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Public Notices II For health, strength and good digestion,* m I Pure H £h|J ft is n«t <?&*? a deUelenfl tover&gt trat 111 fiourtchtß? food, poseesflof ifct rreat SSt lifel advantage of sUrnuUtinp and Btr*ofth6ninf KB! HI th& nervouj system, it U «asy of dlrestlon ES |l| and assimilation, makes food the wut* ffi| Kg! eaustd by work and exercise and laparts > wSR §H rmb frrco as* vifeur. BB j|ln] Om'fttt jrtft»^-nt MttfTut Hmm'i Com. flrrtr «-Tla hb| JOHN WESLEY It was who originated the tea meeting. The great reformer was ag nd jndga of tea of which ho was fonri, almost, as was Dr Johnson. There have been man}' improvements in tea methods since then. For one thing Ceylon has displaced China in the supply of high class teas at a reasonable price Situated near tho Equator tea picking in Ceylon is pessi ble all the year round ; being a British Colony tho public enjoy a guarantee of purity and cleanliness which in the case of certain other countries is doubtful to say tho least of it ; and our admirable mail service assists tha local agent to get steady supplies at short intervals. The BEST TEA produced j n Ceylon is known as , NTUfuriiunH j^ JL JcjiJe2&.a Picked on the far-famed mountain heights, it is paoked under British supervision in lead n order that its fullness, 'reslmess and fragrance shall be retained Tight to the consumer. NIRVANA TEA is further packed in cardboard cartons (or boxes) which bear th nome and trade mark of the Nirvana Tea Company aa a guarantee of the contents. You will study your health, your pocket and your comfort generally by always insisting on having NIRVANA TEA. * ON SALE BY— Sole Agents— W. N. STIRLING, Sole Agent, Invercargill. NICHOL BROS Bluff. McWiLLrAM BROS, Winton. C2TAND TEST THE ACCURACY OF THE FOREGOING STATEMENT.^ milE suffering and ailing from filling Health, Nerve Prostration, Atrophy, Irritability, Sleeplessness JL Exhaustion, Weak Back, Depression, Head I'.iirw, Heart Palpitainu, Lack of Energy. Excitable leniperament, Loss Of Flesh and Vitality, Debility. Buzzing in Head, Bad Memory, Dizziness, Twitching of ByelJdHand Musolea, Pimples, Bladder and Kidney Iroubiw, and kindred Complaints, consult personaUv 6r by POST FIiKE, *"-.-» PROF. NOTMANN, M.E., E.M.G., 2-JS OXFORD TERRACE, CHRISTCHURCH. The only Electro-Botanical Expert advertising who will tfiinranteo a THOBOURH CUBE. Write, stating yourcase, and you will receive honest opinion KRE3. You can be treated successfully at your own home, and to convince the most sceptical I will forward Electria Applicancea and Concentrated Treatment on ea>y terms of payment. TESTIMONIAL: NERVOUS WEAKNESS AND DEBILITY CURED. VROFESSOB NOTMANN. Dunedin, January 21, 1003. Deir Sir,— l have been waiting to test your cure, a? Id d not believe you could effect oue. I had tried 60 many. 1 now convoy to you my gratitude. Your treatment has restored me to perfect health. I bad I absolutely given up all hope, and had often thought, of rash measures ; but, thank God, I puc ivy case in our hands. Should 1 meet others afflicted as I was, through my own folly, I will have no heaittooin ' oonimending your treatment. You can U3O this as you Tike ; it may help some unfortunate who his yen up hope.— Gratefully youra, B. S. MATHEWS. THE SECRET OF SUCCESSFUL FARMING If you want to get the best possible resultß from your ground, you must use nothing but the best impleme nts. Last season wo introduced into Southland, the Osborne Flexible and Reversible Disc Harrow Which iB the only Disc Harrow ever constructed, the gangs of which are pc rfc FLEXLB .E AND REVERSIBLE. This Harrow will adapt itself to any condition of ground, "whether smooth or irrecula and CU'L TO AN EVEN DKPTH WITH ALL THE DISCS AT ALL TIMES thus making a PERFECT SEED BED. - ' v\ c ha. ye already Booked Numerous Orders this Se son from parties who have seen the first-class work done by them, and if you want a Disc Harrow this soaeon you should not fail to call and see thorn. The Osborne Latest Imp r oved Sulky Spring Tooth Cultivator j Still leads the way for Strength, Durability and Fir«t»c?ass Wo» k. This Cultivator has eiven such general satisfaction throughout Southland that other makers have made attempts to copy it. Even if a dealer" should represent his machine TO BE A* GOOD OR THE SAME AS THE OSBQRNE, why buy the IMITATION when you can get the ORIGINAL. Don't be deceived about thio important point ; ib is to your own advantage to buy nothing but the beat. SEE OUR STOCK OF OSBORNE PFG TOOTH HARROWS, QARDEV PLOUGHS, HORSE HOES &c BEST QUALITY !>INQLE AND DOUBLE FURROWS. ' HerC"fes Q°« an <* '°»' snff iniDS— Stitionary, Portable, Hoisting and Maiine. ftarrett* Portable Steam Cnjgi es— Up-to-date in every respect. Deep Well, Force and op ray Pump*— Largo Assortment. Send for a Catalogue if. yon have not) time to call and see them. JAMES MACALISTER, iNVEROARGILL FOUNDRY, DkE STREET.

