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Public Notices WEAK=NERVED PEOPLE. jM^ This it to p p op)« -nho lacY courage, whose n«rv«S>r» af&^Q Gbafc^, whoto «ye« bave lost their sparkle, whose brains _molMi^y~*rM>__ * r8 nlll( ' ( " e ''i »de»« coufiisod, slaep restless, coofideuce j _gßW^_SHß»WK^^^^***« fc , gone, spirits low and easily depressed, whoiwe backward, l^*»- I hesituting, unable to reuture because they are afraid ot . ll*l J 1 " 1 11-." 1 -. "ho want aomebodj to decide for them. It is bSP^*C £ ■**/ to people who have part or all of these symptoms of ■^tnFK^KliWfXe^Jr nervousness and want new life, new force, we offer the tE-j yjaTßy well-known uud wonderful t y DR - Mclaughlin co.s ELECTBJC BELT. <-.* ' J Tt lm * re6t<>re < 1 health and strength to thousands of MS^HK^Vam wea k anil Bick people. If ueedaswedirect.itisapositiTe ■BjS|HHHKUi»^3C&^.. Cure, mid cannot fail. It pours glowing, exhilarating ■^iHW^BKi^gra^S vitality into you while you sleep ; it rejuvenates, ammates circulation, stimulates the brain to TJcßlji ijllnVj' _ Ls/ tcttvity, and iilla the body witu life, ambition, and en- I ■fMr 'TfQ* f \ durnnce. In one day's use it will make you feel as if fltf \ M JL \ k° rD anew. It furuiHliex the motiva power that nioi mm -\ * JR II yonr body, and quickly banishes pain. It cures Nervous H Wjmt 1 Disoivlcrs. WEAK BACK, Lumbago, Rheumatism, wK Wtßj n Stoiiincb, Liver, Kiduey, aud Dowel Troubles, " ComeWjk .WmMr fl ami Go" Pains, and " That Tired Fealine," AFTEB B^^V^B It EVEUY OTHER TREATMENT HAS FAILED. «9h Bfef Took Medicines for Five Years. ! fIX/ fi 4 DpwSir,— Yours to hand of Ihel8tl), lam extremely W'M IB J plenoed to nee (lie interest you have taken in my case. SlJm I|w l f"el much improred since I have been wearing your V^9 Sett ; my symptoms are quickly disappearing. I have '^■'V Yt'M made n atone in weight io the last two months, so I *m W II think lam doing all right. I can plainly see that your « I I { Belt is the only remedy for ray complaint Wall, I I I W V iUink I ought to know, as I hare taken medicine for M' \ ». #™ y«tvra before I got yonr Belt. There are two or J I three cases where I hare recommended yonr Bslt. W^l Will cloie with btst wishes. 1-^j^ts-^w^ | Our beantiful 111-jstnited Book, piring prices, etc. Consultation free. |H 1^ 1h l-< I If yon are not clo.o* enough to call, write for one. We will mail it under M. *\ |y 1 y • sealed corcr, post paid. It gives many local testimonials of people cured after the failure of mediciue. THE DR, MCLAUGHLIN GO., 5 * ** wilubst, Wellington CHEAPFSr MOTIVE POWERS : OIL 3£3KTGI-X3KrX3S AND WINDMILLS. OIL ENGINES FOR FARM AND FACTORY. MARINE, HORIZONTAL AND PORTABLE. «CUNDALL" PATENT OIL ENGINES. «' ft AM OH ll» GALVANIZED WINDMILLS, STEEL MILLS AND STEEL aftlYioUN derricks, PUMPS OF ALL KINDS STOCKED. ALEX. STORRIE, FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT. Dee-st., lavercargill. FOR SALE— S H.P. Marshall Portable, 701b3 press. Burrell Traction, 1401bs, prcEß. all in good order. _ JUST THE VERY HAT FOR DRESS WEAR. THE FAMOUS COLONIAL MAKE AND AN ALL ROUND FAVOURITE, LINED " HARD TO BEAT " and •• HARD TO BEAT " lUS 6(1 PSLINED. "HARD TO BEAT" Just the very Hat for business wear, ELEGANT ' GLOVFITTE " 8s 6d and "GLOVFITTE" lOs EASY. "GLOVmTB" | u§ 6a THE BEST ENGLAND CAN PfiODUCE. NOTE. "H. 8." guarantee these two makes to bo all a Black Flexible Hat ought to be. Just the very Hat for holiday wear. TTT!.. —... _-. OUR 1 USCAN FOLDERS at 4s, sa, 83 6(1, 10a 6i NEW ZEALAND our Brazilians at 6s HgS^S^KS^^'Je] OUR GENUINE PANAMAS at ... 21s and 45s M^^^M CLOTHING FACTORS, ICLOTHINGFACTQRYI Corae r Dee and Eak streets. THOMSON, BRKDGER & CO., LTD Are making a Special Display o£ TILES, REGISTER TILE GRATES TILE HEARTHS We offer the Nicest Designs and BEST VALUE obtainable. PAPERHANGINGS. We have doubled our stocks and show a Choice Selection of latest patterns at) moderate price?. BEDSTEADS AND FENDERS It will pay you to look us up when you require these me CROCKERY. I cc our SPECIAL VALUiS in Diaaer We*™, O-ilo -jJj> Dinner Sets& TOOLS. " We make a special study of this branch. Wo can supply reliable and up-to date Tooh for all purposes. PAINTS AND COLOURS. ! With Linseed Oil, Paint Brushes, andevery thing necessary for Painting. , ENAMELLED KITCHEN WAREJ Knife Cleaners, Mincers, Wringers, Carpet Sweepers, Sad Irons, and othei household requisites at lowest possible prices, Give us an opportunity to quote* We will guarantee yoi prompt attention, good value, and best quality. i THOMSON, BRIDGER & CO., LTD, I GENERAL IRONMONGERS, ' DEK STEEBT INVEBOABGILL.

