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Meetings 1 _ MESSRS GRAY & ISAAC CONTINUE Tl/TEETINGS EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK, EXCEPT SATURDAY, IX TEMPERANCE HALL, . AT S P.M. DON'T MISS TIIESE MEETINGS ! '.— COME. SOUTHLAND COUNTY. NOTICE OF MEETING. THE Monthly Meeting of the Council will take place on Monday, Oth February. 1903. R. P. MACGOUN. County Clerk and Treasurer. SOUTHLAND FROZEN MEAT AND PRODUCE EXPORT CO., LTD. THE Annual Ordinary General Meeting of the above Company will be held in Ashley's Hall, Esk street, Invercargill, on Saturday, 14th February, 1003, at 11 a.m. Business — Consideration of annual balance sheet and report, election of directors and auditor. DAVID COCHRANE, Secretary. Invercargill, 2nd February, 1903. SOUTHLAND PIONEER SETTLERS' ASSOCIATION. THE Annual Meeting of above Association will be held in Prince of Wales Temperance Hotel on Saturday, 7th inst, at 2.30 p.m. THOMAS FLEMING, Hon. Secretary NOTICE TO RABBITERS MEETING of Delegates in Inver'argill decided to form "Trappers Co-operative Association, Limited " and as there was not time to settle all detailg another meeting will be beld on Friday? 6th February, at 1 p.m. in Railway Hotel. Each district is earnestly requested to have a representative present. W. A. THOMPSON. INVERCARGILL STARR-BOWKETT BUILDING SOCIETY. £1500. A GENERAL MEETING will be held in the V.M.C.A. Hall on Wednesday, 11th February, 1903, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of balloting Card I appropriation, selling 61th appropriation in Group j No. 1, and balloting the 7th appropriation in Group No. 2. In accordance with rules, irembere more tbnn one fortnight in arrears do not participate in above free loan. i E. B. PILCIIER, Secretary. TRAPPERS' UNION. A DELEGATE mil address meetings at NIGHTCAPS FebJth HEDGEHOPEIFeb. 6 INVEUCARGILL „ sth RIVERSDALE „ 9 WYNDHAM „ 7th BALFOUR „ 10 MANDEVILLE „ Oth- OTAMA „11 LUMSDEN v 10th WAIKAKA „ 12 i All meetings will be held at 8 p.m. in t**e schoolrooms where available, except at Mandeville and Balfour, which will be held at 12 noon. The meeting at Invercargill will be held at the Railway Hotel at 8 p.m. All trappers are requested to attend and bear the explanation of how it Is proposed to export their rabbits and sell them at Home go as to secure to them the full Home prices, and they are requested to come prepared to jpve their decision on the question, as it will be impossible to again visit these districts before the season starts. A. ESPIE, Secretary.

Special Advertisement Oolumn SCHOOL BOOKS for all standards. A fuli stock and prices the lowest. Best value in School Bags' Pencil Cases, Slates, Erasers, Exercise Books, Rulers. Crayons, and everything required, at Lillicrap and Cod, Esk street. JOCK and Jenny 1 " club the gither an 1 gie ye«r mithrr a wee Eiet o H cii.m ltiKo "Jttfor Christmas box. All stores. TRY SMYTH'S, Tay and Deestreets, for produ ce cheap and good. LUMSDEN men all go in for Masters' shirts and underclothing. Men's merino shirts and pants Islld, worth 2s Gd, woollen undershirts and pants 2s6d worth 3s Od, mens' white merino pants 2s Cd worth 4s. Only at Master's bargain store, Dee street. "OriNTON people declare that the best shop to get ?T the most for cash is Masters' bargain store Great demnnd for Masters' 42s blue Msltoa twe uits, padded shoulders, quilted lining, stylish eu t like tailor made, worth job. BLUFF peopla say that Masters' boys suits as wonderful value. Only a fow of our 9s 9d boy r.weed suits left. These are honestly worth 12s 6d Masters' saddle tweed knickers 4s 9d, tweed 2s 6d worth double. Masters, Dee street KVE/vT bouebco TTPPR HTTP A should make aent o lllxJ-Xl IJGiA trying the n I* at 2s IN such a changeable climate as Southland every man should be armed wi h a good waterproof and umbrella. Masters can do you a first-class guaranteed waterproof ooat, sewn seams, extra long