Public Notices THE £SK ST. IRONMONGERS. ¥uR WALLPAPER TRY SMITH & LAING i FOR GRATES & MANTELPIECES TRY SMITH <fe LAING FOR SHACKLOCK RANGES TRY SMITH & LAING FOR AMERICAN STOVES TRY SMITH & LAING FOR HOOFING IRON TRY SMITH & LAIftG FOR DOORS ANT) SASHES TRY SMITH & LAING FOR FENCING WIRE TRY SMITH & LAING FOR WIRE NETTING TRY SMIi H & LtfNQ for Shovels & spades & forks try smith & laing for fenders and fire irons try s.viith <fc laing for enamelware try smith & laing NOTE THE ADDRESSSMITH AND LAING, ESK STREET, INVERCARGILL, Beg respectfully to announce that their FOURTEENTH MMU&L COLOSSAL SALE I Will Commence on Saturday, Ist August and continue until Saturday, 12th September, During which time the Wholo of their MAGNIFICENT STOCK amounting to i upwards of £60,000 Will be Disposed of at VERY LARGE REDUCTIONS. Write for Catalogue, and IS Please eendus your Order as Early as Convenient A AND T. !NGLIS, Cash Emporium, George street, DUNEDIN CURES STIFF JOINTS, SPRAINS, OLD WOUNDS, SORE THROAT, QUINSY, BURNS, SCALDS AND ERUPTIONS OF THB SSCS,N. Maniitaclur.r-.I only r.t 78* NeW Oxford SflVyt (late C,X%, Orfnivl "Streft). ( "»"'' EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF BOOTS &£ &UEXO3ESJS AT A. WEIR AND SONS 1 NOW ON j Owing to the death of the principal of the firm and to facilitate the winding up of his J estate, the WHOLE OF THE STOCK will bo offered at MARVELLOUSLY REDUCED PRICES. Following are a few quotations; — Gents' Boots 9s lid ; usual price 12s 6d 1 Ladies' Box Calf Boots 12s 6d ; usual price Gents' Sewn Boots 12a 8d ; usual price 22s 153 6d 6d Ladies' < lace I£id Boots 10s 6d ; uaual Gentß' Sewn Boots, 12s 9d ; usual price price 14s 6d ip, 3 pa Ladies' Shoes, broken sizes ss, 5s 6d, 5s 9dj Oents' Chrome Boota 12s 6d ; usual price usual prices 10a 6d, lls 6d, 12a 6i 145 gd Ladies' Fancy beaded toes, Evening Shoes, Gents' .'eirn Boots 12s 6d ; usual price 4s 3d ; usual price 6s 6d 22s 6d Ladies' Evening Shoes 2s 6d Gents' Box Calf Boots 13s 6d ; usual price Ladies' Evening Shoes 4s 6d j usual price 19s 6d 8a 6d, 9s 6d Genta' Sewn Slippers 9a lid ; usual price 4s Ladiefl 1 Foil Mipperß, carpet soleß Is ; usual Ladies' Box Calf Shoes 7a lid ; usual price price Is 6d g 8 g,j Ladies' Felt Slippers 9d Ladies' Button Shoes 8s 3d ; usual price Ladies' Carpet .Slippers 1b lid lls 6d Ladies' Felt Slippers, leather soles, 2a 9d Ladies' Lace Shoes 6s 6d ; usual price 8s 6d Ladies' Velvet blippers, leather soles, 2a 9d Ladies' Glace and 2- bar Shoes 5a 6d ; usual Childrens' Felt Slippers 6d price 9s 6d Ladies' Goloshes 2b 6d Ladies' Box Calf Shoes 8s 6d ; usual pt ice ChUdrens 1 Shoes 3t06, 9d and 1b 9 B 6d Childrens' Patent Ankle Strap, Is 9d. The greater number of the above quotations are below cost. Call and secure some of the Bargains. All accounts owing to the estate must bo settled by the end of July. A. WEIR SONS, Dee street, Invercargill.