Public Notices WHY NOT BUY FROM Every thing you require in the IRONMONGERY LINE CHEAPEST AND BEST. WE SELL— MASON'S JAM JARS, PINTS 4s Per Dozen QUARTS 4a 9d | GALS 6s 6d JAM JAR RINGS ... 6d PER DOZENE3K STREET, INVERCARGILL. THE WHISKY WHICH IS COMING TO STAY IS WILLIAM TEACHER AND SONS, GLASGOW, CELEBRATED AND FAMOUS HIGHLAND HI WHISKY I 'm ASK FOR IT. -si This Grand Whisky is protected by "The Trades Marks Act," and no oth c j Whisky branded " Highland Cream" is genuine, Genuine ure Whisky will never injure the system ; it is the common, inferir stuff which is the curse of the worid. Get TEACHER'S POPULAR WHISKY, which is all the rage in the Commonwealth, Canterbury, and Otago, New Zealand. This Whisky is now being placed in the Invercargill Market, and to ha from all Hotelkeepers. ASK FOR IT 9 AND NOTHING ELSE, Sole Agents for South Island.: FREDK CROSS & SON, Christchurch and Dunedin, New Z;)il 1 1 1 O ... _ f > „.,.... ■. ...mi.,., .j^Lm* Christmas and New Year approach. Excursions are the order of the day " Put your house in order " for your frie. ids will be comingto see you. The crockery m.ißt be sorted, the spoons counted. Wha about that Carpet .Square.? and the,. New Linoleum? Bataboveal things look well to the FURNITURE We havo been giving it great attention of late, and whether yourw furnishing forthe first time or renovating for the fortieth d offer you such a display aa will have the same effect as Mr Wellor'a letter an make you wish for more. Suites or Sideboards, Waggons? Tables, Duchesse Pairs or Bedsteads, Ornaments or Wardrobe Hall Stands or Roll-top Desks. Our stock will suit each taste and accomm date itselt to every pocket. Ab for CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Wo cniU numerate it ? Prod'gious quantities ! Boundless varieti Desirable qualities!!! Dinner Sets that stimulate the appetit Tea Sets that create thirst. HOUSEHOLD IRONMONGERY Includes all those Labour saving machines which make house work a pleasure and entertaining a luxury. Carpet Sweepers Mincers, Raisin Seeders, Apple Parers, Wringers, Mangles Knife Cleaners, to say nothing of Enamelled pots and pans, which are always clean and quick to use. Sort up the GARDEN with a Lawn Mower, a Roller, a pair of shears, a hose, a Spade, rake, hOe, or anything it requires to put on the finishing touches. We can direct your choice.' Don't delay patting up tha new BUILDING you have^been contemplating ail the necessary material you can get from us. We SAW the TIMBKR; we import the ChME^T and RON ana art the eroaller fixings. We stock the DOORS and SASHES. Shipments of GRATES lots of M RANGES, and everything at prices that leave us very little margin but will make it a " gilt-edged « investment for you. """"""NEW HOUSE to be really up-to-date in elegance and refinement fail not to see our NEW P PERHANGLNUS (freshly imported from our . ousins in Montreal), with a daah of French art in the pattern.and he noh warm tones suitablefor our rigorous climate. Ring up TELEPHONE 69, INVERCARGILL, to get the lowest quotatations of Black Fence WIRE, Galvanised WIRE, Barbed WIRE, Staples, NETTING, Standards and Strainers. BLACKSMITHS & WHEELWRIGHTS IWe wißh to cay that henceforth it will be <-ur endeavour tonsupply all you I necessities in every department, and to make or ware ouse the pi c« * where you can get exactly the stuff you want. Iron a»d Steel, Whee Stuff and Axles, Springs, Shafts, and Fittings, Blue Gum, Rec Gum, Spotted Gum, Kauri, Anvils, Vices, Drills, Tyre Benders, Upsetting and Screwing Machines, Mandrills and Swaye Blocks all either in stock or indented at lowest rates. To SUMMARISE.— We offer you in all branches unimpeachable qual ties, infinite diversity of selection, spacious and convenien ? show-room, competent and obliging salesmen, with every mcentiv h make you a willing and satisfied customer, and our Warehoused centre of usefulness to the Town and Diatriot. BROAD, SMALL & CO

