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WRIGHT, STEPHENSON Wright,-Stephenson report having bell tbeir second sale for the season at Ashley's HaU, on Tuesday, 3rd inst. The total catalogue amounted to about SSOO bales of which oiir contribution was 1515, which put us second on the list.

There Was a full attendance of buyers, but unfortunately, owing to the lower prices ruling in London during the last week, buying limits have been considerably rednced and we" have to chronicle a fall in values, as compared with the sale held in Invercargill on Bth January. Very bright fine crossbreds brought about the same ratea and in a few cases slightly higher valaes were obtained. In all other classes, however, there wa_ a drop of from a halfpenny to a penny per lb. A considerable amount was passed in during the sale but vendors accepted the situation and beavy bookings were made privately afterwards.

The following is a complete list : —

A, 1 bale cbd 4Jd, 1 bellies" and p_s 4d, 5 cbd s|d j Square and Compass, 7 cbd ewe sd. 4 scoured -Jd; GH. over — •• 5 No. 4 hog. balance cbd ewes£d; — over JK. (conjoined), 2 hbd sgd, 1 He, bellies and pcs 3j}d; T, 21 fine cbd ewe,sid, 1 bellies 3id, 1 cbd bellies and pieces 2|d, 1 pcs and locks 2d; J DT, 1 1 cbd hog s£d; HK (conjoined), 5 cbd hog o\d] JY, 5 do ewe sid: Jii (conjoined), 2 cbd 54_d; 4D, 1 merino bellies and pcs 4d, 1 merino and hbd 6*gd; Cross I, 7 obd od, 1 bellies and pcs-3";d; 6W, 3 cbd ewe and hog sid, 1 bellies and pcs 3^d ; 7 over — , 5 cbd ewe 6_d; PUKUHIKI, 2 cbd 4d; LZ, 3 do sd; L cross* 6 do ewe s£d; BLACKMOUNT over Triangle, 3 cbd 4|d; W7, 3 do ewe 4|d, Ido hog sJcl, 1 pcs 3fd ; 4R, 2 cbd ewe and hog 7d, I hbd 7sdi 1 pes. and bellies S_<\; .L, 3 cbd sd, 1 do, part tellies, 4£i ; [ti over Benmore, 2 hbd hog sfd, 5 cbd ewe s|d, 18 crossbred hogget, No. 36 part wether 6d, 4cbdsd; ST. RONANS, 10 do ewe 6^l, 3 Ist cbd wether 6_d, 8 Ist cbd hog afd ; C 9, 3 cbd ewe .s<_, 2"do hog s£d, 1 pcs and bellies 4d ; BY, 4 cbd hog s£d ; CLACHBRAEC, 3 hbd hog s£d ; ML (conjoined), 2 fine cbd s£d, ! 5 cbd, 1 ewe, 1 hog, 3 wether 4d; a over G, 5 cbd ewe4Ja, 1 belliep, pcs and dead 3|d ; 3D, 1 pcs and locks 2j"d ; R over — > 2 cbd hog sid, " 1 fleece, p.s and bellies 4d j FR; 7 cbd £we 6d j AG, 2 cbd ewe Sid, 1 do hog s^d, f merino and cbd sfcd ; S3, 2 cbd hog 5Jd ;'.