cape, in blue Me'ton olnth for 37s 6d, umbrellas from h 6d. Masters binrain S?tore WHILE many people are complaining about the weather Mn>ters' customers are still rejoicing because they have found the proper place to get bar gains in men's shirts and underclothing. Specia line of Roslyn pants and undershirts 4s lid, usu "" price 6p. Masters, Dee street. Amusements ■ — — — — „ i INVERCARGILL ANNUAL JIEGATTA Utii FEBRUARY MADAME HELLER, Physiognomist, P«ychometrist, Inspirational Medium, Rooms- KELVIN STREET, off Esk street, opposite Council Chambers. CHARTS WRITTEN AND HANDWRITING DIAGNOSED 4 DVICE given on Health, Business. Marriage, etc., t\. Consultation Fee, 2s Od, Splendid Testimonials. Over 40,000 people interviewed in all centres of New Zealand. Everyone can ask his or her own questions privately SHORT FAREWELL SEASON For Sale and To Let i FOU SALE — A hou=e of seven rooms, wash-house, etc, quarter-acre ; easterly aspect, in Leet street. Apply R. J. Cumming, Land and Estate Agent, Athenaeum Chambers, Esk street. TWO room house and corner \ acre section, Ythan street south, for £120. For sale ; good value. W. B. Scandrett, Land Agent, corner Dee and Esk streets, Invercargill. OAA ACRES farm, 0 miles from town, with five £i"" room house, stable, and usual buildings, ti grass, 3 acres turnips, 5 acres oats, balance tuf>scck witti part surface sown; JtWO ; terms, £160 cai-h, balnnce at 5 per cent. W. B. fcandretfc", Land Agent, corner Dee ai>d Esk streets, Invercargill. FOR Immediate Sale, as the owner is removing North, a nearly new 8-roomed house and usual conveniences, corner V than and Ettriok streets. Corporation leasehold, 13 years to run ; ground rent, £3 2s Od per annum. Apply R. J. Cumming, Athenajum Chambers, Eek street. FOR SALE— A nice littlefreehold, Bowroont street, with 5 rooms and garden, full quarter acre, £200. W. B. Scandrett, Land Agent, corner Dee and Esk streets, Invercargill. /COTTAGE, 4 rooms, scullery, wash-house, J acre, Vv Sydney street, for sale. Twenty minutes' walk from P.O. £200. Apply K. J. Cumming, Athenseum Chambers, Esk street. FOR SALE, as a wing concern— The freehold of a General Store, Bakery and Dressmaker's Shop, stable and 1 acre ; well situated in a thriving country township ; also g«od 6-roonied house and J acre to go with it ; £600 for lot, stock at valuation. Apply R J. Cumming, Athenmum Chambers, Esk street, Inver cargill. FAMILY Home of eight rooms, S fireplaces, part new, waahhouse, with copper, coal shed, J acre orchard, lj acre in all, for sale, £440. Terms as may be arranged. W. B. Scandrett. Land Agent, corner Dee and Esk streets, Invercargill. DAIRY Farm of 200 acres, 12 miles from Invarcargill, 4 tulles from Woodlands (IGO acres freehold and 40 acres leasehold), 5 roomed house, dairy farm, cow byre, 8 paddocks, sheep and cattle proof fences,' 130 acres English grass. For sale. Terms to 6uit purchaser. W. B. Scandrett, Land Agent, corner Pee and Esk streets, Invercargill. FOB SALE— Sections 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, about 2} acres freehold, Toweltown, fenced and planted with fruit trees and vegetables ; a splendid building site; will be sold very cheap. J. Wilson, Estate Agent, Esk street. TO LET, for one year, furnished, superior family residence of 8 rooms, with all com eniences, garden, orchard, full bearing. W. B. Soandrett, Land Agent, corner Dee and Esk streets, Invercargill. TO LET— In Clyde street, eiffht-rootued house now occupied by Mr A. J. McCredie. Half-acre and very convenience. Apply to Mr McCredie. FOR SALE-rSection 20, Block 15, quarter-acre freehold, Dublin street, North Invercargiil ; a fine high building site. Only £23. J. Wilson, Estate Agent, Esk street. FOR SALE— Neat residence of 6 rooms, bathroom, waehhouse, verandah, 2 bay windows, asphalt, eto ; freehold. Easterly aspect, 16 minotes walk from P.O. Owner going North. Apply B. J. Cumming Athenaoum Chambers, Esk street.