Pablif Notices Over 45,000 of these Ranges in Use in New Zealand COOKING RANGE SINGLE AND DOUBLE OVENS. They will Burn LIGNITE, TRUE COAL. or WOOD up to 24 inohea long. The Flnea are all SELF-CONTAINED and need NO SETTING Can bo worked in CHIMNEY or with BTOVE PIPE. The Oven Bottoms HEAT WELL } Good Bread Bakera. Very suitable for Shepherd's Hubs. Sheep Farm&v Hotels, and Dwelling-hoaaea, I MADE IN ALL SIZES HIGH OR LOW PRESSURE BOILERS FITTED These Ranges are guaranteed to be all that Ib said of them in the Catalogue, old by all Ironmongers. Catalogues on application to the Maker and Patentee H. E. SHACKLOCK (Limited), Southern! Foundry Princes street, Dunedin. Dont take I What ar& styled > , 'jUSTASCOOp"but j L insist upon having I Obtainable at All Stores. I _______„ D.I.C. DUNISDIN CLEARANCE SALE ! Commences February Ist. I Mfc V^lrii^irl 1 Eld i wnLC OF n^XXJES "STXSj3LX&. ITSEE SALE CATALOGUES -»i Sale Catalogue of 16 pages P^| I posted Free to any Address "^ ■■ ■ ■ on application DUNEDIN. AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PKOVIDENT SOCIETY. NEW ZEALAND BRANCHHEAD OFFICE : CUSTOM HOUSE QUAY, WELLINGTON. LOCAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The Hon. Charles J. Johnston, M L.C., Tta g-JMjjri Richardson, C.M.G ADe BaEh? Brandon, Esq., Deputy-Chair- Joseph Joseph, Esq. mnToLDEST WEALTHIEST, AND MOST PROSPEROUS AUSTRALIAN LIF rjpHE O^^^jJg^JSVLargest Mutual Office in the British Empire. The Only MUTUAL LIFE OFFICE which declares A BONUS EVERY YEAR. APPHMULATEDFUND £18,750,000 AVVU (Eighteen Millions and three-quarters Sterling.) ANNUAL INCOME EXCEEDS £2,500,000 Ai.^-"w» (Sterling.) POLICIES IN FORCE 176,815 SUM ASSURED £50,763,590 CASH BONUSES DIVIDED £10,361,878 BONUSES CASH BONUS for One Year, 1902,£558,865, yielding Reversionary Bonuses amount S£a%S*BSy«. OVER TWOANn ONE FALI yittYtoNS vieliina Reversionary Bouoses exceeding FIVE MILLIONS. EXPEN«ES OF MANAGEMENT, 8$ per cent, on the total inoorae ' " EDWARD W. LOWE, Resident Secretary. J Branch Office-Custom House Quay. WeUington.^^^ DißtrjotSecrefcary< ' District Office— Eek street, Invercargill

Shipping | HE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING UO&IPANY 1 BOYAL MAIL LINE OF STEAMERS FOB LONDON vu Moots Vroso, Trnnbuffs and Plthodth Best Accomodation for all olasset of Passengers at Lowest Bates nt»« m =~ fort of Probable Steamer* Departure. Tons Date Wfcakatane .. .. Wellington 6715 Feb. XO •Paparoa . . Wellington 6563 Feb 18 •Kapara .. .. 8000 Feb Eakala . .. 6G28 Feb *Tu«ikinA .. .. 8627 Mar 17 Ro&pehu .. .. 7801 ApriH4 Papanui .. .. 0582 April Wakanui .. .. 582-i — *kimutaka .. .. 7765 May 12 Waimate .. .. 5610 - •Xongariro .. .. 7600 June 9 "Kaikoura ■ . 