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. ■ . / ■ Pnblic Notices I * For health, strength and fpod digestioa* H S^ ' —m.M~MMM)*m.jmum. wtm*. Wm% I van n outcry 1 I Pure ' I^P6OB! # 'I' B tt t* «*t -tfllj i (Wltitn lonngv Iffl B 13 « notirnhlif fowL MMtmtinf tht mia W B t-|ranU^eoft««uUtlnf Md»t»»fUiilnf U B oit aertotn *7«ldm. tfrts^tfr«f4lfwUM H H and MtUallaUoiu nmk-n fot U» wuw B B wmi my wopli «>4 txtnttM *n< iayarta B . B fMals>4bro» «a« fi|«f» B^ HB MMfoM+tiMM+tmHrirrae****'* »■• •t*m**^m. B A, & T. BNGLIS Beg respectfully to announce that their FOURTEENTH ANNUAL COLOSSAL SALE I Will Commence on; Saturday, Ist August and continue until Saturday, 12th September, , , During whioh time the Whole of thfeir MAGNIFICENT STOCK amounting to upwards of £60,000 Will be Disposed of, at VERY LARGE REDUCTIONS. Write for Catalogue, and t& Please send us your Order as Early as Convenient A. AND ~fT INGLIS, Cash Emporium, George street, DUNEDIN. CAUTION. The unparalleled success which has attended the sale of Bonning» ton's Cafrageeit Irish MOBB, during the 35 years that thia preparation has been in, the market, has led to numerous Worthless ~~»jjf»itation«-*--)wii'^ofFfl«^'*iro-^fBnF lW We theretore wish to caution the public against, purchasing, these imitations, which, in addition to being worthless, *r« sometimes--extremely injurious. Bonnington'a Carrageen Irish. Moss is the Universal Oough Remedy. See that you get BONNSNGTONPS EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF BOOTS SS SHOES AT A. WEIR AND SONS NOW ON. i Owing to the death of the principal of the firm and to facilitate the .winding up of his estate, the WHO* E OF THE STOCK will bo offered at MARVELLOUSLY REDUCED PRICESFollowing, are a few quotations:— Gents' Rdotafe lid ; usual' price I2s 6d 1 Ladies' Box Calf Boots 12s 6dj usual prioe Gents' Sewn Boots .12s 6d ; ÜBual prioe 22s 153 6d 6d Ladies' (--lace Kid Boots 10b 6d; usual Gents' Sewn Boots, *12r9d ; usual price price 14s 6d 19s 6d • Ladies' Shoes, broken sizes, ss, 5s 6d, 6s 93; Cento* CUrome Bootd 12fr Gd ; usual price usual prices lO* Bd, lis fid, 12s G<l lfefidi " Ladies' Fanoy beatled toes, Evening Shoes, Gents' Miwn Boots" 12s 6d; usual price 4s 3d ; usual price 6s 6d> 22s 6d Ladies' Evening Shoes 2s 6d Gents' "Box, Call Boots 13s 6<lj usual price Ladies' Evening Shoes 4s 6d; usual price 19s fid " Bs. 6d, 9s 64 Gents' Sewn Slippers^s lid ; usual price 4s Ladies' Felt* Slippers, carpet soles IS ; usual 1 Ladies? •3ox.Calf f §hoes,7s v lld j usual price prioe Is 6d 9s 6d" - - - ■ Ladies' Felt Slippers 9d Ladies' Button Shoes,. B&3dj usual price Ladies' Carpet Slippers lslld lis 6d Ladies'. Felt Slippers, leather. soleß, 2s 9d Ladies' LaoeßUoe^dsFed ; usual-price 8s 6d Ladies' Velvet Slippers, leather soles, 2s 9d Ladies' Gla<».and 2-bar Shoes 5s §d ; usual Childreris 5 Felb 81ippers 6d price OffGd - ' . - ladies' Goloshes 2s. 6d ■ Ladies' Box Calf Shoes 8s 6d j usual price Childrena' Shoes 3t06, 9d and is 9a 6d' j Child rens' Patent