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A Bad Skin Bills. Pimples. Inpttn Bltod. Boils are simply very large pimples. The trouble is not in the skin, but down deep in the blood. You cannot bave a good, smooth skin unless it is nourished by pure blood; and the only way to make your blood pure is to take a strong blood-purifying medicine. Mr. F. Ellian, of 370 Rae Street, North Fitzroy, Victoria, sends us this letter and his photograph: «' I had a most frightful attack of boils and pimples breaking out _U over my body. I bad heard so much about AVER'S Sarsaparilla I thought I would give it a trial. It took only I four bottles to drive all the impurities out of my system and make my blood rich. * bare enjoyed tbe best of health ever since I took it." If your tongue is coated, if your food dis« tresses you, if you are constipated or bilious, take Ayer's Pills. Presarc- _y Dr. J. C. Ayer Ce.. Uweii. Mass., U. S. A. Something Each Day . m Something eaob day— a smile. It is not muoh to give, Anrl the little gif to of life Make tweet the days we live, The world has weary hearts That we can bless aud cheer, Aud a smile for every day Makes suashine all the year. Something eaoh day— a word, We cannot know its power ; It grows in froltfulnrss As grows tbe gentle flower. What comfort it may bring, Wbere all is daik and drear, For a kind word each day Makes pleasant all the year. Something eaob day— a thought Uoetlfi-b, good and true, That aids another's need While we oar way pursue. That eeeks to lighten hearts, Tnat leads bo pathways clear: For a helpful thought each day Makes happy all tbe year. Something each day— a deed, Of kindness and of good, To link in close bonds All banian brotherhood. Ob thos the heavenly will We all may do while here ; For a good deed every dty Makes blessed atl the year. Gkobgb Cooper. Bread and Batter ■» My mother s.ys, if little girls Want early hair, they mnst fiat all their bread and batter ap, And especia'ly tbe crust. So very mauy little girls In all the wide, wide world Would be so very bappy if Their bair were only car led. And oan I be co celfi-b, then ? No, dear mamma, I mutt Give other little girla my bread, And -speoially the crust. Remarkable Cures of Rheumatism. From the Vindicator, Rutherford ton, N.C. The editor of the Vindicator has had occasion to test the efficacy of Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice with tne most remarkable results in each case. First, with rheumatism in the shoulder from which he suffered excruciating pain for ten days, which was relieved with two applications of Pain Balm, rubbing the parts afflicted and realising instant benefit and entire relief in a very short time. Second, iv rheumatism in thigh joint, almost prostrating him with severe pain, which was relieved by two applications, rubbing with the liniment on retiring at night, and getting up free from pain. For sale by W. G. Gilchrist, chemist, Southland Drug Store, Invercargill. " 1 don't see how he could spare the time 0 go up town yesterday, with so much to do." — "He couldn't, really; but he felt obliged to when he saw it advertised that the New Chainlesa Sterling Bicycle was on view." — Morrow, Bassett and Co., sole importers. Well, madam, said the doctor, bostlini* io, how is onr patient this morning ? Bis mind seems to be perfectly olear this mornios, doctor, replied the tired watcher. He relates to touch any of tbe medicines. Teacher— Now, Tommy, woold it be the oorrect thing to say, you can't learn me nothing ! Tommy— Yes'm. Teacher— Why ? Tommy — 'Caaee yoa can't. SLUMP in BICYCLES THB ' gent at !_rvrcar__l. A. 8. fftOGGATT. Tay atreet, Is now booking- orders for tbs worldrenowned REMINGTON BIOYOLEB And is now In a poaltlon to sell you a ladies' or genta blae with all the latest Improvements for __18 Oe Od Any gear, any Ise nune, or one of the elder mode, (but new) for £16 10. 00. ' Terms o_o be arranged. Equal to any machine on the mark-t and better than moet ; 12 mouths' guar antes. Inspeot before you boy elsewhere. Itia a sufficient guar-nteeof tbe material used, finish and 00-atruotlo-. when you know they aro manufactured by the REMINGTON ARMS COMPANY. 1 HAVE ALSO B>VBR_- GOOD B-OOHD HAND U-OHINIS FOR SALK NOTB ADDRBSS— A. S. FROGGATT, Cam O. F_.-Q__.TT, Tay Street, Invercargill. Removal Notice. t •_. PHOTOGRAPHER, wishes to inform his numerous patrons and the pablio generally, that he is now in his NEW STUDIO, TAT STRBBT, (opposite side of tiU -trot to his former premises) 1 The Hew Studio has been designed and built on the most approved mod em lines and is replete with the beat and most up-to-date apparatus and appliances for the produotion of flrot«_-__w work. ' i. AITKEN & SONS B_G to announoe to the inhabitants of Inveroargill and distriot that they bave commenced biiilnsesaa SADDLERS, HARNESS AND COLLAR MAKERS la ths NBW BUILDING at oorner .1 Dee and Don •treets A large aasortoscnt of Buggy and dig HArneee And all trade requirements always in stook REPAIRS __BC U__D PBOMPTL. A LIBERAL DItOOUNI FOB OASH

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Southland Times, Issue 15058, 30 September 1901, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 15058, 30 September 1901, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 15058, 30 September 1901, Page 4