-.' H2, 4 cbd ewe s|d . HZ, 2 cbd hog 4§d ; Full Moon," 5 cbd ewe 4f a. 1 pcs 3Jd ; WOODL _NDS over J, 2 fine cbd sd, 7 cbd Bd, 1 bellies and pcs 3jd ; Co, 5 Romney and Leicester s|d, 1 fine cbds|d, 1 cbd sd; G, 1 cbd s£d ; Jg over — , 1 cbd 4j_d ; Co, 1 cbd .Jd ; S'*, 0 hM ewe 7£d, 7do do s|d, 3 cbd hogsd, 1 cbd 4fa, 1 bellies 3£d, I pcs 3*|d ; BRAX TON, 6 hbd ewe 7d, 8 fine cbd, 6E, 2W 6(', 4 fine cbd hog s&d, 10 cbd, se, 4w,1 1. sd, 1 cbd sd, 2 cbd 4ld, 1 bellies 3£d ; 25 over WARWICK, 3 hbd ewe 7d, 13 fine cbd ewe sd, 9 cbd ewe sd, 1 cbd sd, 2 cbd i_d, 1 bellies 3Jd ; M over tH, 2 merino 7d, 2 cbd hog 51, 1 cbd hog, part pcs 3|d, 1 merino pcs part cbd pcs S_a ; JMF (conjoined), 1 cbd 4Jd, 2 obd : 4'd, 1 cbd hog sd, 1 pcs 3£d; RY oxer h? , 19 hbd ewe s"td, 3 cbd ewe 4|d, 5 pcs Shi, 1 bellies and pcs 2M ; ,jDI, 1 bbd 5Jd, 2 cbd 4£d, 3 cbd 5d j KM,- 1 hbd s|d, 3 fine cbd Bd, 4 cbd 2 c, 1 h, I w 5Jd, 3 cbd sd, 1 pcs 3_d, 1 pcs 3_d, 1 pcs and dead 4d ; P_, 2 cbd 4fd ;M, 177 cbd 10 c, 3w, 4 h 6fd, 11 cbd 6 c, 2 w, 3 h s£d, 3 cbd 4|d, 1 cbd sd, 1 cbd 4sd_ 3 firstpes 4Jd, 4 pcs 34-1, 1 locks 2£d ; BLACKMOUNT oyer triangle over — ,20 fine cbd ewe A 7d, 17 cbd eve sfd, 10 cbd hog A sid, 22 cbd hog Sd, A cbd wether A sd, 4cbd hog- .jd; 6 cbd ewe 51, 2 cbd 4d, 5 lsteweo^d, IL Ist pcs Bfl ; $L (conjoined) in diamond, 9 cbd. ewe Sfd, I cbd hog s\d, 1 cbd 4Jd, 1 cbd blk and dead 4d, 1 bellies 3Jd, 1 pcs and dead 444 ; P6, 2 cbd ewe s£d ; WB over A, 3 merino ewe No. S part hbd 7d, 4 hbd ewe 4|d, 2 hbd hog 4|d. 1 hbd and cbd 4|d ; QL, 4 cbd hog Sfd ; JR (conjoined), 1 cbd and hbd 5M ; PK, 1 cbd od ; Gl* over ~, 1 cbd Bd ,• S3, 1 cbd 4^l ; OTAHU, 10 fine cbd ewe Sd, 2 cbd hog 4sd, 1 bellies and pcs 3£d, 1 pcs and locks 3d ; RF, 2 cbd Sid, 2 hbd 6d ; Sfl, 8 cbd ewe 5Ad, 7 cbd hog 6Jd. 2 cbd 4f d, 1 bel. and pc_ 3|d,l rmsandpc-t3d;'-'Over J6,3cbdewe 4|d; 2 cbd hog4|d, 1 flc and pcs . 3Jd . — over MB (conjoined), 8 cbd 4"} d, 1 bellies and pew 3_d; 10 over — , 2 cbd ewe B_d, 1 hbd hog 6d, 1 bellies and pcs 4^d; Ni, 1 fine cbd ewu sfd, 3 cbd (2 ewe, 1 hog) B^d ; TH, 7 cbd Sid; PM, 3 obdi 4 Jd;JK (conjoined) over — , 3 cbd ewe Bd, 1 flc, belliesand pcH,3|d ; J in triangle, 4 cbd (3 ewe, 1 hog) i_d- H Dagg, 2 cbd 4|d j AJ, X do 4Jd •, Ocean View, 2 hbd ew© 4£d; Y.O, 1 cbd4§d; RB, 2 cbd Sd; 84, 1 fine cbd s|d j SB, ,1 bbd 6^d, 2 cbd Bd, 1 flc, pcs aud bellies 4£d ; like F J over — , 1 hbd* 6Jd, S Jne cbd od, 4 cbd 43d, arid pcs 3|d. H, 13 five cbd s|d, 6 cbd SJd, 7 do hog Sd,l bellies 3£\, 1 bellies and pcs 3 jd, lßt 'and 2nd -pes^Jd ; 0 over t, 3 cod Bd; 2 Squares, 2hbd ewe 6d, 6 cbd ewe 4£d^ 2 do hog 3d, 1 cbd 4^d, 1 do 4£d, 1 belliesand -pcs 3|d; RF, T hbd ewe SJd, 3 cbd do 4gd, 1-hbd hog