Ankle Strap, la 9d. Thegroator number o-Fihe above quotations are below cost. and secure som&of the Bargain*. All accounts owing to the ostate must ba settled by the end of July. A. "VtfEIR AND SONS, Dee street, InvercargiU, HEALTH IS WEALTH, 1 i ■ THE suffering and ailing from falling Health, T^erve Prostration, Atrophy, Irritability, Sleeplessness Exhaustion, Weak Back, Depression, Head Paini*, Heart Palpitation, Laok ot Energy, Excitable lemperament. Loss of Fiesta and Vitality, Debility. Buzzing in Head, Bad Memory, -.Dia-rine-Wf^Xwitchina- of ' Ey elfds and Muscles, JPimples,- Bladder and Sidney troubles, and kindred Oompuants, oonßulfci personally, or by POST FEEE, , . . -cPROF. NOTMANN > M.E., E.M.G., 1 248 OXFORD XERRAQE, OHRISTOHURCH. j Theoniyßlectro-Botauicfll B,xp«rti wlvertiaing who will guarantee a THOBO.UHH OUBB. Write, stating ! your case, and you will receive honeao opinion PRE tS, You can be treatea suocesadflly at your own noma) , and to convince the most sceptical I will forward 'Eleotrio Applicanbw and Concentrated Treatment on I eotiy terms of payment. ! TESTIMONIAL: ! NERVOUS WEAKNESS AND DEBILITY OURED. '- PROFESSOR NOXMANN. . Dunedin, January 21, 1903. 7 Dear Sir,—! have been waiting to test your cure, as I did not believe you oould effect one. I bad tried ,i o many. I now convey to you my gratitude. Your treatment has restored me to perfect health. I bad ! bsolutely given up ail hope, and hod of ten thought of rash measures ; -but,- thank, Ood^ipu\t niy casein ' our bands. Sbould 1 meet othera afflicted as I was, through my owii folly, I will have nb hesit. too in i oommending'your treatment You can use this as you like ; it may help some unfortunate who hae van up hope.-aratefully yours, B. S. MATHEWS.

\ Public Notices; ___i__ THE ESK ST. IRONMONGERS, FOR WALLPAPER TRY SMITH <b LAING FOR GRATED TRY SMITH .&. LAING FOR SH ACKt^ei^R ANGES THY SMITH .A LAING FOR AMERM4^T'»VES TRY aMITH & LAING FOR TtOOS^ilfe'&bN TRY SMITH &XAING FOR DO R3 AND S \SHES TRY SM *TH & LAING FOR FEKO ING WIRE TRY SMITH &LA ING f| FOR WIRE NETTING TRY SMIIH & LAING FOR BHOVELS & SPADES & FORKS TRY SMITH &.LAING FOR FENDERS AND FIRE IRONS TRY SMITH & LAING FOR ENAMEL WARE TRY SMITH & LAING ■ i NOTE THE ADDRESS - ■ SMITH'" *4 VI) L-%ING» ESS STREET, INVERCARGItL. RUBEROID 7 ROOFING. —Z-z — V We have been appointed SOLE AGENTS 'for this splendid ROOEING MATERIAL. SOME IWBEBOIB POIHTS^1. Permanently Flexible f »nd Elastic 2. Proof agaibst-Oxiddtidn and Corrosion 3." Unaffected by Acids, Alkalis, &c. 4. Waterproof, Non-porqas 5. Heat-proof, Will Not Melt 6. Fire-resisting * 7. Tasteless and OdoUrleS** 8. oh6ap and Durable RUBEROID has been largMy used fdr dwelling-houses and a sorts of huildings. Being a non-conductor it is warm in winter and cool i summer, hence it iB particularly valuable for . housing Cattle, Horses. Poultry, &c, •* ' LIGHT AND EASILY TRANSPORTED. Sir Sold in Rolls 36 inches wide to cover 200 Square Send for Samples witlrPrices and full particulars^ THOMSON, BRIOCER & CO, LTD, DEB STBEEI -fNTEBqABGILIJ. SOLE AGENTS F&R SOUTHLAND