j Shipping HE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY 1 EOYAL MAIL LINE OF STEAHERS FOB LONDON VIA MONTH VIDBO, TKNNBRIFFB AND PLYMOUTH Best Accomodation lor all classes of Passengers c Lowest Rates „. , , ! Port of Probable Steamers Tanß Departure . Date *Rimutaka .. .. 776S Wellingt August Whakatane .. .. 5715 Lytteicon August Rakaia .. .. 5828 August 2 *Paparoa .. .. 05fiS Sept. 3 •Turaklna ..8027 Oct 1 — Wakanui .. .. 5706 Papanui .. .. CSS2 Outober2 Waimate .. .. 5010 Norembe ♦Ruapehu .. .. 7705 Nov. 20 "Tonfrariro .. .. 70C1 Decembe "Rimntaka .. .. 7705 Dec 24 Whakatane . . . . 5715 ! Jan, IDOi rgvym ac&EW OoMtal PaßSage to port Ot departure PEEH Warrants issued for Passo^eß . from the Unite: States, returning by N.Z.S. Co. or vice versa For further particulars apply to IHE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING CO., LTD. , • ■ - Esk r «treetr3nvcrcanrii< THOS. COOK ,IND SONj PASSENGER ACfiSNJS P. and O. Co. N.Z. Shipping Co. A. and A. Line Orient Co. Cape Lines Can-Aubtralia North German Mess. Maritimes China, Japan, &< Before Bookiug your Tickets for London or else where, write for •• COOK'S SAILING LIST," posted free, giving FARES by all Lines. Apply W. B. SOANDRETT, Agent for Southland. Corner Dee and E*k streets, Invercarsriil. Public Notices WAIKIWI JSURSERY. PLANTING SE SON NOW ON. J. LENNIIT & SONS, HAVING the largest and most complete stock in the district we can supply all your wants to best advantage. SQELTES TBEES — Cup. Macroo-u-pa, Cup. Law fioniana, Pinus Inci^nis, Norway Spruce, Douglas Spruce, &o, 1 to 14 \ ears. AVENUE AND TIMBEK TRE-S — Larch, English and Turkey Oak, Poplars, Ash, Sycamore, blm, Row cs and many others. IIELGE TREES Our (specialty English and Variegated Hollies, Laurels, Privet, Native Maples, Hawthorns, Dtrberia Panrini, and other suitable kinds Specimen hedges to be Been at our Waikiwi Nursery ORNAMENTAL TREES AND SHRUBS, ROSES, Flowering Plants, &c, in great variety. FRUIT TREES AND BUSHES— A very choice Stock, all ages. Please refer to catalogue for full particulars. Don't forget that we are Southland agents for "MONTAI U," the best fruit tree blight killer in the market- In tins, Is. 2a, 6s, and 21s each Also for J. McDougall'B Fruit Tree Wash, Is bottle, 8s per gallon. SPRAY PUMPS— We stock the Up-to-Date at 355, and the Pomona, for large orchards, at £5 5b net. Hand Sprayers, from 5s upwards. Send for Price List. J. I>NNIE~AND SONS, nurserymen; seedsmen and fruiterers flokisis and importers, 34 DEE S . REET, INVERGARGILL. Telephone 291 P.O Box 107 EXTRA CHOICE .CEYLON Orange Pekoe. 5 and 10 Pound Wo den Boxes and Lead Packets, Packed in Ceylon. SOLE AGENTS:Mackerras and Hazlett, DUNEDIN and mVEROAROILL. imperial mmmi COMPANY. United with the Alliance Assurance Co- Ltd. FTIHE business of this Company will in future be under the control of Messrs WILLIAM TODO & Co, Who have been appointed CHIEF AGENTS FOR SOUTHLAND, Vice W. B. Scandrett, resigned. The business will be continued on the same lines aa heretofore, and all amounts due to the Company will be received by William Toid and Co. O. R. SMITH, Manager for Otago and Southland. In connection with the above announcement we hereby solicit a continuance of support from all who are holders of Imperial policies, aeauring them that their interests will have at all times our best attention, and that no Company can offer better terms or security than the Imperial, which we now have the honour to represent. WILLIAM TODD & CO Ta* Rialbo, Dan street. NEW ZEALAND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY. Established _ 11 .. 1379. DEPARTMENTS. / ____ Accident Insurance (in all its branches^ Employers' Liability Indemnity for Public Risk Workmen's Collective Insurance Coupon Insurance Fidelity Guarantee Plate-glass Insurance The above Company is prepared to accept risks a owest rates. Being a COLONIAL INSTITUTION, the whole of the profits are retained in the colony, instead of being transmitted to England or elsewhere. Claims settled with promptitude and liberality. J. W. MITCHELL, District Manager, fi<« fltiaa

