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THE Southland Times PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. Luceo Non Uro. TUESDAY, 30th JANUARY, 1906.

At the banquet to be tendered to Sir Joseph Wanf at W’inlon on Thursday night Hie Winton Rilles will prevent linn with an engraved sword. Sir losep'n Wan I is honorary captain of the corps. The monthly na-et lag of tan Park School Committee beid last evinu.g, was attended by Messrs Baxter 0 nahiiuin), Spite, St'-Muis, Raldddge. Wallace, WildenmUh, and Rev. A. Miteaell. Tae headmaster reported that Ha- sela.ul bed re-opened that day, du n'-w pupils enrolling, making the number present dirt against ddfj last year. Tim stall' lias hem imtreastd by tlie appuint-neut of Alms F. Aleck as pupil teacher. Accounts amounting to Did 17s fid were passed for payment. Mr R. H. W. Bligli addressed a large gathering of men in the A.M.C.A. Hall on Sunday afternoon on "True Manliness,” Mr Cl S. Longuel presiding. He dwelt on the physical, mental, and moral characteristics of true manhood. To posses a strong physique it was essential I hill, will powtr should be e.vrud b> control saltish d.-she. The penally of neglect in this respect was degenerated manhood. The ketiner pled for the inculcation of pare thought, life, and conduct. Several gentlemen spoke in appreciative terms of the educational effect of Mr Bligh’s lectures, and it was resolved to request him to pay another visit to Invercargill. Mr Bligh intimated ids w illing' to visit the town early in -March. In the evening Mr Bligh addressed another good meeting in St. Andrew’s church.

The Middle School t’ornuiiUre met last evening, present, .Messrs Stirling (chairman), Hammond, Ashley. Dow, Barlow, Ibbotson and defeoate. The headmaster reported that the school hail opened that day and that several new pupils had been placed on Thu register. The annual picnic is lived for February 7tli at. Colne Buy. Accounts for T3b IPs 8d were passed for payment.

VtroughUm Inland, two miles from tin; N.S.tV. const, hns bec'n selected ns the scone of the experiments in combating flic rabbit pest by the introduction of a disease which shall be harmless to all other forms of animal life. The island (1000 acres) is to bo stocked witli rabbits, cattle, sheep, dogs, poultry, and pigs, in readiness for the atvival of Hr. llanyst, of the J’asleur Institute, .Paris. The rabbits will be inoculated with the virus of the new disease, and‘the results carefully noted. The loss of life in (be wreck of the Pacific Coast Company's steamer Valencia. near Vancouver, was one bundled and seven. William Hernard committed suicide in a cell at the Sydney Central Police station by cutting Ids throat with a razor be had con:.’e.':Vd in bis bool. Frederick VV. liornard, son of deceased, sai l bis father had told him that each of Ids three brothers had committed suicide in New Zealand. A Victorian constable was driving a young horse, which bolted, oil ran into ft trcc-guurd on the street. Ho had the presence of mind to grasp a branch ot the tree, and Jet the buggy pass from beneath him. The horse continued i s career for some miles, and the buggy was smashed to pieces.