Public Notices , IRONMONGER, TAY STREET. HOeSE~COVERS. Cottou, Diick anrl Navy Brown Canvas of tho best material with Canvas leg Straps an Leather Leg Straps. Made at our factory. The balance of Season's Stock must ba sold. PRICES ARE REDUCED- IT WILL Btt WORTH YOUR WHILE TO CAL L DICK'S PATENT BELTIMQ GUTTA PERCH A, CANVAS AND BALATA. Is stronger, lasts longer, and stretches less than any other belt. May be had direct oc through any of your dealers. Sft© that you g-*t the G & N't/I IST <S] beware of the imitation. All Belts Stamped with tho Trade Mark every few feet. " BRILLIANTSHINE." 'hs-Bsat Metal Polish in the Market; Is indispensable for domestic use. Maybe go from any Grocer, Storekeeper or Ironmonger. T. & W. SMITH'S WIRE ROPES. Are unsurpassed for Log 11 -rating, Omnas, Co^t Mines, Haaling and Dreiging pnrposssj are used by the principal Sawmiliers in Southland. Th& managers of the largest Cable Tramway Corporation ia the Wo-ld, tho largest Silver Mine in the World, the largest 'Gold Mine in the World, the largest Diamond Mine in the World; all testify to the satisfaction obtained by the nse of this make of rope. *> INVERCARGILL AND D B DIN I AWARDED jt 1 OWLV GOLD MEDAL. |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*^k; ij | FIN»T SILVER MCOAtI ®" IIN AWBTRALABJAN i / COMPARE^ S ffl Oct eoßcttuit ftttootioa tn& cspeH*nea tt&s eatfa stir | - S 9B&8 THE BEST, which baa cw»tod many Ifititadooß. | - HJ tak for ou? Teas ami g« ihoa. Boat llitoa feb rijjwe 1 @ -Bhs) tag yoa so U7 tbic sad the*, Hts oaly becaast p - BSk &*7 ffatrera «aow» profit. Oan svo |t«st«9 viUs« afttf jra guaUt-f ikaa any Ist &«str%Ua£a» M _ > # — '- ' ~ " ' ' ' „ " EYAN&S MOUNTAIN EING ASTHMA POWDER ! A Boon to Humanity. Gives wonderful and refreshing relief in the most obstinate and chronio cases.' One trial will convince the most ewpticaIrROOUBABLK FROM AIL CHEMISTS AND StOBHKEEPKBS TJBCK6OGHOOT TBfB COLONY THE SECRET OF SUCCESSFUL FABMI^ If you want to get the best possible results from your ground, you must use nothing bub the best implements. Last bt-a&ju w-i introduced int» CJouthiand; the Osborne Flexible and Reversible Disc Harrow Which is tie only Disc Harrow ever constructed; the gangs of which are perfe ■FLEXIBLE AND; MfIVERSIBLE. This Harrow will adapt itself to any condition of ground, whether smooth or irregular and COT TO AN EVEif DEPTH WITH ALL THTBS DISCS AT ALL TIMES, thus making a PERFECT SEED BED. u '- "We have already Booked Numerous Orders this Seson from parties who have seen.:; the first-class work dope by them, and if you want a DiscHarrow thia season you should not fail to oall and see them. , The Osborne Latest Ixnp r oved Sulky Spring Tooth $■ Cultivator IStill leads the wav for Strength, Durability and Fir*t-c!a8« Work. This 'Cultivator has given such general satisfaction throughout Southland that other makers have made attempts to copy it. Even if a dealer should represent his maohine TO BE , A? GOOD (SrThE SAME AS THE OSBORNE, why buy the IMITATION when vou can gat the ORIGINAL. ./..,. i t *•-.