, and tho accused was convicted and discharged. The final results have been received of (lie second competition held under the auspices of the Southland Anglers' Club. The first prize went to Air A. E. Henderson, Alatai. who fishing with the fly on the Otapiri secured the heaviest bag with 30 fish, weighing 10 lbs; Mr R. Sinclair was second witli 30 fish weighing 18 lbs,, and Air E. A. Labatt was awarded tho prize for the heaviest trout, securing one that turned tho scale at 4 lbs 11 ozs. The conditions wore much against local fishermen, as the New River was much disturbed by flood waters.

The dangerous hatpin was in evidence at Invercargill Show (says the AVyndham Farmer), when a well-known farmer received an injury to tho right side of ids face that caused considerable ’ pain. 1 le was listening to a showman announcing to an interesting audience the great claim ids galaxy of talent had on the patronage of those who found delight in witnessing the wonderful, when a young lady amdngst the small crowd suddenly turned round, with the result slated.

AVith regard to the paragraph published on Wednesday to tho effect that only three pupils at the Middle School failed to pass in Standard VI., a reporter was informed at the Education Offices yesterday’that the statement was inaccurate, and that the facts were these; — Of 52 pupils in the class 50 were presented for examination, of whom 36 trained proficiency certificates, 5 grained competency certificates, and 9 failed.

The exhibition of art work by Miss J. Todd's pupils will be continued in the Federal Buildings to-day. The exhibition contains more work than in previous years, and includes studies in freehand. model, light and shade from model of tlie casts. Last year five pupils who went up for the South Kensington Examinations (London), for freehand, model, light and shade from the casts passed most creditably. Since the exhibition lias opened it lias been largely attended by interested spectators, and will continue open from 10 a.m. to p.go p.m. to-day. The work has been much commented upon. and without doubt is worthy of praise.

At the instance of Cr. McGregor, the Wallace County Council yesterday resolved to communicato with the railway engineer, requesting that steps be taken to lower the banks at the railway crossing opposite Egan's property, to the south of the Wairio station. Cr. McGregor said that the crossing in question was a very dangerous one. as owing to the high banks on either side it was almost impossible to see a train approaching until a person was almost on the line. Then, of course, it teas too late. Some day a serious accident would happen, and the sooner the crossing was made safer the better it would be for the public using the road.

Cr. Flynn drew the attention of members of the Wallace County Council at yesterday's meeting to the fact that the driver of the County's traction engine was crossing bridges in the Wrey's Bush district without putting down the neces-

sary planks, as required by the by-laws, for the engine to pass over. The councillor in question deprecated such action by the Council's servant, and thought that rigid steps should be taken to make him comply with the regulations. as other engine-owners were compelled to do. The Council eventually decided to instruct its engineer to attend to the matter.

The shortage of trucks has been felt in the Western district of Southland of late months, and at yesterday's meeting of the Wallace County Council, the member for the Wairio riding (Cr. -McGregor) had something to fay in reference to the question. Tile difficulty was, lie said, more apparent among contractors who were unable to procure gravel through the shortage, with the consequence that road work wigs considerably delayed. An advisable plan would be, to his mind, for the Council to support the Invercargill Chamber of Commerce in the actions it was taking to alleviate the trouble. Cr. Horrell said that the truck supply had long been unsatisfactory, and contractors could only command two or three at distant intervals. Or. Buckingham related the instance of one sawmiller who required some 40 trucks for limber purposes but was unable to obtain them, the remainder of the members agreed that the truck trouble had reached an acute stage, and recognised that the only way to obviate the dirticulty was by the Government building more rolling stock.