It it not ’gehorally known tkat .s'tarciute AVober, of string' man fame, is a cyclist . .above tho 'nv'ovageifs A. dlacusslou'' \vltli a J iocal rider qai Monijay led to a match being at rafigcdonif> the u ' competitors met at the Quee>n’s / Park. Roadster cycles wera'i used, and a contest i'over ’ a -mile course was entered upon. The chain of 'Weber’s machine slipping, he was loft In the rear for some time, but eventually getting under weigh, ho overhauled his opponent In a manner which astonished* ,’tho onlookers, and won with oafo. Weber left for Melbourne yesterday afternoon by the outgoing - boat. Two Victorian Hoys, William and Arthur Eyres, -aged 0 and 7 yours respectively left'home on January 9, and after wandering through the bush for tea days were arrested. They had two horses, one animnl belonging to their father. On arrival at Bereiubokc they caught a horso and, after riding it for a couple of days I let it; go'as “it was too slow.” They then went to a paddock In which was a two-year-old unbroken pony. lacy caught the animal, saddled it and icdc away. Subsequently they tried to sell the pony for £5, but the would-be purchaser identifying it amt word to the owner, who arrived on the scene accompanied by a constable. The elder boy was ordered to be to the industrial Schools, ami the younger was discharged on his father guaranteeing to look after him in future. The elder boy, only n little while ago cleared out to Dayles(ord, and was arrested *aml, sent home. Shortly afterwards he again ran away, this time taking his little brother with him, and Was captured at Blakevillc. In the end of Beccmher he again ran away, and was arrested at Clomentston. and was discharged only the day before he ran >;\vny tho lust time. An unknown sailor was drowned in the Avoca riven. Victoria, while bathing the otiur dav. He had joined two men some Weeks before ami and worked with them hut they only knew him ns •Jack.” He said that he had left the ship l.a Pella at Cieolong throe months ago. ho was about 32 years old. 3ft. r,i ;l . high, with dark hair, uni cleanshaved face. An entry in a pocket-hook suggested that he joined the slop Ha Pella. Aurora ru August IT,, tpp.V His fight arm was tattooed with tlic figure of a sailor holding a lump-post, and the motto, “Togothen we stand, divided Wo fall.” Then: was also the figure of a woman holding a Hag, ami the initials d.F.l*. On tho left arm were tattooed an anchor, the word "Hope.’’ two clasped hands, and a dagger. There is much furbishing up ot cutters nml running of oii engines at the Bluff hist now in anticipation of the opening of the oyster, seasonThere were. at hist March. 1901, 22,730 persons in the pay and service of lids colons and Hi; total sum paid to them'mis £2,830,(108. Of this £90,854 "nit to 001 temporary clerks. £1,109,718 to railway mm. £290,570 to the post and telegraph stall, £370,977 to other civif servants and £950,512 to [arsons other than civil servants, temporary clerks and sdiool teachers, including persons employed in public works. A Bendigo girt was accidentally shot by a youth vi ho was pra: Using with a pea ride. The hoy was shooting at a tree, and to all appearance the girl was not in any danger, being well out of the Hue of lire, nml fully 190 yards away. The bullet had I.<t‘ i delleeted from the tree at .an angle, ami thus hml struck the girl. At (lonian, A irtoria, n woman fell into an abandoned -shaft, 25 ft deep, containing about left ot water. the was uc’ompmi'ed by a mirsegirl, who raised an ahirni, and the Winn ill’s brother ntbneheil a rope to the mouth of the shaft, and lei himself down. He manage! to keep his sist-r’s head above water until arrived. Another rope was linn procured, ami this was fastenrfF- found her body, by which means she was drawn to fhe surface. She .suffered from exhaustion un i shock, hut soon recovered. Tin/ negotiations regarding Marconi, the wireless, have not made much progress. There is some difficulty in getting an understanding about specifications, ami the matter is complicated by the apparently strong determination of I lie (lov■eminent to open the opportunity to all representatives of tile wireless system. On the other hand, the fact that the King’s ships are fitted with tile Marconi installations semis to give the Marconi people flic command of the position, for it is obvious Hint any installation on our roasts mid those of Australia will ! e largely useless if not cn speaking terms with the King’s navy. Bepresentatives of oilier systems, notably 'Hie Times correspondent, who, on hoard the steamer llaimum worked a I v e Forrest plant off I’ort, Arthur, and the Manchurian, Korean and China coasts during the late war, claim to he on speaking terms, willy-nilly, with anything that waV’S the ether. To this Marconi representatives oiler a fiat and quite scornful denial. The position looks. Just for tho present' much like an im’i.xsse. But tin re is enterprise i n one side anti important patience on the oiler, together with commill business ability on both. — 1 ytlellon ’limes correspondent.

Farmers ! Do you know that the Alplia-Ltival Cream Separator has hcaten the World, and is now on sale at Mason, StrntlieiH Co-. I-td., Tny street (opposite Court House). Terms arranged. Write (or Catalogue. WANT HD ? NOWN.—Price and Uullcid have their Annual Cheap Sale now on, and for Ileliablo Goods Price nr.d liullio have earned a distinctly enviable rtpii till ion throughout Southland. Never before in the llistory of the Don March Stores has there been such unique variety of sale bargains to otter. To-day and to-morrow (Saturday) every department should I o crowded with huyn-n, 50 all that can possibly shop in the rmruiug should do so for tlicir own comfort. Dr. Crosslaml says that every and woman whose liver and stomach are out of order must, toko his special prescription, H9878, known as Noxol, if they wish to know what good health is. This remedy is a sure thing for constipation, indigestion, liven and stomach complaints. 2s, at chemists and stores. Get a bottle to-day. .-Men and women lie healthy : keep your stomach in good working order and you will enjoy living. To do this take Dr rosslnnd’f) great remedy, Noxol, the preparation that cures. dry it for that indigestion. 2s at chemists and stores.— Advt.

SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENT 3 Montgomery's Pictures and Entertainers in /.eulamlia Hull to-morrow. Military Kovel picnic to-morrow. Wanted, unfurnished room. Mrs Stronuc'a’s physical culture lessons resume on Thursday. Special harvest horse sale at Dunedin— Otngo Farmers’ Association. > For sale, 700 acre farm—C. Uout. Wanted smart improver for carpenter. Wanted, employment us engine-driver. Comfortable lodging for week-end trips at (1 olden Terrace House, Queenstown. Wanted, strong hoy or girl for kitchen. Winton stock sale on Thursday-. For sal", freehold section in Earn st rent— 15. Scandrelt. For sale, good town and suburban properties—A. Trotter. ? . liig .summer rush sole for 13 days at Herbert, Haynes ami Co.'s. lie all accounts in estate ' 'of .lute H. Uavenscroft.!'s insecticide wash for potato blight—Lennie and Sons, agents."

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Southland Times, Issue 19727, 30 January 1906, Page 2

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THE Southland Times PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. Luceo Non Uro. TUESDAY, 30th JANUARY, 1906. Southland Times, Issue 19727, 30 January 1906, Page 2

THE Southland Times PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. Luceo Non Uro. TUESDAY, 30th JANUARY, 1906. Southland Times, Issue 19727, 30 January 1906, Page 2