■•■ Don't be deceived about this important point ; it is to your own advantage to buy 'nothing*utthebest. R STOCK OF «ns-RO£NE PEG TOOTH HARROWS, GAftDEN PLOUGHS, HORSE HOES, &o. JOSBORNH. SINGLE AND DOUBLE FURROWS. M--.t-r-.ulas Gas and Oil Engines—Stationary, Portable, Hoisting and Manne. , Qarrett Portable Steam enfif ne«-Up,tp-date m every respect. Dcop Well, Fore© and Spray .Pumps-Large Assortment. Send for a Catalogue if you have not time to oall and see them. • JAMES MACALISTER, ' IHVEJWARGII.L KOUNDKY, DBE OTBEE-D. m ___^__^^ m^ ma^ im g mma m^mmmmmm^^mm^^atmtima^immtmmKmamammKmKmmMmmtm

Shipping HE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPAN "S ROYAL MAIL LINE OF- STEAMERS FOR LONDON via Most? Vmuo, Tkjnkripfh and Plymouth Best Accomodation for all olassea of Passengers al Lowest Bates 1 ~> sort cf Probable Steamers Tonß Departure Date Rakaia „ .. 6628 Lyttelton August 20 •Paporoa .. -- -^s 3 "t-ytte lfon Sept. fl •Turaklna _ .. 8027 Oct 1 Wakanul <.. .. 8708 PaprcTuii .. .. 6652 October a> Waimate .. .. 6910 -&S ber ♦Raapelra .. .. 7705 v 'u •Einrntaka .. .. 7765 Deo « Whakatene .. .. £715 , Jaa,1904 "TWIW BOBS* ■ '. _~ Ooaetel Passage to port «if departure FREE Warrante Issued for Passages from the Unltsd atates/retoralng by NJS.S. 00. or vice veirea Vxst farther t»artloulare apply, to. XHS NEW ZEALAND SHIPPINO CO., LTD.,, a*» -i«,it Esk street, InveroarjrUi rpHOS. COOK AND SON. -'. PASSENGER AGESTS For P. undO. Co. J N.Z. Shipping Co. IA, and A. Line Orient Qo. j Cape lines Can-AußtTaha North Gehnan-f Mess. Mat itimes | China, Japan, Sc Before Booking your Tickets for London or elsewhere, write for" OOoK'S SAILIKG LIST," posted free, giving FARES by all Lines. -Apply B SOAW x > j f; -ETT, Agent fOf Southland. Corner Dee and Esk streets, Invercargill. J. E. TAYLQR, ACOOTJNTANT, HOUSE, LAND & ESTATE AGENT. Tradesmen's Books of Aocounts opened, 1 kept or - upervlsed. Rents, Debts and other Accounts collected. Honey to lend at lowest rates of interest. ESE 'STREET (OppMte Police -Station. ' For Exceptional .Value fIpHJE Economic Housekeeper gets her GROCERIES X and other HOUSEHuLD REQUISITES at D. ROCHE'S, DEE STREET. B£S!P VALUE IN ~~ DELICIOUS TEAS, * WINES AND SPIRITS, " * BUL^pbG ALE AND"STOUT r -' COLONIAL ALU AND STOUT, AND CORDIALS OV THE BEST BRANDS D.R. makes no idle boast. He simply asks the public to compare the value he offers with what they «-et elsewhere,- and is satisfied the result will- be ■qaany favourable to tbem ana to bim. FARMERS~PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. MONEY 'SO LEND In any swnj on- rova •eenurlUos aft loweSb rates MA OALISXJSB BROa. 8-iltoihS»s. Ba* -twed Booth, Macdonald and Co , (LIMITED^ i CARLYLE IMPLEMENT WORKS, gHRISTCHURCH. TXTE beg to notify our Clients and tbe Publio » » Generally that we have Transferred onr South land Agency from Mr Alex. Storrie to* MESSRS