Volunteer Notices MERCANTILE RIFLES. COMPANY ORDER. rpHE Company will parade on Wednesday at 6.1 JL p.m. sharp at Western Reserve for inspection b General Babington. Dress— Drill order, leggings, haversacks, and watt bottles. No leave. Absentees fined £1. J. E. WATSON, Captain. MERCANTILE RIFLES. TJiVERY member of the Company must be on th -I_J range at 2 o'clock this afternoon to go throug! his class firing. J. E. WATSON, Captain. ORETI RIKLE VOLUNTEERS. fTIHE Company will parade on Wednesday JL 4th mat., at 6.16 p.m., on Western Reserve for inspection by 0.0.C., N.Z. Forces. UniformDrill Order with haversacks and water bottles. Thi parade is compulsory, and leave of absence will onl; be granted in urgent cases. L. LENNIE, Acting-Captain, Commanding Oreti Rifle Volunteers. INVERCARGILL CITY GUARDS A MEETING of above Company will be held afte; Parade on Wednesday, 4th. Busikess— Election of Officers Parade on Wednesday evening is called for G 30 JNO. PORTEOUS, Captain I.C.G. BOROUGH OF NORTH INVERCARGILL. "VTOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of tht 1/1 Council of the Borough of North Invert-argil, will be held on Friday, the 20th day of February, 1003, for the purpose of confirming a resolution adopted at a special meeting of the said Council dulj convened and held on Friday, the ICth day of Jan vary, 1003, that is to sayThat additional bylaws be brought into force, tc be numbered 65, 56, 57, and 58, for the bettei regulation of any swine, horse, cow, sheep, goat, oxen, or other cattle being at large within the borough, and for the using, driv ing, or conducting of any_ velocipede, bicycle, tricycle, or similar carriage on or upon am footpath or footway within the borough. A full copy of the bylaws is now open for inspecticr at the office of the Town Clerk, Elles Ko*d, Eotl Invercargill, daily from 10 o.m. to 5 p.m., and at Town Hull, North Invercargill, on Friday evening! from 7 30 to 9 p.m. By order of the Council. W. G. MAOKAY. Town Clerk. BOROUGH OF INVERCAJRGILL "THE NOXIOUS WEEDS ACT, 1900." NOICE is hereby given that every owner nnd occupier of land within the Borough of Inver. cargill on which any noxious weeds, such as Rag' weed, Docks, Thistles, Broom or Corse are cow growing, must cut down and clear to the centre of the street frontage, and destroy such weeds, within se /en days from date hereof. Legal proceedings shall be taken against any person neglecting to comply with this notice. WM. YOUNG, Town Clerk Municipal Offices, Invercargiil, 2nd February, 1003. JOHN STIRLING, BURNSIDE BAKERY, CON ON STREET TT'AMIfcIES waited on daily. All commands receive IJL prompt attention. For the convenience of customers and patrons oKltra may be Wfc with, and accounte paid to, W. N Stirling, Dee street /"IHARACTER by sample handwriting. Send \j stamps for is Id ; self - addressed envelope Madame ZUlah, 0.8.D., 145 East Belt, Cbristchurch

MINING NEWS. ♦ < (Per United Press Association.) Punedjn, Feb. 3. Sales— Hartley and Riley, 52s ; Unity, 12s 9d. ______________ COMMERCIAL. + Wool Sales. (United Pke"S Association.- By Electric TjELLGßArH.— Copyright.) London, Feb. 2. The wool sales closed dull. There were large withdrawals. V^- LANE^S < f EMULSION I C Of Cod Liver Oil, Fresh Eggs and \ ? Creosote. The great Lung Healer and V I Body Builder. 