7700 July 7 TWIN SOBEfr Coastal Passage to port of departure FBEE Warrants issued for Passages from the United States, returning by N.JLS. Co. or vice vena Tor farther partlottlara apply to THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING CO., LTD., Bsk street, lareroargill NOTIOB. TO SHIPPERS. I HE B.S. ROSE CASEY will leave Invercargill for W ikawa on Monday, the Ist February. Freight payable by shippers. Further particulars on application to SOUTHLAND STEAM BHIPPING CO., Ltd., H. L. TAPLEY & CO., Agents, tssk street, Invercargill. ,? fA "f S tBB III* E «^i^3& DiaEOT STEAMER OTAGO TO LONDON. PERTHSHIRE 8000 ton* 8500 h.p. BUTESHIRE 8000 ton* 8500 b.p. BANFFSHIBB 8100 tons 8500 h.p. FIFESHIRE 8500 tons 8500 b.p. NAIRNSHIRE 8500 tons BSOO h.p. MORAYSHLRE 8500 tons 8500 h.p. AYRSHIRE* 10,300 tons •Twin Screw. The above magnificent steamers, which have? all been specially bvilt for the New Zealand trade, «ad make on average !><%•- ia,g9 of 46 days, will b» d«Bp*tcii»d at regular intervals. Steamers are fitted throughout with EL.EOTRIO LIGHT, and accommodation ti provided for Saloon Passengers. Doctor and Stewardess carried. SALOON PASSAGE MONEY— 45 GUINEAS TO LONDON. Passengers carried to Fort of Departure FREE. For plans and Xurther partioalars apply to the Managers — TURNBULL, MARTIN & CO., New Zealand Insurance Oo.'s Building, No. 1 Orawford Btreet ( Dunedln, massacred. 'T'HOS. COOK AND SON PASSENGER AGENTS For P. and 0. Co. K.Z. Shipping Co. A. and A. Line Orient Co. Cape Lines Can-Australia North German Mesa. Maritime* China, Japan, SC Before Booking your Tickets for London er elsewhere, write for " COOK'S BASLING LIST," posted free, giving PAEES by all Lines. PPy W. B. SOANDRETT, Agent for Southland. Corner Dee and Ebb. streets, <nvem»nrlU. Public Notices Boyal Mail Coaches. Lumsden, Te Anau and M anapour i. CIROSBIE BROS. .- Proprietor* (Cook and Sona, Agency) THE above Bi.weekly Coach service will be resume^ after the 3Ut October, 1003, as follows : Leave Lumsden every Wednesday and Saturday up to SOfcb ApriL 1904, immediately after the arrival of tne morning trains from Invercargill and Kingato.i, returning from To Anau on Tuesdays and indaya, leaving at 6 a.m, and will reach Lutnsden in tune to catch afternoon train's to Invercargill and Kingston. FARES— Lumaden to Te Anau, Single £1 6a ; Return, £2. Special ooach or buggy can be arranged for at any time. Terms, etc, apply to the proprietors. RAILWAY HOTEL, Lutmlen. NEIL'S HERBAL BEER iEXTRAOT Makes Gallons of SPAEKLING HERBAL BEEE Aa Pure and Wholesome as Home-made Bread. Quenches the Thirst and Pleases the Palate IS Bottle makes from 6 to 10 Gallon NEIL'S Fruit Extracts, RASPBERRY, LEMON, L.IME JUICE, PINE APPLE, STRAWBERRY, CIDER, Etc. Hade from the fruit and have the real Frail Flavour. THEY MAKE REFRESHING DRIKKS Try Them. They are Good 18 BOTTLE NEIL'S GINGER WINE EXTRACT FOR MAKING GINGER WINE & GINGER ALE Our GINGER WINE EXTRACT Makes the Real Ginger Wine. A Grand Summer and Winter Drink. la PER BOTTLE. From all stores and from NEIL'S DISPENSARY DEE STREET, INVERCARGILL,

Xmaa preaeni ftv a oiD •""; " — ■ B _ -j . -Ml<l , M ,Myai, l r l i.o.. > ...-. - .. ,- . — ...— ;*^^ il^ r H E FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. HAS THE LARGEST^SALE OF ANY CHEST^-MBDICINH I IN^^^.^^^^o-^.^.^.^^^™* b " tSJillSwlOQlntt»«iwrtli4gW^««^tttotti.«lo^^ltiio^ . Sow l> jjeoenJly soaoient, »ni . Complete Core is certain. HHWATIW l\V BOTtOMS „ -„„_„„ Remember that every disease has its commencement, and Connimption ia no exception to ««* b «™^ IHdM , ai;?M v^^ jwiSnJ'isSSr^ V JS^TZ * ;- ' ■ ■ . '• . : -I'"., m '. i. '.\ ■ • ■■ '-,-..'..vv

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Southland Times, Issue 19265, 1 February 1904, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 19265, 1 February 1904, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 19265, 1 February 1904, Page 1