s|d,* 2 obd do S|d; 24 (conjoined), ,1 She do ewe 4Jd, I do hog Sd; US, i cbd 4|d; VJ, 1 hbd hog and merino 6d, 2 cbd ewe Sd; j3, 3 do do and wether 5Jd, 2 cbdhog S_d, 1 fine cbd SJd ; Square iv square, 1 cbd 4|d, .2 beUies and pcs 3d; Heart.befpre Ji S cbd (BweSJtd, 1 do hog4"jd, 1 pieciea 4d; — oyer XX over'— [ 3 fine cbd eweSJd, 1 Tebd ewe 4Jd, 1 bellies and pcs 3d; RD, 3 obd 4!d, 2 fine cbd.Sd ; 1 Sbd4|d; Z2, 4 fine ,cbd: 3d, 1 ebd 4|d, 1 bellies 2|d; Square and Compass, 5 cbd cvi c S£d, 10 cro3t bred hogget s^d, 2 bellies 3id, 1 bellies and locfis 2Jd, 1 pieces 3fd, 1 fleece and Ist pieces 4|d;Et, 1 hbd 7|d, 2 fine cbd Sfd ; BRAXTON, 2 merino c, No 29, pt hbd tjfdi- 1 first pcs $£d, 1 locks and dead 3d, 1 cbd and merino pcs 2id ; 0 over |,1 cbd 4id, 2 cbd (1 c, 1 h) Bid, 3 fine cbd BJd ; K over lcbd Bd; 1 cbd 4|d fWR, 1 cbd 4|d ; AD, .3 hbdyßd, .6 ,cbd B|d, 1 bellies 3H;_o7,' : 3 obd hpg,yNo 3 e 4|d, .1 flc and pcs 3|4 ; F 7, .4 cbd ewe 6Jd, cbil hog sfd, 1 cbd 4fd, 1 b llies 3|d, 1 lock's . 2£d ; XX, 3 cbd BJd ; Anchor in red, 3 cbd 2e, 1 h 4d, 1 bellies and pcs 3|d ; Gate^ 3 hbd ewe 6|d, 77cbd ewe 3d. 2 -finejcbd bog SJd, 1 bellies and pcß4Jd ; WR, "J fine cbd Sid.S cbd 4jd; 1 obd 4Jd, 1 pcs 3s, 1 flc and bellies 4£d ; DM (conjoined), 2 cbd 4^d ; E, 4 hbd 4|d, 2 hbd 4d, 1 bellies and pieces 3d . IF, 9 crosfibred • ewe 61, 14 crossbred hog 5Jd, 2 bellies arid pcs 3_, 1 cbd 4Jd, 1 locks 2d ; 100, 7 cl>d Sd, 1 bellies and pcs 3|d ; 7Z, 1 merino ewe 7d, 3 hbd, 2 ewe, 1 hog 6^d, 3 cbd ewe Sd, 3 cbd BJd, 1 bellies and pcs 3d t- DE„ 1 cbd 6*l ; LS, 1 obd 4_fd; DM (conjoined), 4 cbd Bid, 1 do hog S^dy 1 do 4jdjl bellies and pcs 3|d; K2, 4 cbd ewe Sfd, L hbd, part cbd Sd. 1 bellies and pcs 3£d ; S4; 6 cbd 6_d f l bellies and pcs 3|*l ; le" , 3 ebd ewe SJdi hogßJd. 1 bellies and -jh% ; ', 6 hbd ewe 7d, 1 cbd Sd> 1 hellies and pcs 3_d ; A 6, 4 cbd 5d ;*^ over 44, 3 cbd Bd ; K.s, 5 Vjbd hog Sd ; St^ Ronans,^^ 1 Ist 6bd"6d, 1 cbdS^d ; P, 21 c^d ewe Sdo doi^d, 9 cbd bog Bd, 1 locks 2d ; J h (conjoined), 19 cbd ewe and hogget S|d,7 2 cbd 4^d, 1 bellies and pieces 4d. . Ido do 2|d ";■• Glencairn, -6 fine crossbred ewe S_d, 5 fine cbd s£d, 14 cbd sd, 9 cbd 4|d, 1 cbd s£d, 2 bellies 3f d, 2 pea 3d, 1 locks and dead 2|d ; CJ, 18 cbd 4Jd, 1 pcs 2Jd, 1 bellies 3_d ; R: Fatcliffe, 1 cbd 4Jd ; Triangle over 15, 9 cbd ewe 6£d, 1 cbd 4.Jd. I bellies and fleeces 4§d ; D, 2 cbd 4£d } 2M, 1 cbd 5d ; JD, 5 obd ewe 4£d, 1 hbd part cbd Sd, 1 cbd 4Jd, 1 belUea and pcs 3}d ; NR, 2 cbd 5Jd ; IH, 1 dbd 4d ; Pair Horns, B. cbd