2/6 and 4/6 at Chemists / j and Stores. " It's Famous Because It'i 1 %l Good.?' 44 5 The Elusive Pigskin is the source of much sport nnd the cause of many injuries. Football* players should use Chamberlain's Pain Halm, an antiseptic linimont, especially vuluuble for sprains and bruises. One application gives relief. Try it. Macalister and Co., Chemists, sell it. £25 IN GASH BONUSES. TO further popularise the famous KOZIE TEA Messrs W. Scoular and Co., the proprietors, propose curtailing their advertising expenses y £25 each half year, and distributing the amount caah bonuses amongst the consumers of KOZIE EA in the following manner :— £10 to .the consumer who reburns coupons repre eenting the largest quantity of KOZIE TEA. £6 to the one returning the second greatest quantity. £3 to the third highest, £2 to the fourth, £1 to the fifth, 10s each to the sixth, seventh, eiehtb, and ninth, and 5s each to the next eight highest. Any coupon not sent in for the first distribution which will close on the 31st May, 1903, may be saved and sent in for the next oi any subsequent distribution. EOZIE TEA is packed in four grades, and sold at la 6d, 1b 9d, 2s, ana 2s 6d, so that these fine teas, and the ohnnce of a handsome bonus is within the reach of all. A coupon will be placed in each packet and tin of KOZIE TEA. All coupons are plainly marked so that there will be no confusion in arriving at the number of pounds of Tea represented. Coupons to take part in the first distribution, must be sent in to W. Scoular and Co., with senders name and number of coupons marked plainly on package b the 31st May, 1003. A list of successful competitors will be published in he daily papers as soon att the count up is concluded Special Advertisement Column i~IAJSH ADVEKTISEMENTS of about 16 words are n *-* eerted in this column at the following rates .— , One insertion, Is ; thrae insertions, 2s 6d ; one week 4s. Standing advertisements as arranged. It MUBT BE UNDERSTOOD that advertisements sent by letter WITHOUT CASH, or handed in TO BE BOOKED, will be charged double these rates WANTED— A strong boy as groom and general ; must be able to milk. Apply Manager, Avondale, Kightcaps. WANTED— Married Couple for farm. Man jjood ploughman. Apply on Saturday, 7th February, 1013. Wright, btephenson and Co., Creiwetil. WANTED — A useful man, must be good with horses. Messrs Jenkins Bros, St. Helena, Mataura. A VACANCY^in private family for High School or JA. office boy. Apply office of this papoi . PRIME new Kidneys at SMYTH'S, Tay and Dee (streets. MADAME ALENE ELVINO, Phrenologist, Physiognomist, may be consulted, Rooms, Criterion Hotel. Healing by suggrstion. Chart*) of abilities written. Farewell To-oay, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, returning to Gore on Thursday. Will not visit bluff. WANTED -A married couple to manige small dairy farm ; man with good knowledge of gardening preferred. Apply Tothill and Co. 100 rriYRES, Covers, and Tubes in stock, all priceß. A Vulcanized, Plain, Dunlop, Continental or Ideal, &c. We can give you the value and satisfaction if you requirs any. R. MURIE, Prince of Wales Buildings, Dee street. OYSTER SEASON— Fresh supplies of oysters, daily. Unopened, 4doz. Is; opened, 3doz., delivered. Also, fresh Trevalli. Please book orders. Fish Supply Co, Kelvin street, opposite Council Hall. ii INSOME lassies, comely domes, T f Women blithe an' bonnie, A 1 buy the Uondai Lanka tea, O' blenda they'll no hae ony ! "\\[ ANTED— Posilion as benohnian, 20 years' TosTT manian experience; take any place in