Public Noticss 3 IRONMONGER, TA¥ STREET &U ARTISTIC WALL CGVEkS^G. j" HALL'S SANITARY WASHABLE DISTEMPER is oapidly superseding wall papers iv all tastefully furnished homes. It is made in 70 artistic tints and only requires 0 the addition of water to make it ready for use. It is quickly and easily applied with s whitewash brush, with half the labour and at one third the cost of paint. 10 PERFECTION IN DISTEMPER is attained in Hall' 3 Sanitary Washable Distemper : because it, is unaffected by light, heafc or damp, and consequently retains its colour; does not crack or peel off, and is washable. f HALL'S DISTEMPER ensures cleanliness, and is pleasing to the eye. It appeal ' r ke to artistic and practical house decoration. Apply for full particulars. r i Recommended by the Medical Profession. i H4YGQVERS TARP4ULI S Of 4 fche best Material any size made to order at our Factory, also Tents, Horse Covers, Horse Loin Covers, Cart Covers Waggon Tilts GET OUR PRICES BEFORE ORDERING ELSEWHERE | AGENTS FOR 1 The most ecoi omical and Cheapest Oii Engine in the market. The introduction of a certain amount of water into the cylinders largely incieases the power and reduces the quantity of oil consumed. „ FROM 1| TO 20 hp. PRICES AND ALL IMFORMATION FROM JOHN EDMQND, INVr RCARGILL AND DUsEDIN. |- OWLVSO^D MEDAL | iFiRST SILVER HEQAi. I JK AUSTRALASIAN I ( rrwmAr,* \ I PURETEAS. | I Qvr (WEstact attoaiiao cad exp^rtsQce has taaSe sv» %% I ¥E4B THB BEST, whiah bs& ore&tcd m*ny ImUfttiossH Ask fop oa? Teas and get tb»ss. Stoat Uateo to thena $3$ P «bo 'o&g yen %o %ef this and that* it Ift only becauea M tea? E»Snm taoro profit. Oofs aura b«tt«? valo* aad P qfie&llj livwi fesy la £sttrai&Qiao 83 YEARS* TEST. LOOK UP There is no sentiment in business^ The keenness of present day competition brushes aside those who think and act otherwise. While fulfilling a ( plain duty to yourselves, your home, and your business, you will find it to your direct advantage to LOOK US UP. IU OUR HOUSE FURNISH! G DEPARTMENT Our variety of Bedsteads, Cutlery, Platedware, Enamelledwarr, Fenders^ Fire Irons and Brasses, Crockery, Glassware and Sundries, will be found sufficiently wide to meet the requirements of all comers, Contractors, Coach builders, Cabinetmakers, Engineers, Plumbers, Tinsmiths, and Tradesmen general'y will find full supplies of all - Leading Lines in Material and Tools. WE HAVE RECENTLY LANDED— Choppers' Pride, Sharp's and Plumb's Axes Disston's and Simmond's Crosscut Saws Wheatman and Smith and Spear and Jackson's Circular Sawa North British Rubber Belting, 1^ to 10 inch Peace's and Nicholson's Files Anchor Axle Grease American, English, and Russian Lubricating Oils Haggle's and Bullivant's Wire Ropos Steel-faced Iroc, for planer knives Helvetia Bel Laces Hemp, Tuck's, Asbestos, Harris', Demon and Metallio Packing Grooved Steel and Black Deck Spikes, s#to5 # to 8 inch Boker's Lifting Jacks, 1 to 4 ton ALSO IN STOCK— Planet, Champion, Orion, and Zealandia Rangss Oookiug and Heating Stoves Cottage Grates, Plain, Polished, and Tile Gratea Wallpaper, Scrim, Oils, Dry, Pub, and Ready-mixed Paints, Bon Accord Paints, Window Glass, and Putty American Barb Wire, in £ and 1 cwt, Coils Plain Black and Galvanised Wire Rabbit, Fowl and Sheep Netting, etc iHE NEW ZEALAND j>EE STREET (Adjoining Prince of Wales). i . HII— III Wl ll«l ■MMIIIHIMIHIWPIIIHJIIII—JJIIIM IIIMM MI— MM— —TT ~