Sd, 1 bellies and pcs 3_d ; EM, 2 cbd ewe and hog 5d ; JDT, 4 cbd ewe* 5Jd, 1 cbd sd, 1 bbd part cbd Sid, 1 pcs 2^d, 1 bellies 3£d ; MG over TT, 1 cbd 4d ; PI I, 1 cbd _|d, 1 flc, bellies, and pcs 3_d ; S3, 3 cbd Sd ; 4 2 cbd 4d, 1 pcs ' 3|d ; S (in circle), 4 cbd 4jd, 1. crossbred 3|d, _ 1 bellies and .pieces 3 Jd ; tr 1 over "Tokbriiii, 19 crossbred ewe, Sfd ; TV, 1 hbd ewe Sfd, 1 dodo 6d, 2 fine obd hog BJd, 1 bellies and pcs 3d; .-» over RI, 1 cbd ewe s^d, 1 do __og SJd; Jin circle, 4 fine cbd, 3 ewe, 1 hog, SJd; S_^, 4 cbd hog BJd, 1 do ewoj par.t rani, 4Jd,i bellies ana pcs 3d; 9J, 9 cbd ewe 4Jd, 4do hogsjd, 1 cbd 4^d, 1 pcs, 2|d, 1 beiliesjfd; KS, 6 cbd ewe 4|d, 1 bellies and pcs 3d; IJ, 1 cbd ewe Sd, 1 do hog AL ; (con joined), 4 do ewe 4§d, 1 pcs Sid;*-* over Z over— , 7cbd ewe Sd, 2 do hog sd,icbd^ part matted, 4|d, 1 Ist pc«3Jd, 1 Ist and72ndyp(_3:3|d f 1 pcs 3Jd, 1 bellies, peas 'and 7 7'7d flc bri'top3|d; WH (conjoined), 29 cbd ewe sd, 1 do wether 51, 1 cbd wether, part ram, -4id, 2 bela,3Jd, 1 pea 3Jd; FJ, 4 cbd 7ewe i_A ; *^ over T over — , 4 cbd Bd, 1 bellies, pcs and Iks lid; 138, 3 cbd 4Jd; Wff, 4 do hog 4|d, 1 bellies andpc3 2Sd; 53, 1 flc,-beilies and pcs 3^d; <jM (conjoined), 3 cbd ewe and hog Uid ; w*M, lcbdsd}:Titiroa r lcbd4J.d; 97, 1 do 4id; JH, 20 super cbd 6we 6sd, 12 dodo hoc 6J{d, 3 Ist pcs 4W„ 2 pc 3 3d, 2 lellies 3id, I Iks 2d; H3, 3 cbd hog Bd, 2 do ewe No. 4 part hog, 5d ; NSO, 2 cbd 4d; DM, 2 hbd 6fd, 2 J-bd 4A, 1 cbd 3Jd ; 6N, 7 do SJd, 1 bellies and pcs 3d; FR, 1 hbd ard cbd 6Jd, 1 cbd part rams 4£d_ 1. Iks lfd, 1 bellies 35d; Jf, 1 hbd SJd; DD, 1 Kbd"sJd, 4 fine hod ewe 6|di 7 hbd ewe, No. 1 and 8 wether, BJd, 8 fine cbd ewe, 5 and 9 wether, \4fd, 2finejchd hog Sdi 1 2nd do do 4f d, 3 cbd od,: 1 double.flc?4_d, i ram and hog 4£d, 2 belliee 4d;:2 lst pcsSd, 2 2nd pcs3^d, i Ike 2d; EX oyer Cheviot yyire SJd,; 2 Leicester ewe4di 1 pcs c*|d, l beUies 3|d, 1 pcs dead 3Jdj^iang_e ; )_ 57 cbd ewe 4|d ; 85 qyn W^RWiGg, 1 pc« 2fd j 7^ mixed

flo 6 "id; L L over lokonui, 7 cbd 4d, 1 pcs 3d ; ML (conjoined), 6 obd ewe A 5Jd, 3 do ewe B 4s d, Ido wether A Sd, 4do wether B Sid, 3 do hog A 4£d, 2 do hog B 4jd, 1 bellies 3sd, 2 Ist pcs 4d, 3 pcs 3d.

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Southland Times, Issue 18063, 5 February 1903, Page 4

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WRIGHT, STEPHENSON AND CO. Southland Times, Issue 18063, 5 February 1903, Page 4

WRIGHT, STEPHENSON AND CO. Southland Times, Issue 18063, 5 February 1903, Page 4