mill. "W.T T," Timks ofiice. A DVERTISER open to engagement as Engineer-iii-J\. -charge or Foreman of works, t-pecial mining experience (colonial); tin or goidmining, pumping and electrical. Letter, W. T. Torrie, Times office. «i* a i ai » » mm THK new No 9at 2 ri(jEH TEA Perlbi^xoeptioo. WANTED-Lady help on a stock farm. Full wages paid to one willing and fit to take share of housework with daughters. No young children; farmer's daughter preferred. Apply by letter addressed to "310," Southland Tuife), Invercaitfill. THE unlucky boy is always gettiug his finger:! burnt, his hand cut or his shoulder sprainedHis parents should keep a bottle of Chamberlain's I'nin Balm in the house. This in a liniment of superior me rit. One application gives relief. Try it. MoW illiam Bros, Wintou, sell it. QCOTSMEN big an' Scotsmen wee, O Scotsmen sane and cranky, Haud thigither in ac thing That's- drinkin 1 Hondai Lanky. DENIM over alls, extra strong, easily washed ' lid, usual price 4s Od. Denin pants, fit like tailor made, 4s lid, usual price 6s ; beaver moles tJa lid, heavy grey moles 6s 9a, Denin pants, similar to tweed patterns, 4s lid ; men's dark tweed working shirts 8s lid, grandrill shirts, extra strong, 2a lid. Masters Bargain store, Deo street. WANTED— Three flaxcutters, one catcher, lads for country able to milk, cooks for hotels, waitress, generals, useful girls. Apply sharp, Mrs Holmes, Dee street. I|^^^^^^^^^^ ~^^f W^U '^^fl^Bfl^^^E^^S J. E. TAYLOR, ACCOUNTANT, HOUSE, LAND & ESTATE AGENT Tradesmen's Books of Account opened, kept or Debte and other Accounts collecte 3. J. E. TAYLOR, ESK STREET (Opposite Post Office).


PRICE AND BULLEID'S ANNUAL CHEAP SALE! TO-DAY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30th, AND TO-MORROW, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31 st , GREAT BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS I INSPECTION TO THE SALE INVITED. MCGRUER, TAYLOR & GO'S MID-SUMMER FAIR, 1903 PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT.' In acoordaice with our usual practice, we intend to hold a Clearing Sale for 30 days from THURSDAY FIRST. We have a Monster Stock of Spring and Summer Goods on band, and believe the wisest course is to sacrifice now. We start thia Fair with the determination to clear out the last vestige of Spring and Summer Goods within the next 30 days. We recogniso that, in.order to do thia, we must offer them at prices never before heard of. We accept the position and have reduced Spring and Summer Goods regardless of cost. Full particulars will be given in a bill enclosed in your Friday and Saturday papers Reserve yourselves for this Sale. Never before had your money such purchasing power. Quality for Quality, Style for Style, you will find the BARGAINS unequalled. M C GRUER, TAYLOR & CO., CORNER DEE AND ESK STREETS. OUR MID-SUMMER FAIR COMMENCES THURSDAY FIRST.

'WiloilV&TstiM'Jilivler is easily handled by the operator. It is easily drawn by thehoraes* It i» th» binder you wantj,

FIRST-CLASS new Onions at SMYTH'S, Tay and .-Dee .streets; " : : .

a w jjp _._. OW>W»<* A"** »*»» ■■* wit-mYO-J TO STUDY MASTEBS 12 APVT3 w. -v;^-^:^ : J yy_y___ j ±_ mmL _ ii z^^

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Southland Times, Issue 18062, 4 February 1903, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 18062, 4 February 1903, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 18062, 4 February 1903, Page 3