NOTICE Is hereby given that the partnership heietefore existing between the undersigned, ftt Invercargill, under the style ot "Mackenzie and Wilson," as Architects, has this day heen dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due to the aaid firm are required to be paid to the undersigned, Edmund Kichardson Wilg&n, who will also discharge allac counts owing by the firm. Mr Wilson will continue to carry on the busiueea and profession of an architect on hia own account, under tho style of " Maokenzie and Wilson." Dated this 21st day of July, one thousand nine hundred and three. J. E. MACKENZIE. E. R. WILSON. Witness to both signatures— J. L. MeQ. Waisok, j Solicitor, Invercaryin. Ileforrinjr to>the above notioe, as I have sold out my j interest in the abovo business to Mr E. B. Wilson, I shall bo glad if all the clients of the old firm will continue to favour him withthei r support. J. E. MAOKENZIE. A Complete Business Training. BOOK-KEEPING (SinKle and Double Entry), Short, hand, Typing, and General Office Work. JAMES HUNTER, ™<"* (Fat 12 years accountant of the Otago Daily limes and Witness Co), Will open a school for instruction in the above subjects in the N.Z. PINE CO"S BUILDINgS (UPSTAIRS), On August 1. Assistants— Misses V. Henderson and E. Hunter. TERMS ON APPLICATION. A private Glass for Memory Training ie now being formed.

R F. CU T HBKRTSO JN F.I.A.N.Z. /••ÜBLIO ACCOUNTANT. Agent for P"b»ic Trustee, VALUER AND GENERAL AGENT. ARBITRATION A SPECIALTY. Aganta : Guardian Insurance Company, Limited, Fire United Insurance Company, Limited, Marine. For Exceptional Value fTUIE Economic Housekeeper gets her GROCERIES X and other HOUSEHOLD REQUISITES at D. ROCHE'S, DEE STREET. BEST VALUE IN DELICIOUS TEAS, | WINES AND SPIRIT'S, BULL DOG aLE AND STOUT, COLONIAL ALK AND STOUT, AND CORDIALS OF THE BEST BRANDS D.E. makea no idle boast, lie simply asks the publio to compare the value ho offers with what they tret elsewhere, and in satisfied the result will be .qually favourable to them and to him. FARMERS~PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD.

THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION, HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN AUSTRALIA. . „. „ „ . , „ . j ri» 4 «.».. R,,ff«flrfl from anv 'form of BroQffhHK Ooask, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Sorenesß in tlie Cheßt, e^^ It is oomfotting'in Those who have taken tbia Medicine are cmazod at its wonder M|faflnenob. » iHSSallowe a {Sh oi ArtbrnS to become chronic nor Consumption to develop. Consumption has never b« en kno^n t9 «te " Coughs" have been properly treated with this Medicine. No hpmeuhonia l&e wlthm it, M| taien a??he^eginninft - 8 ' ! . allaying irritation in the throat and giving BtrengtP to vie voice, »v« « ft { j oge . q genora |j y Btt fficienfc, and a Complete vltore is certain. / ' nwwA « r nF roTmns Remember that every disease has its commencement, and Consumption is no exception to this^rule. .„...-■'■ ' BEWARE OP COUGHS MHjiWAixsj %JS \j\J>KJ>kx£l.&, " ..-■'■•■ Bqld by; Chemißts and Mediome Vendors. Forwarded by Post to any ii ftdi prepared ONLY AND SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY THE PROPRIETOR, WG. HEARNE. Chemist, Geelong, Victoria. address when not obtainable locally. [Large, £s 6d f WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR SOUTHLAND - MAOKERRAS & HAZLE^T, IiIIDEL STREET, INCTRCA^CHLL

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Southland Times, Issue 19115, 4 August 1903, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 19115, 4 August 1903, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 19115, 4 August 1903, Page 1