J. G WARD & CO, Crescent, IhvercargilL We are. supplying Messrs Wasd akb Co with a Full Stock of our various Agricultural Implements add other Machinery, and also Duplicate Parts of all ou Machinery, and Customers ran depend upon being Immediately Supplied with any Extra Parts required rom our Stocks ia lureroawll, fcO PRESENTS WITHHOftDAI LANKA TEA-* NO GIMCRACK OKNA.MENTS WITH HUNDAI LANKA TEAS NO" USEFUL" ARTICLES WITH HON DAI LaNKA. TEAS New Zealand Best Teas : Packed and Soldered in Ceylon i ff -'m ttvfs IQncK 0' THE HORTH." »NORMOUS DEMAND FOR THIS TEA QUALITT AND PRICE TELL j , Other Brands ' Maharajah TSo. 1 Galden Tip \\ ilaharajah No. 2 ... .. •• •• •• \ Diamond Jubilee XXXS.. ... •• •• *"' All you pay PaysforTea Not part Tea and , Part Presents Thus you get the best value in ! MDK'ENZIE'B PUBS UNBLENDED HONDAI^ \ -^ LANJiA-TEA' ' / ' ' ■« Fust award Paris' Ekhibition te the Growers: in *l~2t oeylon for XXXX Diamond JubUee Tea. ■-aw the &Wt^jdtang*m^r**l*^<- w.j|--1 -senttina be»r the s gnsture of Wm. Maj*tin l ««•»•"'-" iltlioat which n6flfr«re*cnaino). No iady ahotfia be •uhout them. Order DJ alf W.emi« • «^°*iß--»H«h«World Propri«tor,|(AßTl> l Ph»nn.Chemi«t,SouTHA»lPTOll | tK« Mht ' IS- TH© BfoSTjI& THE BEST USE NO OTHER ' ' PROCURABLE FROM ALL STOREKEEPERS MONEY TO LEND on Fixst-claßsrrefihold securito at Lowest Rates. Apply T. M. MACDONAL AND SONS, Esk street

J^ F. CU TetRTSOB F.I.A.N.Z, ■PUBtilO ACCWTJNTANT. Agent -for Pu/bilc Trustee, VALUER AND QKNKBAL AGENT. AEBI-JfttAT WW - A SPfiOIALTY. Agents : Qaardlan Insuranoe Company, Limited, Fire United Insurance Oompaay, Limited, Marine. ALEX. TROTTER, ESKBTBKET. NEXT SOUTHERN CROSS OFFICE, (Opposite the PostOffloe) - HOUSE, LAND & ESTATE AGENT. VALUATO AND COMMISSION AGENT. ' Fire and Life Insurance effected. 1 Laifte and small biims of money to lend at Lowest ' Rates on land and otuer property. Asbsoibs: GHaymauand Co, Ltd, Veneering Sawmillers, AucklAUu. Sub-agent, Austra Hon Alliance Fire InsuranoeOo. ! AUSTRALIA* MUTUAL PROVIDEHT SOCIETV MONEY TO LEND. THIS Society la prepared to lend money on FIRST' CLASS FREEHOLD CITY AND COUNTRY SECURITIES at . , . _ 4£ PER CENT. Our New Mortgage Deed contains a condition allowing borrowers the privilege, of re-paying up to 20 per cent of the loan daring any year without notice or payment of Any fine; NO COMMISSION CHARGED. LEGAL EXPENSES SZOBPXIONALLY LOW. Apply direct to the Society's br-moh office, Welling on, o« to any of the MMM^^^gg^ RealdentrSecretaw, ,Wefflhgt<m Q.G. BURNES, District) Secretary Esk street, Invercargill,* i let; September, 1902. WAIKIWI NURSERY, PLANTING SEASON NOW ON. J. LENNIE ■& SONS, HAVING the largest and most complete stock in the district we can supply all your wants- to ' best advantage. SHELTER TREES— Cup. Macrocarpa, Cup., Law eoniana, Pinus Insignis, Norway Spruce, Douglas * Spruce, &o, I to 14 years. AVENUE AND TIMBER TREtJS — Larch, English ; and Turkey Oak, POplars, Ash, Sycamore, Khn, Rowans and many others. , , HEDGE TREES -Our specialty -English and Variegated Hollleg, Laurels, Privet, Native Maples, Hawthorns, Dtrberis Darwini, and other suitable ' kinds. Spechnen hedges to be seen at our Wai- 1 ORNAMEnST" TREES AND SHRUBS, ROSES, Flowering Plants, &o, in great variety. FRUIT TREES AND BUSHES— A very ohoioe sl-ock, allages. Please refer to catalogue for full par- ' tlou&rs. Don't forget -that we are Southland agents, for: " MONXAOK," the best fruit tree blight killer in the j market. In tine, la. 2s, 6s, and 21s each. Also tar J. MoDougaJl's STuit Tree Wash, 1» bottle, &» pe* gftlloii. SPRAY PUMPS-We etock 1 the Up-to-Date At 86s, and thi Pomona, for large orchards, at -66 6a net. - Hand Sprayers, Horn ewipwards. Send for Price List. J. LrJJNNIE~AND SONS, NURSBRYMEN, SEEDSMEN. AND FRUITERBRS ,vw^ta and importers; 34 DEE Si'REBT^JNVEROARGILL. Telephone 281 P.O Bos 197 nftma^fmmmmmfma^mmmmm^itmmaammmmaamnmmmawmmm

' ' L ' ' ■im " ■ " — — —y • • ." NEWSHARBS. SHARES in the Sonthlaud Building and Investment Society and Bank of Depoiit- may be taken up from August and are free from arrears They may ; be obtained ot the Society's Office, Tay street, daily, , during office hours, or between seven and nine on , Sabeeriptloa Nights. JAMBS BBOWK i » Secretary. E. S. PERRY | BAS JUST LANDED "NEW SEASON'S SEEDS. J , ; Vegetables, Flowers, &c. Friili Trees— The Finesfc Sbok in South* \ land. All ages. I Roses— A Splendid Collection of Finest ; Varieties.Shilter and Hedging Trees, Ornamental Shrubs, etc. AT NORTH- OAD NURSERY WAIKIWI. Agent for MONTAUK, theunrivalled BUght Destroyer, n tins, Is, 2s, te and Sis, SPR-Ay~PUMPS. MEMORIAL 'WREATHSTCROSSES, SHADES, ETC. E. 3. PERRY, DRE BTRBET (Opposite Prinoe of Wales) Ym/\ IS (OOP mAFBES fon -lOW ' WEATfiES FSOTgaiOH J IBCBABANTESP-i®EaTHIS*BAE)gMAI?3; J "" juk Your Dealer.. . \\ *"" ' /' _ „ -\ A; J. Tower Co.. M!re., BostodrMass., U.S.A. THOMAS H, WATSON, Wool and Produce Broker, A.M.P. BUILDINGS, ESK STREET, INVEROARGILL MALTA-VITAa couoentrated malted food thor oughly cooked, ready for use. Everyone troubled witto weak digestion enould use It. la per n cket. To be had from B. Meredith, Tfty gtreet

THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN AUSTRALIA; _. - '' _„*,*•« "n M ««w*i» rw«i, njffl««ito nf Tiv««tMnff. Hoareeriess, Pain or Soreneßß in the Chest, experience deH^^ I^[ia bomt ortiou In BEWARE OF COUGHS. Remember that every disease ha* its commencement, arid donation ton* exception to y^ .^^^OV^OVanS ■pcflt-Af-wr. oktv AND SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY THE BROPBIEXOBi "W.O. HEARNE. ("hetast^ Geelong, Victoria. aaacw*Sei.-| R -ib J '.bu'i 9 4),i.iW.)i T .- : , [ 0d I *^5« KM j Ba j K 2J IgENTS POR SOUTHLAND - MACKERRAS & HAZLETT, HPBBL S^Rlir, M«StOARaILL

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Southland Times, Issue 19133, 25 August 1903, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 19133, 25 August 1903, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 19133, 25 August 1903, Page 1