Grand Christmas showing of Ties, Shirts. Hats. etc.. i T .\DRILI/S, at the "lied Hat,’’ opposite Post-office. Messrs PAR DU’IX & HAYWARD, whose local representative is Mr J. F. Rillicrap (Hall, Stout and Rillicrap), Esk street, report that amongst the many applications for patents that they have recently filed are: —D. T. King. Carterton, lire screen; .1. P.innie, Vairlie, fencing standard withdrawing; A. Dencber, Christchurch, money box; W. J. Aynsiey, Marten, razor strop; C. A. Ricknell, Greytown, milk releaser. At this season of the year (he feeling of universal goodwill finds its expression largely in (he interchange of gifts. A gift that is useful as well as ornamental indicates thoughtfulness in the giver and is more of a compliment to the recipient than something chosen for beauty only. McGRFRR, TAYLOR & CO.’s Christmas and New Year gifts are useful as well as ornamental, and for the values offered they are cheap. See them Thov will recommend themselves. McGRUER, TAYLOR AXD CO. if >ou tire, a sufferer from Rheumatism. Gout, Lumbago or Teiatica remember that KIIKFMO is the only remedy that removes the cause of the trouble—ex ess of Uric Acid in the blood. 1 UIEfMO is a scientific preparation that seldom fails to elfeo. a complete cure. Thousands testify to its efficacy, fold of all Chemists ami Stores, 2/6 and •1/6 » bottle. 47

At the recent Now Zealand Competitions in Wellington, Miss 10. Hodgkinson, of Invercargill, was awarded first prize for the essay open to all. “There were eight essays in this section.” said the judge, Mr Ward, “and some of them were of a very high standard. The essays were very well written.” Mr Ward added that it must he very beneficial to tho community to possess persons who could put their ideas into such good English. - ’

Is there a house that needs a sewing machine? If so, the head of that - house lannot do hotter than make his wife a present of a “Coronet.” They are marvels of cheapness and there are no better machines made. They can he got only from THOMSON & BEATTIE, who are agents. They give a ten years' guarantee with each machine. The price of the hand inaehitie is £.l las or £3 12s enshand the stand machine is £7 10s or £7 .Is cash. SYNOPSIS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. On Page I. Wanted—Lady for shop. Wanted —A motor driver. Wanted —Iron yard storeman. AVanted person to take charge of boj. W. A. OH and Co. have some good houses for sale. For Sale, house of 6 rooms —Brewer, Esk street. Hale of electroplate at Bray Eros.’ today. „ For sale to-day, camera, etc. —Mckaj Bros. ' Tenders are invited for erection or brick cottage. .Southland County Council call tenders for collection of dog tax. Suitable gifts for men folk at The Economic. A.C.M. and Federal Tea Rooms close on Xmas Day and Boxing Day. E. AlcSkimming and Son close office, from 21 tli to January 3rd. Cheap sale of Ryrio's Balclutha stock of drapery now on opposite Supreme Court. Tay street. On Page 2. Useful gifts for men and hoys at utc N.Z. Clothing Factory. _ A money saver —the Standard Oil Tap. ,'ampbell Bros., agents. On Page 3 Tiger Tea is soft, refreshing and satisfying. On Page 4. . See Herbert. Haynes and Co s window for choice articles suitable for presents. On Page 7 Fullers’ Pictures at 2 and S p.m. Havward's Pictures at 2 and S p.m. Holmes Bros, for your Xmas footwear. Dost—Lady’s umbrella. The Southland Times will not bo published on December 251h and January Coachbuilders close from 2-Ith inst. to 3rd January. , _ , Plumbers close from 21th December to January 3rd. Special Xmas holidays of the Banks are advertised. Notice of application for a publican s license. , , A suitable present for lady or gent -- man; a genuine B.S.A. cycle Campbc Bros., agents. ' Caledonian Society’s annual sports on New Year’s Day. Pino Bush Races —Notice re performances of nominated horses. Dunedin J.C.’s meeting on 26th and 2Rth December. . , , Madame Kirkby Lunn in Municipal Theatre on Christmas night To merit your trade in jewellery—Sect Goo. Lumsden’s advt. Tho Forum —where all the best In millinery is stocked. On Page 10. — Mercery of merit for men at Undnll . . On 11*— , Pr A James Macalister, Ltd., issue a £ao challenge —See a.dvl. On Page 12. Brav Bros.— Weekly market to-day. McKay Bros, weekly market to-day. Wm. Todd and Co.’s weekly market to 'jl a A. Mitchell and Co.’s weekly horse (•nip to»(3sy, Tho ‘Farmers’ Co-op. have 10 choice fa 'l Stock Agents advertise holidays.

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Southland Times, Issue 17225, 21 December 1912, Page 5

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Untitled Southland Times, Issue 17225, 21 December 1912, Page 5

Untitled Southland Times, Issue 17225, 21 December 1912, Page 5